The Glory (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

It's too windy. What did you just say?
Your wife's friend, Son Myeong-o,
keeps calling you, Mr. Ha.
Who is? Son Myeong-o?
Ah, shit.
I can't remember anything
with this high wearing off. Shit.
What was it?
What's up? I'm a little busy.
Where are you now?
Can we meet? Want to come over?
You want to meet up? Why?
Well, let's talk.
I need to exchange some cash.
You have dollars, right?
Hey, did you hear me?
How much? Four dollars?
Go fuck yourself.
I really don't have time for your shit.
Wow. You really are a little bitch.
What the fuck did you say?
Ah, that's right.
You probably wouldn't remember, would you?
Down on all fours like a bitch.
I'll make sure to send you
the video as my present.
Now, you were there, right?
When So-hee died.
You ran without calling the cops,
even though you saw her fall?
What the fuck? What're you talking about?
Of course I didn't call the cops.
I was fucking high.
I'm hanging up. I'm busy.
Quit bothering me.
Wow, she's so shameless.
Still her fault.
You like it, sir? Dear Mr. Jeon?
You know, being bitten by your own dog?
You motherfucker, where are you?
Where else would I be? With you.
You must be on something now.
What did you send me?
Record of your embezzlement.
You should know already.
That account book
that shows where that money went
instead of that golf course
in the Philippines.
So then I'll be quick.
I'll keep my mouth shut
for some of your crypto, man.
For each page, one bitcoin.
Son of a bitch.
The market's killing me,
and you want what? You wanna die?
Wow! I was just going to say that.
Then, you remember the day
when So-hee died?
You were Yeon-jin's alibi
that day, weren't you?
What the hell
are you even saying now?
Moron. I've sent you
my crypto wallet address.
You have 48 hours to send it.
Ah, Jerkface Jae-jun.
You're not that tough, are you?
Hey. Hey!
What the fuck?
What's up?
-Hey, it's your man, babe.
-Go fuck yourself.
Well, if you would like,
I can cum for you.
So why don't we leave Korea right now?
Oh wow. I'm so cute.
Yeah, I know you're so fucking cute.
That's why I'm saving you.
Why'd you go to school
the day So-hee died? Huh?
If you stay here in Korea,
you'll be a suspect.
So let's leave, Hye-jeong.
Let's just go together.
All the way to Russia.
Why are you going to Russia?
Ah. You finally decided to be a dog?
A little sled doggy?
Fuck! Shit, man!
I'm trying to get you
a first class ticket out of here!
You're the only person
who knows my apartment's passcode!
Don't you see
I'm in love with you? Don't you?
I just got the chills.
Oh! Gyeong-ran, do you have any fur coats?
I've called all of them.
You should've seen them.
Not one of them batted an eye.
And Yeon-jin, too? Arranged a meeting?
Well, actually,
I wanted to call you first.
She'll be the next person
I call after you.
So then,
does this mean that you're including me
to the list of people you're calling?
Wow, Dong-eun, you really are smart.
You see, Dong-eun,
I haven't told them about you.
You know how they can be.
Probably would just go
end you right on the spot.
So I'll get to my point.
If you want to live a long life,
give me the name tag, Dong-eun.
It's funny running into you here.
I didn't know
I should have brought you with.
We could've carpooled. Right, dear?
I need to leave some kind of sign
so that my friend knows I was here,
but I haven't figured out how.
So, tell me, honey,
what are you doing here?
Did Dong-eun approach with some offering?
Even if she did do that,
why would you come?
You've been with me, so now you want
to know what it's like with a teacher?
You're the one I'm curious about.
The only main character here
is Park Yeon-jin.
Why you?
I'll ask you once.
If you don't answer me,
I'll ask someone else.
Did you bully someone so much
that they tried to kill themselves?
Did you verbally or physically
abuse them?
Do you want to know?
Really know?
Did Ms. Moon do anything to deserve that?
Did she have to do anything?
What'd you say?
The idea that I bullied her is some story.
It's just that we didn't like each other.
I'm going to go now,
so look all you want.
Honey, today you're the one
who disappointed me,
and not the other way.
What the hell were you thinking?
