The Chef Show (2019) s01e09 Episode Script

Seth Rogen

[upbeat salsa music playing]
Is it the first time you're meeting Seth?
-First time in person.
-First time.
-I've eaten his food a lot.
So how did you
You said you knew him from Pot?
Exactly. [chuckles]
A lot of people could say that.
-But you meant the restaurant.
-The restaurant, Pot.
I used to get texts all the time
and every single time he was in, I was
on the other side of town or the country.
What it was is we filmed a movie, uh
We were filming span style="style2"The Disaster Artist
a block from there.
And we kept ordering the food
and, like, we got addicted to it,
and, like, it's hard
to find good, like, Korean food, I think.
He'll give you a list.
-Yeah, no.
-Because LA is probably--
LA has a ton of it.
It's the best city
if you know where to go.
Yeah. But this So, I guess
What are we cooking today?
Well, when I found out Seth was coming
on board, all I heard was that you
and chickens were related.
Yes. [laughs]
Yeah, you told me What was it?
You learned to bone chickens?
I made a movie once
where I played a chicken
I played a guy
writing a chicken-centric cookbook.
And, for the movie,
I was always cooking chicken.
It was never as heavily featured
in the film as I would have liked,
but I had to learn how to, like,
-break down chicken.
-We'll feature it today.
-Good. Thank God. I appreciate it.
-[chuckles] Look what we've got for you.
-[Seth] Chickens. I can do this.
Should I just start doing it?
Yeah. Do you want gloves?
-Do you want me to wear gloves?
-What do you want?
I don't care, but I will wear gloves.
You don't have to. We're not selling it.
-I'll wear gloves.
-I would tend to with chicken.
Yeah, they're poisonous.
I remember that was the first lesson
that the guy who was teaching me
to cut the chickens up told me.
He was like, "These are balls of poison.
-They are poisonous. They will kill you.
-[Jon laughs]
Everything they touch turns poisonous."
And I was just like, "Wow, I'm amazed
more people aren't killed by chicken
every year if that's the case,
'cause they're commonplace."
[Roy] So we have eight of these,
and we're going to make maybe
two or three different things out of it.
[Jon] Here.
[Seth] I haven't done this in a long time.
-Let me remember the technique.
-[Jon] What do you want me to do?
[Roy] I want you
to actually learn the chickens.
[Jon] You want me to learn to do this?
All right.
[Roy] So as you're watching him,
you guys just go to town.
[Jon] All right, you want
to walk me through it?
-I haven't done this in a long time.
-Roy sent me to culinary school for span style="style2"Chef,
and this was
one of the things I had to learn.
-[Seth] How to break down a chicken.
-[Jon] Yeah.
-That was a while ago.
-Yeah, exactly.
[Jon] How's he doing?
Sure you don't want to use
a smaller knife?
I don't know. This is how I
I kind of muscle my way through it
a little bit. [chuckles]
I don't know who taught you, but--
It's not as elegant a process
-[Roy] It's not that elegant.
-[Seth] One chicken.
-There you go.
-So you go right for the backbone first?
Is that your first cut?
What's your first cut?
[Seth] I cut off the wings first.
-Does that sound good?
-[Roy] Yeah.
You can cut off the wings, break off the
legs if you want, and then go backbone.
Or either way.
What's the trick here?
You just break the bones
and kind of get in there?
Kind of just muscle through.
Let it hang. "Gravity can help you,"
is one thing I remember the guy saying.
-[Roy] I like the technique though.
-[Seth laughs]
[Roy] And then can you cut these
right there at the seam?
And then if you could cut also
the breast as well in half.
[Seth] Yeah. You want me
to cut these in half?
[Roy] Yeah, those in half.
My great-aunt in New Jersey
owned a kosher butcher shop
when I was growing up,
throughout my childhood.
-Now we're getting to it.
