The Circle (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Instant Block

Message, "I believe
that honesty is the best policy,
but there's one thing
that I've been keeping from you all."
Oh, my God!
"Chris, Rebecca, Sammie
here is a photo of the real me."
My mouth is on the floor.
[Chris] Oh
She's gorgeous. Are you kidding me?
She's absolutely gorgeous.
"I am
a plus-sized girl,
who works in plus-sized fashion.
Everything that I have told you,
aside from my photos,
is 100% me.
The only reason that I did this
is because I know
how mean people can be online.
It's not because I don't love myself,
because I do."
There ain't nothin' wrong
with being plus-sized, honey!
I'm so happy that she's honest about it,
and I get that.
I can really feel for her.
She didn't want to be judged
for her weight.
"It's important to me to be my full self,
because I want people to know
that they can look like me
and still be accepted."
[Chris] Oh, my gosh!
I know everything she's going through.
I was overweight.
I was big.
[Sean] I hope they don't hate me.
Message, "At Sean,
for you to tell us is extremely brave"
"And honestly, you've gotten my respect.
The picture is extremely cute,
and this has my mind blown.
I would have never seen this coming."
"I just want to say
that you are extremely brave.
I think the message
you are trying to portray
is absolutely beautiful."
I feel like I definitely chose
the right people to tell right now.
Message, "Honey, you are a gorgeous angel.
I was also once plus-sized.
I know the struggles."
Oh, my God! Chris!
"I work every day
with children diagnosed with autism,
and I see what it's like
to not only feel different,
but be different.
Thank you, Sean, for opening us
to this discussion. Heart emoji." Send.
"You are absolutely gorgeous.
God makes no mistakes,
and he didn't start with us."
Send message.
That is a powerful message, Chris.
I'm kind of, like, in shock right now.
I'm just like
I'm really happy
that everyone's responded so well.
"Guys, thank you so, so much.
I am
in jammies
full-on crying in my bed right now.
But it feels really good
to have three people
who I adore see the real me
and not hate me."
Message, "Honey, I love you.
I'm here for you.
And if you ever need to talk,
don't hesitate at all.
Hashtag you are beautiful."
Send message.
"I promise
I want to tell everyone the truth
when the time is right."
"I want you all to know the real me."
"Timing is everything, baby girl.
Hashtag virtual hugs."
Virtual hugs. Virtual hugs.
[sniffles] These guys are so nice.
That took courage, bravery,
and absolute power.
She just earned my respect
in a big way today.
[narrator] If there's one person
you want the respect of,
it's a grown man
who talks to a stuffed bear.
After all that excitement,
I think the players deserve
a nice, split-screen, chill-out montage.
[Tammy laughing]
Nice! Real good!
- How about you turn?
- I'm gonna smash your new toy.
That's how you drive a real car, too.
Ha ha. Funny! Funny, Ed!
[narrator] Well, that was
a touching mother-and-son moment.
Almost seems a shame to interrupt it.
- [buzzing]
- [narrator] What the hell?
[all] Alert!
Oh, no! Are we in trouble?
"Players, it's time for the ratings."
I knew it.
Oh, shit!
"As a new player,
Ed cannot rate and cannot be rated." Okay.
I was excited yesterday.
I got to enjoy it.
Now, I'm in it.
I just don't want people putting me
at the bottom.
We're gonna end up in the third spot again
for the fourth time.
I hope everyone still likes me.
I'm not sure.
I think I'm a huge target
with three influencers back-to-back.
So, extremely uncomfortable right now.
Okay, these guys know the drill.
Get your rate on, players.
All right, right now, on my mind,
Rebecca and Joey are really standing out,
and Shubham is always going to be
up in the top for me.
My gut instinct would be to put Shubham
all the way at the bottom again,
but last night, he did save me.
This might be a huge mistake,
but I'm going to rate him third.
So in fifth place, I'm putting Adam,
because although I know
his game plan coming into here
was flirt to get to the end,
he's opened up to me,
and I feel like he's been honest with me,
and I've been honest with him.
Adam, he is just total people-pleaser.
Again, kind of suspect.
You don't know what he's actually thinking
or feeling at all.
