The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Piscininha, Amor

Hi, Akel.
I ship this already.
#RaKel. Send.
Holy mother of God!
How about you become my sister wives?
- Aw!
- He's so cute!
Wake up!
Stop that.
I don't agree with you.
Akel deserves to stay in the game,
not Lucas.
We have decided to block
Are you satisfied?
No way!
My name is Rafael, but in The Circle,
I'm Ana Paula, my best friend.
Circle, open Ana's photo.
I love those boobs.
I really want to talk to Ana.
It's time to pretend I like everybody.
Drum roll, please!
- Victory!
- Victory.
I have no idea.
I wanna die!
- Those sons of
- That's heavy!
Holy shit.
She Fights is over for real.
I can hardly wait for the decision.
Whoever gets blocked can say bye-bye
to the prize of 300,000 reais.
So, having made the decision,
I would like to announce it
to the group, okay?
Circle, message.
This moment is all yours.
Good luck.
- Alert.
- Alert. It's time.
"The influencers
have made their decision."
Oh, no.
I think it's me.
The person we've decided to block is
It's me.
My heart can beat again.
Thank you, Lord!
Gosh, they took away my doc.
I played, I had fun.
I didn't want this experience to end.
I didn't want Akel to go.
Akel's got a big mouth, stirs shit up.
Akel being blocked
weakens Lorayne.
This is good for me.
I liked it.
It hurts
to block someone like that.
But like my mother used to say,
"Better them than me."
Circle, I've lost count
of how many alerts we had already.
"Akel has been blocked
from The Circle."
Thanks for confirming it,
but I crossed him off my list already.
"Before leaving,
Akel can meet one player in person."
Here we go.
He might come here.
He might go to JP.
"Akel is on his way
to one of the apartments."
I'm not ready for this.
Holy mother of God.
if you wanna knock on my door,
bring it on.
If you show up here,
you'll see the state I'm in.
My heart is beating fast.
Oh, my God!
Holy shit, you're real.
My goodness.
- Nice to meet you.
- Sorry.
I look like I've been crying.
I cried like crazy.
I know what you mean.
I feel the exact same way.
You have no idea
how happy I am to meet you.
Me too, dude. Lord help me.
This game is crazy. Fuck.
I have two things to tell you.
One is good. The other one, not so much.
The not so good one
is that I'm not a doctor.
I suspected that from the beginning!
Go ahead.
And I'm not 30. You can tell by my face.
- I can't pass as a 30-year-old.
- No!
I can't, right? Since the first day,
I liked you so much that I wanted you
to keep me company in the game.
I made a little doll of you.
- I'm very happy
- Damn!
…to meet you.
I'd never
go against my principles.
Ray talked to me earlier.
She said that she likes me
and that she shipped RaKel.
I stood my ground,
and she kind of took a step back.
Since he isn't coming here anyway,
it's time for bed, right, princess?
In our first date chat,
she asked me if I had "someone."
And I told her, "Dude, I talk to Akel.
I think he's very cute."
- I told her that.
- That's crazy.
Wow. I need to show you something, too.
I also made a doll of you.
No way. Don't just get any
- Here.
- A mermaid? It looks like me.
The pink hair is different.
I'm not sure if it looks good.
I call you Lolo. I couldn't figure out
how to pronounce your name.
- It's hard.
- The Circle got used to it.
I'm leaving in good spirits, happy.
Because I can't imagine leaving here
without kissing you.
Oh, my God!
Can you hear it?
- Can you hear it?
- What?
They're asking for a peck.
Calm down, people.
That's not how it works, for God's sake.
Just a peck.
Thank you so much for coming over, really.
From the bottom of my heart.
I went for it.
I'm flirty. We don't need to talk.
Just be bold and cheerful.
Good luck. Rock this thing.
I'm very happy to know
that you are real.
I wanna get to know you after this.
Did the fact that I got close to Lolo,
that I was so attached to her,
result in my elimination?
