The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) s01e09 Episode Script

The Spooky Fog of Juneberry

Today, Scooby-Doo meets Don Knotts.
l knew we should have stopped
at that last hamburger stand.
Who'd have thought we wouldn't
pass another one for 50 miles?
lf we have to wait for another 50 miles,
we'll be eating the upholstery.
-We still have that piece of watermelon.
You would think they'd have
offered us some.
Even a few seeds.
Chow hound.
l guess we better stop to eat
in this next town.
''Welcome to Juneberry. ''
Certainly sounds like a friendly town.
Yeah, like, l hope they got
more to eat there than Juneberries.
Looks like a storm coming up.
lt's sure getting misty all of a sudden.
-lt's getting darker.
-And thicker.
Maybe it's one of those pea-soup fogs.
Can't you stop thinking of food, Shaggy?
Shaggy could be right.
Looks like a real peasouper.
l am right.
Dig that foghorn.
What's going on?
Beats me. You know,
l can barely see the windshield.
Maybe we should stop.
Oh, Scooby, you don't really believe
in monsters, do you?
Why don't you ask me.
That's not Little Boy Blue
blowing his horn.
You can say that again.
Oh, will you two please be quiet?
Scooby's monsters are getting closer.
Let's get out of here.
l thought you were hungry.
-l just got unhungry.
-Me too.
Hey, it's getting clear.
-And those weird sounds are fading.
-Yeah, yeah.
Thank goodness.
We're almost out of that fog.
Well, goodbye to Juneberry.
l think l can still hear
those weird sounds.
Me too.
Wait a minute, l do hear something.
Police. Police.
He must be, unless he's chasing
the invisible man.
l guess l better pull over.
All right, son, where's the fire?
Well, officer, l--
-Hold it, old-timer. Want some advice?
Best thing to do is admit
you're wrong. . .
. . .and throw yourself
on the mercy of the court.
-You think so?
-l got you dead to rights, partner.
Clocked you doing 90 miles an hour
in a 25-mile zone.
You're absolutely right, Shaggy.
You're Don Knotts, aren't you?
-That's me.
-Hey, Don Knotts.
Jinkies. You're our favorite.
You're even better-looking in person.
Like, you sure can handle that cycle.
Just doing my job.
Try to control yourself, doggy.
l can see you're a nice bunch of kids.
Still, a crime is a crime.
l'm sure l was obeying the speed limit.
Nice try, fella,
but my instruments don't lie.
-See that speedometer?
-But that looks like an RPM gauge.
Darn it, happened again.
Someone switched my gauges
when l wasn't looking.
Well, can we go now?
That's what you want.
Just a place to eat and sleep.
l've got just the ticket.
Town of Juneberry, greatest hotels
and restaurants this side of Paris.
Juneberry? No thanks.
We've had it with that spooky fog.
What spooky fog?
You mean, you didn't see it
or hear anything strange?
-Well, we did.
Me too. Me too.
You got nothing to be afraid of
as long as l'm protecting you.
Next town is about 1 000 miles
up the road.
A thousand miles?
Give or take a few hundred.
Look, we've changed our mind.
We'd like to go back to Juneberry
with you.
Whatever you say, citizens.
-What would you say to a police escort?
Well, this is it.
We're getting out of this spooky town
once and for all.
Kids, this is Sheriff Dandy Griffith.
How do you do, sheriff?
Nice to know you.
Well, another family leaving Juneberry.
Can't blame them, though.
l could handle the whole problem
if you'd let me.
Now, there's trouble.
Yeah, that's Gene Haltry, the rancher.
Sheriff, when are you
gonna do something. . .
. . .about all the cattle rustling
that's been going on around here?
Well, Gene,
you know l'm doing my best.
We're right on the verge
of solving the mystery.
Well, you better be,
because the town of Juneberry. . .
. . .is right on the verge of dying out.
Another sorehead.
When are you gonna show us
that fancy hotel?
And the restaurant
with all that great food?
Coming right up.
Yes, sirree, the best accommodations
in town.
See those cots?
l changed the linen on them myself.
-lt's not exactly what we expected.
-Didn't think it would be this highfalutin?
-What about food?
-That's another surprise l've got for you.
How do you feel about
banana-custard delight?
Old Oswald Fingerhut couldn't
pay his parking fine in cash. . .
. . .so he gave us merchandise.
Fifteen bananas
and 26 cans of chocolate custard.
Like, oh, boy.
l think l lost my appetite again.
l'll have the banana-custard delight.
Oh, boy!
What happened?
Why would anyone wanna throw
a horseshoe at poor Scooby?
They weren't.
Someone is sending us a note.
-What does it say?
-''Get out of town before it's too late. ''
-ls it signed?
Wake up, Don. Wake up.
