The Devil Judge (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

Batman and Robin

Master Yo-han…
was an abandoned child.
He was a child whom no one wanted.
Some humans are born as monsters.
And some of them use revenge as an excuse
so that they can hunt
for pure entertainment.
The dreadful past two years…
Arson, terror…
Let's now put it all behind us.
The strong judicial reforms that
I have rolled out will soon begin.
There are controversy on Live Cour Show.
Who is socially disadvantaged?
I will exercise jurisdiction
entrusted to me
by our people,
who are the sovereign power.
So this is the courthouse?
There is no one here
to oppose your opinions.
Are you telling me to be Judas?
My fellow Koreans.
Your court is now in session.
I see a resemblance.
More so than I'd expected.
I saw you fired without hesitation.
Were you going to kill the driver?
If it was necessary, yes.
Why is Judge Kang Yo-han
taking things this far?
Do you think this is a trial
to shed light on his crimes,
or the very opposite?
I'll have to dig into it,
using whatever means.
I sentence you to 235 years in prison.
I thought this trial was all for show.
I still don't get it.
I found it very touching.
I even teared up a bit.
Maybe he hasn't been fully tamed.
Are you looking for this?
Where am I?
Stay put and don't wander around.
Is there something I shouldn't see?
Too much curiosity won't do you any good.
Who is this person? Who is he?
Yo-han… Go.
I'll be right back.
The older brother of Master Yo-han,
Master Yi-sak.
I'm curious to know
how much you've discovered.
Stop bluffing.
You have no courage to accept your pain.
That shook you up, did it?
Do you know how they gained power?
Turning crises into opportunities
is how those who move the world operate.
Mr. President!
The Foundation aggressively expanded
the size of its charity projects
ever since the pandemic.
-What next?
There's no way around it
if those who dominate the world
have formed one team.
I need to shake them up first.
What if I provided you with a bigger prey?
Like a conglomerate or even the president.
This is the Dream Base project by the SRF
for which a nation-wide donation effort
has been carried out.
But we've received reports
that the project fund
has been trickling
into some private pockets.
Now, to expose Kang Yo-han's
hand as a dud,
we need to show ours too.
We have Chairman Seo, don't we?
You just waged war against the country.
Let's strike the body first.
I worked so hard to go back to it.
The owner of the world
you kicked me out of.
Looks like we'll need to meet, Judge Kang.
Don't tell me you are…
Hello, Young Master.
Blackmailing me is useless.
Because I have
nothing to protect.
I'll also need to see
whether our Young Master
-has nothing to protect.
How dare you mess with Su-hyeon!
I never laid a finger
on that childhood friend of yours.
Don't ever attack me again.
-How am I supposed to believe you?
There's something I'd like to show you.
Number 70618, Do Young-choon.
Never, not for one day,
have I forgotten his face.
This man isn't Do Young-choon.
This is called the system.
And the system is powerless
in front of authority.
It's the authority
that can wrap it around its finger.
Why did you even go there?
To stir me up
because I always get in your way!
I wanted you…
to be on my side.
So make your choice.
Will you stand in my way or stand with me?
If there is no justice in this world
but only a game,
I'd now like to play
the winning game, myself.
You asked me before
about how to take on those
who control this world.
It's to set it up so that there's no way
but to win even before the game begins.
Let me promise you one thing.
Your parents' enemy…
They will pay
and very dearly too.
This isn't just for revenge.
I want to fight against
this distorted world.
you've made your choice, have you?
It was you who forced me to make a choice.
If there is no justice in this world
but only a game,
I'd now like to play
the winning game, myself.
Hey, so you worked so hard?
"Pay us what we're owed?"
Hands above your heads.
Put your cameras down.
Are you an officer?
Do you want to shoot me?
Go on.
I know you can't.
Put that down, now.
Capture it on camera.
Are you regretting it?
Let me promise you one thing.
Your parents' enemy,
and those bastards who sneaked them out…
They will pay
and very dearly too.
-This isn't just for revenge.
-Then what?
I want to fight
against this distorted world.
Yes, what is it?
Yo-han, please come here.
Things aren't looking so good here.
Where are you?
Where are you exactly?
