The Matchmakers (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

My Life Has Been Completely Destroyed

(Cho Yi Hyun)
(Writer: Ha Soo Jin)
(Directors: Hwang Seung Ki, Kim Soo Jin)
(The Matchmakers)
(Jung Soon Duk, 27 years old)
(Left Councilor's second daughter-in-law and peddler)
When he asked me to meet at the dock out of the blue,
I was worried he might confess his love to me.
You know, docks give out that sort of feeling.
It is like a place to elope.
How is it possible
not to know he likes me?
I am quick-witted in that field.
But not me.
I can never forget my late husband.
On the night stars fell from the sky,
(Sim Jung Woo, 25 years old)
she told me
I was the first man who did not know her name at the inn.
But it was a lie.
This feeling of betrayal was bigger
than the shock that she was a murderer.
Give her money to elope?
That was the money for the matchmaking.
A man never goes back on his word.
The contract did not state I would not pay if she was a murderer.
I did not report her because
I do not know!
(Episode 9: My Life Has Been Completely Destroyed)
How much longer did you think you could hide your identity?
What? How did you know?
You see
I was hoping it was not you.
I feel extremely betrayed by you.
Our matchmaking contract
has ended as of this moment.
My lord, I will explain
Explain what?
What sort of an excuse can a murderer make?
- Excuse me?
- I even told you
I had to matchmake under the King's order.
How dare you fool an inspector?
Forget it.
It was my fault for failing to read you.
Never again
Never again appear before me.
Wait. My lord
- What is this?
- The matchmaking balance.
Good grief. What a real fool.
Because he still has feelings for you, he is giving you
the chance to run away rather than reporting you
to the government office.
So, be grateful.
Oh, I forgot.
Everyone thinks of me as Lady Yeoju.
By the way, who did I murder?
Why are you playing possum?
Eight years ago, did you not conspire
to murder the Deputy Administrator of Pyongyang with your husband?
A slave hunter even visited the inn to catch you.
Are you talking about the death of the left state councilor's
eldest son?
Now you are recalling it.
You got your money. Do not come near my lord ever again.
Catch my eye, and I will report you to the government office.
Dear Lady Yeoju.
There is a slave hunter looking for you.
Do not return even after your business.
As for Bok Hee, I will make time soon
and take her to Hamgyeong Province myself.
Did you know about it?
That Lady Yeoju murdered
my brother-in-law?
You know better that Lady Yeoju is not a person
who can kill someone, no?
That is true.
But why is a slave hunter looking for Lady Yeoju?
After being falsely accused, her husband died,
and just the day before her transfer to Hanyang,
she luckily ran away from prison.
That is all I know.
That means the real culprit has not been arrested.
Where must I go to find out what happened eight years ago?
Do not worry.
It was my first matchmaking job.
So, I simply got help from a professional.
Now that I know the principle and method,
I can succeed by myself.
I told you not to worry. And yet, look at your eyes filled with pity.
What is it? Tell me.
I am worried about your feelings, my lord.
My feelings?
Do you think I have personal feelings
for Lady Yeoju or something?
That is absurd! My gosh.
Good grief. My lord!
Wait for me!
Gosh. What
My goodness.
Gosh. What is it that you want to ask me this time?
Tell me what happened eight years ago
when my brother-in-law passed away.
So you finally heard of that rumor.
What do you mean by "that rumor?"
After killing the first daughter-in-law,
Lady Park was punished with a high fever.
Gosh, how scary.
I am not talking about that ridiculous rumor.
Do you know anything about my brother-in-law's murder?
Let me see.
It was such a long time ago.
And it happened in Pyongyang.
What I heard was the peddler couple tried to steal silver bullion
but ended up killing him.
A peddler couple killed a government official
at the government office residence for some silver bullion?
It is very strange.
Drawing orchids is the best
to find peace of mind.
Gosh, nice portraits.
You are a good artist too.
There is nothing you cannot do, my lord.
("Great Learning")
According to Yi I's "Eliminating Stupidity,"
when your mind is a mess,
read "Great Learning" to organize one's thoughts.
The Deputy Administrator of Pyongyang's murder
eight years ago
Yes. The case in which my brother-in-law was murdered
when he was in Pyongyang.
Why do you want to know about it now?
Remember rescuing the peddler selling women's items
along the Taedong River
on our way back from Hamgyeong Province after meeting Father?
