The Legacy (2014) s01e09 Episode Script

Afsnit 9

Signe Larsen.
Congratulations. I really hope it was
worth it, Signe. How really magnificent!
Just what kind of person
are you, damn you?
What a lot of people! We're not
usually this busy first thing, are we?
If you actually showed up now and then
you'd have known the place was packed.
Hey, are you giving me the sack?
What do you expect me to do?
What happened between us that night,
we mustn't ever talk about it.
We must just forget all about it.
I heard what you were talking about.
You had sex.
Your dad has been in such a state
for so long
and if you begin going round saying
all kinds of stuff that isn't true
and which really upsets him,
I am not sure he'll be able to cope.
What were you thinking of,
asking Hannah not to speak out?
She is fourteen years old.
- You will not forgive this.
- Darling, of course no matter
- what, I'll forgive you.
- I have slept with Emil.
- What are you doing?
- Emil. He has received four million
in advance of his legacy.
I haven't declared it anywhere
but I am going to do so now.
He is not going to have a penny more.
- Emil.
- I've got to pay that debt back now.
I don't know what will happen
if I don't.
I am just dropping by. I have been
thinking about you quite a bit, lately.
Why have you brought your stuff?
I know you need space, I just want you
to know that I will be waiting for you.
It's over, John,
you have to move on and so do I.
I hadn't expected
to see you here today.
I am really sorry it had to end like this.
I think your mother
would have been sorry too;
perhaps you just aren't
anything without her.
I am going to an interview.
Shall we say I'll invite you to meet
the board? Just a formality.
- What are you doing here?
- I have left Claudia.
- I have told her everything.
- About us? - Yes.
What is really exciting for me
about the job is having the chance
to make courageous choices
and being able to use my experience
and my international contacts.
I have some young Korean artists
I would like to introduce you to.
Gro, we do rather need to ask you
Yes, there were a few legal details
that were not in place.
We understand that they
emerged rather suddenly
during the founding board meeting.
I am afraid I can't elaborate further,
they are of a personal nature.
But nothing came of it,
and as a result I have had
the time to think,
and I now realise that I was
a bit sick of management
and operational considerations.
I am looking forward to returning
to the shop floor with you.
We have a couple of other applicants
we need to speak to first.
It was nice meeting you.
That's fine, catch you later. Bye.
- Were they desperate in there?
- All of a sudden they had reservations;
- they want to think it over.
- I thought it was just pro forma?
Yes, so I thought.
I have no idea what is going on.
God, it's him!
Wait a mo'.
I'll catch up later.
Did you tell them not to hire me?
- I told them my opinion.
- Which is that I would not be
a really good curator here?
You walked out of your job
at the art gallery to start a museum
which you dissolved
at the founding board meeting.
You are responsible for the situation
in which you now find yourself.
Do you think I enjoyed it?
I don't know, Gro,
but I can't trust you.
Don't be silly,
we have always helped each other.
Don't start going all righteous, Kim.
I don't think
we have any more to talk about.
Easy now, Lone, I need to know
about those shady dealings
Veronika helped Kim with.
She lent him some of her works
when he was starting up, right?
I am not the one who's started
this war, it's him.
Just send it over to me.
OK, I'll come to you.
Yes. See you later. Bye.
You must ease up a bit.
He can't be allowed to think
he can blacklist me.
- Think hard.
- Yes.
isn't this room a bit cramped?
I mean,
are you sure it's the right thing?
Yeah, it's just like the plans.
It'll turn out just fine.
But maybe it's a bit small
in the drawings, then
- Come off it, we agreed on this, right?
- Hi, Ole.
I don't believe it, did he say yes?
Wow, it's so amazing!
Catch you later.
That Jensen bloke accepted
the new lease.
- Right.
- We'll get 50,000 more a year
for the acreage. I'll keep
the four hectares down there.
Well, are you ready
to become a farmer?
No, I am not.
And I have to send you
the soil samples?
One for every 20 metres.
How deep must the holes be?