Stay right there, all right?
What's going on?
Turn off the screen
but leave the microphone on.
Are you all right?
Mr. President, are you watching this?
We, the patriot of this country,
awoke to your summoning,
but this cop here is
now trying to oppress us.
Stand back.
Shoot me.
Hey what?
Hey! Who are you?
Go away! Don't touch me!
Get out.
Elijah, are you all right?
You're not hurt anywhere?
It's Kang Yo-han!
It's Kang Yo-han!
Judge Kang, we respect you.
Judge Kang, we're Jukchang TV.
You remember me, don't you?
Su-hyeon, are you all right?
I'm fine. What about you?
I'm fine. Are you hurt anywhere?
You dare mess with my niece?
I didn't know…
That's enough! Are you going to kill him?
I said stop.
Put your gun down, Su-hyeon.
You too, Judge Kang. Stop.
Are you pointing your gun at me?
They're under arrest for special violence.
This is Yoon Su-hyeon. I need backup.
Grab onto me.
Say something, will you?
Yoon Su-hyeon is a lunatic.
-How dare she put you in danger?
-Su-hyeon's not at fault.
I said I wanted tteokbokki
so she took me out.
We bumped into them on our way back.
That's not her fault.
I have no one to go have tteokbokki with,
did you know?
Judge Kang.
I know what you're worried about,
but Su-hyeon is a good person.
I don't mean as an officer,
but as a friend who cares about Elijah.
Don't meddle with our affairs.
How long do you think
you can take care of a teenage girl
all by yourself?
I understand your shock
from the cathedral fire,
but Elijah is
not a six-year-old kid anymore.
-You can't keep her locked up--
-She was kidnapped twice.
There are many out there
who's after this family's wealth,
and many who holds grudges too.
And Elijah is quick to trust anyone
who's good to her.
Because she's starved of affection.
No matter how much you hate
this world and its people,
you can't live alone.
Everyone needs someone to rely on
because we're human beings.
I'll leave you to rest then.
It's my office at last.
It was such a long journey,
coming all the way here.
Hello, Seon-a.
What are you up to?
What else?
Enjoying my glamorous private life
after work.
I see, so you're busy.
Is something up?
If it's urgent, I'll come over.
Oh no.
I thought maybe
we could have a glass of champagne.
Seon-a, you're now
the mighty chairwoman of the SRF,
and you have no one to
enjoy champagne with?
Never mind what others think.
Just have fun.
So? Do you want me to
call you some models?
No, forget it.
Have fun.
That should be fun.
Judge Kang.
Yes, what is it?
I just received a call from Su-hyeon,
and Jukchang TV crew
have all been released.
All of them?
It was the Police Commissioner's
director order.
Why do you think the commissioner
took the matter into his own hands?
So they're not just mere hooligans?
Yes, all right.
The Chief Justice wants to see us.
All three of us.
This is very innovative.
You're here.
Have a seat.
Our new chairwoman
of the support committee is very eager.
She wants to start by
creating a PR video and poster
for the Live Court Show
using you as the models.
We need more media exposure
so the public will rave more.
So that they will admire Judge Kang,
love him,
and go mad about wanting to
have him for themselves.
At least I do.
That was very funny, Chairwoman.
But I wasn't joking.
So you're telling us to be clowns
in front of the public, are you?
Judge Kang, why are you being so cynical?
The Foundation wants to
give our department a push.
We should take this chance to
improve the court's standing.
I won't hear anymore. Cooperate.
As expected from the Chief Justice.
You sure know how to work.
I'm sorry, but I don't think
that's our job as judges.
I don't think it's a bad idea
to approach the public
in a friendly manner.
Is it really the Live Court Show
you want to promote?
Of course. Why do you ask?
Well, after the rather awkward events,
the Foundation is still offering
to promote us
and it's just unbelievingly thankful.
Do you have a slogan in mind, perhaps?
"Strong law and order, for a safe Korea.
We, the Department
of the Live Court Show, stand with it!"
It's the slogan we hear quite often
from the President these days.
You're not too happy with it?
You're not opposed to
government measures, are you?
Sounds fun.
Let's try it.
Judge Kang.