-Exactly. [chuckles]
[Jon] Was it the type of kosher
butcher shop that I heard about
where they cut the head off
and it runs around?
-[laughs] No.
-Those are the horror stories.
I never saw that. They did sell
rabbi trading cards though.
-Did they?
-They did, yeah.
All right, Roy, here, I did it all.
Just tell me, just cut here then?
Yeah. Seth, can you show him
how to cut that backbone off?
-Come on, Seth.
-[Seth] I would put it upright.
-[Jon] Like that or like this?
-No, like the whole thing pointed upright.
-[Jon] Like this?
-No, the other way.
-The other way.
-[Jon] Like this?
-And then use--
-[Jon] Use gravity.
-Yeah, and then go along--
-Along this one?
-[Seth] Yeah, then down.
-[Jon] Okay, thank you.
-Yeah, there you go.
-Oh, see?
Thank you, Seth. You're a good teacher.
[Seth] I am. [chuckles]
Chicken, like, has a big range.
When I was in Asia
there was just a lot of, like,
boiled chicken,
[Roy] Yeah.
Which is not a fun way to eat chicken,
in my opinion.
What were you doing in Asia?
I was doing press
for the movie span style="style2"The Green Hornet. [laughs]
But it was amazing.
We went to Korea and Taiwan, Japan.
And Singapore.
Did you guys ever do an Asian tour
for span style="style2"The Interview?
No. They invited us
to, like, release copies of it.
These, like, rebels were floating balloons
with USBs of it into North Korea.
And they invited us to go for the balloon
release and we said, "No, thank you."
I'm going to get you guys
cooking vegetables, or cutting vegetables,
while I make all the pastes and sauces.
I'm going to make a spicy braised stew.
[Roy] What we basically want
is kind of a julienne on everything.
-[Seth] Whoa.
-[Roy] The onion is the easiest.
I'll show you different cuts on each one.
You just peel it off.
Is there any trick
for onions not hurting your eyes?
-[Jon] No.
-Uh, for--
[Seth] Just suck it up?
-[Roy] Uh, no, there is, actually.
-[Seth] What?
Wait, he's going to wrap cellophane
around your face. Don't fall for it.
-You have glasses, so you should be fine.
-I do.
With the onions
you just want it like that, okay?
I like keeping the skin on the carrot.
Cut that into strips.
-Then these again.
-[Seth] What are we doing with these?
[Roy] We'll put these in the braise.
And then the green onions,
just kind of all the same size.
It doesn't have to be perfect.
Bell peppers as well.
[Seth] Is there a name
for that gross white shit inside a pepper?
-[Roy] Uh, they're called veins.
-[Seth] Ew.
The best, most appropriate name.
And then the potatoes at the end.
We're basically just going to
put these in water once you cut them.
We'll put these into quarters.
So that's all the veg stuff.
So you guys start on that.
Get all these veggies cut up.
You guys can shoot the shit
while you do that.
This is basically
like a normal cook's life.
You've got hours and hours of this
and you're just talking shit all day.
-[Seth] That sounds great.
-[Roy] Yeah.
I'll get the paste going.
Oyster sauce.
[Jon] These are all washed, boss?
No. If you can wash them
You don't have to peel them.
Just wash them.
[Seth] I will definitely wash
my carrot, yeah.
Yeah, wash your carrot.
Don't you cook it anyway? Is it just
'cause there's particulate on it?
[Jon] I don't know. Ask the boss.
Uh, yeah, we cook it anyways,
but it's still nice to wash it.
-[Jon] That's why.
-[Seth] Yeah. [laughs]
-It's just what you do.
-He's like a rabbi.
-He answers one question--
He says, "We wash it
'cause it's nice to wash it."
[Seth] "It's nice to wash it." Exactly.
That is a very Jewish answer
to that question. [chuckles]
"'Cause it's
'Cause that's what we do!"
Traditionspan style="style1" ♪
I get that.
Did you go to culinary school, Roy?
