The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones (2002) s01e09 Episode Script

Demons of Deception

To the commander of the Second Army.
Your appointment replacing
General Pétain is long overdue.
Congratulations, General Nivelle.
Discretion, Mangin, discretion.
The good general will be joining us.
The problem with the good general
is that he has a conscience.
- Greetings, Pétain.
- Mangin.
You're cheerful today.
We are at war.
War raises a soldier's spirits.
Does it?
What would give you happiness,
The safe return of our men
and an end to this madness.
We are going
to retake Fort Douaumont.
We attack here.
The north side.
We attacked the north side
three weeks ago.
- What is the purpose of the new attack?
- Purpose?
The men will be rushing
into machine guns
and artillery uphill.
One would hope
that you have a purpose in mind.
Sirs, Commander in Chief Joffre.
At ease, gentlemen.
I haven't much time.
I'm expected at the ballet.
Politicians, you understand.
The reason I'm here
is to discuss the problem
with our communication network.
- General Joffre
- Don't protest, General!
Your telephone lines have been
destroyed by German shells
and your couriers are infiltrated
with German spies.
I have dealt with the problem, General.
- New couriers. Belgians.
- Belgians.
They are an inferior lot.
Can you depend on them?
Why don't we see what they can do?
I'd like to send someone with an order
to attack Fort Douaumont.
Fort Douaumont.
An attack on the north side.
I've no objection.
I will await the resulis.
Monsieur Maréchal.
Yes, General?
You can't authorize another attack
from this position.
I just have.
Just like that?
An attack of this magnitude
must be planned to the last detail.
This is not a recommendation.
I insist upon it.
- You insist?
- I expect your support, General.
Thank you, General.
I'll start
the artillery barrage immediately.
Dispatch to the front, Major.
Give it to one
of the new Belgian couriers.
You were chosen to replace Pétain
because you're not reluctant to attack.
Don't let me down, Nivelle.
Succeed at all cost.
Who's the fastest of the Belgians?
The new one. Him. Rides like the wind.
Watch where you're going.
Where's Colonel Barc?
In the bunker.
Yes, Major, that's right.
Not in a week. Not in two weeks.
Tonight or tomorrow.
My men need new boots.
At ease, Corporal.
From Second Army command, sir.
Oh, no.
Come on, come on. Damn it, answer!
The telephone line to the trenches
is down.
- Are you a fast runner, Corporal?
- Yes, sir.
What's happening, sir?
The guns you hear are ours.
The attack must begin
when those guns stop firing
or the enemy will have time to recover.
If the enemy has time to recover,
they will slaughter my men.
- Do you understand me?
- Yes, sir.
Report to Major Gaston.
You've got to get there
before the artillery stops.
Major Gaston, from Colonel Barc, sir.
Mother of God.
Not again.
The guns have stopped.
We should attack at once!
My wife's name is Nicole.
She lives in Marseille.
This is her picture.
The address is there.
Take this to her.
Hold on. I can't take
How many?
Approximately 600 confirmed dead.
Take this back to headquarters.
That figure will go up.
Welcome to Verdun, Corporal.
- Report from Sector 4, sir.
- Good.
You're dirty.
Clean up and get downstairs.
You'll miss your supper.
so the patient says, "I don't know
who you are, or where you came from",
"but you've done me a power of good."”
- Very good, sir.
- Yes, indeed, General.
The report from the Sector 4, sir.
How much ground was gained?
None, sir.
What's that, Major?
- I thought you said none.
- I did, sir.
Tell Colonel Barc to have himself
in my office at 6:00 a.m.
- That will be all, Major.
- Yes, sir.
How many men did you lose?
Obviously not enough.
Leaving, General?
The main course hasn't arrived.
I've had enough.
I'm expecting you later, General.
I'd like your contribution.
- So, I hear you went to the front.
- Yeah.
- Not so nice, is it?
- No.
This is an ugly war.
Ugly is not the word for it.
Truth is, I still can't figure out
what this war is about.
Nobody knows what it's about.
It's simple.
The Germans invaded Belgium,
your homeland.
So they could invade France,
your homeland.
- What about Russia?
- Don't forget Britain.
They're on our side.