Soon Gu!
Wake up, lady!
Oh, no.
That peddler is the one who murdered
the Deputy Administrator of Pyongyang eight years ago?
No. She was falsely accused of it.
Where is that peddler right now?
You see
When my husband passed away,
you know I stayed at our parents' place for a while, right?
Dying was all I could think of every day back then.
I believed I could meet my husband again if I died.
Are you not
That child.
I was pregnant with her when you rescued me
eight years ago in Pyongyang.
You are pretty, just like your mother.
My husband has passed away.
For who should I look pretty for?
Do it for yourself, my lady.
I think Lady Yeoju
is a gift sent by my late husband.
It was since then
when I started matchmaking using the name Lady Yeoju.
Where is that Lady Yeoju right now?
I cannot tell you.
But fortunately, she is not in Hanyang.
How did you find out she was the murderer from eight years ago?
I think a slave hunter is after her.
You met the slave hunter?
That would have been the better outcome.
Lord Gyeongunjae found out.
Lord Gyeongunjae thinks you are a murderer,
but he let you go?
I will take care of that, Soon Gu.
Look into the case from eight years ago.
If Lady Yeoju was framed,
then the real killer is still out there.
Shall I serve your evening meal?
Leave it.
I am yet digesting my morning meal.
You did not eat anything at all.
You could fall ill if you do not eat.
Will you just get out?
I wish to be alone.
I said I wished to be alone.
Why are you harassing me so?
Oh, dear.
From what I see,
you are lovesick.
You knew what condition you had.
Lovesick is a sickness too, so there must be a cure.
You cannot see the person you wish to see,
so your mind is filled with thoughts of said person.
It is tortuous.
That is the sickness,
so other than going to see the person who is the cause,
there is no other cure.
There is truly no medicine to help?
Leave it. I am fine.
A serious condition can kill.
If you can Let me see your hand.
This here.
The person who stained your fingernail with balsam.
Go and see her.
That is the cure.
Soon Duk.
You said
you could tell at a glance if a couple were a good match.
Erudite Maeng's second daughter.
Why did you match her with a farmer?
Because they are a good match.
How and why?
What does this sudden interest mean?
there is talk the second daughter has a nasty temper.
I was curious.
That is what rumors say, but if you meet her in person
She is a lot like you.
She is like me? No way.
I only say the right, polite things.
You are opinionated and wise.
The farming bachelor seems gruff on the outside,
but is thoughtful and considerate, so they are a good match.
If that were so, he would be a better match for me.
You could not stand that of him.
So do not be too upset.
Were you aware, then?
Of what?
That you liked the farming bachelor?
I had gotten the feeling there was something about him,
but then I saw you at the inn.
Congratulations. You are marrying at last.
You will not be an old bachelor.
I found it odd, so I checked the bachelor list.
He lived next door to your maternal grandmother.
That is how I found out.
Why did you pretend not to know?
Because your heart is already set.
Is it not?
It might feel extra heart-wrenching because it is not meant to be.
Where are you going when you are not well?
To the downtown swings.
Why, at the crack of dawn?
Why else would I go but to go on the swing?
You are losing your mind now too.
I will bring Lady Yeoju to you. Will you pull yourself together?
You will bring her?
This is the money I gave her at the dock.
She left it at the inn with instructions
it be returned to you.
Lady Yeoju is still in Hanyang?
You said a slave hunter was at her house and the inn.
She is so popular with the Bukchon ladies.
I bet she is hiding at one of their houses.
- I will find her and
- Forget it!
Why would I meet with a criminal?
Cure yourself first!
Physician Yu said you could die if you do not see her.
Why would I die?
I am a better physician than he.
Lovesickness is a matter of the mind.
If I become busy enough I cannot think of Lady Yeoju,
my condition will be relieved.
Oh, dear
(The swings)
Not like that.
I told you to bend your knees when you swing backward.
Darn it.
It looked easy,
but it is harder to actually do.
Do you not wish to marry Lady Ha Na?
I wish to marry her, but
I am glad I do not have to go on the swings.
I hate high places.
I see.
- I will ride with you.
- What?
Getting the feel of it
will help you overcome the fear.
Crouch. Stand.
Crouch. Stand.
- Crouch.
- Enough.
It is not enough. Crouch.
- That is enough. We can stop.
- Stand.
