Swagger (2021) s01e09 Episode Script


Find redemption, brothers and sisters.
We wait for everything to go back to normal, when we have never known normal.
If the world ends tomorrow, will you be one of those who waits for a proclamation to free you? Emancipate your voice! Emancipate your soul.
The end of the world is upon us.
You guys set for school? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Jace, is this new tablet the school sent over working any better for you? Uh yes.
Good, 'cause we don't need you falling behind.
- I gotta go - Oh.
Have a good day, Mom.
Yeah, you too.
Be careful out there.
Thank you.
Bye, baby.
Okay, I need to show you something.
I start school in ten minutes, so hurry up.
I got a letter from our dad yesterday.
What? I told you I was gonna write him, and I did.
So what's it say? I couldn't get past the picture.
"Dear Jackie, sorry it took me so long to respond.
I was surprised to hear from you.
How are you? I can only imagine how big you guys have gotten since I last saw you.
I'm glad to hear your brother's doing well.
And I'm sorry I haven't been around.
I just didn't know how to get back in your lives.
But I think about you a lot.
I wonder what you're doing, what music you listen to.
I know your mom's got you on that go-go.
"When things didn't work out with your moms, I went to Florida to visit a cousin and never left.
I started over and had another " And what? What, Jace? "And had another daughter.
She's five years younger than Jace and kind of favors him.
Maybe you'll meet her one day.
I wish things were different.
But just know I love you, and Jace too.
Sincerely, your father, Grant Carson.
" I just had to track him down, and and all this time he's raising another daughter? He's full of shit.
So let's tell him.
Both of us.
We can write him back together.
Nah, Jack.
No more letter writing.
He needs to see us face-to-face.
Okay, well, how are we supposed to do that? I have class.
Hey, Musa.
Queen Tamika.
Uh, I gotta talk some sense into you.
Are you really goin' back to in-person school? Yes.
They're giving us a choice to do it online.
Yeah, I know, but both my parents work, and I don't think they want me home alone all day.
And plus, I'm bored as hell.
I mean, bored is my new normal.
Are you busy Saturday night? Uh, Saturday? No.
'Cause my family's inviting you to have dinner with us.
Really? I mean, I don't think I'm ready to get back on a plane.
Oh, I know.
You'll be our virtual dinner guest.
But if you're too busy being bored and all, then No, no.
I'm not.
I accept.
Thank you.
Uh, all right.
I have to go.
But Saturday night, five o'clock your time.
All right.
It's a date.
I mean I'll be there.
- Bye.
- Good morning, honey.
- Hey.
In this next equation, XY plus 2X minus Y, if Y equals four, solve for X.
Now, which one of you young ladies and gentlemen would like to solve this next equation? If X equals 16, and Y equals two - [JACE PANTING.]
I see they finally stopped the mass incarceration of basketball courts in the area.
Said you wanted to talk? Okay.
How about I go first? Uh, I lost it the last time we spoke, and I'm sorry.
What happened at State 13 years ago is complicated.
Save it for somebody who gives a damn.
All right.
Then what am I here for? I made a commitment to my team and to myself.
We actually wanna be champions.
And as much as I'm down to walk out on you, I'm not gonna walk out on them.
So I'll listen to your X's and O's, but that's it.
Just X's and O's? That's not your game, kid.
What? Playin' with anger? It's not how you built.
Some guys, yeah.
But you, you need to play for love.
You ain't learn that yet? Give me the damn ball.
See? Caught up in your emotions.
I'm not built like that either.
I tried to be what you tryna be.
Angry on the court and angry at the world.
But it didn't work.
It didn't work 'cause you full of shit! [GRUNTS.]
You know, my eyes are open now.
You're a 24-hour person when it's convenient.
No better than my father.
You hardly talk about your pops.
But I'm here.
As far as I can tell, he isn't.
So when you done being pissed [GRUNTS.]
Done? You really do think you know how I'm built.
That's how I'm built.
- "H.
" - You think I still care about your "love of the game" life-lessons bullshit? [IKE.]
I think you hurt.
I think you scared.
" Scared? Scared of what? That you can't trust me.
Why would I trust you? I know what it's like to be let down.
I don't worry about being let down.
You know why? 'Cause I got myself.
" You wanna keep losing? [IKE.]
Shit! Damn.
- Run it back.
- No second chances.