France is on the left.
Russia is on the right.
The sausage is Germany, okay?
Now, this is Austria.
The potato is Belgium
and the beer is Britain.
And here, we have Serbia.
Now, when the archduke of Austria
is assassinated in Serbia,
Austria threatens to invade Serbia.
What about Germany?
Germany, as an ally of Austria, declares
war on Russia, an ally of Serbia.
But we're fighting in France.
Yes, indeed we are.
France declares war
to Germany and Austria,
because of their alliance with Russia.
What about Belgium?
When Germany went to attack France,
Belgium was on the way.
And Britain didn't like that, so they
joined against Germany and Austria.
So, we're fighting to protect Serbia.
A tiny country no one's ever heard of.
That's what this war is all about?
Dear Ned,
interested to hear of your struggles
against the Turks and Germans
in the Middle East.
I'm in a place called Verdun.
This trench warfare is hell.
The men either run straight
into machine-gun fire
or wait for the next artillery barrage
to drop on them.
They're like animals
being led to slaughter.
And I can't understand.
I can't understand why.
Stop it!
They didn't get it
out. It's still in there.
- It is not still in there.
- I can feel it.
- You have to operate again.
- Private, control yourself.
- Restrain him.
- No, no, no!
- He's a danger to himself and others.
- No, he's not.
Let me talk to him.
Let him go.
How are you, Remy?
Could be better, my friend.
- I've got a present.
- Yes?
These are German. How did you?
One of the prisoners.
I traded some chocolate.
You're a genius.
Did the surgeon really leave it in?
They got it out.
I don't want to go back to the trenches.
They'll send me back if I feel well.
So, I'm not going to feel well.
- I'm not going!
- Remy, listen to me.
You have to let it heal.
If you make it worse, they'll find out.
You'll end up in front of a firing squad.
I fought. They said, "Charge,"
and I charged!
I know.
Remy, you have to
pull yourself together, okay?
I'm all right.
I have to go now.
I'll come back
as soon as I get a chance.
I need a courier
to pick up an ammunition order.
- I'm here for the ammunition order.
- Be a couple of minutes.
You like a little rub-down,
don't you, my darling?
Yes, that feels better.
You want a little bit more? There.
That's beautiful. That's better.
I'm Corporal Henri Defense.
I'm Sergeant Jean DeMille
from Garonne.
You're Belgian, huh?
It's all right. I won't hold it against
you. Glad to make your acquaintance.
Do you know anything about guns?
Every healthy young man loves guns.
Hey, come on.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
The rail-mounted
320 millimeter howitzer.
Fires a 100-pound shell.
It can reduce your average
German infantrymen
to a quivering pile of minced
Wiener schnitzel in half a second.
But it's nothing
compared to the big one.
The what?
- The big one?
- Yeah.
Big Bertha.
Who's Big Bertha?
Not who, what.
The Krupp howitzer. She's German.
Meanest cannon ever made.
Takes over 100 men to load and fire it.
And she fires a 2,000-pound shell.
- 2,000 pounds?
- Yup.
Enough TN
to blow this place to the moon.
Here you go, Corporal.
Do the Germans
have Big Berthas here?
No, no, no, no.
But they might some day and then
See you later, Sergeant.
Hi, Rocco, Alex.
As I was saying, we have a specific
need for a man who speak German.
Do any of you speak German?
I thought Belgians had a reputation
for language skills.
I repeat. Do any of you speak German?
I speak German, sir.
- It's Corporal Defense, isn't it?
- Yes, sir.
Be in my office in two hours.
Why did you tell him
you speak German?
Because he asked, and because I do.
Why, what's the problem?
They just need an interpreter.
You've got a lot to learn,
my young friend.
That's enough.
You weren't boasting, Corporal.
Your accent is excellent.
It's noble for you to volunteer for this.
French Army would be indebted to you.
Indeed, entire French people
will be indebted to you.
- Are you sure you want to do this?
- I guess so.
What is it you want me to do, anyway?
They're 150 metres across.
Stay low, don't be seen.
Find the command bunker
and listen for anything
about troop movements or attacks.
One other thing.
Germans don't take spies alive.
Help, please.