[Roy] I did.
[Jon] He went to CIA.
[Seth] The Culinary Institute of America?
[Roy] Yeah. In upstate New York.
[Seth] Nice. For how How long is that?
-Two years.
-[Seth] Wow.
-Did you live in upstate New York?
It's like Hogwarts up there.
It's really, really cool.
It's very mystical. Everyone's
walking around in chef coats and toques.
-That's awesome.
-It does sound like Hogwarts for chefs.
I really liked it. I--
He had a racket going though.
He was like span style="style2"An Officer And A Gentleman.
-What were you doing?
I was fresh out of LA at that time.
I didn't know what I was doing.
The school actually changed me.
Were you, like, polishing the buckles?
-I was helping them with their homework.
-How's that?
Yeah, I was helping with the knife cuts.
I was cooking--
What does that mean? You were
teaching them or doing it for them?
I wasn't doing it for them.
-I was kind of teaching them.
-You were like a tutor.
-Oh, okay. That's nice.
That sounds better.
That sounds much better
than, "I was helping kids cheat their way
through culinary school." [laughs]
What are you doing over there?
So this recipe,
when you first looked at it, you said,
"Whoa, that's a lot of ingredients."
It is a lot of ingredients.
So each of the flavor components
have, like, ten ingredients in them.
And then you combine them?
And then we combine them all.
It's like layering a track, you know,
with all these different drum samples.
[Seth] That's crazy.
So this is the simplest version
of all the pastes. This is just the chili.
This one has span style="style2"kochukaru, kochujang,
garlic puree, oyster sauce,
soy sauce, and brown sugar.
Now, we're going to make the magic sauce.
Sesame oil
fish sauce
beef broth
kochukaruspan style="style1" and kochujang,
span style="style1"chopped garlic, onion.
[Jon] Take the seeds out of the jalapenos?
[Roy] Yeah, yeah. Sure, why not?
[Seth] Is that a thing?
-Do people not like the seeds?
-[Jon] No, for the heat.
When I was a kid, there was this vodka
that came with a hot pepper in it.
That was the gimmick.
I had a party in high school
and we bought a bottle of it.
To impress my friends,
I, like, pulled out the pepper.
I was going to eat it
in front of everyone.
And I bit into it and pepper juice
and vodka exploded into my eyes
-in front of everyone.
-Oh, my God.
And I started, like, crying and screaming
and writhing around on the ground
and had to flush my eyes out for the next,
like, 15 minutes of the party.
And I didn't look cool at all
is the moral of that story.
[Jon] How come that
didn't make it into span style="style2"Superbad?
Exactly! [laughs]
Some things are just not believable,
[Jon] I remembered span style="style2"Superbad
as being so good
and then my kid got old enough
to appreciate it, so I popped it in
and I was like, "Whoa!"
-[laughs] It's filthy.
-It's so filthy.
I was like,
"Let's watch span style="style2"Toy Story 2 instead."
[Seth chuckles] Yeah, exactly.
[Seth] That's the magic sauce?
This one is going to be the pork sauce.
Pork sauce.
-[Jon] Why do you need pork sauce?
-Is there pork in there?
-Or is it sauce for pork?
-No, it's a pork marinade.
-[Jon] That we use for chicken?
That we're using for chicken, yes.
This is a confusing recipe, guys.
No one's going to be able to cook this.
[Roy] I've--
There's 200 ingredients.
We're making pork sauce for chicken.
It doesn't add up, guys.
And he has not, at any point,
told anyone what to do.
It sounds like a recipe of mine.
So the pork marinade has two things
On top of everything being complicated,
there's now
two complicated recipes combined.
[Seth] Two complicated recipes combined.
[Roy] This one starts
with aspan style="style2" kalbi marinade, soy sauce,
maple syrup, sugar,
onions, scallions, garlic, kiwi,
apple pear, and then you puree that.