Gosh, Young Master! You're even
seeing me off today, are you?
Was my warning not enough?
I thought I told you
I don't have much patience.
Oh, that?
It's okay with me.
That didn't really scar.
Stand in my way, and you'll pay the price.
It looks like
you worked hard all this time.
Would you be okay with that?
Stand in your way?
I'm only helping you out.
The survivor of a tragic accident
and the judge
who ruthlessly condemns evil.
Yes, they're all very nice.
Because that's the stuff
people rave about.
But wouldn't it be more fun to
notch it up a level?
There's just two years left
until the next presidential elections.
Instead of those folks like
Heo Joong-se and Cha Gyeong-hui,
you should be in charge of this country.
It suits you, you know.
Shining brightly from the very top.
Use me.
Use the Foundation.
So you're telling me to be a sheepdog
rather than a wolf.
Like you.
There is much material
that the public will rave about.
Child abuse, rapists, gangs…
While you make a big show of
cleaning up those jerks,
I'll make you an even greater hero.
The Foundation can put anyone at the top.
We even managed it with that trash,
Heo Joong-se.
So just two more years, and with me…
I like everything except for that part.
"With you."
Have some respect for my taste.
Young Master.
Can't you be a little nicer to me?
See you!
-I thought you might care for a drink.
-Thank you.
They were quite the occupying forces
and they're using us
as an excuse for what they're doing.
It's not a bad tactic to play along.
We can always look for gaps while at it.
That's true, but…
Promotion? This isn't child's play.
Oh, but it is.
That's the woman she is.
What is it?
Do you know about Chairwoman Jung Seon-a?
Were you two acquainted
in the past or something?
And in this very house too.
Didn't the nanny tell you?
About the maid who jumped.
Then was that a true story?
About how you played
with someone's feelings?
You are like him.
What do you mean this time?
Judging a book by its cover.
Why did you do such a thing?
That girl could have died.
She may even never walk again.
Yo-han, I'm worried about you.
There was that incident at school too.
Who knows
what you will get yourself into next?
I'm worried what Father will do with you
if something like this keeps happening.
Yo-han, promise me one thing.
That you won't harm the innocent.
Every time you look at it,
remember our promise.
All right?
That's the man my brother was.
He failed to understand
even until his final moments.
That there's no such thing
as the innocent.
-Mr. President?
The investigation
on the extremist organization
who embezzled the donations
show no progress.
Oh, I know you.
Mr. Park, why are you in such a rush?
An organization is
an organization for a reason.
They hide in an organized way.
That's why they're an organization.
Please give us some time.
Our investigative
authorities are competent.
-Recently, an influencer, Jukchang TV,
and its growing number of followers
have been inflicting mob violence
in the name of "civil vigilance."
Also, there have been reports that
the police is turning a blind eye to them.
That's fake news! Can't you tell?
Who says that?
By the way, who are you affiliated with?
Are you really a journalist?
Secretary Choi, what are you doing?
You can't just let anyone come in.
What the hell do you think you're doing?
Get it right!
Otherwise you are all fired!
You, over there. The female reporter.
Is that a smirk I see?
Hey, you think you're so smart, do you?
That trash is our president?
I don't believe this!
The Blue House is getting anxious.
Of course. They overreached themselves.
It was a mistake
to put him there in the first place.
This is all because of
that old geezer, Seo Jeong-hak!
My fellow Koreans!
How is this a normally functioning nation?
We're continuing to lose
more precious lives to the pandemic.
Those elites and the privileged
who were born into wealthy families!
They don't care one bit about us,
ordinary working-class.
But I was born
from a working-class like you,
and still untainted
by the filthy political arena.
I, Heo Joong-se,
your celebrity and your man of choice,
will resurrect our country
once and for all!
I swear by my life
that I will change Korea, totally!
Well done.
Heo Joong-se,
representing the ordinary people.
Very ordinary, indeed.
Chairman Seo, well…
As you said,
do you think
I'll survive in that political jungle?
Well, I say we won't have to worry
about losing face during the race.
I'm quite good with live shows.
-So please believe in me.
-Yes, good work.
Thank you.
Salute. Salute to you all!
Are you sure about going with him?