- I know what to do now.
- Crouch.
- Please stop!
- Crouch.
- Look.
- I said stop!
The two men on the swing.
Is that not Lord Gyeongunjae?
- He looks very happy.
- Stand.
- Do you have a sword?
- A sword?
I do not have one.
To think I am not surprised even to see such a sight.
- My goodness
- Please stop.
I must walk with my eyes closed.
- Very well.
- Lead the way.
- Stop!
- This is the way to learn.
The King's nanny's house?
Very well.
The matchmakers are saying Lord Gyeongunjae
might be able to marry off the old ladies within May.
All three of them?
Oh, right.
The person helping Lord Gyeongunjae
is Lady Yeoju who made Lady Ye Jin's match.
I heard you have decided on the bachelors.
The grooms' families will send gifts after the May Festival.
I was concerned
my daughters would never find husbands.
Thank you.
Were you
a secret matchmaker just like myself?
I could not help that I could see who were a good match.
It is hard to ignore a good match when you see one.
Do you also
see a string connecting people that are made for each other?
Some Agents of Love hear a sound,
and some feel a certain energy.
I wonder how you recognize a match.
I rely on deduction.
Can you tell if you are an Agent of Love?
You cannot help but know.
Once you get the feel,
they keep coming to mind that you must bring them together.
Am I wrong?
I cannot help but bring them together, but
You tried too hard.
Must we do this?
It is not easy to win a woman's heart.
Teach this man how to compete.
I cannot take on a novice right away.
I need someone else to help him learn first.
I read up on the rules and skills, so I am no novice myself.
Should it be me, then?
May I volunteer myself as an opponent?
I wish to compete in the May Festival match,
but I have only watched and never competed.
You are the young man from Bukchon who I saw dating in broad daylight.
Do you know me?
Whatever. Only I am smart enough to remember.
You two can train, then.
Is this your first time trying?
- Come on.
- Use your leg to
- Swivel your hips.
- Use your strength.
You are a master of the sport.
I am the only novice here, then.
You just sit here and watch the women wash their hair?
I am so jealous.
I am afraid of heights,
so I am not sure if I can do this on the day.
Constant exposure to heights will help you overcome the fear.
Starting today, come here twice a day
and look down at the stream.
Oh, did I tell you about the wedding day?
I asked an officer I know well at the Office of Astrology,
and May 25 is an auspicious day that comes around every 300 years.
Couples who marry on that day are blessed for three generations,
so I earmarked that day for you.
What do you say about that?
If the Office of Astrology says so,
there is no doubt.
I do not care
whatever the date may be.
However auspicious the day may be,
the 25th of next month is too soon.
Your family lives in the country, right?
Must I say this, then?
While searching for your matches,
I had the Office of Astrology read your fortunes.
You, Bachelor 12.
If you do not marry before June this year,
you will not find another match for seven years.
In seven years time
I will be almost 40.
I thought again,
and if I hire an express courier,
I can contact my family within five days.
There is no reason I cannot marry on May 25.
It will work.
My lord, you did very well.
I am good at anything I learn once.
Darn you.
Darn it.
I can forget her.
I can forget her. I can do it.
- I can erase her.
- What
I can erase her.
Please speak.
I spoke with an officer I know well at the Office of Astrology,
and May 25 is an auspicious day that comes around every 300 years.
Couples who marry on that day are blessed for three generations,
- So that day
- What a quack.
Three generations will be blessed for marrying on a good day?
Lord Inspector.
I hope you did not pay to hear that nonsense.
Of course not.
He is not that clueless or naive.
Did I not say
the ladies would not care for astrology?
Did you forget?
What took you so long to come?
Do you know how hard it was, doing everything on my own?
My gosh
Not again.
I am seeing things again.
My lord.
Why do you not work with Lady Yeoju?
Are you crying?
I did not cry!
I shed a tear because something got into my eye.
Anyway, the wedding will be held next month on the 25th.
Be prepared.
What the
My lord.
- He cried?
- He really did.
A man should not cry too much.
The inspector just left in tears.
In tears?
He said something got into his eye, but
We got it. You can leave now.
I am not yet done speaking with Lady Yeoju.
The wedding will happen
next month on the 25th?
I cannot accompany the inspector due to personal reasons,
but I ensure your daughters will be married on time.
Which family
are you from?
I will keep your secret. Do not worry.