Bill is a nice guy,
but he oddly accused me of being too nice.
I don't appreciate the comment,
and I feel vaguely threatened.
I want to put Sean into first place.
I'm ready to show my love
and put my trust into Sean. We'll see.
Circle, put Bill in the second position.
Miss Sean, tonight, you have won
a big piece of my heart,
and so you deserve
to be in my fourth spot.
Chris, he was super supportive
when I told him my secret,
and I feel like he was
one of the first people
who I just felt like I connected with.
He's another of my closest allies,
who I've gotten close with
and shown my loyalty to.
Chris is my third rating.
Joey, you proved to me
that you are a real-ass bitch
in a fake-ass world.
You saved my ass last night.
I'm putting Joey in first because
I was the first person he saved,
and I can't thank him enough.
And I absolutely adore Sammie to pieces,
and she has honestly earned this spot.
Second, I'm gonna put Rebecca.
She's just such a good person.
You know, Sean expressed
something really big to the both of us,
and she was just welcoming it
with open arms.
I'm pretty sure
Rebecca is my girl in this until the end.
So, I'm going to put Rebecca
in the first position.
Yeah, I think it's a good decision.
I think I'm happy about it.
[narrator] Ratings dunzo.
Time for everyone to relax
and chill out for the rest of the evening.
JK. Y'all know what's coming next, right?
- [Seaburn] Oh!
- [all] Alert!
Oh, no!
Oh, here comes the stress.
[Chris] Oh. "Your ratings have decided
the fate of one player."
Oh, my God!
What the hell?
"Tonight, the least popular player
will be instantly blocked."
You're kidding me!
- Oh!
- Oh!
- Someone is getting the boot.
- Yeah.
So whoever is at the bottom is going home.
Come on.
Oh, God!
[both] "Rating results are in."
Oh, my God! Please!
"In first place,
the most popular player so far is"
Man, my heart's racing.
[cheering] Oh!
[squealing, laughing]
Oh, Rebecca! Congratulations!
Good for her! She's safe.
Rebecca, are you jumping in your room?
[laughing, squealing]
Are you shitting me?
Oh, my God!
I would have never picked Rebecca.
First Oh!
Yeah, we made it!
Here we go.
Second place. I hope it's my boy, Joey
Shubham! Yes! Let's take safety!
Shubham again?
And Shubham is number two.
He's been in the top four times in a row.
I knew he was gonna be up there.
For as much as I wanted to put him
in the bottom slot,
he has been very kind to me this go-round.
In third.
Third place. I have no idea.
I'm just guessing Joey right now.
Oh, my God!
Third is probably gonna be Sammie,
Chris, or Adam.
Ah! [laughs]
Oh, Lordy! Thank you, Jesus!
Why is Chris so high?
They're all the nice, sweet, kind players.
I am safe tonight.
I live to see another day.
Oh, man!
Oh, my God!
Joey, Sammie, come on! Let's take fourth.
I'm safe! Thank God!
Oh, my God! I'm safe!
I thought I was done.
Oh, my God! Who's leaving?
Oh, my God!
Yes! My boy!
There we go, Joey, Take the fourth.
You deserve it, brother.
Joey's safe.
It's not looking good.
I'm feeling really scared.
I'm starting not to feel
as confident and comfortable anymore.
Fifth. I would take fifth.
I will take sixth.
Anything after that,
I'm just going to be so upset.
Thank God! It's Sammie.
Oh, my God! Thank you.
Okay, it's Sammie.
I understand that.
- That's what we thought.
- The only ones left are Bill, Sean, and
- Adam.
- And Adam.
This is just not what I expected.
Oh, God! Sixth.
Okay, it's going to be Adam.
It needs to be Adam.
Okay, not where I wanted to be,
but I'm still here! Yay!
Oh, shit!
Sean. No!
It's me or Adam.
[slaps thighs]
Seventh and eighth are coming together.
So whoever comes in eighth
is instantly blocked.
I can't even look.
I really don't want Bill to go home.
Both seem like great guys, honestly.
I've really connected with Adam today,
so I want to see Adam in seventh.
My heart is pounding right now.
I'm hoping that Adam is number seven.