I'm shot in the legs and stomach.
I can't walk.
How long have you been here?
Yesterday. I had a visitor.
But I took care of him.
- I'll get you help.
- Don't leave me.
I'll be back. I promise.
What the hell is he doing?
Big Bertha.
Okay, let's go.
How did it go?
The Germans
are bringing up artillery, sir.
I don't need a spy
to tell me that, Corporal.
Better listen to him, Colonel.
They're bringing up two Big Berthas.
Come with me, right now.
- Are you certain of what you heard?
- Yes.
- No exaggeration.
- No!
I mean, no, sir.
He repeated the same story three times.
Why would he lie?
I didn't say he lied.
I asked if he exaggerated.
Corporal Defense, you are a Belgian?
Yes, sir.
And you were
recruited for this mission when?
- Yesterday.
- I recruited him, sir.
I'm not talking to you, Colonel.
You realise
that traitors are shot, Corporal.
Yes, sir.
It's ridiculous.
It's clear he's telling the truth.
I'm ordering a new attack.
You don't mean that.
Yes, General Pétain. I do.
You're not even going
to investigate this?
Two big howitzers, out of the blue.
Why would the Germans do it?
Why now?
It is inconceivable.
I'm not going to waste my time.
General, with all due respect
With all due respect to you, Colonel,
I'm ordering you to return to the front
and prepare
for an attack on Fort Douaumont.
I am sick of your whining.
That will be all.
And get a haircut!
You will excuse me.
I have a breakfast engagement.
You may not have time
to verify the boy's report, but I do.
If those guns are there
and the men attack,
they will be cut to ribbons
in five minutes.
You can put that in your report, General.
Troops are going back to the front.
Hello, Indy.
Off to the front again.
About the other day at the hospital,
thank you.
- What for?
- Cigarettes.
- What's going on?
- I don't know.
Something is up.
All the well men got orders.
I have to go.
Take care of yourself, Remy.
The pictures are clear.
These are Krupp howitzers,
2,000 pound shells.
That will be all, Major.
Aerial reconnaissance
is my province, General.
I can order air reconnaissance
when I think it necessary.
In this case I thought it was.
- I believe new orders are needed.
- For what?
To cancel the attack, of course.
You are going to cancel the attack?
We've already begun our bombardment.
Call it off. Cancel the attack.
I have orders to attack.
with those guns there,
our men have no chance of success.
The casualties will be 90%.
If you let this attack go
knowing those guns are there,
you are committing murder.
You do it then! You call off the attack.
Send in Major Marat.
- Take this to the front, immediately.
- Yes, sir.
Greetings. How have you been?
I'll be much better
when we retake Fort Douaumont.
What's that?
It sounds like the shelling stopped.
It sounds like
the shelling stopped, Nivelle.
Yes, it did, sir.
- It's not time for the attack yet.
- No, sir.
Then why aren't the gunners firing?
The attack must be supported
by artillery.
Yes, I understand that.
The reason why is because
I ordered them to stop.
I also ordered the attack
to be cancelled.
You did what?
I cancelled the attack.
Nivelle, you're the commander
of the Second Army.
Did you agree to this?
I Well, yes.
Your office, now.
I'm not interested in excuses, Nivelle.
I ordered an attack, I want an attack.
Get me Colonel Barc.
- Colonel Barc.
- This is General Joffre.
I order you to resume the attack.
-I won't, sir.
I won't because I can't.
I'm the Commander in Chief
of the army.
I'm giving you a direct order.
And I'm staring at an order
cancelling the attack.
A written order,
signed by General Pétain.
A written order can be changed
only by another written order.
If you really are Commander in Chief,
you'll understand,
because you wrote that regulation.
I want you to prepare for an attack.
A written countermand signed by me
will be arriving immediately.
Take these to Major Gaston.
Tell him not to prepare for an attack,
but wait until I give further orders.
Thank you, sir.
Take these to Sector 4
as fast as you can.
They've ordered the attack to continue.
But the big guns.
They can't.
Unfortunately, Corporal,
they damn well can.
I don't care
about your reconnaissance, General.
What possible military objective
will be gained by this?
There are bigger issues
than this attack involved.
You could hardly understand.