And then you add span style="style2"kochujang, jalapenos,
sugar, and then
the actual marinade itself.
[Seth] And you're combining these
ultimately into one thing?
[Roy] Into one thing.
And making them separately and then
combining them makes it taste different
than if you just shoved it all
in one thing?
[Roy] Um
Yeah, just so--
That's actually a good question.
I don't know.
-We could save a lot of time.
-I don't know why [laughs]
I don't know why I did it that way.
I just tapped into your OCD by accident.
You're not far off, Seth.
I know, it's probably
Everyone has their thing.
I'll wash half of the potatoes.
Exactly. I'm just going to
turn the lights on ten times.
We can now clean up a little bit.
We'll do a little break,
and then you guys can see
how all this busywork will pay off.
[Jon] So what are we doing?
[Roy] We're making fried chicken.
-[Jon] Right.
-[Roy] We're making fried chicken, but--
[Seth] Now's a good time to say that.
[Roy] Yes. But we're going
to speed up the process.
-We're only two hours into the process.
-[Jon laughs]
"So we're making fried chicken."
[Roy] Um
So I want you guys to season this.
-[Jon] With gloves?
-[Roy] Yeah, with gloves.
-One hand with gloves--
-Very lightly.
Not too much, but both sides.
And then make sure you don't
touch the chicken and go back in there.
So use one hand for seasoning.
There you go.
-That's right.
-Pepper nose.
Going to try not to sneeze
all over this chicken.
[Roy] Beautiful.
[Jon] Thanks, Chef.
-It feels good.
-[Seth] It does feel good.
That's all I need.
A little encouragement.
When it's done right, you can see it,
right? You can feel it, smell it, see it.
It looks like it's going to be delicious.
I think if more people
trusted themselves like that,
there'd be a lot better home meals.
I think you're good, Seth.
I'm going to grab yours.
And I'm gonna start searing over here.
-We're just--
-[Seth] You're searing.
[Roy] Yeah,
we're just going to get a light sear.
-[Seth] To brown it?
-[Roy] Yeah.
[Seth] Is that
What kind of oil is that?
-Just regular canola oil.
[Roy] That's from Canada, too, like you.
-Is it?
-That's right.
-[Jon] It is.
-[Roy] Yeah.
[Jon] Do you want longer tongs?
Is that all right?
[Roy] You may. I'm okay, but
That's kind of a diss.
Yeah, that is a diss.
[Seth and Roy laugh]
[Jon] We got my hot
From my mother-in-law.
-My mother-in-law finds these old tongs.
-You need some distance.
So literally just a little love kiss
on each side, like that.
[Roy] I can't wait
for you guys to eat this dish.
-You'll love it.
-[Jon] How did you come up with this?
[Roy] This is a dish I grew up eating,
from my mom. Spicy braised chicken.
I would just look forward
to the days she had it
when I'd come home from school.
'Cause this dish, when you see, when
we put all the paste and everything in,
it just fills up the whole room
with smells.
You could literally smell it
from outside your house.
-[Seth] We're searing all this chicken?
-[Roy] Yeah.
-Do you have to make a phone call?
-Yeah, I'm just plotting it out.
Great job.
Actually, keep these there
and start throwing these back in.
[Seth] Put this in there?
-[Roy] Yeah.
-[Jon] Don't worry about crowding.
[Roy] And I want to do the legs.
Do the legs and the thighs.
-Maybe put that one in, right there.
-[Seth] This one?
-[Jon] He wants that one.
-[Seth] That one.
-Oh, yeah. I'm learning a lot about you.
[Roy] Now that's going,
we're going to get the paste in there.
One cup of magic sauce.
Chili paste.
And this is the pork marinade.
[Jon] So what's that? That's broth?
-[Roy] Chicken broth.
-[Seth] Chicken broth.
-[Jon] You bring it up together.
-[Roy] Bring it up to a boil.
