The A List (2018) s01e09 Episode Script

Who You Used to Be

Come on, everyone, photo time.
-[Kayleigh chuckling] How do I look?
Alex, come on.
[Dave sighs]
Midge, get on in.
Okay, big smiles, everyone!
And three, two, one.
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
You're sure you're not feeling dizzy?
I'm fine.
You don't have to keep checking on me.
Zac will stay with me.
[Mags sighs] Okay.
But I don't want her left on her own.
Just shout if you need me.
-[Kayleigh] We need to get out of here!
-You should probably sit back down.
-Sit down?
Did you not hear anything I said?
We've all been here before!
You've forgotten the last year.
You're not thinking straight.
-I'm thinking fine. Mags said--
-I don't care what Mags said!
How can you think
that's important right now?
You do believe me?
I don't believe this. [sighs]
You're like the worst boyfriend ever!
-Yes, boyfriend!
We've been going out for the last year!
Just try and focus on today, yeah?
You were in the woods, you were running
You were in a group with Dev and Amber.
-Do you want me to go get her?
She can't know I'm here
Oh, no [whimpering]
Okay, just stay here. I'm gonna get help.
Please, wait!
[Mia grunting] Why isn't this
It's flexiglass.
It's designed to be bulletproof.
This is pointless.
Either we starve to death down here
or Amber comes to get us.
-Would it really be so bad if Amber--
-[both] Yes!
Did I mention I'm not good
in underground spaces?
[door rattling]
-[all] Kayleigh.
Come on, we gotta go.
We've been trying
to go for the past three hours.
-You locked us in.
-You gotta listen to me.
You've been mind-wiped,
you've forgotten everything.
I was freaking out, and then I realized
Mia will believe me,
'cause we're best friends!
Even if you don't remember that right now.
I hit my head!
Wait, what happened to your head?
I fell. It's what made me remember.
Okay, is Amber waiting for us outside?
No, I didn't tell her. I swear.
You better not be lying.
[Kayleigh] Wait! I'm talking to you.
Would you please just listen to me?
Ugh, do you come with a mute button?
Was I talking to you?
Please. Amber's dangerous.
You have to believe me!
She's been controlling me.
It's like I was in a dream
and now I've woken up.
I know it sounds crazy,
but we've all been here before.
She made us forget.
And now I I remember
and I don't know what to do.
[Alex] No. It's a trick.
We've never been here before.
She's playing with our heads.
Don't listen to her!
Look at her.
She's not your friend, Mia.
I am.
Thing is
I trust her.
I can't trust you.
So, unless you can prove
what you're saying
then you're on your own.
[narrator] Imagine waking up
to find out you're a ghost.
A shadow of who you used to be.
Has the real you
been lost and forgotten
or only sleeping, waiting to remember?
[Alex] This is impossible.
It's our midsummer party. The first one.
You were queen, and you made Dev king.
It's when you got together.
You two have been in love
for the last year.
She messed with all our minds.
It's her! We were with Midge.
-We knew her?
-[Kayleigh] Barely.
Mi, we didn't hang out with Midge.
No one hung out with Midge.
She wasn't exactly popular.
Big picture, Kayleigh.
Why did Amber kill Midge?
What? Amber didn't kill Midge.
She had an accident.
I don't even remember
Amber being here last year.
-What do you remember?
-It was the last day of camp.
We were having this private party.
Midge must've got lost on the cliff
trying to find us.
It was awful when we found out
It doesn't make sense.
Amber must've done something to Midge,
and one of us must have seen.
Or why's she trying to get rid
of all the evidence that Midge existed?
Why did she make us forget?
I don't care why.
I just wanna get out of here
before she does it again.
There is no way out. We're stuck here.
Only now
we've got a secret weapon!
She's Amber's favorite pet!
She can find out all the things
that we can't.
What she did last year,
what she's planning.
[Alex] Mia, look at her.
She would not last five minutes undercover
before Amber works things out.
Yeah I'm not going anywhere near her.
You have to hang out with Amber.
If you don't,
she'll know something's wrong.
We're all in danger now, whatever happens.
You wouldn't ask me
if you knew what it was like.
I stopped being me.
I did things I'd never do
just to make her happy.
And I I got lost.
I can't go back.
What if I get lost again?
You won't this time.
This time you've got us.
Where have you been?
I was in the med room. All night.
Mags insisted, 'cause I hit my head.
It was so silly of me
to fall in the first place.
Kayleigh! Feeling better?
Much. Thank you for staying with me.
I'm just glad you're okay.
Some of the stuff you were saying
last night about--
-[Mags clapping]
-Look, it's Mags and Dave! Shh!
[Mags] Everybody
the next few days are
what this experience is all about.
We are going wild camping
on one of the most beautiful places
on the island
We'll be living off the land, sleeping
under the stars
Come on.
[Mags] Right. We leave in an hour.
Meet outside the office
to pick up your kit!
[Amber] Like that.
I want to try something new.
Dev's gonna love it.
This cut is great on you.
It doesn't work on everyone.
But long hair really suited you.
What is with you today?
I'll get Jenna if you're gonna be useless.
I was just thinking about
how sad I'll be when this is all over.
I don't know
what I'm going to do without you.
I'll miss this place, too.
I've never been anywhere like it before.
Have you?
[Mia] Whatever she's planning,
she'll talk to Kayleigh.
She's got no reason to lie to her.
Unless she can tell that Kayleigh woke up.
[Amber] Have you been
somewhere like this before?
Oh, no. Never.
It's like a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
[Amber] Exactly.
Even though it feels like home
it's something brand new.
I don't want it to end.
