The Ark (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

The Painful Way

Previously on The Ark
As of this moment, you are no
longer an officer on this ship.
After what they did to me, my only
remaining loyalty lies with you.
- I have Klampkins disease.
- There's no cure.
- Brice!
I knew someone who had Klampkins.
- You gave him a death sentence.
- EVA: It was just sex.
Oh, yeah, just sex.
The archives from Ark 3 might
have the cure for Klampkins.
I don't want to die, but I'm going to.
ALICIA: Our ark and Ark 3
were hit by the same substance.
The chemical came from a
weapon mounted on Ark 15.
How's the Juno Project going?
Can we forget about work
just for a little while?
So as you can see, despite
yesterday's incident,
the FTL's negative energy feedback
regenerated enough fuel
for us to activate it again.
- We get lucky.
- Extremely.
And once we're underway, we'll
be in Proxima B in no time.
- All right, all right. Not so fast.
First we need Eva to give
the drive a once-over.
You want to check my work?
I wanna throw you back
in your cryo pod, mate,
- but apparently that's elder abuse.
- I think it won't hurt
having another pair of
eyes look things over.
If that's the way you want to use
your crew's valuable time, so be it.
Stop, stop! Don't start the
drive. I know where Ark 15 is.
I studied its trajectory as it dropped
out of light speed to attack Ark 3.
That's Ark 15, and that's Ark 3.
And that's Ark 1 when we were attacked.
- Brilliant, Miss Nevins.
- Oh, thank you.
Could you explain it for the
non-navigation wonks among us?
Oh, right.
Um, Ark 15 attacked us,
and then it attacked Ark 3.
Three points in a row
make a straight line
or a course heading. If
you follow it through,
- then
- It goes straight to Proxima B.
Yes. That's where Ark 15 went.
So, if we go to Prox B,
we're running straight towards the ship
that tried to kill us.
Ark 15 already tried to kill us once.
- And they did kill Ark 3.
- And we still have no idea why?
No, and it's unlikely we'll
be as lucky a second time.
Not as long as they have
the Aliciaminium weapon.
I've given up trying to fight it.
I can't believe I'm saying this.
We might have to change course.
The next inhabitable
planet is Ross 128B.
We can't do that. It'll
add years to our journey.
- This ship is in bad shape.
- I don't like it either, but it's the safest
It's unacceptable. We cannot allow it.
Mr. and Mrs. Trust, you are
in this meeting as a courtesy.
- You don't get a vote.
- A vote? So let me get this straight.
You have such little
faith in your leadership
that you put things up for a vote?
It's called democracy, dipshit.
Show them your plan, honey.
Then we can end this nonsense.
What is this?
It looks like a design for a shield.
It uses the FTL's
space distortion bubble.
According to this, it
would maintain the bubble
upon arrival at the
destination to act as a shield.
- It could work.
- Could? We don't know?
We can't risk everyone's lives
on an idea that might work.
I would risk my life on this.
Kinda like how you risked the lives
of the entire North Euro District
when you tried decarbonization?
I did not mean to kill or hurt anyone!
William was trying to save Earth.
No one could have foreseen Klampkins.
Let's cut to the chase, shall we?
If it's a choice between Garnet and him,
I choose Garnet every time.
I don't like the idea of
adding years to the trip,
but I have faith in
Lieutenant Garnet's judgment.
Oh, I see.
It's not a democracy,
it's a popularity contest.
Agreed. You're acting like children.
So we'll have to treat
you like children.
- What is this?
- I've locked the FTL drive.
- You
- This is no longer a debate.
When you're ready to go to
Proxima B, I'll unlock the drive.
Permission to go and
beat the shit out of him?
- Brice.
- We still have time until the FTL completes charging.
Time to do what exactly?
Just give in to his demands?
Maybe we should consider his plan.
We did. And rejected it.
Alicia, I need you to
do something for me.
Most people just throw seeds in
dirt, then douse them with water.
It's how I thought it was done.
Well, different crops get
planted at different depths
and require different
amounts of hydration.
Drink up, my new friends.
Believe it or not, plants
respond when we talk to them.
That's kind of a beautiful thing.
I always thought so.
So, will any of this work on Prox B?