I am the left state councilor's second daughter-in-law.
I thought so the day we first met.
I was right.
You know me?
You are the last match
I made before I lost my sight.
I did not meet my husband through a matchmaker.
You two.
Did you not first meet at a book rental shop?
Young master.
Someone awaits you in the book rental shop.
You were such a good match
that I had to bring you together.
At the time,
I had no idea it would be my last match
as an Agent of Love.
My husband was the match for me.
So to you, I am just a passing breeze.
So please,
do not suffer much because of me.
If all three of them are not married within May,
you must return double the down payment.
Do you understand?
To wish us success, we should chant the operation name.
I do not wish to admit it,
but Lady Yeoju
destroyed my life completely.
Why are you here so early in the morning?
You know the Agent of Love too?
I thought only my mother knew.
Put this down
and explain why you are here.
I am tired.
Why did you and Lady Yeoju fight?
Is she in a position to fight me?
I told her to drop the matchmaking due to complications.
So until the wedding happens, I will handle everything myself.
When you came by,
Lady Yeoju was with my mother informing her of the wedding date.
The day I was at your house,
Lady Yeoju was also there?
You did fight.
You are avoiding each other.
If this is about your pride and ego,
since Lady Yeoju will come again today,
you should feign ignorance and come,
and apologize and make up.
Why should I apologize
when she is in the wrong?
You miss her.
Enough to shed a tear.
My lord.
It will get cold.
Where is he if he is not here either?
I cannot stand
That man is here again.
I heard you are looking for Lady Yeoju.
Do not come here. Visit the old ladies
Go to Erudite Maeng's in Mount Nam Valley.
Lady Yeoju is finding matches for the daughters.
Why is he so solemn?
To turn first eye contact into fate,
you will play on the swing, watch the ssireum match,
and wash your hair with water boiled with sweet flag
during the May Festival.
They are things we always do on the day of the May Festival.
Why did you say that in such a determined tone?
This time, they require special skills.
Doo Ri. After watching the ssireum match,
you will give jehotang to Bachelor 24.
(Jehotang: A summer beverage made with herbs and honey)
Well done.
- Nice.
- That was good.
- Look.
- What is that?
- Oh, my.
- Look at them.
- My gosh.
- Oh, my.
I am getting goosebumps.
It is already making me cringe.
But a promise is a promise. You have to do it.
I feel so sorry for myself.
Sam Soon, you will wash your hair in Suseongdong Valley.
I told Lady Yeoju that I wanted to wash my hair that day.
I always wanted to wash my hair
in Suseongdong Valley before I got married.
Sam Soon.
Shall I tell you how you can do everything you want to do
before you get married?
Yes, tell me.
Do not get married.
Washing hair in Suseongdong Valley
requires the most difficult skill to master,
so we should practice hard starting today.
Yes, I am totally ready.
What shall I do first?
Let me change this water first and tell you.
It is really clean.
- You got this, right?
- Yes.
- Gosh.
- Look at this.
- My gosh.
- You need to run.
The slave hunter is coming for you.
A slave hunter?
Hide in that room.
Go inside, quick!
- Hurry.
- Gosh.
You cannot go in there.
Well, why not?
Who are you?
Who is this?
I am fine.
I am not worried about you.
Do not cause trouble for my master by getting caught
by the slave hunter before the wedding.
My goodness.
This room is not safe either.
Yes, hide in there.
Come on, quick. Go on in.
Do not get the wrong idea.
I am doing this to survive.
I will leave the room.
No, wait. Where are you going?
He said the slave hunter was outside.
Do not behave recklessly.
Do you feel pain in your chest again?
I should just see you and die
if not seeing you will kill me anyway.
Who is that stranger?
How dare you barge in here?
Before I report you to the government office,
- you should leave at once.
- I am looking for someone.
No, Lady Yeoju
is not here.
At the inn, did you not say you did not know Lady Yeoju?
Oh, that was
That day, I was
Step aside, or you will get hurt.
There is no one in this room. I swear.
Who is causing such a commotion in my home?
I saw Lieutenant Jung on my way home.
I will go and get him.
I suppose today is not my day.
Gosh, that really scared me.
Good job, lying about seeing Lieutenant Jung.
It was not a lie.
I really saw Lieutenant Jung on my way home.
You saw Lieutenant Jung in the village?
No, I have already forgotten everything.