OK. How long will it take
for the results to come through?
OK, I am trying to find out what
the soil is best suited for. So thanks.
I just came by to say hello.
In here and to the left,
and they're down there.
Wow, Signe, this is amazing!
Is it all yours?
You should see all the land
that belongs to it, too.
- Isn't it great?
- Goodness! It is totally amazing.
And what's this? Are all
these walls going up everywhere?
- Yes.
- Won't the rooms be a bit small?
- No, you don't mean that.
- No. Hadn't said a word. It's just Andreas.
He wants to make a copy of our
little house inside this one.
No, I do not. Come on, we are
about to make a start in here.
- Have you come to help?
- Yes, I sure have.
- Great. Come on.
- Actually I thought
we'd go down to look
at the fields we are keeping.
- Don't you want to come along?
- But we're kind of busy here.
We have to finish this off.
- I'd love to come.
- Yes, great. Do you have time?
- I need some air.
- Later.
- Goodness, they're heavy.
- What? Yes, I can give you a hand.
- I have no desire to talk to you.
- Gro, please don't hang up.
I am 100% behind Frederik on this,
and he has asked you to stay away
and you simply must respect that.
You have already had your legacy
and you're not getting a penny more.
I really need to talk to you.
Can't we meet up?
I can be in Copenhagen
in a couple of hours, if needs be.
- I am on my way to Fynen.
- Perfect, let's meet over here.
Where are you going,
Goodness! No,
I am on my way to see Lone.
Can we meet up afterwards then?
It's really important, Gro.
- All right.
- The harbour at 3p. m. - Alright, alright.
Thank you.
That sounds nice.
Are you deaf or something?
I told you to fuck off.
- Marlee wants the money you owe him.
- I have not missed my deadline.
- I'll pay that money, don't worry.
- Hey! - What?
Marlee has a suggestion.
You can do a couple of runs for him,
- to Thailand and back.
- OK, what we do next is I call the cops.
What the fuck are you doing?
Are you thick or what?
It won't be me they send next time
if you don't meet that deadline.
It's fine for you to sleep in here now,
but you've got to eat.
I have made lunch. Come on.
What's the time?
- Why aren't you at work?
- I have been to pick up Villads.
Hannah will be home soon too, so
now we're going to have lunch together.
- I am not hungry.
- You have got to eat.
Come on.
Pop out and wash your hands, Villads.
There's smoked mackerel.
Would you like a beer with it
or just some water?
Some water.
Sit down.
I'll just slip into the
Where are you going?
- What are you doing?
- I'm just popping out for a walk.
Come on, Frederik. We're all going
to have lunch together.
All of us, Frederik. We're going
to have lunch together.
Where has daddy gone?
He couldn't face eating
your stinking family lunch.
I'll eat it though, mummy.
We have almost finished.
If you'll just sit still.
It felt as if you were taking
loads off. I mean.
- There.
- Can I have a look now?
Wait a little, now, look.
Yes, it is as if it is quite a bit shorter now
but wait till it dries and you'll see.
- Is it
- Hey, look.
- It's really nice.
- No.
- No!
- Yes, it's much nicer than before.
- Why have
- Isn't it? - No, for
It really suits you.
But I can't even gather it
into a ponytail.
- It suits you, darling.
- No!
That must be Gro.
I'll just answer the door.
No, don't let her in.
- Lone, pull yourself together.
- Hi, come on in.
- Would you like a cup of coffee?
- Yes, if you've got some on the go.
I have trimmed him and now
he can't put it into a ponytail, see.
Do you have those papers
I asked you to find?
Gro, I'd rather not fall out with Kim.
Have you got them here?
So mummy lent Kim 15 works.
Because he had to appear to have
capital. He was trying to set up
his first company and the bank
wouldn't lend him a penny.
We didn't mind cheating the bank,
we thought they were
a bunch of capitalist pigs, right?
And then, why did she yack on
about him having tricked her?
- That wasn't anything.
- Lone?