Uh, it'll have different soil,
which means different vegetation.
- But will it be safe for humans?
- Maybe. Maybe not.
That's why we need someone
who knows what they're doing,
so we can make Prox B
support crops we can eat.
So what you're saying is if we
have any hope of surviving
More people need to learn the
intricate science of agriculture.
I was going to say then you're the
most important man on this ship.
So I figured if we can
see each other naked,
then we can probably
have lunch together.
I thought you were mad at me.
I was, but this is me trying
to be the bigger person.
This is you trying to
get me back to your bunk.
Can't both be true?
Look, I am sorry that I stormed out.
I just I really can't
do false hope again, okay?
- Okay.
- And besides, you know,
the last time that we,
enjoyed each other's company,
- that was the last time, right?
- The very last time.
Right, so now we can just
go back to being friends,
and friends eat lunch together.
- Were we friends?
- Well, all right.
Colleagues then.
Wait, we're not friends?
We didn't know each other before launch.
We barely know each other now.
I know a few things
about you, Eva Markovic.
You're not as funny
as you think you are.
I would really like to be friends.
I'd like that, too.
I assume I'm here because you
realize the error you almost made.
- Come see for yourself.
- Everyone makes mistakes.
What's important is
admitting when you're
This is a course for Ross 128B.
I've considered your opinion,
and I won't risk our lives
on an untested shield theory.
So you take refuge on my ark,
but now you don't believe that
I can keep us safe at Proxima B?
It's not your ark. It's our ark.
- Unlock the drive. Now.
- Or what?
You'll get your Scottish thug
torture the codes out of me?
As much as he'd love
that, and he really would,
- that's not how we do things on this ship.
- So why call me here?
To see if you could play
ball with the rest of us.
Now I know you can't. Alicia?
You're bringing a child
into this argument?
- That's not
- I used your backdoor code
for Ark 3 as a starting point.
It seemed like you were
partial to modified octal codes.
And I'm not a child.
Thank you for your assistance
with the Maddox retrofit.
Your services are no
longer needed on the bridge.
TRUST: She used a child to humiliate me.
I don't agree with how she did it,
but I know she wasn't
trying to humiliate you.
You know?
Garnet does what she
thinks is best for the crew,
- even when she's wrong.
- Bloody well right, she's wrong.
How many more people
will die on this ship
if we spend at least
another two years here?
That's blood on her hands.
That's blood on all our hands.
If we have the power to
stop her and we don't do it,
doesn't that make us complicit?
What are you saying?
You're a good person, Will.
You tried do it nice way.
Now it's time to do it the painful way.
This is the right move.
Attention all hands, this is Garnet.
We have evidence to suggest
Ark 15 is at Proxima B.
They tried to destroy us once.
There's no reason to think
they won't try again.
We have no reliable defense
against their weapon.
This forces Lieutenant Brice and me
to make a difficult decision.
We are altering course for Ross 128B.
Unfortunately, this will
add years to our journey.
The risk of continuing to
Proxima is too dangerous,
which makes the decision simple.
We are better safe than dead.
Brace for jump to FTL.
Hey, I trust your instincts.
Eva, activate FTL.
- Is there problem?
- No, Lieutenant.
It's just real now, you know?
We're going to Ross 128,
and I'm never make it.
Why didn't you try to
talk Garnet out of it?
No, come on. Eva, she's right.
And I'm not willing to sacrifice
the crew for my own selfish reasons.
In my professional opinion,
Garnet has lost her mind.
We've been at light
speed for over a week,
and she's just pretending
it's business as usual.
- Garnet doesn't care that no one wants to go to Ross.
- Aren't we past that?
I mean, it was too
dangerous to go to Prox B.
There's danger at every planet.
At least at Prox B we would've had
a shield to protect us from Ark 15.
Wait. We have a shield?
We would've.
Designed by William Trust himself.
What will Garnet do
when we get to Ross 128
and there's more trouble?
We'll just change course again?
The way she's acting? I
wouldn't put it past her.
We may never get off this ship.
- I can't believe this.
- What are we gonna do?
Someone needs to stand up to her.
How long will we survive
on this deathtrap?
- Damn it!
- Everything okay?
It's my WD. I can't get it to work.
