The Crowned Clown (2019) s01e09 Episode Script

A Clown Knows How to Put a Play on Any Stage

The Crowned Clown
The characters, organizations, locations, and events in this drama are fictional and have no relation to historical facts.
Episode 9
Your Majesty.
As expected, you understood my meaning perfectly.
Did you wait very long? I was planning to come early.
The round-table discussion went long today.
It's alright. Even waiting for you brings me joy.
Then you can give it to me.
What are you talking about?
The present you prepared with so much thought.
How did you know?
Did you make it yourself?
It's a pen pouch.
Since Your Majesty is a masterful calligrapher, I thought it'd be nice to use for carrying brushes.
If brushes aren't to your liking, then you could use it to carry the compass as well.
My beloved, even if we are apart for a millennium,
my faithful heart will remain steadfast.
[So Ak Bu / Minor Odes by Yi Jeyeon (Goryeo)]
Even if I am parted from you for a thousand years,
my love for you cannot be changed.
I selected from among many different ones and chose this to engrave my heart.
I have something to confess.
I ate a whole bundle of medicine.
As one would look upon the stars or the moon, I would look towards the queen's palace for long stretches of time.
Be it the garden or library, I don't know how many times I went in and out in a day.
I went through an entire bunch of medicine to prepare them.
As one would look upon the stars or the moon, I would look towards the king's palace for long stretches of time.
Be it the garden or the library,
I don't know how many times I went in and out in a day.
I cannot hide it anymore.
I won't avoid it anymore.
I won't run away either.
I will only look towards you and think about you.
I'm in love with you.
Even if my heart explodes,
I wouldn't mind
because I love you.
♫ Closer to you ♫
♫ Little by little ♫
♫ You are getting farther ♫
♫ And again ♫
♫ In a faraway today, to you ♫
♫ I have words I must tell you ♫
♫ No matter what keeps you faltering ♫
♫ You were my dream ♫
Your hands are so cold!
They will get warmer soon.
They already are.
I think the compass you gave me is broken.
♫ You in this moment ♫
It always points in towards your palace.
♫ I will keep in my memory ♫
♫ All your smiles too ♫
Your Highness, did something happen?
It's nothing. Just
It's because of His Majesty, isn't it?
Is it so obvious?
When you returned from seeing His Majesty in the past,
without even realizing it, I always felt bad.
Seeing you smiling now is a miracle.
Did you now?
The maids in the his palace said it is like he was reborn. Ah!
Why are you laughing? What did you hear?
That they said even his poop smells different.
You will get punished for saying that.
I'm sorry, Your Highness.
Father, am I really going to have to go?
It's an island that only has rocks.
If I catch something and die from an epidemic, who will carry on our clan?
I recently summoned some clowns to my home.
But among the clowns,
one had the exact face as His Majesty.
Two of the same face?
Are you listening to me, Father?
Since you received the appointment, you must go.
Don't get on the boat going to the island, but wait quietly at Naju.
Naju? Alright, I understand.
However, what will His Majesty say?
Do you have a plan?
The sky has collapsed and the ground is shattered,
so I will have to find a hole to rise from.
Shall I tell you how to shoot the target properly?
First, on a windy day, you shouldn't raise the bow.
But if you insist on raising the bow regardless,
you will have to make the target big.
So you will certainly penetrate the center.
Like this?
How dare the hunting dog that His Majesty abandoned come barking noisily to me?
To you and the queen dowager,
I am well aware I'm regarded as the enemy.
However, it is unfair to me.
A hunting dog only ever follows its owners' commands
never having a will of his own.
I was just killed after the hunting was over.
If you have any parting words, you may say them now.
What made you come find me here?
I came to seat you on the king's throne.
Why does it have to be me?
As the proverb goes, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
I served with all my loyalty but I was abandoned.
Hence, I thought deeply who would loathe the king as much as me.
And I couldn't think of anyone else but you, Prince Jin Pyeong.
My father and my brother were both killed by your hand.
Why would I trust you?