Once it comes to a boil, we're going
to turn it down. Nice simmer.
Then cover it.
In about 20 minutes, we'll start adding
the vegetables and all that stuff.
And then, while that's going,
we're going to get the rice going.
We're mainly washing for the starch.
We're going to really feel
every single grain.
And so most people only wash it,
like, two or three times.
I wash it, like, five.
Should you wash it
till the water goes clear?
[Roy] Yeah, pretty much.
You'll see, by the fifth wash,
the water will start running clear.
And then, for cooking rice,
is it just like an inch above the--
[Roy] Yeah, I'll show you guys
the finger technique.
All right.
The finger technique is the top
of the rice to the top of the water
should be the first line in your finger.
The strange thing is, it doesn't matter
where your line is. It always comes out.
Our lines are always different
on our finger,
but, for some reason, it always works.
Maybe part of your success is attributed
to your delicious line placement.
[Roy] My line placement, right there.
So you see that?
Is that how you judge a restaurant
when you go in?
You look at the fingers of the chef
and see where the lines are?
-"Good. This guy's got a long knuckle."
-"That's gonna be very glutinous rice."
So now we're going to put it
in the rice cooker.
And, Jon, you want to use this,
since you have a relationship?
-I do. Tell me if I'm doing it right.
-This is Jon's Cuckoo.
This was a gift from Roy.
So we put it down, right? We lock it.
-[Roy] It talks to you.
-[Jon] Now, if we listen
[machine playing recorded message
in Korean]
What's it saying?
It's saying, uh
"Press my buttons
in the way that will make you happy."
-Fuck off.
-No, I'm serious.
No, "Which way
would you like to be happy?"
Come on! [laughs]
It is saying that!
But it's in Korean,
so it actually sounds funnier in English.
-But it's being very cordial. Subservient.
Subservient. "Don't worry.
We know you're in charge here."
So it's saying which button
would make me happy?
It's saying, "Please push my buttons
to achieve the rice that you wish."
Now, which one do we want?
This is where I get a little confused.
Regular steamed, short grain, sweet rice.
[Jon] That's the problem.
It says, "Gluten rice."
There's no gluten in rice.
I already know that.
So, right off the bat, we're confused.
[Jon] Mixed rice, brown rice, which is on,
and then NutriRice
and then high heat, so
-[recorded message in Korean playing]
-What did it just say?
[Roy speaks Korean]
That's what we gotta do.
[speaks Korean]
And then start. I don't know
where "start" is. Do you know--
-She'll tell you.
-Ask it.
[speaks Korean]
Start. Start.
This is the one we want. [speaks Korean]
Now we just have to start it.
It seems like a complicated device.
-[machine chimes]
[recorded message in Korean playing]
"Cuckoo is about to start
the most delicious rice of your day.
Please wait."
That's what it said.
When he got me this, he handed me the box
and he said, "This is, like, the--"
[Seth] The shit.
This is the What did you say?
Like the Cadillac of rice.
It was the Cadillac
with all the bells and whistles.
If Cadillacs talked to you
and were, like, really complicated.
-I don't even have this rice cooker.
-And only spoke Korean.
-You don't?
-Mine is one button.
-Want to trade?
-[Seth] Didn't get one for yourself?
That's nice.
"You want to trade? Mine's one button.
Mine doesn't speak and has one button."
Let's go to the fried chicken.
[Jon] So chefs like
dark meat better, yeah?
-[Roy] Yes.
-[Seth] Okay. Bag it up.
[Roy] Yes. We're going to marinate.
-Gonna pour some buttermilk in.
-[Jon] It's, like, just a hit.
[Seth] Bagging it up.
[Roy] And go, uh, seal it up over there.
[Seth] What is this? A vacuum sealer?
That's what this is called?
[Roy] That's a heating element here.
[Seth] And then it sucks the air out
and it seals it?
-[Roy] Yeah.
