The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e09 Episode Script

Anna i Germán

I'm leaving for Gérman's team.
I'm leaving the Minerva's.
-They were so mad at me, Gérman.
-They'll forgive you, give them time.
-Is he your boyfriend?
-Of course not, dad.
[Laila] We're just friends.
[Enric] Pela's a nice guy.
-So, what, you're friends now?
-Isn't that what you wanted?
-Look, it's your ex.
-What? He's not my ex.
-[Germán] We're friends, right?
-[Anna] Of course, friends.
There's something about you
-It's okay, don't worry about it.
-No, forgive me.
[Anna] It's fine.
They've approved the mortgage, my love.
That's great.
I want to be together
and share things with you,
but we don't have to limit ourselves.
[Gina] Your problem is
that you're afraid of commitment.
I don't want you to change, Lore.
But there must be a way
for both of us to be okay, together.
[Anna] I almost killed someone.
I put a girl in a coma.
She still is.
These coming elections,
you'll have an opponent.
And who's the sucker
that's going to run against me?
That would be me.
Guys, I don't think any of you are aware
that we have a decisive game tomorrow.
[Terrats] We're not here to play,
we're here to win.
Girls, this is called playing right.
You played an amazing game.
You were relaxed, confident,
and had plenty of chances to score.
[Terrats] I don't want losers here.
I want you to give your best,
your very best.
You're using all you've learned
during practice sessions, and it shows.
Tomorrow, it's either win
or win.
I know that if we keep this up,
we'll save the team.
And we'll prove Enric
just how far we can go.
[knock on door]
[Germán] May I?
Anna, do you have a moment?
Yes, yes. One second.
What's up? I thought we were meeting
later this afternoon?
Yeah, but there's been a change of plans.
We have to talk to Terrats.
Can you come?
Wait a moment, Terrats, you said
you'd give us a ride to Zaragoza.
I know, but the boys
have a game tomorrow
and they didn't do well
during practice.
I can't go to some coaching event
and leave the assistant coach in charge.
And I don't want to be
Enric's secretary.
What do you mean his secretary?
He wants us to hand out flyers
for the Minerva club.
Why doesn't he just get a marketing agent?
I have to go,
I promised the club I would.
-Okay, what do you want to do?
-I'm going with you,
-but how are we going to get there?
-I don't know.
Montse has my car.
She's spending the weekend in Barcelona
getting ready for the trial.
I could ask my dad
to let me borrow his car.
-I can ask him and let you know.
-Sure, yeah.
And if all goes well,
we can grab a bite afterwards.
Anna, can we talk for a second?
Yeah, sure.
I know that things have been weird
between us lately,
and that you've been
keeping your distance from me.
I don't know if you've heard that
I'm running for President of the club.
I'm sick of how everything
runs around here.
Enric only cares about his interests,
and neglects everything else around here.
I don't like talking about
your uncle like that
It's fine.
I know the kind of person he is.
He can't just invest
all the money in facilities,
he's supposed to care
about the people too.
I want better coaches,
I want scouts that will find
better players.
And I want to reinstate
the female division.
I want things to be
the way they were when you started.
And I want you to be
the sports coordinator.
-Yes, you.
Wait a minute, Terrats,
that's position's way above
my capabilities. I mean, I don't
I want to create a good team.
Rosa has agreed to be our treasurer.
She wants more transparency, like me.
And I want you.
Are you willing to assume
that responsibility?
Thank you. Thank you. I mean
Obviously this is a great opportunity.
-[Assistant] Do these also go in the gym?
-Yes, please.
-Okay, perfect.
We can fumigate the locker rooms
and the rink this afternoon.
-Perfect, that sounds good.
-[Assistant] Has everyone been notified?
-Yes, all activities have been canceled.
Can I count on you?
Lore, did you know that the boys
are meeting at your dad's place
for a game of poker?
Yeah, it's my brother's latest obsession.
Nil said they went there
straight after practice.
Why the interest?
What's the matter?
Do you want to go?
No, I don't care for it.
"I don't care for it."
Tete, I hear you've taken
over Dad's house.
How about you let us in?
We also know how to play poker.
[Lorena] Come on, let us play.
Oh, shit, a beetle!
[Gina] Dude, that's so gross.
I swear, this place
is starting to look like a jungle.
[Flor] It's just an insect.