Oh, my God! My hands are sweating,
and it's not even me. Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Come on seven, seven, seven, seven.
God! If you take another minute,
I'm going to rip you off the wall.
Come on.
Yeah! Whoo!
Yes! Adam got seventh. Good, good!
I feel great about Adam staying.
That is insanity.
Oh, my God! Bill's gone.
Bill, you're in it now!
- Aw, Bill's going home.
- Come on, dawg.
Oh, no! Poor guy!
And they've already blacked out Bill.
Damn, Circle, you didn't even give him
a chance to say bye, Gina!
Damn! That's how the world works nowadays.
Bunch of fake friends.
No bueno.
[Bill's voice]
Not feeling too good. I got blocked.
If I were to do this game again,
I would 100% be so fake.
sharing the love, sharing the loyalty.
Um, yeah, play selfish.
I was going
for the authentic relationship-building.
Does not work.
Didn't work, at least, in this group.
I'm just relieved that I didn't have
to send anyone home today.
[narrator] Shubby, you've been in here
long enough to know
you don't normally spend too much time
being relieved in The Circle.
- Alert!
- [Tammy] Alert?
Oh, God!
There's always a twist. What's going on?
Get the f
Why is there another alert?
What does this mean?
[Ed] "The Blocking is not over." Uh-oh.
No way!
"The blocking is not over"?
Did y'all hear that?
I think I almost farted.
"As the most popular Players,
Rebecca and Shubham
are now Circle Influencers."
"Rebecca and Shubham must decide
a second at-risk Player
to block from The Circle."
This is brutal.
I feel literally sick.
- Damn! Two in one night!
- They take two in one night?
Wow! We came on a good night.
We're seeing some action.
My heart just dropped out of my ass.
Oh, my God!
[Seaburn] Oh, no! This is not happening!
Oh, my God!
For the first time in our Circle history,
two people are getting the Block.
[narrator] Bill's Excellent Adventure
has come to an end. Bogus!
As the influencers head to the hangout
for crucial conversation and cocktails,
the at-risk players are worried.
[Joey] Anything can happen.
Nobody is safe.
[narrator] Except Ed and his mom,
who are completely safe.
If Rebecca and Shubham
were being strategic,
then I would be the one going home,
getting the block.
I'm in third place. I'm right under them.
It's anyone's game right now.
It is anyone's game right now.
[Alex] I want another night.
It's like It's crazy.
I've run out of pudding.
While Adam AKA Alex eats dessert
and wonders
if he scored enough brownie points
to remain in The Circle,
the influencers have a lot
of food for thought in the hangout.
[Seaburn] Wow.
We're in the hangout.
This is beautiful.
So this is how the other side live.
Message, "Rebecca,
I am so proud of you,
and there's no one else
I would rather be with right now.
Period." Send.
Message, "At Shubham,
I am glad that I am here with you,
because you are a pro,
and I am so excited and sad
at the same time."
"I hate this part.
It literally shatters me every time,
but it helps so much having you here.
Period." Send.
"I know
that you will help me through this."
[sighs] Message,
"Wow, guys! This is rough.
V emotional over here.
How are you guys?"
Message, "This never gets easier, does it?
Question mark. I'm shaking. Period."
I am shaking.
Message, "I have the biggest lump
in my throat." Send.
This is crazy.
"I could really use a group hug
right now."
"No matter who leaves,
We're all winners, and we're all family."
Message, "I'm really grateful
for the moments that I had
to show you all a little bit about me,
and I really loved getting
to know you all as well."
Oh, I hate the mushiness and the sadness.
I just don't want it to be sad.
I wish it could just be happy.
"I feel like my nuts just went
inside their cavity."
"Chris, thanks for the laugh.
I needed it."
I wonder what Shubham
and Rebecca are saying.
"Let's begin with Chris.
I admire him because of his inspiration
and his positivity."
"Chris has been extremely supportive
through this entire process.
Let's do Joey."
"Joey is so honest and direct.
It is insane.
Joey would take a bullet
for both you and I.
He is such a great person.
I literally cannot think of a con
for Joey.
Let's move on to Sammie."
"She is such a genuine person.
Her heart is literally solid gold,
and I can see it every time we speak."
