T.P BON (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Riding a Dinosaur on Vacation

[bells jingle]
[chimes tinkling]
[funky adventurous music playing]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
[upbeat retrowave music playing]
[music fades out]
[funky adventurous music continues]
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon ♪
Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Time Patrol, Bon, Bon, Bon, Bon ♪
Come on ♪
Come on ♪
Bon, Bon ♪
- Come on ♪
- [music fades out]
[birds chirping]
[Tetsuo] I went to Kyushu.
This summer break was the best.
I had a blast.
I went to Kansai.
I got to see some traditional cities
like Kyoto and Nara.
Japan's beauty is so inspirational.
I went to my aunt's vacation home
in Karuizawa.
Where'd you go, Yoko?
I went to Hawaii for a week.
- [Yumiko] That's amazing!
- [Tetsuo] Wow!
[Yanagisawa] Sounds so luxurious!
I wanna hear all about it.
Tell us everything.
Huh? Where did Bon go off to?
- Huh?
- He was right here behind me.
[listless instrumental music playing]
[Bon grumbles]
I don't have any
exciting vacation stories.
But my parents have jobs,
and I have a nice home,
so I really have nothing
to complain about.
All righty, then.
It's time to take a nap
and dream of Hawaii.
- Uh!
- [Buyoyon] Yo!
- [door closes]
- We came over to get you.
Oh, that's great.
Where are we going this time?
Are you okay? You look a little tired.
No, I'm all right.
I'm just bored, you know?
Then our timing is perfect.
How'd you like to go on a vacation?
A vacation?
[Ream] Yeah, Time Patrol agents
are allowed to use their Time Boats
for non-work reasons once a year.
- Huh?
- We can go anywhere, in any time period.
[Bon] We can use our Time Boats
for personal trips?
That's right.
For a few days, for a week,
or even for a whole month.
- Whenever you feel like it.
- Oh, but I can't go.
I have to go to school. Oh!
But we can return to the same time we left
if we use our Time Boats!
Mm-hmm. Ready for adventure?
So where are we going on this vacation?
I've got the perfect destination
picked out.
We're going someplace really special.
- [Buyoyon] Not that place again.
- Yep, that place again.
Oh, gimme a break.
It's risky, barbaric, and boring.
- I am outta here!
- [whizzes]
"Barbaric"? Why's that?
Forget about Buyoyon.
- I guarantee you're gonna love it.
- [Time Boat whirs]
[melodic string music playing]
[Bon] Whoa. Where are we?
[Ream] North America.
This is Late Jurassic period,
around 150 million years ago.
The Jurassic period,
so that means that it's
the age of dinosaurs!
I've always wanted to see a real dinosaur!
Show me one!
Where are they? Where are they?
[Time Boats whoosh]
[Ream] Just because
it's the Jurassic period
doesn't mean there are dinosaurs
lurking around every corner.
[Bon] I know that.
[Time Boats whirring]
It's the ocean!
[serene music playing]
[music continues]
[Time Boats whir]
Oh! [laughing]
It's beautiful!
We're really vacationing in the world
of 150 million years ago! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Let's set up our camp here on the beach.
- [rustling]
- Wanna help me put up the tent?
I've never seen a tent this big before.
- [pump clacks]
- [air rushing]
[murmurs anxiously]
This is so cool!
[Ream] It's an aerial tent.
[clanking, whirring]
The view from up there is great,
and we'll be safe
from any carnivorous animals.
Wow. Long ladder.
[Bon grunting wearily]
This side of the tent will be your room.
[Bon] Huh?
From the outside, it didn't look like
there were any windows.
I see.
It's like a one-way mirror,
and you can only see through it
from one side.
[music continues]
Wow. So cool.
[Ream] Bon, wanna go for a swim?
- [chimes tinkling]
- [Bon] Yeah. Sounds good.
Oh. But I didn't bring anything
to go swimming in.
What's it matter?
