The Assassins (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

Alamut Castle

"No animals were harmed
during filming of this work."
From here, we will rule the world
Then begins the great promise
the promise of victory.
Hassan Al-Sabbah was sentenced to
beheading to be made an example
but he escaped from jail after
his jailer became a devoted follower
at the same time, his followers
and disciples continued to grow
Hassan is a strong man
Prepare yourselves to
be rewarded with heaven
because I herald you.
his words are magical
I am the owner of the key to heaven!
Praise the Lord.
he always knew how to identify
human deficiencies and to fulfill them
You have a sick child.
that way he was able
to gain more and more followers
on Hassan's way to his dawah
Zaid found a plant
he knew from a long time
It's magic plant
It's the plant of the other world
A plant that washes away
any pain or sadness
because of Hassan Al-Sabbah's escape
the Grand Vizier, Nizam Al-Mulk, suffered
many losses before Sultan Malik-Shah
It's hard for me to accept
three mistakes in a row.
and before himself as a minister
of the greatest country on earth
Nizam Al-Mulk was waiting
for the first chance
to eradicate Hassan Al-Sabbah
and his new dawah
as if all obstacles turn into
a paved path in Hassan's dawah
What I understand from your words, lord
is that you want money for charity?
I want you to spend from which you love.
The castle.
The path of dawah which
its beginning was real
was Hassan Al-Sabbah's entry and
capture of the Alamut Castle
and the beginning of formation of an army
of followers, chosen, and fedayeen
Here is the new Dominion.
Who were later named by the public
The Assassins.
"Episode Nine"
"Alamut Castle"
I missed you.
Blessed, our beautiful child.
She was born in difficult circumstances
but she was good omen.
Isn't it time for you to
be a man and a fighter?
What am I supposed to do?
You're not the one to act.
-Yes, our Lord.
Hussein ibn Al-Sabbah
the eldest son, beloved one
and the apple of his eye
I want him to be a fierce knight
A terrifying knight that all knights fear.
I'll be responsible for his training.
Not you.
Hussein is going to another castle of ours
to someone who can unleash the
beast within his headstrong mind
Our master
-Why keep him away?
-He's no longer a child.
It's time he becomes self-dependent.
If it wasn't for hunting and your
company, I would have killed Nizam Al-Mulk
He's a great minister.
He's the wisdom of the state.
I am tired of his wisdom.
His favors upon me are plentiful.
there's a look in his eyes
between gratitude and obedience
and something else.
As if he wants to say that I wouldn't
have been Sultan without him.
My lord's concern lies
in the state's interest.
as long as he serves the state,
his presence is better than absence.
My lord.
A deer.
Close your eyes,
hunt it down, and win a maid.
Was it your arrow or mine that hit it?
Definitely yours, my Lord.
My arrow is far weaker.
Oh God.
-How beautiful is hypocrisy of loved ones.
-No, I swear, it's your arrow.
Maybe my prey hasn't come yet.
Barry is yours.
Long live, Long live my lord, the Sultan!
Long live my lord, the Sultan.
Long live!
My lord.
Slave dealer is here with his
maids, he brought them for Prince Mahdy.
-Shall we dismiss him?
We should consult
our lord first. Let him wait.
Abolish the castle's main entrance
make it without an entrance.
Without an entrance?
Without a visible entrance.
A hidden entrance, known only to us.
Construct seven fake entrances
-behind it the castle's walls.
About the strange forest
in the back of the castle
I want it to be pruned beautifully.
I want it to be breathtaking.
I want it to be unprecedented to the eyes
A hidden entrance
and breathtaking pruned forest?
The beauty, Amide.
It's as if something
is on our master's mind.
There is maids with
a slave dealer for Prince Mahdy.
Zaid ibn Suhon wouldn't be this
happy unless this is the reason.
-Would you like to see them?
Take them from him and treat
them well until their time comes.
I want a woman whose
job is to create beauty.
Can beauty be created?
Anything can be created.
I want a private room to be a laboratory.
Where to put the magical,
wondrous plant you brought
All of the plant or should
I keep some for myself?
All of it.
You don't need it here.
No one has visited or spoken to us.
That's what scares me the most.
Are you always scared?
Food is coming in and out normally
all our requests are being answered
we must be heading for trouble.
I imagine what the prince
who bought us looks like.
A very handsome young man
or old man?
also very kind.
What do you think?
Naz, do you find it easy to surrender
to anyone you don't know as a maid?
I don't have a choice.
