The Legend of Hanuman (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

The Cave

Hanuman learned that Swayamprabha,
the powerful yogini of the forest,
had been captured
Ravan's sister, the fearsome demon
Shurpanakha, had tricked the yogini,
preying upon her kindness
to strike when her guard was down
Shurpanakha imprisoned the yogini
in a binding spell
and stole her immense power
for her own,
corrupting what was pure
and threatening all of nature's creatures
in the forest
Finally! There it is
We must hurry, Jambhvan
Rescuing Swayamprabha is the only chance
we have to save Angad
We're not going in there, are we?
Please just leave me to die,
You still have time to find Princess Sita
and save yourselves
Nothing can save me now
I can't fight this for much longer
The evil is retaking him
What will we find inside that cave,
I don't know. I don't know!
She didn't tell me anything!
I told you I had no choice
Shurpanakha would have killed me
She may yet still. I plan on reuniting you
with your mistress
So, why don't you do us the honour
of taking the first step
inside Rikshabila, Hariya?
This place is beautiful
Don't be fooled by its beauty
That which is beautiful
can also be deadly
This cave was created
by Vishwakarma,
also known as rakshas Maya,
the master of illusion
A place of illusions,
where men and gods forgot
who they were
and became trapped
in their desires forever
Angered by
the cave's dangerous illusions,
Indra struck down Maya
and drove him away from the cave
and entrusted the cave to be guarded
by the powerful yogini Swayamprabha
From that day forth,
Swayamprabha never left this place
The power of the cave
was hers to control,
and she swore
to protect mankind with it
until Shurpanakha stole the cave's power
in her mad quest to take revenge
against Ram and Lakshman
- Stop
- What is it?
Look. This is the third time we've
walked past these same flowers
The illusions of the cave
are making us walk in circles
There's no way to escape
The cave's magic won't let us leave
We're trapped here
It's Shurpanakha! She's found us!
Hanuman, you must lead us out
of this and destroy their fears
Look deep within yourself
and find the truth. Find the way
In the darkest day, in the blackest night,
let hope guide you with its eternal light
Follow me
Lady Swayamprabha?
Good, you heard my singing
Welcome, Hanuman
I have been waiting for you
You're safe? But Shurpanakha, how?
It was not easy
The demon tricked me
She imprisoned me and stole my power,
but she underestimated me
Thank the gods
We feared the worst, my lady
You must be the wise, Jambhvan
The forest is filled with stories
of your heroism
I had a vision that you were coming,
that you needed my help
Did Shurpanakha escape?
No, I destroyed that vile creature
Her terror over this forest
is gone forever
Praise the gods!
I couldn't bear to look
at that hideous face again!
You must be hungry
Please enjoy this food and drink
Regain your strength
We must first help Angad
Your friend's life hangs by a thread
The poison that infected him
is burning him from the inside
Let me try some healing spells
Look, brother, all the food's gone
Not all, brother
But not enough for two, I'm afraid
My mango!
Not if I get it first
My mango!
All right! Challenge accepted!
Jambhvan, keep an eye on those two
They'll get lost in the caves
I'll be back quickly
Don't worry, brother
We will cure you, Angad
Hanuman, please
this place
Sleep, brave one
The pain is too great for him
A sleeping spell will allow him to rest
Can he be saved?
There may be a way,
but it would have a high cost
Are you prepared to pay it?
For Angad, anything
Good. I promise
we will save your friend
Let me gather some supplies
You. Come with me
- I will go
- No, please stay with Angad
He needs you
I did this to Prince Angad
Let me at least try to help fix it
No sign of that bird anywhere,
and no sign of my mango!
You mean, my mango
Meant only for yours truly
I hear it. Over there
Give me that, you thief!
Wait, Nal. What's that?
That's Swayamprabha
Why does she have a statue of herself?
Will you look at that?
Even I don't think so highly of myself
That's not a statue
Tell me what to do
just up ahead down this path
Do not fear
The evil that tormented you is gone now
I owe you my life
for destroying that horrid demon
Despite her flaws,
Shurpanakha seemed to love Ram very much
Shurpanakha could know nothing of love
Her face will give me nightmares
Her nose was missing, sliced off!
I've never seen Princess Sita
but, without a doubt,
she must be far more beautiful
than that hideous rakshasi
Stop! Stop saying her name!