Fort Douaumont is a symbol
of national pride.
The public was shaken
when the enemy captured it.
When the public is shaken,
the politicians have a problem.
When the politicians have a problem,
I have a problem.
Is that clear enough for you?
It's all too clear, General.
Any orders from command arrive?
Not yet.
I can't believe you actually did that.
You could've ended up
in front of a firing squad.
They'll never figure it out.
But still, you lost your courier's job.
And you put yourself back in the mud.
You're crazy.
Well, it seemed like a good idea
at the time.
A few men got to live another day.
You were living in a chateau, warm, dry,
close to so much good food,
close to so many beautiful women
in the village.
Not in that village.
No, the real women are in Paris, Remy.
Paris, don't talk about it.
What wouldn't I give to be in Paris now?
- Well, we may be there soon.
- Don't be stupid.
No, I mean it. I just got a letter
from a friend of my father's,
and he may be able
to get us a furlough to Paris.
I believe that
I believe that
when I'll have a beautiful, soft,
blond little mademoiselle on my lap
and two more on each arm.
Indy, you're a genius.
I still don't understand how we did that.
My father's old classmate
is a professor at the Sorbonne,
and a personal friend
of the Minister of War.
So, I guess he pulled a few strings.
Brilliant, with a catch.
He also has a message for me
from my father.
That can't be too difficult to deal with.
It's the first contact I've had with him
since I left.
All right.
Tell him to tell your father you're sorry
and then vive le sport.
Oh, no. No. Remy, look at them.
I'm in love.
Take it easy, Romeo.
We've got two whole weeks.
So many girls, so little time.
Finally your time has come,
young maestro.
I know the best brothels in Paris.
Maybe it's lucky you waited so long.
- 16, Rue du Sapin.
- No, no, no. Rue de Seine.
Come on, Indy.
You'll enjoy your father's dear friend
so much more
after you've had a nice, plump,
beautiful woman.
Remy, I told you, they're expecting me.
I'm already four hours late.
Besides, my father asked Professor Levi
to ask me to stay with him
when I got to Paris.
My father, he just wants to know
if I'm all right.
It's his way of communicating.
Asking a friend to check up on you
isn't exactly communicating with you.
I'll get out of it. I'll
think of something.
Let them know I'm all right,
then figure a way to leave.
That's the right idea.
I'll keep the girls warmed up
and waiting for you.
Rue de Seine.
Okay, Remy, I'll talk my way out of this
and meet you tomorrow.
We'll meet at Restaurant Chaudou
at 6:00.
Your father writes,
"When he has his next leave,
he will surely go to Paris."
"As a cultural center
it is too good to miss."
And he continues,
"War is a fool's game."
“If he hasn't already figured this out,
have faith that he soon will.
"Any help you may give him in
extracting himself from his obligations"
"will be greatly appreciated by me."
"You may inform him
that I greatly encourage him"
“to renew his educational pursuits
at the university of his choice.
"He need no longer concern himself
about my view in this matter."
I don't have to go to Princeton?
"Thank you, my dear friend,
for your kindness"
“in helping with this
most difficult personal conflict.
"With great appreciation."
What reply shall I pass on to him?
Well, I am surprised
that he gave up on Princeton.
I am grateful for his concern,
and I'm fully aware
of the insanities of war,
but I cannot abandon my duties here.
- I'm sorry, I
- I'm sure he will be, too.
I'm sure he will be relieved to know
you are so healthy.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Don't worry. I get it. It's all right.
- I really am sorry.
- It's all right. Please.
In any case,
we have such a marvelous week
planned for you.
Tomorrow, a marvelous lecture
at the Ministry of Science.
And then a tea, filled with all sorts of
exciting, marvelous people,
including the Minister of Agriculture.
It sounds just marvelous.
But I must tell you, the truth of it is,
I've been given a special assignment.
And I have to stay
with a Belgian corporal
with whom I'll be working.
I'll try to spend
as much time with you as I can,
but unfortunately,
I'll have to spend most of my time
studying the ins and outs
of this assignment.
Henri, what a shame.
We were so looking forward
to your staying with us.
I'm afraid I've been told
to barrack near the flea market.
