The Oath of Love (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

♪Time once stopped everything♪
♪There's someone special♪
♪I flip the eternity dictionary♪
♪And uncover the suspense
that makes my heart beat fast♪
♪At this special moment
we run into each other♪
♪As unconsciously as we breathe♪
♪Holding hands over a long time♪
♪Means more than any word♪
♪Among a sea of people♪
♪I hold the umbrella for you♪
♪You hold the umbrella for me♪
♪I'll be special for you♪
♪You shelter me from the rain♪
♪Don't be afraid♪
♪Your love gets me through the haze♪
♪You'll have me♪
♪I'll search and wait♪
♪For the love of our lives♪
♪The future spent with you♪
♪We shall no longer linger♪
♪Is the best arrangement of love♪
♪The best arrangement♪
=The Oath of Love=
♪Is love♪
=Episode 9=
You're early, Dr. Gu.
(You have a new email)
(Mail received)
Hello, Dr. Gu.
I'm calling to tell you
I got the email.
Um, good.
Have a good rest and get some sleep.
How can I sleep?
I have to practice
I'm getting ready for bed.
Thank you, I appreciate your concern.
Wait a minute.
It just occurred to me
that I haven't
told you my requests
after I read your email, right?
I need you to categorize
these 100 houses
by region and the distance
to the hospital,
and then by rent,
and the class of the house.
Send it to my email when you're done.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Say it again.
What's the matter?
Is there anything wrong?
If I remember it correctly,
you agreed
to pay the debt with labor.
I thought
But that's okay.
If you don't want to do it,
I would never force you.
How could I?
You're my creditor.
I'll try my best
to do whatever you ask me to do.
Don't worry, Dr. Gu.
I'll get it done.
What a cruel exploiter!
You have no humanity!
I'll face it with a smile.
(Apartments to let)
Why are you so happy?
A little cat just fluffed up.
I've never seen you
petting a cat before.
Whose cat?
I'm asking
what you want for breakfast.
I'll get you the same old thing?
A coke, thank you.
You can buy whatever else you want.
Don't you drink soy milk in the morning?
Good for you.
Why are you so talkative today?
Leave it to me.
(Mail sent)
Hello, Dr. Gu.
I've sent the information to you
as you asked.
Any other instructions?
You did a good job.
I've read it.
It's great.
Can I go to bed now?
Of course.
But you found these houses for me,
I think I'll need you
to see the houses with me.
A normal person
sleeps for eight hours a day.
I'll see you eight hours later.
You just said
it's for a normal person.
I've been up all day and all night.
Am I still a normal person?
that I disturbed your rest.
Go to sleep.
Don't worry about the houses.
I'll find a place.
It's a little late, though.
I'm afraid I can't see the houses.
Wait, wait.
That's not what I meant.
I mean,
at least you should give me
ten hours,
twelve hours,
fourteen hours.
Fourteen hours?
As a grownup, you sleep like a baby.
Your brain develops late.
Sleep eludes old people like you.
Don't envy us young people.
You're not going
to sleep for eight hours
and practice the cello
for six hours, are you?
What are you saying?
How is that possible?
See you tomorrow morning.
See you tomorrow.
Dr. Gu, what's the matter?
Dr. Gu.
You are so early.
Get in the car.
Thank you.
Something came up today.
I moved up the appointment.
Dr. Gu, it's only
Let's go to see the house.
I'll pick you up.
What time is it?
I'm going to kill you.
I'm going to kill you!
Does he still have humanity?
No way, Dr. Gu.
Do you have a change of the heart?
We're going to see
several apartments today.
You need to replenish your energy.
How do you know I like this?
Do you feel very sorry
for torturing me
and want to apologize to me?
If you want to apologize to me,
just go ahead and do it.
I appreciate your hard work these days.
Thank you.
What about the apology?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Soybean milk.
That's very thoughtful of you.
Fasten your seat belt.
Get ready to go.
