The Mob Doctor (2012) s01e09 Episode Script

Fluid Dynamics

Previously on The Mob Doctor As long as you're in Chicago, I own you.
That's the deal.
When Grace was an undergrad and you guys were still dating, she thought you were gonna pop the question.
She never said anything to me.
When you left, I wrote you off, okay? I'm sorry.
No! You almost had me killed.
I want to make things right.
If you don't leave right now, I am screaming for a cop.
I am a cop.
Get away from Constantine before he takes you down with him.
I want out.
I don't owe you anything.
You pull me out now, we lose our shot at taking out this whole operation.
- You steering clear of Constantine? - I tried.
Well, then, I guess there's only one way for us both to get out.
That's to get back in.
The auction is on Wednesday.
Are you looking for anything in particular? No.
Just pulling together some gift ideas for Santa.
You must have been very nice.
Actually, can I tell you a little secret? My Santa prefers naughty.
Zach and Marcus, you're in clinic.
- Brett, you're on trauma call.
- Okay.
Grace, med-surg.
So, as is our tradition, those stuck working Christmas Eve are invited to the conference room at midnight to hoist a cup of grandma's famous non-alcoholic eggnog.
The rest of you, keep your pagers handy.
The silly season is upon us.
Look who's under the mistletoe.
Always a pleasure to see you, Mrs.
You, too, Dr.
Um, see you at eggnog.
Ma, how did you get into the I.
? I have my ways.
More important, she has cookies.
And I made panforte for your midnight party.
Oh, you didn't have to do that.
And paper plates.
And paper napkins.
And cinnamon and sugar.
Mix them together.
Sprinkle them on top very lightly before I know how to do it.
Brett's an amazing young man, in case you forgot.
And who breaks up right before the holidays, anyway? Thank you, peanut gallery, but it was for the best.
Devlin to the lobby information desk.
I have to go.
I love you.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Right over there.
I'm Dr.
You had me paged.
I, uh need a doctor.
And you are? Smith.
Just call me "Smith.
" Listen, I-I got a lot of lower back pain, and, uh, I just, uh, need some meds.
All right, well, the E.
is just down that hall.
Listen, I'm not real good at paperwork, and I heard that you see patients off the grid.
Look, I don't know who you are, but I think you've got the wrong doctor.
I didn't get your name off a bathroom wall, hon.
I got it from a very discreet mutual friend.
You've got to help me.
Hang on.
Hang on.
Hang in there.
Call a code.
On 3, 2, 1.
Full syncope workup.
Cardiac enzymes, chest X-ray, EKG.
Etomidate's in.
Stable at 90/60.
Devlin, what are you doing here? - You're not on trauma call.
- I'm covering for Brooks.
He's playing Santa in the peds unit.
Do you want me to call and get him? Don't be ridiculous.
What's going on? Guy syncoped in the lobby.
Who is he? Said his name is Smith.
Check his pockets.
Good God.
Guess he was planning some serious Christmas shopping.
Count it and tag it.
Keep me posted.
You get the numbers for the St.
Odilo's Christmas raffle? Hot damn.
Merry Christmas.
Both of yous are going to hell.
Hey, Grace.
Merry Christmas.
This isn't okay, Constantine.
What's not okay? Your buddy just showing up at the hospital.
What's next, a billboard on Wacker? All right, relax and tell me what the hell you're talking about.
The guy you sent to me.
He called himself Smith.
Look, I didn't send anybody to you.
What's he look like? He's in his 50s, black hair, blue eyes.
He's got a crown tattoo on his arm.
All right, his name's Russell King.
He's a very dangerous man, Grace.
Well, if you didn't send him to me, how did he get my name? I got no idea.
I'll look into it.
It seems our old friend Russell King is back in town.
What? The boxing guy with the hair? That's Don King, Cobatz.
Russell was "The King of Maxwell Street.
" Got into a beef about an unsanctioned jewelry-store job Al Trapani's turf.
His whole crew got whacked.
Last I heard, he landed on his feet in Detroit.
He's number one over there.
Yeah, well, if he's back in town, he's here to do a job.
If he's a skipper, why is he still pulling jobs? Because he likes the action.