-[Seth] Crazy contraption.
[Jon] It accelerates marination.
-Yeah? Is that right?
-[Roy] Yes.
Otherwise, you just have to leave it
in the buttermilk overnight.
-[Seth] Forever.
-[Roy] Yeah, forever.
-There we go.
-[Jon] And then, when it beeps
-[machine beeps]
-[Seth] Yeah.
-[Jon] Yeah, there you go.
-[Roy] Yeah.
-[Jon] Clip it in, close it.
And hit play.
[Seth] It is a play button.
It does weirdly have, like,
VCR remote controls on it.
Oh, no, I see it rupturing! Oh, no!
How did that happen?
There wasn't that much in it!
-[Jon] What happened?
-[Seth] I'm leaking milk.
I blew it.
[Jon] It's trying to seal. Will it beep?
[air hisses]
-[machine beeps]
-[Jon] There it is.
[Jon] Yes.
[Seth] Gross. Sorry.
[Jon] See if it sealed. Pull it apart,
see if it opens. It's sealed!
[Seth] It's actually sealed. Crazy.
That's chicken milk, though,
so be careful.
Yeah, just a little leak.
-[Seth] Chicken milk.
-[Roy] It sounds like a drink.
-[Jon] It's a new restaurant.
-[Seth] Exactly. [laughs]
[Jon] They do try to name things
so that they sound--
-[Seth] So they sound gross.
-[Jon] Is that sort of a chef thing?
-Yes. It's like us trying to be funny.
-[Seth] Yeah, exactly.
So if you're a good enough chef that you
could open a place called Chicken Milk,
that's like bragging.
Yeah, that's bragging. If you can
get away with that, that's bragging.
Daring people not to eat your food.
We're going to start
picking up the pace now.
So I'm going to show you guys
how to dredge the fried chicken.
Then, while you guys are doing that,
I'm going to finish the stew.
We're going to start doing three things
at once and finish the two dishes
and hopefully start eating.
So first thing we want to do
is season our flour.
All-purpose flour, salt.
Take our buttermilk chicken.
How long did this take to marinate?
-[Jon] It wasn't in there that long.
It wasn't in there that long. I would love
to have done it for a couple of hours,
but I think we'll be okay.
So what we want to do is
have one dry hand.
-[all laughing]
-Do you want me to do it?
-[Roy] You be the dry hand.
-[Jon] Let's switch sides.
[Roy] Yeah. So, here, just try to get off
all the buttermilk.
-And then
-[Jon] There. And then, like that?
[Roy] And then dust it all the way off.
And you guys just keep doing that
and then have a whole pan of chicken
for me when I come back.
-[Seth] All right.
-[Jon] You got it.
-Wet hand, dry hand.
-[Seth] Wet hand, dry hand.
Another good name for a restaurant.
-[Roy] Wet Hand, Dry Hand.
-[Seth] Wet Hand, Dry Hand.
[Roy] Beautiful. Look at that, huh?
You're making fried chicken.
[Jon] Do these have to be
clear of each other to dry out?
We're a little crowded here.
[Roy] Yeah,
kind of reposition just a little bit.
[Seth] Use your dry hand,
which is now a wet hand.
No, no, it's dry.
[Seth] But it's still chicken-y.
-[Seth chuckles]
-There's the restaurant name.
Chicken-y. It's Still Chicken-y. [laughs]
That's a great, appetizing phrase.
[Jon laughs]
-[Seth] Welcome to It's Still Chicken-y.
-[Jon laughs]
[Roy] I just want to show you guys
Yo, dude.
-What we're doing is not all for nothing.
-Right? Is that good?
-Yeah, that's so good.
Here, Jon.
I get the dry hand.
[chuckles] Wet hand, dry hand.
Oh, wow.
-[Seth] That's good.
-[Jon] It's good stuff.
[Seth] Dear God.
That only has
250,000 ingredients in it, so
-Yeah. Drudged.