A justification for reformation. Will that suffice?
You'll make a target for me?
Yes, exactly.
You'll have to make a very large target.
Resignation Letter
I never imagined you'd go this length.
Can you really handle it?
Didn't I tell you? Concerning the queen–
In order to receive one thing, you need to let go of another.
Is that what you want to say?
Sometimes for just one thing, you must let go of ten or even a hundred things.
Sometimes for just one thing,
you must let go of ten or even a hundred things.
How can I help you?
Let me know how.
There is no way to help me.
It was my crime, so I will take responsibility.
I'll come back on the 49th day.
I ask this of you until then.
The clown with this face is playing as this country's ruler.
The clown with this face is playing as this country's ruler.
What the heck is this about?
Nonsense! Is this a joke?
This may not be a lie.
There's a rumor spread all over the market about the barbarians invading.
You mean there will be a war again?
Where is this bastard—
For sure
that's the face of that freaking clown.
Why is?
I am illiterate so I can't read it! Sir, what does it say?
Maybe there's something good to see.
Yes, the current king is the clown.
He's acting as the ruler?
So the ruler is a clown?
What is this?
Dal Rae, you read it. What does it say?
The clown with this face is playing as this country's ruler.
My brother is the king?
Do you know this clown?
If you know him, you better tell us. We'll report to the authority right away!
Do you know him?
Of course not, how could we know?
Do you know that face? Seriously
Come quickly.
You better tell us before you go!
Geumoh Hall (State Tribunal)
Chief Royal Secretary, what brought you here?
There are strange posters plastered all over the city.
Order your men to get rid of them at once!
Men, follow me!
Sir, did you see the posters?
What is happening? Where is Ha Seon now?
Woon Sim, tell me the truth.
Where is Ha Seon's sister now?
I sent her to the temple.
But she disappeared a while ago, so I don't know where she is now.
Is Chief Royal Secretary still not here?
No, not yet.
Your Majesty. There were strange posters put up in the city, so I brought one.
Please take a look.
The clown with this face is playing as this country's ruler.
I apologize, but it is a poster that calls a face similar to yours a clown.
Inscrutably, among the citizens,
the rumor that Your Majesty's face is the same as the clown's
is spreading quickly.
It's a sign of a possible uprising.
That it is the sign that the world will come to ruin by the wrath of the heavens.
It seems those words are being spread.
Your Majesty, please cast down the order to capture the clowns first.
It is proper to win the people's trust first.
Why is there a need to capture the clowns in order to garner the people's trust?
A clown was mentioned in the poster.
So if we capture the clowns, the people's rumors will dissipate out of fear.
And it will serve as a severe warning to those who put up the posters.
You think that makes sense?
What crimes have the clowns committed? I cannot consent.
However, Your Majesty, it was the clowns that played with rumors in the first place.
And they are causing the rumors to spread.
Isn't it difficult to say they are completely innocent in the matter?
Time is of the essence, so please approve.
Please approve.
That cannot happen.
Chief Royal Secretary.
Your Majesty, I apologize.
I am a bit late due to managing the matter of the posters.
It's fine as you are here now.
Your Majesty, may I say something?
Go on.
Just over one poster,
the capital fell into chaos immediately.
That means that this country's royal court has not earned the people's trust.
Just with that alone,
all you ministers of high and low rankings should kneel on straw mats to repent.
To beg for your crimes before His Majesty and the people.
However, not even a sign of repentance,
but only the thought to push the responsibility onto innocent people.
How shameless!
This humble subject, as a member of this royal court,
I apologize to Your Majesty and I am ashamed before the people.
Your Majesty, that poster is clearly the conduct of one who holds treasonous intentions!
We must eradicate the rebels who are holding Your Majesty in contempt and misleading the public.
It is the proper course to cut off these roots of disturbance.
Chief Royal Secretary is right.
We cannot allow the people to fall into fear and instability over these posters.
Hurry and find the mastermind behind the posters.
Yes, Your Majesty.
This poster. Do you think it was done by someone who knows of my identity?