When I was living in Brazil with my mom,
we lived among the insects.
Huh, check out the Amazonian.
[phone rings]
[Lorena] He answered back.
[Óscar] All right, don't complain.
There's room for everyone
if you want to come.
We're going, right?
-I don't have anything better to do.
-[Raquel] Sorry, I can't go.
I'm meeting my parents for lunch.
And the rest of you?
[Enric] One more step.
To the left. Left.
-Can I open them?
-No, not yet.
Don't be impatient.
A little bit more.
A bit more.
Are you sure?
One, two, three.
[jazz music playing]
Oh, Enric, you shouldn't have.
Of course I should have.
Look, we've been stressed out lately
and I thought we should unwind a little.
There's enough food here
to feed a whole family.
Look, premium cava, this year's best.
It has won prizes.
And all the food is vegan.
Freshly made. Guaranteed.
Enric, Enric, come here.
I'm not with you because
of your money or the luxuries.
All I want is for us
to spend time together, alone.
-[Bernat] Hey, no peeking!
-[Óscar] Dude, I'm not looking.
Nil, you're up.
What are you doing?
Where the hell is that?
-It's a bluff.
-Óscar, I have a gig.
-Don't go all in, okay?
-Of course not, I've got this.
-Use your head.
Oh, and don't make a mess,
all right, kids?
Don't worry about it.
-[Pela] Hey.
-[Lorena] Hi.
-We won today.
-Oh, congratulations.
Yes, sir! Champions.
And no strip poker, all right?
I don't want to get in trouble
with anyone's parents, okay?
Come on, get going,
we don't even care about that.
-Come on, Putxi, your turn.
-[Lorena] Why didn't you say something?
-[Óscar] Me? Why should I have to?
-[Lorena] Because that's your job.
Putxi, you're next.
Come on, dude.
We've been waiting on you for an hour.
[dial tone]
Hello. Joana?
Yes, it's Anna.
Oh, you're her mother?
Um, do you speak Spanish?
Great, I wanted to
Well, I wanted to talk to Joana because
Well, I heard
that she's getting better and I
I just wanted to say that I'm glad.
What? You're going to do what?
[disconnect tone]
Hey, you have some nerve.
Eat your own vegan food
since that's what you brought.
Don't be a dick, Lluc.
[phone rings]
Look, it's Raquel.
[Lorena] Let me see.
Oh, my God.
-What is that?
-I don't get it.
Why doesn't she tell her parent's
that she doesn't want to dress like that.
I don't know, they're weird.
She never introduced me to them.
No wonder, if she had, they would've
kicked you out for dressing like that.
Yeah, right.
You wish you had half the style I have.
-Minus the crazy.
-Fuck off.
You guys look like you just saw a ghost.
Sit down, I have a surprise for you.
[Emma] Okay.
Congratulations on today's game.
Thanks, Emma.
-How are things at the Olímpic?
-Good. Yeah, they're good.
We were supposed to meet for lunch later,
but Putxi asked me to come.
Something about a surprise,
and I couldn't say no.
[Putxi] So?
Are you ready to receive
the bounty of the Gods?
Yeah, right.
Hey, don't be ungrateful,
don't you want to try my magic recipe?
What's so special about a few cookies?
A few cookies? These cookies
have the good stuff, dummy.
Oh, well, excuse me.
Come on, try them out.
Homemade, freshly baked.
If they're like the ones
from last time, I'm out.
-Worst high ever.
-No, don't worry,
-this time I've grown a better batch.
-Are they strong?
Of course they are,
Putxi made them. I'm out.
Well, well, look who thinks they're
going to be king of the rink tomorrow.
Not at all, but guess who's going to be
warming the bench tomorrow?
That's why I'm going to fill up today.
Come on.
Oh, no, no, no.
I have to be back home by seven, and
These wear off in a couple of hours,
you'll feel like brand new.
Come on.
Come on, you need to relax a little.
Don't be so stuck up, Laila.
[Flor] Oh, he called her stuck up.
[All cheer]
-[Putxi] Well, well, well.
-[Lorena] All right, I'll have one.
-[Flor] Did you use cement or what?
-[Putxi] Are they good or what?
[Putxi] Here.
[doorbell rings]
[Enric sighs]
I'll get it.
Hi, Pela.
-[Enric] What's up?
-[Pela] Hey, how's it going?
