The Longest Promise (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 9=
My husband and I
were engulfed by Power of Chaos
when we were traveling outside.
And now,
he has already passed away,
leaving me alone in this place.
It's been a really long while
since I saw people.
There are fierce delusional spirits
roaming around here.
You two,
please go inside with me.
Granny, be careful.
Come on.
Young people,
you must be tired.
Wipe off your sweat.
Here, wipe off your sweat.
Thank you, Granny.
All right.
I've been searching
for a way out desperately
for twenty years,
but to no avail.
Here, drink some water.
Finally, I met you here today.
You can keep me company from now on.
Someone is waiting for us
Why don't you
come with us?
I don't see anything good out there.
The gentleman next to you
is someone with great ambition.
This is the only place
where the two of you
can stay together forever.
And so,
he'll only have his eyes fixated on you
and no one else.
Isn't that good?
Granny, you have mistaken us.
I'll never be with him forever.
Staying just half a day beside him
is boring enough.
She's right.
We plan
to stay here.
Don't be shy, young girl.
It's exhausting
after walking for a long time.
Here, have a piece of pastry.
It's better not
to eat food from a stranger.
Since we've decided
to settle down here,
she's not a stranger to us.
He's right.
Come on, open wide. I'll feed you.
You two
will stay here with me for good.
Rest assured. It's safe.
They are all dust.
She's a delusional spirit.
We have to break her obsession
to deal with her.
Most people are cautious
and her desire can't be satisfied.
The more they reject her,
the more obsessed she becomes,
which arouses more anger in her.
Why did you give me the pastry
when you didn't eat it?
There are no chopsticks here.
I couldn't eat.
You're the elegant one,
and I'm uncivilized.
I simply deserve to eat dirt.
Now that you've tasted the dirt
and it's not delicious,
why should I eat it, then?
What a way
you ruin my day.
This is it.
(The full moon wanes and
overflowing water spills.)
(Extreme resentment breeds wrath
and death leads to a new life.)
The full moon wanes and
overflowing water spills.
Extreme resentment breeds wrath
and death leads to a new life.
What does this mean?
Greed, resentment and delusion.
We've broken the three spirits.
This should be the way
to get out of this place.
I haven't fathomed
the underlying meaning.
Have you ever thought that you'd
be trapped inside here with me forever
when you came in?
Priest of Grand Preceptor.
You're of noble status
and with decent behavior.
Yet you risk yourself in danger
for a clumsy and reckless person like me,
is it worth it?
I'm talking to you.
I don't have to answer that.
Because we'll leave this place.
Look, the exit.
It is, and it's not.
What do you mean?
If I push you into that hole
and sacrifice you to Power of Chaos,
I can leave this place unscathed.
What did you just say?
I came here
for the force of Chaos
to aid my cultivation.
So, you didn't mean
to save me?
Well, you should blame
your own tough luck
for being engulfed by the Power of Chaos.
you're a godsend to me.
Anyway, it will be considered an accident
if something happens to you
during the disciple selection competition.
Crimson King
won't blame me.
You must be lying.
I've deceived you before,
and I'm doing it again.
You're so predictable.
Either I push you down,
or you jump down yourself.
Either way,
you're going to die.
You always fool me,
trick me, and look down upon me.
I hate you. I hate you!
How fantastic.
How did you identify the way
to leave this place?
Isn't this
all within your plan?
The full moon wanes
and overflowing water spills.
Extreme resentment breeds wrath
and death leads to a new life.
The hole that's shrouded
by immense resentment
will only open
for those who are vexed
with extreme resentment.
If I don't make her resent me,
how could she turn the death end
into an opportunity
and return to the mortal world?
But she'll never know
your kind will
when she jumped off here.
When she's passing through the hole,
she would only resent you, hate you,
and curse you.
Meanwhile, her strong resentment
will consume you
and trap you here.
You'll end up being like me.
Zhu Yan.
Zhu Yan.
Zhu Yan.
Qing Gang.
Where am I?
Qianyue Peak.
How long has it been?
Half an hour.
The black mist engulfed you.
But how did you manage
to get out of that?
One day inside the hole
is a moment in the world.
I'm still alive.
Once she realized
that you did that
to save her
but ended up being killed
by her resentment,
she'll be in pieces.
And that's what I'm looking forward to.
What? A benign thought?
I've never seen
someone harbored a benign thought
when they jumped through
the Hole of Life and Death.