Maybe, but I don’t regret it,
and I wouldn’t change it.
Knock 'em dead, win this shit.
- Get ready. Kisses, see ya.
- Okay.
If I was just like I am in real life,
I don't know if it'd be interesting.
I think some people
wouldn't have approached me.
Even though he was a catfish,
he was a great friend, an ally
for whom I fought tooth and nail.
And dude
I'm so happy.
How does one sleep after that?
Damn, today was drama after drama.
Wake up, Marina.
And keep an eye on The Circle.
Nice Lo is no more, for real.
And while our little angels sleep,
a new player sneaks in the next morning.
Holy shit, man.
Awesome. This is so cool.
My name is Renan, I'm 30 years old.
I have a degree in Phys Ed,
a graduate degree in Physiology,
and I'm a cryptocurrencies enthusiast.
I consider myself a proactive person.
Wanna go? Let's go.
People like this type of energy.
The in-game Renan
will be the real-life Renan.
The usual. That person is really me.
And in the game, I'll adapt to people.
The Circle is a big challenge for me.
I express myself much better in person
than via text.
I'll have to be careful in this exchange,
while I try to show emotion,
while I try to be empathetic.
Losing patience
is not part of my strategy.
I'll be chill. "Calm down, guys."
I'll be the peacemaker. "Calm down."
If somebody flirts with me,
I'll flirt back a little bit
to help with the romantic vibe
people are creating,
since this is a game.
For those who only care about looks
Watch out. I'll show you
that I'm a lot more than that.
This is to celebrate, right?
"Welcome to The Circle."
"Set up your profile." Let's go.
Circle, open that photo
in the car, shirtless.
I picked this photo
because it's more about the smile,
rather than an athletic,
shirtless man stereotype.
It can help, but it's not a priority.
Circle, add this photo to my profile.
Very nice. I like it. "Age."
I'm 30 years old,
but as a strategy, here in my profile
I'm gonna be 26.
"Relationship status."
I've been in a relationship
for over three years,
but as a strategy here,
I prefer being single.
"About me."
I'm gonna say I'm an athlete,
a Capricorn,
and a cryptocurrencies enthusiast.
Circle, post my profile.
"You must prepare a special breakfast
for one of the female players."
"Check the players' profiles
to make your choice."
Circle, open Ana's profile.
"Feminist and writer.
I like men a lot, but that doesn't stop me
from going both ways."
"Lorayne, 22 years old,
single, Virgo countryside girl"
Nice, I like it.
I think we can get along,
have a nice talk.
Holy shit.
Dude, what's with that photo?
Hold on, I'm gonna try to do it, too.
"Raised on tacacáand açaí."
I have no idea what tacacáis.
"Don't pull my weave."
Very nice.
"Made in the Manaus Industrial Zone."
I like creative people. Nice.
I'm gonna gift somebody right away.
I think that's cool.
The problem is,
we only get to know each other
through our profiles.
So, I think I'm gonna pick
somebody who I relate to
the most, energy-wise.
Besides being a complete stud,
can he also cook?
- Whoa!
- Whoa there! The alerts have started!
Not this early in the morning!
I haven't even brewed the coffee.
For the love of God,
I hope it's not a blocking.
- Whoa!
- What the hell?
"A new player has entered
The Circle."
For Christ's sake
Is it a man?
Who might this fighter be?
"He is preparing a surprise
for one of you."
Only one?
He started with a lot of reassurance.
I'll add some eggs, orange juice,
roses, a note
If it's a date, then I want it.
Whoa! Renan.
Open Renan's profile.
Why do you have your tits out?
Jesus Christ!
I want him.
"Cryptocurrencies enthusiast."
What the hell is that?
A typical bro.
Crypto as in kryptonite?
Inside the car, no shirt on.
One playmaker is out,
another one is in for the boy's team.
He looks gay to me.
Like those gay jocks, you know?
Those who wear a polo shirt to the club.
It's a good profile. He looks
Better than any food I've ever cooked.1
I wouldn't post that on Instagram.