We're 150 million years in the past.
Forget civilization
and go back to your primal roots.
Ha! Okay, I see.
[chuckles] Go back to my primal roots.
[gasps] Aah!
Quit looking.
- I brought these just in case.
- [Bon] Why didn't you say that earlier?
- Is that sunscreen?
- Even better.
When we get in the ocean,
it'll enable us
to absorb oxygen through our skin.
We'll be able to dive for hours.
- What about our Forgetters?
- We don't need them.
There aren't any people
in the Jurassic period.
[both laughing]
- [Bon chuckles]
- Hmm!
[idyllic tropical music playing]
It's just like in the encyclopedia.
Table corals.
Sea lilies.
An ammonite!
Look at all these extinct creatures
that we've only seen as fossils.
If I brought one back
to my biology teacher,
I'd pass for sure.
- Bon.
- [gasps]
[nervously] Uh. I was just kidding.
Come on. Let's see what else
we find if we dive deeper.
Right behind you.
[Bon grunts] Whoa.
[echoes] What's wrong?
[echoing growl]
[low calling]
[Ream] Pliosaurus.
It belongs to the order Plesiosauria.
It doesn't only feed
on fish and ammonites.
It also preys on fellow plesiosaurs.
It's an apex predator
feared by all marine life.
It's also known as "Predator X."
[in awe] Huh! Predator X?
That was awesome
and so much fun.
And so interesting.
Glad you liked it.
- [stomach growling]
- [both] Huh?
I hope you remembered to pack food.
I've got that covered.
Why don't you take a shower
while I get the food ready?
[Bon] Okay.
"Get the food ready"?
I sure hope
it's not going to be lizard teriyaki.
- [Ream] Dinner's ready!
- Uh?
[violins stab]
- What do you think? [giggles]
- [tinkling]
No way!
You prepared all this yourself?
Nah. I ordered it through a timewave oven.
- Mm.
- [Bon grumbles]
Huh? Is that wine?
It's just grape juice, silly.
[chuckles] Oh, yeah. Of course.
Thanks so much, Ream.
You're welcome so much.
[pleasant orchestral music playing]
Om. Mm.
Om. Mm.
[chewing] Mm.
But, you know, I feel kinda bad
leaving everything
for you to take care of.
Don't worry about it.
When I took my first vacation
after I became an agent,
my coworker planned it all out for me.
Oh, yeah? Your coworker?
- From way back, when I was an apprentice.
- What? You started as an apprentice too?
Yeah, of course I did.
I miss those days.
I used to mess up all the time.
[Bon] Hmm. You haven't changed much.
Uh! Bon!
[insects chirping]
[Bon] Ahh That was delicious.
I couldn't stop eating.
[pleasant music continues]
A primeval night.
[Ream] It's lovely, isn't it?
Hey, do you think
we can go see some dinosaurs tomorrow?
Please. I especially like iguanodons.
We won't see those.
Iguanodons lived
in the Early Cretaceous period.
We'd have to wait
for another 30 million years.
Okay, how about a Tyrannosaurus?
The biggest and the most badass killer
of all the carnivores!
They didn't live
until the Late Cretaceous period.
We'd have to go ahead 80 million years.
Eighty million years?
Don't look so disappointed.
Tomorrow, I'll take you to a spot
where an Apatosaurus herd lives.
- An Apatosaurus herd?
- Yeah. You know.
In old illustrated encyclopedias,
it was always listed as a "Brontosaurus."
A Brontosaurus? For real?
Yeah, but it's now referred to
as an "Apatosaurus."
However, in 2015, a paper supporting
the name "Brontosaurus" was published.
But even though it was identified
as another species of Apatosaurus,
the term Brontosaurus
just didn't gain support.
Wow! You sure are smart, Ream.
It's all compressed learning.
[insects chirping]
I'm gonna see an Apatosaurus.
Talk about a dream vacation.
I can't wait for tomorrow.