- Miss Lin, check out this apartment.
- Dr. Gu.
I've done the research.
It's only a ten-minute walk
from your hospital.
There are
all kinds of amenities here.
Most importantly,
this is a school district house,
and there's a municipal
key middle school nearby.
The vibe, and the environment.
Doesn't it smell like knowledge?
You're an expert, Miss Lin.
You're not an undercover
from our rivals, are you?
I think you watched too many TV shows.
This way.
I think the orientation
of this room is great.
It could be your bedroom,
and it's big.
This way.
Look at the pink wallpaper.
It's okay. Here's the big one.
That's the bathroom.
This way, Dr. Gu.
Isn't it really big?
There's plenty of room.
Lin Zhixiao.
You did a good job.
It's okay.
How is it?
Do you like it?
Is it good?
What do you think?
I don't like
the structure of the house.
The light and the ventilation
are mediocre.
It will grow bacteria easily.
Take out your hands.
You don't like it?
It's fine if you don't like it.
There is still another one.
Let's go to the next house.
This way.
After you, Dr. Gu.
I'm sure you will like the next one.
I got it. I got it.
That's right. This is the one.
Dr. Gu.
What do you think of this house?
It's spacious,
and the orientation is good.
The two bedrooms are airy.
It won't be stuffy when you sleep.
Although it's small,
it's fully equipped.
Isn't it great?
Take a closer look and feel it.
If you think it's good,
let's just rent this one.
(House for rent Upper East 4,000 yuan/month)
How about we rent this house?
Then I can go home and practice
I can go home and sleep.
Why are you looking at me like that?
I don't have flowers on my face.
Hello, your takeaway.
Lin Zhixiao.
It's 3:00 PM now.
The guy next door ordered takeaway
at 3:00 PM,
which means he must have
stayed up late last night
and he just got up.
Such people tend
to have irregular schedules.
Plus the poor sound insulation,
it will disturb my rest.
What do you want?
Lin Zhixiao!
Lin Zhixiao!
What do you want, Dr. Gu?
Since the day before yesterday,
you've bossing me around,
My time isn't as valuable as yours?
Are you done?
I did it on purpose.
Is there a problem with your brain?
If you rest more
and stop practicing the cello,
I'll find a house on my own right away,
and I won't bother you.
You promised me you'd
follow the doctor's advice.
It's gonna be hard to recover your hands
if you keep practicing
the cello these days.
You have no idea how I feel.
I'm already way behind the others.
I'm trying to catch up.
I want to be responsible for myself.
What's wrong with that?
Haste makes waste.
If you keep practicing
and something goes wrong
with your hands,
that would be irresponsible of you.
A musician's hands are precious.
I hope you can cherish them.
I'm a fan, after all.
Let's go to see the next house.
This way, please.
Dr. Gu, please.
There is more in there.
It's not bad, right?
There is another room.
This is the toilet.
How is it?
Take a look.
There is no problem
with the light,
the ventilation,
and the sound insulation.
don't be in a hurry to say no.
Think about it.
This is the last one.
It's really the last one.
I won't rush you.
This is a nice house,
right, Mr. Agent?
I like it.
What a wide view.
There's a little lake down there.
What do you think, Dr. Gu?
Do you like it?
I'll rent this one.
Thank you! Thank you!
You're blessed with life-long peace!
But I don't want the furniture.
What do you mean?
Don't be nervous.
It's used furniture.
I'm not used to it.
You scared me.
Dr. Gu, I think people like you
should live in a vacuum.
Normal people like me
can't live with you.
But that doesn't matter.
As long as you're happy.
How much is the rent for this house?
The best houses around
are in this neighborhood.
The rent is affordable.
6,000 yuan a month.
Rent should be paid for three months,
with a deposit of one month,
and the agency fee of one-month rent.
That's expensive.
Can you reduce the price?
Miss Lin.
This is the rock-bottom price.
You've seen the house.
The house type is great.