Those bodies are not to be touched
without my permission.
Are you out of your mind?
I know that sir, but I thought maybe…
Because he's the director's son…
You're dismissed.
You're Joo Yeo-jeong.
Maybe I can help you.
That's me. I asked him to let me in.
Do you have a minute to talk to me?
So, Yoon So-hee's body's in the freezer?
Our records say she's in the morgue,
but her body's actually in the freezer.
This information,
as you can understand, is confidential.
Can you tell me,
why are you so interested in finding her?
For personal reasons.
Why did the hospital do this?
What is the purpose of having
all of these security measures in place?
The real purpose… I'm not sure.
All I know is that the orders
came from the late director himself.
From my father?
I was so happy to see
that the lights were on.
Were you waiting long? You should've
text me when you got here.
I just got in.
-It must've been a busy day for you.
-Not really.
I had some business in Seoul.
Actually, I got these blue towels for you.
Pink's the only thing
that looks good on me.
Wow, you're really checking right now?
It does look good.
You think so?
I'm sorry, but I haven't prepared
the guest room yet.
So you can sleep in my bed.
Tomorrow, we'll shop for yours.
That's my room there.
I ordered something, actually,
but it's not a bed.
If I'm not here, then just leave it.
I'll assemble it myself.
So what did you order?
The cops called and they want
an interview. What do I do?
What do you mean?
It's just an interview.
Why? Did you kill Myeong-o?
You think I did, too?
Fuck me. Did I kill him?
Ah, what the hell are you on?
I can't remember when I last saw him,
or if we fought or we're good
I have no fucking clue.
Which is better?
Committing murder or doing drugs?
Just think. You could
accidentally murder someone,
but can you accidentally take drugs?
That sounds kind of weird, right?
Hanging up.
You're fucking annoying, Sa-ra.
They call you too?
When's your interview? Mine's next week.
It's today.
Guess he's here.
Come in!
No, wait. Hey, put me on speaker.
No, wait. Record it.
I'm gonna hurl…
Stop it, okay?
Please, sit.
I'm a very busy man.
I don't have time for the police.
That's okay.
It gives me an excuse to get out.
I called earlier. Detective Choi.
Here's my card.
Do you always look for missing adults?
He's no longer a missing person.
It's now a criminal case.
It seems Mr. Son
may have been involved with narcotics.
Do you remember
the last time you saw Mr. Son?
Not sure.
Hasn't been to work in three weeks.
He stopped coming to work?
That didn't concern you?
Honestly, he stopped coming in
right as I was about to fire his ass.
Such a shit employee.
It's so hard to fire someone nowadays.
Yeah, well.
Do you remember
anything else that might be helpful?
Did he meet with someone around that time?
Huh. Before he was gone,
there was someone who was
desperately looking around for him.
And who was that?
Jaepyeong Group's owner, Ha Do-yeong.
He even gave me his business card.
He had this kind of mad look there.
I wonder why?
When it looks like
there's a second sun in the sky,
we call it a sun dog.
A sun dog is an event that is
created by the refraction of sunlight
by ice crystals that are
floating around in the atmosphere.
In Korean, this event is known as murihae,
meaning "many suns."
Depending how you look,
it could be two suns,
or an illusion made by light.
I hope you're all observing this unique
weather phenomenon that happened today.
Park Yeon-jin, signing off.
Jae-jun, how'd it go with the cop?
Any news on Myeong-o?
What's wrong? Huh?
You could've asked for the passcode.
That lock was expensive, Yeon-jin.
Yeah, I should have.
It was even more expensive to open it.
Maybe I should rip open your mouth.
Or break your hands that paid
some bastard to do your dirty work.
Come on. I want a coffee. Do you?
I really loved
seeing your home.
Must've worked hard.
Working at the factory,
passing exams, teaching.
But you haven't upgraded your living?
-Must've been difficult.
-I see you've done research.
This bitch…
You're the one to talk.
Well, that was the only way.
When I started this all,
I thought it'd be like Taken.
But when things got going,
I was following you all around.
Had to fund the whole thing,
and even transferred schools.
It's a lot of work.
Just shut up.
If you're really after revenge now,
you would've gone to the police station.