Believe me, boss or no boss, that never changes.
Find out what the hell he's up to.
Grace, thanks for meeting me here.
You sent King to me, didn't you? I tried to call you, but you didn't answer your cell.
Well, then, you should have waited.
I couldn't.
Listen, my FBI handler wants me hooked up with another crew.
Otherwise, he's gonna pull me out.
King needs a guy.
That's me.
Job's tonight, Grace, assuming you can fix up his back.
Well, he may have more than a bad back.
Listen, I'm really sorry you got blindsided by all this, but it's my best shot.
Come on.
Put a smile on that face, huh? It's Christmas.
I don't really feel like it.
You know, I got a new apartment.
It's outside of Constantine's radar.
Maybe, uh, stop by sometime.
I can't.
You sure? Come on.
What you and I had, it's over.
I think you're making a mistake.
All right, look, just, uh, let's get Russell fixed up.
Get him out the door.
What? Well, there may be a problem.
I thought King came from Constantine, and I called him.
You called Constantine? I thought he came from him.
Constantine thinks Russell's back in town.
He uses him to come after me, I'm a dead man.
Hey, hey, hey, we'll get through this, okay? We'll get through this.
I got to go.
Orignal Air Date December2, 2012 Deep breath, and exhale.
There you Good job.
Dad? What happened? I thought you were just getting back pills.
Your father passed out.
What? You scared the hell out of me.
Come here.
I'm okay.
I'm totally fine.
I really am.
It's okay.
That's actually the morphine talking.
I've got some cardiac concerns.
Well, I guess I'll have to switch out the bacon and eggs for oatmeal, okay? Cholesterol doesn't actually make you pass out.
It could be a change in heart rhythm, a chemical imbalance, so I have to monitor you neurologically, do serial cardiac enzymes, the whole thing.
Sounds like a ball.
Actually, we have plans this evening.
Well, believe me, I wish you were gone, too.
But you came in to see me, so we are stuck with each other.
Hey, forget about tonight.
I can handle it.
At least just stay for some tests, dad.
I'll do that for you.
I'll be back soon.
You go ahead and set everything up.
You know what to do.
I took the photos and placed the beacon.
Hey, I had a good teacher.
Wind blew down a display outside a toy store.
Vitals good, GCS 13, cranial impalement from that antler.
We stabilized it best we could.
Open your eyes.
Can you squeeze my hands? Non-responsive.
His name's Kyle Bennett.
What? Kyle Bennett.
Do you know him? No.
Robinson, hold that antler rock steady.
Cut it off an inch from his skin so we can get a C.
to assess brain trauma.
- Call me when it's done.
- Okay.
Grace, you're up to assist.
Did something just happen there? If you're busy, I can handle cutting this down.
- Okay.
I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Call engineering.
We're gonna need a hacksaw.
So, Grace was in the doghouse with ma on account of the fact that she had lost the Christmas shopping money coming home from school.
So she comes to me, and she asks me if she can borrow 5 bucks, and she says, "Mr.
Alexander, I want you to know" "this is very important to me and that I'm prepared to pay the vig.
" You believe that? Hey.
Um, Mr.
Alexander was just looking for you.
Hey, Grace, you mind telling your friend to call me Constantine, hmm? So, Constantine, uh, can I interest you in making a contribution to the pediatrics toy drive? Absolutely.
I always did have a weakness for kids.
There you go.
Thank you.
We'll talk later.
See you around.
I don't like you coming to the hospital.
Grace, you know what my greatest wish is for Christmas? That you and I can become better friends.
You know what happens when someone sees us talking and puts two and two together, right? I'm just here visiting my old friend Russell King, and you just happen to be his doctor.
I don't like you coming to the hospital.
It's a public place.
What room's he in? Don't worry.
I'm not gonna do anything to get you in trouble.
Did you figure out who referred Russell to you? No.
Well, when you do, let me know.
If I don't see you, Merry Christmas.
Russell King.
Long time, no see.
What brings you in from Detroit, pal? My daughter likes to go shopping on the magnificent mile.
Kids nowadays, it's all they care about is designer labels.
