The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e09 Episode Script

Warlord of the Sky

[theme music]
[engine whirring]
bang bang bang
[music continues]
[engine whirring]
[Bandit barking]
[music continues]
[engine whirring]
(male #1) 'Anchorage tower,
this is Zebra one-niner.'
[instrumental music]
Help! Help me!
(man on radio) 'Joe! Joe, what's the problem?'
Uh, everything's gone wild!
My power's been cut.
I'm gonna ditch in the water.
(man on radio) 'Come in, Joe. Do you read me?'
Oh! Whoo! Made it.
I'm okay, just send out a tow for me.
Hmm, mighty weird weather.
(male #2) 'Aha! That will teach
the land creatures.'
'You have done well, men.'
With my flying dreadnought
the air and everything in it is mine!
If anyone wishes to enter my domain, they will pay
or be destroyed.
Soon, all land creatures
will know of Dreadnought, Warlord of the Sky.
Bring me his power, now!
(Jonny) Can this weather balloon
really track thunder clouds?
(Dr. Quest) In a manner of speaking, Jonny.
It can help map the recent wave of unexplained thunderstorms
'by detecting unusual electrical discharges like lightning.'
Bandit does the same thing.
'Whenever he detects lightning, he hides under Jonny's bed.'
(Dr. Quest) 'Okay, let her go, Race.'
Are you a mascot for the Quest team?
Actually, I kinda break the ion distributer to read true
for the upper troposphere.
Uh, oh, very good, sir.
What's the big deal about following rain clouds?
I don't get it.
You shouldn't have said that, Jonny.
What in the world is that, doctor? Ball lightning?
Hmm, I don't know, Race.
I've never seen that before. Strange.
Whoa! Did you see that?
That cloud's using our balloon for target practice.
(Dr. Quest) 'It's swallowing
the lightning detector.'
'It's gone! It's moving.'
- They're gone. - Yeah, and so is Bandit.
- Bandit, here boy. Here boy! - Bandit! Come on, Bandit!
[Bandit yapping]
I guess we found one of those
unexplained thunderstorms, doctor.
That certainly was no natural thunderstorm, Race.
'It showed signs of intelligence and great power.'
'Staggering power.'
(Race) 'So how do we find that cloud?
The sky is full of 'em.'
Well, anything displaying that much power
creates magnetic fields at the same time.
Fields that we can track with a hologram.
- 'Are we the blue dot, dad?' - 'Right, Jonny.'
(Dr. Quest) 'The red one
indicates our destination.'
I've got it. Course laid in, doctor. Due north.
[engine rumbling]
(Dr. Quest) 'Those magnetic readings
are getting stronger, Race.'
The readings start far off the scale.
Wow! Look at that!
(Dr. Quest) 'Incredible! It's an artificial
aurora borealis.'
Hang on everyone, we're in for a rough ride.
Ever consider an alternative approach
to going straight in, Race? It may be advisable.
Yes, like going round back.
- Bandit! - I've got you, pal.
No way to break out of this. We're being sucked inside.
(Dr. Quest) 'Head for the eye, Race.
We might have a chance.'
'A fighting chance.'
I'll never ride a rollercoaster for the rest of my life.
There it is! The end of the magnetic tunnel.
(Race) 'Look at that! Unbelievable!'
Wow! That's some welcoming committee.
(Race) 'They're too happy to see us.'
A-ha! That airship generated the thundercloud.
There's our trouble.
'(Race)' No fooling, doctor.
Let's give it a taste of our lightning.
(Dr. Quest) 'Good idea, Race.
Our particle beams may help us.'
(Race) 'No. Our beams are useless,
can't penetrate.'
- Oh! Race! Race! - Look out!
I see 'em, boys, but I can't dodge 'em.
(Race) 'Someone is steering those
spheres, something inside.'
(Hadji) 'Look!'
[sonic humming]
They've attached something to the wings andaah!
Race! Race!
The engines are dead.
No thrust, we're losing altitude.
[instrumental music]
The engines won't start.
- Can't we just glide in? - Yes, yes, glide.
No! We'll crash unless we're under power.
Gentlemen, the engines aboard Quester Two
might provide adequate thrust.
Good! Good thinking, Hard Rock.
How about it, doctor?
'If we don't detach Quester Two, we might..'
