The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

The Mystery of the Hero Academy

Demon King of Atrocity,
where is your army?
You are not so foolish as to attack
the capital of Gairadite alone!
Don't jump to conclusions.
I am only here
to speak with you, Hero Kanon.
Speak with me?
Do you not wish to end it?
This war.
Strange words, coming from you.
Demon King of Atrocity!
You humans are not
the only ones who want peace.
You have shown mercy even to demons.
You have true strength.
I know you well.
What is your true wish?
To destroy your enemies?
Master Zelga!
Listen not to this ruse, Kanon!
Peace will never come until he is slain!
Demon King Anos, your death
is the sole wish of humanity!
Lord Zelga!
Slay the Demon King
and bring peace to this world!
For my fallen comrades,
and my wife and children,
today, I will slay you!
Humans shall prevail!
Humans killed my mother.
If you are interested in speaking
about peace, come to my castle, Delsgade.
Master Zelga!
I will be fine.
Put the people at ease.
The Hero Kanon
has repelled the Demon King.
Master, will the war truly end
if the Demon King is slain?
Don't falter, Kanon.
Demons exist to kill humans.
There is no way to coexist!
I will return soon.
Very good.
I will never forgive you,
Demon King of Atrocity!
I will destroy all demons,
even if my body may perish!
Magic can do so many things!
Why can't it keep me from oversleeping?
Why can't Misha come to wake me up?
Why are you walking to school together?
Anos's mom was showing me how to cook.
You could've told me
you were going to his place.
I tried a lot of things
to wake you up, but nothing worked.
You're not a morning person, Sasha?
No, I'm fine with mornings.
She's very much not a morning person.
If you want to come to my home,
I can wake you up personally.
Why would you come and wake me up
so I can go to your home?
Good morning.
I'm Menoh Historia,
Year 3, Class 1's homeroom teacher,
I will be a temporary replacement
for Ms. Emilia.
Did Ms. Emilia quit?
That's kind of sudden.
Okay, now! Quiet down!
Let's start with the upcoming schedule.
In three weeks,
there will be an inter-school lesson
with third-year and first-year
students participating,
including this class
and the Cohort of Chaos.
It will take place in the Human Realm,
at the Hero Academy in Azecion.
Do you mean that
we're going to the Human Realm?
While we don't have many interactions
with the Human Realm,
we've been planning
inter-school activities for a while.
This one was confirmed very recently.
I've never been to Azecion.
Hero Academy?
What is a Hero anyway?
You'll learn about heroes
as part of the third-year curriculum,
but maybe we could do
with a quick introduction.
In the Mythical Age, the Hero was
the general who led the human armies.
They say the Hero's military spell
was similar to our Gaize.
Does anyone know what it is?
Unlike Gaize, which distributes mana
to one's subordinates,
the subordinates share some
of their mana with their leader.
However, that is not its true power.
By using the soul magic Ask to turn
the emotions of one's allies into mana,
they can gain even greater power.
Gaize was created
to build and protect a castle,
while Asura was created
to invade and conquer that castle.
We'll be having an inter-school exam
pitting Gaize against Asura,
so remember everything he just said!
-You go, Lord Anos!
-You go, Lord Anos!
He's perfect today too!
Oh, you're the misfit?
You're quite informed about Hero magic.
Well, I've seen it
more than enough times in the past.
They've essentially forgotten
about the Hero in this peaceful world.
But now Hero Academy?
Anos, this afternoon is study hall.
This is a good opportunity.
All four of you, come with me.
Fine with me.
What are we going to do?
Sasha, that isn't all
your Eyes of Destruction can do!
This is study hall!
Study like your life depends on it!
He isn't holding back.
But she's alive.
Then it's time to fight back
or so I'd like to say,
but I don't have a sword.
Leave it to me.
Here I come, Anos!
Misha, you didn't create it properly.
Lay, you need to learn how
to fight without a sword.
Spirit magic, huh?
Misa, you're weak to begin with.
Think hard about how to apply your skills.
The Hero I know was so strong
that you wouldn't think he was human
in both body and mind.
