The Animatrix (2003) s01e09 Episode Script


Wake up. Baby's spotted
two machines heading in fast.
I see them.
They're runners.
Think you can handle them?
Watch me.
Okay. I'm in.
That runner's smarter
than we've seen so far.
-It's quite a catch.
Will it?
Do you think it'll convert?
To convert is its choice to make.
Do you think maybe
we ought to reprogram it?
No. We can't make slaves of them.
Because that would be simpler.
We won't beat the machines
by making them our slaves.
Better to let them join us by choice.
Make them believe the right choice
is the one we want them to make.
All right. Yes, machines are tools.
They're made to be used.
-It's their nature.
-To be slaves.
That's why we can show them
a better world, why they convert.
-But that world we show them isn't real.
-It doesn't matter.
I'm afraid they'll figure out that
we've made up the thing in our heads.
They can't tell the difference.
To an artificial mind, all reality is virtual.
How do they know that the real world
isn't just another simulation?
How do you?
I know I'm not dreaming now because
I know what it's like being in a dream.
So dreaming lets you know reality exists.
No. Just that my mind exists.
I don't know about the rest.
Okay, he's good to go.
Looks like we are too.
Dreaming already?
He's had a rough day.
You poor baby.
Would you mind?
Not at all.
Hello there.
What's happening?
Let's go!
Come on, damn it, help me!
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