It's nice to see Rebecca's thought process
and how sweet and kind she is.
That's why I really like her.
[sighs] I'm absolutely
falling to pieces right now.
It's either to save Sean or to keep Adam.
"My pros for Adam are
that he is 100% genuine.
My cons for Adam are that
he tries to use the fact
that I do feel for him
for his advantage." Send.
That's not good enough.
You have to come
with some more substance.
Message, "I told Adam today
that my first impression of him
is that he was going to flirt with you
for his advantage.
He told me his game plan coming in
was to do that,
and that he's done with it.
He has real feelings for you, 100%,
and he was extremely vulnerable/honest
with me."
Oh, that makes me feel so bad.
My moral compass
is, like, really messed up now.
[Shubham] "Let's move to Sean."
Message, "Sean is one of the most bravest,
honest, most beautiful people
I have ever met.
The way that her light shines
is absolutely blinding.
I don't have any cons for Sean."
[Shubham] Wow.
I didn't see this coming at all.
No cons for Sean?
I didn't see that at all.
Message, "My con for Sean
is I just have no connection with her,
and we haven't had any real interactions.
I just wanted to say
Adam has authentic feelings for you.
I don't know Sean,
but you do,
so this decision is in your hands."
Oh, my body just went numb.
I have to face the music.
[Sean gasps]
- Alert!
- Alert!
Ah! I'm scared.
This might be the time
where I actually cry.
Oh, God!
Bitch, here we go, honey.
[Sammie] "The Circle Influencers
have made their decision."
I feel sick to my stomach.
If they're going to be strategic,
it could be me.
Oh, my God! This is so stressful.
I think something big is gonna go down.
[inhales, exhales]
I don't envy Rebecca. I really don't.
[Seaburn] Message,
"Please know that this decision
was one of the hardest decisions
that I ever had to make in my entire life,
and I'm completely heartbroken
to have had to make it."
Oh, my God! I really have no idea
how this is going to go.
I honestly feel like I'm going.
Oh, my God!
Yeah, I feel for her. This shit sucks.
"We decided to block this player
because there are a lot
of emotional aspects involved."
"Just know that
we both think the absolute world of you."
I think everyone's reading this
and thinks it could be them.
I can't see a way right now
I'm not getting blocked.
I just can't see it.
I mean, it could be me. It could be Adam.
Send Sean home.
Get her done, Becky. Send someone home.
"The player
that we decided to block is"
Here we go. The moment of truth.
[Adam gasps]
[screaming] Oh!
Holy shit! Adam?
"Adam has been blocked from The Circle."
And just like that, I'm gone.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I live to see another day. [laughing[
I'm still here. Oh, my God!
I have to send Adam home
because of the fact that
he genuinely, 100%, is absolutely falling
for the mask that is Rebecca.
I think it was the wrong move.
You had someone
who thought the absolute world of you.
So disappointed in Rebecca.
[laughing, crying]
Oh "Blocked."
What a bummer!
[narrator] Y'all know that saying
about things that come in threes, right?
Oh, my gosh!
Not another alert out of nowhere, girl!
Oh, no!
Before Adam leaves,
he can meet one player.
I am hurt right now by Rebecca,
because I thought we were something.
Chris would be disappointed
that the person who walks in the door
is not the Adam he saw on the screen.
I think Joey is very open and accepting.
He'll be shocked, but
"Adam is on his way
to meet one of you now."
I feel like I should put my clothes on
just in case.
[narrator] Yeah, not a bad idea, Sammie.
I should get changed because
I want to walk in looking my best self.
Maybe he's going to see Shubby.
If Adam is gonna come and see me,
then I really don't know
what I'm gonna say to the guy.
Telling the truth means
I'm throwing Rebecca under the bus.
I'm prepared to face the repercussions
of my actions.
[door closes]
Oh, shit!
[both laughing, squealing]
My man!
I knew there was something off with you!
- Ah!
- Ah!
[Alex] My man!
- I'm
- Mind blown?
[Seaburn laughs]
You're doing
what I wish I could have done.
Yo, Rebecca is my girlfriend.
Holy shit!
Holy shit!
- Here we are.
- Here we are.
Two fish in one room.