I don't know
if he's been reincarnated in this age,
but in this exam, we will be facing
those succeeding the title of Hero.
We mustn't bore them.
One more round.
That's what I'm talking about.
How are Gaios and Idol?
They have been returned to life.
It appears that their essences were fused
with unknown assailants 2,000 years ago.
Three of the Seven Ancients remain.
They are all likely
under Avos Dilhevia's control.
Yes, I fear so.
But why was your essence
the only one unfused?
I do not know.
It could be that they did not have
enough faithful servants to fuse with.
It could also be a ruse
to make us believe that.
Furthermore, Lord Anos, please be cautious
in the upcoming inter-school activity.
Hero Academy?
I have long considered it
a suspicious location.
Why was it founded in the first place?
The official reason
is to cultivate individuals capable
of leading the country.
However, there is a special class
for training reincarnated heroes.
A Hero is supposed to be
the general of the human armies.
Why, in times of peace, would they seek
to cultivate reincarnated Heroes?
The reason is shrouded in mystery.
So it isn't just a school?
Oh, wow!
Are these all yours, Anos?
Yeah. Take whichever you'd like.
Sorry. I just don't feel right
without a sword.
This one.
Mind if I take it out?
So you've chosen that one?
The Wholehearted Sword, Sigshesta.
It's a rather difficult sword.
Care to try it?
Sigshesta's blade changes
in response to your thoughts.
That's why it's wholehearted.
If you don't focus your mind,
it can't cut anything.
So I wasn't focused on cutting?
Seems like an interesting sword.
2,000 years ago, my right-hand man
was able to use any and all swords.
He was the only man
who could wield that blade.
You remind me of him.
Do you mean
that he was reincarnated as me?
I don't know yet.
Well, I do feel like
I lived in a different age.
I just can't remember.
Did you promise him you'd meet again?
You could say that.
I'll take this one.
If you are reincarnated
2,000 years from now
When that happens,
we can be friends.
A promise huh?
Good morning!
To participate
in the inter-school activities
you all will travel to Gairadite,
the capital of Azecion.
You'll have ten days to arrive.
If you are unable to reach Gairadite
by then, you'll be disqualified.
With no guides?
By the way, I made it there in two days.
Third-years should use
that number as a milestone.
Are you ready?
Which route?
Let's see
Going through the Tora Forest and crossing
the Milleine Desert should take one day
What are you talking about?
It won't take more than a second.
Getting here this quick is kind of boring.
I've come here once before.
Well, we've got some free time.
Should we check out the town?
I'll find our lodgings
and contact the Fan Union.
If they take the wrong route, they won't
make it for inter-school activities.
What about you, Misha?
I'll go with Misa.
Hey, Anos, where are you going?
There's something I want to look into.
Care to come with me?
Azecion isn't that different from Dilhade.
How peaceful it has become.
What's the thing you wanted to look into?
I want to see the Hero Academy.
Don't cause any trouble, okay?
We're about to have
inter-school activities, after all.
Don't worry. Even I have common sense.
Common sense? How many times
did you nearly kill me in study hall?
You didn't die even once.
That's quite a feat.
I can take pride in the fact
that you have the same magic eyes as me.
Compliments won't get you out of this one.
What are you talking about?
I don't say such things about many people.
Sasha, when I said
that your eyes were beautiful,
that was not a lie.
What are you getting at?
Isn't it obvious?
Listen. I wanted your eyes for myself.
You're not such a child
as to not know what I mean.
Though you're still a bit untamed.
Look into my eyes.
Beautiful eyes.
Your eyes are even more beautiful.
They're tranquil and pure.
Fine. If you want them, you can have them.
Then promise me,
if there is a threat
that my eyes can't reach,
you will protect everyone
with those eyes on my behalf.
If I can keep that promise,
will you treat me less like a child?
Very well.
That's a promise!
This is the Hero Academy, Alcranisca?
Wait, Anos! You're not going in, are you?
We're going to meet in ten days anyway.
What difference does it make
if we enter now?
What happened to common sense?