My sentiments exactly. He's a mere clown,
hosting the Foundation's events at most.
-Now, a presidential candidate?
-But he used to be a well-known actor.
And his YouTube channel is
super hot with over six million views.
What we need
in times of crises like this is a clown.
Besides, even if you were
to become the president now,
you'll be hounded throughout your term
if you can't cub the pandemic.
So why volunteer to be the cannon fodder
when you could just sit back
and control everything.
Don't you agree, Congresswoman Cha?
They just didn't want
a president who was in control.
Plus, it turned out that
it wasn't his wish
but that mere secretary's
who had been standing behind him.
I'm so sorry!
I'm a little late.
Oh no, we're still getting ready,
So are these two lights all you have?
Don't you think the lighting's too weak?
Still, our judges are glowing.
Just perfect.
Know your limits.
All good. Let's get started.
Judges, in your positions, please.
The staff members are to step back!
Make sure to do a good job
with the lighting.
Yes, sir.
We want it to look natural.
Great. Now face the camera.
That's great. Judge Kim, give me a smile.
Cross your arms, at least.
-Cross our arms?
Judge Kim, your face is too tense.
Make use of that charming face, will you?
Naturally, now.
That's our diva!
May I stand in the middle this time?
-Sure, go ahead.
-Thank you!
Judge Oh, you know
how to get a great shot.
You're the best!
I'm sorry. Let me take this call.
Did you get what I asked you?
Yes, we have all the materials
on Jung Seon-a's past.
Should I leak it to Cha Gyeong-hui
as you said last time?
Yes, but hide the sources.
Oh, and make sure to include this too.
That she was a former maid for our family.
Minister Cha. We have info
on Jung Seon-a from our intelligence.
Wow, what an interesting woman.
Hello, Master Ga-on.
The coffee was…
Let me get it for you.
What beans would you like?
It's okay.
You don't have to treat me like a guest.
All right, then.
Spycam criminals, pickpockets, hooligans…
Let's clean up the evil
that corrodes our country!
-We are…
-The power!
-Flog him!
-Flog him!
What is that?
Aren't they the crazy bastards
from before?
Why are you watching their videos?
They're clearly losers.
What do they mean they're the power?
There were seven cases of assault
just yesterday alone
that copied these so-called losers.
They uploaded this video today.
If you're going to shoot, shoot!
How could an officer point her gun
at an innocent citizen, who's unarmed?
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Oh wow.
So they're pretending
to be the victims, are they?
This is unbelievable.
Let's put them away in prison.
Do you want my help?
It's okay.
I'll try sorting it out for now.
All right.
But if it gets too tough,
make sure to tell me.
All right?
All right. Thanks.
Don't tell me
you're going to cook, are you?
But Yo-han told you not to.
This is for Master Ga-on.
He never told me not to cook.
Well, I'd appreciate it
if you would for me.
-Elijah, why don't we eat together?
-Oh no, I'm fine. I'm really fine.
-Still, she's taking her time to--
-I said I don't like Korean food!
Are you a goldfish?
You can't remember a thing I say, can you?
I'm sorry.
Perhaps I shouldn't have said that.
It's all right, I'm used to it.
And to tell you the truth,
Ms. Elijah has brightened up a lot.
Has she?
She's never been the first to
make the initiative,
or to talk to anyone.
Not since that incident.
It's all thanks to you, Master Ga-on.
I know I'm a little abrupt with people,
so this is my way of
expressing my gratitude.
Will he be okay?
Gosh, I don't care.
Wow, this is amazing.
Well, this is nothing.
Please enjoy.
Thank you for the food.
I hope it suits your palate.
It's very new.
That's because I added wild honey,
which is a rare delicacy
you may not be used to.
So you added wild honey
to bean paste stew…
That's amazing.
This is ginseng kimchi.
You'll find it exquisite
because I added plenty of truffle oil.
-Truffle oil…
-Delicious, isn't it?
Yes, please go on.
When did you say Judge Kang
stopped you from preparing meals?
He'd eat less and less.
And one day, he had me stop
preparing meals altogether.
He'd finish everything without
a complaint in the past,
but I guess he's now started to doubt me.
Without a complaint?
Go on.
