Taxi Driver (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

The Voice Phishing Scam

Great work, everyone.
Are you all doing okay?
What should we do with Park Yang-jin?
There may be a few complications
if we keep him under our supervision.
Let's just put him in the chicken coop.
I think that'll be wise.
What's the plan?
Mr. Kim, I don't think that's right.
How will that make us
any different from him?
That's a huge crowd.
Aren't you going to pick up?
It keeps ringing.
So many people want to talk to you
because you're a president.
But I come first right now.
Why did you do that to me?
You two, secure the area.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Go up the hill.
Secure the area now.
Mr. Kim.
-Are you ready?
I'll start the countdown.
Mommy, I'll come to you!
Mommy, I'm coming!
Darn it!
-Are you okay?
-What was that?
Pull yourself together. You can't die yet.
You haven't answered my question.
Did the assholes I went after
ask you to do this for them?
To stop me from coming out?
But you can't do that.
I made a promise too!
That once I get released,
I'll make sure I find them again!
Darn it, you jerk!
Hey! Let me go!
Let me go!
Let me go, you jerk!
I told you to lock your doors.
Let me go! You jerk!
What would you have done if I hadn't come?
Bring out the goods safely.
-Check his BP.
-It's 80 over 50.
-Keep the Ambu bag going.
-Yes, sir.
Forensics finished examining the scene.
-Did they get all the evidence?
-Yes, sir.
-Did you find anything special?
-No, sir.
EVIDENCE 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15
I'm Kim Do-gi.
I work for Mr. Jang.
We met through Bluebird.
There are many of them,
so schedule their summons
as tightly as possible.
I decided to detain everyone
from the Strategic Planning Team,
so get a travel ban by today.
You should get some more rest.
You're one to talk.
I may look like this,
but I'm almost fully recovered.
People who used to wrestle
have quite the recovery speed.
Mr. Cho said you should get some rest
since he already finished
with the scene inspection.
I've rested enough.
My gosh, you didn't.
You should get some more rest.
Last night, a mysterious explosion
and fire broke out
-at the Udata Training Center in Gimpo.
-What should we do with Park?
There may be a few complications
if we keep him under our supervision.
Let's just keep him in the chicken coop.
I think that'll be wise.
The police and the fire department
are trying to identify the cause
of the explosion and the victims.
A police source disclosed
that an unidentified dead body
was found inside the building
that had exploded.
In the fire,
a villa owned by Chairman Park Yang-jin
was also burnt down.
-This building was also Udata's server.
-Mr. Jang is up.
He's up.
Mr. Jang, are you all right?
Your surgery went well,
so why did you sleep for so long?
You had me worried.
We went to your place, and it was a mess.
Who did this to you?
Where's Do-gi?
He stepped out for a second.
We will report back
when we have an update on the victims.
Next story.
-Let go!
Okay, bye.
The transplant went well.
As it should be.
We went through so much trouble.
Just imagining him
looking at me with those eyes…
Damn… It already creeps me out.
What's going on?
It looks like something happened.
Hey, you. Let me see your face.
I was wondering where your employees
learned to throw a punch
before saying anything.
Get up in three seconds.
That seat isn't for you.
Three seconds passed a while ago.
-You little…
-That's enough.
Go help the boys.
It feels refreshing
to be sitting in this seat.
Thank you for your call.
Thanks to you, his operation went well.
And this way of showing
your gratitude is also new.
Who did that to Mr. Jang?
You should ask him, not me.
But then…
I'm sure there are quite a few people
who want him dead.
I didn't come for an answer like that.
Who did it?
Cho Do-cheol? Or was it another prisoner?
Yes, I remember.
I fell for those eyes.
A beast needs eyes like these.
Just answer my question.
Was it Cho Do-cheol?
What will you do if I tell you?
But kid,
this is as far as I'll let it slide.
If you ever lay a hand on my boys
or my things again, you can say goodbye
to those hands.
Not you.
Everyone at the taxi company
who's involved with you.
You don't believe me?
Then go ahead and try again.
Where's Cho Do-cheol?
I'll never forgive them.
Do you want to get revenge with me?
What's your plan?
I won't succumb to evil
and use my own methods to win.
I'll collect all the garbage around us
and quarantine them
from the rest of the world forever.
I'm going to reform them.
I don't want to turn this into an issue.
She indeed helped me.