We got G-Dubs comin' up on the schedule.
They beat us in the regular season, and we split with Dominion Ballers.
We can't run the table with these teams if you and I don't get past our stuff.
I am past it, Coach.
You just gotta do your job.
Did you You tell anybody about Nah.
Can't have them knowing you're trash.
I need them focused.
All right.
Just X's and O's.
Let's go, Jace! Let's go, G-Dubs! [HIP-HOP MUSIC PLAYING.]
- Oh! - [CHEERING.]
What is that? [CHEERING.]
- G-Dub.
Yo, lucky win, Big Dawg.
Oh, yeah? So skill ain't had nothin' to do with it? Just a little.
Just a little.
Coming from you, that's the greatest compliment in the history of the game.
But for real though, I'm rooting for y'all.
Yeah, right! The world is different now, Big Dawg.
How I'ma have the world change and I don't change? You feel me? - I feel that.
That's real.
- Come on.
- I'll see y'all next year.
- All right, Pip.
All righty.
Let's go, G-Dub! [IKE, SWAGGER.]
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! [TV CLICKS ON.]
Oh, what [SIGHS.]
What? Nothin'.
I-I-I just don't understand why you keep trying to attack the zone.
I'm not "trying" to attack the zone.
I'm scoring at will.
These things are hard to breathe in.
Do you mind? Go ahead.
You got a floor full of open shooters.
Shooters? Are you crazy? Those girls sucked.
Well, how they gonna get better if you don't trust 'em? It's a selfish way to play.
Yeah, well, I scored 30, and we won.
Scoring's just one element to the game.
In the huddle, my coach would say, "Get the ball to Meg.
" She didn't say that so that I could pass.
How far did you get in the playoffs with that dumbass philosophy? I mean, I got a scholarship to Syracuse, so must have been doing something right.
Did you pass the ball at Syracuse? You mean you didn't have your friends tape those games too? I led my team in assists my senior year.
But who's keeping track? When do you start back up with your chemo? It doesn't sound like it's gonna do me a whole lotta good.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I had a hell of a run.
I don't I don't need sympathy.
And I have to be honest with you.
I I don't have it in me to watch you leave.
Baby girl, I'm not asking you to be there when I die.
That's not why I'm here.
So why don't you just go ahead and fast-forward that thing to another one of your games.
Okay, I see you.
You feelin' it? Like [CHUCKLES.]
Yeah! Yeah, I do.
So, what do I say to get on her parents' good side? Son, all you gotta do is tell 'em that you don't believe in premarital sex, and they will love you.
- Oh, my gosh.
can you please be serious? Uh [LAUGHS.]
Okay, um Listen, you've already got the the good manners and the, you know, "sir," "ma'am," "thank you," "please," all of that good stuff.
Right? Okay.
Ask about their lives, their interests.
A little secret for you.
The more you get people talking about their thing, the better conversationalist they think you are.
Oh, okay.
How was your day? [SIGHS.]
The lieutenant was wandering the halls with overtime in his eyes.
Glad I made it out of there in time.
So, uh, where do you work, Mr.
Johnson? Seat Pleasant Police Department.
Yeah, my dad's a violent crimes detective.
That's pretty interesting.
Uh, so you did that back in Oakland too? Fifteen years.
I thought coming to Maryland would be a slower pace, but this town's been keeping me busy.
Especially these last few months.
Before the lockdown and protesting, Leon was working the Joe Warrick case.
You probably heard about him.
He was a basketball coach.
Yeah, I I th I think I heard something about that.
Girls basketball coach got jumped by four other guys in masks.
We assumed it was a botched robbery.
But now we know there was more to it.
Really? You know, if you ask me, the guy was a creep, but he still was a victim of a violent crime.
Can't really talk about the case, but there's been some interesting developments.
Uh, it's an interesting puzzle.
What kind of interesting developments? [MUSA.]
You think I asked? I just pretended not to know much about the case.
Moose, you gotta stop talking to Tamika, bro.
- Exactly.
- [MUSA.]
What? [PHIL.]
If you slip up and say the wrong thing - I won't.
- Sure, you won't.
- Ah, shit.
- What up? [JACE.]
Here they go, in our business.
All right, listen.
For all we know, the reason she invited you to have dinner with them is so her dad could scope you out.
That's crazy, all right? And anyway, if I just start ignoring her, - that can be even more suspicious.