Of course, you have the right to choose
or are you created to be a maid?
What are you created for?
A wife? What's the difference?
On the contrary
being a rich prince's maid
is much better than
being a poor man's wife.
I'd rather be the wife of a poor man
that I love than being the Sultan's maid.
Keep on dreaming then
let me fantasize about
the Prince we never saw.
It's a good news
The first child in the castle.
What about Hussein away from me?
-Good news?
-Of course.
Hussein will return to you a strong man.
A knight fiercer than his father.
Why are you like this, Hassan?
Why to separate us and
keep him away from you?
Because he is stubborn.
He doesn't appreciate the
blessing of being my son.
So you revenge on him?
On the contrary
-I love him.
-Is this love?
Love is making which of you, like you.
-By being distant?
-By any mean.
In this world, we try
all means to reach our goals
or else we end up living
and dying without leaving a trace.
This is the first time I've
been scared of you like this.
Fear is a sign of love.
-Love and fear can't coexist.
-They can.
Do you believe everyone
around me loves me?
I don't want them to love me
but they're afraid of me.
-Thus, their loyalty is guaranteed
-That's not with family
With everyone.
Wives and children are source of sedition.
It's enough for you that you are
the only one I love and am not afraid of.
If Nizam Al-Mulk is thirsty
we send him water.
-Did you study your lessons?
-How much time do you spend meditating?
-From dawn till forenoon.
What is your purpose in life, Darbas?
To spread the word of truth by any mean
even if it costs my life.
Darbas, our lord did not
choose you to be the chosen
today or a few days ago.
Our lord chose you a long time ago
since you were in the world of Zar
Look at the preserved tablet
in the hands of our lord, the Imam
he pointed to your name and said with
his noble tongue, Darbas is the chosen
whenever I enter upon him
I find his eyes drowned in tears
and his hands raised to the sky
he prays, God, have mercy on your
servant Darbas, accept him and elevate him
He prays for you more
than his own children
That's something strange.
He is the secret of the universe
and the owner of the key to heaven
-I wish to see him.
-It's hard, Darbas, very hard.
We ourselves see him with a permission
-but he informed us about message for you.
Know that you are
a person of stature and place.
the more you belittle your life
the higher and precious
your status will be.
The dream of heaven!
An Esoteric has infiltrated here, my Lord
in the disguise of a water carrier
and killed your personal guard.
From Hassan Al-Sabbah, the
cutter of the path of falsehood
to Al-Tusi, Nizam
Al-Mulk, the traitor of pacts
there's nothing between me and your soul
but the door of your diwan
beware of me!
Take the Esoteric's corpse and
roam around all the streets of Isfahan
burn it in front of the public
to make an example
so everyone will know that this
is the punishment of any Esoteric
who violates the prestige of the state.
As you wish, my lord.
Alinar, a beautiful name
means reasonableness of the mind, right?
It's my name
and my characteristic, my Lord.
You must know, Alinar
that our lord's demands are not simple.
A man's demand is as great as they are.
Our lord wants to create mermaids
just ordinary beautiful girls
transform them into mermaids
in appearance and speech
and in gentleness,
imagination, and everything else.
Our lord's orders are
carried out immediately.
My job and enjoyment in life
is to turn fantasy into reality.
whoever can't accomplish the impossible
must bear the consequences.
Here is the house of secrets
once a secret is revealed
beautiful Alinar
must be ready for the hereafter
reckoning and the torments of hellfire.
Who creates heaven's mermaids
can't possibly be destined for hell.
Our lord awaits the impossible, Alinar.
My lord.
How does our lord know me?
There's no palace from Syria to Morocco
doesn't know Alinar.
More girls.
More sorrow.
Let's have some fun.
Who are you, sweethearts?
-I'm Jouriya.
-I'm Taghreed.
-What about you?
-I'm Maysoun.
I'm Alinar.
Here, my obedience is everything
Are you the maids' leader here?
What's your name, tell me?
I'm Alinar.
As long as you are here,
my obedience is everything
even with obedience and patience
with Alinar, only death awaits you.
You will be thrown from atop of the castle
Where is the sweet smile?
Your friend has captured
Alamut Castle, Nizam Al-Mulk.
Allow me to command
the fewest soldiers possible
I'll level him
and his castle to the ground.
You couldn't handle him when he
was a prisoner in your jail
can you handle him now when he owns a
castle thousands of miles away from you?
If I fail
you'll find my severed
head delivered to you
as atonement for my sin.
I shouldn't have trusted
you in the first place.
