The End (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

With Sparkles

Whoa whoa whoa
I won't keep ♪
Babe, thank fuck.
I've been bereft.
I'm such an idiot.
I'm better off without him.
I can't really stay.
Yes, you can.
Are you sure?
Yeah, better just
to leave her when she's like this.
Alright. How are you feeling?
Yeah, fine, just got a big bruise.
I think it was just a panic attack.
Can you tell Seph
that I'll be home tonight?
Tomorrow. I couldn't get a flight.
There's no flights?
Tomorrow then.
Who's that?
Tell them that I'm staying here
and I'm looking after you.
So you have heard anything more
from your Mum?
No. She's gone AWOL.
That's gotta be a good sign, right?
No news.
I met Iris. She wasn't dying.
She wasn't even sick.
Look, she could've done it
a million other ways.
Yeah, but I made it easy.
That's why there's laws.
Just a slippery slope, isn't it?
Look, I told Mum, I can't again.
OK? I'm done.
Yeah. It makes sense
that you're spiralling.
You think?
But you gotta focus on those people
you've helped already.
And will help.
This is bigger than one person.
Let's go
I am not your senorita
I am not from your tribe
In the garden I did no crime
I am not your senorita
I am not from your tribe
If you want inside her well
Boy you better make
Her raspberry swirl
Things are getting desperate
When all the boys can't ♪
I can't.
I'm sorry.
I just
I just hate him.
It's OK.
I love you.
You run away.
I'll see you later.
Why didn't you answer?
You have to pick up, Mum.
There's nothing to report.
You're sure?
This paranoia is clearly
not good for you.
How is it paranoia?
A healthy woman died because of us
and now I'm stuck in this
fucking hotel room.
Darling, breathe, just breathe.
You know, Iris knew her own mind.
And you just start to think
of, you know,
those Egyptian women
who jump into
their husband's tombs, or
Listen, there's this bridge
in Scotland
where dogs jump to their death.
Deliberately, one after the other.
I mean, I know it's not quite
the same thing but
I'm sorry.
Alright. I had some pot.
Sue me.
Right, great.
Uh, with my 16-year-old son?
No, no. Oberon's fine.
It's all fine.
We killed her.
No, we did not.
We absolutely did not.
The autopsy came back
with Pentobarbital
in both their bloodstreams.
It's a barbiturate.
They call it Nembutal.
Iris never touched a drug
in her life.
She wouldn't abide cough syrup.
It made her heart race.
This happens more often
than you think.
People import it.
Have you heard of the Dark Web?
Not Iris.
Well, perhaps her husband?
They could barely
turn a computer on, let alone
Dark Web.
I'd like to know
how it's being investigated.
It was found in both
their bloodstreams.
Murder-Suicide is a possibility,
but I wouldn't
Willie didn't murder Iris.
Iris didn't murder Willie.
From everything,
it seems more than likely
that they planned this together.
So then where did
they get the drugs?
That's a reasonable question.
And if they were 20 years younger,
you'd be asking it.
We are not expendable!
Can you think of any connection
to any drug dealers or users?
Any way they could access?
Did they take any trips recently?
They hadn't left
the village in weeks.
Hey, I'm in here.
Well, I'm not looking.
I'm just checking to see
that you're alright.
Yes, I'm fine.
You need me to bring something back?
No, I'm good.
A threesome maybe?
Hilarious. Could you go please.
I'll surprise you.
Thank you.
No Henry today? No?
It's OK. No Henry today?
What's he up to?
Alright, playing golf with the boys?
OK, here we go.
Just gonna seal that for you.
Yes, Mary?
Are you holding?
The stuff.
Well, is anyone in here?
They know what to do.
Oh, my poppies. I need to dispose.
I don't suppose you can say
what it is you're looking for?
Sorry. We won't be long.
No, just doing your job.
Ey, Edie!
Look, I came by to make that sure
Are you alright?
Why shouldn't I be?
You're shaking.
Oh, piss off, Henry.
I'm getting you a glass of water.
What's happening here?
Oh, good boy.
This is Edie's answering service.
I don't tend to listen to it so if
But there's not a cloud in the sky?
The storms are like that.
Actually, I'm a Gold member.
I'll just have to get on
that flight.
You can get me on?
But you can access the lounge.
It's brand new.
What kind of raid?
I don't know.
Do you want me to head over there?
No, I want her to answer
her fucking phone.
I don't know, I don't know.
But I think we need to
get rid of it, right? All of it.
Alright. I can do that.
Alright? Tell me where it is.
I'll get rid of the stuff right now.
Hang on.
OK, that's Mum.
She says the police are gone.
I'm going to hang up
and I'm gonna call her. OK?
OK, look.
I just need to clarify something.
So you trust me with your kid
but not with the stuff?
No, it's just cleaner
if you're not connected. OK?
You're all over everything else.
It's fine.
What do you think I'd do with it?
I don't know.
I know how important it is to you.
I don't know, I
What would you do with it?