Oh, it's a little too hot.
Here, have some more ginseng kimchi.
So you hate Korean food, do you?
I guess you finished everything.
Your face is pale.
Why didn't you stop her?
How can I when she's putting
all the effort into cooking?
She'd go scouring for
whatever's good for health.
What a foolish woman.
So that's why
you'd all finished everything
without a complaint.
Did you leak info on Jung Seon-a
to Cha Gyeong-hui?
Yes, as instructed.
She's probably collecting whatever
info she can get on the Foundation.
I need to sneak that out somehow.
Elijah, what is it?
-When are you coming?
When are you coming home? I'm hungry.
What are you…
Ga-on made dinner for us.
But he won't serve it
until everyone's here.
So hurry up, all right?
-Let's go home.
-What about tonight's appointment?
-We can always delay it for one day.
Yes, Judge Kang.
Did you call for me, sir?
It's time to get them.
Who are you talking about?
Your enemy,
and those that sneaked him out.
Did you find that bastard?
And the evidence that Cha Gyeong-hui
sneaked him out?
Not yet.
However, I did find out who to ask.
This is Mr. Go.
Mr. Go?
He's been doing a lot for us
in both collecting info
and leaking it to the prosecution.
Many prosecutors wish to
join our law firm.
There is only her personal assistant
whom Cha Gyeong-hui will trust
if not anyone else.
And he'd been making monthly trips
out of Seoul using her official vehicle.
I see.
And is this secretary very loyal?
He's her closest ally.
He served her for over ten years
since her days as a congresswoman.
It won't be easy getting him to talk then.
Still, we'll have to try it.
-Let's first get in touch with him, and--
-That's my job and I'm already on it.
-I'll try getting him to talk.
-What's your plan?
-You have enough money to spare, right?
You say money can be a powerful motive.
Are you awake now?
Judge Kim Ga-on?
What the hell are you doing?
I'd like to have a little chat with you.
I'm curious about the man in his 50s
whom you're regularly checking on
to report to Minister Cha.
What are you talking about?
-I know nothing.
-Oh, but I'm sure you do.
His name is Do Young-choon
and he's a franchise fraudster.
My late parents were his victims too.
What has that got to do with me?
Of course I don't expect you
to have a conscience.
These are gold bars from Switzerland,
500 million won for each.
One billion, and 1.5 billion.
Total 1.5 billion.
Would this be enough to buy
your loyalty for Cha Gyeong-hui?
Oh, it's not enough, is it?
Two billion.
Your tricks won't work with me.
You think I'll betray Minister Cha?
Then 2.5 billion.
You think I'm serving her for money?
She'll lead our country one day.
You'll regret it.
I don't care what you do
because my principles won't change.
You're still at it?
Judge Kang Yo-han?
I gave you the tool,
but you don't know how to use it.
All right.
Here's 2.5 billion. Will you talk?
-What do you take me for?
Two billion. Now will you talk?
All right. 1.5 billion. I'm a busy man.
-Let me think--
-One billion.
I'll tell you.
I'll tell you everything!
I didn't think it'd be this simple.
Humans feel greater suffering
when they're robbed of what they had.
Who knew Do Young-choon would be
hiding out at a place like this?
Don't get your hopes up
because we're only here today
to take a look.
We'll come back again
after we come up with a plan
about what to do with him.
Yes, over there.
-It's braised spicy chicken today.
-Looks delicious!
Make sure to eat up today.
You need more protein the older you get.
I can take care of myself,
so you eat a lot.
I know farming's hard work.
Are you two newlyweds?
You're making me cringe.
As you know, I've done many
awful things to your mother.
-What about me?
-Of course to you too.
-Here, eat up.
-Goodness, you…
-This is all for you.
It turned out great today.
It's delicious.
Hey, there's a bug in here.
Honestly, you!
Shocked, are you?
Honestly, the things your father says…
Kim Ga-on.
Keep your head cool.
He's our best bait
to catch Cha Gyeong-hui.
So it's not your business, is it?
You only care about your plan.
Do you know how I feel right now?
This isn't your revenge alone.
To get to where she is today,
Cha Gyeong-hui sacrificed many
who were innocent.