And we were so wanting to
show you our Paris.
Well, my dear, it is wartime, you know.
But at least you will do us the honour
of accompanying us this evening
to a special gathering.
It's a birthday party.
For the Undersecretary
to the Minister of War.
- He'll be 65.
- Extraordinary, that he is 65.
He doesn't look a day over 60.
He bikes every day.
Oh, Henri, you simply must come.
Permit us to tell your father
we spent at least one evening with you.
They always have
a wonderful tropical fruit punch.
Well, it sounds just swell.
Of course, I'd love to join you.
Of course, it's difficult to get fruit
at this time of year, any kind of fruit.
Yes, and especially now.
Yes, there is a war. Don't you agree?
But you can still get lovely things at
the south end of Rue des Saints-Péres.
- Well, we can't expect
- Who's that woman over there?
My darling.
That, my dear Henri,
is the infamous Mata Hari.
She is a scandalous
so-called "performer."
She's an artistic dancer, my love.
Dancer, my eye.
She prances around,
taking off her clothes.
I hardly call that artistic.
In some sophisticated circles, her art
Have you ever seen her dance, my boy?
She's quite impressive.
No, but I've seen her picture
on postcards.
She's much more beautiful in person.
Young man,
I strongly advise you against
getting involved with women like that.
Wherever soldiers go,
women like that seem to follow.
Your Excellency. Here you are.
Happy birthday.
May I present our young friend,
Henri Defense,
just returned from the front.
A Belgian patriot of American origins.
How do you do, sir?
A great pleasure, Corporal Defense.
May I introduce my dear friend,
Madame Mata Hari.
- My pleasure, Madam.
- And mine.
I don't know
if I like museums very much.
I mean, there's just so long
I can stay looking at a picture.
I marvel at people who stand
looking at a canvas for hours.
As though they're finding
some new bit of truth.
I don't know. There are some pieces
I could look at for days.
Only because they're scantily clad
and reveal some
tantalizing bit of anatomy.
- Have you been to the Louvre, yet?
- Many times. Remarkable.
- I'll see you later.
- Goodbye, my darling.
Oh, it's you.
Reading a book at a party?
Oh, no, I've
Go on, read me something.
- It's in Greek.
- Read it to me.
First in Greek, then in English.
The goddess Artemis
stood under the archways,
the moonlight shining above her.
It loses a little something
in the translation.
And how do I know that's what it says?
You could be lying to me.
- Why would I do that?
- To impress me.
How am I doing?
A young, handsome man
with no brass nor braids
seems slightly out of place here.
No more than the goddess Diana,
walking among the mortals.
I've seen the palace dancers
of raj in Punjab,
and they don't compare
to your extraordinary gift.
You've seen me dance?
Of course. I was captivated.
I'm flattered. Which dance did you see?
Oh, the one with the veils.
- The veils?
- It was something like veils.
Anyway, I was captivated.
You look hungry.
- Have you eaten?
- No, not really.
They have a most extraordinary chef
at my hotel.
He makes a soufflé,
it's as light and sweet as your flattery.
Will you join me for dinner? I insist.
What about your Undersecretary
to the Minister of War?
Yes, well, I must go off from here
with my friends to another engagement.
But I'll see you back at my hotel at,
say, 11:00?
All right. Swell.
Perhaps I'll have something Greek there
for you to read.
- Or French.
- Perhaps.
Okay. I mean, swell.
Henri Defense for Madame Hari.
Yes, you're her nephew, I believe.
One moment, Mr Defense.
Yes, yes.
Madame telephoned to say
you were coming
and has instructed us
to have you wait in her room.
Front, please escort Monsieur Defense
to Suite 24.
Who was that?
Monsieur Henri Defense,
nephew to Madame Mata Hari.
Oh, dear! Are you all right?
- I'm all right, I guess.
- Did you hit your head?
- What happened?
- You fell.
I don't remember.
I had such a wonderful time last night.
I hope you forgive me.
I didn't mean to make you wait so long.
Yeah, well, I made the best of it.
I suppose it's too late for dinner.
- Are you still hungry?
- Yeah, I guess.
- Actually I'm starving.
- Good.
We'll have breakfast together.
Wait a moment.