Don, are you all right?
l think he's in shock.
This ought to wake him up.
Don't anybody move! l got you covered.
Take it easy, Don. lt's just us.
Someone was here.
And sent us a threatening horseshoe.
l know all about that.
l just wanted to see if you kids
were on your toes.
Better not fool around
with the law out there.
Now, cut that out.
-Are you all right?
-Of course l'm all right.
lt's just this old war wound
keeps acting up.
What was that all about?
Just routine police business.
You can all go back to bed.
Aren't you gonna organize a posse
or anything?
That's old-fashioned police work, sis.
We use helicopters now.
You mean you have a helicopter?
Not yet, but it's on order.
All right, soldier, back to business.
But, Don, who do you think tried
to frighten us last night?
Well, it wasn't anyone in this room.
Just what l was thinking.
-Maybe it was Sheriff Dandy himself.
-We'll test him when he comes in.
-But how?
We'll make him laugh. . .
. . .and see if he laughs like the man
who threw the horseshoe.
Sheriff Dandy never laughs.
l think it must be because
of some tragedy in his life.
We'll see about that.
Say, sheriff,
do you know what happened. . .
. . .after the man elephant
and the lady elephant quarreled?
The lady elephant
packed her trunk and left.
See? Packed her trunk and-- And left.
Hey, listen to this imitation, sheriff.
Well, Stanley, this is another
fine mess you've gotten us into.
But, Ollie, l was only trying to help.
By dropping the piano
out of the window?
l'm sorry, Ollie.
l didn't know you were under it.
Sheriff, have you ever played
the laughing game?
There's nothing to it.
All you have to do is just let yourself go.
Now, watch me. Look at this. See?
No, you mean like this:
Maybe it's time for Scooby
to do his Scooby-Doodle.
No wonder he never laughed.
-lt's daylight, but it's getting dark.
Like an eclipse.
lt's the spooky fog.
Why don't you two
find your own table.
-The fog is growing darker.
-Sheriff, aren't you gonna do something?
Well, no point to it.
Can't see nothing out there anyway.
-Well, l'm going out to investigate.
-l'll go with you.
l can hardly see you.
l'll stay very close.
Did you hear that?
That was close.
l'm worried, Fred. Let's go back.
Yeah, l guess we better.
This is the only part of my job
l don't like.
Maybe it'll be over soon.
-What's that?
-Look out! lt's the red-eyed vulture.
-He's probably more frightened than you.
-There's another one.
-Bad luck.
-No, good luck.
l see something moving.
-Fred, be careful.
-l will.
Don't move. You're surrounded.
All right, whoever you are, l accept
your surrender, but no treachery.
What are you three doing here?
l'll tell you what we're doing:
Reconnaissance work.
-We're looking for a bigger haystack.
-Yeah, yeah.
-l think l found a clue.
Tire tracks.
l wonder where they lead.
There's only one way to find out.
They're wide tracks, like huge trucks
might have made them.
The tracks end here.
No wonder they end.
From this point on,
the road is crushed rock.
Don, where does this road lead?
To Boot Hill.
The cemetery?
-Then that's what we'll have to do:
lnvestigate the cemetery.
-Oh, l wish l was on that train.
-You don't even know where it's going.
What's the difference,
as long as it's away from here.
What was that?
lt was only an owl. Right, Don?
Right. That's your friendly old hooty owl.
What's happening, anyway?
Look, it's the ghost
of the Boot Hill gang.
They don't like us fooling around here.
Hold it, Don. The light in the sky
is only a shooting star.
Then what's that moving?
lt's just the top of the trees
swaying in the wind.
That's right. There are just a lot
of swaying ghosts-- Trees.
We call them ghost trees, because that's
where the Boot Hill gang was hung.
-lt's only a crow.
-Probably protecting her nest.
-l think we should split up.
-What are we looking for?
Clues. lf you see anything,
give a loud whistle.
You can't just sit here, Scooby.
You have to help me look.
Well, how about a Scooby Snack?
Two Scooby Snacks?
One, two, three.
What was that?
Coyote. But they're not
supposed to hurt people.
Then why are you shaking?
Maybe this coyote doesn't know
we're people.
l can't move.
There's something on my foot.
-What is it?
-l don't know.
lt's heavy. lt's crushing me.
Wait, l see what's on your foot.
-My foot.
Hold it. Don't take another step.
-What do you see?
-A giant pit.
Your eyes are playing tricks on you, Don.
lt's just a shadow.
lt's a pit.
Well, l'll just prove you're wrong.
Help! Help!
Get me out of here!
Scooby, do you see something?
What is it?
l see it.
l wonder where everybody is.
l don't even know where we are.
Do you see what l see?
-ls it big?
-ls it coming this way?