Oh, you can just get another one.
This one's from Ark 3.
The tech's more advanced.
- Oh.
- Clearer audio, stronger signal, subspace able.
And it's the last
thing I have from there.
I'm sorry. I didn't
even think about that.
Hey, maybe you could
fix it? You're so smart.
Oh, well, sorry.
I know how to use one
of those, not fix one.
But I bet one of the
engineers could fix it.
Double-checking my work?
Can I help you? I have work to do.
Lane's been updating
me on all the challenges
that you've faced since waking up.
I'm amazed at how you've
held this ark together.
You're the best engineer on the ship.
I'm the only one left.
But now you're the best
engineer on the ship.
My dear, I'm the best
engineer in the galaxy.
I know why you're here.
We're going to Ross, and
you need to accept it.
Do you accept it?
For a junior level engineer,
you've performed miracles by
holding this ship together.
But tell me, how many more
do you think you have in you?
- We're a team. We all
- You're smarter than that.
This is your ship. Think.
Do you honestly believe it
will last years at light speed?
Please eat, dear.
I'm sorry, it's just I never thought
I'd have the chance to
meet you and Mr. Trust,
- let alone eat lunch with you.
- No need to apologize.
I'm flattered that you
hold us in such high esteem.
- Not everyone does, you know.
- Why not?
Mr. Trust is a brilliant man
trying to save the human race.
Some people still blame poor
William for Klampkins syndrome.
He was trying to save Earth.
If the decarbonization had worked,
they'd have called him a hero.
Truer words.
Can I ask you a question? How is Felix?
He asked me not to
talk about him with you.
I'm just worried about him.
I knew his family.
Robert and Katheryn were
such beautiful souls.
- He's having a hard time.
- I thought so.
It explains a lot.
Felix is making emotional decisions.
And emotional decisions are dangerous.
Wouldn't you agree?
Kabir has put in a fourth
request for another set of hands.
We have to reassign someone
before Dr. Kabir has
Lieutenants, rumor is Trust
came up with a shield against Ark 15.
- Is this true?
- He had a theory.
- There's no way to test it.
- But it could work?
We don't know. The only way to
find out is to risk all our lives.
So you just gave up and added
years to the mission? That's crap!
Oi! You watch your tone.
I understand. You're pissed.
Hell, I'm pissed, too.
A lot of people are wondering
if you added years to the trip
because you'll have to give up
command when we're on the planet.
I think it's time you go
back to your station, ensign.
- Most of the crew don't want this.
- Too bad.
My job isn't to give you what you want.
My job is to give you what you need.
Then maybe you should lose your job.
Security, report to corridor 31B.
We have a couple of gentlemen
cooling off waiting for you.
If we don't get the crew on our side,
we're not gonna last another two years.
KABIR: There's no sign of a concussion.
You're very lucky.
That's me, luckiest woman on Ark 1.
Well, I mean, Cat's rich and famous,
and wasn't experimented on as a child,
but you're a close second.
Sorry, but we ran out of wound glue,
so I'll have to sew you
up the old fashioned way.
But don't worry, I numbed it.
- Um, maybe I should do this.
- Just give me a moment.
- I can
- It's fine, okay?
You're going through a lot.
Thank you.
How's recovery going?
As you can see, not fast enough.
Whatever you need, I'm here for you.
- I appreciate that. Cat's been helping.
- Hmm.
She's holding onto the key to the meds.
It helps with the temptation.
But I still have a long way to go.
Hey. I heard about Garnet.
I just wanted to check in.
- So now you care?
- That's not what I meant.
I was hoping the attack might've
made you reconsider Proxima B.
- Mr. Trust still thinks
- I don't give two shits what that man thinks.
- Yeah, but the crew
- Don't get a vote, just like Trust.
Is this about your belief in
Garnet or your hatred for Trust?
- Both.
- You do know he's the reason you're alive, right?
You'd be dead back on Earth
if it wasn't for Mr. Trust.
You should be thanking
him for saving your life.
Yeah, well, I'll tell that to
all the people dying of Klampkins.
That was an accident. It doesn't
discount all the good he's done.
Oh, yes, it does.
And to be perfectly honest, mate,
I really don't understand
your blind faith in him.