Whose name?
Princess Sita's? But why?
Yes, I understand. But how?
Fill us in?
What's that bird telling you, old bear?
Yes, and why did it steal my mango?
This is the real Swayamprabha
The woman we met before is really
the rakshasi Shurpanakha in disguise
Then, Hanuman and Angad
We have to get back!
Wait! Shurpanakha is still stealing
Swayamprabha's immense power
Unless we free her and cut off
the demon's power, we are all dead
That bird, it brought us here, didn't it?
Does it know how to help her?
This bird is a part of Swayamprabha,
a part of her very soul
Shurpanakha made the mistake of ignoring it
when she trapped the yogini's body
What can we do, Jambhvan?
It's telling me of a mantra
that may break the spell
Quickly, together, we must try
Come on
I hurried back,
for I sensed Angad's pain
- We don't have much time
- Where is Hariya?
He's gathering more herbs,
but that won't be enough
There is only one way
Tell me how to save him
I will need to take some of your strength,
your power,
your very life energy
and transfer it to him
Then hurry. We must save Angad
This will weaken you, Hanuman
But do not fear;
it will only take a minute
This strength
Just a bit more
I have never known such power
Just a bit more
What are you?
You No
I have never tasted this much power
I need more!
You have access to limitless power
And you don't even know the truth,
do you?
You waste such power
I will take all your strength, all of it
No, get off of me
Then I will feast on Sita's bones
And when I see Ram again,
I will be his equal
No, more powerful than him
I will be his master!
You want my strength, demon?
Yes, yes. More, I need more
What's slowing you down?
Here, take it! Take it all!
No, wait. It's too much
Your strength is too much. I can't!
Take enough to burst on it, monster
I have plenty of strength to give
Let go! I beg you! Let go!
I can't absorb this much, please!
The pain! Stop!
Not until you free Angad
Release him from the curse
I can't! There is no cure
Nothing can save him now
The darkness has taken over his soul
Your strength, your power,
it burns like the sun
I can't contain it
Take it back! Take it all back!
Hanuman, thank the gods
you're all right
Hanuman! Look out!
I'll tear you apart!
No. That's what I'll be doing to you
You! How did you get free?
You dare trap me like this
Jambhvan, you freed her?
You think you've won,
foolish vaanar?
You have no idea
what my brother will do to you
Ravan will pick his teeth
with your bones,
while he crushes Ram's head
under his foot
Ravan will kill you
Your hideous voice
shall never be heard again
The power of this cave
is mine to wield again
Now I will make you suffer
for what you have done to me
You will die in terror, monster
You dare!
Sometimes we have no choice
but to take a life,
but to show mercy
takes even greater strength
Wise words, young vaanar
Thank you
I learned them from a friend
Anger is an emotion I have not felt
in many lifetimes
Today you stopped me
from succumbing to it
Can you help him?
The demon's poison
has corrupted him too much
I don't know if I can help now
Please. Please try
It's not working
We have to keep trying!
Angad! Arise, my brother, arise!
It is good to have you back,
my friend!
We are ready, Lady Swayamprabha
As I said, while I do not know
where Princess Sita is being held,
this portal will save you weeks of travel
and take you to the coast
She was heading there
when Ravan took her
Thank you, Lady Swayamprabha
I only wish I could do more
If I may ask,
what will happen to Shurpanakha?
She will remain here,
away from harming the world
I will make sure she sees justice
for what she did to your friend Hariya
Well, "friend" is a bit much
Yes, but he has been punished
for his part in this
Let's go, you two
Old bear, a word
Old bear, really?
You're probably at least five times my age
Yes, but I don't look it
Women don't age, kind sir
You saved Angad
For that, I will always be in your debt
You're wrong, Jambhvan
I didn't save Angad; Hanuman did
Hanuman's power has been reawakened
It's time he learns the truth
To know the truth of such power
comes with a heavy weight
Yes. Power without compassion
means nothing. He reminded me of that
Yes. He has changed
since we left Kishkindha
Perhaps it is finally time
Safe journey, old bear
As for you, demon
Your punishment will be to watch
Hanuman bring
your brother's empire down
and to see Ram reunite
with his one true love, Princess Sita
Where are you, Princess Sita?
O Princess Sita
Sita Sita
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