So I danced in the deserted temple,
naked in the moonlight,
intoxicated by the smell of exotic spices
that fill the warm night air
till I stumbled.
And I found myself sprawled
in front of the master, Yogi Bujum.
He seemed to be so furious
that he was unable to speak.
He dragged me by the hair
to the holy residence,
where I was sure I was going to be
beaten and most likely expelled.
- Why didn't you run away?
- He was my teacher.
And I was very young.
His power over me was very,
very strong.
- Well?
- Well, what?
What happened?
He threw me onto the floor
and proceeded to take his clothes off.
I was mortified.
I ran away and never returned.
Later I heard he quit the order
and went to work making
moving pictures in Singapore.
When I was fighting
in the Mexican revolution,
there was a Japanese cameraman there
from Singapore.
Maybe that was him.
It seems men always
take advantage of women.
Why is that?
I can certainly see why it is with you.
You are truly beautiful.
Thank you.
But, so often, men are old, vulgar
and unattractive,
then it can be so distasteful.
On the other hand, men can be young,
attractive, charming.
And can be
Can make it very difficult to say no.
And what would make it impossible
to say no?
A certain feeling of touch.
Like this?
That's the touch.
- I
- What?
You mean this?
That, yes.
Your youth is so intoxicating.
- You're making fun of me.
- No, believe me. I don't.
What matters is how you feel to me.
Because our lives are full
of possibilities so untouched by
I mean,
you don't seem to have been brutalized
by all this horrible fighting.
It's a slaughter.
We've had so many killed.
The Germans don't know
how weak our lines are.
A smart boy like you
should transfer to Africa.
I hear that the war is much safer there.
I think it's much safer right here,
in your bed.
Only for you, I think.
I hope you will remember me.
Remember you? I want to be with you.
Look at you, talk with you, hold you.
Do that. Make the war go away.
I can do that.
Come now. Take me out.
I want to walk in Paris with you.
- War seems like a lifetime ago.
- Well, that's good.
I wonder if any of my friends were killed
since I've been away.
What a horrible thought.
You must push all of that
from your mind.
Imagine that the war doesn't exist.
But what good would that do?
That's a lie.
What's true is what's happening now,
on this park bench between us.
For all we know, the war could've ended
and we just haven't heard about it.
What is it? Is something the matter?
No, nothing. I
I'm feeling wonderful.
Is that all?
It's difficult to put into words.
Tell me. Tell me you love me.
Okay, I love you.
Love you, too.
War isn't everywhere.
There is still beauty in this world.
Come, I'll show you.
Here people are striving to create,
not destroy. I love that.
Not death and destruction, but beauty.
No darkness.
I would love to do something like this,
to create something
people will remember,
look at and talk about.
That's why I dance.
To make a little something
for love.
I love life.
Do you think they love each other?
I don't know.
I think everyone here loves one another.
How do you know for certain?
Because this is a life class,
and that's what a life class is for.
I do love you.
Stay with me this evening.
Time passes so quickly with you.
I want to stay. I want to, believe me.
But I must attend this little dinner party
this evening.
- After dinner then?
- After dinner, definitely.
Hey, don't look so sad. It's not so long.
I'll miss you.
- Remy.
- Hey, where have you been?
Sorry, I got here as quickly as I could.
Indy, this is Genevieve.
This is Colette.
This is my great friend, Indy.
One small cup of soup, please.
So, you weren't able to get away
from your father's boring friends?
Things made it more difficult for me
to get away than I first thought.
You must sidestep
these obligations of yours.
Life is passing you by.
Looks like it hit you in the face.
I was dancing on the piano.
On top of the piano?
Yes, but it didn't last.
You took away our beautiful music.
You bad
Sounds like the hallmark
of a pretty grand party.
You've got to get away.
I'm trying, but it's not gonna be easy.
Besides, I'm having a pretty good time.
Good time doing what?
Shopping, I guess.
Watching the boats down by the river.
Feeding the birds.
Boy, what has happened to you
since yesterday?
You're having a great time
feeding the birds?
He's fallen in love.
- No, no, I
- Look in his eyes.
I've seen that look many times.
That glow.
You fell in love again?
No, not exactly.