Yeah, entitlement.
They just don't understand how hard it is to earn a buck.
So, I understand you rented out a place in Riverview.
And that you put out some feelers for a new driver.
I suppose on account of the fact that your last one wasn't quick enough to dodge bullets, huh? Anyway, that tells me you're here to do a job, Russ.
What's that mean to you? Well, maybe you haven't heard, but I brought the syndicate back.
No more independent contractors.
You're here to pull a heist, you've got to kick up like everybody else.
I'll tell you three things.
Number one, I never signed onto no syndicate.
Number two, I'm pretty sure the loop is uncontrolled territory.
Number three, you and I are on the same rung Me in Detroit, you in the South Side.
So, I guess you can just Fa-La-La yourself.
Eh, anyway, I thought I'd tell you for old times' sake.
But I guess you're not planning on ringing in the New Year, are you? You know, it's funny how some people just never learn.
Got it off a friend.
Clean plates.
Runs fine.
Everything else? It's in the back, all set.
Hey, listen.
You're sure we're good for tonight? Your father's been We've been planning this thing for a year.
If my father can't do the heavy lifting, then I will.
Come on, Amanda.
Look, I trusted you enough to bring you in on this.
Now you've got to trust me.
Or what? Like the time I got my ass kicked five years ago by the boyfriend you told me was in Vegas? It's Christmas.
You know, have a little faith.
Let's see it.
All right.
By tomorrow morning, I'll be rich, and you'll be connected.
In theory.
We pick up the crew in two hours.
You know, I've got places to be, and my father will come through, Franco.
We have all the details covered, so just sit back.
Enjoy the ride.
So, I bet you heard I had a visitor, eh? Yep.
Well, don't worry about it, because nobody's gonna do anything to me in a hospital.
Me and him just like to shake it up a little bit.
Your cardiac enzymes came back normal.
Well, that's terrific.
That means I can leave, right? The radiologist looked at your chest X-Ray, and he saw what may be a double shadow.
Well, I guess that's probably twice as bad as a single shadow.
- Am I right? - It could be nothing, but I'd like to follow up with a C.
Well, I've got a few hours, I suppose.
Um Russell, did you tell Constantine who sent you to me? What, do you think I don't know what's what? I think Franco's a nice kid.
I might even have a place for him.
And the fact that Constantine hates him is an added plus, right? Wow.
You're pretty wised up for a lady doctor, aren't you? Give my daughter a run for her money.
Mm, I'm sure, but I, uh, like my day job.
Don't kid yourself.
So does she.
She had been working for me since she was in high school.
If it wasn't for her, I'd retire by now.
Just want to get a little bit of wind under her wings till she can fly on her own.
Look at me.
I sound like a big sap.
You know something? At the end of the day we're all the same.
Me and Constantine We're fathers first.
Constantine has kids? Maybe you ain't as wised up as I thought you were.
Kyle, this is Dr.
What happened? Did I hit my head? You have a penetrating skull injury.
It's gonna need surgery.
Do you know where you are, Kyle, and what day it is? I'm in some hospital, and it's It's Christmas Eve, I think.
Well, you're in Roosevelt Hospital.
What do you remember about the injury? Nothing.
I don't I-it's Chicago.
I know that.
I just moved back here.
I got a job in a toy store.
What happened? A holiday display fell on you, and a piece of metal is embedded in your brain.
It's Christmas, right? Right.
What happened? Did I hit my head? Yes, and you're going to need surgery.
Perseveration and amnesia are common with this kind of injury.
They're usually temporary.
What happened? Did did I He's seizing.
Ativan, one IV! Brain is swelling.
We've got to get the antler out.
Call Grace to scrub in now.
Did I pull you away from anything important? Cardiac patient.
No big deal.
I'm sorry.
This music's driving me insane.
- Can you shut it off, please? - Thank God.
All right, Kyle, we're in surgery now.
We woke you up so you can help us identify your speech, motor, and sensory centers, and we can remove the antler safely.
All right, I need you to tell me what sensation you have when I touch locations in your brain with a probe.
My right leg feels tingly.
And now my right arm.
Ow, wow.
That light's really bright.
