Tell Me Your Secrets (2021) s01e09 Episode Script


Tom: Emma Hall doesn't exist.

My name is Karen.
My boyfriend
killed nine women.
The police thought that
I was involved.
Did you have something
to do with them?
Jess: Well, you don't know
this place.
There's stuff there.
We don't matter.
We all saw it, what he was.
I'm talking about him
screwing that missing girl.
Get rid of her, you understand?
Emma: I killed her. I smashed
her head in with a rock
because I was jealous
because she was seeing Kit.
They ran a DNA test
on the remains.
It wasn't Theresa Barlow.
It was a woman that went missing
four years ago in Minnesota.
Man, this stuff is about Emma.
Who's in this room?
Karen: Who's the real you?

Maybe you don't want to know.

You're gonna be a question mark.
[ Tattoo needle buzzing ]

Pete: Emma, we've already
looked at these photos.
There's nothing in them.
No, no, everything
had meaning for him.

Here. It's here.

-And here.

Pete: Wow.
He said a question mark was
for people he would
show his true self to.
And you think that means
the women he killed?
It's her.
The woman I've been seeing,
Amy Walker.
I thought it was a dream or- or-
or one of the black spots
in my memory.
I don't know.
But I see this woman
[ Breathing heavily ]
lying on the floor, and
and she has a tattoo,
and it's a question mark.

So he tattooed her.
He abducted her.
He broke the bones in her feet
and her hands,
and then he killed her.

Emma, what do you see?

Emma: In the dream
it's me.

I'm holding the hammer.
Pete: You really think
you could have done this?
You really think you could have
bashed that girl's skull in
with a hammer?
Don't you understand
what this is?
What are you doing?
We did this.
We built this tattoo
to cover the old one,
the one that he did.
A heart.
A heart with his and my name.
It was never meant
to be a heart.

It was meant to be
a question mark,
but the needle slipped.
And you made it into a heart.

He loved me.
He fell in love with you.
And that's what saved you.
Karen: Is that what you want?
[ Tattoo needle buzzing ]
Someone you can never
know completely?
Maybe it's you who
doesn't want to be known.
But I think that sounds
very lonely.

[ Buzzing stops ]
I don't think
you want to be alone.
I've always been alone.

[ Tattoo needle buzzing ]

[ Buzzing stops ]

[ Sighs ]
Pete: Emma, something
in your subconscious
is releasing these memories.
Something's changing.
You're changing.
You are so close at pinpointing
exactly what that trauma was.
What is it, huh?
What is that thing
that you can't bear to remember?
[ Breathing heavily ]

Sometimes when the brain forms
a memory in a state of trauma,
the only way to recover
those memories
is for the brain
to go back to that same place.
It's called
state-dependent learning.
In order to remember the trauma,
sometimes you have to
be back in it.
I don't wanna
I don't wanna remember.
Something triggered the memory
of Amy Walker,
right, something else.
And whatever it was,
it scared the hell out of you.

Another girl is dead.
-What? Another--
-From St. Jerome.
Oh, okay, so you're gonna
put yourself in the middle
-of yet another conspiracy
-Two girls.
Two girls from that same place,
so you don't have to think
about your past.
-Something is happening.
-Emma, I know what you're doing.
Emma, nothing happened.
Emma, nothing is happening.
I got it.
Listen to me.
-Before they I.
the Walker girl, right,
they thought it was
Theresa Barlow, right.
If you didn't know
Theresa Barlow,
why'd you think you killed her?
-I don't know.
Why did you think
that she was seeing Kit?
-I don't know.
Maybe Maybe
because I feel guilty
of the things
that people think that I did.
Yeah, or maybe you did know her,
and maybe Kit knew her, too.
Well, she's not dead.
It wasn't her.
You better hope she's not dead.
Because I remember everything
you told me about her.
And believe it or not, I've got
loyalties that are beyond you.
To who, Pete?
-Your wife?
She doesn't even know
what you do, does she?
I lie to my wife so I can
keep protecting people like you.
Or maybe you do this
because you like secrets, too.
Where you been? I been waiting.
I have a job.
Why don't you ever go to school?
I got to show you something.