I mean, it's not like it was with Vicky.
I'm not really in love.
He's in heat.
Who is she? What is she like?
She's incredible.
They all are. What else?
Incredible is enough for the moment.
Too bad that moment doesn't last.
Hope I'm not late.
Hello? Hello?
"For Mata Hari, my gorgeous one."
"With all my love, Count Von Klaus."
Oh, Indy, darling, I
lost all track of time.
I hope you forgive me.
It's dawn.
Where in blazes have you been?
I'm sorry. But it was simply dreadful.
A horrible evening
and I couldn't get away.
You said 11:00.
It's now 6:00 in the morning!
Indy, please don't be angry with me.
I'm so tired.
Who were you with?
That is none of your business.
We've known each other 48 hours.
I hardly think that entitles you
to come in here
and try to take over my life.
You're taking over my life!
I've been hanging around here
for eight hours waiting for you.
Then let's not waste more time arguing.
Come on, don't be a bully.
Come here and forgive me.
I'm not being a bully.
You're cute when you're angry.
Don't say that. Puppies are cute.
What should I say then?
How can you ask me
to spend the night with you
and then you go off
and spend the night with someone else?
You can't expect me
to drop everything for you.
Don't you see
how unreasonable that is?
I'm being unreasonable?
I had such an unpleasant night.
You know I wanted to be with you.
The only way I got through the evening
was knowing, at the end of it,
I would see you.
Now you're spoiling it.
Don't be this way. Don't be mean.
I'm not. I
Not what?
I don't remember.
- I need your help today.
- How?
I've been forced
to move out of my country house.
Such a dreadful, depressing ordeal.
And I'll have to
put all my things in storage.
Oh, my dashing young corporal,
won't you help a damsel in distress?
How can anyone say no to you?
Some manage.
You'll love my house. It's so charming.
Why are you giving it up then?
I couldn't afford it now.
It's far too expensive to maintain.
- This place is gorgeous.
- Oh, yes. But, you know,
it's too big for me now
and I don't need it any longer.
He might seem a little distant at first,
maybe severe.
No, intimidating.
I guess people
find my father intimidating.
But we're actually quite close.
You're lucky.
My father and I
never really understood each other.
- She looks just like you.
- Perhaps because it is me.
I thought you grew up in Java.
I couldn't have said that.
Somehow you must've
got the wrong impression.
"Marguerite." You changed your name.
I've changed a lot.
Never understood
why people change their names.
Is Henri Defense your real name?
Not exactly.
When I lived in Java,
they called me Mata Hari.
It means, "Eye of the day,"
and, in my mind,
it suited me more than Marguerite.
Marguerite is the name of someone
who would lead a quiet,
ordinary life in Holland.
But Mata Hari
Mata Hari is the name of someone
who would travel the world
and have royalty sit at her feet.
- You're a very nosy young man.
- You have a lot of friends.
Oh, these.
These are the friends of my past.
And you're the friend of my present.
- Your only friend?
- A special friend.
This moment, you're
the most important person in my life.
How long is this moment going to last?
I don't know. I'm a dancer,
not a fortuneteller.
- Are these your costumes?
- Yes.
Doesn't look like it covers much.
You never really did see me dance,
did you?
- Actually, no.
- I didn't think so.
Look through the box under the window
for some records.
Put one on.
Indy, dear,
can you make sure the movers get
all the things in the other bedroom, too?
- I have to run.
- Why? Where are you going?
- I have a couple of errands.
“Where? With who?
Won't be long, my love.
I'll meet you back at the hotel.
Don't forget. I'm taking you
to a wonderful little café tonight.
"Something has come up.
Sorry but I hope to see you later." Great.
Yes, I was wondering if you could
tell me where La Femme is.
Come along, my darling.
- That was a wonderful dinner.
- I'm glad you enjoyed it.
It was one of my special recipes.
Did you hear the latest
on Daniela Jeanne-Claude?
I couldn't believe it.
Why, it's ridiculous!
Too much cognac, my dear.
What was that?
Well, it sounded like a little dog.
I guess it was nothing.
Certainly nothing that will disturb us.
Come here.
Who the hell are you?
Hey, what's going on?