I will fall for Bachelor 24.
I have already fallen for him.
Why is that slave hunter after Lady Yeoju?
There seems to be some kind of misunderstanding.
Do not make a fuss about it.
It sounds like the slave hunter has left.
Why have you not left Hanyang?
Because I have not finished my job as the Maeng sisters' matchmaker.
Please turn a blind eye.
Then I will leave as soon as my job is done.
You are a murderer,
yet you wish to be loyal?
I do apologize for lying to you about my situation,
but I never murdered anyone.
I was framed for the murder.
If you wish to continue your job as their matchmaker,
stay at Gyeongunjae.
What do you mean?
I heard you could not even go home because of the slave hunter.
There is a place where I can stay safely, so do not be concerned.
I am proposing the idea because this is killing me.
I am doing it for my sake.
If I told you that I was lovesick
because I had fallen in love with you, would you believe me?
Seeing you as often as I can
is the only cure for my lovesickness.
If such a talented, smart man like me die because he cannot see you,
it will be a great loss for Joseon.
My lord, I
You said you were framed for the murder,
so I will not ask you about your past.
And I will take care of the slave hunter.
All you have to do
is come to Gyeongunjae.
I will not go to Gyeongunjae.
Why not?
I do not love you.
you do not like me?
Do you truly want to see me die
from my lovesickness?
My lord.
Are you not the smartest and the most upright scholar in Joseon?
So, I firmly trust that you can and will
overcome your lovesickness.
My gosh.
I will be leaving, then.
Please let Lady Cho know that I will visit again another time.
Sure, be safe.
Who are you to be so sure that I can overcome it?
Please excuse me.
Gosh, my lord! Are you all right?
Of course, he is not all right.
The way Lieutenant Jung rejected me
is nothing compared to this. She flat out rejected him.
Sam Soon.
Did you get rejected?
No, that is not what happened.
My lord, my mother wishes to speak with you.
You must have been very surprised to see the slave hunter in your home.
I will make sure it never happens again.
I heard from my daughter that Lady Yeoju was in a pickle
due to some kind of misunderstanding.
It is okay, so you need not be concerned.
May I ask you why you trust Lady Yeoju so much?
She is the Agent of Love who can recognize
soulmates who are fated to be together.
Does the Agent of Love never sin?
I wanted to speak with you today
to remind you that Lady Yeoju
was the one I hired as my daughters' matchmaker
and to ask you to just quietly watch without meddling.
His Majesty ordered me to take care of this.
Hence, I cannot stay out of it.
Then only work.
Turn off your feelings for Lady Yeoju.
The two of you cannot be together.
You, of all people, should know that.
Most importantly, forcing someone to like you
is not love.
So you do not like me?
Do you truly want to see me die from my lovesickness?
He will not
actually die because of it, will he?
No way.
He is just a crybaby.
Who is a crybaby?
Gosh, you scared me.
What are you doing here?
Goodness. Why do you keep wiping the floor?
I wanted to slack off, but I cannot even rest in secret because of you.
Oh, boy.
How much did she hear?
Where are you going at this hour?
I am going to the Ministry of Law Enforcement.
The Ministry of Law Enforcement? Why?
I must look into the murder of the Deputy Administrator of Pyongyang.
She flat out rejected him, so I was hoping he would give up.
He clearly has not given up.
My lord.
Lord Gyeongunjae, what brings you here?
I need to look into something.
Bring me the interrogation records
on the Jo In Hyun case from the Year of the Rat.
(Gongcho: Interrogation records)
That is
A lieutenant from the Capital District Office
asked for those records first.
What should I do?
Why are you looking into the case from eight years ago?
I do not think I am obligated to answer your question.
Did Lady Yeoju ask you to look into the murder
of the Deputy Administrator of Pyongyang from eight years ago?
That look on your face tells me that she did.
Then you must also know that Lady Yeoju
was the main culprit in the case.
It appears that she was framed for it,
so I am trying to look into it.
What is your relationship with Lady Yeoju
that you are doing all this for her?
I saved her life in Pyongyang eight years ago.
When Lady Ha Na sounded the petitioner's drum,
you said you did not know Lady Yeoju.
That must have been a lie, then.
I wish to ask you something too.
I know that you are a man of principle.
If you know that she committed a grave crime,
why are you looking into it on your own
instead of reporting her?