No! Not a chance, Race.
Q-Two wasn't designed to handle that much stress. Forget it.
Then someone better tell Jonny.
Jonny, get back in your seat.
We've gotta try it, dad! No time to argue.
Of all thehe doesn't know how to start Quester Two's engines.
(Race) 'Uh, y-yes, he does, doctor.'
Sorry, but he talked me into giving him a few lessons.
(Jonny) 'I'm starting
ignition sequence, Race.
Thrusters primed and engaged.
Pressure is right. Main boosters are green.
'And ignite, now!'
[engines roaring]
Jonny, you did it!
[all cheering]
(Race) 'Quester One starting
to respond, doctor.'
- 'I think we can make it.' - 'Do you have enough power?'
(Race) 'Well, one way or another,
we're going in.'
(Race) 'Pretty good landing, partner.'
Phew! We did it, didn't we?
(Dr. Quest) 'I'm proud of you, son.'
Gee, thanks! Maybe next time I'll get to do some flying, huh?
Huh, dad?
It's just some fused capacitors.
We'll have the engines back in no time.
The sooner, the better.
[Bandit barking]
Okay if we scout around, dad?
Not by yourselves, you're not.
(Jonny) 'But Race is busy helping you.
Please, dad, huh?'
Alright, then Hard Rock will go along.
Huh! Guess not. You go ahead.
I'll follow on foot.
The island is completely deserted, Jonny.
'I don't like the look of it.'
'It's kind of spooky.'
Yeah. I hope we get out of here soon.
Real soon.
- Hey, Hard Rock! - We're up here.
Be careful.
Hmm, unusual amount of beryllium in the lava.
Someone's smelting titanium around here.
'I wonder where that leads.'
Well, now let's test the engines.
Good idea. Everything seems in order.
Dr. Quest! Take cover!
Ah, Hey! What the..
(Dr. Quest) 'That thing's projecting
a magnetic field.'
'It has tremendous lifting power.'
(Race) I see it,
but I don't believe it.
We've gotta make a break for the rocks.
Let's go!
[thunder crashing]
[thunder crashing]
I think we've lost Hard Rock.
[Hadji chuckling]
Think he's back there somewhere.
Hadji, look! I bet they've got dad and Race.
(Jonny) We've gotta follow 'em.
Ah! Got it, Jonny! All aboard.
- Whoa! - 'Hang on, we're going up.'
[instrumental music]
Don't let go, Hadji.
Oh, no. No, but I wish you weren't so heavy.
[metal creaking]
Now, what do we do?
(Jonny) Hope that they
land this thing soon.
Hey, pal, you get that glow from your warm personality?
Just keep quiet and move.
That looks like the glow from an electric charge,
(Dragna) 'Ah! So Dr. Benton Quest
comes to visit me.'
- Maximilian Dragna. - 'Yes, in the flesh.'
You'd be honored to see the extent of my power.
That's certainly one giant power station down there.
Yes, and years in development.
And with it, I can destroy any city in the world.
Ah! Memories of home.
Hmm. Badly constructed.
Inferior engineering.
This hanging around is wearing me out.
Jonny, look! Over there.
(Jonny) 'Sure hope this thing
doesn't land on it's belly.'
[engine whirring]
(Hadji) 'Now, let's jump!'
(Jonny) 'First four electrical
doodads and bad guys.'
Everyone off.
sniff sniff
Don't look now, but there are uglies at 12 o'clock.
(Jonny) 'We'll sneak around
the other way.'
(Hadji) 'Bandit, shhh!'
Get them.
[instrumental music]
(Hadji) Wow! Look at the light show.
Looks like the fourth of July.
Come on! Those goons are right behind us.
- Hey, it's slick as ice. - 'Jonny!'
I'm okay, it just tingled a little.
Drop in, Hadji, come on.
[Bandit barking]
Hey, what a ride!
Wish we could do it again.
Yes, not bad if you know where you're going.
Come on, we got to find dad and Race.
[music continues]
(Jonny) I think we've lost the goons.
Oops! Me and my big mouth.
(Hadji) Quick, in here.
Shhh! They'll never find us here.
Gosh! We're lit up like a couple of night lights.
Must be from that crazy room we slipped through
when we got zapped.
(Jonny) 'Come on, Bandit.'
[instrumental music]
Careful, I can't see my feet.