That's why I chose not to tell anyone else
about this.
Even though you almost died in his hands?
But I didn't.
Was it Cho Do-cheol?
I think it's time to reconsider
the method you mentioned before.
I understand what you mean
by everything you said.
Every choice we make
comes with a sacrifice.
I'm just paying the price.
Let's keep this just between us.
Right, I need you
to give me a hand with something.
I can take care of everything else
once I get discharged,
but the things I marked with a star
can't be delayed.
Can you get them done by this week?
-Are you leaving because of me?
I was on my way out.
I'll leave you two to it.
All right.
Please take care of that.
How are you feeling?
I told you to not get me anything.
Why did you get that?
These? No.
I got it for myself.
-I wanted some fruit.
This tastes wonderful.
I got a good one.
Goodness, eat up.
Finish everything.
The police are looking for the robber,
but they haven't found anything.
I see.
Nothing is missing anyway.
Don't worry about it.
Give it a good thought.
Are you sure you didn't see
the guy who did this to you?
I was out of my mind.
Hey, no matter how shocking it was,
how could you not see who stabbed you?
Have you ever been stabbed?
It makes you lose your mind.
Hey. Do you want to see
how many scars I have?
Goodness, be quiet.
The guy who just left is Kim Do-gi, right?
You've met him.
I did.
When did he quit the taxi company?
He got a job here.
He wanted to start another career,
so he quit the taxi company.
But he came back shortly after
saying it wasn't for him.
-I see.
Why do you ask?
If anything happens to you, let me know.
I don't think
anything special will happen to me.
We've known each other since high school,
so it has been over 30 years.
Don't debate it on your own
and talk to me.
No matter what it is.
I came to tell you that.
What are you talking about?
Wait. Hold on.
Mirae Bank.
Five, eight, zero… Slowly, please.
I see.
So I just need to send money
to this account, right, Prosecutor?
Once the case starts,
all of your accounts used
by the bank frauds to launder money
will be temporarily suspended.
The suspended accounts
will not only prove that
you're unrelated to their crimes,
it will also be used as evidence
to arrest the bank frauds.
Yes, I understand.
Until the case is over,
you are not allowed to tell anybody else.
Of course, Prosecutor.
Then stay on the phone
as you deposit your entire balance
into the state bank account I mentioned.
Yes. Okay. Hold on.
Go-eun, can you settle the invoice
for Mission Oil?
Why are you still on the phone?
Aren't you going to work?
Yes, I transferred everything just now.
It wasn't an inconvenience.
It's an honor to be a part
of your investigation
as a civilian.
Yes, I feel so proud.
You have my support, sir.
Goodbye, Prosecutor.
"Goodbye, Prosecutor"?
We must change all the oil
in the odd-numbered cars today.
Thanks to my quick cooperation,
he's about to round up a group of frauds.
Goodness, those bank frauds.
How dare you mess with my accounts?
You cute, little jerks.
-What are you talking about?
-Let me see.
Once they round up the culprits,
they would be calling to give me
the Courageous Citizen Award.
Gosh, I'm already getting embarrassed.
Go-eun, can you interpret?
What's he saying?
Don't mind him.
Okay. Shall we give our diligent taxis
some new engine oil as a reward?
Let's go.
This is an air-purifying plant
called the bird of paradise.
It comes from South Africa,
an awfully hot country,
but it's known to stay strong
in cold weather.
Isn't that hilarious?
What happened to him?
He's undergoing treatment.
But I'm not sure if he'll die or live.
He had bad blood with my boys too.
Should I just kill him?
Just say the word.
I'll get revenge on your behalf.
Stop that nonsense.
Gosh, you're so boring.
Don't touch a hair on his body.
Do you get it?
You'd be dead by now if it weren't for me.
At the very least,
don't you think you owe me a thank you?
I'll consider this the day one
of becoming your lifesaver.
I thought he'd get furious.
He became docile
after his near-death experience.
We can expand our business without worry.
I'll prepare the list of the VIPs.
Let me begin the briefing.
Udata, a cloud storage service company,
created illegal videos of sex crimes.
Then the Strategic Planning
heavy uploaders
distributed the videos.
they made a digital undertaker business
in which they extorted money
from their victims in exchange
for deleting the uploaded videos.
-Mr. Lee. You…
-They made money uploading illegal videos,
then made more money
by deleting those videos?