Kyle, are you okay? Yeah, it smells like Wrigley Field.
M-my dad used to take me.
I can smell the The fresh-cut grass, and and the hot dogs.
And the sticky green benches.
White, is something wrong? No, no.
Uh, it's my magnifying loupes.
Kathy, could you wipe them, please? Sure.
Thank you.
Uh, okay.
Where were we? Come, they told me pa-rum-pa-pum-pum a newborn king to see pa-rum-pa-pum-pum our finest gifts we bring pa-rum-pa-pum-pum to lay before the king pa-rum-pa-pa-pum pum-pa-pa-pum-pum pum-pa-pa-pum - You see this angel up there - so to honor him A year ago, she was headlining in Vegas.
- Prurum pumum-p - now she's singing for me.
Where do we come Excuse us a second, ladies.
Here you go, sweetheart.
Right this way.
- Little angel - Sit down, please.
Pa-rum-paumum-pum We, uh, looked into the situation with Russell King, and Benny followed his daughter from the hospital.
You were right.
You're looking at a score.
Show him the pictures.
Here she is at the back of the Bandisi Auction House.
That makes sense.
They're holding a big auction this week.
There's got to be at least $10 million worth of rocks there.
She's casing the joint alright.
Guy I talked to said she was there this morning.
Um-pa-a-pum-pum What's with the road work? Could be a coincidence.
The bastard figured out a way to tunnel in, and he's letting the Chicago water department do the heavy lifting.
That's what I figured, too, so I reached out to our union contacts at the C.
Turns out they're doing repairs.
They've got about two blocks worth of water mains being shut down tonight, I've got to hand it to Russell.
It's a great plan, using the water main to get into the auction house.
What do you want to do about it? I think I'm gonna go visit our friends over at C.
, see if they can open up the tunnel, you know.
Give Russell a little Christmas surprise.
I played my drum for him, pa-rum-pa-pum-pum I played my best for him pa-rum-pa-pum-pum pum-pa-pum-pum pum-pa-pum-pum Hey.
Do you have any idea what's going on with Dr.
White? Chief of surgery doesn't usually do bedside monitoring.
Yeah, he was weird in the O.
, too.
Do you think something's going on in his personal life? He has one? I always thought he came out of the womb wearing a lab coat.
I'm gonna check on him.
Is he doing okay? Yeah.
He's sleeping comfortably.
Vitals are stable.
Is everything okay? I mean, I know it's none of my business.
No, it's fine.
I had a son stepson, actually With the same name.
Kyle Bennett.
He would have been about this age now if he and his mother hadn't been killed in a car crash.
I-I didn't know.
When his mother and I first got together, it was tough on Kyle.
I was looking for a way to bond, so I bought us Cubs tickets.
Did it work? I was bored out of my mind the first couple of games.
I mean, you know, I pretended, but my head was stuck in surgery right until the time the Marlins hit a three-run homer and screwed our season.
Kyle and I screamed all the way home.
And I realized -- something had changed.
He taught me how to love baseball, and baseball taught me how to love him.
And from then on He was my son And the Cubs were my team.
So, when this Kyle mentioned Wrigley Field Yeah, grief is a funny thing.
You think it's healed.
But once in a while, the sutures get torn open.
I'm so sorry.
I appreciate it.
Grace, the radiologist said Mr.
Smith's angio is back.
Well, I'll see you at midnight.
Look who's back.
Is there anyone I can call for you? There was just my mom, but she passed away.
So here we are.
Russell King has an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
It's leaking.
And a triple-a would cause back pain, chest pain, and syncope.
And when it blows, he'll bleed to death in minutes.
I'll order an emergency surgical consent form.
This is Dr.
Would you mobilize the cardiovascular team and set up for cardiac bypass.
Oh, damn it.
He took off.
Looks like he left you a tip.
Put it in the toy drive.
Where are you going? If I don't find him, he's gonna die.
It's not a good time.
You've got to get Russell back to the hospital.
He's got an aortic aneurysm that's about to rupture.
Whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait an hour, maybe two.
The wall of his major artery's about to rip open.
He doesn't have an hour or two.
