The Expecting (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Late Term

- Dr. Green!
- Stop! Stop!
- Take it easy.
- Emma!
- I'll kill it.
- You don't wanna do that.
Fuck you.
Step back.
You don't know
what you're doing right now.
Step back.
What did you put in me
you sick fucks?
What is inside of me?
Emma, let me
take care of you, please.
You don't know
what you're doing right No!
All right,
please don't hurt the baby.
- Stop.
- Okay, Emma,
please don't do this.
Emma! Emma!
Come back!
Emma! Stop!
Oh no
Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come
Dad! Help me!
DAD: No, she's on board this time.
Yeah, she she knows
she has to have an abortion.
All right.
Yeah, thank you so much, thank you.
Okay, he's gonna be expecting you,
and I picked up your car
this morning, so it's parked out
Dad, I can't.
They're watching.
They are.
Nobody's watching.
They'll kill me if I do this.
Nobody's watching.
There's There's no conspiracies
with your doctor.
Then why would she show me
somebody else's baby, huh?
She didn't! Okay
I am sure that that is not
what she was showing you.
You don't know.
Go on
it's okay.
DAD: That's a couple days
before they locked her up.
After she tried to drown you.
It's not something
a kid needs to grow up knowing.
That her own mother tried to end her.
Yeah, I never should've
left you alone with her.
She was giving you a bath, and
I turned my back.
I I couldn't've been gone
more than a minute.
But, when I come back in,
she was holding you under.
And I thought that you were done for.
There's no spaceman.
And there's no conspiracies.
You're just sick, Em.
Just like she was.
You can never be a mother to that baby.
You should go now.
- VOICE: Hello?
- It's Emma Fortner.
You know my dad.
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