When did you
hint at her?
The entire place is under your control.
I have no chance
to tell her about this.
You said
that her feelings
stem from me
and will backfire on me.
To your surprise,
it's a benign thought she holds.
Probably she has discerned
my real intention.
Be it the Crown Prince
or Priest of Grand Preceptor,
she has never doubted me.
I'm not good at gambling,
but my bet didn't fail me today.
At that time,
he was trying to save me.
I guessed it right.
Either I push you down
or you jump down yourself.
Either way,
you're going to die.
You always fool me,
trick me, and look down upon me.
I hate you.
I hate you!
(I'm still not convinced)
(that you'd do that to me.)
If so, how will you escape?
Where are you now?
Zhu Yan.
What's wrong with you, Zhu Yan?
We must set off
right now
for the Jade Bone.
I thought joining Jiuyi Mountain
was against your will.
Why are you so eager now?
(Maybe the Jade Bone)
(can find its owner.)
Stop asking. We should go now.
Your Supreme Majesty.
Is it worth risking your life
to save a mere princess?
Lang Gan, Emperor Xingzun,
was once the great invincible
and even failed to get the upper hand
while mired in the Chaos.
But you just went into it
without hesitation.
I wouldn't have interfered
if it had been a natural disaster.
But the Power of Chaos
was coming after Qiong Qi.
And someone
deliberately provoked Qiong Qi
to attack them.
I just couldn't turn a blind eye.
That's my plan.
Qing Gang
is sent by the Consort Qing
to spy on you
with the intention to kill you.
I'll never let him off the hook.
He's not your match,
but the Azure Clan
has exceptional poisoning skills.
You won't know
what trap he set against you
when he's in the mountain.
I wouldn't know
if Qing Gang intended to kill me.
But if I hadn't saved them,
kin of all six Clans
might lose their lives here.
Ever since the founding
of Jiuyi Mountain,
there was no such tragedy happened
the disciple selection competition.
If such horrendous accidents
were to occur
as soon as I ascend
as the Priest of Grand Preceptor,
how would I
take in disciples in the future?
The lives of the two aren't
even half as precious as yours.
Even if something happens,
don't worry.
I assure you
that no one will make a squeak.
Your Supreme Majesty.
We cultivate to protect all beings.
We can't take people's lives lightly.
If you want me
to diverge from the teaching
and become a degenerate person,
I'm not going to take in disciples.
I compromise.
I won't interfere with you
in choosing the disciple.
you spoke steadfastly just now.
I begin to be dubious about something.
Have you met Zhu Yan
before this?
And that convinces me
why you saved her without hesitation.
You have overthought.
I have never met Zhu Yan.
Besides, given her aptitude,
I doubt I'll let her stay
in the mountain
and teach her.
I know
you harbor a kind heart
and don't want others to suffer for you.
But you should know
that if you've met her before,
she would be that cursed lady
who will do harm to you.
I won't allow her to live.
So, I believe
you won't keep her in the mountain.
Since my explanation
isn't going to put your worries to rest,
I will do whatever you say.
(Qianyue Peak, Jiuyi Mountain)
(His artifact is moving freely.)
(Probably he has already escaped)
(from the Power of Chaos by now.)
Qing Gang, please.
Both of us arrived at the peak
at the same time.
After retrieving the Jade Bone,
let's have
a fair and open competition.
You don't have to hold back.
Xuelu, walk slowly.
(Why didn't Bai Xuelu be bounced back?)
(This enchantment)
(is set by the person on my side.)
(The Jade Bone is mine.)
(The first team
to reach the top of the hill)
(and take this Jade Bone,)
(the winner of that team)
(will be the first disciple)
(of Jiuyi Mountain in the future.)
(I've forgotten the enchantment)
(set by the Priest.)
Bai Xuelu!
Princess Xuelu!
Bai Xuelu!
Everything is initiated
by the Jade Bone.
Destroy it now.
No, the Jade Bone is mine.
I'll be the first disciple.
I'm not going to let go of it,
no matter what.
Xuelu, please let go of it.
Qing Gang.
Qing Gang.
Bai Xuelu.
Destroy the Jade Bone now.
You're dragging everyone down.
Don't you ever think
of taking this from me.
Do you hear yourself?
You're killing yourself.
Even so,
I'm willing to die with the Jade Bone.
Bai Xuelu.