-Does it have two blazing eyes?
Then l see what you see.
lt's coming closer.
What should we do?
Do you remember what Fred said to do
if we saw anything? Whistle.
Whistle? l can't even hum.
You whistle.
lt's an extinct monster.
Doesn't look extinct to me.
lt's Don and Shaggy.
What are you two doing down there?
-We were checking a few footprints.
-Mostly ours.
Anybody find anything?
No, not yet.
Look. Maybe Scooby has a clue.
lt's a skeleton! Do something, Don.
l am.
This is as fast l can run backwards.
He's gaining on us.
The mountain is opening.
-But how?
-lt's Scooby.
That tombstone is the control key,
and he's found it.
Scooby-Doo. He's done it again.
l'm going after it.
-l missed. But l'm gonna follow it.
-We'll go with you.
You did it, Scooby.
You shook the skeleton off our trail.
Let's get out of here while we can.
Wrong way.
Anybody know which way?
lt's a lady ghost.
She's no lady.
-Where do we run now?
-We've used three directions.
Only one left.
The skeleton got away.
Let's go on a little further.
He's somewhere in that maze of tunnels.
Do you think we should go after him?
Do we get a vote?
l think we should go back to town
and get help. Lots of help.
There's a gulp in favor.
The drawbridge, it's moving.
-We're trapped.
-There's only one thing to do.
No one can hear us.
We'll just have to go into the tunnel.
Okay, but you go first.
Good strategy.
The rest of us will protect the rear.
l can hardly see anything.
l wish l hadn't lost our flashlights.
-A bat.
-He won't hurt us, unless. . . .
Unless what?
Unless he's a vampire bat.
Well, maybe they'll just vampire
each other. l hope.
No use hurrying.
Agreed, old comrade.
Cut it out, Scooby.
lf you don't stop that--
l thought we were in no hurry.
-We're cut off.
-Not only that, we're separated.
-We could be here forever.
-Or even longer.
What shall we do now?
All we can do is go forward.
-What is it?
-They look like icicles.
Exactly. A common cave formation.
The top icicles are called stalactites.
The bottom ones are called stalagmites.
They look like giant teeth to me.
That's just the impression they give.
Tell me, Fred, are those stalag--?
Whatever you call them
supposed to move?
Of course not.
Well, then how come they're getting
closer while l'm standing still?
The icicles are roaring.
Daphne's right. lt's a giant brontosaurus.
lt can't be. The brontosaurus died out
over a million years ago.
Tell that to him.
Oh, it's gone.
lt's like it melted into the walls.
No, it's just an illusion.
-An illusion?
-That's right.
lt's all done with advanced film
projectors and mirrors.
What about the roar?
Special sound equipment.
Someone is trying to scare us.
They're sure doing it.
Got any ideas, Don?
-l thought l'd ask.
lt's the headless horsemen
of Sleepy Hollow.
What happened to their heads?
-They lost them.
-Maybe they want ours.
-Are we still alive?
-l think so. ls my head on?
-Sure is.
-So is yours.
lt's all right, Scoob. We're safe now.
Do something, Don.
Stop, in the name of the law!
l don't think he heard you.
They disappeared into thin air.
Someone's trying to make sport of us.
Nothing to be afraid of, Scooby.
They're just testing our nerves.
Yeah, yeah.
Here comes another one.
Scooby, get out of the way.
lt was real.
That would have been
one long roller-coaster ride, son.
Hold on, Scoob.
Are you all right, Scooby?
All we gotta do now
is figure a way out of here.
-But how?
-l don't know.
Look, Scooby,
a ledge with an opening behind it.
lf we could only get there.
Watch it, Scooby. lt might be a trick.
Someone's still playing games with us.
-Some sense of humor.
There's gotta be a way
out of here, Scoob.
That's it, Scooby. We'll build a pyramid
of rocks all the way to the top ledge.
No way.
Well, it's a chance.
Come on, Scooby,
get all the rocks you can find.
-Only about a thousand more to go.
-Oh, boy.
Well, that's it, old Scoob.
We're out of rocks.
So one of us will have to jump
from the top of the pyramid.
-Not me.
-You've got to.
You've got the feet for it.
You're doing fine, Scoob.
Okay, Scoob, all you have to do now
is jump over to the ledge.
l'll count. One.
Don't give up, Scoob.
lf there's a way out. . .
-. . .we'll find it.
Scooby, look.
Railroad tracks.
They must have used them
for coal cars when this was a mine.
A coal car.
lt must lead to the outside.
lf we could only get it moving, Scooby.
-Help! Help!
-Help! Help!
Oh, boy.
Like, that didn't work.
-ln fact, we're back where we started.
What's that around your neck?
You must have got that
when you fell out of the car.
This long, rusty chain
may save our lives, Scooby.