All you're doing is rambling
because you have no proof.
Well, try your best.
With bullshit.
You don't ever listen, do you?
I said I've been busy.
You see, I posted this online,
but it didn't get many views…
Maybe 'cause it lacks a subject?
Post it.
Make sure to include the subject.
Whatever it is,
I have a million ways to explain.
But could you escape this too, then?
I promise that I'll kill you.
Wake up already.
I should be the one killing you.
You selfish bitch.
I changed my mind a hundred times
on whether I would come or not.
But I decided to do it.
The reason I came to visit you today
is to give you an opportunity
for one last chance.
And I'm giving it because of the gesture
of kindness left by somebody at my door.
What the hell are you saying?
You go turn yourself in.
Take these and give them to the police.
Confess everything you did
in order to cover up
the crimes you committed.
Do what?
If your punishment comes from me,
it'll be a lot harsher, Yeon-jin.
I promise, I will pay you back
for the 18 years of hell.
You have to beg for forgiveness
from me and your other victims
by turning yourself in.
Then I'll put a stop to my revenge here.
How nice of you, Dong-eun.
Why would I do that?
How would it just stop there?
As soon as I go to the police,
it'll be in the news.
And then, it would be all over.
Trying to be smart, or what?
Also, I think you've
misunderstood something.
I didn't do anything wrong, Dong-eun.
Nothing wrong? Really?
Not at all.
So you think
I made your life a living hell?
That's just wrong.
Your life has been hell
since the moment you were born.
Honestly, you should be thanking me.
Because of me, you teach.
What's wrong, being the reason
that helped turn your life around?
Who forgives who?
Why do the poor always believe
in things like poetic justice or karma?
Even if I have to pull you apart,
I promise I'll find
another straightener to use on you.
Get lost.
I really should thank you.
Our meeting here has
completely erased all my guilt.
Actually, I think it's nice
to see you like this.
That expression there tells me
you're struggling, so good luck.
This was your last chance,
and you just threw away
the lifeline your husband got you.
It turns out
I have a secret love child.
Have you had something taken from you?
He went missing?
Son Myeong-o?
The Jongno police want to interview you
about his disappearance.
I'm sorry sir,
but Son Myeong-o asked me
to give you something.
Ms. Secretary,
I have information on the motherfucker
that has been fucking your boss' wife.
So tell your boss
if he doesn't want to see
this guy's name
plastered all over the internet,
he should call me soon.
Oh my God!
Hey there.
Uh, I just wanted
to look inside, I swear. Uh…
"Don't assemble it," I told myself.
"Don't do it." But the manuals…
I mean, I used to be a Boy Scout,
but I swore I wouldn't--
Why didn't you assemble this
on the second floor?
Or did you not consider it'll be
much harder to move once it's built?
Ah, that's right.
Huh. You're right. Totally.
-No problem. Let's just leave it here.
-I don't want to impose.
Let's move it after we eat.
Whoa! Roasted sweet potatoes
are my favorite.
-You said noodles were your favorite.
They are. This is my second-favorite.
Welcome home.
This is the real one.
Look at these sparkling walls.
Not yellowed by cigarette smoke
or infected with mold.
You can't find hatred in these walls.
How unfamiliar.
How about your walls?
Are they still shiny and sturdy?
Sit here. Next to the fire to stay warm.
Use this.
Do we have to eat out here in the cold?
Well, this is why I decided on
a house with a yard.
Isn't it romantic?
The only thing I think
when I see houses like this one
is that the heating
and the electricity bill must be insane
if they have them running all the time.
I'll pay my share,
but we're not splitting them in half.
'Cause, if we do that,
then I'll turn everything off.
I got it.
They're just for today, then.
Here. Dip it in there.
When did you learn how to do this?
Uh, I guess
I learned how to this morning. Uh…
Well, I looked up ideas
for some romantic dinners.
Thank you for this.
If this is really that important to you,
then let's try being romantic.
For real?
-Should I play some music?
I can just sing for you then.
Ah, check.
Can I take back what I just said?
One, two, three. One, two, three.
Oh no.
I'm feeling ill.
I might have a fever.
I'll go in.
Let's see.