He and Luma can be
an official couple.
Not official. They can have some fun.
Look, Renan. Welcome.
Do I want you to be here?
No. But since you're here, welcome.
Bring me a nice surprise.
A card right here in the corner, right?
I think the least
I should get right now is a surprise.
Who's going to eat this egg toast?
I hope it's for me.
Whoa, come in.
Is anybody there?
Is Renan knocking on the door?
Oh, my God.
I did well. Positive thinking.
This can't be serious.
Oh, Lord. Akel's body isn't even cold yet.
What's going on?
Dude, this is so cute!
Gosh, I'm so embarrassed. Jeez.
There's a little card.
"Good morning. A special breakfast
for the small-town princess.
It's hard to please a Virgo.
I hope I was successful.
Kisses, Renan."
I picked Lorayne
because besides her great energy,
she's someone I'd be attracted to,
someone I could talk to.
Akel just left,
and there's already another boy
hitting on me.
Yeah, it looks like Lorayne is moving on.
I don't think the surprise is for me.
It must have gone to Lorayne.
I'm really curious
to know if she liked.
Both the surprise and the breakfast.
Circle, open private chat with Lorayne.
"Renan has invited you to a private chat."
Good morning, honey!
The strategy is to make a connection.
If we flirt, it should happen naturally.
Circle, open chat with Renan.
Good morning. How are you?
So, did I do well?
Circle, message.
If you think you can bribe me with food,
you're absolutely right.
Welcome, dude.
Just so you know, The Circle is on fire.
"People are skittish right now."
Tell me more about it. #TellMeEverything.
Circle, send.
Okay, so he wants it straight.
I'm gonna give it to him straight.
Circle, message.
Considering everything that happened,
JP is my main concern right now.
I hate phonies. And that punk
has proven that his game is dirty.
I think Marina and Dumaresq
play a fair game.
If she thinks Marina and Dumaresq
play a fair game,
it's because they're her allies.
Circle, message.
Thanks for the information.
That will help me a lot, for sure.
If you hate phonies, #WeAreInThisTogether.
Kisses. Until we talk again.
Circle, send.
Circle, message.
You can count on me. #ILovedTheBreakfast.
I really hope he takes
the information I gave him
into consideration
when he makes his decisions.
Gotta be watchful.
I like that. He just got here
and wants all the privileges.
"The newsfeed has been updated."
Okay, let's go.
Circle, open my newsfeed.
"Before leaving, Akel left a message."
I wonder if this message will have
any advice.
I wonder if Akel was a catfish.
I don't think so. I think
I'm gonna fall in love with him.
Let's see what the mineirinho has to say.
Circle, play Akel's video.
Akel, what did you say, huh?
Oh, my God
It's time.
Hey, everybody.
Nice to meet you. I'm Akel, in the flesh.
With a few distinctions. I'm not a doctor.
I even pass out when I see blood.
I can't handle that stuff.
And I'm not 30 years old.
Look at this baby face.
I'm 20 years old. I'm in my prime.
He's 20! Oh, my God!
I kissed a child.
But damn, he lied by ten years.
Ten years is a lot.
This game was nuts.
Some people say different things
in different chats,
but in the end,
they want your head on a spike.
It's a dirty game. Be careful!
That's an important message.
If that hint was directed at me, bro
I didn't get it.
Well, I'm rooting
for you, Lolo, as expected.
Knock 'em dead.
Skyrocket, poof! Go, Araxá!
You big fool!
Why weren't you yourself in here?
Nice warning. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
Thank you, Akel.
Your issue was with JP.
So, if I'm friends with JP,
I'm good.
Skyrocket out of The Circle!
Thanks for rooting for me.
I'll do my best to win this
for the both of us. And that's it.
Well, Lorayne, it's high time
for you to be more flexible in this game.
Because what's not lacking here
is flexible players.
Children, eat your vegetables.
Oh, I feel so alone!
open the She Fights Chat!