No, but listen,
we got an external evaluator
to ascertain what price the
works would fetch
and he figured out
what we were up to.
And what then?
Kim gave him a gobstopper.
- He gave him one of mummy's works?
- Gro, listen don't leave it.
Veronika chose to forget it because
Kim had invested so much in her.
Thank you, Lone. I'll keep
your name out of it, I promise.
Did Thomas go into the garden?
Gro, will you tell him
his hair suits him?
- Sure, I will.
- Lovely.
Down here.
- May I have a look?
- No.
No, no, no, no know
She is off her rocker,
I told her to be careful,
Look! I can't even pull it together
at the back.
No, I think it suits you,
it suits you really nicely.
- Dad
- I can't live here.
She has consigned me
to a smoker's corner.
You just need to get used to it.
But you
You look like Prince Valiant.
It's just crazy that all this is mine.
I mean, I've never owned
anything in my life.
The little house with Andreas,
but that was with him, right?
This is mine.
My tall grass
and shitty little thistles.
Maybe it'd be a shame to put
any more walls up right now.
- What do you mean?
- If we're going to have this party
and it's going to be a big one,
it'd be cool with this room as it is.
We can have a big party
in the courtyard.
But it'd be totally amazing to be
able to trample about in high heels
and spill drinks. Use the whole
room in this great open space
would be just so neat
and upstairs too.
We want to celebrate
that we've just moved in
and we want to celebrate
that the club got promoted. Please
Yea, all right,
we'll knock off for today.
Do you mind helping me
- carry the last stuff outside?
- Sure.
Hey, what's going on?
It's just like you don't want
to get this house finished at all.
Give over, you've always been
in favour of the party.
- Yeah.
- Hello.
I can borrow a set of beer pumps
- Hey, are you smoking hash?
- Yes, of course.
But those aren't hash plants surely?
Dad's got a company
that makes these mats.
They're a 100 times more insulating than rockwool
and make less dust so they are better for the air.
- Where does he get the hemp?
- Grows it.
You're holding the future
in your hands.
There is nothing wrong with you
physically, nor your eyesight.
Are you getting enough sleep?
It's tough.
I can give you some sedatives
to help you sleep.
- I am having hallucinations.
- I understand that,
but I have to warn you.
The symptoms you are experiencing
indicate that you are very close to what
we used to call a nervous breakdown,
and that can be very hard to recover
from once you reach that point.
So I suggest that you start
a course of therapy
in parallel with the sedatives
I'm going to prescribe.
But of course I can't
force you to accept treatment.
I hate her, dad.
You mustn't say that.
You hated your mother too, though.
But your mother loves you.
She is a good mother.
But this business,
it's between me and mummy.
Right, darling?
I am sorry I walked off like that.
I don't know what to do.
Say something, Frederik.
If you don't want us anymore,
you must say so.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- I have bought coffee for us.
- Thank you.
- No milk, right?
- Yes.
- Great to see you.
- What do you want?
I have a debt in Thailand.
I have got to pay back.
- How much?
- 400,000.
It's really important for me
to pay it off.
I was wondering
if I could borrow it?
- If you could borrow 400,000 krone?
- Yes.
But I haven't got it.
I haven't even got a job.
I know you haven't.
But you got the works, didn't you?
Yes, which I have to pay
inheritance tax on.
Even though we haven't sold
a single work so far.
- I promise you'll get it back.
- But that's not the point.
I just don't have the money.
Do you think everyone else
has money available
and they can just slip their hand into
a pocket whenever you need some?
- Stop it I don't want to hear it.
- Have you ever earned
- your own money?
- I don't want to fight.
Can't we leave it out?
You have already received 4 million
and you haven't so much as mentioned it.
No, and I should have. I am sorry.
You come here and want more money
and you crap all over the rest of us.
I thought we were going
to talk about Frederik
but instead it's all
about you and money.
I know very well
that I have fucked up.
Frederik has always helped you.
Do you want to lend me the money or
don't you want to lend me the money?