If that's the case, it wouldn't have ended with just a poster.
Dal Rae!
If she sees this poster she will worry about whether something happened to me.
Please send a message to Woon Shim to look after Dal Rae well.
I understand.
Crack down on the court ladies of the king's palace.
Especially Court Lady Kim. Forbid her from entering His Majesty's chamber from now on.
I was thinking that as well.
I shall do so.
Try to avoid audiences with ministers for the moment.
Just in case, pay attention to your surroundings and be careful.
Your Majesty, Goseong, Sin Chi Soo requests an audience.
What brings you to the palace?
I ran here worried about His Majesty, upon hearing news of the posters.
I must see His Majesty to report something, so ask for an audience.
His Majesty has said he will decline every request for an audeince today, so you may leave.
But I could be of assistance to His Majesty. Why do you stop me?
You committed a crime and left your job, so what can you do to help?
The national affairs will be managed by the royal court.
So restrain yourself, Your Excellency.
I heard it was quite the spectacle at the side palace earlier.
I heard you roared as if you were the king.
Though capturing the clowns is the most certain and quick method,
you blocked that from happening.
Though the court ministers reproached him,
His Majesty only listened to you.
You cover up His Majesty's eyes and ears.
What are you trying to do?
That's the stuff you'd do, Your Excellency.
As for me, I don't go behind His Majesty's back
and do sinister deeds such as profiting for my own gain.
Don't worry.
My lord, you've been aloof lately.
It's because my rope was cut and you had no reason to see me.
I can understand.
Everyone's yakking about the bizarre poster.
How is it that you don't seem too startled?
What's there to be startled by?
After having served His Majesty, there aren't just one or two strange and bizarre things.
Have there been strange happenings that occured to His Majesty recently?
a severe wound on His Majesty's ear appeared then disappeared.
Are you certain?
I am getting curious.
Verify His Majesty's scar.
Say something that makes sense.
The day I am caught by His Majesty is when my head flies off.
How can I take that risk?
You fed poison to His Majesty's consort.
And your witchcraft. If those crimes are revealed,
you'll be put to death as a high criminal anyway.
Wasn't it you who ordered me regarding Seon Hwa Dang?
Do you have proof that I made you?
But I have plenty of proof and witnesses that you did it.
Are you threatening me right now?
I mean for us to help each other.
Do you feel like doing it now?
That's a good idea.
I won't forget your help.
Resignation letter and entrance tag (for access anywhere within the palace at any time)
I request to resign for not fulfilling my duty protecting the king.
Chief Royal Secretary.
Welcome. I asked to see you because I have something to discuss with you.
Due to the arguments in the royal court lately,
urgent current matters have been put to the side.
It's now time to act on those.
Are you talking about the Dae Dong policy?
Not only the Dae Dong policy but activate the agricultural business as well to
expand the agriculture fields to support the national treasury.
My Lord, a message has arrived from the authorities.
The royal painter, Song Ji Sang was found dead last night.
Royal Painter: An artist who paints King's portrait.
I think he died of a stab wound to the chest.
He was found on a secluded road.
As we were unable to find witnesses and evidence, I suspect he was murdered.
We received 16 bushels of tax rice and among them, we will submit 14 to the Ministry of Finance.
And two bushels can be saved for next year.
Your Majesty. Are you listening?
What did you say?
Your Majesty, if you don't like my explanations, just tell me.
Not at all, continue!
Droughts or cold waves could come and cause a bad harvest.
So overall, we will implement the ratio in place
Your Majesty!
I am sorry to interrupt, but the queen dowager asked to have a snack with you.
A snack? At a time like this?
She requested that you and the queen join her.
Then I must go.
Your Majesty
I am not done explaining.
Looking at your face, I realize how handsome you are.
Isn't it interesting there's another handsome face like yours?
I didn't know you'd like my face this much.
I am not liking it but worrying about it.
When I am feeling like this, people must be frightened not knowing what's going on.
Don't you think so, Queen?