- Tell me where you are.
- No way.
Franco, he's gonna die.
He's 100 feet into a water main right now, all right? I-I can't get to him.
Is that the doctor? What's she want? Your father's in trouble.
Listen, the radios are out of range.
I can't contact him.
Whatever it is you are doing, you have got to pull him out, okay? Tell me where you are, and I will meet you.
I don't want you involved in this.
I already am.
Tell me.
She wants to come down here.
All right.
We're in a box truck around Lower Wacker and Garland Court.
I'll go get him out.
Make sure we're in the right spot before you cut the joist.
I think we're good to go.
Go ahead.
Cut it.
You okay, boss? I'm fine.
Keep moving.
Russell! Franco! What are you doing here? Sorry, man.
I'm pulling the plug.
Grace says it's serious.
We're already practically through the floor.
You want me to tell Amanda that this is more important than her having a father? Hey.
It's me.
Open up.
Grace, they're in trouble.
Where are they? The valves are opening along the part of the water main that my father and the crew are in.
That's them.
Those red lights along the main are sensors.
They're supposed to be red.
That means that the main is shut down and there's no water.
We're supposed to have five more hours, but they're flooding chamber by chamber.
Constantine must be trying to drown them.
Oh, my God.
Is this live? Yeah, but I I think they're out of range.
- Franco, can you hear me? - Let me go back and finish! No.
Come on.
No way, man.
- We've got to get you out of here.
- Ohh! Get him up.
Why the hell is the water running? Franco, where are you? Grace, I've got Russell.
You have to get out of there right now.
- We're moving pretty fast.
- Well, move faster.
Constantine paid off a C.
crew to open the valve.
What? What, Grace? The tunnels are filling up with water right behind you.
- Constantine paid them off.
- Constantine? Well, he must have figured out what you were doing.
You have to get out of there right now.
Let's go! Let's go! They're flooding the tunnel! Go! Franco, can you hear me? Dad? Grace, the water! You know, uh you're really good.
I sing a little myself.
My uh, my ex-wife, actually, she Let me get a triple scotch, please.
- Excuse me.
- Yes, sir.
Well, how did it go with the C.
boys? Yeah, they were a little ticked off for a second about having their Christmas interrupted.
You know what I was thinking? Russell King doesn't make it tonight, that'll leave a void in Detroit.
To, uh, expansion opportunities in the New Year.
To the Motor City.
Hey, boss.
Couple words for the boys? Why not.
Fellas, as you all know, we've had a good year.
I want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and if any of you guys would care to join me right now, I'm about to go to midnight mass.
I mean, if you can tear yourself away from these beautiful ladies, that is.
Anybody? I didn't think so.
Salute! Salute! Salute! Salute! Salute! Oh, my God.
Grace, we're coming out.
Hey, come on.
Lift him up! He collapsed, Grace.
He's out.
- All right.
- Dad! Dad! What's wrong with him?! All right, lay him down.
We need to call an ambulance.
Okay, outside now.
We need space.
Get him in.
Go! Go! Come on! Move! Stick this in that and run it through.
All right.
All right.
Run the saline through as fast as possible.
- His abdomen is rock hard.
- What does that mean? It means his aneurysm is blown, and he's bleeding into his abdominal cavity.
His carotid pulse is weak and thready.
We're losing him.
He's not gonna make it till the ambulance gets here.
We have to crack his chest open.
- Are you kidding me? - Well, it's unsterile and it's unlikely, but it's his only chance.
Stick the I.
Under his shoulder.
Put these on.
I'm gonna cut between his ribs and get in and squeeze his aorta closed.
If it works, I'll buy us a few minutes until the ambulance gets here.
You sure you can handle this? Yeah.
Go ahead.
Get your fingers in On either side of the incision and pull his ribs open.
It's as far as it goes.
No, it isn't.
Pull harder.
- Are you sure? - Pull! Come on! Oh, God! I found the aorta.
I'm pinching it shut.
That was nasty.
Grab my cellphone in my jacket pocket.
Speed-dial the S.
Someone named Flanigan.
Tell him it's me.
We need the vascular team to meet us in the ambo bay and to clear an O.
