The Following s01e09 Episode Script

Love Hurts

Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women.
The warden granted Joe Carroll's request for a transfer.
He's leaving.
Joe's not in the transport vehicle.
Where the hell is he? So Joe's free, and now I get locked up.
Protective custody.
Better if I don't know.
Quantico sent in a new guy.
Nick Donovan, top of the food chain.
This investigation starts at my desk now.
Joe Carroll! How the hell are you? I'm Roderick.
Emma, why did you leave us? Emma! Any word from Jacob and Paul? They haven't called.
- Hang on.
I'm gonna get us some help.
- Thank you.
I love my wife.
She's not here.
Losing Claire was a mistake, but I have an idea how we can find her.
Agent Weston, tell us where Claire is.
I don't know anything.
Claire's location.
He's the only one who does know where Claire is.
Everyone's waiting.
- What for? - For you.
Good morning, everybody.
How did Carroll escape in a helicopter in broad daylight? Carroll's people infiltrated the prison system, the warden was compromised.
Agent Parker how many people are a part of Joe Carroll's cult? Early evidence suggested somewhere under 12, but in light of Carroll's recent escape, tactical resources, manpower, it could be upwards of a hundred.
How did you arrive at that number? Carroll's visitors log in prison contained and his internet usage, although heavily encrypted, suggested twice that many.
That's a guess at best, Agent.
Are we looking for a cult compound like Waco or Jonestown? Yes.
We believe there to be some sort of safe haven.
But you don't know where that is.
We don't.
Our working theory is that it's within a 3-state radius of Virginia.
Let me get this straight.
There's an organized gathering of dozens of killers out there, and you have no idea where they are.
Can I just remind everyone that this is a briefing and not an inquisition? Who are these people he recruits? They can't all be serial killers.
He has recruited from all walks of life-- housewives, teachers, accountants, military, law enforcement.
All of whom fit the personality types associated with cult susceptibility-- empty, lost, maladjusted.
They're full-blow psychopaths.
The acolytes that we've encountered have run the gamut from visionary to hedonistic, one-time killers, mission-oriented killers, fans of killers, groupies.
Hardy, an agent was captured and assaulted by cult members.
Was he able to identify his captors? That agent-- Mike Weston-- we have a sketch artist standing by for the moment he regains consciousness.
And his cult-- have you identified their religion or manifesto? Both a novelist and a professor, Carroll's using literary themes found in the works of Gothic Romanticism.
"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
" That is what this moment is for me.
He's speaking to his subjects with the promise of elevating their lives-- through death, one experiences life.
I will never forget what you have all done for me, the sacrifices you have made, but now the time has come for you By his own admission, Carroll has engaged his followers to write their own chapters, become part of this novel that he's writing.
I want to hear from each and every one of you.
Tell me what inspires you.
I need your help to finish our story.
He's united with his people.
He will do something to ignite them to action.
I see it in your eyes.
I know you are ready.
It's time for him to tell the next part of his story.
And so we begin.
That didn't go well.
Eh, too many people have died.
It's a PR nightmare.
Got to blame someone.
Agent Parker! I just heard from Franklin.
Will you excuse us? I'll wait in the car.
Am I out? I know they're discussing it.
Just tell me.
No, but they are taking the operation control to DC.
Where does that leave me? Everyone recognizes that Ryan Hardy's integral to all this, but he's a wild card.
They want you to stay on, hold his hand.
You'll keep your taskforce here and continue to report to me.
_ Jacob.
For, uh, my chapter, I thought that I I'm sorry.
I've been working on this forever.
I'm just so nervous with you here.
Um, where was I? Yes.
My chapter.
It's okay.
Come on.
Shake it out.
Shake it out.
Thank you for seeing me.
I've been wanting to visit for so long now.
I know I must seem like some groupie to you.
No, Amanda.
I found your letters really quite moving.
I'm glad to finally meet you, and you wrote in your last one that something had happened.
What? Yes, but I-- I couldn't write it in a letter.
Let me guess.
Your husband.
You know, he was cheating on me with that boney-ass thing he works with-- Lindsay, the one with the huge fake things-- right under my nose in my bed.