I owe everything to Trust.
I couldn't have afforded the academy
without a Trust Industries scholarship.
He's the reason I'm in the GSA.
Yeah, well, he's also the
reason you're now a civilian.
- Helena Trust asked about you again.
- I'm sure she did.
Thank you for continuing
to look after them.
She says you're making
emotional decisions.
Yes, I'm well known for my histrionics.
I know your relationship's complicated,
but as a council member,
you need to see past that.
You're referring to the
decision to go to Ross 128B?
Mr. Trust had a plan for Ark 15.
The decision was made
and we're underway.
Now we need to present a united front.
The first couple of weeks
will be tough, and
- Is it hot in here?
- Have more water.
It's so hot.
Where did everyone
- Jelena.
- I'm really sorry, boss,
but you're making emotional decisions.
You would've gotten in his way
and maybe even gotten hurt yourself.
This way is better.
Well, if that was the actual last time
then at least we, you know
[WHISTLES] topped ourselves.
Okay, that really was
the last time we do this.
Right, I'm just thank you.
I'm just saying, you know,
if you were to ever change your mind,
then you know exactly where to find me.
After today, you'll never
want to speak to me again.
- Why wouldn't I talk to you?
- Because Trust is right.
Ark 1 will never make it to Ross 128.
- You'll never make it.
- Eva, what the hell are you talking about?
Trust is a monster. He's
Eva, what the hell did you do?
- You're just going to sleep.
- What did you do?
It was the only way to protect you.
CAT: How's the head?
It hurts. On a lot of levels.
You feel like the crew
doesn't have your back?
I know I made the right decision,
but I also know a lot
people hate me now, so
May I offer a different view?
Maybe this is so tough
because you're wrong.
No, um, the safety of the crew is
I don't feel, um
I need to go see Dr. Kabir.
I might have a concussion.
Oh, no, no, no. Sit down, sit down.
I have some water. I'll call Kabir.
No, I should walk
so I don't pass out.
You didn't use enough.
You should've taken into
account my enhancements.
I did anticipate them.
I'm really sorry.
Um, I don't think that
they're supposed to be here.
Take your station, Alicia.
Do it.
Initiating FTL recharge.
Attention, Ark 1,
this is Lieutenant Lane to all hands.
Due to an unfortunate lack in judgment,
Lieutenant Brice, Garnet, and Strickland
have all been relieved of duty.
- What? You can't
- Shh, shh, shh, Don't worry, Alicia.
- Everything's gonna be fine.
- It is my reluctant obligation
to take command of Ark 1,
and my first order is that we
resume our mission to Proxima B.
Now, thanks to Mr. Trust's genius,
we have a plan to shield ourselves.
Once the FTL is charged,
we'll be underway.
Lane out.
If anyone has a problem,
you can be reassigned.
Otherwise, back to your stations.
You made the right
choice, Lieutenant Lane.
Thank you, Mr. Stein.
I believe that that chair is yours.
No, I'm just a lieutenant.
- You are the captain.
- Except I'm not.
I'm just doing what has to be
done to keep this crew safe.
Men and their pride.
- It's just a chair.
- No one's sat in that chair since Captain Lester died.
Then no one will mind if I take it.
Oh. Oh, man, I feel
like I went on a bender.
The headache wears off in a minute.
But the rage and sense
of betrayal will stay.
No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.
I was with I was with Eva and then
- Trust.
- And Lane.
- He's taken command.
- Soon we'll change course to Prox B.
- Shit! No!
- Easy, Brice!
We're all angry, but we've
gotta stay level-headed.
Now everyone's gonna die on
this ship. It's not just me.
- It won't just be me.
- You're not making any sense.
The sedatives are probably
still in your system.
I've got Klampkins!
I'm going to die because of him.
And now everyone else is, too.
- I'm so sorry about
- It's okay. It's okay.
- It's okay.
- That man has hurt us all.
Tell you what, when we get out of this,
you get to be the one to
lay Trust out on his ass.
Well, you just gave me a reason to live.
Amazing. How did you get all this?
You know me. I make friends everywhere.
This is like old times,
but with less champagne.
I really wanted to thank
you for all your help.
When William assigned
you Garnet, I was worried.
