Tandav (2021) s01e09 Episode Script


The person you're calling
is not answering.
Please try later.
I would've had some food ready for you
if I knew you were coming.
If you start packing today
you'll be done by the weekend, right?
Lord Rama is returning from his exile.
Obviously, Kaikeyi will have to apologize.
She'll have to pretend
that she's emotional.
And she'll have to tell the media
that Rama is the true heir
to Lord Dashratha's throne.
Get out.
Did you ever
feel guilty?
About what?
That we--
That you could've stopped it.
You could've saved Devki.
Everyone has to die someday, Maithili.
It must be due to some good karma
that we got our hands
on this evidence.
Yeah, but
what happened was wrong.
Shit, Maithili!
There is no right or wrong, Maithili.
You'll resign tomorrow.
Stop this bullshit, Samar!
This isn't a fucking joke.
Proofs aren't just digital.
I can get you arrested right here.
Do it.
I dare you.
I might have to face an inquiry.
And I might
lose my political career.
It's down in the dumps anyway.
But if we go down this road
I'll have to end your career as well.
Samar, I'm the only one who
knows that you've killed your father.
If this recording gets out
everyone will know.
He was "like your husband", right?
First, I thought
"There's something
great about this woman!"
But this rage
How do you even sleep at night?
Anuradha Kishore!
Let's keep this recording
for our personal archives.
If you decide to go rogue
this could be useful.
At the moment,
I would like to do this "democratically".
What's the deal?
Option one.
There'll be a meeting.
There'll be a vote.
There'll be humiliation.
And we get rid of you.
Option two.
You could resign gracefully.
You won't get away with this.
Let me worry about that.
You'll be under the scanner
if I resign out of the blue.
Well, at your age,
chest pain is quite common.
People often slip in their
bathrooms because of this pain.
You'll be taken to a hospital tomorrow.
Because you'll be found
unconscious in your bathroom
because of your chest pain.
You'll be in the hospital
for "health reasons".
I'll handle everything else.
Hey, Raghu!
I haven't seen you around!
Why the hell was he here?
What's wrong, Mom?
I can't tell you.
All I want you to know is
whatever I did
I did it for you.
Come on.
Come on. Let's go!
Come on!
Where is he?
My child!
Why the hell is he here?
Get him out of here!
My son tried to kill
himself because of him!
Get out!
Get out!
He hadn't eaten for the past three days.
And this morning he
What did the doctor say?
It's complicated.
Did he wake up
anytime during the day?
He's not unconscious, man.
He's in a coma.
why are you here?
You just want to be the idol!
The hero!
If you were half as good
as you pretend to be,
this wouldn't have--
You guys have ruined his life!
Thank you.
You've won the election, Shiva.
-Did someone come here?
-Are you alright?
You're not leaving this house
unless I ask you to. Just me.
-Sana, what's wrong?
We are not safe here, Ada.
They tried to kill Chetan and now--
Just pack your stuff.
We have to leave.
Meet me at the Khan Market
bus stop at 5:00 p.m.
It's fine.
Are you going to resign?
Should I not?
No, you deserve it.
You've got it because you deserve it.
Do you really think
I don't get what's going on?
What do you mean, Sandhya?
Your friend's TV Channel!
They say I've received unreasonable favor!
And that I've granted favors for it.
The bastard isn't
answering my calls, Sandhya.
-I don't care!
-I've texted him as well--
I just found out about this
on the TV, Sandhya!
Call him, text him,
do whatever you have to!
Just get out!
I understand what you're
going through, Sandhya.
You understand?
My mom has been calling me all morning!
278 unread messages!
Memes are being shared on the college
WhatsApp groups with my face on it!
I can't leave my fucking house.
Look at them!
These creepy journalists
are hiding down there
to click my pictures!
To ask questions!
Has anyone ever texted you
asking what your rate is?
Then don't fucking tell me you understand.
-I love you, Sandhya.
-Get out!
Let's meet, ma'am.
I'll tell you everything.
I've texted you the location.
Read it.
-Garima! Big news!
K News is bringing you
exclusive footage live from Delhi.
You can see the prime minister's
entourage behind me.
Ms. Anuradha Kishore is
currently being taken to the hospital.
Her son is accompanying her.
He seemed to be really worried.
We haven't received an official comment.
But our sources tell us
that the prime minister's health had
been deteriorating for the past few days.
She had complained
about having chest pain.
No, just come to the hospital.
We're being told that her health has
been deteriorating for quite some time.
And a call has been
taken to take her to IICMS.
She'll be undergoing a complete check-up.
This morning, due to chest pain
We're bringing you today's big story.
Anuradha Kishore was found
unconscious in her bathroom.
The doctors have ruled
out any serious injuries.
But she'll be under observation
as a precautionary measure.
Country's prominent leaders have
rushed to IICMS to meet Ms. Kishore.
The other call Maithili
had received that night,
we haven't been able to trace it.
Was it a guy?
Yes, sir.
And he didn't meet her personally.
He had asked her to come to him.
Have you checked it?
She isn't lying, sir.
And the call can't be traced?
She has been trying
to trace the call as well, sir.
The kid from IIT is on it.
I've twisted his arm a bit.
I'll call him again.
And the doctors?
They aren't lying either, sir.
They've got nothing more to say.
Where's Shekhawat?
He's waiting for you.
Alright, send him in.
And call everyone.
I'm calling for a core committee meeting.
Your son, his name was Kush, right?
We're starting an award
in his name to honor him.
National Kush Award
for maths.
Is that why I'm here?
Madam's gonna resign.
The future awaits.
Please be ready.
Yeah, Samar?
The country needs you.
are you going to be the prime minister?
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
Something's really fishy, man!
-What's wrong?
-First Vishal, then Chetan
Something's wrong!
There's a big plan!
One second.
Yeah, Sana?
Shiva, where are you?
I need to talk to you.
I know something.
Meet me at the library in 30 minutes.
Yeah, I'll be there.
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
-Show your fury! Spare your love!
-Let's perform the Tandav!
Are you looking for something?
No, sir. Nothing.
Then shouldn't you be at your speech?
Just heading there, sir.
Ms. Anuradha has done a
great job in this limited period.
She has tried to ensure
that our landslide victory benefits
every single citizen of this country.
Why didn't you marry Anuradha?
Please, don't tell me
you did it for me.
Because, I know there's only
one thing that you love.
Your position…
and the power it entails.
But unfortunately, her work
has adversely affected her health.
She's been ignoring her
health for the past few days.
She's been slogging for 15 hours a day.
This is a difficult decision,
but I'm sure you'll all agree,
that we need Anuradha Kishore,
the person, more.
Do you really think,
we're winning because of you?
Do you understand the importance of
my contribution to this campaign?
Your fragile ego
won't let you admit it.
She wants to resign.
The committee has discussed this.
And we unanimously feel
that she needs some rest.
Just one minute, Father.
Your heart will stop.
And the postmortem reports will be clean.
Tomorrow, your personal twitter
handle should generate the trend
Sir, are you going to be
the next prime minister?
Will the ministries be shuffled?
One minute!
Please let me finish.
I've always said this.
I'll repeat myself.
Mr. Gopal Das is the most
senior leader of the party.
And until the core
committee takes the final call
he's going to be the
interim prime minister.
And that's our party's decision.
Congratulations, Uncle!
Rest in peace, Father.
Why didn't you become the prime minister?
Well, I've started enjoying this game.
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