'Cause right now
everything's pretty perfect.
[Alex quietly] Okay, let's go.
[Mia quietly] Kayleigh. Kayleigh.
This is so scary.
I keep thinking she knows.
She said she'd never been here before.
And then she did this thing with a flower,
and made me do her hair and--
Oh, great work, Sherlock.
We have no new information,
but at least our enemy looks
super stylish!
[Kayleigh] Hey, I tried.
It's okay for you,
not taking any of the risks.
What's our plan B?
Then I'm gonna tell Zac.
-We can trust him.
-[Alex] No, we can't.
It's bad enough that we have to trust you.
Zac will freak out and he'll say something
to Amber and then we're all toast.
He'll believe me. He's my boyfriend, okay?
Telling Zac puts him in danger.
If you care about him, you won't do it.
He's not even your boyfriend anymore.
Yeah? Well, you're not my friend anymore,
so you can keep your advice to yourself.
[Alex] Perfect.
I liked her better as a mindless zombie.
[Mags] Right, keep it moving, guys.
Keep it moving.
[whistles] Rest stop!
Refill your water bottles from the stream
if you're running low.
We're off again in 15!
[Zac] Kayleigh?
Are you okay? I got your note.
Did anyone see you leave?
I don't think so.
Are you sure you're all right?
You look freezing.
We need to talk.
There's things you have to know.
About us and Amber,
and you can't just think I'm crazy,
'cause it's really important!
Hey, it's okay. We can talk.
Actually, there's something
I wanted to say.
I know you've had a rough 24 hours
You have no idea.
I'm sorry if I upset you last night.
I felt really bad when I came back
and you'd gone
and I know I maybe
didn't do the right thing,
but I don't want you to think
I don't care, 'cause I do.
So, what did you want to say?
I wanted to say I like you.
I think I've been waiting
for you to say it first.
Maybe that's why it hasn't happened.
But I'm starting to realize
it's important to
seize the moment, so
Is that okay?
Definitely okay.
-I don't believe you. You told Zac.
-No, I didn't!
Don't lie to us.
I saw him sneaking off to meet you.
I'm not.
Does it look like he just found out
we're in horrible danger?
You were right.
I'd be putting him at risk.
It'd be selfish for me to do that
just 'cause I'm scared.
The point is
I've got info.
Earlier on the hike,
Amber talked about this game.
We did it last year,
the Peregrine Hunt, right before Midge
had her accident.
Whatever she's planning,
I think that game's part of it.
She talks like it's important.
I better go before she notices I'm gone.
I'll try and find out more.
Thanks, Kayleigh. Be careful.
[Alex] I wonder what she said to Zac.
[Mia] She told him how she felt.
[Alex] How do you know that?
Because she's a hopeless romantic.
Even if he doesn't remember,
doesn't mean he won't feel the same way.
-[Mia] Wait.
You need to be careful of Amber.
I know this is gonna sound crazy
but I care about you.
And deep down,
even if you don't remember now,
you care about me, too.
So, please, trust me. She's dangerous.
I don't know what's worse,
you actually believing that,
or trying to manipulate me again.
You need to look at yourself, Mia,
'cause, yeah, you sound crazy.
Hey can you hear me?
I can't believe I'm gonna take pity on you
when you look this gross.
[Mags] There you go! Marshmallows?
No, thanks.
Where have you been?
In the med room. All night.
I'll miss this place, too.
I've never been anywhere like it before.
Have you?
Do you wanna explain the random guy
currently passed out in our tent?
It's a long story.
Short version,
we've gotta hide him for a while.
-Are you kidding me?
-Who is he?
-His name's Luka.
He's been living on the island.
He's a runaway.
Mia, I know I'm not the usual girl
you'd invite to your sleepover,
but that doesn't mean you don't tell me
about your secret forest boyfriend.
Speaking of secrets
where's Kayleigh?
Oh! [laughs nervously]
You scared me!
I just came to grab this.
Is everything okay?
[Amber] Oh, Kayleigh.
Did you really think
you could keep this from me?
When did you remember?
-Who else knows?
-Stay away from me!
You made me forget
about the people I care about.
I won't let you do that again.
You can't control me now,
'cause now I hate you.
You don't hate me. You need me.
Just like you needed Mia.
You're not smart enough, or pretty enough
or interesting on your own.
You've always needed
someone else to follow.
-That's not true.
-You know it is.
I've been inside your head, remember?
Being my friend was
the only special thing about you.
Take me away, and what's left?
Please stop it.
You're lucky.
Friends forever, remember?
You're gonna make it up to me.
First, you're going to tell me everything.
And then I'm gonna go and see
about your new boyfriend.
[Mia] She got to Kayleigh.
Turned her. Again.
And Brendan. She's turning everyone.
He's still breathing.
And now she knows that we're on to her.
There must be something that we can do.
She has to have a weakness.
All this time, we've been trying
to get Amber to give herself away.
We forgot there's one other person
who knows what she's hiding
-Midge is dead.
She's been reaching out to us
since we got here, hasn't she?
It's time we try to talk back.
[narrator] The truth is
no matter how hard it's buried
the past has a way of reaching out to us.
Midge are you there?
Midge, was that you?
We need your help.
We need to know how we can stop Amber.
What's she hiding?
[ground rumbling]
Help us.
What did you find out?
-[ground rumbling]
-[nervously] Why did she kill you?
-[rumbling continues]
-[fabric ripping]
[indistinct shriek]
[indistinct chittering]
[narrator] And sometimes
what we think is dead and gone
is only lost for a while
like me.
Because I'm still here.
I'm still alive.
[theme song playing]
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
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