- I wouldn't fucking ask you if I didn't
need it. - I can't and I don't want to!
Gro, listen to me, it's serious.
In that case, I think you should try
to take it seriously for once.
I am, damn it.
That's what I am telling you!
- You damn well aren't. It's bloody
well just like you. - Gro, damn it.
OK, thanks a million for wanting
to help your fucking family.
It's the mafia I owe money to.
They'll cut my arms and legs off.
OK, super.
- Hi, have you a moment?
- No, it really isn't a good time.
Isn't it? Well, perhaps you'd just
like to read these for yourself.
Daddy, who is it?
I won't be a moment.
What is this?
Proof that your fortune
was built on a lie.
You cheated the bank
that's behind your foundation.
My friend on Politiken
is very interested in the story.
He is also interested in the fact
that it was only 14 of the works
you borrowed from my mother
that she had returned to her.
The last one, you gave as
a bribe to the evaluator
because he saw what you were up to.
You stole a work. It's on display
at the Esbjerg art museum.
This is going far, far too far.
Do you really want
to set out on this path?
I have nothing to lose, Kim.
I am going to give the reporter
the papers tomorrow
unless I hear from you.
No, no, I just got in.
We're not asleep up here. See you, bye.
Karsten and Katrine
are bringing their giant barbeque.
So we can start outside
and eat quite early.
Tomorrow you've got to
come out to see the fields.
Hey, I Googled that industrial
hemp stuff and it sounds really neat.
- Do your arms still ache?
- No, but I can't lie properly
- in this fucking lousy bed.
- Andreas!
It's your old dead mother's, right?
Yes, but it makes sense,
that we're up here.
Yes, a whole load of sense.
Or so you think.
You, you, you me and yours.
Andreas, what do you mean?
I've got a training session early
in the morning so I need some sleep.
I think it's lovely Iying here.
No, I simply can't take this
Hey, Andreas, where are you going?
Home, if this house isn't something
we're sharing.
What do you mean?
- You agreed to the blueprints, right?
- Right.
All of a sudden the room are too small
and you're stomping about in the fields
and want to grow hemp
and then we have to have a party
in the midst of it all.
You haven't even asked me.
Andreas, hey, hey, hey.
I just couldn't I just couldn't tell from
the blueprints how cramped it'd be, all right?
- No.
- Hey, I think - Stop it!
I think the walls and heating
and all are a really neat idea.
We'll give them
a go and if it feels too cramped
we can just change it all.
And we'll have an amazing party
together tomorrow, OK?
- John.
- Hey, come in.
- I was just on my way to training.
- Well
The thing is, it's a bit tricky, this.
We had a board meeting
last night and
It isn't very good you sleeping
here, it's no good.
- I mean, this is a handball hall, right?
- Yes, of course.
Yes, and we can't have the players
beginning to talk, it's demotivating.
It won't happen again, I promise.
Right, well, now we're moving up
a division we would like to see
- some changes at the club.
- Yes, I suppose there has to be.
We need to establish
a good working atmosphere
and I'd like to have a quick word
with you about that.
I am really sorry and embarrassed
about the way things have got
out of hand a few times lately.
I want you to know
that I fully understand
if you want to try a new coach.
What are you talking about?
I mean, as chairman of the board
I would like to take the opportunity
to offer you a three-year contract.
I know you've received other offers and
so I thought, well,
if we can reach agreement
about the practical details, I mean.
And another thing, we did actually
talk about your housing situation
and here are the keys
to our holiday cottage or well, yes,
just until you
and Lise get sorted, right?
Hello! Hey!
I have really good news for you,
which is that John is going to be
with us for the next three years!
To navigate us safely
through the league.
OK, now listen up, lads.
It is no secret
that I've been
in a bit of a spot lately.
Actually a real difficult spot.
My family has broken up
and I have asked myself
again and again
if there is anything left
to fight my way back for.
And the answer is yes.
There is, and it's you.