-All right.
-[Seth] Dredged.
Beautiful. So go ahead
and clean all this up for me, please,
and then we'll go right to frying.
Just get rid of this shit?
-Yeah, clean up.
-You never heard that before?
-Yeah, okay.
No, I just wanted to be clear
on what the request was.
[Roy] I'm going to start adding
vegetables to the braise.
Carrots, potatoes, onions.
Bring over the chicken
and we're going to start frying.
It's happening!
[Roy] Beautiful.
So go ahead and start going in here
very gently,
but you've got to move quickly.
-There you go. Drop it in.
-[Seth] Gently, but quickly.
[Roy] There you go.
You see this bubbling action?
You see how it's not giving any, like,
warning signs that it's wrong?
-That looks right.
-[Roy] It looks right.
[Seth] The bubbles will tell you
when the chicken is right.
-That almost looks too hot, right?
-[Seth] The bubbles are a little much.
-[Roy] You see the difference?
-[Roy] So I'm going to turn that one off.
-Damn, dude, you know your bubbles.
[Roy] Now what you want to do
is start moving these things around.
[Seth] Whoa.
[Roy] You see how
that got a little dark on the bottom?
-These ready?
-Yeah, move them around. Keep moving.
And then these guys you want
to move around a little bit.
-[Jon] That one's not colored yet.
-Yeah, just keep it going.
[Jon] Keep rolling them
or let it stay on one side longer?
[Roy] Keep it on one side,
but move them gently.
[Seth] What about this? Not quite or good?
[Roy] Oh, beautiful. Take it out
and put it on the rack there.
Good eye on that.
I'm getting it. I'm not afraid anymore.
-You're fighting your heritage.
Jews don't fry chicken.
[Jon] So would you say
that most of what makes fried chicken good
is that level of attention?
Yes, every level of it. The marinade,
proper brining technique,
the shallow oil,
the ability to keep the fire going right.
-How's this doing?
-Let me see.
Go, right there.
-[Jon] I know. We're learning.
What's the deal? Let it cool a little bit
and then season it
while it's still got some oil on it?
No, we're going right into the oven.
In the oven?
-[Roy] Because the meat's not cooked yet.
Oh, so we're just trying
to get color on the outside and--
[Roy] Color and cooking.
So it's a little bit like doing a steak
when you--
-[Roy] A little bit, yeah.
-Brown it.
-[Roy] Brown it and--
-[Seth] Or sear it.
Don't worry, I won't splatter. Oh, look.
[Jon] Oh, wow.
-[Roy] Look at that.
-[Seth] Whoa, dude.
Now you know he's a master, because
he's opening a wet lid next to hot oil.
-And he's not blowing our eyelids off.
That's unmistakably
a Roy Choi smell right there.
So why do you think
people like watching people cook so much?
'Cause you can't taste it.
[Seth] I don't know.
I also watch people eat.
-Yeah, it's weird.
-I like watching them cook.
[Seth] It's something everyone does,
and I think people find it interesting
to see how much thought
is put into their food.
[Jon] Yeah.
And how much expression
is put into their food.
'Cause I bet most people
never thought of it like that.
I know I didn't.
What are those?
Oh, these are
mung bean vermicelli noodles.
[Seth] Mung bean.
-Another good name for a restaurant.
-[Seth] It is.
So were you just soaking that?
Yeah. 'Cause they're dry when they come.
[Seth] Whoa!
[Jon] Toot-toot!
[Roy and Seth laughing]
What do you think, Roy?
That one's ready to come out?
-[Roy] Yes. You know now.
-[Jon] See? Now we know.
[Seth] Whoa. You're throwing
them mungs right in there.
[Jon] How's it tasting, Roy?
[Roy] Good. I'm just doing
final seasoning checks.
Add a little bit of salt and pepper.
I think the rice is ready.
-Did she let us down?
-No, she's beautiful.