These were in Jessie's things.
At the bottom of the box.
And then I found this
in Tina's jacket.

I found a needle like this, too,
at a taxidermy shop.
I think it's where
she met with Abel.
I think they were doing drugs.
That's why they're with Jesus.

Did you see this?
There was a rape in Missouri.
They got this from
the victim's description.

I think it's him the creep
who wanted to work with us.
I went back through
the security footage.

I think it's John Tyler.

[ Gearshift clicks ]
[ Engine shuts off ]
He says you're crazy.
He said that?
There's parts of your life
you can't remember.
I have memory loss.
He's helping me.
He's keeping me safe here.
In a house he told me sold.
In a place he said
we'd never come back to.
Are you screwing my husband?
Is that what you wanted
to tell me?
Did he say that? L-- No.
Lisa, I-I didn't choose Pete.
Then he chose you.
I am only here until
I can be somewhere else.
You want some advice?
Go now.
Get the hell out.
He told me about you
about how you met.
That you were in the group home.
Please. Lisa.
Two girls from that place
are dead.
He said you hated it,
that he looked after you.
You ran off, came here.
That's what got him fired.
What else did he tell you?
Why did you draw this?
What does the writing mean?
Maybe it's just a girl
with a crush on a man
she thinks is gonna save her.
The girls who are dead.
They were injecting themselves
with this.
What are they doing?
Are they--
Are they grooming them?
Are they selling them for sex?
They're 15-year-old girls.
And you're gonna take it on?
Something is still
happening there.
It was happening when you were
there, and it's still going on.
I-I need someone to tell me
what it is so I can stop it.
So I can make something right.
Put my trust in you?
You can't even save yourself.
How you gonna save anyone else?
[ Ringing ]
John: Hello?
Did you do something?
Are you, uh, projecting?
Are you Are you feeling bad
about something that you did?
It's so deeply unrewarding
when you lose faith in me,
'Cause guess what.
I found her.
I found your friend.
She's living the good life
down here.
She cuts hair.
She has a boyfriend.
They go dancing.
And she's not suffering at all.
Not like you.
You'll always be suffering.
But don't go making accusations,
okay, Mary?
Just don't spoil everything.

[ Breathes raggedly ]
[ Monitor beeping ]

What you've done is an act
for Jesus.
You made a--
a very great sacrifice, Lisa.
Sometimes these procedures,
these gifts,
are more complex
than we first expect.
And we've had to tidy up
inside you.
You can run, but you can't ever
hide from God, from us.

[ Ringing ]
Emma: Hi.
Lisa: [ Crying ]
There's a room in the attic
where they did it.
It was our eggs.
They took our eggs.
Some of us got infected.
Some of us became sterile.
Our names are there.
He used to say,
right before we went under,
"This is the Lord's work."
Who's doing this?
You've been there
all these weeks,
and you still don't know
who runs that town?

[ Sighs ]

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

[ Footsteps ]

Rose: Emma?

What are you doing?
Why are you here?
I've been watching you.
I know that he's gone.
You've been watching me?
What are you talking about?
The dumb cop.
And I-I'm glad.
You shouldn't be with him.
Rose, I need you
to listen to me.
I'll always listen to you.
I love you.

Rose. Rose. Rose.

I care about you
but not like that.

I'm your friend.
You know that, right?
I need to tell you something
that's gonna be very hard for
you to hear about your father.
Do you know
what he does up here?
What are you talking
about my dad for?
-What's wrong with you?
He is involved in something.
-No. No.
-Yes, something very,
very dark with the girls here.
Don't talk about my dad.
And Jess knew,
and that is why she's dead.
No. No!
-Oh, my God!
-Stop, stop!
It's you.
The girls say
there's a devil here.
No. No.
And it's you.
You're the darkness.
-You're the darkness!
You're the monster!
[ Footsteps depart ]

Mary: "She's living
the good life down here."
Down here.
Where do you mean, John?
Where do you mean?

[ Chimes ]
[ Ringing ]
Tom: Leave a message,
and I'll get back to you
as soon as I can. [ Beep ]
I know what happened
at St. Jerome, Tom.
I'm making sense of things.