I am doing this
for a personal reason, which is too complicated to explain,
so I will not answer your question.
However, we seem to share the same goal,
so I suggest we work together on this.
I trust that you will take good care of it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
My lady! Lady Jung!
My gosh. Here.
Oh, boy.
To Lady Yeoju.
Most ordinary men
would have been destroyed by your cruelty,
but since I have been cultivating
my steadfast spirit as a scholar for the past 25 years,
it could not make me falter.
I should stop beating around the bush.
I am sending you this letter
to give you a chance to prove your innocence.
Come to Gyeongunjae tomorrow.
He wants me to come to Gyeongunjae, not the inn?
He is probably just using this as an excuse to see me.
I had better not go, then.
If he sees me, he will struggle even more to forget me.
My gosh.
Mother, what brings you here?
I heard you went to see the rice paddies today
and found a small paddy that we had been neglecting.
The shape was different from what was specified in the land documents,
so I took a closer look and found the extra paddy.
So? What did you do about it?
I let the tenant farmer know that I knew about it
and told him
to feel free to keep using the extra land.
After doing all that work to find it? Why did you do that?
I looked through the past records
and learned that there was no difference in the yields
even without that piece of land.
That extra land must be motivating him
to work twice as hard. That is why I told him to keep using it.
I see.
But never forget about that land and be sure to manage it well.
I will, Mother.
Soon Gu.
You called me here too. What were you thinking?
I had no choice. Lord Gyeongunjae said he would report you otherwise.
Gosh, this is crazy.
I am trying so hard to avoid him when I am with the Maeng sisters.
What? Well
Forget it. Go inside, tell him you remember nothing, and come out.
Lieutenant Jung, please take a seat.
You too. Take a seat.
I called you all here
to find the real culprit behind the murder of the Deputy Administrator,
which took place in the Year of the Rat.
Lady Yeoju, you said you were framed for the murder.
Tell us what happened.
While on the run eight years ago, I fell into the Taedong River.
I did not die, thanks to Lieutenant Jung who saved me,
but I lost all my memory up until that point,
so I do not remember what happened at all.
You lost your memory? I thought it only happened in novels.
If you lost your memory,
how could you be so sure that you were framed?
I know Lady Yeoju could never kill anyone. That is why.
I trust Lady Yeoju.
Does she think she is a three-year-old child?
She means she trusts herself. Why did she say it in such a manner?
It made me cringe.
Lord Gyeongunjae, she remembers nothing,
so I believe she may leave.
You may leave.
My lord. I may not remember anything, but it is still my past.
If you would allow me, I would like to find the real culprit with you.
Suit yourself.
Tell us what you have found out so far.
First, let me tell you what happened.
I have been told that Gyeongunjae
and the Ministry of Law Enforcement
took all the records on In Hyun's case from eight years ago.
Lord Gyeongunjae? Why does he need those records?
I do not know.
But I do not have a good feeling about this.
I think something bad could happen if we do not intervene.
Shall I ask So Hyun to think of something so that we can
send him into exile?
Do you not know that we must keep this from your sister?
Oh, you are right.
According to the records, Deputy Administrator Jo In Hyun
was stabbed to death in his bedchamber
by an unidentified assailant at midnight on April 30, 8 years ago.
Based on the statements of the witnesses,
Jo In Hyun's father Jo Young Bae and his wife, Lady Yoo,
Lord Min arrested the prime suspect.
He was a man named Kwang Moo,
who supplied the Pyongyang office with goods.
It was revealed that he conspired with Jeo Tae Ran, a peddler.
And you were Kwang Moo's wife.
Why were they accused of the murder?
It was because Jo In Hyun's silver ingots were found in their homes.
No way.
How could you be so sure when you remember nothing?
What kind of idiot would murder a government official who works
at the office that buys goods from him, just for some silver ingots?
Well, good point. It does not make sense.
Lieutenant Jung, continue and tell us what you have found out.
Kwang Moo died of an unknown cause before his transfer to Hanyang.
Then Tae Ran fled.
Because of it, the lieutenant who was guarding them lost his job,
and a wanted poster with a reward
was distributed all over Pyongyang to catch Tae Ran.
But they failed to catch him even after a year,
so they assumed he died while on the run and closed the case.
The slave hunter who is after Lady Yeoju at the moment
is the lieutenant who lost his job back then.