[Pela] I'm so glad you're home.
[Pela] Oh, don't make that face.
-[Pela] Brighten up.
-[Enric] Come in. Sílvia's inside.
Did I interrupt you
in the middle of something, or?
Pela, what are you doing here?
[Pela] Our gig was cancelled.
Yeah. They say that rock and roll
isn't cool anymore,
so they hired a couple of kids
to play reggaetón.
Go figure, reggaetón.
Damn, that sucks.
That was your entire source of income.
Hey, don't worry about it.
Are you staying to watch the bike race?
I'm down with it, but are you sure
I'm not interrupting anything?
Of course not.
What are you drinking?
A beer
-Coming up!
[Pela] All right.
[Pela sighs]
[Sílvia scoffs]
[phone rings]
They'll begin in five minutes.
I know, I'm looking for something.
I'll be out in a moment.
Hey, they're not in the office.
[Anna sighs and sniffles]
Are you okay?
-Hey, what's wrong?
What's wrong?
I don't understand.
I don't know when my life
took a turn for the worse.
You know you can count on me.
For anything.
[Germán] Come on. Tell me about it.
I can't.
If I do, you'll think I'm a monster.
Are you sure?
Things weren't going as well for me
as they seemed in Lisbon.
I put a girl from my team in a coma.
We were teammates, but we always
competed with each other.
We hated each other.
That day we argued on the rink
and we got kicked out.
Our coach told us to head back
to the locker room.
She started yelling at me
and I
I don't know, I got nervous.
I couldn't control myself, Germán.
We were yelling at each other.
And then, I I couldn't control myself,
so I pushed her
but it was an accident, I swear.
I didn't meant to hurt her.
Now she's woken up
from the coma, but
she wants to sue me.
[Germán sighs]
I understand you perfectly.
When you're competing,
adrenaline is always pumping,
and you can't think straight.
I've also wanted to hit someone
with my stick before.
Yeah, but you never did.
And neither did you.
It was an accident.
She fell and hit her head.
All you have to do is prove that.
Montse can help you.
-Yes, yes, yes.
-She works at a great law firm.
-No, seriously, forget it.
No, you'll see. Wait, I'll call her.
[dial tone]
[call ends]
-It doesn't matter.
She always turns her phone off
when she's in a meeting.
I know, I'll leave her a text.
-Germán, forget about it.
-Don't worry, it'll be a second.
It's going to be okay.
You're not alone.
[loud music on headphones]
Come on, Lluquet, wake up, you're next.
[Lluc] Sorry, sorry.
Okay, ready.
Okay, you. Truth or dare?
All right, all right.
Come on, Lluc.
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
You have to make out with Flor.
[all cheer and laugh]
No way.
-You're backing out?
-[Gina] I really don't mind.
I mean It's up to you.
Oh, trouble in paradise.
[Lorena snorts]
Am I the only one who's still hungry?
That's what happens
when you eat vegan burgers.
You ate most of them, pig.
-It's true.
-[Lluc] No way, I didn't.
[Bernat] Okay, dare.
If you won't make out,
you have to bring us food.
Whoever brings the most food
can skip the next round.
That's easier than kissing Lorena.
Hey! Am I that repulsive or what?
Don't take this the wrong way,
but you're too young for me.
Oh, Flor thinks she's too good for me.
-[Óscar] Run, Lore, run.
-[Berta] Bring some chocolate, please.
Hey, that's not fair,
you know this house better than I do.
Hey, this whiskey's not bad.
My mom loves it.
She guards it like a treasure.
My dad does the same.
He only brings it out during Christmas.
Have you tried it?
No, he won't let me.
Do you want to?
He'll kill me if he finds out.
[Óscar] Lore!
[glass clinking]
[papers rustling]
Hey, what if we leave
without the flyers?
That's fine by me.
I'm not in the club anymore.
Okay, let's go then.
We don't have all day.
-Wait, let me.
-It's stuck.
Let me see.
Hey! We're in here.
[banging door]
Call Terrats,
she's around somewhere.
[dial tone]
-She's not picking up.
-And Youssef?
Yeah, right away.
[phone chimes]
Shit, my phone's dead.
[Germán] Use yours.
I left mine in the car.
[Germán scoffs]
I can't believe this.
Are we stuck here
until tomorrow or what?