And I'm starting to remember.

[ Heavy breathing ]

[ Gasping ]

[ Sobbing shakily ]

Please. Please.
Karen, look at me.

Help me.
[ Gasping ]
Get me out.

You get back!
[ Grunts ]

-[ Pounding on door ]
-I'll kill you!
So, we're just gonna hang
at the bar tonight,
have a few drinks.
Me and her.
Oh, God,
I really shouldn't drink.
Lose all control.

I'm making your coffee.

I have such anger issues.
You made me so angry.
[ Cellphone chimes ]
Oh. Jeepers.
-Is she keen or what?
-[ Alert ringing ]

[ Speed-dialing ]
[ Ringing ]

Mary: John?
You burned me, Mary,
and now I am gonna burn you
so, so, so, so, so, so bad.
You know what?
Screw you to hell.
I know you raped her.
And I will hunt you down, too.
Oh, yeah? You? The murderer?
Please excuse me while I have
a big, fat, filthy laugh.
You can't even find
your own daughter.
You think you're gonna find me?
You better find me
before I find you.
One night.
One day.
You watch your back.

[ Thudding ]
Mom? You okay?
Did you call them?
-The police.
About the Missouri rape?
They caught him?
That's incredible, Mom.
We didn't catch him.
He's still out there.
[ Indistinct conversations,
mid-tempo music plays ]
-So he said he was pissed at me?
-Oh, I don't know.
Uh, I think, like,
maybe I caught him on a bad day.
L-Let's not-- I-I don't want
to stir the pot.
What did he say?
Uh, he just said that maybe,
you know,
he didn't know
if he could trust you,
like, that he thought
that maybe you weren't
the person he thought you were.
He was right.

We're at the bar.
We've been waiting like
like 40 minutes.
What the hell?
And John says that
you don't trust me?

Why don't you grow some balls
and come tell me yourself?

Good night, Emma.
Hey, I would say I hope you guys
can work things out,
but he's a prick.

You want another game?

I want to wipe the floor
with you.
[ Both laugh ]

In your dreams.
Emma: Take that
ridiculous hat off.
What ridiculous hat?
[ Laughs ]
-Take it off.
-You take it off.
Take it off.
I took it too close, didn't I?
Hey, let's make it interesting.
I lose, drinks at mine,
you choose the music.
You lose, drinks at yours,
I choose the music.


Beginner's luck.

[ Keyboard clacking ]

[ Chuckles ]
Maybe I should call it a night.
What? Such a lousy hustle.
Screw it.

I'm no good at chatting up ♪
And always get rebuffed ♪
Enough to drive a man
to drink ♪
I don't do no washing up ♪
I always leave the stuff
piled up ♪
Piled up in the sink ♪
But you will always find him
in the kitchen at parties ♪
Me and my girlfriend,
we argued ♪
And she ran away from home ♪
She must have found
somebody new ♪
And now I'm all alone ♪
Living on my own ♪
What am I supposed to do? ♪
That's why you'll always find
him in the kitchen at parties ♪
You will always find him
in the kitchen at parties ♪
You will always find him
in the kitchen at parties ♪

Then I met this débutante ♪
That That paint
might still be wet.
She was into
French cuisine ♪
Who's Freya?
But I ain't no Cordon Bleu ♪
This was at some do
in Palmers Green ♪
-[ Music stops ]
-I need some water.
So, do I call you Mommy?
I hope so.
That's so beautiful.
Where is she?
It's complicated.
-You don't want to know.
-[ Chuckles ]
Neither do you about me.
Lets say I had too much
to drink.
Please ignore me.
I came here to get away
from myself,
and all I find is me.
Yeah, but isn't that, um
Isn't that what you do all the
time with the books you write?
Don't you get to
be different people?
Yeah, until I shut the laptop.
Then all it is
is John, John, John.
[ Both chuckle ]
Who do you wanna be?
A dad.
Have a little girl
cuddle up on me, call me Dada.
And that can't happen?
Yeah, but who's it for?
What? What do you mean?
Well, I mean,
the little girl that I want.
Is that about her?
Is it about me?
'Cause, you know, the selfish
part of me is just like,
"Oh, I want--
I want to have a baby.
I want to be loved."
Yeah, everyone wants that.
Who has kids
for the right reason?
No, what I mean is, uh,
they'll grow up someday
and find out who I really am.
Well, who's that?
Not a very nice person.

