The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e09 Episode Script


Do you take sugar?
Uh yes
Wait, who are you?!
And how is there coffee in this world?!
I've been waiting for you to come
here, Cain von Silford-kun
Also known as Shiina Kazuya.
C'mon, no need to be so guarded.
Old Zenom and the rest of
them told me about you.
You reincarnated here, right?
What? You've met with the gods?
I'm Yuuya Terra Hirasawa Esfort, or just
Hirasawa Yuuya.
What?! You mean you're the first king?!
You know about that, huh?
I read the book you wrote
about emperor-level magic!
But that was more than
300 years ago, wasn't it?
Wait, are you a ghost?!
Just use Judgment and find out.
Can I?
Status Open.
God of Creation
What?! God of Creation?!
This world is called Fabneil,
and I created it.
Which makes me its God of Creation
And even after 300 years,
I still look like this!
I thought of myself as a
reincarnated noble who just couldn't
help being off-the-charts
But maybe my "charts" really
hadn't seen anything yet.
The Aristocrat's
Otherworldly Adventure:
Serving Gods Who Go Too Far
Anyway, have a seat.
Let's talk about why
I asked you to come here.
The truth is
Old Zenom and the rest of
them asked me to train you.
Why? I'm already having a hard
enough time because I'm too strong.
Can you take this cookie from me, then?
You've got a long way to go.
Yuuya-san, why do I need to be that strong?
Because there's someone
that you need to fight.
Someone I need to fight?
Someone who, 300 years ago, made people all
over the world fight and kill each other.
Wait a minute How could anyone
He used an oracle
to sow distrust of other countries
in everyone's subconsciousness,
forcing them to fight.
The one you need to fight
is the evil god, Aaron.
My companions and I managed
to seal him 300 years ago,
but recently, that seal
has started to loosen.
If nothing is done,
Aaron will be resurrected.
Can't you just seal him again?
I'm a god of this world now.
Just like all those old farts,
I can't interfere in that world.
So you're saying
It's all up to you!
I knew it!
I'll also let you know that your
previous life comes in to play here.
It does?
What do you mean by that?!
The ocean?!
Here. From this point on, I'm your teacher.
Once you're able to complete
this task, I'll tell you more.
Wait a minute! Please, tell me now!
What do you mean,
my previous life comes into play?!
If you want to know,
just keep moving in the
direction this indicates.
It will lead you to the
mansion where we just were!
Start by raising your level.
In this world's terms,
you're around lower-middle level.
You need to be level 600, at the very least,
to stand a chance against Aaron.
I'm at 300 now
Oh, I'm sure it'll take some time,
but no using Move, all right?
Wait, if it's gonna take that long,
what about school?
Don't worry. One year here
is equal to one day there.
Well, later. Get back soon
and have tea with me.
Wait a minute, please!
Either you do it or you don't.
So I have no choice but to do this?
It's only been five minutes since
I walked into the forest
Fine, I'll do it!
Leveling up is what an otaku does best!
Let's do this!
Master Cain!
Have you returned—
Princess Teles Miss Silk
Please forgive me.
I heard a sound and thought
it was Master Cain returning.
Then, Cain hasn't returned yet?
No. He hasn't been back since yesterday.
Oh, no! Since he wasn't at school,
we thought he'd be here!
Do you think he could've been
caught up in some incident?!
Like a kidnapping
Or imprisonment
Or he's stuck in a ditch?!
He's fine.
How do you know?
Because he's Master Cain.
If we just wait here, he'll come home.
Pardon me.
I might never make it back
I'm never going to get
out of this forest, am I?
I haven't gotten enough sleep in months.
I don't have the will to think
about anything anymore
Not even myself.
What now? I can't deal with this
Who's there?
Was it instinct that sent me
walking in response to that call,
or was I just not conscious of it?
It's hurt badly.
I'll put you out of your misery now.
I'm sorry I scared you
I always just wanted to protect someone
Extra Heal.
If I'm low on magic,
I just need to force it out!
Extra Heal!
Wait, were you actually
protecting me?
Cut that out.
Are you all alone?
I see. I'm all alone, too.
Hey, in that case, want to come with me?
With me
Come, Haku!
Thanks to Haku, I regained
something very important.
No matter how tough things get,
I can't give in!
I have
something I need to protect!
He's here?
Welcome back.
You sure got bigger.
Of course I did, Teacher.
How many years do you think it's been?
About four?
Oh, is that a fenrir?
This is Haku.
Uh, no. That's a fenrir, a holy beast.
Haku, you're that special?
If he trusts you that much,
he might form a contract with you.
A contract?
If you use Contract Summon,
you can call him to you at any time.
He disappeared!
You can call him back at any
time by saying "Summon Haku."
And your training isn't over yet.
You'll be practicing under this guy next.
This is your new teacher, Derain.
I'm Cain. It's a pleasure to meet you.
But first you made a promise to me.
Please tell me now, Teacher
About Aaron, and about my previous life.
That's true. All right, let's talk
before you leave.
As of now, you're not strong enough.