-You're under arrest.
Corporal Defense.
That's a strange name.
- You're American, are you not?
- Yes, sir, I am.
You also go by the name
of Henry Jones, Jr.?
Yes, I do.
- And also Indiana Jones?
- Yes, sir.
That's a very odd name.
Why aren't you using your real name?
- What are you hiding?
- Nothing.
It says here that you're a Belgian.
Did you lie about that?
Do you realise
how much trouble you're in?
I guess not.
Would it surprise you
that I suspect you of being a spy?
Your record shows
that you're 22 years of age, is that true?
You seem a very young 22.
The rig ours of war must agree with you.
In the past few days it seems
you've been spending a lot of time
with a woman called Mata Hari.
Is that not true?
I said, "Is that not true?"
Speak up, Corporal Defense.
This is a serious situation you're in.
Have you been spending a lot of time
with this dancer, Mata Hari?
- Yes, I have.
- Have you discussed with her
- any details of your actions at the front?
- No!
Did you tell her anything
about our troops' strength?
Has she discussed with you any
of her knowledge of military operations?
- No.
- Has she asked you to do any favors?
When in her company,
have you noticed any correspondence?
Hey, what is all this anyway?
I'm not at liberty to say.
My advice to you, young man,
is to stay away
from this dancer friend of yours.
Forgive me, sir, but I really don't think
it's your place to tell me
who I can and cannot see.
Take him away.
Corporal Jones,
your leave has been cancelled.
You have exactly 24 hours
to get back to your unit.
- What? You can't cancel my leave.
- We just did.
And if you're not careful,
your situation could get much worse.
You're dismissed.
Where have you been?
When I came back here, you were gone.
I was worried about you.
Were you afraid
that something happened to me,
or that I was with somebody else?
- Were you with somebody else?
- I was in jail!
They said I was a spy.
I thought
I was gonna face a firing squad.
What? How did this all happen?
- By whom?
- The police.
They think you're a spy
for the Germans.
That's ridiculous.
Where do they get these absurd ideas?
Maybe because you're sleeping
with the Minister of War, for a start.
How dare you?
- You've been following me.
- Yeah, well, I'm not the only one.
- Police have been watching you, too.
- Oh, please, I know that.
Their thinking that I'm a spy
is perfectly ridiculous.
This is serious.
You're in a lot of danger.
I have too many Prince Charmings
in high places for anything to come of it.
It's precisely because
you have so many friends in high places
that something will come of it.
I could be a spy if I wanted.
But I'm not.
I make more money dancing.
I can't believe you kissed that old goat.
How could you say you love me
and not trust me?
You've been lying to me.
You don't love me.
You've just been using me
for your own vanity.
When you said you loved me,
was that true?
I mean, really true from your heart.
No, not exactly.
So, you've been lying to me.
And that's all right for you, not for me?
Then why did you tell me
if it wasn't true?
Because it's what you wanted to hear.
And it's not as if I don't care about you.
I do.
What you care about
is the pleasure I give you.
I'm so much older than you.
I've had so many lovers.
What would be the point
of telling you this?
I like you,
and I don't want to make you unhappy.
If you wanted it to be so wonderful
why couldn't you have waited till
after I'd gone to sleep with him?
I never promised you anything.
You haven't any claim on my fidelity
or my life when we're not together.
- I thought what we had was special.
- Yeah, it was special.
Until you destroyed it by following me!
You left me here to rot
while you went and had a rendezvous
with the Minister of War, who's married!
- Just an old friend.
- Yeah, very old and very rich.
He's not that old.
Yeah, but I guess it pays the rent, right?
I will not be judged
by a jealous little child.
Your life is a lie.
An exotic dancer from Java.
You're nothing but a prostitute.
You're nothing but a sad little boy,
masquerading as a man.
Your life is filled with deceptions,
little boy.
You're playing soldier.
You're playing lover, you're playing
the self-respecting, jealous husband.
But you're just playing.
You're too young
to know what you're doing,
and, at the end,
you're just a sad little fool.
They're sending me back to the front
in the morning.
- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, too.
Why don't we just
allow ourselves our illusions?
Life is a little bit easier
if we don't always look at the hard truth.
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