- Yo, honestly? I'm too stressed to be dealing with this.
Look, my mom's in jail, and I'm not tryna end up there too.
You're not goin' to jail.
None of us are.
Musa, you just gotta act normal.
All right? We're all gonna act normal.
And stay focused.
We still got games to win.
- [IKE.]
Bring it in! - All right? - I'll catch you later, bro.
- All right.
Everybody in our division is talkin' about us.
Am I lying, Coach? No, you ain't lying.
Opposing coaches are recording our games now.
That's facts.
So we're gonna add a couple of plays, keep our offense fresh, shake things up a bit.
Yes? Just because the opposing coaches know what we're gonna do, doesn't mean they can stop us.
Like I said, we're gonna add a couple of plays.
Yeah, Jace.
Right here.
Hit me.
Hit me.
You hit that, Royale! Royale! Hold your follow-through! All right.
We'll keep working on that one.
- Let's move on.
- [JACE.]
- Phil! I want you down low.
- Yes, Coach? So, what's therapy like? She just asks a lot of questions.
And I just talk, basically.
- She's happy I'm back on the court.
Aren't we all? I told her about you.
What did you say? I said we're best friends and that you always have my back.
And she said I should tell you something.
What? I appreciate your support and all.
But I don't always wanna talk about this.
So, let's change subjects.
I feel you.
So what's going on with you and Coach? We had a few words last week.
Think we can keep winning? We have to.
Feels like the only way to make things right.
Make what right? Jackie found out that our father's living in Florida.
What? I want him to see me play.
I want him to know what he left behind.
I feel like that's all I care about right now.
Not all, but you know.
Yeah, I do.
So let's keep winning.
Especially since you 'bout to lose right now.
You might be a little too confident.
[GUARD 1.]
Please remove any keys, metal objects.
Place 'em in the bowl.
[GUARD 1.]
Step on through.
I see you're still keepin' your locs up.
- Are you eating well? - Um Now, you know you can't live off wings and mumbo sauce, baby.
- I can't? [LAUGHS.]
I'm playin'.
I still get to the carryout, but Coach Ike and Miss Tonya, they make sure I eat right.
I even made them breakfast this morning.
Eggs, just like you taught me.
There you go.
You're doing okay, Mom? I'm fine.
You know, you lookin' more and more like your father.
You know, when you was born, he wouldn't put you down, he was so proud.
You know, when Miss Tonya told me the way he'd been treatin' you [CRIES.]
I was just so angry.
I wasn't there to protect you.
I think Dad was beating me like that because he thought he was protecting me.
That's the crazy part.
The way that man kept you from visiting me, I just Have you heard from him? Told him not to call.
But he's still in that program to help him with his issues.
Have you heard anything about your release? Yeah.
My lawyers, they workin' with Miss Tonya to get me a new parole hearing.
And then you can come home? Well, I-I may have to go to a halfway house just, just at first.
They just wanna make sure I'm not falling back into my old habits.
But I'd still be able to see you every day.
So let's just keep the faith.
I pray for you every day, Mama.
I know you do.
I'm gonna dedicate the rest of my games to you.
I am always there with you, baby.
- Love you, Mama.
- [GUARD 2.]
Time's up, Keisha.
I love you too.
Phil? She still thinks that it was my father that kept me from seein' her.
But it was me.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Come here.
Come here.
I didn't wanna see her in that place.
It's okay.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Get it.
Get it.
Yeah, yeah, go.
Yeah, yeah.
Swing! Swing it! - Communicate! - Move, move, move! [COACH BOBBY.]
Throw it in.
Take it.
Yeah, make a move.
Good! Yeah.
What are we doin'? Talk to each other! [NAIM.]
Switch! Switch! [IKE.]
Come on! [COACH BOBBY.]
Nice! - Time-out! Time-out! - [WHISTLE BLOWS.]
To the bench.
Bring it in.
- Hey, Jace.
- Hey, it's all in your head, bro.
Come on.
Hey, yo.
You good? No doubt.
You guys are thinking about the last time we faced them.
How much it hurt? So am I.
Coach We need composure.
All right? - No losing defensive assignments.
- But Coach.
- What? - We got this.
- Let's go.
- All right.
Let me know that.
Lead us out.
- Swagger on three! One, two, three - [ALL.]
- Let's go! [POP MUSIC PLAYING.]