Hey, this is Oberon.
Don't leave a message, just text me.
This is Edie's answering service.
I don't tend to listen to it,
so if you'd text me instead.
Ah, I'm fine.
We have a spare seat and champagne.
You have to marry an Arab man.
She's full of shit.
We need another bottle.
They are the only ones who really
know how to treat a woman.
As in really treat her.
With sparkles or without?
Oh, not for me, thanks.
Or me.
Always, always with sparkles.
Forget multiple.
One after another after another.
After another.
He links them up.
Like a daisy chain.
Don't worry, they're up in
Caboolture with the mother-in-law.
Mark hates it there.
Are you hungry?
Susan keeps a well-stocked fridge.
It's messed up what his done to you.
Susan, what are we drinking?
Sauvignon blanc, bless.
I don't know
..what's that saying?
The best revenge
is not letting someone
live rent-free in your head.
I need to know who he is.
It's like an act of public good.
Pretty boy.
You weirdo, what, you hungry?
I need cardboard.
OK, umm
..I think I saw some in the study.
It has to be silver.
I need a lift to the news agency.
What, you want to go now?
It's closing soon.
Sure, let's go.
He's had a mistress
for two years.
I knew exactly when it started.
Her mother was doing chemo
and the bastard
Never marry an Arab man.
Yeah, I'm about to
go through all that.
No, cancer.
Not a fun one.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
The symptoms are
blood in the urine, vertigo
But not definitively?
My father died from it.
But couldn't that be a really bad
You know don't know, it's weird,
you just know.
My patients always tell me that,
I never believed them.
But it's true, you do.
You do know.
You have help with your kids?
Yeah, that's the key issue, right?
I mean, I can't die on them,
that's not fair.
I mean, Oberon's going into
Year 12 this year,
and Chris is such
And yet
..and yet
..I deserve it.
I do.
For it to be slow and painful.
I know that's not true.
No, I have done things.
I have.
I mean, do Muslims believe in Karma?
Oh, I'm not Muslim.
I'm just having
a really bad hair day.
It's going to piss down.
If you have somewhere
better to be just
No way.
All in.
Shit, car.
Now, phone, get it out.
I need to poo.
It's OK.
It's gonna be OK.
He's alone.
What the fuck?
Hey, Mr Cutler.
You pervert, pedo.
Hey, shh, shh.
Hey, look, I came back for you,
I came back for you.
Don't say that.
Fuck you.
Shush, OK.
I hate you.
I came back for you.
Oh, hey, your mum's just landed.
Not staying.
Do you mind?
I got to get some stuff
from my place.
Just go, we're fine.
Sunscreen kills them fastest.
My worms.
Oberon came home from Nanna's.
Get down here!
Mum, I have to talk to you.
OK, alright, please just let me go.
Where's Nanna?
I've been calling you.
I've been calling both of you.
Did you have a fight with Josh?
Can somebody please get the door?
Did you have a fight with Josh?
Is that why you left?
I want to see your project.
You left your wallet
and your phone in the taxi, FYI.
Oh, did I?
Well, it's been a big few days.
I'm sure it has.
You know, Oberon,
I don't like your tone.
Well, I don't like your tone.
I'm not talking to you
when you're like this.
Like what?
You promised never again.
Not after last time.
Now look at you.
You're a child, Oberon.
I don't have to justify
myself to you.
What, what, what is it?
He was at your car,
Josh was looking for something.
What do you keep in there?
Detective Sharma.
Yes, but you clearly think it came
from within the village that's
Well, what did you turn up?
You weren't there very long.
This isn't everything.
I know he's here.
The subterfuge isn't necessary.
I won't be laughed at.
Henry isn't here.
He is never going to be here.
Henry's a proper pig,
I wouldn't let him in the house.
Come on,
let me make you a cup of tea.
Or a glass of whiskey?
Yeah, you've had a shock.
Where are you going?
Oberon, this is stupid!
Go back, Seph.
Go home.
Henry was never like this.
I wouldn't be shocked if
something had happened to his brain.
I chose not to notice.
The best thing
George ever did was die.
It's the best thing
that ever happened in my whole life.
Was him dying.
Where did you get that?
Oh, umm
..Iris left it to me.
I got it from her house.
Why were you in her house?
I wasn't, oh, god,
not when they where, no,
I went in afterwards.
There was a post-it
with my name on it.
But why would she give
anything to you?
You barely knew her from Adam.
She knew I liked it,
I don't know.
It is curious though,
the way the two of you
became such close friends so quickly.
Almost as if she was grateful.
Where are you going?
Come back, Oberon!
Do you remember the day
We climbed up the toll bridge
To wait for the train
When it got so close
We jumped in the lake
We were there for a moment
And floated away
Todd caught the fever today
I got to see him
I got to say
He gave me so much
I could never repay
He was there for a moment
then floated away ♪
The water rising child
Don't be afraid
The things we lost
Were never ours
They're just here for a moment
Then floated
Away. ♪
Captioned by Ai-Media
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