A light?
[waves lapping]
Where is it?
[Bon] It was right there a second ago.
It was kinda flickering.
I thought it was a flame,
but maybe it was something else.
Hmm Listen, Bon.
Humans are the only species
that know how to use fire.
And on top of that,
no human, let alone mammal,
has been born here yet.
[Bon] Yeah, I know.
Well, then, it's back to bed.
[gasps] Bon, do you see that?
- It looks like fire.
- Huh? Guh!
[Ream gasps]
[foreboding music playing]
See? I told you I saw a flame.
[hushed] Shush!
Keep your voice down, will ya, Bon?
Primeval forests are dangerous at night.
There can be a lot
of carnivorous animals roaming around.
They could jump on our boats in a flash.
Now you're starting to scare me.
Can we head back to the tent?
We can't do that. We're with Time Patrol.
I know we came here to be on vacation,
but this shouldn't be happening,
and we need to investigate.
[Time Boats whir]
There it is.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Time Boats whir]
What is it?
It looks like a floating ring of light.
Could it be?
I'll scan it and see what I can find.
[zaps, whirs]
- [trilling]
- I knew it. It's a space-time tear.
Those are bad. I just read about them.
They're caused by reverse time
and space-time discontinuities.
I read Space-Time Engineering
during compressed learning.
[Ream] Yeah.
It's a tear that happens to space-time
when external damage has been inflicted.
It emanates the same light
from the inside as time-space.
Careful. Space-time vortexes
can suck you in.
- You okay, big guy?
- [Bon, shakily] Yeah.
So what are you gonna do about it?
I've just sent the scan data off
to headquarters to analyze.
We can leave the rest
to the Anomaly Handling Unit.
Oh. That's the Time Patrol team
that prevents dimensional disasters.
I'd love to meet them someday.
[Ream] That might be difficult.
To avoid the risk of time reversing,
arrangements are made by headquarters
so that we don't run into each other.
Oh, boo.
You know,
it's thanks to you
that we found the space-time tear
while it was still small enough
to be repaired.
[Ream giggles]
Well, let's go back to the tent and rest.
[Bon] Sounds good.
We're going to see Apatosauruses tomorrow.
[Time Boats whirring]
[Bon] Ream, hurry up! Let's go!
[Ream] I just got up.
Go on ahead. I'll be right down.
[birds chirping]
[waves lapping]
She's so lazy.
Who sleeps in when they're on vacation?
- [grumbles]
- [heavy steps pounding]
Uh. Aah!
[dramatic music playing]
[resonant snarling]
Re Re Hey, Ream.
Hurry up! I need you!
Sorry I took so long to get ready.
- [growl]
- I had the cra Huh?
[low rumbling growl]
Stay as still as you can, Bon.
- And try not to look appetizing.
- [murmurs anxiously]
Yeah. Sure. [whimpers]
- [Ream] Go away now.
- [terrified murmuring]
Like a good dinosaur.
- [growls]
- [murmuring] Huh?
- [snorts]
- [Bon whimpers]
- [pounding steps depart]
- [murmurs wearily]
[Ream] Hmm-unh!
It's that Allosaurus again.
[Bon] Allosaurus?
[Buyoyon] Aah!
[Ream] Last year,
it kept chasing Buyoyon around,
trying to eat him.
[Buyoyon] Aah!
Luckily, it didn't seem
to be hungry right now.
Thank goodness.
Shall we get going, then?
The Apatosauruses are waiting.
Wait. What about our boats?
[Ream] Hmm-hmm.
Today, we're gonna use
local transportation.
[Bon] Huh?
[birds chirping]
[intriguing music playing]
- What's that?
- That's our bait.
They'll be here any second.
[dinosaurs roar]
- Those are Ceratosauruses.
- Ah
What's that thing?
The Rescue Unit's latest gadget.
- The "Check Card."
- [trills]
It checks if a particular creature
has an influence on the flow of history.