They would stop uploading the video
during the period the victim paid for.
Then they re-uploaded the video
once that period ended
to maximize their business profit.
The victims
probably couldn't escape
this evil cartel
until they lost everything they had.
Thus, the Prosecution is conducting
its investigation with the ledgers,
testimonies, and statements we obtained.
We have arrested and charged
the entire Strategic Planning Team.
Chairman Park Yang-jin,
who ordered all of these crimes,
will be indicted for creating
illicit videos, blackmail, assault,
violating the Animal Protection Law
and the Gun Control Act,
as well as murder instigation.
I heard that the former chief DA
was being indicted as well.
Udata's legal counsel was also indicted
for violating the Attorney-at-Law Act.
I heard there was an explosion.
What caused it?
We're still investigating,
so I can't disclose the details.
I heard you played
a big part in resolving this case.
A big part?
The main offenders, Chairman Park Yang-jin
and the three key executives, are missing.
They're on the run.
I'm sorry,
but the case hasn't been resolved.
Based on its scale,
it seems like a wholesale arrest.
Could you share a difficulty
you faced during the investigation?
That will be all for the briefing.
Thank you.
-Prosecutor Kang!
-One more question!
Prosecutor Kang!
The reporters are all praising your work.
Do you really think
that we did a good job?
Is it because we didn't get Park Yang-jin?
It isn't the first time the leader
disappeared after they got busted.
By the time I got to the scene,
someone had already ended that case.
They also blew up the entire building
to destroy evidence.
Someone keeps stealing the culprits
we should have arrested.
They're slapping us around like this,
but we have no idea who or what it is.
So why should we be praised?
When others compliment you,
just take it at face value.
Hello, sir.
I made you go there
to get some compliments,
but you ruined the occasion yourself.
How are you feeling?
I'm all right.
I know there was an explosion,
but we also found bone remains
and bloodstain at the scene.
This isn't a simple case.
Take charge and put an end to it.
Yes, sir.
Come here.
I found this on the scene.
I took it to check something.
You found this at the scene?
At Park Yang-jin's villa?
Let me know if you need a team.
I'll make one for you.
Excuse me.
Do you have House of a Tree, Volume 12?
Do you want to look on the other side?
House of a Tree, Volume 12?
What is it? What?
I got House of a Tree, Volume 12!
Goodness, you're right.
Who's it from? Who brought it?
Well, I have no idea.
I don't know who gave it to you,
but they sure are nice.
They're generous too. Goodness.
-Let's get back in.
Isn't it exciting?
How exciting. Let's go inside.
Prosecutor Kang, are you getting coffee?
What? Yes.
Let me get one for you.
There's one in here.
You must've forgotten to take it out.
I did. I'm sorry.
Let me get you another one.
One second.
I see you have something on your mind,
but is it about work or your private life?
Want me to say something
that's unlike a prosecutor?
Upon Cho Do-cheol's release,
he went missing on a deluxe taxi.
And it seems like that deluxe taxi
can be transformed into a regular car.
It also shoves police cars out of its way.
Then Park Yang-jin
and three of his key staff went missing.
It showed up there too?
I have a feeling
that one person is behind all this.
I think I know who that is.
Then you should just arrest them.
-But I don't have hard evidence.
-You don't have hard evidence?
That's why I said
I wouldn't sound like a prosecutor.
Then who is this person you know?
Thanks for the coffee.
Is something on your mind?
On my mind?
You look troubled.
Because of my muscle loss.
Who worries about that and drinks juice?
-This is a protein drink.
Who drinks that?
It's better than juice.
Anyway, what brings you here?
I figured you'd be here like this.
You have a lot on your mind right now.
You know what happened
to Park Yang-jin wasn't your fault, right?
You tried to keep him alive.
I know you did.
I'm sure I'll find the evidence
once I catch the deluxe taxi.
Prosecutor Kang.
Aren't you going to go home?
You should leave first.
You should go home early tonight.
You look very tired.
Do I not look good?
My wrinkles work even harder than I do.
What's she doing?
I'll look awful if I don't do something.
No way, you're in great shape.
Your skin's glowing.
The price I pay for bringing justice
are wrinkles? What a sad reality.
That pisses me off.
I'm leaving.
Let's go.
You have a great view here.
What do you want?
Goodness, you're driving a taxi again?