Because you've always done
the best you could,
including when I was not there
for you at all.
And lads, we are in the league now.
So how about we promise each other
that we are going to stay
in the league together?
Right then, we've got a game
on Saturday so let's do some training for it.
We'll do 20 circuits. Let's work up
a bit of a sweat! Come on!
Have you told Solveig about
the hallucinations you have?
No, I can't see what use it would be.
Maybe it would help
if you talked to her about it.
I think it would just make
things worse.
So you think she would distance
herself from you if you told her.
No, I think she'd be all sympathetic,
but that's not,
it's not exactly how she
Our marriage is very threadbare
right now and
I don't think we can take any more.
Are you afraid
Solveig might leave you?
I don't want to break up.
I don't want that.
But I just don't know if I can
I hadn't imagined it might happen.
I had this kind of naive idea
that we had
that we had something special
something sacred
Someone you had trust in?
Did you trust in your mother?
Solveig isn't like Veronika.
But here in life it is often the way
that when we are hit hard
we come into contact
with old emotions
we haven't done anything about.
And we now have another chance
to do so.
It can be incredibly frightening
to face up to, and it takes courage.
So this is where you're hiding.
There's coffee.
I am going to nip over to ask
Signe for a loan later on.
- Right.
- She has received 10 or 11 million
of our legacy, I think
it's only fair if she helps me a bit.
She was a total asshole and now she'll
get the chance to make it up again.
I don't think there is any reason why
we should go round bearing grudges.
Yes, Kim gave him one
of Veronika's works,
which is now hanging in Esbjerg.
Fine. Yes, you'll get copies
of all the documentation.
Just as long as my name
is not mentioned in the article.
Oh, hang on a moment.
Tell you what,
I'll call you back in a moment.
Hi, Kim.
- Robert, hello, am I intruding?
- Hi. - Hi.
- I'll go and have a shower.
- Yes.
Well, I just came to say that
I think it is utterly ridiculous
of us to fight each other.
I am pleased you see it that way, Kim.
I have talked to the board.
I am not interested in working there.
- I want to come back to the art gallery.
- The position hasn't been advertised yet.
And it won't have to be if they take me.
I have been on leave of absence.
The exhibitions that are being
mounted over the next 18 months
are all mine anyway;
don't you think
it's only reasonable that I should be
their outward face too?
Recommend me and tell them that
you support me for the directorship.
Well, it's a bit of U-turn.
Yes, indeed it is.
Right, good of you to come.
- So
- See you soon?
I got him!
An enemy for life.
Gro speaking.
Hi, its Andreas. Look,
this whacking great wooden crate
has just been delivered,
with your name on.
It's from some foundry or other.
Maybe some kind of arty thing.
It's the Beak.
- It's arrived?
- Have you opened the crate?
- No, do you want me to sign for the crate
or shall I ask them to take it away
with them again?
- No, they mustn't take it away.
- Tell them we'll come to pick it up.
- Now?
- Yes, well do it.
- It's your mother's last work.
- We'll come to get it.
But do you mind putting it somewhere
with a lock on so people
- don't mess with it?
- Sure.
Thank you, Andreas.
See you later, all right?
- The Beak, her last work.
- Fantastic.
Let's get going right away.
- Boys, have you seen Signe?
- No, it
- Hi, Thomas.
- Hi, Andreas.
- What brings you here?
- I just came to pick up a few blankets.
- Oh?
- It's a good thing it's summer.
- You can sleep all over the place.
- Where are you staying?
Not really anywhere, right now.
The world is my home.
What have you bought?
Well, it's one of Gro's arty things,
we've got to put it indoors,
I just don't quite see how.
You need to get it over
to the crane, then,
- Pedersen, push that way.
- Yep, that's fine.
Easy does it.
Come in.
- Hi.
- Hi, Lise.
Have you been partying?
Yes, I just met with the board and
I've got a three year extension.
- That's fantastic!
- Would you like a glass? I think
- we can just squeeze one out.
- No.
I don't want any misunderstandings.