- I got you.
- [IKE.]
Be strong with the ball.
- All right.
- [IKE.]
Attack him.
Whoo! Give 'em a little cushion.
Give 'em a little cushion! D up! Let's go, Nick! In! [GRUNTS.]
My bad.
- Ooh! Your bad.
- Yeah, let's go! [REFEREE.]
Out of control.
Thirteen, offense.
Yeah! Let's go! Let's go! [COACH BOBBY.]
Stay down.
Stay down and play.
Get him! Get him! Good D! - [CHEERING.]
Ay, ay, ay! That's how we do.
That's how we do.
Her dad watched the livestream.
He started asking some things about Crystal.
I-I just said I don't really know her, and as far as I know, she just rolled up for a tryout to get on the team.
Bro, you gotta stop kicking it with her.
I like her.
Enough to end up in jail? You're the one who said nobody was going to jail.
We're not.
But, if nothing else, it's becoming a distraction.
Look, you gotta handle this, Moose.
I I know.
I know.
I will.
- Oh, yo, what's up? - [MUSA.]
We just kicking it with Musa.
- Hey, what's up, Musa? - Yo, what's good, Royale? Hey, another win.
Feeling good.
Yes, sir.
Uh, just wondering when y'all gonna tell us what's going on.
- What? - What Whatcha mean? Y'all are always sneaking around.
Calling up Musa.
How come? He's just been having some trouble with this pandemic stuff, you know? - Right.
- Exactly.
And we've just been helping him out.
Yeah, man.
Look, I been going crazy staying in the house 24/7.
That's it? - Yeah, that's it.
What y'all got going on? - That's it.
We're family.
Right? No doubt.
Yo, Moose, I'ma hit you later, aight? [MUSA.]
Aight, fam.
- [JACE.]
All right.
- [PHIL.]
Catch you, Moose.
- [MUSA.]
Chat to you later.
- [DREW.]
All right, bro.
- Thank you for making time.
- So? [SIGHS.]
Just came by to check in and You really told my kid you could give a shit about what he thinks about you? [SIGHS.]
You're a fraud, Ike.
I stopped caring what you got to say.
We play the Maryland Prodigies in the Regional Championship.
I'm aware of that.
They're coached by Deandre Wilson.
Same coach that Jace faced in our first game with each other.
You mean the same coach you punched.
Jace is not the same player.
You, on the other hand, I hope you manage not to end up behind bars again.
Deandre's gonna try to push his buttons.
And he's not gonna stop until he finds a way to get underneath Jace's skin.
And when that happens, I'm hoping you can remind him to be a leader.
And not to take it personal.
Why do you care so much? If Jace can overcome the mental, he can overcome anything.
I believe that.
So you just come here to be charitable? Championship means nothing to you? It means a great deal to me and to the program.
You could probably quit the hardware store.
I'd probably be able to.
That's the most honest thing I've ever heard you say.
Have a good day.
You too.
Swagger! Swagger! Swagger! Swagger! - Swagger! - Swagger! Swagger! This is everything we've worked for.
Every drop of sweat in that pool was for this moment.
Don't let anyone take it from you.
Y'all with me? Yes, Coach.
- Are y'all with me? - [PLAYERS.]
Yes, Coach! Then let's go! Nick, take us out.
- [MAN.]
Swagger! - [CHEERING.]
The Fam on me.
The Fam on three.
- One, two, three! - [ALL.]
Fam! Come on, now! - [DEANDRE.]
One, two, three! - [PLAYERS.]
Disrespectful! That's right! Let's go! Let's go, Swagger.
Let's go! Yeah! - [CHEERING.]
He overrated.
Let's go.
- [IKE.]
Oh, yeah! - Whoo! Whoo! Yeah! That's what I love.
Get back! Hustle back! [CROWD.]
Defense! Defense! [CLAPPING.]
Defense! [CHEERING.]
Let's go! You overrated.
Put that pressure.
You don't want it? [DEANDRE.]
Move with him.
No! No! No! That's what I like! Come on, now.
Yeah! Get back.
Get back.
There you go.
Move up, move up.
D! D! D! He overrated.
He got no jumper! Make him shoot from three! He still overrated.
Oh, yeah! You overrated! Everything you got, bring it! [CROWD APPLAUDING.]
Don't worry about him.