All we have to do is loop it
on that rock.
Your turn.
Scooby-Doo, you did it.
All we have to do now is swing up
to that ledge on the other side.
Okay, Scoob, now you do it.
Jump off. l'll catch you.
l don't know where we are,
but there's Don coming this way.
Look, Scooby must be sitting
on something.
lt's probably some weird
underground monster.
l can see his eyes. Jump, Scooby.
-The monster got him.
-Monster! Monster!
l'm no monster. lt's me. Fred.
Are you three all right?
-A-1 .
Well, at least we're all
back together again.
Maybe that's a good-luck sign
we'll get out.
l hope so. l owe an installment
on my motorcycle today.
-We're trapped.
-We can't go any further.
There's a wooden door under this dust.
-l can see words written on it.
-What do they say?
''Dead man's cave. ''
That's not much of an invitation.
Someone help me push this door open.
-We could be bitten by a tarantula.
-He won't harm you. . .
-. . .if you don't provoke him.
-l won't. l won't.
-lt's the skeleton.
He's only pretending to be a skeleton.
He must be the mastermind
behind all the trouble.
Fred, are you sure that
that's not a real skeleton?
l'll prove it if we can capture him
by surprise.
Don, you've got to control yourself.
lt was my nose.
Here, Don, try this. lt may help.
Fred, the skeleton is getting away.
The world's coming to an end.
Jump! Hurry!
-Made it.
-Are you ready?
Hurry, boys.
lt's getting wider every second.
Okay, Don, let's go.
Hang on, Don.
You're lucky you hung on to me.
Come on, Scooby, jump!
-Jump, Scooby! Come on!
-Go, Scooby! Jump! Come on, Scoob!
You're welcome, Scooby.
Water! We're gonna have to swim for it.
-But l don't know how to swim.
-This is a good time to learn.
lt isn't easy swimming upstream.
Now l know how salmon feel.
Scooby, you saved my life.
He went through there.
-Where are we?
lt looks like we're at the bottom
of a dead volcano.
-l hope it's dead.
-There he goes.
lf he can do it, we can do it.
The skeleton man
has cut off our escape.
Hundreds of feet up,
and this rope was the only way out.
Maybe it still is.
Have you got an idea, Fred?
-l think Scooby can rescue us.
The wall of this crater
is made of tiny ledges.
l get it. Scooby can climb
along those ledges to the top.
Right. All he has to do is huddle close
and pretend he's a pussycat.
Sorry, Scooby. Will you do it?
-Please. Pretty please.
-Come on, Scoob.
Oh, all right.
And when you get to the top, be sure
you don't let go of the rope, Scooby.
Good luck, Scooby.
Go, Scooby.
Thirty Scooby Snacks if you make it.
Hang on, Scoob!
That was close.
-He made it.
-Scooby-Doo, you did it again.
Okay, after l get up there,
l'll give you a signal to come up.
Are you ready up there, Scooby?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, boy, Fred is almost to the top.
Daphne, you go up next.
Come on, Scooby, just a little bit more.
Okay, next.
l'm coming, Fred.
That was work.
Golly, l'm worried.
Don't look down, Velma.
Attagirl. Give me your hand.
l thought l'd never make it.
Quit shaking, Shaggy. You're safe now.
l'm okay. l'm okay. You better get Don.
Tie her good and tight, Don.
Say, he sure is heavy for a little guy.
Okay, he's at the top.
Can anyone see where we are?
Look, there's your cattle rustlers.
They've been running the stolen cattle
through the town on trucks.
Using that spooky fog to cover
their operations.
How are we gonna get out of here?
The only way to do that
is to capture the skeleton man.
Maybe we could create
a cattle stampede.
Good idea. Don could frighten
the cattle by shooting his gun.
lf l had any bullets.
There ought to be another way.
The cattle are moving.
l surrender.
Okay, okay, you can stop barking.
Gene Haltry. You're the criminal mind
behind all this.
That's true. And l could've gotten away
with it if it weren't for you people.
You're coming with me, Haltry.
Watch it, kid. This is police business.
We owe you a lot.
You saved the town of Juneberry.
-We couldn't have done it without Don.
-All in a day's work, fella.
-Will you come back and visit us?
-We sure will.
Well, goodbye. See you again.
-Bye, sheriff. Nice to know you.
That was some adventure.
lt sure was.
lt may not be over yet.
Does anybody besides me
hear something?
lt sounds like a siren.
lt's a motorcycle cop.
l better pull over to the side of the road.
l wonder what we've done this time.
What's wrong?
We didn't break any law, did we, Don?
No, but you did forget something.
-How could we have left him behind?
l know just how Scooby feels.
lt isn't easy to say goodbye
to your hero.
Cut it out, son.
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