The father of my friend from earlier
was wrongly accused of
being a sex offender by Cha Gyeong-hui
after she was bribed.
He ended up taking his own life.
Besides, how will you face
your childhood friend
after smearing blood on your hands?
Death to Do Young-choon!
Execute him!
I've done many awful things
to your mother.
Don't ruin your life
because of someone like him.
It's not worth it, Ga-on.
What are you doing here on a weekday?
-And why are you dressed like this?
-I took a day off today.
Because I wanted to see you.
Are you in your right mind?
That's very commendable of you!
-It's good.
-What's yours?
This is nice.
I wish every day were like today.
I'm just asking this, but…
What if I were to do something bad?
Something bad?
What? Here? All of a sudden?
No, not something like that.
I mean something real bad.
Like commit a crime.
Do you even need to ask?
I'd cuff you right away with my own hands.
How dare a judge break the law.
You think I'll just overlook it?
Of course you should
since that's who you are.
What's this about anyway?
Something's happened, right?
No, I just wanted to say nonsense
after seeing you.
Have you been riding your bike drunk?
What's with you this time?
Who are you?
Repenting for your sin, are you?
Who are you?
Who gave you the right to fake atonement?
Do you know how many died because of you?
Are you one of the victims?
I know what I did was unforgivable.
I'm sorry.
Don't make me laugh.
Do you think I'll fall for it?
I know what kind of a man you are.
Where did you stash all that money anyway?
Most were seized and what was left were…
all taken by Minister Cha.
I have nothing now.
I wanted to expiate my wrong,
but there was no way to.
So I've been waiting quietly
for the day I go to hell.
Thank you for coming.
kill me.
Yes. You should go to hell.
I'll do as you wish then.
Honey! Who are you?
Why are you doing this?
Honey! Please, Honey!
Let him go, please!
Spare him!
Who are you? Why are you doing this?
Kill me instead!
-Please let him go.
-Please… Why are you doing this?
Please let him go.
Who are you to even
try to repent for your sin?
Why can't you even let me get my revenge?
I'm sorry.
You have no right to be a human.
You should have been a devil.
You should have remained a devil
all this time!
I'm sorry.
I really am sorry…
Let go of me. I said let me go! Let go!
Why are you doing this?
-Come here.
Enough of your pretense.
My money. My money… my money!
My money! My money…
My money…
Looking for this, are you?
My money! My money…
Hold onto him.
My money…
My money…
Don't! It's my money!
My money…
Hey, you bastard!
-Judge Kang.
-My family's in there.
-There's someone in there!
-Judge Kang.
-Someone's still in there.
Help us!
There are people in there…
-Kang Yo-han!
Help us!
Don't! Please stop!
I'm only trying to give him a chance.
-There are people in there.
Help us!
No! Please stop. No…
Not my money…
Honey! Help!
Let go. Let go of me!
Just calm down
and take a good look at him.
My money…
My money!
My money!
My money!
My money!
What is it? This is fake money!
This isn't my money…
-I need to save them!
-Calm down.
Look at his bare face.
Help us!
This way.
This is…
Honey, this is…
He'd even deceived his family
telling them he had nothing left.
I really had no choice…
I'm not lying. Seo-jin…
Honey, let me explain.
Don't go!
Don't leave me! Don't go…
Here. If you want your revenge, go ahead.
Don't hesitate.
I'm sorry. Please save my life…
I didn't do this…
Please let me go.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry…
I deserve to die for what I did.
My money… My money!
He's our only bait
to catch Cha Gyeong-hui.
Let's not make him go to waste.
Let go, damn it! Let go of me!
So where is the real money, anyway?
Over there, where he buried it.
So it was just trickery?
I told you.
Humans goes crazy when they think
they've lost what they had.
Come on, just one spoonful.
Just one spoonful, all right?
I'm the type who enjoys
toppling it all at once like this.
How could they put
a patriotic youth to trial?
Why did you pick such a scandalous case?
-Why should I mind it?
If he still doesn't get our warning,
we'll have to get rid of him.
Monsters aren't created.
They were always there, lying dormant.
What is this "revolution fund"
in the first place?
You should've been nicer…
We have failed this time.
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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