"Dumaresq has invited you
to the She Fights Chat."
Oh, my God.
Dumaresq, you better stop.
Lorayne was in last place,
so it must have been a strategy.
Oh, sweet Jesus.
Circle, message.
Good morning, girls!
We have a new member!
Come on in, Ana!
"Come on in, Ana!"
My suspicion radar is like
Circle, message.
Good morning, girls.
I went all Matrix on the blocking.
Let's be watchful, girls.
Fakery is prevailing.
It really is prevailing because
I'm being fake to you.
That wasn't for me, right?
We've talked already.
You're next.
I'm gonna talk about the new player.
Circle, message.
It's always nice to be among women,
but it's also nice
when a hottie joins the group!
Exclamation mark.
What do you think about Renan?
Gosh, Ana!
Dirty girl.
Circle, message!
Renan is hot indeed.
What about the surprise, huh?
"I stayed home and even used moisturizer,
but he didn't show up."
Circle, message.
Did anyone receive that surprise?
I was so naive,
waiting for breakfast in bed.
Laugh emoji. Send.
Just the fact that Ray
is in the group chat weighs
on whether
I'll share the information
about the breakfast.
Because I consider him an ally,
and I don't want him to know
about this yet.
Circle, message.
I still had boogers in my eyes
"and waited for a strip tease,
but nothing happened.
There's no way that no one here
received that surprise.
You better stop, girls.
I hate lies,
but in the game, with all the girls here,
it's complicated to share this.
If Lorayne was the one
who received the surprise,
I understand.
Because now she's leery of people,
she doesn't know who to trust.
Lorayne said she was waiting
with boogers in her eyes.
Luma asked who received it.
Ray didn't say a word.
Neither did Ana or Marina
Was it JP?
Circle, message.
But who received that surprise, after all?
Was it JP?
Circle, message.
Dumaresq, good thinking.
Maybe Renan realized
that the men are a minority
and gave JP the surprise.
Imagine JP saying he didn't get it.
We'll be like, "What?
Someone is lying!"
Circle, message.
JP is freaking lucky.
Laugh emoji. Send.
I'm thinking
of 15 thousand ways
people can find out I just lied.
So, in my head, this can come
to light and
Circle, message.
Lorayne, tell us.
Did Akel visit you?
"Did you guys kiss?"
- You think?
- Is she going to say anything?
Don't say anything! It's a trap!
Circle, message.
Oh, God. Yes, he came over.
Laugh emoji.
About the kiss, #ThatIsASecret.
Laugh emoji. Send.
She's keeping secrets
She's on the fence
Lorayne, Little Lorayne
You're not in a position
to be keeping secrets from us.
Circle, message.
It's always great talking to you here.
Good morning to you all. #GirlPower.
Kiss emoji and red heart emoji.
Circle, message.
See you soon, girls.
Once again, comma, thanks, Dumaresq.
Kisses to you all!
Exclamation mark. Red heart emoji.
Mystery is in the air on The Circle.
Who did Renan give the surprise to?
The first chance I get, I'll ask,
"JP, what about the surprise?"
Will this secret ever be revealed?
Circle, open private chat with JP.
"Renan has invited you to a private chat."
Let's talk, let's get to know each other.
Circle, open private chat with Renan.
The definition of "whatever"
has been updated.
Lorayne said JP was phony.
But there are a lot of girls in the game.
He's one of the few men left.
My first strategy would be
to make a connection with him,
since the men are the ones leaving.
Circle, message.
Hey JP, what's up?
So, the women are dominating
around here? Circle, send.
Circle, message.
Yeah, bro. The ladies have taken over.
Laugh emoji with tears.
What about that surprise?
Who did you send it to? Circle, send.
If he sent the surprise to
one of my girls from the North,
I wouldn't be too happy because
they're like
my sister wives, right?
Circle, message.
I came to strengthen the men's team.
The surprise was a breakfast.
I made it for Lorayne.
I think you get it.