Housing is also in short supply.
We already have a lot of appointments
to see this house on
Well, Dr. Gu.
Why don't you go downstairs
and take a look at the environment?
I need to talk
with Mr. Agent.
Go ahead.
Take your time. Look around.
- Come on, take a seat.
- You're too kind.
Don't feel constrained.
Make yourself at home.
Have a seat.
To be honest,
that good-looking man
is actually my boyfriend.
Your boyfriend?
Didn't you just call him Dr. Gu?
It's a nickname.
It's what we young people do.
He is my boyfriend,
and he is a doctor.
You have no idea
how hard it is to be a doctor.
The job is hard and tiring,
and the salary is low.
Now he is with me,
he has to support me and his family.
There is no money left.
Can you do us a favor
and reduce the price?
Didn't your boyfriend
just agree to rent the house?
Why are you saying this to me
when he is not around?
He's a proud man.
I can't say this in front of him.
In fact, he's already
spent all his money.
He has no money left.
He can't even afford his food.
He only drinks some glucose
in the hospital to get by.
It has been really hard for him.
Miss Lin, please don't make jokes.
I've seen all kinds of clients
after so many years in this job.
The watch on your boyfriend's wrist
is not cheap.
It's a fake.
A-grade replica.
Think about it.
If he doesn't dress well,
my parents will look down on him.
We're getting married soon.
He always wants
to give me the best life.
He has sacrificed a lot.
I can't bear
to let him sacrifice more for me.
If that's the case,
your boyfriend is an affectionate man.
Of course.
He's the best man in the world.
He is really good to me.
Just help us.
See if you can reduce the price,
Miss Lin, you're
You're making it difficult for me.
How about this?
You can come to me
when you're sick next time.
You won't need to wait in line
for registration.
I'll just ask him to treat you.
Miss Lin, that's a curse on me.
No, no, no.
I didn't mean that.
Well, are doctors
really that poor?
Yes, I'm not lying.
It's really hard to be a doctor.
It's strenuous and tiring,
and it doesn't pay well.
But someone has to do it.
He is such a person
who makes sacrifices for other people.
He is my hero.
He just said it himself
that we don't want the furniture.
Just reduce the price. Okay?
I'll call the landlord
and see
if I can make it 5,500.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Hello, ma'am.
Well, they've seen
the house.
But can we
give them a little discount?
I know.
They sincerely want to rent the house.
Can we
reduce the price a little bit?
It's not easy for them
as a young couple.
All right, 5,500 then.
Thank you.
All right, thank you.
It's done.
Thank you. Thank you.
You're blessed with life-long peace.
You're back.
Sir, your girlfriend
is good at bargaining.
Let's go.
All right, Dr. Gu.
You two lovebirds
can get a double bed later on your own.
That's interesting.
Come on, Dr. Gu.
Well, we'll talk on the phone.
What's wrong?
Did you just pretend we were a couple?
How is that possible?
What's wrong with me?
Why would I pretend we were a couple?
Yeah, Mr. Agent
got it wrong.
He thought we were a couple.
But don't worry,
I've explained it to him.
I said we were not.
So I didn't buy a fake watch
in order to see your parents,
and I didn't drink glucose
in the hospital
because I can't afford food?
How could you
eavesdrop on us at the door?
Why did you send me out
before you said it?
I can tell that you're a bad liar.
I was afraid you couldn't pull it off.
Who said I couldn't do it?
I think I can.
Hello, sorry.
I forgot
to give you the lease.
Just send it to my email.
I'll send you my email address.
Okay. Okay.
Let's go, Dr. Gu.
(Receive a new mail)
(Lease To: Gu Wei)
Being abroad can't stop
your public display of affection.
I want to block you both.
Bye, thanks.
(Drop-off area)
Honey! I'm coming!
Who sent you here?
Dr. Gu.
Dr. Gu?
Why would he send you here?
He… He went to see houses,
and I went with him.