Someone will come looking for us.
Who's going to come looking for us?
Everyone thinks we're in Zaragoza.
Are you kidding me?
Why is this happening to me?
[Óscar] Guys, where were you?
We brought food!
[yelling and loud babble]
-[Laila] Food.
-[Berta] I'm starving.
-[Laila] Give me!
-[Óscar] Putxi.
I love this song.
I think the artists are from Barcelona.
Once we move there,
we can go watch them live.
I'd love that.
Is that a hickey?
What are you talking about?
I can't believe it.
It's probably a bruise.
I must've gotten it this morning
during the game. Remember?
It was her, right?
Gina, come on, don't start again.
It's always the same.
Come on.
[Óscar laughs]
-[Lluc] What?
Are you okay?
[Lluc] Holy shit!
-Dude, what's wrong?
-[Lluc] Leave me alone, Berta, please.
Come on, Lluc, you've been
in the bathroom for half an hour.
Okay, but only because
you're going to be a doctor someday.
Of course, this is strictly professional.
I promise.
[loud music and laughing outside]
[snorting and laughing]
Dude, it's swollen.
-Don't laugh.
-No, no, you're right. Sorry.
How long has it been like this?
A couple of days,
but it keeps swelling.
Don't tell the others, Berta.
It's embarrassing.
Lluc, you have to go see
a doctor right now.
Seriously. Come on, we'll ask Óscar
to take us to the ER.
-Berta, no, not Óscar.
-Yes, Lluc.
-This is so embarrassing.
-Lluc, I'll go with you. Don't worry.
Let's go.
What kind of wheels are those?
[Enric] It's raining, isn't it?
[racing sounds on TV]
So, Pela,
what plans do you have after the race?
Well, my house
is full of teenagers right now,
so we either have dinner here
or we can go out and do something wild.
[Pela] What's wrong, Sílvia? Don't make
that face, we're not too old to have fun.
You should've seen her dancing
on top of bar counters.
-She was like
Enric, weren't we going shopping
for those running shoes you wanted?
Oh, right.
[Pela] Oh, you're going to the mall?
That's fine by me. I have to buy
new chords for my guitar anyway.
No. We were thinking about driving to
Barcelona, we're going to a specific shop.
Well, I'm sure there are
guitar stores in Barcelona.
Enric, can you give us a moment, please?
What's wrong?
What's with the face?
[Sílvia] What's with my face?
Do you know what your problem is?
You don't have boundaries.
Look, I get that you're sad
because your gig job is over,
as well as your rebel musician career.
But I can't be looking
after you anymore, damn it.
I already have two kids.
Besides, I'm dating someone.
So, I don't know,
go figure your life out.
-Aren't you going a little overboard?
-[Sílvia] No, I'm not.
[Sílvia] I can't deal with you anymore,
I can't!
Stop meddling in my life!
Very well.
[door opens and closes]
Summer camp 2008.
Look what I've found.
No way. What a summer, right?
Remember the bad food
and the lice infested bunk beds?
What? No, dude, it was awesome.
-[Germán] Awesome?
-Yeah. I was happy there.
I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Yeah, you've always known
what you want to do.
Hockey first.
Yeah, it's always been
very important for me.
I know.
Did you know that my parents
also thought about it?
Shit, even your parents, dude.
I'd love to see them.
I'm sure they'd like that too.
They didn't like that you left.
Neither did I.
I should've asked you to stay.
It's not like anything would've changed.
Out there I had the chance
to become better, but not here.
We could've tried long distance.
I would have been travelling
everywhere all day long,
until we'd both realize
that we're not on the same page.
You don't know that.
You don't know what could've been.
I have thought
about what could've been.
Whether we'd have a house,
or if we'd live in the countryside
Those things.
Whether you'd be
one of the best players in the world
Well, that didn't work out for me.
What about everything
you've experienced?
I don't know, maybe everything
would've been different.
I wouldn't have a mortgage,
I wouldn't be living with Montse;
or have plans for the future.
But that's the way it goes.
Is it getting colder?
I'll go look for some blankets.
[party music and laughing]
[Nil] Hey, hey, Laila, take it easy.
Laila, Laila, calm down.
-What's wrong?
-[Nil] She just got like this.
I don't understand, she was laughing
her ass off two seconds ago.
Laila. Hey, Laila.
Here, lift your head. There you go.