And I can't see Bandit.
[Bandit barking]
Okay, Bandit, you can thank me later.
- Whoa! - Jonny? Ah!
(Jonny) Phew! Thanks. Looks like this
the end of the line, Hadji.'
(together) Uh-oh.
(Hadji) 'Or the end of us!'
Got any tricks in mind, Hadji?
(Hadji) 'Yes, but first I'll make you
and Bandit disappear.'
- Duck down beneath the mist. - 'But what about you?'
Ha! We've got you now you little..
Then come get me.
[both screaming]
(Hadji) That is how we catch
tigers in India.
'Very practical.'
We can sneak back inside through here.
After you, Bandit.
Hmm, I don't know about this. Something tells me..
Ah, now, if I could only get my hands free.
And so it ends here in my boiler room.
'The geyser beneath this chamber heats my entire complex.'
In a few minutes this room will be filled
with super-heated steam.
And you will meet your doom.
Where does this lead, Jonny?
My guess is to a steam bath.
arf arf arf
Bandit! Bandit!
He's gone.
Uh-oh. Hadji!
Right behind you, Jonny. Unfortunately!
Dragna's men are real merit badge boy scouts.
These knots just won't budge.
Something had better give.
The geyser's going to erupt, Race!
[Bandit barking]
It's Bandit.
[Bandit whimpering]
Ah! Bandit! Where'd you come from, boy?
- Yahoo! - Yahoo!
Thought we'd just drop in, dad.
Fine! Now untie us, boys, before the geyser blows.
We've only a minute or two.
Ah! These knots wont budge.
(Jonny) Uh-oh, the geyser.
We're out of time! Jonny, Hadji, Bandit get out of here.
No dad, we won't.
It's too late!
Pardon me for the interruption.
(together) 'Hard Rock.'
Gentlemen, allow me.
Very flimsy material.
[grunting] This must be welded shut.
Race, step aside.
Allow me, it's elementary.
That's what I like about you, Hard Rock. You have style.
(Hard Rock) 'It's called, class.'
(Race) Quiet now.
I'll take the one on the left.
(Hard Rock) 'I'll take the right.'
Tag! You're it.
(Race) 'Nice shot, Hard Rock.'
[both groaning]
(Benton) Hurry, we must
destroy these generators
or the world is doomed.
'Race, you and the boys get aboard Questor now, please.'
No way, we're not leaving you behind, Dr. Quest.
- You don't have to, I finished. - 'Dad!'
(Dragna) 'Such a feeble attempt,
Dr. Quest.'
Don't move, 50,000 volts of electricity
is pointed at each one of you.
'You've had it, Dr. Quest.'
No! You've got it.
Get them! Get them, you fools!
That was too close for comfort.
Make way, coming through!
[engine whirring]
That's what I call "pin the bad guy to the
zap zap zap
No, Bandit!
No, no, Bandit! I-I-I'm on your side.
zap zap zap
You stupid mutt. Give me that! Ah!
(Hadji) 'Well, ask
and you shall receive.'
(Jonny) 'Yeah. And he really got
a charge out of it too.'
Everyone on board, quick. We're pulling out right now.
I've wired this place to explode in less than a minute.
(Race) 'We're still attached
to Dragna's ship.'
[engine rumbling]
Give it everything, Race, including the backup boosters.
Here goes.
[engine revving]
(Jonny) 'We did it!'
- Well, I'm glad that's fini.. - Doctor, look!
(Race) 'That guy just
doesn't give up.'
I can't shake him. I'll try our particle beams.
Nothing will get through that electronic shield of his.
Hadji, look at that! There's a hole
'in Dragna's electronic shield.'
(Hadji) 'That's where we broke off
that lightning rod.'
- 'See it, Race?' - Bingo!
But I'll only get one chance to hit it.
[engine rumbling]
So, they're attempting one final attack. How stupid.
[laughing] I will blow them to bits!
zap zap zap
(Jonny) 'Direct hit, Race!'
Well, that's the end of Maximilian Dragna.
I'm not so sure, look!
(Dr. Quest) 'You're going to glow
for another week or so, boys.'
How're we gonna get any sleep?
slurp slurp
(Jonny) 'Bandit, I've always thought you
had an electric personality.'
[all laughing]
[theme music]
[music continues]
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