My lord…
Hassan Al-Sabbah is one of those men
whose dangerousness is hard to ignore
I'm waging wars and
striving on several fronts.
I don't want him to be
a dagger in the state's back
Unfortunately, his castle is dangerously
located between us and our enemies
Do you see what you've caused!
I don't want to get myself
involved in a war with him.
I want to give him time and a chance.
Either he will retreat, and I make
him as a knight serving the state
or I gain time.
then I can devote myself to
defeating him and his dawah forever.
My lord, but this is not…
Write behind me
from the Sultan of the Muslims, Malik-Shah
to the rouge
Hassan Al-Sabbah
you, Hassan ibn Al-Sabbah
have introduced a new religion
in which you deceive people
and lure them into rebellion
against the guardian of era
you have gathered a group
of ignorant mountain folk
and speak to them
according to their command
so they go and assassinate the innocents
wouldn't you abandon
the way of misguidance?
and leave temptation,
and rejoin the banner of Islam.
I swear
that my armies depend either
on your arrival or your response
have mercy on yourself
and the souls of your followers
don't lead yourself
and them to destruction.
don't be deceived by your castle
even if your castle was a tower
among the towers of the sky
we would demolish its pillars
by the help of God, glory be to him.
This is a clear threat.
Malik-Shah's armies are
among the strongest on earth.
Nizam Al-Mulk's malice has no bounds.
Where is your faith?
Your faith is the strongest army on earth.
The response of
our lord needs consideration.
The whole message is a trap.
Of course.
Write, ibn Suhon.
When I received the Sultan's letter,
I read it fondly and with respect
I raised my head proudly
I hope the Sultan
would listen to what I say
and don’t consult my enemies about it.
especially Nizam Al-Mulk
who mixes truth with
falsehood, and vice verse
My lord, the Sultan
I write to you my condition
regarding what you said
about introducing a new religion
I seek refuge in Gods from that
so I bear witness that
there is no God but Allah
and that Muhammad is his Messenger
as for insulting the
descendants of Al-Abbas
I insult them and express
my contempt for them
because their inception and their end
were built on deception,
trickery, immorality, and vice
starting with their man and leader
Abu Muslim al-Khurasani
whom they have betrayed and shed his blood
and regarding your saying that I deceive
the ignorant and drive them to kill people
stop your employees
from oppression, corruption
killing women, and plundering men
and I'll stop my men from rescuing
the distressed and repelling injustice
and you've got Nizam Al-Mulk
who plunders the treasuries
of the Islamic nation
and grants it to his family and relatives.
at this times, the oppressed
have nowhere to resort to except
Hassan Al-Sabbah
so prevent the oppression
and Hassan Al-Sabbah will abstain
as for your threat of mobilizing
an army to destroy the castle
God forbid
I am not in a castle to
protect myself from you
but it is a haven and solitude
I use it to ward off the evil of enemies
if it wasn't for
your oppressive minister
who wants to oppress me and shed my blood
I would have come to you
and an adviser and consultant
as for your saying about my
residence being the tower of the sky
you would have demolished it
I would say I live
in this residence by a promise
from the guardian of time and its Imam
the castle will remain firm in
our hands until God's decree befalls it
My lord
get rid of the evil of the oppressors
and rescue God's servants from them
a time will come when
a just ruler will appear
who will liberate Muslims from injustice
and peace be upon those
who follow the guidance.
Hassan ibn Al-Sabbah
Cunning devil!
He unveils something
different from what he conceals
So, they're Muslims and
we're the disbelievers, my lord
we are the oppressors
and they're the righteous.
But he still obeys us.
He won't deviate from obedience soon
that's what I need from him.
I didn't think that you
took over the castle
so you could live like
princes and have maids
I believed that you were trying
to achieve your great dreams
not your desires, Hassan.
I still need twenty like them.
It's as if I'm talking
to the Abbasid Caliph
It's as if you don't know me.
Hassan Al-Sabah's love
for his dream and goal
is greater than his love for women
greater than his love for anything
even my love for you, Donia
isn't like my love for it.
What are these maids for, then?
So that Al-Sabbah would be in a good mood?
They aren't for me, Donia Zad.
I have no purpose in them at all
these are for something
you'll find out over time.
I've become a mother of three
and Hassan renounced Donia Zad
Hassan renounces everything
except his lover.
Then tell me, what's your purpose?
When it's completed.
How's the lover doing?
I'm lazy, yawning and I want to sleep.
Oh, you silly, you indulged in love.