Yeah, I'm with Dr.
We need the vascular unit to meet us in the ambo bay.
Who is this? And clear an O.
Doctor? Rupture triple-a.
Pressure on his thoracic aorta.
- Four liters of saline are in.
- Who's this patient? Well, he donated 10 grand to the toy drive, and I think it would be nice if we kept him alive.
You can explain yourself later.
Get him prepped.
How'd the surgery go? Sewed in an aortic graft.
Transfused 12 units.
That guy made it off the table.
Talk about a Christmas miracle.
Well, he's on every antibiotic known to man.
I hope he doesn't get septic.
I didn't know you could do that.
I spend a lot of time here.
So, what happened? You do that for Constantine Alexander? It wasn't for him.
It was for Franco.
Look, I've had my share of bad boys, so I get the appeal, but and I say this with love You're a complete idiot.
Well, whatever you do, don't hold back.
You've been looking for a guy just like Brett, and here he is, Grace.
I-I appreciate the advice, but right now, I can't deal with it, okay? No.
You've worked your ass off to get here, and I'm not gonna let you sabotage yourself by making these ridiculous choices.
Well, choice isn't exactly a familiar concept at this moment.
You have choices.
You just need the guts to make them.
My life is a murky mess, and Brett would never understand.
But Franco does.
I want to get some eggnog.
I heard you made quite the impression downstairs.
Apparently, you on a gurney was better than Santa on a sleigh.
Yeah, that was, um, pretty crazy.
Uh, so, did you do a stupid Secret-Santa thing.
Hey, Dr.
Did you hear we raised $12,000 for the toy drive? Great.
Right in time for Kwanzaa.
Robinson, you're wanted down in the E.
Caroler slipped on the ice.
Possible hip fracture.
Be right there.
Um, Merry Christmas, Grace.
Yeah, you, too.
Would you like some of my mother's panforte? Fruitcake makes me gag.
So, you just happened upon your eloped triple-a patient and cracked his chest in the field? Lucky for him, right? Real Christmas miracle.
Yeah, much like the 11th-century nun who, uh, miraculously devised this very recipe, drove away the devil with its heavenly aroma.
I think I'll stick with granny's eggnog.
Thank you for that.
Um, in your office, you have all the baseball memorabilia.
Is that Is that 'cause of your son? Yeah.
Feelings are tough, but memories are good.
You okay? Sure.
You move on.
We have to.
We let new people into our lives.
It's really quiet tonight.
You want to take off? Okay.
Thank you.
Merry Christmas.
Thank you.
Johnny? Here, catch.
Reflexes within normal range.
Sammy Sosa, Kerry Wood, Mark Prior? How did you get this? I operated on the trainer's mom.
I want you to have it.
I'd wrap it, but I'm all thumbs when it comes to that kind of thing.
Are you kidding me? Thank you.
What's on? "Holiday.
" Cary Grant.
You want to watch? Yes.
I do.
Say it.
Well, what's the idea of spilling it so quickly? Well, I-I'd have to tell father.
He'd never forgive me.
It could be such a swell, guilty secret for awhile.
I don't think Santa's coming this year 'cause I've been a bad, a bad girl I've made my bed now I'm lying in it without a care, a care in the world and I took his heart I tore it apart I left him outside in the cold I shot him down in the middle of town I left him outside in the snow I won't have no presents this year 'cause I've been a bad, a bad girl I've made my bed now I'm lying in it without a care, a care in the world and he took me in he made me sin and I never want to go back again maybe next year, I'll be good maybe next year, I'll be better maybe next year, I'll be good maybe next year, I'll be better Father Xavier was on his game tonight, boys.
Should have been there.
Maybe next year.
Hey, listen.
Uh, Russell King and his crew, they got away.
That's all right.
Message sent.
You know, Franco was there, boss.
If Franco crewed up with Russell, it's, uh it's gonna be challenging.
That's all right.
I like a good challenge.
You know, there was someone else there with him.
She helped Franco with Russell.
Want me to go find her, bring her in to see you? No.
I'll deal with Grace in my own time.
It's Christmas, boys.
Everybody deserves one night of peace.

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