The reason for the people being agitated is because their lives are tiring and hard.
But the court and the royal family are different.
I don't think it's appropriate to act on merely a rumor regarding His Majesty.
I believe the royal family should set an example for the people at times like this.
As the leader of women in the palace, I will take measures. I hope that you will support me in this.
Measures? I will do so.
But, Queen, isn't there something more urgent to pay attention to?
What do you mean?
So you really don't know?
When the public sentiment is so unsettling, how great would it have been if the king had an heir?
Doesn't it occur to you that the king is suffering because you've not done your duty, Queen?
How is that the queen's fault?
Are you saying that it's your fault then?
Children are granted by the Heavens is what I wish to say.
If you're so worried, should I name Prince Jin Pyeong as my foster son? Is that your wish?
You are distorting my words again.
Have I?
Actually it's true now that I think about it. It won't fair to name Prince Jin Pyeong my foster son.
He's not friendly and always so stiff-faced. Not much fun there.
Your Majesty, are you really alright?
I hear there were lots of talks at court about the posters.
You were worried about me?
If I were there, I would have held your hand and walked out.
Like when you saved me on the streets last time.
Like this?
Your Majesty.
Let's go.
Whoever it is, what a great ruse they put out!
I am ready to find them before the king to reward them.
I'm relieved you are so delighted.
Did you do it?
You should have done it sooner and I wouldn't have suffered all this bitterness.
The king will have a hard time getting out of this, with the rumors grabbing him by the collar
- unless the queen produces an heir.
- Heir?
Don't be startled. That will not happen.
We don't know about that.
On my way in, I saw how affectionate the king and queen were.
I guarantee it.
The king took away my child who was like my life.
He won't get to taste the joy of having his child in the queen's womb.
Your Majesty, don't you need to go to the side palace?
I need to go.
Then, hurry and get up.
Please sit for a bit.
I am doing something very important right now.
What is it?
I am receiving strength.
I have to look at you like this to get the strength to look at reports.
Then, please summon me at any time.
I will be your strength by your side.
What's all this?
Prince Jin Pyeong, you have a private army but it's still too lacking to take on the king.
With this money, gather the soldiers by the borders.
And I will mobilize the high ministers of the court.
Would the high ministers listen to you when you've been pushed out of the court?
I'll have to re-enter the court.
Would Chief Royal Secretary sit and let that happen?
He seems to be aiming for the left state minister position.
The likes of a chief royal secretary can't dare to be my opponent.
Soon the Ming will be sending over a deputy minister of military affairs.
I am the only one who can deal with the deputy minister.
So the king will have to summon me too.
The royal painter was stabbed and killed?
Do you think it was done by the ones who put up the posters?
They must have killed him to silence him after he painted the king's face.
Then, is there no way to find the one behind the posters?
I do have a few suspicions but I have no proof.
Evidence or confession. We just need one sure thing.
My Lord. Should we order Officer Jang to look through the royal family members first?
Moo Yeong left a resignation letter and left.
What? At this time, of all times, to ask for a resignation?
I apologize, Your Majesty.
If I had known before, I would have stopped him.
It's not your fault, Eunuch Jo, so don't blame yourself.
Dragon Tiger Gate
My Lord.
My Lord. My—
My Lord.
Who is this?
I have something urgent to report to you regarding the posters.
I know the clown on the posters.
My report is worth at least ten silver nyang.
Actually, I think I will need twelve nyang.
I'll listen and if I think it's good then I'll pay, so speak.
It's that scum from back then. Two nyang for the dog.
Two nyang for the dog?
You've forgotten already?
The one with the face mask and sickle over the younger lord's incident.
The one that charged into this house.
- Who is Sin Yi Gyeom? Sin Yi Gyeom!
- What is this?
My Lord, please save me.
How much does a dog cost nowadays?
It wouldn't be over two nyang.
Give him two nyang and send him off.
What the
My sister is not a dog!
Do you remember now?
But how are you sure that's the clown on the posters?
His face is the same.
Even twins couldn't be that exact.