I have brought these.
Wait a moment.
- They're divorce papers.
- Yes.
I hope we can do this amicably, eh?
For Signe's sake too.
So I'll leave them here and you
can return them when you are ready.
I have always done my best.
You have lived a double life.
I have always put you first, Lise.
I've always done everything I could for
you and for Signe and for our family,
because you are Signe's mother.
And yes, okay, I had a couple
of relapses with Veronika,
yes, life isn't always
as simple as you'd like it to be.
I can't change what has happened.
I can't change what I am.
Will you get a hold over there?
Can't you just leave it there?
Hi, you've really done a lot,
haven't you?
Where have you been?
I have been out to get
these soil samples.
I thought you were going
to help us here.
that's what I am going to do now.
- Gosh! Hi, Thomas.
- Hi, Sunshine.
What are you doing here?
Your nice man said I could
crash here for a couple of days.
- He did, did he?
- Yes, that's the kind of guy he is.
- How nice!
- You're looking great.
Thanks, so are you.
You've had your hair cut, haven't you?
What brings you here?
I just wanted to see
if you had a minute to talk.
It's because I've been thinking
about things
- Oh?
- And I really think it's stupid of us
- to go round being hostile.
- I think so too.
- You do?
- Yes.
I mean, we were all a bit on edge
during that court case
and I said some pretty nasty things
So really I have just come
to say sorry.
It's so lovely to hear you say so.
- Right.
- Lovely. - Yes.
- Good to see you again.
- Yes, same here.
Are you going to hit me or what?
There wow!
- Damn it.
- I'm sorry.
I'm off again.
Are you having a party?
Yes, we're having a party
this evening.
- Nice.
- Thomas is here.
- Thomas is here?
- He's standing right over there.
- How about going to say hi?
- Sure. - Coming? - Yes.
Shall we go down and
Yes, nice.
It's simply I always say it's the closest
you can get to paradise on earth.
That's our slogan. OK?
Maybe it needs a bit of work.
OK, but if you put up
the resort as collateral, right?
- And if you can't pay, then what?
- I can pay.
But if you can't, you'll lose it all.
But if I can't pay,
you'll have your bond, right?
True enough.
400,000 is an awful lot of money.
I'll have to talk
to the bank first, right?
I can't imagine they'll refuse
to lend me the money, though,
because there is
a lot of equity in the house.
But if they go along with it,
will you, would you
Stop messing with me, Sunshine!
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Now, finish your beer.
- I am.
- Signe!
- Cheers!
- Yes?
- Here you are. What are you up to?
We were just having a chat
about Thailand.
I see. Gro's come.
- Oh, shit!
- OK. I'll nip out to say hello.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hi, yes, we're having a bit of a party.
Yes, so I see. How nice.
What about the crate?
Is it somewhere safe?
Yes, it's in there next door.
- Signe!
- Yes?
- Come here!
- Yes.
- Well, have you checked it?
- No, I wanted to wait for you.
Shall we open it?
This is the moment, Gro,
her last work.
Wow, it's a beautiful casting, isn't it?
I am happy.
- I would like to take it out to the crane.
- Yes.
Yes, we're rebuilding a bit.
Can we do it?
- What on earth are you doing here?
- Hi!
I've just been given the OK
to stay here for a couple of days.
- You can't do that. What about Lone?
- It's no good, damn it!
She wants to decide what I'm to look like
and all that. It's no good!
You can stay at my place, dad.
I can't stay in that
stuck up apartment of yours.
Dad, you can't sponge
off these people.
Hey, do you want a shot?
- Sorry.
- They are so sweet.
I can stay here for the duration.
It's just like the old days.
Want a shot, Gro?
Gro! Gro!
- What the hell are you doing here?
- I am partying with my kid sister,
the one who actually cares about
me and who wants to help me.
- Have you tricked her out of more
money? - No, I haven't.
We have made a loan agreement.
- Shall we have a shot?
- Cheers.
- Just like that.
- More more!