[Emma] Laila.
Lorena, Lorena, come here.
-What is it?
-[Emma] Please.
She's having a bad reaction.
How many cookies did she eat?
I don't know, same as everyone else.
Yeah, but she's never had any before,
it's her first time.
[Nil] Dude, let's call an ambulance.
It's just a bad reaction. It'll pass.
We're going to be in trouble
if they find out we had edibles.
No fucking way, I barely put any.
I don't care if I take the blame,
but we have to do something,
she's not well.
-Call someone.
-Okay, okay.
[Emma] Hey.
[Emma] Hey, we're here, okay?
Laila, we're here.
[labored breathing]
Ma Damn it..
Come on.
You lost.
-Are you cold?
-Yes, a bit.
What for?
For always taking care of me.
It's hot.
-I'm hot.
-Okay, wait a minute.
No, no, no don't leave me,
don't leave me, or I'll go.
No, you're not going anywhere,
and neither am I.
-We're here with you, Laila.
-[Emma] I'll do it.
[breathing heavily]
What are you doing?
You're trying to hurt me.
No, I thought you were hot.
No, leave me the fuck alone!
You're trying to hurt me! Stop it!
-Emma, Emma, just go, leave.
-I was only trying to help her.
I know, but she needs to calm down,
and you're agitating her. Go, please.
Go, please.
Laila, calm down, calm down.
It's me, Nil. Laila, Laila, calm down.
[engine sputtering]
-Damn it, you took forever.
-Don't worry, let me see her.
Let's see.
What did she take?
It was just an edible.
Laila, sweetie, it's Pela.
Can you hear me? Huh?
Don't worry,
it's okay, everything is fine.
Just rest a bit more, okay?
Get me some water with sugar,
and some black pepper as well.
The smell will help her sober up.
[Pela] Don't worry, she's just high.
[Pela] Was it a strong batch or what?
Not really, I just spread a bit
throughout two pounds of flour.
Has anyone called her parents?
I'll do it.
[Pela] It's okay.
[dial tone]
[car door closes]
Don't worry, she's fine now.
She just needs to rest some more.
Laila, sweetie.
It's your fault, isn't it?
Since you started dating,
she spends every day at the skate park,
she dropped out of high school,
and now this.
-But today Today we just
Don't come near her again!
Do you understand me?
But It was an accident.
[Youssef] Let's go.
I love her.
If that's true, then leave her alone.
[car door opens]
[engine starts]
[Putxi] Wait up.
[Pela sighs]
Thank you.
-About what happened today
-What happened?
Oh, right, you came back for more.
No, Flor, seriously.
This has to stay between us, all right?
Fine. Don't worry about it.
[Germán] So, now what?
What if we don't think about it
while we're here?
Just for tonight.
Even the doctor
had a hard time finding it.
-As swollen as it was.
-Okay, that's enough.
Well, from now on you'll have
to make the bald man cry.
-Make a bald man cry?
-Yeah, you jerk off and drift off.
Idiot. Where'd they go?
I don't know, they must've left.
So, it'll get better
once I take the antibiotics?
Yes, but don't be an idiot next time
and wear a condom.
-I know.
-It doesn't bother me.
-You and I aren't fucking anymore.
-Why are you being so mean, Berta?
I'm not, Lluc. You have to start thinking
with your head and not your dick.
You have to talk to every girl
you've had sex with recently,
-they might have gotten it from you.
-Seriously, Berta? That sucks!
I can create a group chat
and send an anonymous text.
Are you stupid or what, dude?
Great, you finally showed up.
I'll let your friends tell you
what happened.
Well, if they're not here, we're leaving.
-Do you want me to go with you?
No, it's not far on foot
and we can sober up on the way, right?
Let's go.
Óscar, thank you.
-Bye. Good night.
[Pela] Long night?
Tell me about it.
Lluc has chlamydia.
My God, what are you kids
doing nowadays?
What about you?
How was your day?
Well, I had a fight with your mom,
plus what happened with your friends;
Laila had a bad reaction.
Damn, poor Laila.
How pissed off is Mom?
Well, a little more than usual.
But she'll get over it.
Deep down, she cares for me,
and I care for her.
Every family has problems,
ours isn't any different.
[Pela chuckles and sighs]
Hey, I'm going to finish this
and go to bed, I'm beat.