Then do you know where he is now?
He used to entertain at the Hwagyedong brothel, but he's probably left by now.
But the gisaeng by the name of Woon Sim there would know.
Ha Seon and his sister Dal Rae would play there at the brothel.
Hwagyedong brothel. Gisaeng Woon Sim.
That sounds quite familiar.
Woon Sim is a gisaeng cherished by Chief Royal Secretary.
What? Chief Royal Secretary?
Then, that clown was at the brothel that the chief royal secretary frequented?
Yes. That's right.
Since I got to hear such good things from you,
I will reward you handsomely.
Thank you.
What you said, no one else can know besides me.
The clown with this face
I will have to see that face of the wench Woon Sim.
What is the reason for Lord Sin Chi Soo to summon me?
Is there a reason needed for summons?
Just follow right away.
Just as there are rules for summoning a nobleman,
there are procedures to summoning a gisaeng as well.
Go and tell that to your lordship.
Woon Sim is an artisan who performs in the royal palace.
She cannot be easily summoned.
What are you waiting for? Drag her out.
Do not step back even an inch.
Ma'am, I will go.
But Woon Sim
Nothing will happen.
Dragon Tiger Gate
My Lord, a message from the outside.
Left State Minister's manor has kidnapped Woon Sim from Cheongwol Pavilion.
Do you know the clown called Ha Seon?
Yes. He used to entertain at the brothel.
I hear you know where that clown is now.
I don't know who said such a thing to you, Your Excellency.
But I don't know where that clown is.
You really don't know?
I have only told you what I know.
Fine then.
Anyone outside?
Your Excellency, did you call?
Drag her out and twist her legs.
Torture her until she confesses the truth.
If she doesn't heed, you may kill her.
Yes, Your Excellency.
Why you
If you don't want to die, let go of her.
The guards are waiting outside.
Go to the brothel.
I called her because I heard she was the woman you cherished.
And indeed you ran here right away.
What are you acting like such a ruffian?
If you feel wronged, you can do as I have.
It's human nature that one starts to harbor greed once he's been close to the king.
I'm not saying there's anything bad about that. But acting like you're so clean.
Like you're so upright. That act of yours is what pisses me off.
You called me over so that you could vent?
The clown on the posters.
I heard that clown used to entertain at the brothel you frequent.
By chance, have you seen him?
Isn't a clown merely someone who puts on a mask to entertain.
It must just be rumors that someone made up after seeing the posters.
Is that right?
Then what if I find the guy that looks exactly like him?
Are you confessing you're the one who put up the posters?
Seeing how you're fretting, it seems I've got you.
Be careful, Your Excellency.
If you make a reckless assumption, your hands and neck can fly.
Why are you still here?
I wanted to see that you were safe before I left, so I waited.
Are you alright?
I'm completely fine.
That must have hurt a lot.
Lord Sin Chi Soo pressed me about Ha Seon.
Someone must have reported to him after seeing that the face on the posters looks like Ha Seon.
I'm getting a strange feeling.
My Lord, what happened?
He seems to blame me for being banished from the court.
And using you as a bait, he is after me.
If you knew that then you shouldn't have come.
I couldn't not come.
You've suffered because of me.
Escort her safely to the brothel.
Yes, Sir.
I wondered who sent the message and it was you!
I had thought you'd be back at your hometown already.
But you were still in the capital then.
I had planned to.
But I saw the posters and I couldn't leave.
You asked to resign and left, so what do you care?
I know, right? I am asking myself the same.
What regrets do I have to be like this?
Have you been monitoring Sin Chi Soo all along?
At first, I was watching Prince Jin Pyeong.
But Sin Chi Soo kept crossing my mind.
Your instincts are correct.
Sin Chi Soo seems to have somewhat caught on.
I will assist the king in the chamber from now on, so you will not enter the chamber.
It's my main duty to serve in the chamber but to tell me not to?
Are you telling me that I have to leave the main palace?
Who's order is this?
His Majesty's order.
I will have to hear it personally from His Majesty.