I could smell it on my sheets.
I knew you had your suspicions.
You wrote in a letter, "insist on happiness.
" So I took a shotgun to both of them.
My daddy was big on gaming.
He could hunt anything.
I know my way around animals, so I went to a hardware store and bought a hatchet, electric hacksaw, some ammonia, and a bucket.
It took a few days to bag them up.
Then I drove to Florida and dumped in a swamp and drove straight here.
They're gonna find some pieces.
They can DNA and CSI that stuff.
They'll come for me.
Do you have to go back to Oklahoma? I don't have anywhere to go, Joe.
I have a friend.
His name is Roderick.
He's been known to help other friends of mine.
I'm sure he'd be able to give you a place to stay.
You love your wife.
I know you want her back, and I want that for you, Joe.
I want my chapter to have a happy ending.
Go on.
What? He's my friend, mom, and he's hurt.
I recognize him.
Your faces are plastered all over the news.
You're a wanted fugitive-- kidnapping, murder? I never killed anybody, mom.
- The FBI said you did.
- Well, I haven't.
They say that you're involved with that serial killer, you're part of a cult? I didn't say that I was innocent.
Why are you here? Because it's impossible at home.
There are federal agents patrolling our house.
Reporters are following your father to work.
Well, that's a bummer.
Poor guy.
Help me understand this, Jacob.
I'm you're mother, and I love you, but I don't understand this.
I don't think that I can explain.
No, Detective.
I'm staring at it right now.
That's not Paul Torres, that's not Jacob Wells.
Absolutely sure.
Neither man.
Not a waste of my time.
Complete waste of my time.
This is the Chief Homicide Detective in Dallas.
I'm sorry.
I let it through.
He was convinced.
Ryan Hardy.
Hello, Ryan.
What can I do for you, Joe? I just wanted to see how your friend Agent Weston was doing.
I heard that he took quite a beating.
He's expected to make a full recovery.
That's good-- good to hear.
Sorry about your friends, though.
They're kind of dead.
That's okay.
I have more.
So what do you want, Joe? You know, just a chat.
I'm feeling a-a bit down.
Tell me, do you miss Claire, Ryan? I know I do.
Ironically, you're the only person who really understands how I feel at the moment, being we both love the same woman.
Why is love so punishing, Ryan? Come on.
Get something.
He's on a satellite phone.
It's sending me to Singapore.
Link to Homeland, see if they can intercept.
Love's elation always seems to turn to pain.
How true the adage "love hurts," huh? Tell me, how much-- how much hurt can one man endure, Ryan? At, uh, what point does he break? You must let me know.
I can't remember.
What is good here? Did I get the hamburger steak last time? You liked it, didn't love it.
That's fine.
Will you order? Uh, no onions, gravy on the fries.
I'm gonna wash my hands.
I'm sorry.
Can I help you? Yes, you can.
I need you to give someone a message.
I'm sorry.
Do I know you? What are you doing? What's in your hands? Oh, it's nothing really.
I need you to do something for me.
It's like a favor.
There's this man named Ryan Hardy.
I think you have the wrong table.
This is important.
You need to tell Ryan Hardy that some-- sometimes love hurts.
Can you remember that? Hey.
- Who is this? - I don't know.
She has something in her hands.
What do you have there? A customized 24-inch pressurized spear gun mainly used for deep sea fishing.
What are you gonna do with that? I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to laugh.
I'm gonna try it out.
- Unh! - Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Help! She's bleeding! Don't forget what I told you.
Oh, my God! Help me! Somebody help me! Thank you.
Oh, my God! Help me! She's bleeding! Help me! Somebody, help me! And then she just walked right out the door.
She said, "tell Ryan Hardy that love hurts.
" I don't understand.
Why would she kill Claire? Excuse me, ma'am.
Uh, your friend Claire Dobkins, was she married? She was separated.
Why? What was her maiden name? It was Matthews.
You need to make sure Claire is safe.
She is safe.
We moved her to a new location - after Weston's attack.
- Well, check again.
Confirm it.
She's safe, Ryan.