- [chimes]
- There's no reaction.
- They must be okay.
- [cocks]
I attached electrodes to their brains.
With this, I've created command lines
between their brains and ours.
What that means is that
now we can basically control them
through their nervous systems.
Although, it only works
within a limited range.
We can ride them just like a horse kinda.
How do I get on it?
Mentally ask it to pick you up.
[Bon murmurs]
Wow! It really worked!
[Bon grunting, murmuring nervously]
- [murmuring]
- You'll get the hang of it.
Uh! [breathes heavily]
Ah. You're doing great. Keep it up!
[pleasant music playing]
- [dinosaur screeches]
- Wow. Ream! That's a Pteranodon!
[Ream] Actually, it's a Rhamphorhynchus.
It's got a tail.
[Bon] What's that over there?
[Ream] That's a Camptosaurus.
It looks scary, but it's an herbivore.
[Bon] Is that some kind of bird?
It's an Archaeopteryx.
The oldest bird species.
It's also known as "the ancestor bird."
They're just on the other side
of that cliff.
[growling softly]
Wait for us here, okay?
[Bon sighs]
[panting, grunting]
[huffs, gasps]
[Bon grunting wearily]
Look, Bon.
Hmm? Uh!
- Wow!
- [tinkling]
[epic music playing]
[Bon gasps] I'm not dreaming, right?
We're not inside
a Hollywood blockbuster movie, are we?
[Ream] Of course not.
[herd bellowing]
[emotional] I'm in heaven.
I'm looking at a real live Brontosaurus
right here in front of me.
Remember we talked
about its new name, Bon.
[laughing] Apatosaurus!
Let's go down and take a closer look.
You sure it's safe?
[herd bellowing]
[Ream] They may be huge,
but they're herbivorous and quite gentle.
- [Bon murmurs excitedly]
- We'll be fine. Just don't scare them.
[exhales shakily] Oh.
- [Apatosaurus bellows]
- [Bon murmurs]
I I touched it.
[sniffles] I finally touched
an Apatosaurus.
- [Apatosaurus roars]
- Huh?
- [heavy footstep pounds]
- [Bon] Whoa-oh. Wuh! Unh!
Be careful.
You don't wanna get stepped on.
[Bon, in awe] It's almost as if
a mountain started walking.
[zap, blast]
- [roars]
- [unsettling music playing]
- [reverberating thud]
- [both murmur]
[murmurs nervously] What was that?
It sounded like it came from up there.
[Bon gasps] It's a human!
- That man's a poacher!
- [Bon] Huh?
He's come here to hunt dinosaurs.
Poachers time-travel without permission,
whether for fun or for money.
They're temporal criminals
who hunt animals from the past.
It's strictly forbidden
by the Time Navigation Law
because it can change
the course of history.
So then, that outlaw
has somehow figured out a way
to time-travel undetected.
Should we go after him?
No. We don't have any weapons.
In any case, we need to get back
and inform headquarters.
[music continues]
[Bon grunts]
- [dramatic sting]
- [Bon] Our rides are gone!
[gasps] Look over there!
They just took off!
- Hey! Wait!
- They're too far away.
Our commands won't reach them.
[both murmur nervously]
[Bon] Do you think
we can make it back before nightfall?
It'll be dangerous out here after dark,
so we need to hurry.
I wonder if there are any other dinosaurs
we could use as a ride.
What is that? A mouse?
- [squeaks]
- [Ream] It's a Juramaia.
The oldest true mammal.
[chuckles] It's pretty cute, isn't it?
But we could never use
this little fella as a ride.
Hey, do you think
we can take him back home with us?
Seriously? You know we can't.
How about if we just keep him
while we're here in this era?
Well, I suppose that would be okay.
Oh. But to be safe,
let's do the Check Card real quick.
[beeps, trilling]
- [alarm blaring]
- [Ream gasps]
- [Bon gasps]
- [squeaking]
- [alarm fades out]
- That was a maximum alert.