It was just an illusion.
I got it.
This is the second assessment, wisdom.
You'd rather destroy the Jade Bone
and sacrifice yourself
to save us.
This is a great kindness.
Great kindness is wisdom.
Priest of Grand Preceptor is looking
for a kind person
as his first disciple.
And the Jade Bone chose you.
Congratulations, Yan.
I got the Jade Bone first.
Give it back to me.
Why should I?
Judging from
your aptitude and character,
you're not qualified
to be the first disciple of the Priest.
Qing Gang got injured
because of you.
Qing Gang should
have the Jade Bone instead.
Give it to me.
Are you all right?
Where are Xuelu and General Qing?
Princess Xuelu, hang in there.
Bai Xuelu.
Hold on tight.
This is foolish.
(He escaped from the Power of Chaos.)
(After the ceremony ends,)
(I'll leave without worries.)
According to the rules
of the competition,
anyone who managed to reach Qianyue Peak
is eligible to join Jiuyi Mountain
and become the nominal disciple
of the Priest of Grand Preceptor
and study magic techniques
for one month.
Thank you, Priest of Grand Preceptor.
The winner of the first team
that obtained the Jade Bone
will be taken in
as the Priest's first disciple
and is allowed to stay
to learn from
the Priest of Grand Preceptor
after the one-month period.
I have limited abilities
for this position.
I'll withdraw from the candidate
of the Priest's first disciple.
In this case,
Bai Xuelu
will be my first disciple.
I, Xuelu, am grateful for your grace.
Hold on.
Greetings, High Priest.
Your Supreme Majesty.
I have a different opinion.
Princess Zhu Yan
gave up on the Jade Bone
that was within her reach
to save her friends.
Besides, she wasn't equipped
with any tools in the mountain
and she drove Qiong Qi away.
She's brave and wise,
and she shouldn't be passed over.
I wonder what you say.
I know
you harbor a kind heart
and don't want others to suffer for you.
If you have met with her before,
she'd be that cursed lady
who will do harm to you.
I won't allow her to live.
So, I believe
you won't keep her in the mountain.
You're right, Your Supreme Majesty.
I had poor judgment.
In this case,
I'll take Princess Zhu Yan
as my first disciple
and teach her magic techniques.
It's stipulated
that the winner is the one
who retrieved the Jade Bone.
Don't change the rule easily.
This is not a child's play.
How about this?
You don't have to take in
the disciple as of now.
You may take some time
to observe
their character and aptitude
and select your first disciple
after the one-month learning.
And this will be impartial
and rightful.
How does that sound?
I obey you, Your Supreme Majesty.
Thank you, High Priest.
Thank you, Priest.
Grant them immortal tokens.
(Use this brush)
(to verify the identity of the Priest.)
(If he turns out to be the Crown Prince,
exterminate him.)
(The destiny of the Azure Clan)
(falls on your shoulders.)
It must be boring waiting
down the mountain.
Why did you come down?
Did you pass the selection?
Cut that off.
These Chinese's rings
are interlocking.
But what I've encountered
was more complicated.
Care to share?
You know what,
the Lord Immortal Official
I ran into before
is the new Priest of Grand Preceptor.
Are you surprised
when you hear this too?
So, what's your next plan?
I passed the preliminary selection
by accident.
But I won't
I don't want
to become his disciple.
Are you all right, Yuan?
I'm fine.
Perhaps I'm tired lately.
I've learned
a soul-soothing magic technique
from Jiuyi Mountain.
Let me try it out on you.
What's this?
The water realm.
I've never thought of seeing it again
in my life.
How did it emerge from the air?
When a foreign spiritual power
penetrates merfolk's scales,
a transient illusion will manifest,
namely, the Mirage Spell.
Inside it,
one can feel the water flowing.
But it's a hallucination,
so they won't drown.
This is amazing.
Is this your first time
seeing the Mirage Spell?
I don't allow anyone
to touch my scale.
Do you?
You don't believe it?
The Water Thrust is a weapon
that comes along when merfolks are born.
It only comes to being
as the Mirage Spell
first manifests.
And this Water Thrust
is created by you.
If that's the case,
this thrust is now yours.
Also, I hope I'm the first one
and the last
to see your Mirage Spell.
I'm sorry.
Yao Yi.
I have no clue
why I can't refuse Princess.
I don't want to disappoint her.