Oh, Sharon would never hurt
me. It's not in her nature.
You know they're good
people, right? Just misguided.
Hmm. Of course.
Once we're safe on
Proxima, they'll understand.
They'll thank us for taking
them to the promised land.
Time for a session.
- A session?
- A work session
to catch up on the status
of the Juno Project.
- Now?
- Yes, when we arrive,
I have no doubt that the
crew will start celebrating.
With the loss of half the
crew, it's been a challenge
to find everyone's perfect genetic mate.
All this hard work and secrecy
for glorified matchmaking?
We have a very limited gene pool.
We can't just have people
pairing up with whoever they want.
It's the only way to
maintain genetic diversity.
You know, to avoid
unnecessary birth defects.
- Stuff like that.
- Exactly.
Hey, Cat, who's your match?
- I can't wait to meet him.
- He died with the command crew.
- I have to find someone new.
- Aww.
You do that. You find someone new.
Hey, I wanted to talk to you earlier,
but you seemed really busy.
Yeah, there's always some fire
to put out. What did you need?
I was wondering, do you think
you could help me fix this?
Ark 3 tech? Fancy.
Power supply broke loose.
Aren't you an engineering trainee?
This is first-year stuff.
What can I say? I play a lot of hooky.
It says it's booting up
to Ark 15's comm systems.
KELLY: I really wish
you hadn't seen that.
Kelly to Angus. I got my WD fixed.
Where are you?
TRUST: Helena?
Oh, no. Just me this time.
- No.
- What do you mean, no?
Uh, I mean, it was too close before.
She suspected. I told her
she was being ridiculous.
- Then we're all clear.
- No.
We have to stop. We'll get caught.
This is a mistake.
There was a time when
Helena was the mistake.
You almost left her.
I wasn't in my right mind.
Decarbonization, Klampkins
I pushed her away.
- I was being self-destructive.
- No, no, don't
don't reduce me to another
bad choice, like your flings.
I'm not. You know I care for you.
It's just with Ark 1 and Proxima,
it's a second chance for Helena and me.
It could be a second chance for us.
Helena has just always
been there for me,
even after my indiscretions.
Well, I wonder if Helena
would forgive you for this one.
- Are you threatening me?
- You're the genius. What do you think?
I think that you do not want to ruin
your lovely friendship with my wife.
I think you know how dangerous she
can be when she turns on someone.
- What are you doing?
- There's been a coup.
- So, you're
- Cutting off the food supply.
Then they'll have to listen.
I'm serious! We're going to
take the ship back for Sharon.
It's so cute that you want
to stage a one man revolution.
Well, we have to do something.
We need to have faith in Trust.
We need faith in the
leader who's consistently
saved our lives over
the last couple months.
What? What? [PANTING]
- You trust me, don't you?
- Yeah, of course.
I believe in Trust.
- He built the ark.
- Yeah.
Just give him a chance.
For me.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe I should see how this plays
out before doing anything rash.
Because I'm really looking forward
to being with you on Prox B.
- I'm here! I'm here!
- Thank you.
Ensign Selander sliced open
his hand and needs a painkiller.
- We'll give it a few minutes to take effect,
then I'll set the arm.
Thank you for coming so quickly.
Oh, don't give it a second thought.
It's my exercise for the day.
I hate to keep you on call like this,
but it really does help.
We're missing sedatives.
You have the only key to this cabinet.
I'm sorry.
I I'm sorry.
I never considered this
might be a temptation for you.
No, it's not that.
I I didn't
I gave the sedatives to Trust.
That's how he relieved
the command crew of duty.
- I picked the wrong side.
- Uh, damn right, you did.
- What
- I really thought he'd pick me.
Okay, I don't wanna
know what that means.
Right now, we have to
find a way to help Garnet.
It's too late for that.
Eva, once people know
what Trust did, I mean
Trust isn't the problem. It's Helena.
She pulls the strings.
Once they have power, she'll
do anything to keep it.
This never would've
happened to Captain Lester.
second-guess yourself.
Going to Ross 128 was the right call.
- But I handled it the wrong way.
- Mm.
I gave a difficult order and
expected everybody to blindly follow.
Isn't that how it's supposed to work?