See houses?
He said he wants to rent a house.
So he asked me to go with him.
He wants to rent a house.
But why would you go with him?
It's because
I ruined his clothes when I washed them.
So I'm paying the debt with labor.
Did you wash his clothes?
Why would you wash his clothes?
It's because of the concert last time.
He just
Well done, Lin Zhixiao!
You've been moving fast
when I was not around.
Don't be ridiculous.
There's nothing between us.
I want you
to tell me everything,
and all the details later.
Don't miss any single detail.
Do you hear me?
There are so many obvious signs.
Don't you feel anything strange?
No reaction at all?
I do feel sorry for Dr. Gu.
How did he meet such a stupid
and insensitive girl like you?
Are you saying
that Dr. Gu likes me?
Or what?
Why else would he do much for you?
Does he have nothing else to do?
Surgeons are busy.
No way.
Why not?
You're the one who calls yourself
the most beautiful girl in the game.
Now you become a chicken.
Look at our Zhixiao.
What a gorgeous girl.
Why can't a doctor
like you?
Does he have no feelings?
There are so many pretty girls
in the hospital,
and we've only known each other
for a short time.
Now he likes me?
Have you heard
of love at first sight?
Time is not what matters the most.
The most important thing is
there is chemistry between you.
It's still impossible.
(Lease Contract)
Lin Zhixiao!
You have
the look of a young girl
and the heart of a middle-aged man.
- Go sign the contract with me tomorrow.
- Is it Dr. Gu?
Give it to me!
Just do it!
Don't send him nonsense.
Xiao Shan.
What are you texting?
Sit down! Don't move!
Don't move! Sit down!
I'm sorry, Dr. Gu.
I have an appointment tomorrow.
Can we take a rain check?
The shy emoji!
You sent him the shy emoji!
You also sent him
the heart-shooting emoji!
I'm free tomorrow!
Why did you tell him
I have an appointment?
Calm down.
I haven't sent him
"Dr. Gu,
do you have a girlfriend?"
If you send him anything like that,
I'm gonna kill you!
He's actually my boyfriend.
Your girlfriend is good at bargaining.
Yeah, Mr. Agent
thought we were a couple.
I can tell that you're a bad liar.
I was afraid you couldn't pull it off.
Who said I couldn't do it?
Don't you know how to play hard to get?
If you're free every time
he asks you out,
doesn't it make you look unwanted?
I sent him the heart-shooting emoji,
so there is something
that would remind him of you.
He is calling me.
What do I do now?
Answer it.
What kind of question is that?
What do I say after I answer it?
That you're too busy
and you don't have time tomorrow.
You're busy!
I have time!
You're busy!
I'm not busy!
You're busy!
Dr. Gu, I'm busy…
No, Dr. Gu, hello.
I'm Lin Zhixiao.
Since you're not free tomorrow,
when do you have time?
I have time tomorrow.
Lin Zhixiao!
It was my friend
who just sent the message.
Sorry about that.
I'll treat you to a meal
after signing the contract tomorrow.
Treat me to a meal?
Sure, I have time tomorrow.
We can eat together.
What would you like to eat?
As long as it's not porridge.
Okay, you can decide.
Send me the address
after you choose a restaurant.
And also,
go home early and be safe.
See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
You're going
to be led by the nose!
I'm so angry!
(Chapter 18
Pancreatic aspiration biopsy)
Oh my God.
Have you finally gone crazy
because of too much pressure at work?
What are you talking about?
Oh my God.
♪Pass by the bustling scenery♪
♪Fascinated by a raindrop♪
Listen to some music.
♪Watch it glide on my fingertip♪
♪Kind of like
the intersection of pressing strings♪
Dr. Gu.
Your eyes are beautiful.
It doesn't hurt anymore, do it?
We will remove the stitches soon.
Don't make big movements.
♪Have been kept in my mind♪
Does it still hurt?
Have you heard
of love at first sight?