[Bon sighs] That scared me.
It ran away.
- [squeaking]
- [Ream] That's fascinating.
It's hard to believe
that such a primitive animal
could have such relevance to history.
- But wait.
- What is it?
Could it be possible?
This is a serious situation.
There's a theory
that the ancestors of all mammals
evolved from the subspecies of Juramaia.
Dogs, cats, cattle, horses, elephants.
Everything from mice to humans.
So are you saying
that mouse is our ancestor?!
[nearby blast]
[both gasp, grunt]
[chuckling menacingly]
[both gasp]
- Huh?
- [weapon cocks]
[Bon] The Juramaia!
- [Ream] What have you done?
- Stay right there!
You bratty kids!
I never would've thought
Time Patrol agents
would travel back to this era.
The moment that Juramaia
draws its last breath,
every one of us is gonna
No, even worse.
All of mankind will disappear.
Now that's some story.
You won't just change a piece of history,
you'll completely erase it.
[scoffs] "History this, history that."
You Time Patrol nerds need to
come up with something more exciting.
But it's true!
If we don't hurry up and treat its wound,
there'll be a disaster.
I'm not buying any of this crap.
So what are you planning?
Isn't it obvious?
Poaching is a serious crime.
I'm afraid I can't let
you nosy Time Patrol agents
just walk away.
[Ream grunts angrily]
You're a monster.
You're just gonna let
6,000 years of civilization be erased.
- [Buyoyon] Wah!
- Huh? Huh?
[Buyoyon] Help! Help! Help!
Stay away from me!
- Aah! Don't come near me! Wah!
- [roars]
[both] Buyoyon!
- Wah! Unh! Wah!
- [epic music playing]
[poacher gasps]
- [blast]
- [Allosaurus roars]
- [poacher grunts]
- [Buyoyon whines] Wah!
- Wah-ha-ha!
- [dramatic music playing]
- So persistent!
- [both gasp]
[Allosaurus roars]
- [Ream grunts]
- [Bon] Wah!
- [cocks, blasts]
- [grunts]
- Wah! Wah-ha-aah!
- [roaring]
Stop now!
[music crescendoes]
[music fades out]
[Bon sighs]
- Huh.
- [Bon] Hmm.
[Buyoyon] Man, what an ordeal.
I got bored,
so I decided to follow you here.
But then, I suddenly
ran into that Allosaurus.
So then, I flew as fast as I could
to try and find you two.
- [Ream gasps]
- [Buyoyon] Ah.
And then we saved each other
at the last second.
- [Buyoyon] Mm-hmm.
- [whoosh]
Hello there.
Good work, Agent Ream and Agent Bon.
Ah. The Criminal Investigation Unit.
Investigating Officer Will,
it's good to see you.
I came to take the poacher into custody.
And to let you know that the Handling Unit
has fixed the space-time tear
that you reported.
The Handling Unit was already here?
[Will] The poacher used a time machine
to forcibly travel back and forth
to the same era multiple times,
which created reverse time,
and that's what caused the tear.
Oh, that explains it.
I heard you two were here
taking a vacation.
Thank you
for the important work you've done.
Yeah, well, no thanks necessary.
We just happened to be
in the right place to save all of mankind.
Ugh. Bon!
- [Bon] What? It's true.
- [squeaking]
[pleasant orchestral music playing]
[Yanagisawa] Look.
It's a picture of Horyu-ji Temple.
[Tetsuo] Check out mine.
This is from Mount Aso.
[Yoko] Here I am on Waikiki Beach.
[boys] So cool!
[whines] I should've taken
a commemorative photo with the Allosaurus.
- [all] Huh?
- Allo?
- [both] Allosaurus?
- [Bon gasps]
Oh. Did I say that out loud?
- [murmurs nervously]
- [music fades out]
["Tears in the Sky" by Lena Leon playing]
[music fades out]
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