Circle, send.
He sent her the breakfast and stuff.
I think she talked about me,
she must have told him
that I'm playing dirty.
Circle, message.
Did Lorayne say anything about me?
Thinking emoji.
Circle, send.
Yes, JP, she did.
But I'm not gonna tell you.
Let's see if he's gonna be honest.
Not really.
But she said good things
about Dumaresq and Marina.
What did you think
of Akel being blocked? Circle, send.
I applaud her for this attitude,
for not wanting to make intrigues
and talk behind my back.
Just so I don't create any intrigues,
I rather not say anything,
but hear what he has to say about them.
Circle, message.
Bro, Akel being blocked
was taken into consideration
when Lorayne and I were influencers.
Among all the players at the time,
he was the least deserving to stay.
But Lorayne and Akel were a couple.
Anyway, because of that,
I think she holds a grudge against me.
But life goes on.
"But Lorayne and Akel were a couple."
I'm talking to the right guy.
Circle, message.
If she holds a grudge,
then she didn't reveal it yet.
That's part of the game.
#LifeGoesOn. Circle, send.
There's always the chance
that he might share real information.
Something that she might have talked
to him about
and asked him to keep a secret.
We never know, right?
Circle, message.
So that's it, bro.
Little by little,
you'll get to know who is who,
and you'll make alliances
with the right people.
We're playing fair,
and I hope you join this team.
She was the one
who talked about other people,
I didn't even have to ask.
She said, "Look, be careful with him."
Was it because she's nice?
I don't know about nice,
but don't step on her toes.
There is no excuse for what you did.
Oh, God.
The alert gives me all kinds of fear.
Ready to be alerted.
"Renan was the last player
to enter The Circle."
It's me. Yo.
So? What about it?
"The winner of the game
is among you."
No spots left.
That's true.
That makes me feel like
Let's celebrate!
I even baked a cake to celebrate.
Oops, I screwed up. No!
Whoa! I've just understood the message!
I'm close to the final
Hell yeah!
I dropped everything!
- Party time!
- Party!
- No way!
- Cool!
- Party!
- What do you mean?
Nice! Party is my middle name!
"Sun, beach"
What does it mean?
Did anybody say, "sun?"
"That's right, inside the apartment."
You can wear a bikini.
I want to see the boys in Speedos!
"Go to the door
and get the items
that are waiting for you!"
Hey! Wait for me, you brat!
Party, let's go
There's a party today
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
No way.
There's a giant unicorn
coming through my door!
Oh, my God!
This is wonderful.
I don't know what to do with it.
I'm gonna get ready for this party.
Excuse me, before my guests arrive.
Let's put this sunblock on.
Let's take care of ourselves, everybody.
I'm ready.
Hurry up, bro. Fill it up.
I want to get in the pool.
Gin and tonic.
That's what I'm talking about!
Wave incoming!
Dude, what an awesome party.
Yikes! The water is so cold!
I'm very famous now, my dear.
No way!
I'm shook!
The party's starting.
There's no one to kiss.
I think I'm drunk!
I'm a great dancer, man.
Circle's message.
"Pick your most tropical picture"
"and post it in the Circle!"
This is so cool!
Circle, open my photos.
Send that photo
where I'm wearing a bikini.
That one is 100% me.
Because there's no beach
in the countryside.
Laugh emoji. Send.
Dude, you are all back
in the game, blondie.
Guys, I'm shocked.
She's super skinny. I did not expect that.
We're not very close now.
I don't know if I should say anything.
Circle. Wow, #NicePic.
Winking face emoji. Send.
Yikes! Renan's first message
for an entire group is,
"Wow, #NicePic?"
Gosh. If there is one thing
I really dislike
is this whole hetero persona.
Circle, select that photo
of me at the beach with Tobias.
Guys, Tobias is also enjoying the party.
# PoolParty. #RaySlays.
Circle, message.
My body looks more like Tobias's.
Did you call me dog?
Are you crazy?