In my professional opinion,
you're faking it.
Did you really have to check right away?
I'll let you off now.
You're missing out.
I can sing like a bird.
Thank you for taking me in.
You must've been surprised and confused.
It was the right thing to do for you.
It's now a drug investigation
instead of a missing persons?
Fuck me!
I knew this would fucking happen! Damn it!
Shit. Look what you've done.
This is all because you called the cops.
-You're such a fucking bitch.
-Let go! My hair!
Maybe you shouldn't have become
a drug addict in the first place!
-Hey, hey, hey.
-I'll fucking kill you!
I get you're going through withdrawal,
but it's your fault you took them.
-It's about time you realize that.
Ah, shit!
Guys, we can't do this right now.
Moon Dong-eun is really coming after us.
What's this?
What do you think, huh?
Evidence from when
we bullied her in high school.
How is that my problem?
You're the only one
who'll be affected by the scandal.
I don't give a shit about any of this.
I'm only asking
'cause it's been bothering me.
Did Myeong-o ask any of you about So-hee?
You too?
You too? Oh wow…
He asked me why I went
to So-hee's school that day.
So he called each of us?
And now he's missing?
Ah, I almost told him
that Yeon-jin was the one
who asked me to go.
What are you trying to say now, Hye-jeong?
I spent that entire day with Jae-jun.
Back then, we were
all unfairly investigated.
Haven't we all agreed on that?
So then it's "we" now?
Well in this situation,
your best scenario won't be a lawsuit.
It's the mother getting a divorce.
Remind me where that was again?
With me?
We were in the movie room
watching some naughty movies together.
We were like that, huh?
You expect us to believe that?
No one's willing to say it,
but you're the one
who did something to So-hee.
I think you should shut up now.
Be careful.
So then,
what did Myeong-o have to say to you?
What did he ask you about So-hee?
You all really have lost it.
Go screw yourselves.
It's me, Mr. Shin.
Remember my name tag back then?
Any idea how hard a membership
for the Western CC is?
Hey, I didn't win this
in just any gambling match, either.
How'd you wrap it up?
It was deemed nothing more than a suicide.
You know, if you didn't do well in school,
I swear your face would be
all over the society columns.
I should burn this.
It's bad luck.
Back then, I was far too naive.
I thought they would
reopen the investigation
if additional evidence was discovered,
but nothing ever happened.
Even the name tag wasn't
in the evidence list.
Then the name tag you had wasn't real.
So why did you tell Mr. Son
that you had it?
Because Myeong-o didn't know
it wasn't real.
I just needed some bait
to get him to start swimming.
Where exactly did you want Mr. Son to go?
To Yeon-jin.
You've been repeating yourself
this entire time.
The weather reporter, Park Yeon-jin,
was somehow involved
in Mr. Son's disappearance,
but you have no evidence
to support this claim. Am I right?
I have to give you the proof too?
After I turned in this report?
Ninety-nine percent
of reports like these are lies.
And defamation is a very serious crime.
Now, all I want to know is
if Mr. Son had anything to do with drugs.
Do you know anything about that?
I'll think about it.
All I want to know is,
do you know something or not?
I don't know if this is defamation or not,
so I'll think about it.
After all, I shouldn't commit
such a serious crime.
And what about the name tag?
Didn't they send it to you then?
If it was dropped off at the station,
there has to be a witness.
Did you even try
and conduct an investigation?
You're mad I wasn't investigating?
You're asking me why I didn't
make your problem even bigger?
Do you want me to really live in fear?
What if they turn themselves in?
After all this time?
You said it. They were anonymous.
If they were going to show up,
they would've done it back then.
But what if there's more evidence?
What if the witness
suddenly goes crazy now
and decides they need
to be a hero tomorrow?
It's been 18 years.
Your mother got rid of
the name tag long ago.
Only the corpse remains.
And that corpse has been
in the mortuary, rotting away.
Even if they were to reinvestigate,
the case is already ruled as a suicide.
Even if they somehow came back to life,
there's no way anyone can overturn it!
You're right. That's true, right?
That's exactly what I wanted
to hear from you.
Oh, and where's that motel you bought?
That one? Or is it that one?