She can't turn on the TV, okay? If she sees this, it's going to kill her.
- You're overreacting.
- You need to take away all media access.
- Let them do their job.
- Just do it! Hey.
You okay? No.
I'm fine.
I'm good, I'm good.
It's just Joe said, "how much hurt can one man endure? He's trying to break you.
By targeting women with his wife's name.
I mean, how many Claire Matthews are out there? Your wound is infected.
Can you help me? You're a nurse, right? Jacob said you were a nurse.
I was.
I'm not anymore.
Who are you calling? Who are you calling? I'm leaving another message for Emma.
She's not gonna call you back.
Don't you get it? She left us.
She left us to die.
At the farmhouse? I-- I never trusted her.
She never trusted me either.
Her name is Robyn Stewart.
She works at the Moser plant near the boatyard.
I've been watching her for a few months now.
I think she's perfect for you.
What? You mean, you want me to do this by myself? Yeah.
Why not? - You don't trust me.
- It's not that.
Emma, I've killed before.
But not with us.
If it will make you feel better, Jacob will go with you.
I want to be here, all right? I moved here, didn't I? I gave up everything in El Paso just to be near Joe.
You can trust me, I promise.
And you can trust us.
I can't trust you.
I can't trust you.
I can't trust you.
Hey! Easy, easy, easy.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
We're reporting live from a diner in the Union Hill District, where earlier today a woman was brutally murdered.
This is another in a series of slayings attributed to serial killer Joe Carroll and his cult of killers Is everything okay? Mmm.
Very much so.
I was quite worried about our nervous little Amanda, but she appears to be rather proficient with her weapons.
Sources tell us that Ms.
Matthews was placed in protective custody since her ex-husband's recent prison escape.
Are we okay? I'm not sure we should advertise our indiscretion.
Is it really so bad? I thought it was worth it, personally.
Roderick, um, is there any news on Jacob or Paul? No, no.
Not yet.
I'll keep looking.
Thank you.
I'm sure Emma would be most grateful.
I'm sorry about that, mom.
He's got sepsis.
You realize that? If you don't get him to a hospital immediately, he's going to die.
Can you help him? He needs a blood transfusion, antibiotics, surgery when he's stable.
You need to get him to a hospital.
You should go now.
Before your father gets here.
He's on his way.
Louise Sinclair we know, and this is Amanda Porter.
She's wanted for murder in Oklahoma City.
It's believe she killed her husband and the woman he was sleeping with.
Their dismembered remains were discovered in a Florida swamp in '07.
So we got 87 Claire Matthews in the US, reside in the Richmond area.
We're in the process of locating them now.
Claire Matthews on Monroe Drive, she's safe.
Local PD have her.
That's one.
Come on.
Let's go, let's go.
Hello? What? Authorities are asking anyone named Claire Matthews to please contact their local law enforcement.
Someone's at the door.
Who is it? It's the police, we are looking for Claire Matthews.
Hang on.
It's the police.
Joe Carroll is targeting women with the same name as his wife.
We have law enforcement across the country responding to this threat, but we need your help locally to get the word out and be on alert.
This is our suspect Amanda Porter, suspicion of at least two murders.
If anyone sees her, do not engage.
Contact your local authorities or the FBI immediately.
We found another Claire.
She's in protection.
That means just one still out there.
There's something too pedestrian about this.
Why would Joe call me up and foreshadow what he was up to? He can't have Claire.
He wants to punish you for it.
What if this isn't about me at all.
Maybe he's trying to lure her out because I'm telling you if she knows this is happening she will offer herself up.
But she doesn't.
She's not seeing it.
I believe Nick.
She has no media access.
I hope you're right.
Amanda Porter kills her husband and his mistress in a single act of rage.
How does she escalate to mission killer on a murder spree? You got add the cult component.
This his her chapter of Joe Carroll's playbook.
I mean, look at these murders.
They're public statements.
This guy is big on theatrics.
Look at the weapons.
They're like props-- spear gun, garrote, even he uses an ice pick.
This is a cult member who's using her leader's playbook complete with romantic underpinnings.
"Love hurts.
" Drink some water.