When you show up unannounced,
isn't it common courtesy to say why?
Did you quit that company?
The people there were all on power trips.
I see. So you quit.
Did you see the news on Udata?
No. Do I have to?
Chairman Park and some of the staff
got involved in an awful crime.
That's why everyone in
the Strategic Planning Team was detained.
You were a part of that team too.
So? Are you here to arrest me?
No. That's not the reason.
You haven't worked there for long,
and you even sent in a tip.
I should take that into account.
It'd be weird to summon you
or ignore you completely,
so I came by.
I'd like to go in and ask a few questions.
If not, you must come in for questioning.
Wouldn't that be inconvenient?
Thank you for inviting me in.
May I take a look around?
It's very clean for a single guy's home.
Where's my coffee?
It's very good.
Ask your questions,
and let's go back to what we need to do.
When did you quit?
Not exactly sure. Maybe a week ago?
A week ago…
Why did you go to Park Yang-jin's villa?
Where's that?
Do you remember where you lost it?
As of this moment,
you're no longer part of the Udata family.
I didn't drop it.
I threw it out because I quit.
You went a long way to throw it out.
Do you remember where you threw away
every piece of garbage?
If you're done asking questions,
you can leave.
All right.
The owner's kicking me out,
so I should go.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Can I ask a small question?
Do you drive your taxi to and from work?
Are you allowed to treat it
like your own car?
My boss permitted me to use it.
And a taxi is a car too.
So you don't have your own car,
and you just drive that taxi?
Why are you curious about that?
I'm just jealous.
You have to pay so much tax to own a car,
but your company gave you one.
Are you sure it's your only car?
No way.
I won't see you out.
I don't expect you to either. Goodbye.
Yes, ma'am.
-Can you look up someone's phone records?
-Phone records?
From the day of Cho Do-cheol's release
to today.
I need call records and locations.
Who am I looking up?
Kim Do-gi.
Okay, got it.
One car, my ass.
Wait for me!
Those damned frauds!
I worked so hard to save that money!
I knew something was off
when you mentioned the award.
I mean, who'd send five million won
after just one phone call?
Shut up!
-You're an accomplice.
-What? What are you talking about?
You should've stopped me sooner!
What did you do while I was being scammed?
You gave me so much work to do.
How was I supposed to know
that you were being scammed?
You, of all people, should've known!
You're just like them.
I'm speechless.
You really can't get it back for me?
I sent it to this account yesterday.
Ma'am, as I've explained to you,
if they already withdrew the money,
it'll be hard to get it back.
-My gosh.
-I was working,
and they said my kid was
in the hospital due to a serious injury.
They said I needed to send money
for treatment right away, so I did.
-They knew my kid's name…
You really can't catch them?
What about our deposit?
I told you that catching them
doesn't mean you'll get your money back.
Please wait your turn.
Gosh, my one million won…
I saved for a whole year
to help my granddaughter with her tuition.
You foolish woman.
What the hell were you thinking?
How could you blow our deposit
over a phone call?
I really thought it was our son-in-law!
-Gosh, I should've called him to confirm.
-Excuse me.
-I'm crazy.
-I was told to come in.
-Did you report a voice phishing case?
-Yes, of course.
I called it in.
Put your name down on the list,
and someone will be with you.
-A list?
-This way.
Just this once. Please.
Excuse me.
I want my money back!
This is…
-Why can't you find him?
-You're number 158.
So they're all…
Please save me!
You really need to help us!
Didn't we see her at the police station?
Gosh, how long would it take
to save a million won
from collecting cardboard?
Have you lost your mind?
Ma'am, are you all right?
I don't deserve to live.
Gosh, my precious million won.
My gosh…
I'll take her home. You should go first.
What are you going to do?
What do you mean?
Go on.
Ma'am, can you get up?
Oh, my.
Please help me get my money back.
This film just came in.
It's almost bulletproof.
Cool, right?
Don't you feel safe looking at it?
I can't tell just by looking at it.
Then should I demonstrate?
There, look!
What do you think? You see?
People would think you invented it.
You weren't there to see it.
Do you know how many people
have tragic stories to tell.
Voice phishing is the most tragic.
We got over 30 calls this morning alone.
Did you give out the number?
Why would I do such a thing?
I'm not that thoughtless.
Hey, aren't we leaving? Get in.
You sure are.