That's it.
Thank you for finding out about the car.
He'll just beat you up if you go in there.
There's no point confronting him.
He bought himself four bottles of soju.
He won't fall asleep for a while.
Oh, Sun-a.
How are you so bright and beautiful,
even though you grew up
in a place so awful?
You remember the thing I hate the most?
Tear jokes.
Yeah, that's right.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.
There's nothing to be sorry about.
Don't cry, Mom.
None of this is your fault.
You're doing the best you can every day.
Do you…
want to…
go somewhere that's…
far from here?
To study?
The US isn't that far.
It's not like I'd be walking there.
Promise you'll come join me soon?
Mm-hmm. Of course.
Really soon.
You can go first.
Then Ms. Moon and I will follow you.
You can go to school there.
Start cheerleading, even.
Maybe date the football quarterback too.
Are you okay?
What movies are you watching?
In Chinese,
Sun-a's name means "kind" and "bright."
I chose her name myself.
Maybe her life's hard
'cause I didn't pick the right name.
Maybe I should have
paid someone to name her.
But in the US, Sun-a will get
a new English name, won't she?
That's all I need.
That's all I need, Ms. Moon.
Wow, four hours?
Still in the game, Doctor.
He was in a car accident.
I was trying to stop the bleeding.
What's up? You didn't even call ahead.
Need more money?
Hey, not that. I'm here for business.
What business do you have in my hospital?
I've got some with you.
I've missed you, Mom.
You'll get blood on you!
-Ugh. You ran out of money.
Hey, so Mom,
if I took my scalpel
and used it as an executioner's sword,
would you try to stop me?
What are you saying?
What if I made
a different choice than Dad?
The person who I like
went through something horrible.
And I want to help her get her revenge.
Because I was bored.
So your poor son
really went to hell, right?
That asshole.
He's a rapist.
He assaulted people and murdered them.
But he still tried to save him,
like any other patient.
Your father…
was a very good man.
So kind and warm-hearted.
But then,
blindly acting with good intentions
only brings false glory.
Nothing more.
I always thought
you took after your father,
but now I see I was wrong.
You're more like me.
You wanna help her?
Then keep it secret.
If this is what you really want to do,
I'm not going to stop you.
No one will know.
Here you go.
So Yeon-jin really broke into your house?
Oh my God.
Did she take anything?
What do I have
that she'd want to steal from me?
I only asked for your help
'cause I was worried about this.
Really? What is it?
So-hee's incident report.
This is the reason
why I shared everything with Myeong-o.
But how did you get your hands on this?
This is the autopsy report
for Yoon So-hee.
It was performed here.
Yoon So-hee
was eight week pregnant.
So-hee was pregnant?
That's why I asked them
to get the incident report for me.
I want to bring So-hee back home.
I'm going to get it for her.
I'm avenging her.
I think that may be why I'm still alive.
So many times I have wanted to die.
You won't believe me,
but I feel So-hee
was helping me fall asleep.
Because she's with me, I feel strong now.
I just…
You poor thing, Dong-eun.
I feel horrible for you and So-hee.
If you want a long life,
give me the name tag, Dong-eun.
I guess we're not
in the same boat anymore.
What else can I do?
That ship's totally off-course.
So think carefully, Dong-eun.
What if I decide to switch teams on you?
I mean, even for you…
the odds are one against four.
I mean, they're all murderers.
Those four killed So-hee.
The only one innocent is me, right?
You think you're innocent?
Come on now.
What am I guilty of?
A sin that warrants being ripped apart.
Don't forget,
I've already fought five to one.
So good luck.
Hey! You fucking bitch.
How annoying.
Ah, shit. Damn it.
No, wait. I just need
Yeon-jin to take the bait.
I have been
thinking about you non-stop all day long.
Wanna meet up later?
I have something
I really want to talk to you about.
If you don't me with me today,
then I will just meet you
at your work tomorrow.
Now I'm curious.
Why do you want to meet?
I'm with friends, so I can't right now.
So around 11:00?
May I help you?
Get out, lady.
I think you've got the wrong person.
I don't think I do.
Kang Hyeon-nam, right?
Knock it off and get out now.
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