The Bad Kids (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Tai Feng

Yan Liang
Shall we walk Chaoyang back
Okay Let's walk him home
Let go of me
Beat it
Let go of my brother
Get lost
-Run Pupu -Yan Liang
Run Pupu
Chaoyang Run with Pupu
-Now -Yan Liang
Let's go Pupu Go
Yan Liang
Pupu Let's go
You're playing with fire
Stay back
Stab here
Do you know how to stab a guy
This is none of your business
Drop the bottle
Drop the bottle
What's wrong with you Back off
Run Now
Are you okay Chen
Are you okay
It's fine I'll live
Someone's stabbed
Let go
Let him go
Let go of him
Let go of him
Get in the car
Or we'll lose sight of them
Who's that guy
Why does he want Zhu Chaoyang
I don't know neither
I've never seen him before
I can pull over anytime
so if you want me to help
answer my questions honestly
Don't pull over please
Then you'd better tell me the truth
Why are you going to Ha City
Why do you need so much money
Chen hang in there
The ambulance is coming
You brat
Always getting into trouble
I told you to stay out of it
Why do you have to be the hero
I'm your guardian now
You tell me should I stay out of it
Chen Chen Are you alright
Let me out
If you want me to save him
promise me to stay in the car and wait
What do you want me to say
I'm not lying
I don't know what happened to her
I'll get your dad here too
To keep you company
I'm begging you
Don't tell my dad
I was on the 5th floor
Then what
You killed her didn't you
I didn't
She fell off herself
Tell your dad
what you've said to me
Hello Who's this
Zhu Yongping
Wang Li
Your son has something to tell you
Wang Li
What are you doing
Don't touch him
Dad I'm at the fish factory Help
Fine Forget it
No No
Are you his relative
Yes he's my guardian
Okay Wait here please
Mr Zhang
Mr Zhang
Help me
Mr Zhang
Mr Zhang
He's got a helper
This is a misunderstanding
I'm his teacher actually
You helped to kill Jingjing didn't you
Listen to me
I don't know what happened between you
On your feet
On your feet
Listen to me
He took my money
On your knees
He did take my money
It's in the car
Let me go
I'll leave it
I didn't see anything
Let you go?
You didn't see
You didn't see
You didn't see
He hung up
Keep dialing
Why isn't he answering
Hold on Calm down
Wang Yao
I put up with what you did earlier
Now it's your younger brother
What do you guys want
Why do you do this to Chaoyang
Let him pick up the phone Now
Is he answering the phone
Let me talk to him
He hung up again
I didn't know he'd do this
I don't care if you know about it
Wang Yao
If anything bad happens to my baby son
If anything happens to him
I'll send your brother to hell
I'll kill him
Do you hear me
Call him now
Answer the phone
Give it to me
Answer the phone
Don't be like this please
Answer the phone
Are you okay
I'm here for you
Find your brother now
This isn't over
Fine Be careful
Get lost
Watch your steps
Where's Chaoyang
He's fine
Don't worry
Thank you
Is your face alright
I'm fine
Open the door
Go inside Chaoyang
It'll be alright
Go find Wang Li now
and then call me
Don't worry
Mr Chen is okay
Calm down
How is Chen doing?
Captain Ye
Abdominal trauma
It almost got to his spleen
Thank God he was here in time
He's out of critical condition now
Who sent him here
I heard it was a young boy
but he was gone before I came here
Alright Look after Chen
-We'll go to the scene -Okay
Call us when he wakes up
I will
Zhu Yongping answer my questions
What exactly happened today
What did you do to my son
Chaoyang is asleep now
I'll tell you when he wakes up
You and your wife Wang Yao
have once and again abused my son
Let me tell you
If anything happens to my son this time
I promise I won't go easy on you
I will get to the bottom of this
It's a misunderstanding
Chaoyang is my son too
How could I abuse him
Don't be mad now
The doctor told me it's nothing serious
Nothing serious
So what do you think is serious
A broken arm or leg?