Oh, damn!
- Yes!
- Yes!
- I'm gonna sit. Is that okay?
- Sit.
- You want something to drink?
- You are a wonderful host.
While Adam and Seaburn thank the Lord
things never got too dirty
in those private chats,
the others are realizing
they ain't getting a visit.
He's going to meet Rebecca.
He's at Rebecca's house.
I think he went right to the source
and be like, "Yo, what did you do to me?"
I mean, I think that's a fair assumption,
'cause his favorite person
just screwed him over big time.
I know. Harsh.
- Oh, my gosh! You dirty son of a gun.
- She stood in her power.
Rebecca is going to be so happy
when Adam walks in
grabs her with his big, juicy arms.
[narrator] Well, those guys did have
a pretty intense hug.
I'm Alex.
- I'm Seaburn.
- Seaburn. Nice to meet you.
I came in The Circle as my girlfriend
because I felt
that women resignate better than men do.
And you're playing it well. I
Bro, it was weird
to flirt as my girlfriend
and to think of the things
that she would he say.
Flirting with Rebecca
in The Circle was so crazy intense
with me.
So, I've been with my wife for 11 years.
We've only been married
for a couple of months,
but we've been together
for a long-ass time.
- Wow. Congrats, bro.
- Yeah.
My game is
[makes whooshing sound]bottom.
Wait. Who is Adam to you?
Who's Adam to me? I don't know him.
He's just somebody that looks
that beautiful.
Really smokin'.
And I'm like, "I'm gonna do this.
I'm gonna go, and I'm gonna flirt
with the girls, and"
I don't know if that put a bitter taste
in Sammie's mouth for me.
- She told on you.
- Yeah?
She told on you.
Sammie was like, "No, I didn't like it.
He seemed really creepy."
- That's what she told us.
- [laughing]
- Oh, I love you, man.
- Bro.
A hug with the bear.
- Bear-bear.
- Bring it in.
- Ah!
- Ah!
- Win this shit.
- Yo, I'm taking it.
[kisses] Love you, Rebecca.
Later, Adam.
What a night!
I am so happy that I went down,
and I met Seaburn.
I didn't expect such a joyful person
who is so ecstatic and wonderful.
I am shocked that Adam was a catfish.
Yo, he played it so good.
Alex really played it really well.
And I was nervous, and worried, and
Okay, we've had painting, catfishing,
a brand new player enter with his mom,
and two players blocked.
So it's probably time
for another alert, right?
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!
[narrator] Guys, I'm just messing
with you. Go to sleep.
How many times
am I going to have to send someone home?
It's an absolutely terrible feeling,
and I feel shattered
every time I have to do it.
Rebecca, Sammie, and Chris is
kind of what saved my ass today.
If I didn't do it with all three of them,
I would not be here right now.
I feel like I need to start opening up
a little bit and sharing parts of me.
I feel like
nobody really knows anything about me.
- Good night. I love you.
- Good night.
Love you, too.
- [exhales]
- Ah!
Oh, baby, we did it.
We're here to play another day.
[pop music playing]
Dancing ♪
With tears in my eyes ♪
[narrator] It's Tammy and Ed's
first morning in The Circle.
[Ed] Did you sleep good?
You know I can't function
without my coffee.
[narrator] And while the other players
are wondering
if last night was just a dream
Talk about a night last night!
Double blockings out of nowhere.
I don't know who you can trust anymore.
At some point,
someone's going to get screwed over.
[narrator] Rebecca and Shubby are living
every influencer's worst nightmare.
We lost our blue tick.
Oh, Man!
Shubham and Rebecca
aren't influencers anymore.
Come on, Circle. Come on.
[laughing] Oh, my God! This game is nuts!
[narrator] It is, Joey, and it's
never too early for it to get nuttier.
So I'ma head over to Sean,
who's gonna drop the first shock
of the day,
and she's decided on a major change.
You got this, girl.
I wish I felt comfortable
to reveal myself sooner, but it's hard.
I just have received so much judgment
from guys specifically.
I feel good
that I opened up to some people,
but if I want to have closer relationships
in here,
I just can't bear
with not being honest with everyone.
Circle, open up my All Me album.