Get back! Let's go! Yes, that's it! That's it! Hey, Ref, watch the push! Ah, Ref! Call that, Ref! Weight room, young lady.
Weight room.
Fight through it! [SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY.]
- [JACE.]
Hey! Are you crazy? - [SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY.]
Uh-uh, that's a foul, Ref.
- Jace.
Chill out, bro.
- You gonna get knocked out, bro! - Jace, stop! - You gonna get knocked out, bro! I can handle myself.
You need to chill out.
- I'm not gonna let them do you like that.
- Are you even hearing me? - [PHONE RINGING.]
- Time-out! Time-out! - [MEG.]
Trouble in paradise.
Hey, my dad's in the ICU.
I gotta go.
Oh, for sure.
Y'all gotta relax.
Come on.
Hey, hey, hey! Come here.
Come here.
- No - No, listen to me! Don't let anyone take this moment from you.
- I'm not! - Hey! Shut up and listen.
- Why you think he going after Crystal? - 'Cause he's a bitch.
But why you think he going after her? 'Cause he sees it pissing me off.
This is your moment.
Not his.
Not mine.
Act like it, Jace.
Come on.
- You gotta play your game now, Jace.
Come on! [NAIM.]
Hey, no, no, no, no, no.
- [IKE.]
Ref! That's a flagrant! - [WHISTLE BLOWS.]
Get his ass outta here! - [PLAYERS SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY.]
- Get back.
You stupid-ass boy.
Hey, hey, hey! - [DREW.]
We're here with you.
- [NICK.]
Jace, you all right? Watch out.
Watch out.
Watch out.
Watch out.
Watch out.
They've got it.
We gotta get him up.
- You're gonna be all right.
- I'm good.
- [NAIM.]
Take him to the bench.
- I'm not coming out this game.
- To the bench.
I'll get him some ice.
Bring him here.
- Take it easy.
Take it easy.
- [PANTS.]
- Look at me.
- Hey, Coach, I can play.
I'm good.
- Relax.
I'm not coming out this game.
Royale, sub in.
We still got a game to win.
So the rest of y'all, pick your heads up, and let's go.
Come on.
Defense! Defense! [BRETT.]
Defense! Defense! Defense! Defense! [CHANTING CONTINUES.]
Stay on him! [VINCE.]
Royale! Watch the screen, Royale! - [CHEERS.]
- Yeah! Let's go! [BRETT.]
Yeah! That's my boy! [MONITOR BEEPING STEADILY.]
All right.
They're gonna double-team Nick.
This is what we want.
We're gonna run Indiana.
Drew, you come around.
You get open.
Nick, kick him the ball.
And Drew, you let it fly.
We're not going for the tie.
We're going for the win.
Y'all execute this well, and we're DMV champs.
No matter the outcome, y'all leave it all out on this floor.
Jace, you wanna take us out? Let's get it.
Win on me.
Win on three.
- One, two, three! - [ALL.]
Win it! - [IKE.]
Let's go, Ricky.
Eyes up! Come on, Swagger! - All right, Swagger! Stay on 'em, Royale! - [WHISTLE BLOWS.]
Go through.
Go through.
Drew! Right here! Right here! [BUZZER SOUNDS.]
- Yeah.
There you go.
Good job, son.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! - [EXHALES SHARPLY.]
- Almost there.
Got it? Come on.
Excuse me, Jenna? I'd like to introduce Alonzo Powers with Gladiator Sneakers.
It's good to meet you.
You have a hell of a son there, and I would just like to offer my help.
How? Well, I was telling Ike that I'm really good friends with one of the best orthopedists in the area.
She could take Jace right away.
- If she's out-of-network [CHUCKLES.]
- Nope.
It's just a favor.
No bill attached.
Trust me.
I brought her a lot of patients.
She owes me.
She'd be happy to help.
For real, Ma, I'm all good.
It'd be good to make sure.
I would appreciate it.
Of course.
- Hello, everyone.
- Hey.
- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.
So, the good news is there are no tears or breaks.
- [JACE.]
Told you, Ma.
- [SIGHS.]
As I said, that's the good news.
The bad news is, uh, I'm fairly certain you suffered an MCL sprain.
However, we'll need to take an MRI to confirm it.
A sprain? That doesn't sound too bad.
It definitely could have been a lot worse.
But if I'm right, he'll need to stay off of that leg for at least six weeks.