Fine Leave
Don't interrupt my son's sleep
They went too far
The storm has hit
the docks in Shanbanzhou on Longxue Street
At around 12:00
the strongest wind of force 17 was recorded
with a speed of 61.3m/s
It rains moderately or heavily in Ningzhou
and storms at some areas
Currently all buses across Ningzhou
have been suspended
10 operating ferries have been shut down
The docks and stations are all closed
He mustn't have left
Check all the hotels and bathing centers again
Captain Ye
Zhu Chaoyang's mother's here
She's looking for you
Captain Ye could you do me a favor
Ms Zhou Take your time
Let's talk in my office
Why did you come here
Thank God Zhou Chunhong has left
If she sees you now
you're gonna have a big fight
Go back
Is Chaoyang awake
Can you please ask him
Ask him what
To not report Wang Li
If Chaoyang says yes
I can apologize to him
Or do whatever he want
You don't need to apologize It's not your fault
It's your brother
I'm begging you
Chaoyang is still asleep
Go back now
Chaoyang you're awake
How are you feeling
Not bad
Do you want a glass of water
When I was a child
every time I fell ill
your grandpa would ask me to drink water
Now it's your turn
Sit up
Wang Li went to far
Don't worry I'm here
Don't worry
When I have the chance
I'll catch him
and tie him to a tree
Then we'll beat him up
with all kinds of punches
that I've tought you alright?
When you were asleep
Wang Yao came here
She wanted to apologize to you
She's always like this
A kid who never grows up
We don't need her apology
It has nothing to do with her
It's her jerk brother's fault am I right
Wang Yao said
when you're discharged
she'll bring Wang Li to you
He'll kneel down and kowtow
He'll apologize to us
We tell the police about it
he'll at least be sentenced to 3-5 years
What are you trying to tell me
Wang Yao
has only one brother
Now she knows she's wrong
I'm asking you for a favor
Could you
please not tell the police
didn't you tell me
to always be an honest child?
Hello You are?
You must be Chaoyang's dad
I'm his teacher from the Math Olympiad class
I'm Zhang
Nice to meet you Mr Zhang
I'm Zhu Yongping
Have a seat
How do you feel
I heard you mom say that you fell ill
Mr Zhang
What are you here for today
The thing is
We need to decide who will go to Guangzhou
for the Math Olympiad Contest
at the end of August
-It's a rare opportunity -You're right
Chaoyang is my favorite student
Would you like to go
Chaoyang this is a good opportunity
do you want challenge yourself
Dad I'm a little hungry
I'll get you wonton now
Mr Zhang
Sorry You just came in
I'll have to go
Next time I'll buy you dinner
Hurry and learn from your teacher
I didn't tell anyone
about what happened last night
I know
If you told anyone
I couldn't have come here
You don't have to thank me
You weren't the only reason
why I went to the cold storage
Why are you here
I need the key
To the cold storage
The corpse is still in it
Someone can find it at anytime
If they find me
you'll be exposed too
they'll find out
about your two friends too
In order to ask me to save you
Pupu told me what happened to you guys
I can relate to you especially
Actually we are the same
We all want to go back to our old lives
We don't want to lose anything anymore
Don't worry
I gave them the money
They're probably on the ship now
When this is all over
I'll keep being a school worker
And you
will still be a good son and a top student
This summer vacation
can finally come to an end
I don't have the key
My dad has it
I got you an application form from Ms Tang
Tell her if you want to take part
Are you sure we can't leave
I'm sure
What should we do then
We can't go back to the boat
Police are all over there
If they catch us we'll lose the money
Excuse me are there rooms available
Just you two No adult?
500 yuan per night and the deposite is 1000
Are you serious That's too expensive
Young man there's a typhoon
Go home if it's too expensive
Yan Liang
Maybe we should leave
2nd floor The room at the end
Yan Liang
For what
I feel like it's all my fault
If it weren't for me
so many things wouldn't have happened
Don't think too much
We can save Xin's life soon
Take the pills
We'll leave as soon as the typhoon leaves
Sir you're still on duty during a typhoon?
Show me your customer logs
Okay Okay
Why didn't they write down their ID number
Who are these two
Who are they
What's the matter Yan Liang
It's not safe here
We'd better leave
Where should we go
Mr Zhang
Xu Jing
Let's have a child
Do you want a boy or girl
Maybe a girl
With big eyes
and neat bangs
Who looks like a doll
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