The Baxters (2024) s01e09 Episode Script

There's Someone at the Door

[therapist] Five months.
That is quite
an accomplishment.
Thank you.
We're taking it a day by day.
This is a great space.
It has so much potential.
There's this really large room
down at the church.
I have this dream
that Lillian
will help me
turn it into a nursery.
Mom, why are you
doing this?
Because I wanna help.
Ash, Colton was my
best friend
and this isn't just
about you.
Okay, well,
I was the only one
driving the car
he died in so
-Where is she?
Angela Manning!
I know you had an affair
with her.
You ruined
her life
and mine.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
Okay, we're coming up
on the steps.
One at a time.
There you go.
There you go.
-Okay, no peeking. All right.
-I'm not.
One, two, three.
-I had it made.
Every detail, represents
a memory from our past.
The magnolia leave,
from our first date,
the beads
from our wedding,
the ribbon,
you were wearing in your hair
when I proposed.
You remember that?
I remember everything.
And I even got the woman
to give me a tutorial
so that we can
add to it over the years.
Like laces from our
babies first shoes.
Or a lock of hair
from her first hair-cut.
Or something
less creepy.
-I love it. Thank you.
Wow, I can't believe
it's Christmas-time already.
We've come so far.
In a short time.
It's the best
Christmas gift.
I can't imagine
what this place
is gonna look like
when your vision
comes to life.
[sighs] If my vision
comes to life.
Hm. I promise
I'll do everything
in my power
to make it happen.
Including get you some more
volunteers in here.
I don't think
I ever asked,
what sparked the idea
to make this a nursery,
in the first place?
It began with
a real estate listing.
But it's a much longer
story than that.
I have this friend, Lillian,
who left town years ago.
Her son was killed
in a car accident.
My daughter, Ashley,
was involved.
I'm so sorry.
Anyway, I've been
trying to find
a way, for years,
to get her
back to town
even for just
a little bit.
I know that her heart
needs some closure.
And I hope that
this project might be it.
That is a
beautiful idea.
It will be if it
actually works.
We live by faith,
not by sight.
I know in my heart that,
that's true.
But Lillian hasn't returned
my calls for years.
I know
that she's hurting.
But to be honest
I'm hurting, too.
Maybe, that's what
you need to say to her.
The next time
you reach out.
[Kari] You don't know anything
about commitment.
You can't commit
to anything,
not even being a mother
to your own son.
I was the only one driving
the car he was in so
I'm sorry.
No, I'm I'm sorry.
[smoke detector beeping]
-Hey, it's okay baby.
What happened?
I don't know, baby.
I don't know.
I don't know.
[Lillian] " Have I not
commanded you?
Be strong, be courageous.
Don't be afraid,
don't be discouraged.
For the lord your God
will be with you.
Wherever you go."
I'm sorry,
it's been too long.
[Lillian] Aww.
I thought I saw you
from the back of church
a few months ago.
I was trying to sneak out
before anybody saw me.
[sighs] I should
have known
better than that.
How have you been?
Getting by.
You know, just
It's beautiful
up at the lake.
It's peaceful
and it's
There's just not as much
there, you know.
There's less
there for me to
remember about Colton.
So, it's easier.
And how is Jeff.
He left, too.
Oh, Lillian,
I'm sorry
[tearfully] Yeah, it's
How are you?
How are you,
how are the kids?
Good, yeah.
You know it's
It's been
a tough year.
But they're strong.
They impress me
every single day.
I do worry about
Ashley, though.
She's having trouble
moving on.
Oh, I can relate.
It's hard.
It's very hard.
Uh, well so I've been
calling you
because I have a favor
to ask of you.
Okay. What is it?
So, there's this room
here at the church
that we've turned
into a nursery.
Oh, sweet.
And, um, it's this space
where parents can drop off
the little ones
-so they can attend
the service.
And, I can't think
of anyone
who would be better
helping me
to get it up
and going than you.
Oh, well,
I'm honored, Elizabeth.
But I'm not going to be
in town very long.
I'm only back to, uh,
get the house ready
for the market.
I wouldn't expect
you to stay.
I mean I just thought
that by doing this with me,
and for the church,
would help you
get some closure.
Now, I know how important
this community is to you
and was to Colton.
Can I think about it?
Okay, of course.
Will you sit with me
while I pray?
Of course.
I'll pray with you.
[Kari] Are you okay?
Yeah, long day,
Happy to be here.
I'm really happy
you're here.
Are you sure it's okay?
Me being here?
Absolutely. Come on.
I'm Tim
and I'm an alcoholic.
[all] Hi Tim.
Today I'm
six months sober.
I've been thinking about
my dad a lot.
And how he could
never get past
that five month mark.
No matter how much I prayed,
no matter how much I
Begged him to stay
sober that
six month chip
just kept getting further
and further out of reach.
And every time,
my image of him
got a little more blurry.
Little more
out of focus.
Till the man I thought I knew
was completely unrecognizable.
A blur I was always terrified
would find its way
into my life.
And six months ago
it did.
Six months ago
I was on track
to becoming that man.
That husband.
But because of this group
I know
that I will never become
that father.
I know that I'll
do better.
That I'll be better.
I made
a lot of mistakes.
I've hurt people.
But, unlike my father,
I am now committed
to always putting
my family first.
Unlike him,
I won't ever give up.
Unlike him,
I am a man of God.
And, with God on my side,
I stand before you today
Six months sober.
But it wasn't just God
next to me
giving me strength.
It was the woman
on the other side.
A woman who found it
within herself to forgive me.
Long before I could
forgive myself.
You're the greatest thing
that's ever happened to me.
Through my suffering
I found
Through your support
I found hope.
Hope that God would always be
on my side.