You got scammed all on your own
and even solicited cases all on your own.
My point exactly.
I won't deny it.
But that's not all.
-Were you scammed out of more money?
-Does Mr. Jang know?
I was just on my way to tell him
what you've been up to.
I'll tell him everything too.
In the past three years alone,
there were 192,752 voice phishing cases
in Korea.
The financial loss
was a total of 1.3591 trillion won.
My gosh.
In 2019, there were 200 cases a day.
In 2019 alone,
there was a loss of 672 billion won.
I get that,
but why did you give out flyers
when you went to report it?
I wouldn't have if they'd said
they'd get me my money back.
But they said I can't get it back.
I went with him and heard what they said.
Apparently, the likelihood of a victim
getting his money back
is 1 out of 10,000.
It's 1 out of 10,000.
Which means, it's practically impossible.
This is so unfair.
-It doesn't make sense.
-Why not?
You little…
It's because you didn't get that call.
What do you think, Do-gi?
-Not sure.
-What do you mean?
You should be clear.
Yes, be clear.
Let's do it.
I'm for it.
Mr. Jang.
There have been countless victims,
but voice phishing victims
never request help
from Bluebird.
It's very odd. With other types of crimes,
people often comfort
and support the victims.
But with voice phishing,
they scold the victims instead.
What did they do wrong?
You foolish woman.
What the hell were you thinking?
How could you blow our deposit
over a phone call?
I mean, who'd send five million won
after just one phone call?
You got scammed all on your own.
Were you scammed out of more money?
Well, I wasn't really trying to scold him.
Ordinary people who are most detached
from the law.
And good people who'd never break the law.
Ironically, such people
are the targets of voice phishing.
If a prosecutor suddenly calls you
and recites laws that you don't even know,
it's only natural to feel intimidated.
It doesn't matter whether the person
is a real prosecutor or not.
You'd care more about proving
your innocence.
I think we should take this on.
I agree with Mr. Jang.
Me too.
But don't distribute flyers again.
Okay, I won't.
To be honest,
I was on board from the get-go.
Don't lie.
You picked on me the most.
-But thanks anyway.
-All right, guys.
Do-gi, I want you to be in charge.
Given my condition…
-I'm sorry.
-Don't worry.
I'll call you if anything happens.
All right.
Let's get moving, then.
Yes, sir.
Something's wrong with this.
What's wrong?
You see messages
coming through all day long.
Oh, Kim Do-gi drives a taxi.
He probably left the taxi app open.
Still, it's odd.
Who drives a taxi all day and night?
That's true.
It means he didn't sleep at all.
But why are you investigating this anyway?
I'll explain it in detail later
when I can sound like a prosecutor.
Yes, ma'am.
What are these blanks?
It means there was no signal.
No signal?
There's no record at all
because it didn't connect to any towers.
It means his phone was turned off.
So all these blanks mean
he didn't have reception.
Oh, no.
Then what should I do, Mr. Prosecutor?
Before the Financial Supervisory Service
and we, at the prosecution,
begin our investigation,
the funds in your account should be
transferred to where we designate.
Okay, I'll do that.
Should I do it right now?
Yes, I put it where you told me to.
We'll begin investigating your account.
It'll take about two days.
We'll deposit it
back into your account after.
-Do you understand?
-Yes, sir.
You can head home now
and wait for our call.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
Why aren't you grabbing him?
What if he runs away while you wait?
I hear voice phishing rings are
good at cutting off their tails.
Then we'll just strike them on the head.
Don't leave the onions on the floor.
-Pick up the onions.
-Yes, sir.
This is brand new.
Thank you.
This is insane.
Do you expect me to believe that?
Say that again.
Where's my money?
After picking it up,
I forgot about it
and left it in the bathroom.
I went straight back,
but it was already gone.
Did you get greedy?
No. That's really not it, ma'am.
I really forgot it in the bathroom.
Are you willing to give up your life
for that chump change?
Find this punk
and bring me his head!
This is driving me crazy.
He's a complete lunatic.
Did you get the location?
Yes, of course.
I did everything you asked.
Please spare me.
If I stay here, I'll really die.
-Shut it.
-You promised.
-Shut up, you punk. Get up!
-Let me go.
Please, let me go.
It's near the ocean.
What's the plan this time?
Mr. Park.
Can you hit me?
You should hit me five times.