How audacious!
Will you only listen after being dragged out?
You're suffering a lot on my account.
Please rest a bit first.
Will you really be alright?
I'm fine. Go and shut your eyes for just two branch hours (four hours).
Since you say so, I shall follow.
Security can't be lax just because I'm gone.
Of course. Please do not worry.
Your Majesty!
What is the meaning of this?
It's not what you think.
I came to bring your drinking water for the night.
And your breathing sounded stifled.
It looks like you're asking to die by my hands, you wench.
We need to set a mouse trap.
The person who put up the posters is someone who clearly is suspicious of your identity, Ha Seon.
So they will be sending someone to verify it.
We're going to use that and catch their tail.
Can you do that?
You're not a clown if you pick and choose your performances.
I'll do it!
I clearly ordered you not to enter my chamber,
but you dare to feed me medicine and check my scar?
I wasn't doing that.
Shut up!
You wouldn't have committed this act alone.
Who put you up to it?
I swear that's not the case. Please believe me.
No one ordered you, but you crawled in here to check my scar?
I see now that I've kept a snake-like wench by my side.
I committed a crime deserving of death.
May you forgive me.
You say you committed a crime worthy of death, but you ask for forgiveness?
Your Majesty.
Eunuch Jo!
Drag her out.
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty, please believe me. Your Majesty! Please believe me!
Your Majesty!
What do I need to do to live?
His Majesty believes Sin Chi Soo is the one behind the posters.
Go to him and report to him what you verified.
And get his confession that he put up the posters.
If you do that, I will ask His Majesty to spare your life.
My lord says to enter.
Dragon Tiger Gate
There was a scar on His Majesty's chest?
You definitely saw it?
Yes. I confirmed it with my own two eyes.
You should've received my verification first,
before you put up the posters.
How did you know I did it?
When you told me to verify His Majesty's scar,
I had already realized.
And the royal painter as well. You did that as well.
I had no choice in order to keep him silent.
At any rate, I've done my duty.
Please do not forget my contribution.
Of course not.
Then, I will need to return to the palace now.
What is it?
There's something for you to verify.
Come on in.
Why didn't you tell me you were caught by His Majesty?
Did Chief Royal Secretary tell you to come and get my confession?
His Majesty was going to kill me so what am I to do?
And you think I would save you then?
I trusted you. But I'm so disappointed.
Court Lady Kim went in Sin Chi Soo's house.
Then she disappeared.
What about the eunuch who was bribed by her? If we use him as our witness—
That eunuch also left the palace and we don't know where he is.
He must also be a spy Sin Chi Soo planted in the palace.
Then we can't place blame on Sin Chi Soo for his crimes?
If Court Lady Kim had returned safely,
and testified on Sin Chi Soo's confession, it would have been possible.
But since we only have suspicions, we can't go after Sin Chi Soo's crime.
However, Court Lady Kim would have told him you have a scar,
so he shouldn't be suspicious of your identity anymore.
He can still do this after being banished from the position of left state minister.
We can't leave Sin Chi Soo be.
Sin Chi Soo's power comes from his assets.
I'm going to begin cutting off his wealth.
I plan to install Seonae Hall and push forward the enforcement of the Dae Dong policy.
What do you all think?
Your Majesty, the Ministry of Finance is ready to support Your Majesty.
I will also support Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, the Dae Dong policy has already failed once before.
It seems prudent to decide on it more thoughtfully.
The Minister of Commerce is right. In these chaotic times,
if we enforced the Dae Dong policy, landholders would severely resist.
Take ten bushels of rice from one who owns ten acres of land.
And take one bushel of rice from one who owns one acre.
What's the problem?
If we're so worried about the opposition from the landlords,
why are we not worried about the starving people?
Paying taxes by how much you own. That is my will.
Royal family members and government employees are not exempt.
Your Majesty, taxing the land granted to us by the late king?
We've never had such a law.
Words cannot be returned once spoken.
There's a way to turn things back, right?
Regrettably, once spoken, words cannot be returned.