Okay, you two. Stand still.
The Hero Academy
is for staff and students only.
Is it? We've just arrived from Dilhade.
Oh, are you from Demon King Academy?
Oh, I see.
Nice to meet you. I'm Eleonore Bianca,
a third-year at Hero Academy.
Anos Voldigoad.
I'm Sasha Necron.
So what are you here for?
The interschool activities
are still a while off.
We're interested
in the legend of the Hero.
You're diligent students!
Then care to come in?
But you said it's only
for staff and students
No one will say anything
if you're with me.
The academy was founded
to cultivate Heroes
with knowledge in different disciplines.
The schoolhouse is a castle that
was used in a great war 2,000 years ago.
Who's this?
It's Kanon.
Then he's
This is amazing.
Texts on magic
from all over Azecion are gathered here.
If you want to learn about the Hero,
this is a good book.
It's the legend of how the Hero Kanon
slew the Demon King of Atrocity.
What do you mean?
What part don't you understand?
Why does that legend say that Hero Kanon
slew the Demon King of Atrocity?
That's a strange question.
Because it's the truth.
Then who made the walls?
The walls that split the world
into four realms 2,000 years ago.
The Hero Kanon created them to protect
humans from any remaining demons.
You can't be serious!
The Demon King of Atrocity
sought peace and exchanged his life to
Hey! Anos! What was that for?
Don't be so mad.
If they didn't say
the Demon King was slain,
the humans of that age
couldn't rest at ease.
I'm sorry. It seems I upset you.
Eleonore, do you know the name
of the Demon King of Atrocity?
Can I say it?
Avos Dilhevia.
Here too?
I heard there was a special class
for reincarnated Heroes.
Yes. You mean Zelga Kanon?
Zelga Kanon?
It's a class where reincarnated Heroes
from various ages gather.
Is the reincarnated Hero Kanon part of it?
There are four reincarnations of Kanon.
Four? What does that mean?
The Hero Kanon had seven essences.
Seven essences?
It was a power he gained to fight demons.
So long as one of those essences remained,
he could revive the other six.
All seven may have reincarnated
into different bodies.
You know a lot!
What do those four say
about the history of the Hero?
If they have Kanon's memories,
they would say something about
the mistaken history taught here.
If none of them say a word
But then, which history is mistaken?
It is difficult
to believe that a Demon King
who committed unimaginable atrocities
would create a wall to protect humans.
Perhaps ancestor worship
leaves you unable to accept his defeat.
Who are you?
From Zelga Kanon, the reincarnation
of the Hero Kanon's first essence,
Ledriano Kanon Azeschen.
Also from Zelga Kanon, the reincarnation
of the Hero Kanon's third essence,
Laos Kanon Zilfo.
I doubt that somehow.
I said I doubt
that you're reincarnations of Kanon.
Could it be he only had one true essence,
and the others were worth little?
Then let me greet you
by showing you the power of the Hero!
I would indeed like to see it.
Don't you blink!
I'll show you something amazing!
Don't blink?
You mean like this?
What did you do?
I blinked.
Damn you
That's enough. You lost.
Don't be stupid!
I've only just gotten started!
I'm sorry.
I apologize for his impudence.
We hope you will forgive us.
We're leaving, Sasha.
May I ask for your name?
Anos Voldigoad.
Oh, wait.
Sorry it turned into a fight,
but you're strong, Anos.
You surprised me.
That was nothing impressive.
The real Kanon wouldn't have been so easy.
You still went too far.
By any chance,
are you a reincarnation, Anos?
I am.
From 2,000 years ago?
You knew the Hero Kanon?
Before I reincarnated,
we exchanged promises.
I was hoping to meet him, but
I see.
Okay, we're done here. Let's go, Anos.
If you're searching for the Hero Kanon,
he's no longer here.
At least, not the one you knew.
What do you mean?
He was killed 2,000 years ago.
Even if his essences remain,
he's no longer the Hero he once was.
If you search for him,
you'll only be disappointed.
Who killed him?
A human did.
Next episode, "Inter-school Exam."
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