Yuuya is stronger than me,
and he is stronger than Yuuya.
Which means
I don't know that ceiling
Hey, you're heavy.
Oh, you're awake?
Did you sleep well?
Glad to hear it!
Oh, me? I'm Derain's wife, Ruri.
And this is
our house.
I was so surprised when Derain
carried you here yesterday.
Wait just a bit. I'll have
some food ready soon.
A baby dragon!
I'm Cain! Let's be friends!
Hang on! No fighting!
He hates me now
Now, you two! Stop that at once!
No food for you!
Dig in.
I will, thank you!
What's wrong? Don't like it?
No, it's delicious!
It's been forever since
I ate anything this good!
Come to think of it, Yuuya said you were
on your own in the wilderness for four years.
It's seriously been so long
since I had food this delicious!
Okay, then! Eat your fill!
You'll be living here from now on,
so I'll be making more!
Thank you so much!
Being treated this well reminds
me of being back home!
I hope they're all eating
delicious food, too!
It's all right. The knights
are searching for him.
We should just do what we
can while we wait for him.
You're right. We want him to
be happy when he comes home.
Hey! Your hands aren't moving!
The road to cooking mastery
is long and steep!
The road to dessert mastery
requires heavy labor!
You'll never make anything that'll
make Master Cain happy that way!
Yes, ma'am! Thank you for your guidance!
Not good enough!
Yes, sir!
You withstood that, eh?
He's doing well.
When we first started his training
Welcome back!
He couldn't even make it back home.
Then, One Year Later
Get up! Are you done already?!
Yuuya is stronger than me, and Aaron—
But first you made a promise to me.
Please tell me now, Teacher
About Aaron, and about my previous life.
That's true. All right, let's talk
before you leave.
Aaron used to be the
God of Amusement in Old Zenom's world.
The God of Amusement?
You mean there was an eighth god?
Yep. There are no games or
entertainment in your world, right?
That's because the God of Amusement is gone.
Aaron used an oracle
to make innocent people all over the
world participate in a death game.
He was banished from the realm
of the gods as a result.
But if he comes back,
the death game will happen again,
and everyone precious to you
will be caught up in it.
I don't want that!
Teacher, how can I stop Aaron?
Get stronger.
Gain more power so you can
protect those you care about.
Cain, there's something I want to tell you.
I was unable to protect my friends.
Remember when I told you
Aaron was linked to Shiina Kazuya?
The friends I failed to protect
were your parents.
Shiina Megumi
Lies Here
Shiina Seiya
Lies Here
What's going to happen to Kazuya?
If we're dead
You said your name's Marine?
You're the one who called us here?
Yes, Yuuya Seiya Megumi.
Please allow me to explain our situation.
Marine-san, are you sure about this?
If they find out you let us go, you'll be
It's all right.
Either way, I can't go along
with the pontiff's ideas.
More importantly
Please go and see the changes happening
to this world with your own eyes.
That is Aaron, the cause of the
changes you're investigating.
But the seven of us are unable
to directly interfere.
Summoned heroes, I beg of you
Bring calm to this world.
Inferno isn't working!
It can't be!
We can do it!
We've got this!
You detestable humans!
Megumi! Megumi!
No! My healing magic isn't enough!
You You won't get away with this!
Now! The stone!
No, Dad! Get away!
Kazuya I'm sorry
I I want
to protect the people I care about!
I want to help people who are in trouble!
This ends it.
I lose.
That does it for your training.
Thank you for everything.
Mom! Dad!
So this is where they went.
They were always worrying about you.
Even as we prepared for the
final battle against Aaron,
they were still searching for a way
to get back to their own world.
So that's what happened
Mom Dad
Thank you for always thinking of me.
And thank you for looking after my parents.
You did so much for both of them.
Thanks, Kazuya no, Cain.
You've gotten stronger.
All thanks to your training.
I didn't do anything.
You're the one who worked hard.
Well, why don't we head back
and have some good coffee?
No, I need to hurry back to my own world.
Ah, right.
Hey, wait up, Cain!
You've been here for five years.
You're gonna go back looking like that?
Take Haku with you.
Summon Haku!
Would you take our little one
out to see that big world, too?
Teacher Derain!
Summon Gin!
Teacher Derain.
Teacher Yuuya.
Thank you for looking after me for so long.
Come visit us sometime.
I will!
Give this to the current king for me!
He sure was a lively one.
I think he'll grow even
stronger than you and me.
Of course he will.
He has something much greater
to protect than we do.
he's protected by lots of people himself.
Master Cain!
Master Cain!
Master Cain!
Sylvia Sorry I worried you.
Teles and Silk, too.
We had faith that you would come back. So
While we waited, we had Sylvia teach us
to make these cookies.
She said you liked them.
They're so good! Teles! Silk!
You like cookies that much, Cain?
They're good! So good!
Master Cain!
Welcome home!
Welcome home!
Welcome home!
On your heels!
Sit on your heels right there!
I-I thought so
Next time—
"The Trials of an A-Rank Adventurer"
They can't hear what I'm saying
with you two doing this!
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