Circle, open the "Fierce" gallery.
I'm going to use that one.
Caption for my photo
"Plastic cups, no more."
Circle, send.
Oh, I got it. Write it down.
Circle, message.
I was just doing the same thing
with my pineapple cup.
"I was just doing the same thing" How?
Is his chest that big
for him to manage to do that?
I can't even do that.
Circle, I'm picking that photo
where I'm holding a rod.
Summer comes
"summer goes, and I'm still hot."
No thanks.
Circle, open the "Hobbies" album.
The first one, in white Speedo.
I'm gonna use that.
Caption for my photo
"Raise your hand if you like waterfalls."
Send photo.
Holy shit!
JP, wow
Don't look, Nelson.
Circle, zoom in.
The dude
The dude shows his dick on TV.
And he's wearing a life jacket
I see something there.
When he posted the photo, I
Leave the photo zoomed in.
No need to take it down.
Leave it zoomed in.
Circle, open "Believe in Yourself" album.
The one with her mom would be great.
Circle, send this photo.
That's quite a woman, Brazil.
And her mom is gorgeous, too.
All fancy.
I want to use this comment
before everyone does.
Circle, message.
"The apple doesn't fall
far from the tree."
Wow. Renan
He can't make a good comment, can he?
Circle, select the first photo.
Sea tigress.
She's incredible!
Oh, my God!
Circle, message.
Oh, God. Someone bring me a napkin
because I'm drooling.
That's my girl.
#MyWoman. Send.
Look at that.
You two made up, huh?
Circle, open the "Travel" album.
I found the perfect photo.
Circle, post the photo
where I'm laying on a pineapple.
Come on over, guys!
# PoolParty. #GoodVibes.
Circle, message.
Renan, my man, you really know what to do.
You seduced Lorayne with a breakfast,
and now you want to seduce
the other girls.
Shit, now I'm fucked.
The son of a bitch gave me away!
I'm in shock!
Lorayne didn't say anything!
Lorayne lied!
What a phony!
Yeah, now I'm screwed.
Circle, message.
Lorayne, you're full of secrets.
The masks are falling!
Lorayne didn't say anything
because she doesn't trust the girls.
Circle, message.
Shoosh, JP. It was supposed
to be a secret. Laugh emoji.
Dumaresq, Akel just left.
I was feeling embarrassed. LOL. Send.
What a pitiful excuse for an answer.
She's tricky.
Circle, message.
And a laugh emoji. Send.
I fucked up today.
I have zero allies right now.
Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
This was the best party, no doubt.
- Silence prevails.
- And the chat became silent.
For a good player, silence suffices.
- Alert!
- Alert.
Oh, my God!
My heart can't take another hit today.
"It's time for the ratings."
Now what? I'm eating.
"Rank the players from favorite
to least favorite."
I just got here.
How am I supposed to do that?
You need to captivate people
just like that, overnight.
"Since he's a new player, Renan can rate,
but cannot be rated."
Circle, Dumaresq in first place.
Because he got a great rate last time.
And Luma can feel Dumaresq is being honest
on what he says and does.
Dumaresq is a very articulate person.
He's gonna get fifth place.
I will rate Ray in fifth place.
Because of what happened with Akel.
She tried to "couple up" with him
to have an ally.
I was really upset about it.
In third, I'm gonna place Luma.
She has great potential
to be my friend in the game.
She compliments me a lot, too.
That's very important for my needy side.
Fourth place goes to Ana.
She's a bit sarcastic.
She's full of jokes. She's great at that.
But she's been
butting heads lately.
- And
- Some comments that are more serious.
Circle, in sixth place,
That's mean.
But anyway, everybody here is playing.
The first place, of course
goes to Marina.
I could count on her, I could trust her.
She told me to change my attitude
in the game.
I'm gonna keep Lorayne in sixth.
She hasn't been playing in a nice way.
She plays dirty.
And in last place, I'm gonna put JP.