Maybe kids make us better.
Yeah, maybe they make us worse.
These little prisoners
with their Stockholm syndrome.
That's not fair
not on them and not on us.
Isn't that what love is?
Love's an excuse we make
for all our bad choices.
It's sure been mine.
You have a really dark view.
-[ Laughing ]
-That's probably another reason
I shouldn't have kids.
Aren't they the hope?
That we can be better?
Well, it depends what you did.
What'd you do?
-Come on.
What did Squeaky Clean
struggle with?
You so got to dump him.
Screw Tom
with his puritan ideals.
He said you hurt somebody.
He was pretty damning.
Emma, it's okay.
We've all done things
we're not proud of.
It doesn't make you
a bad person,
it just makes you a lonely one.
I don't want
to be alone anymore.
I see that.
-[ Crying ]
-I want my daughter.
But you can't have her?
-Not yet.
-'Cause of what you did?
No, I-I can have her whenever
-whenever I want.
I'm ready for her.
-I'm getting ready for her.
Who-- Who are you
to talk about my daughter?
I'm so sorry. I d--
I really don't mean to
to pick at a sore spot.
I'm working things out.
I get that.
I also am
trying to atone for all
the things that I've done.
What things?
[ Chuckles ] This is such
a heavy conversation.
Pee break.

Mrs. Barlow?
How old are you?
Old enough to be her type.
You have her?
Karen Miller?
You know where she is?
I want enough money
to get out of this town.
Yeah, yeah,
I'll make sure you get it.
But I need to see her first.
I need to know
this is not a game.

She already hurt a girl here.
Jess Cairns.
She died the night
after she got here.
She will never hurt
anyone else again not ever.

[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Cellphone chimes ]
[ Toilet flushes ]

[ Water running ]

[ Latches open ]

John: And here I was--
just about to leave.

That's your little
kittie's collar.
I know. Because I pulled it
off her neck.
You shouldn't have
opened the case.
You really want to know
what I did?
That's Tom's phone.
How do you
I raped 14 women,
and I only got caught for 2.
-[ Grunts ]
-Now here I am.
-In your house.
-No! No!
The wolf and the little piggy.
And the little piggy
is all alone.
What What
What What What?
How 'bout you tell me
what you did, Karen?

-[ Grunts ]
-[ Groans ]

It's locked.
You want to tell me
about Theresa?
[ Shouts ]

[ Grunts ]

-[ Grunts ]
-[ Doorknob rattles ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Pounding ]

[ Breathing heavily ]
I'll kill you!
[ Pounding ]
[ Sobbing ]

Karen: Slow down. Slow down.
Theresa: We gotta get you
to the hospital.
What did he do?
We just gotta get you safe.

This isn't the way
to the hospital.

[ Theresa chuckles ]

I guess I did a bad thing, too.
Another thing I got to
leave with Honey.
Karen: What do you mean?
[ Laughs ]
We're not going
to the hospital ♪
-[ Breathing heavily ]
-Oh, God. Oh, God.
Theresa: Shut up.
Shut up!
Shut up!
[ Muffled pounding ]
[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Sobbing ]
Before it was you and him,
it was me and him.
And it's always
gonna be me and him.
[ Glass shatters ]
[ Both grunt ]
My baby.
You think I'm gonna let you
keep his baby?
You get a part of him?
You get to keep him?
Please, Theresa.
I need a doctor.
There's nothing a doctor
can do for you now
believe me.
[ Grunting ]

What did you do?
I did everything.
[ Panting ]
And I'm gonna do it now.
I'm gonna beat your brains in
with the claw of my hammer.
I'm gonna whack you
until the snow is red.
[ Grunts ]

[ Screams ]
[ Woman vocalizing ]
[ Crying ]
Child: Tell me a story.
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