I'm leaving.
Good night, Dad.
Break a leg tomorrow!
I mean, if that's how it goes
I don't know.
You're the best! I hope you score many
goals, or points or whatever you call it!
Okay, good night.
[door unlocks]
Do you want to have breakfast or?
I think I'll go home.
Don't worry.
[Germán] I'm sorry.
We'll talk soon.
[pulls guitar string]
Youssef, this is a great opportunity.
[Sílvia] I know, Enric can get us
a great price for it.
No, no, I don't have the number yet,
but Enric says that we can have lunch
at the mall someday.
[Sílvia] Okay, we'll talk about it later.
Looks like things
are going well with Enric.
I've never seen this romantic side of you.
I know that if you met him outside
of here, you'd like him even more.
-[Terrats] Right.
-Trust me.
He's got a good heart and values.
-[Terrats] Yes.
Hasn't your mother told you
about what he does with the club?
Oh, yes, the loan, I know about that.
Besides, he used it to save the club.
To save the club
What about the sports center?
Didn't he tell you that he's got
city hall in his pocket?
[phone rings]
[typing on phone]
Well, I have to go,
I'm meeting the girls.
Sit down at the table.
We're not done having breakfast.
What happened yesterday
will not repeat itself.
No, I promise it won't, Dad. I hated it.
And forget about spending the whole day
on the couch and at the skate park.
Is this why you wanted
to drop out of school?
No way. From now on,
you'll work at the bar with me.
-At the bar?
But you already have Sílvia there.
And now you'll be there too.
You'll start on Monday
at eight o'clock in the morning.
And I don't want you
to hang out with Nil anymore.
[Youssef] He's always getting you in
What the hell, Dad?
Nil had nothing to do with this.
-Laila, don't talk back to me.
I won't say it again.
[Laila exhales]
-[Montse] Anna!
How are you?
I just came back from Barcelona,
but I've already talked with Germán.
About what?
Don't worry, maximum confidentiality.
The firm will love this case.
It's international and about sports,
the best kind.
Call me whenever you want
and we'll discuss the details.
Right Montse, I'm sorry, but
I think I don't know, I mean,
we should take about money first.
-Right now, I can't
-No, no, no, don't worry.
I'll give you a discount.
It's the least I could do.
Well, I don't know what to say.
Thank you.
It's nothing. It's my job,
and I'm more than happy to help.
I'm in a hurry but,
I'll call you to set up a meeting, okay?
-And don't worry, you're in great hands.
[car door closes]
Since when do you smoke?
Since whenever I feel like smoking.
Did I miss something this morning?
I'm the one who's missed some things.
I don't follow.
+Terrats told me all about your deals
to build a new sports center.
Don't listen to Terrats.
Look, Enric, you might think of me
as a simple person
who forgets everything
after some expensive cava and lunch,
-but I have principles.
-Oh, and I don't?
I work my ass off to keep my business
afloat and take care of my son.
A shady business, from the looks of it.
So, is everything
that Terrats told me a lie?
You won't believe me,
no matter what I say.
What's with this sudden air
of moral superiority?
You didn't seem bothered
about my money until now.
Forget it, Enric, I have to go to work.
Eat something,
you need it for the big game.
I don't want to.
And I'm not playing either.
Nil, it wasn't your fault.
Don't beat yourself up over it.
That's right, we all had some,
she's the one who had a bad reaction.
It's over now, don't beat yourself up.
-[Bernat] Come on, eat.
-[Óscar] At least take a bite.
[Flor] You can't play on an empty stomach.
[Bernat] It's good, isn't it?
[Óscar] Of course it is.
Come on, eat, man.
[Óscar] You have to eat all these muffins
to get strong.
Mom, what is it?
What's wrong?
[Sílvia's voice breaks] Your dad
was in an accident.
But is he okay?
[Berta] We're a team.
Inside and outside the rink.
What are you doing here?
There was an assault, yes.
[Montse] And for that, they can ask
for a high compensation.
[Montse] But there's
an even worst case scenario, Anna.
[Lorena] Everyone's here.
You made me eat those cookies
and then left.
Anna, what happened at the gym
[Germán] Do you regret it?
[Sílvia] It's okay.
You did the right thing to call me.
That sucks, man.
And Núria She can't know
about what happened between us.
But you're separated, right?
Now we can go to the hill.
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