I can't be out that long.
Nationals are in three weeks.
I've seen some athletes heal faster, but I've also seen some do more damage because they went back too soon.
But you could be wrong, right? I could be fine by three weeks.
- Jace.
- I would love to be wrong.
Let's just see what the MRI tells us.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- You're welcome.
So they tell me you might be able to hear me.
I think you can.
I know I told you that I didn't wanna be here.
And that was because I didn't wanna feel what I feel now.
Which is that I'm angry.
I'm angry at you.
Because I love you.
And I don't wanna miss you all over again.
Even though you didn't come to my games, I imagined you were there.
I played for you, because all I ever wanted was for you to be proud of me.
And when I thought you weren't, I didn't want anything to do with you.
But if you can hear me I'm here.
Your baby girl is here.
Help! Somebody help! [MELANCHOLY MUSIC PLAYING.]
Meg, can you wait outside, please? [GRUNTS.]
You okay? Yeah.
To Frank Bailey.
Coach and father.
May he rest in peace.
I wish that I could've been gentler kinder these last few months.
You did your best.
And when it mattered, you were there to follow through.
Swagger is the best in the DMV.
- There's no debating that.
You hear any more about Jace? He's, uh, waiting on the results of his MRI.
The tension between you two, what's going on? Meg.
Now is not the time to talk about this.
Talking about the game is how I honor my old man.
Jace and I got into it a while ago.
Never came back from it, I guess.
Got into it about what? About me not being someone he thinks he can trust anymore.
You ever see the stats of my last high school game? Your last game? Yeah.
I'm a fan.
I'm not a groupie.
- Oh, no.
But yeah, I mean, everyone knows that Icon averaged what, 30 a game? [CLICKS TONGUE, SIGHS.]
Yeah, well, my last game, I went ten for 26 in the state final.
And you lost.
Yeah, we did.
You had an off game.
It happens to everyone.
Not to me.
Not like that.
What are you saying? It wasn't just an off game.
And my father he knew it.
He knew.
We stopped speaking after that day.
It wasn't him who couldn't follow through on commitments.
It was me.
Then he died.
There was a lot left unsaid.
And Meg is one of the owners of the team.
And we all feel bad for her.
I'm sorry, Musa.
But it's really great how much you guys care for each other.
Maybe that's why you all won.
I mean, we're pretty much like a family.
I wanted to talk to you, Tamika.
I think I know what you're gonna say.
You do? Yeah.
And I like you too, Musa.
A lot.
Uh I've never felt like this for anyone before, and you're really kind and funny [CHUCKLES.]
and handsome.
And when I'm with you, I'm happy.
Did I weird you out or something? No.
I feel the exact same way.
I mean, I like you a lot.
I have since the day I met you, - Queen Tamika.
Your job is to stay positive.
You just won the DMV Championship.
And you're a high school player now.
More is coming.
And yes, hopefully you'll get to play at Nationals.
But if you don't, it's not the end of the world.
- For me it is.
- 'Cause you're a competitor.
But you ended the ABO season as the number one ranked player in the DMV.
There's nothing else to prove.
My father won't know that.
What? He lives in Florida, near Daytona.
How do you know that? [JACKIE.]
Because I tracked him down.
And I wrote him, and then he wrote me back.
You went behind my back? - It's not like that exactly.
- Then how exactly is it? We just didn't tell you, Mom, 'cause it wasn't about you.
He chose to not be in your life.
For a long time.
Ten years.
Ten years of not doing shit for us.
So what is it you feel you need from that man? I don't know.
And I wanna find out.
Me too, Mom.
I wanna get to Nationals, so he can see how tall I am.
Or how good I've gotten.
Why? I-It's just something I need.
This is the doctor.
Hi, Dr.
Uh, can I put you on speaker? Okay, great.
Okay, Doctor.
Hi, Jace.
How are you? You tell me.
Well, we have the results from the MRI.
It confirms there is an MCL sprain.
We're looking at six weeks as the earliest you can start to apply pressure on your leg.
I'm sorry.
I-I know that's not what you wanted to hear.
Thank you, Doctor.
We appreciate it.
Settle down, Isaac.
You got this.
- Catch the damn ball.
- What? Five minutes left.
No more turnovers.
Are you crazy? What's done is done.
You're gonna get someone killed.
You heard me.

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