No, I don't want to. I won't do it.
Let's just make it ten.
Don't go easy on me. Beat me up.
I don't want to.
What will you make me do this time?
Gosh, what is this?
How would you like it cut?
Something that can make him look
ten years younger.
Is that doable?
Yes. I'll start
with our vitamin treatment.
The scalp needs to be healthy
for the style to come out nicely.
Take good care of him.
You see, my hair is--
-It's okay.
You got this.
What are you doing over there?
I want to look five years younger.
I'm not even asking for ten.
Oh, gosh.
A high-paying part-time gig.
Short-term. High income guaranteed.
The wanted ad is up!
It is? Already?
Don't be nervous. Just relax.
You can do this.
Repeat after me. "I can do this."
-I don't think I can do it. Damn it.
Even Mr. Kim said
your role is critical this time.
-He really said that?
-Yes, he did.
Don't underestimate yourself, okay?
All right.
Say, "I can do this."
"I can do this."
"I can do this!"
"I can do this."
What's with that voice?
From the core! "I can do it!"
"I can do it!"
Louder. "I can do it!"
"I can do it!"
Nice, that was good.
You can do this.
Hey, guys!
-Are you here for the part-time job?
Take out your phones
and put them in this box.
Say your name and get on.
I'm Park Jin-yeong.
I'm Hyun Ji-yeong.
I'm Lee Do-yun.
I'm Lee Hyeon-seok.
Lee Ja-seong.
-Say your name again?
-Lee Ja-seong.
Look at this punk.
Are you sure you're 20?
For real?
I was born in 2002.
I'm 20 years old.
Looking old runs in the family.
Gosh, I feel bad for you.
Get on the bus.
Is he sick or something?
Go on.
Move it. Get on the bus.
Your name?
We lost the signal.
Do you think he'll be okay?
Yes, he'll be fine. We have our radio.
Mr. Park isn't a kid.
I'm sure he'll be fine.
Actually, no.
He's only 20 years old now.
He's younger than me.
Excuse me.
-I'll take that one.
-This one?
All right. Let's go make some money!
-I brought the kids.
Come on. Let's go inside.
Don't loiter. Hurry up and go inside.
-Move it.
-Come on!
Go on in!
Come on in. Take your time.
My gosh, don't be nervous.
Everyone looks so friendly.
Wait, hang on. Wait here for a moment.
Everyone else can go in.
-The kids are here.
Hey, you're here.
Hey. Take a shower when you can.
You stink.
Wait, what's the rush?
Who are you, mister?
I'm 20.
-Maybe your baby brother is 20.
I was born in 2002.
I just got chills.
I guess some bad stuff happened in 2002.
I like that smile. Keep smiling.
-Oh, okay.
Pass it around.
"Clear pronunciation.
Don't get emotional. Be sincere."
Repeat after him!
-"Clear pronunciation.
-"Clear pronunciation.
-Don't get emotional. Be sincere."
-Don't get emotional. Be sincere."
I don't like that tone,
but I'll let it pass for now.
All right. You will receive
short-term accelerated training from me.
Just follow the manual,
and you can start doing the real work
and begin earning money.
Sorry, I didn't know this was the job.
I'm out.
Listen carefully.
I'm bad at the Seoul dialect.
So when you say things like,
"I can't do it" or "I'm out,"
it sounds like
you're asking me to kill you.
Do you understand?
Of course they don't understand it.
I don't even get what you're saying.
Why are you scared? Don't be.
You came to make money.
Why are you scared?
Don't you guys want to know
how much money I made today alone?
I bet you're curious. Do you want to know?
I know you do.
You must be curious!
You can do this too, okay?
-Repeat after me. "I can do it!"
-I can do it!
-I can do it!
-I can do it!
-I can do it!
-I can do it!
-Louder. I can do it!
-I can do it.
-I can do it!
-That's right!
Mr. Park got the job.
Don't forget.
This time, money comes before people.
Come in.
Come on in.
All right.
Call the people on your list in order.
And drop. Complete.
Once you succeed,
put the cellphone you used
in this box marked "Discard."
You must not reuse the same phone.
If you follow these rules,
there is no way you'll be caught.
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Did you memorize your lines?
How frustrating.
Everyone, look there.
"Short-term. High income."
That's what the ad said.
"Operators needed."
If you do your job well,
you'll easily make
six million won a month.