Looks like good rice.
-What did she promise?
-[Seth laughs]
This is the most delicious rice
we'll have today.
All day.
I've had rice 13 times today, so I don't
know if she's going to live up to that.
[Seth] Ooh, yeah!
Okay, go right in the oven with that.
[Roy] All right, lunch is served.
You just dig the fuck in?
Just dig the fuck in.
[Jon] Do we need a spoon?
No, it's a fork meal?
[Seth] Forky, spoony.
-Could use a little salt.
-[Jon] Mm.
-[Seth] Mm.
[Seth] Oh, yeah, that's good.
[Jon] That's so good, Roy.
The chicken's perfect, too.
[Seth] Mm-hmm.
Mostly what I've learned from today
is I should always wear an apron
all the time, no matter what I'm doing.
I have so much confidence in this thing.
Oh, I forgot to put butter in, actually.
Mix that in.
[Seth] Yeah.
[Jon] Oh, it's so good.
-[Seth] It's amazing.
-[Roy] Mix that butter all the way in.
-It'll make it nice and creamy.
-[Seth] Mm!
-Oh, my God.
-The French touch.
Would it be rude for me
to take a little bit of rice as a side?
-Don't be a fucking dick, Jon.
-We need kimchi on the side of this.
[Roy] Yeah, we need kimchi on the side.
-In case you want that kimchi flavor.
[Seth] Oh, it's good.
[Jon] Do we have any? Oh, look.
-[Roy] My God.
-[Seth] Holy shit.
Which we made
Is this what we made last time?
Or did you bring this?
-[man] That's the one we made last time.
-You buried that in your yard?
-I know what kimchi tastes like. I'm good.
If that's the scale we're using
You want to smell it? You don't think
it's good? You're making a face.
Kimchi must be
Is it hard to tell if it's gone bad?
It is, because it--
-Because it smells funky.
-Because it's already bad, yeah.
-It's already bad.
-It's funky.
-[Jon] That's good?
-[woman] Perfect.
[Jon] It's perfect.
-All right.
-How old is this?
It looks like months.
You don't You won't eat that?
I'm good.
-[Seth] I'm good, fam.
-I'm good, fam.
[Roy] All right, if we can now
clean up a little bit
and then we'll take the chicken out.
So if you could just
kind of rip these up together.
Fresh thyme sprigs, oregano.
No stems, no seeds.
-Acapulco Gold version?
Need an album cover or something?
[Seth] Exactly.
-[Jon]span style="style2" Houses Of The Holy.
-[Seth] Exactly.
Dark Side Of The Moon.
So now we're going
to pull out the chicken.
Wow, you guys
really did some cooking today.
Holy shit! That looks good.
Give me some herbs on it.
[Roy] Why not go
with the drumsticks first, right?
Drumsticks and wings.
Black pepper. Can I get a lemon?
-[Jon] Yeah, I got it.
You smush up
the insides of the lemon first?
Yeah, to get it to juice.
You internally juice it.
Another good name for a restaurant.
You've got to be a good restaurant
to be called Internally Juiced.
-Try that.
-I'm going to eat it.
Here you go. Jon?
[Jon] Ready to rock?
Oh, my God!
-That's fucking good.
-It's really good.
[Roy] Thank you. This is
the culmination of our work today, guys.
With the Seth Rogen touch.
[Seth] Exactly! [chuckles]
Eat responsibly.
[Jon] span style="style2"Thanks for cooking with us, Seth.
[Seth]span style="style2" Thanks for having me, guys.
span style="style2"I'm so full and sweaty.
Full And Sweaty
is another good name for a restaurant.
[Roy]span style="style2" Full And Sweaty, Chicken Milk and
[Seth] span style="style2"Wet Hand, Dry Hand.
That'll be our chain.
-[Jon] span style="style2"I'm gonna reserve some websites.
Exactly. Buy those HTMLs, stat.
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