Oh, Circle, open the top middle photo.
This one, all about women's empowerment.
I do like this picture
that I chose yesterday.
You can tell that I'm confident.
You can tell that I'm fun.
I look kind of laid back.
Circle, select this as my profile photo.
Sean's profile has been updated.
She updated her profile picture.
Did she post her real pictures?
Is she just going to put up
some more sexy photos?
[narrator] Hell yeah, she is, Tammy.
Circle, take me to Sean's profile.
- What?
- What?
"Real is feeling pretty beautiful
this morning."
Open the photo of Sean
in the red polka dotty dress.
Oh, look at her!
Oh, my God!
Everyone is going to be freaking out.
She was lying about her pictures.
I just wish she came into it like that
from the beginning.
[Joey] It makes me feel terrible that
she's had to come in here
with a false narrative of herself,
with who she is and how she looks.
My opinion is she felt,
"I'm going to come clean.
Everybody wants real.
Everybody wants genuine.
They don't like the fakes."
Okay, I feel like everyone has probably
gotten a good look at this profile now,
and I probably have some explaining to do.
Oh, God.
"Good morning, friends.
Heart emoji.
As you can see,
something is looking a little different
this morning."
"Thank you for sharing the real you
with all of us."
Aw! Joey!
Wow! What a sweetheart!
"Thank you for showing me
what bravery, courage,
and what a heart of gold looks like."
Are people actually going to be nice?
Ed is being awfully quiet.
Oh. Now, it looks like Ed is talking too.
I think she's confusing. I would write,
"Confused. Question mark."
I would not write that.
I say we just keep firing off compliments
and being fake like everybody else.
All right, "At Sean,
so glad you decided
to let yourself shine, girl.
The polka dots are looking better
than ever."
- All right, send.
- Send.
Everyone is making me cry 24/7.
I am not an actual crier this much.
Oh, my God!
My heart is so happy right now.
I think I get it,
but people here would not have judged her.
Message, "At Sean.
I'm really glad you are yourself 100% now,
but I really wish you'd come in
as yourself.
Being yourself is always more than enough.
Period." Send.
It's interesting. I feel like
Shubham is kind of the most
skeptical out of the group.
I don't like when people
lie or manipulate.
I don't care what you do,
or where you come from,
what you look like.
If you're yourself,
that's all that matters,
and the biggest risk that anyone can take
is to be yourself
and let the world know it.
I feel like everybody is themself now.
I love it.
Everyone's here being themselves.
It's great. It's such a good feeling.
[narrator] Well, this is awkward.
Okay, so Sean has spilled her tea.
Time for someone else to do it.
And this one is coming
from beyond The Circle grave.
[Chris] Oh, wow!
The Circle, "Bill has left a message
for The Circle."
I didn't see this coming.
What up? We got a message from Bill!
Holy shit!
[Tammy] Oh, no!
I feel like he's pissed.
Is Bill who he says he is?
You never know what to think.
Maybe he's not.
Okay, Circle, play Bill's video.
What's up, guys? It's Bill, the real Bill.
My time in The Circle
has been short-lived.
I came in,
and I saw all this love, all this loyalty.
I think a lot of it was phony.
It wasn't authentic.
People are about promoting themselves.
You know, getting to that finish line.
All fake, you know?
I'm about making
that authentic relationship,
that genuine friendship.
Anyway, just wanna say good luck
to you guys,
but keep your eyes open.
This is The Circle.
I wonder how the rest of the group
is gonna react to this.
- It was actually Bill.
- It was really Bill.
He didn't like how fake it was?
What do you mean?
He said, "All fake."
Whatever, Bill.
Uh, Bill, not everybody
in this motherfucker is fake.
I don't know how you talking about, Bill.
He does seem kind of bitter a little bit
that he got blocked so early.
Dude, you lost.
You don't have to be so spiteful.
But he was himself, and I knew that.
I knew he'd be himself.
He said, "Keep your eyes open."
I feel like Bill kind of stirs it
a little bit,
but I kind of like that.
I mean, maybe some people
up in this motherfucker are fake.
I'm trying to get to that finish line
being myself, Bill.
Bill really straight up was like,
"Y'all are fake."