I mean, you said it yourself.
Your job is to give them what they need.
What they need is to feel safe.
All right, once you're back in charge,
we'll have a big shipwide
kumbaya drum circle, okay?
FTL recharge complete.
Initiate FTL. Take us
to our new home, Eva.
- What the hell?
- Problem?
- I'm locked out of the FTL.
- Let me see.
Is this some trick? Some petty
attempt to use my tactics against me?
Why would I do that? I agree
with going to Proxima B.
Then who did this?
I had nothing to do with it.
HELENA: You know what
you have to do, dear.
Everyone on this ship
is counting on you.
You're right. You're always right.
Look, I could hack this eventually,
but we've already wasted too much time.
Whoever did this needs
to unlock the controls
or Garnet, Brice, and
Strickland will die.
I'm purging the holding cell's air.
VOICE: Warning. Oxygen venting.
- Let us out now!
- Help!
- GARNET: We're losing oxygen!
GRIFF: Griff to bridge. We're
losing air in the holding cell
and I'm locked out.
Yes, life support seals the
air when it's decompressing.
We have people in there.
Leave it. It's under control.
The hell with that. I
didn't sign up for murder.
- The helmets?
- They only work with the suits.
GARNET: They have to register a seal.
Don't let the prisoners'
deaths be on your hands.
Mr. Trust, you're better than
this. You've made your point.
- Turn the air back on and
- You will sit in that chair and do as you're told.
How much time do we have
left until they suffocate?
Probably less than a minute.
Stop! It's done.
Put the air back.
Thank you, Miss Nevins.
You really thought that I
would kill innocent people?
Who do you think I am?
I thought you were William Trust,
the genius who tried
to save the human race.
But you're just a power hungry monster.
- What happened to you?
- William.
This girl is gonna be a problem.
I think she's learned her lesson.
No, dear. We need to
make an example of her.
- GRIFF: Are you okay?
- What happened?
The bridge vented your
oxygen. It was Trust.
- Why didn't you free us?
- I tried.
But I was locked out
until he reversed it.
Now that you know what
kind of man Trust is,
are you gonna lock us back in here?
Miss Nevins, please tell my wife
that you are smart
enough to fall into line.
Or what? You threaten
to murder more people?
I think we're well past threats.
You'll hack your way out of any cell
- we put you in, won't you?
- Damn straight, I will.
Well, then you've made
the decision for us.
If we can't lock you up, we
have to send you out the airlock.
- The hell you will.
- So be it. Take them both.
This has gone too far!
You can shut up or you can join them.
It's time to stand down, Mr. Trust.
Oh, sorry!
- Damn.
- What?
I wish he'd put up more of a fight.
I wanted to get a few more punches in.
Sharon oof!
That's a bit harsh, don't you think?
He led a mutiny, so, no, I don't think.
I'm so disappointed in you, Felix.
- Brice.
- No.
Please, listen to me.
I don't want to hear
anything that you have to say.
I just want it on record that
Eva risked her life for me.
Well, at least she did one thing right.
What she should have done is
what I understand you did, Alicia.
Lock them out of the system.
ALICIA: Yeah, well, that
almost got you killed.
I'm so sorry about that.
It was the right thing
to do. You may go.
The only reason you two
aren't locked up right now
is because you did the
right thing in the end.
But that doesn't change the
fact that you helped with a coup.
- Sharon
- You will speak when your commander
tells you to speak.
I understand the crew
were just following orders,
but that's because you
two enabled Trust and Lane.
We're still deciding whether
or not to lock you up with them.
So you both better choose
your next words very carefully.
Now you may speak.
Ark 1 will never make it to Ross.
GARNET: Report!
Proximity alert. There's
a ship is approaching.
- From where?
- I don't know.
ALICIA: That's Ark 15!
Trust's shield, can we fire it up?
- Damn.
- It looks like Mr. Trust
didn't calculate for the
lack of quantum tunneling
- to keep the negative energy going.
- Translation?
- Trust's shield doesn't work!
- You see, Sharon?
- You were right.
- Kinda wish I wasn't.
We're in the middle of space.
How did Ark 15 find us?
Someone would like
to see you, Mr. Trust.
Ark 15, I have him.
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