I got the impression
that the dude is a phony,
from the talk I had with Lorayne.
I didn't feel that way until he exposed me
in front of everybody.
Circle, send my ratings.
"Ratings complete."
These ratings are very important.
The race for a prize of 300,000 reais
is getting fierce.
Dude, I think I should talk to Marina.
There are many things she doesn't know,
and I want her to know.
Circle, open chat with Marina.
"Lorayne has invited you
to a private chat."
Oh, shit
Circle, message.
Sis, I didn't talk about the breakfast
in the group chat
because I don't trust Ray.
When Akel came over
"he told me she private messaged him
saying she shipped RaKel."
Heavy stuff!
I have been saying that over and over.
Ray is too available.
Circle, message.
Dude, I knew something was wrong.
I realized you didn't entirely trust
all of them.
Circle, message.
The fact that I lied,
almost in desperation,
to try and change things,
that was wrong.
I shouldn't have done that.
I regret it deeply.
# MyFriend. #ITrustYou.
You can trust in ourselves.
You can trust in ourselves.
Everything will work out.
Sis, take a deep breath
and stop clowning around.
I want you in the final with me,
and I believe it'll happen.
I feel happy just reading her message.
Wow, I really needed that.
In this very moment,
the Circle's algorithms are calculating
the fate of our players.
Oh, my God!
- It's time.
- Lord help me.
"The rating results are in."
Oh, my God!
I'm nervous again.
- I try to stay calm.
- There's no way you cannot be nervous.
There's no way.
"The results are not going
to be disclosed."
Circle! What's your deal?
My mind is blown right now.
Will it be immediate once again?
"The most popular player is now a"
- "superinfluencer."
- Superinfluencer?
It's not going to be two anymore.
If an influencer has power,
a superinfluencer
has a superpower.
"Wow, JP! You're a genius!"
It might not be good
to be a superinfluencer.
Because you can't discuss
with someone else who will be blocked.
You can't share the blame.
"This player is going to decide
by themselves
who will be blocked from The Circle."
I don't think anyone saw that coming.
If the influencer doesn't like you,
you're screwed.
I think since I joined the game,
this is the first time I ever got nervous.
So, who do you think
is the superinfluencer? Tell me.
Whisper it in my ear.
I want
this Pizza Circle
to block Lorayne.
Now it's up to you, Universe.
Oh no
But if the results are not going
to be disclosed, how come
I'm waiting for them?
Oh, my God!
- My goodness.
- Call Luma! Call her over!
Call Luma!
Luma is a superinfluencer, dude.
"You must decide
which player will be blocked
from The Circle."
Let's go over everyone.
Ray, for instance.
Why would we block her?
Because Ray, in the future,
is a profile that Luma would not miss.
- She is Luma's competition.
- Yeah.
Dumaresq in the game now
is proving to be a player
who is friendly, honest,
and open.
I think the focus is on other people.
But you never know.
I thought about it once before,
and I was shaking with fear.
Ana still isn't a threat to Luma,
but in the future
What about Lorayne?
Why would she be an option?
- For lying in the chat.
- That would be the main reason.
Lying about a breakfast?
- Marina.
- Too self-absorbed.
At the same time, great player.
So, who will it be?
I'm glad I'm safe.
The time has come.
"The superinfluencer has made a decision."
I still had hope I would be
the superinfluencer.
Who could it be?
Things are
very dark and unclear.
I'm so lost.
"But the decision will not be announced
in the Circle Chat."
Oh, my God. Now what?
- Let's go.
- I have a headache.
Wig off.
"You will not announce
the blocking in the Circle Chat."
- What?
- Whew. That's great.
We'll not announce it in the Circle Chat.
Wait. We don't know where it will be.
"You must give the news in per"
"They'll give the news"
"They'll give the news in person."
How stressful.
Let's go. This is what it means
to be a superinfluencer.
"The superinfluencer is on their way
to one of the apartments"
"to announce their decision."
Oh, my God! Lock the door!
Oh, God.
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