You've got to get him to a hospital, Jacob.
You're just worried dad's gonna come home and see me, aren't you? He's going to call the police.
Do you want that? You're a murderer.
Stop saying that, mom! I never killed anyone.
Tell her.
Come on.
Tell her the truth.
A friend of dad's-- this was back in El Paso-- he was a badass ex-Marine.
He used to make fun of me all the time, really lay in on me, rough me up.
One night, I just had enough.
I cracked his head, and I pushed him down the stairs.
Heh heh.
I was 12.
So is this an audition? Yeah.
I mean, I got to be careful.
Well, so do I.
You stab her first.
No, man.
It's all you.
That was the deal.
How do I know I can trust the two of you? Hey.
How do I know you're not setting me up? Why would we do that? Look.
I don't know.
I'll finish her off.
You just have to take the first stab.
That way, I know we can trust each other.
All right? You've never killed anyone.
- Yes, I have.
- Then do it.
Ha ha ha! Does your little girlfriend know? Honesty and trust are the foundation of all relationships.
Screw you, man.
Take it easy.
All right? Relax.
Don't hyperventilate.
Take a breath.
Ha ha ha! Jacob's telling the truth.
He's never killed anyone.
Ha ha ha! You bumming? You look like you're bumming.
I'm not.
Want to get drunk? How are you the sheriff of a town? Well first you go to the police academy, get your diploma.
They give you a gun.
Get a badge, walk patrol.
My family is big on public service.
I mean, they practically preached it.
My dad was military, mom loves her politics, blah blah.
But you found Joe.
Joe, uh, speaks to my contradictions.
We all have our gray areas, Emma.
For instance, Joe loves his wife, and, I mean, he loves his wife, and yet he slept with you.
You need to mind your own business.
And you have a boyfriend somewhere.
And your boyfriend's got a boyfriend, and I'd call that a gray area, wouldn't you? You don't know anything about it.
Are you even worried about them? Do you even care if we find Jacob? Yes, I care! I love Jacob.
I want him here with me.
Really? I checked your satellite phone.
It's just full of messages from your little lost boyfriend.
"Emma! Why'd you leave, huh? Why'd you leave us? I love you, Emma! Please, call me.
" So Carroll made two attempts to get his wife.
Both failed.
So now he's making public statements? Why? To get at you? That's what he wants me to think.
I think he's speaking directly to Claire.
I think he's trying to reach her, to lure her out of protective custody.
That hasn't happened.
I have confirmation she is not aware of this.
Just spoke with the roommate of our missing Claire Matthews.
She's a student at Thurman Community.
The roommate says she's at some school festival just off campus.
She left her cell phone at home, - so they can't reach her.
- Let's go.
Call ahead and notify local police.
Get every available agent there now.
The e-mail worked.
Roderick just sent us an address.
They're gonna meet us and take us to the others.
Your father's gonna be here in 5 minutes.
You have to leave now.
Come on.
I need to get you out of here.
Come on.
Come on.
No, no.
Come on.
We have to go.
No, no.
No, no.
You go.
Dad's gonna call the police.
We need to go.
You owe me.
What are you talking about? I'm not just gonna leave you here.
Just go.
I wouldn't do that to you.
Come on.
You owe me.
What are You owe me.
What the hell's wrong with you, man? I can't believe that just happened.
I mean-- I mean, the way you just-- did you see her eyes? Did you see her eyes? Hey, hey.
Take it easy.
Come here.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
All right? Emma's-- Emma's gonna hate me.
She doesn't know about this.
She'll hate me! We're not gonna tell her.
Why would you do that for me? Because I like you.
I mean, you're a good guy.
Besides, now you owe me.
- All right? - All right.
I want my life to mean something.
That's-- that's really all I ever wanted.
It's perfect.
It's perfect.
You can do this.
You can do it.
Thank you.
I love you.
I would watch as you were sleeping to make sure you were will still breathing I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
You were so fast without seeing I'm sorry.
This eternal youth is fleeting oh, take care of my baby take care of my baby take care of my baby I don't think he can do it himself We're looking for Claire Matthews, last seen wearing a blue jacket and jeans.