And you
on the other.
To the next
six months.
[all applauding]
I love you.
I love you, too.
[Amanda] I'm Amanda,
and I'm an alcoholic.
[all] Hi, Amanda.
Hello, Ryan.
Elizabeth, it's good
to see you.
What are you
doing here?
Just needed a little
extra time with God.
After my chemo
I started coming here
every Wednesday
about the same time.
It's always so quiet.
It's exactly what I need.
You got a lot
on your mind?
Yeah, you could,
you could say that.
Kind of a dilemma?
The whole town
is buzzing about it.
I mean, I think we're all
gonna become New York fans
because our very own
Ryan Taylor is becoming
one of their coaches.
You should be
very proud.
Though I imagine
it's hard to leave.
Yeah, for a lot
of reasons.
-Look, you know, I
I don't know the first thing
about football
but I do have some experience
about the rest of life.
And the thing I've learned
over and over is that
God will lead you
where you need to be.
If only
you will listen.
With him
by my right hand
I will not
be shaken.
Thank you.
Hey, what are you
doing here?
I came to talk.
About what?
About us.
Our relationship.
What relationship?
We haven't had a relationship
since middle school.
Maybe that's
the problem.
World hunger
is a problem.
Luke, what we have
is a thing.
It's just our thing.
Okay, maybe I want
our thing to be different.
Reagan's helped me
look at things in a new way.
So, you're here
because of your girlfriend.
Cool. Look, I don't
need this right now.
Actually, you can take Cole
to Mom and Dad's for me.
-Because I'm going.
-Away for a bit.
So, that's your move?
Things get tough
you're just gonna run.
Look, I don't need
a lecture
from my baby brother
right now.
Come on, Ash.
Talk to me.
Luke, you've never even
been to my house, ever.
And now you're here
trying to fix this
like you can't look me
in the eye ever since
Go, ever since what?
Ever since your best friend
died and I didn't.
Ashley you're my sister.
The sister you hate.
That is not fair,
I've never hated you
Careful, Luke,
lying is a sin.
I mean, what happened
that night
wasn't even your fault,
The guy fell asleep
at the wheel.
No, it could've
been different.
How? How could it
have been different?
I don't know.
It doesn't matter, okay?
I'm a bad mom.
I'm a bad daughter.
I'm a bad sister.
Cole's inside.
He's going to be
thrilled to see you.
[engine sputters]
[engine revs]
Hey. Hi.
Where's your mommy?
Ashley has run away.
[phone ringing]
[Kari] Hey.
Hey, For dinner tonight
uh, guac or no guac?
Definitely guac.
That's what I thought.
I'll pick them up
on my way home from work.
You there?
Yeah, someone's
at the door.
It's probably UPS,
the car seat's supposed
to get delivered today.
Okay. Bye.
Hi, is Professor Jacobs home?
He's not.
Is there something
I can help you with?
Do you know when
he's gonna be back?
He's on his way, actually.
Then I'll wait.
[loud gasp]
The last time
she ran away
it was to Paris.
You're forgetting
the time when I was sick.
Maybe she's gone
there again.
You keep trying
to reach her on her cell.
I'm coming, too.
What about Cole?
-I'll watch him.
-All right. Come on.
Why are you
doing this?
Because I love her.
Are you her boyfriend?
We're soul mates.
Does she know
you're here?
She's gone.
Because of him.
You're the one
who called me.
[gulps] You should
have listened.
We wrote our own vows.
It was the first time
I ever saw Tim cry.
I don't believe
in marriage.
Why not?
Because it's a lie.
It's a contract.
Actions speak louder
than words.
You of all people
should know that.
I mean, how, how could you
still believe in marriage
after everything
he's put you through?
I believe in love.
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
It does not envy.
-It does not
-He hurt you.
He hurt Angela
and he'll keep
hurting people
if he's not stopped.
Tim is a good man.
I don't believe you.
Mom, Dad?
Are you tracking
my phone?
[Elizabeth] No.
This is where you ran away
after my diagnosis.
That time we
tracked your phone.
I'm fine.
I just need space.
Honey, we can't help you
if we don't know
what's going on.
You've done enough.
Ashley, you can run away
from your feelings
and you can
run away from us.
But, we won't allow you
to run away from your son.
I'm sure he'll be fine without
me for a little while, okay?
I'm a bad mom anyway.
That's not true.
Let us help you.
You can't.
[Elizabeth] Please, honey.
[door closes]
[breathing heavily]
How long is this guy
gonna take?
I don't know.
-But if you just
let me call
-I'm not stupid.
I know you are angry.
But I promise you whatever
you're planning on doing
is not the answer.
[doorbell dings]
Here we go.
That's not Tim.
Then who is it?
I don't know.
But my husband
isn't ringing the doorbell.
Well, whoever it is,
it's bad timing.
Wait, wait, wait.
Get them to leave.
Look, I know
I shouldn't be here but
Have you been crying?
No, yeah.
Pregnancy hormones.
-Something's wrong.
I'm fine.
No, you look scared.
-He hurt you?
-Is he here?
-No, Ryan don't
Ryan, no.
Tim. Woah!
I'm not here for you.
[Elizabeth] Next time on
The Baxters
You a man of faith?
I'm a man of action.
Jesus was a man of action.
[Ashley] It's my fault
he's dead.
If I hadn't offered to drive
him home that night
What happened that night
wasn't your fault, Ashley.
[Reagan] Hey, Luke, I, uh,
I love you.
I love you, too.
If you want Angela
to love you
then you have to
earn that love.
[Dirk] It's too late now.
I'm never gonna
get her back
because your husband
is a liar and a cheater
And you'll be
a murderer.
Hold on.
[theme music playing]
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