- It's probably got to go all the way in.
Will it fit, Rene? - There. Beer time.
Thanks for your help.
It'd be really nice if you could stay
for a drink.
I am sure there's enough food
and stuff for you.
I don't mean to interfere,
but has Emil asked you for money?
You need to know that if you lend him
400,000 you will never see it again.
He has drawn up an IOU.
What use will that be
if he hasn't got a penny?
Emil has been spending
other people's money all his life.
You'll be doing him a favour
if you don't.
- I think he really needs that money.
- He always has, Signe.
- What are you talking about?
- It's like giving schnapps to a drunk.
- Are you talking about anything
interesting? - No. - No.
- No, we are not.
- Oh, right.
- Shall we?
- Yes.
- Shall we have a beer?
- Yes.
It's dead flashy having beer
on draught, man.
- Here.
- Thanks. - Amazing.
Emil, about that money?
You are my saviour!
You do realise that, don't you?
- And you'll get it all back very soon.
- I know.
- Well, cheers.
- Cheers.
I'm going to have to think
it over, though.
You what?
And talk it over with Andreas
and stuff like that, right?
- Is it Gro who's been saying things?
- No, for heaven's sake, no.
I am a bit drunk right now, Emil.
Signe, damn it, you mustn't
just obey orders from Gro.
- I'm not.
- I thought we had a deal?
Yes, we had a deal, but it isn't
my fault you have got into trouble.
I mean, realistically, if
If I had been given my legacy
- I could have paid off my debt?
- Stop it! I don't think it's a good idea.
- I mean, we shouldn't let money come
between us. - What the hell is this?
- Now there shouldn't be money
between us? - No.
It wasn't a problem just now.
What is going on, Signe?
- Give me a break.
- It's perfectly normal for me
to want to talk to my boyfriend
about lending 400,000.
You've got the whole house,
so you can easily lend me
a measly 400,000, can't you?
- It has nothing to do with the house.
- Signe, listen to me! - Emil!
- You ought to just give it to me.
- That is not up to you to decide.
You have taken our whole house
and now you won't even lend me
a measly 400,000.
So I can get myself out of the shit!
- Emil, let go of me!
- Hey, what the hell are you doing?
- You just back off!
- Emil!
- That will bloody well do!
What are you doing? - Fuck you!
- What are you doing?
- Andreas, leave him!
- I don't believe it.
- Let go of him. Andreas, damn it.
You are the greediest person
on the whole planet, you are.
- Leave, Emil!
- Please leave, Emil.
- Want the hell was all that about?
- Chill, Andreas.
For fuck's sake!
- Emil, don't go.
- Let go of me.
Stay here, damn you!
- What about Frederik?
- Frederik hasn't got that kind of money.
I told you, didn't I?
I'm going to have to sell the resort.
It'll hurt, but I can get
almost a million for it,
- even though it's a lousy price.
- But you can't sell it that quickly?
There's this Irishman.
He was interested in it before.
I reckon he'll buy it off me.
In that case, that is
what you'll have to do.
- I haven't got the money for the flight.
- How much can that possibly be?
- 7 or 8,000?
- I don't have 7 or 8,000.
- You'll just have to get it from someone
then. - Who am I going to ask, eh?
- May I borrow your motorbike?
- Yes, but it's worth sod all.
Oh, I'm not going to sell it.
I am just going for a ride.
OK, shall I come along?
No, I think it'd be best
if I do it on my own.
When I get back
we can start over.
- If Frederik finds out that I've
come here - He won't.
I'll be leaving in a moment.
Thank you.
Solveig, I have nobody else
I can ask except you.
My sister can transfer 20,000
to your account for the ticket.
- Nice.
- Frederik will see it
if I transfer it from my own account,
so I'll settle up with her.
- Cool, thanks, you're a doll.
- Thank you.
You'll get it back.
I have to be going.
- How is he?
- Not very well. - No.
I must be going.
I am so sorry about all this, Solveig.
Me too.
I want to
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