Should you not go out and look for the person you wish to find?
Why have you been sitting here all day?
There is someone I wish to meet,
but it could be the person I am looking for.
I am suddenly afraid.
The drawing of the face you showed me the other day.
Can I see it again?
She is prettier than this.
Do you know this woman?
(Hamgyeong Province, the Cheon family's inn)
This letter came for you.
To Lady Yeoju.
A slave hunter is looking for you,
so do not return even after the job is done.
As for Bok Hee, I will make some time
to take her to Hamgyeong Province myself.
From Hong Chun Soo in the Capital District Office.
There are many things wrong about this report.
The strangest thing is that
Lord Min Seung Kwan, a powerful man in Pyongyang at the time,
was the one who found the murderer.
What is strange about that?
Lord Min is a hard-liner from the Namjang Faction.
He and Jo Young Bae, the leader of the Dongro Faction,
are sworn enemies.
It would be more believable to hear that Lord Min
killed Jo In Hyun.
And the man, Kwang Moo, who suddenly died in the prison
after being accused of the murder,
was like Lord Min's right-hand man.
Did you conduct a separate investigation on this case?
His Majesty appointed me as the Deputy Administrator of Pyongyang
eight years ago because he wanted me to investigate
Park Bok Ki, the Governor of Pyongan Province at the time,
as well as Lord Min.
They both submitted letters of appeals,
accusing each other of corruption.
However, you ended up marrying the princess,
so Jo In Hyun,
the Left State Councilor's eldest son, took up the position instead.
Lord Min cooperated with the Dongro Faction which is like his enemy
because of his daughter's involvement.
Lord Min had a daughter who was very bright.
In the connivance of her father,
she disguised herself as a man and worked as an officer
in the provincial office instead of her ill brother.
The problem was that
she ended up falling in love with the enemy's son from Hanyang.
The numbers do not match.
Do you truly not know? Or are you simply pretending?
Your uncle said to keep it that way saying it was the custom.
I did not know since I am new here.
And if that is the case, we should stick to the rules.
I will take responsibility for this.
Jo In Hyun was a loyalist,
so he tried to expose the corrupt deeds of his uncle,
the governor of Pyongan Province.
Then upon confirming his sincerity, Min Seung Kwan's daughter
decided to cooperate.
So they joined forces
and began investigating the provincial governor's corrupt deeds.
In that process, Jo In Hyun found out that she was a woman,
and they fell in love, knowing the dangers involved.
After wrapping up their investigation,
they lamented the fact that they could never be together,
so they committed suicide together.
So perhaps,
Lord Min cooperated with his enemy, the Dongro Faction,
in order to cover up his daughter's misdeed.
Have you regained your memory?
How do I know this story?
It is from "The Scholar's Man," a novel.
It is so similar to this case that I did not even realize it.
Could that novel be
Perhaps, it is based on a true story just like "The Lady's Private Life."
The author's pen name is Socheon.
He wrote "The Scholar's Man" eight years ago
and nothing else after that,
so not much is known about him.
Oh, a book distributor I know
once mentioned that he saw him as a monk at Sunhwa Temple,
but I am not sure if it is true.
At Sunhwa Temple?
My lord, what brings you here?
The chief at the inn told me
that you found the author of the novel.
There is a monk who goes by the name of Socheon.
He will be back soon, so let us wait.
My goodness.
This place is empty now.
We can go inside to take shelter from the rain.
My gosh.
Why is it raining? There was not a single cloud in the sky.
I suppose foxes are out and about looking for mates.
When foxes are looking for mates,
they make the rain come down so people would not know.
People would be mesmerized by the rain from the clear sky.
So, we are under the spell of the foxes' trick now.
This rain will stop soon,
so do not worry.
What you say under such a spell
will not be held against you.
do not hesitate to answer me truthfully.
did you lie that you did not like me?
(The Matchmakers)
(Listen to "I Love You" by SF9's Inseong on all music platforms.)
You wrote about the murder of the Deputy Administrator of Pyongyang.
The letter exposes their corrupt deeds
and evidence that they were plotting treason.
What do you mean?
Do not worry.
Even if every spinster in Hanyang were to wed,
the Crown Prince would not get married.
This is nuts.
Why do I keep thinking of him?
You were the one who told me this.
When people fall in love, it happens instantly.
I, too, wish to spend the rest of my life with you.
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