I spoke the words and now they are the law.
Greetings, Your Highness.
His Majesty is implementing the Dae Dong policy for the people.
And he's commanded that the royal family will also be taxed.
I would like the palace ladies to support His Majesty too.
I will practice reduced repast, so follow suit.
Yes, Your Highness.
Eunuch Jo, there's something I'm curious about.
Please ask.
Taxing landholders.
The intent of the Dae Dong policy is so great.
Why did it fail before?
The majority of the royal court ministers are landholders.
Among them, the one who has the most land is Lord Sin Chi Soo,
so, of course, it didn't go well.
So that's why they're making such a ruckus.
We'll have to truly root the Dae Dong policy this time.
The inner palace is reducing repast by the queen's order.
Reduce repast?
It means to reduce the number of dishes served at meals.
Then I'll have to reduce my meals too.
These kinds of snacks too.
I won't eat them anymore so send that order.
If it's something like this, just eat.
It's not even that much.
Gwansanggam (Astronomical Observatory Records)
Gwansanggam's report
This is a document sent in from Gwansanggam. Please read it to me.
Gwansanggam: Office of Astronomy and Astrology
Last night the sky was covered by dark clouds.
And not one star could be monitored.
The horizons were covered by fog.
And the sky is disorderly.
Please be advised to be more careful for the time being.
Is there no talk of snow there?
Even the Gwansanggam wouldn't know that.
But because my knees ache so,
I believe it will snow tonight.
Are you sure about that?
Please try trusting my knees.
What is this?
It's a present that His Majesty sent for you.
Open it, please.
His Majesty?
Pear Blossom Pavilion Records - Top Volume
His Majesty doesn't seem to understand a woman's heart
to send a book like this as a present.
This is good!
But this is the top volume.
It means there's a second volume. Why didn't he send it?
I'll fetch tea for you.
If you want to see the second volume of this book,
come to the library tonight.
That clown named Ha Seon.
And his sister, Dal Rae.
Find that child.
If you chase after those who are close to the wench Woon Sim,
you will find something.
Yes, sir.
Pear Blossoms Pavilion Records - Bottom Volume
Look at, "With All of One's Heart" by Mencius.
(The Works of Mencius, Chapter 13)
You've got something on your face.
It's beauty.
♫ With that smile ♫
♫ Those delicate tears ♫
♫ Shines like those stars ♫
♫ That promise, in my memories ♫
♫ I'm struggling to find it ♫
♫ Even if I retrace my steps it's blurry ♫
♫ Tell me ♫
♫ One more time ♫
♫ I'll show you my smile ♫
♫ Our hearts back then ♫
♫ Us back then ♫
Even if I die longing for you all my life.
Knowing you has made me happy.
♫ Whisper it to me ♫
I miss you.
I see you and see you, yet I still miss you.
The Essence of Du Mu (Tang Poet)
Come to the highest point in the palace.
I will be waiting for you.
Why did you run here?
What if you trip?
After receiving all these presents,
I really could not walk here.
I'm sorry.
All I can do for you is merely this.
How can you say that?
I have received the most precious thing in the world.
Haven't I received Your Majesty's heart?
It's snowing, Your Majesty.
He said it would be the first snow today and it was true.
You knew it would snow?
I wanted to see the first snow with you.
Are you that pleased?
Yes. Look at this.
So white and transparent. Aren't they like stars?
I cannot hide it anymore.
I will not avoid it anymore.
I love you, Your Majesty.
I love you, my queen.
As though my heart will explode.
It's alright if it explodes.
I love you.
Even if I die longing for you all my life,
meeting you has made me happy.
The Crowned Clown
Don't say such sht!
If it's the heavens' will that a lowborn cannot,
then I will not obey that will.
I will fight against it.
Since when?
You might be able to be the real king.
But to the queen, you are forever a fake.
We found the temple where the clown's sister was hiding.
What are you going to do now?
No one follow me.
Whose deceased tablet is this?
You might be able to fool another's eyes but not mine.
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