Who else is not saying and/or being
100% who they said they are?
Don't get me wrong. I know
that I'm keeping back some of the truth,
but now, it puts everyone on high alert.
Oh, wow!
"Adam left a message for The Circle."
I need the bigger screen.
[Ed] Adam left a message too.
Uh-oh. Okay, is Adam real or not?
Holy shit!
It'll be really nice
to see Adam, and I hope he's nice,
and kind, and sweet
like I think he is.
Oh, man, I feel like Rebecca's gonna cry.
This is about to be crazy.
Circle, open video message
[Alex] Hi, it's Adam.
Just kidding. It's Alex.
What the
I am shocked. [laughing]
Oh, my God!
I came into The Circle as a hot guy,
because I thought
that's what it would take
for the likes and the popularity,
and I was absolutely wrong.
In real life, I'm a happily married man
of three months.
I've been with my wife for 11 years,
and I couldn't be happier.
I'm so sorry for my very bad flirting.
I know I might have been very forward
and very aggressive.
I haven't flirted in a very long time.
I believe in all of you, and I am,
in some way or another,
rooting for each and everyone of you.
Hashtag Circle fan for life.
Love to all of you. Bye.
What the fuck?
My heart was racing that
he would probably try to drop a gem,
but he didn't.
I need CPR.
I'm just shocked.
Oh, I love Alex!
He is such a cutie.
All right, so we were right about Adam,
but wrong about Bill.
Oh, my gosh!
Adam was the almighty catfish.
That is hilarious.
Every single reason
why I was thrown by him
now makes sense.
He's a married man.
But he was flirting with Rebecca,
but she took him down anyway.
Adam and Rebecca,
one of them had to have
some kind of secret,
because their relationship
just seemed too perfect.
My intuition was telling me there had
to be some kind of trouble in paradise.
I think Rebecca's gonna be devastated.
Now, everybody's gonna go,
"Oh, shit! We know Adam came to Rebecca.
How are you feeling
knowing that Adam was a catfish?"
Oh, my gosh!
Rebecca must feel so cracked right now
to know that the guy
she thought she had a
Oh, my gosh!
We need to go to the chat right now.
I wanna be like, "Rebecca!"
Now I have to play the vulnerability side,
and it's like,
to gain the sympathy of everyone
is gonna be more valuable than anything.
I don't think Rebecca is loyal,
trustworthy, and genuine.
As long as you're sneaky,
and people like you,
it don't matter who or what you are.
Circle, take me back to Circle Chat.
Playing with other people's emotions
while you're pretending to be someone
is so wrong.
last night,
Adam came to see me."
Now, I don't know what to believe
about anyone right now.
"And when he walked through that door,
my mouth and mind were blown.
I was absolutely heartbroken
to know that Adam was not real."
She's a sweet girl for sure.
I feel like she's absolutely shattered
right now and devastated.
Right now, I feel Rebecca
is going over her thoughts, thinking,
"Oh, my gosh!
I cannot believe
this mother mmm is a catfish."
Rebecca, I think you're not real either.
Message, "To find out he has been
with his girlfriend/wife for 11 years
It broke me even more
than sending him home."
"Aren't you glad you send him home now,
Rebecca? LOL."
Rebecca don't give a shit.
Message, "At Rebecca,
I'm so sorry this has happened to you.
And I'm just as pissed/sad
that he wasn't himself." Send.
[Sean] "I'm so sorry
that this has been
such an emotional roller coaster for you."
Now, you see everybody is working.
Look at them. They
Message, "I'm so glad
the truth has set you free."
We're about to go skyrocketing
in the ratings.
I think Rebecca is faking being sad,
and now, we're faking being sad for her,
and this is just a load of Ah!
Message, "Guys,
thank you for the support
that you have shown to me,
because my heart is extremely heavy
knowing that Adam is not real."
I feel so heartbroken about Rebecca.
She's my sister in The Circle.
I want to comfort her
and be there for her.
I'm looking at all of these people
and their profile pictures, and I'm like,
"Any one of you could be
somebody completely different,
and I'm just so confused."
We played this really well, Rebecca.
Well done, girl. Well done.
I'm not buying it.
[dance music playing]
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