It was the love that indulged me.
-Imitate Nizam Al-Mulk.
-As you command, my Lord.
Hurry up!
If my Lord is late, I won't
be able to imitate Nizam Al-Mulk
He takes his time, you know.
-Shall I continue?
My lord, the matter
requires thoughtful planning
requires thinking
and thinking requires a minister
which is me.
-Shall I continue, my lord?
Go sleep.
God granted victory to my Lord,
the Sultan in the war against Georgia.
Who is the Sultan, Zaid?
nothing in the world is more
abundant than the Sultans.
Like who?
sleeping is a Sultan
love is a Sultan
power and money are a Sultan
Malik-Shah is a Sultan.
Who has Sultan over everything?
Our Lord knows best.
Faith which makes all
things you mentioned Sultans
a deep faith
that allows you to move everything.
Many people used to
have strong, deep faith
were defeated and died under the
hooves of people with lesser faith.
That's true
but that's what oppressors
write in their books
but the oppressed on his cross is
stronger than the one who crucified him
lives in people's hearts as a hero
the defeated, if they are
right, will win over time
even if it takes a thousand years
do you know why?
because the believer
in something has an idea
the idea can live longer than its owner
As if the owner of the idea is immortal
immortal does not die, Zaid.
Immortality is something that
preoccupies the minds of the insane
and the great and the heroes.
Well, the great and the
heroes are also insane, Zaid.
A free madman is
better than a sensible follower.
There are ordinary people
they are the majority
but there are people who are different
people whom God allowed
to defy the impossible
people who can manipulate
others' spirits as they wish.
Like our lord.
The Sultan.
It is time to send
the new message to the Sultan.
Praise be to God for the victory my Lord.
The war on Georgia was
difficult and exhausting.
Victory is always the ally of my Lord.
It is by God's grace.
My Lord is concerned
victorious and concerned?
The Abbasid Caliph is treating
my daughter in an unacceptable manner
A treatment that involves
hitting, insulting and bad manners
These are household secrets
between a husband and wife, my Lord.
The Sultan's daughter
should never be insulted!
Allow me to meet the Caliph
to understand and advise him.
The time for advice has passed
My daughter will be here
in the palace as soon as possible
then I will go to him in Baghdad.
Do not tear down the wall
between us and the Caliphate, my Lord.
You seem to have forgotten, minister
The preservation of the Caliphate
depended on our blood and our arms
responding to it with insult can
only be rectified with punishment
-My Lord…
-I am not consulting you
I have made my decision!
My Lord's army is scattered
between Aleppo and Georgia
Hassan Al-Sabbah is lying
in wait for you in his castle…
Hassan Al-Sabbah! Hassan Al-Sabbah!
Do you want me to
postpone my personal revenge
because you're fixated on Hassan Al-Sabbah
Hassan Al-Sabbah is not a threat
Hassan Al-Sabbah isn't a threat to
Nizam Al-Mulk alone, my Lord
Hassan Al-Sabbah is a threat
to the entire Sultanate
In an instant, he could ally
with the Byzantines against you.
I do not want to hear Hassan
Al-Sabbah's name again!
The public found him
thrown in the streets.
From Hassan Al-Sabbah
to Sultan Malik-Shah
we killed the King's
jester and his companion
to let him know
that the time for laughter has passed
and the time for seriousness has arrived.
If you lift the oppression
and keep Nizam Al-Mulk's evil
away from people
our pledge shall continue
The danger of Hassan Al-Sabbah
is closer than my lord thinks.
Prepare a campaign to
bring Hassan Al-Sabbah
and his followers to the Sultan's court!
As you command, my lord.
-God is Greatest!
-God is Greatest!
-God is Greatest!
-God is Greatest!
-God is Greatest!
-God is Greatest!
-God is Greatest!
-God is Greatest!
I stand among you today
to remind you that you
are the Sword of Islam
to remind you that you are
the strongest armies on earth
You are the army of our lord, the Sultan
and his strong arm
you are going out to fight falsehood
and heresies
you are the army of Islam
in the face of a false sect
we called them the Esoteric
because they show
the opposite of what they conceal
they show Islam
and they conceal a corrupt faith
made up
they are led by a devil
who controls their minds with illusions
he deludes them
that he's the owner of the key to heaven
he deludes them that he is a prophet
or demigod
maybe more
Come on, Soldiers of God!
March, upon the blessing of God!
Our master! Our master!
Our master!
Malik-Shah's army is one
night away from the castle!
Be reassured!
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