Canvass the entire block.
Everyone stay in constant radio contact.
Let's move! Hey.
I'm Steve.
What's your name? Claire.
Let's see your face.
Come on.
I spotted Louise just south of the dance floor.
I'm in pursuit.
Don't I know you? I don't think so.
Is your last name Matthews? How did you know that? The police are looking for you.
Hang on.
Let me pull it up.
They say she's killing people named Claire Matthews.
You should find a cop or something.
That's her.
Get out of here! Leave her alone.
What do we have here-- Mr.
Helper? Ryan, do you still have Louise? I lost her.
I got somebody hurt here by the ferris wheel.
I need some backup now! Help me! There's a woman who wants to kill me! Help me! Help me! Help me, please! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Miss Matthews? Yeah.
It's okay.
You're gonna be fine.
Just stay here.
All available units, I have Claire Matthews.
I have Claire Matthews at the festival exit.
Help me! Stop right there! Hands in the air! Drop the weapon! And if I refuse? I will shoot you dead.
I don't think you have the-- Aah! Agh! She's after me! Help me, please! Claire.
She's right here.
Drop the gun, Ryan.
Do it! - Don't hurt her.
- Kick it away, now! Let her go.
No, Ryan.
It doesn't work that way.
She has to die because you have to be punished.
You slept with Joe's wife, and between you and me, I don't take that lightly.
Let her go! That's not Joe's wife! It's a freaking metaphor, Ryan! Tell them to stay back.
Back, back.
Stay back, stay back.
Now you got to let her go.
Kill me.
I have to kill her.
Love hurts, Ryan.
That's the theme here.
Joe Carroll gets a happy ending! You don't get one.
Cheaters don't get happy endings! My husband didn't get one! You're right.
It was a mistake.
I-- I-- I shouldn't have done it.
Then why did you? Please, please just let her go.
Why? Why did you do it? Because I love her.
Thank you.
That was very honest.
And now you got to do something for me because you're right.
I do I need to be punished.
Come on.
Just kill me Stay back.
Because I still love her, and I can't unlove her.
The only way that you and Joe are gonna get a happy ending is if you kill me.
So come on.
Just do it.
Just take that nail gun, shoot me right in the head.
You can do it.
Come on.
I know you can.
Do it now.
Now! No! Ohh! Aah! No! No! Ryan Hardy's proven to be more of a challenge than I thought.
I wouldn't underestimate that man.
I made that mistake once.
What happened? Louise is dead.
Amanda's in federal custody.
That is unfortunate.
I'm sorry about Louise.
I know she was important to you.
Not really.
I don't know.
There is good news.
At noon today, FBI Agent Nick Donovan made an encrypted cell phone call to Quantico, Virginia, checking the status of Claire Matthews.
We deciphered that encryption.
And what did you find? Well, call was transferred to several Bureau offices before it was finally transferred to US Marshal Scott Turner, currently in charge of personal security for Claire.
We were able to narrow her location to the nearest cell phone tower.
Your wife is in Huntington County, Pennsylvania.
That that is excellent work, my friend.
I want to interview Amanda first thing in the morning.
Agent Donovan said that wasn't gonna happen.
Well, we could break her.
Thing about Joe's cult members, they don't come to this party sane.
We just got to speak their own language.
I agree with you, but Director Franklin ordered that she be transferred to DC.
They're questioning her at headquarters.
You're kidding me.
They're moving the whole investigation there.
They're taking the lead.
How do you feel about that? Like a failure.
You're not.
So all that stuff Ryan was saying tonight about Claire Matthews-- he's still hung up on her? He loves her.
That's just twisted.
_ _ here up with the noises from the dark depths stop screaming curses on the cold day Were you expecting someone else? Joe maybe? What is it? Well Joe's a little busy right now, but I've been looking for you.
And you found me.
What is it I can do for you? Earlier I received a very exciting e-mail, and I wanted to tell about it, but I thought I'd surprise you.
So, follow me.
it starts turning it up this is it the sound is moving in now I'm shouting all this is it the sound is moving in Hello, Emma.

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