Aren't you here to make money?
-Aren't you?
-Yes, sir.
You can either do a good job
and live like those rich people do
or get beaten up to death right here.
Let me say this again.
Whether this is heaven or hell
is all on you.
You got that?
-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Sit down.
You came in first again this week.
Gosh! Thank you, sister.
Oh, I mean…
Thank you, ma'am.
Who's the dumb one
who can't memorize his lines?
If you can't do it
even after your training,
you should at least make coffee.
Hey, make me a cup of coffee.
Ma'am, there's no handle.
What? So you can't make me coffee?
If you can't memorize your lines
or make coffee,
what use are your hands?
If he can't make coffee,
chop off his hand.
Are you a righty or a lefty?
No, sir.
-Damn it.
-What the…
-You spilled it all over!
-I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!
I'm sorry. I apologize.
-What is it?
The boys from the port are here,
and they won't leave.
Those runts…
Those punks are so annoying.
Hey. Are you okay?
Hey, go ahead.
Come on. Hey!
-Aren't they his boys?
How many times have they done this?
These annoying rats.
-You scumbags.
-What's your problem?
-What's going on?
You rats. Get lost!
How dare you cause trouble here?
It looks like you're the boss.
You gofers should stay out of it.
Stay out of it, okay?
What will you do? Stab me!
-What will you do? Stab me.
Go tell your boss.
If he keeps pulling this shit,
he'll regret it big time.
-Get lost.
-What the hell?
Damn it.
-Bye-bye, losers!
-Those annoying punks.
I'll get going now.
Good work today.
Prosecutor Kang.
I've marked the dates
when the victims went missing.
It's late. Go home.
Come on. How can I go home
when you're still working?
Do you want some coffee?
If you're offering.
I'll get you a delicious cup of coffee.
There was no reception on the 21st.
The day Cho Do-cheol was released.
The 24th, 26th, and 27th.
The day Choi Jong-suk,
Cho Jong-geun, and Park Ju-chan
went missing.
The day Chief Kim got into an accident.
March 20.
The day Park Yang-jin's villa exploded.
They match precisely.
Kim Do-gi.
Go ahead and make your bid.
Make your bid!
Hurry up and make your bid.
I see two hands over there.
I see 65,000 won. Number 8 gets 9 boxes!
Make your bid. They're very fresh.
Make your bid!
Make your bid. They're very fresh.
This is it. Go on in.
Thank you very much.
They say the hands are faster
than the eyes.
Let's see
if my hands are indeed faster
than your eyes.
All right.
If you win this round, I'll pay triple.
What are you waiting for? Take your pick.
-This one!
-I won this time.
I got this one.
All right, let's check now.
Gosh, what a shame.
What are you trying to pull?
Hey, let go.
It hurts. Let go!
Are you messing with me right now?
Open your hand.
-Yes, hello.
I'm Inspector Lee Seung-hun
from the Intellectual Crime Unit
at Dongdaemun Police Station.
You have a savings account, don't you?
Yes, I do.
It's for my grandchild's tuition fees.
I save a little every month.
Right, that account
was being used for financial fraud.
Pardon me?
What… Come again?
Gosh, what do I do?
This is for my grandchild's tuition fees.
Take your bank card
and go to the nearest branch.
A Financial Supervisory Service agent
will call you.
Okay, I'm leaving now.
What's your account balance now?
I have 1.02 million won.
I see.
Then hit "Transfer"
and send it to the safe account owned
by the Financial Supervisory Service.
Okay, I just sent it.
I'll contact you
once the investigation is completed.
My gosh. Thank you so much.
Had you not called me,
this would've been a disaster. Yes.
Thank you again.
Only 1.02 million won? That's it?
Goodness. We're off to a slow start today.
Don't half-ass your job.
Yes, our agent will call you.
Hello, this is…
Yes, that's right.
Gambling is the easiest way
to launder money.
It's 100 burner phones.
How much collateral can I be guaranteed?
-Just call me Madam Lim.
-Nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Wang.
Let's get started.
Don't tell anyone about the investigation.
-I'm Prosecutor Kim Min-su.
-I got the account number.
Right. It's all over now.
-What's over now?
-Oh, my!
There are three things a man must never
show a woman.
It's yours. I don't need it.
Have you seen this man?
If she followed us here,
she must know something.
You're such a smooth talker.
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