Thank you, Yuan.
I wanted to solve your trouble,
but it ended up
that you comforted me again.
I did feel calm
and have a peaceful mind
in the water.
And I came around
to something that annoys me.
Human feelings
are like the flow of water.
They can't be forcibly controlled.
They should go the way
based on their will.
And that's freedom.
Feelings are like the flow of water.
So, I must follow
my inner voice.
I'll express my gratitude to the Priest.
Regardless of what upsetting words
he has said to me,
he saved my life
this time.
Although I'm reluctant
to return to Jiuyi Mountain,
I still have to do
what must be done.
He saved you? Are you all right?
I didn't know the selection
could be so dangerous.
No, it's nothing.
The danger is over.
I'm now going back to the mountain.
You should
take care of yourself too.
After I offer my gratitude to him,
I'll come back.
That cursed lady
is staying for lessons?
I shouldn't have
let her off.
Because of me,
she even teamed up with Qing Gang.
Otherwise, she wouldn't have
arrived at the peak
after you took her
out of the Power of Chaos.
I bitterly regretted it now.
I'm so regretful
that I have more wrinkles now.
If you were to die
in the hand of that girl,
I wouldn't have anyone
to display my dashing looks to.
Forget it.
I won't bother
to smooth the wrinkles out.
In about a month,
she'll leave.
But the High Priest said
she'd be your first disciple.
he's dubious about
why I saved her
and said that purposely before me.
And hence, I agreed.
And you saw that,
he went back on his word immediately.
What if
such miraculous things happen
that Zhu Yan
becomes your first disciple?
I must say,
I think you treated her
slightly differently
Concerning her aptitude,
she's far from
being my first disciple.
Crimson Clan is in the back of beyond.
Even though the Crimson King
hired mages with a handsome reward,
they wouldn't stay long either.
The most they do
is to briefly teach her
a few moves.
Her strength may be decent
in the Western Huang.
But compared
to the other Six Clans of Kongsang,
she's barely
an amateur.
Me? An amateur?
How dare they demean me!
Forget it.
I only came here
to speak my true mind.
It doesn't matter how you see me.
Why are you here?
I came to ask
how did you
escape from the Power of Chaos.
I manage to get off the place
when you discerned my intention.
If I didn't realize
that you were saving me,
wouldn't you
lose your life there?
Do you really think
that I'd put my life
on the line
to save you?
Since I could enter the Power of Chaos,
needless to say,
I have a way to leave there unscathed.
I see.
Very good.
No matter
why you saved me,
it's true that you got me
out of the Power of Chaos.
I, Zhu Yan,
am a sensible person.
So, I came here
to express my gratitude.
Thank you.
Secondly, I came here
to bid farewell.
Jiuyi Mountain is a revered place to
acquire magical techniques in Kongsang.
So, you must boast incredible skills.
Since you think
I'm not bright, and I'm reckless
and with limited knowledge,
I don't think
I should insist on staying
in Jiuyi Mountain.
The world is vast outside.
Though I'm less capable,
I'll surely find a mentor
who approves of me
and teaches me advanced magic techniques.
(Zhu Yan, Jiuyi Mountain)
(The High Priest is still
suspicious of her,)
(if she leaves at this moment,)
(it might enhance his doubts.)
(She can't leave.)
As the ancient teaching
of Jiuyi Mountain says,
"Don't give up the pursuit of knowledge,
and disciples shouldn't leave
their master on their own accord."
If you're determined to leave,
you may leave one month later
after the lessons end.
But you're not allowed to go now.
The enchantment will stop you
even if I don't,
let alone the High Priest.
"Don't give up the pursuit of knowledge,
and disciples shouldn't leave
their master on their own accord."
You said this is the rule.
So, do the rules allow Lord Chong Ming
to intervene in the selection?
That's my own behavior.
He isn't related to this.
he has already punished me for that.
Well. But he did say
that he wasn't allowed
to meet people
when he was the immortal official
in the Emperor Valley.
But he met with me again.
And that tells me
the rules
aren't rigid.
That's different.
You swore
that you wouldn't tell anyone
that you met him before.
I, Zhu Yan,
am a person of my word.
I will make good
on my promise.
It would be great.
But you
reneged on the promise
by taking me as your first disciple
because of the High Priest.
I, Zhu Yan,
am not someone
you can summon
however you want.
You little brat
Your Supreme Majesty.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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