Time is not what matters the most.
The most important thing is
there is chemistry between you.
You said you don't have a place
to practice.
There are so many people now.
Think of it
as a rehearsal of the show.
You already encouraged me once
with your music.
Now it's time to encourage yourself.
♪One likes another♪
♪Leave all care♪
You like to hear her play the triangle.
Yeah, I do.
And I think
Lin Zhixiao's triangle
was the highlight of the show.
I forgot
to give you your clothes.
You can give it to me next time.
Next time, you mean
in the hospital?
A musician's hands are precious.
I hope you can cherish them.
I'm a fan, after all.
There are so many obvious signs.
Don't you feel anything strange?
No reaction at all?
I do feel sorry
for Dr. Gu.
How did he meet such a stupid
and insensitive girl like you?
I didn't want to come.
Dr. Du gave me the key,
so I came in.
This is Doctor's Lounge.
You're not welcome. Go out.
I really like the gift
you bought for me.
Why don't you wash an orange for me?
Just a minute.
♪One likes another♪
♪They show love
by slowly getting closer♪
You have a pronounced swollen wrist.
I think it's because
you practiced too much.
Tenosynovitis is a joint disease.
I suggest you see an orthopedic surgeon.
Your hands are more important
than clothes.
(Orthopedic Expert in Huaqing University
First Affiliated Hospital)
♪Without a trace, without reservation♪
♪All myself to you♪
♪One likes another♪
Am I thinking too much?
♪Without a trace, without reservation♪
♪All myself to you♪
That's rare.
It's your first time to ask me out.
Gu Xiao, be normal.
Sit over there.
Is there something
you want to see me about?
Do you want me to eat with you or?
Go away! Sit over there.
Why are you so angry?
I have something to ask you.
Is Gu Wei your older brother?
What's the matter with him?
What do you mean?
Does he have a wife
or a girlfriend?
Has he had many relationships?
How old was he
when he had his first girlfriend?
Why did he break up last time?
What is
his hobby?
Are his parents easy to get along with?
When is he going to get married?
What kind of girls does he like?
Hold on, hold on.
When did you become
interested in my brother?
How is he better than me?
Your brother is a doctor.
According to what you said,
he is a great doctor.
He's better than you
in terms of your careers.
He works for people.
I'm a boss.
What's wrong with that?
Your brother's a doctor.
Did you get your college diploma?
Don't look down on me.
Look, the ability is what matters now
in society.
What's wrong with me?
Your brother looks
less of a playboy than you do.
A playboy?
Do I look like
a playboy now?
People like me
are actually the most affectionate men.
You know what, my brother
grew up being sexually continent.
He still doesn't know
how to be around a woman!
He is sexually continent?
That's great.
Such men are scarce animals.
If I meet such a man,
I have to hold on to him.
All right.
I'm just kidding.
I'm asking for my girlfriend.
I'm not interested in your brother.
You should have said it sooner.
You scared me.
Your girlfriend?
What girlfriend?
Listen, regular girls
are not good enough for my brother.
Who is your girlfriend?
What are you looking at?
(Lease Contract)
Hello, Aunt.
Do you know
that Gu Wei wants to rent a house?
You've been acting weird lately.
You're off work today.
But you got up early this morning
to read books.
You're seriously sick.
So you just got up after a long sleep
and you still have time
to worry about me?
I assume you've memorized
all the books you were assigned.
Let me give you a random test.
Still the old rules,
if you make a mistake,
write it down five times.
No, no, Wei.
You took me wrong.
I love learning.
I'll go to study right now.
Lin Zhixiao!
Lin Zhixiao.
Did you play video games all night
or sneak out to the bar?
If you keep being like this,
I'll have to restart
the work-rest schedule
and the curfew.
Mr. Lin.
Don't underestimate me.
I was up all night studying philosophy,
and thinking about the classical
and eternal theme of human society.
You don't get it. Boring.
Lin Zhixiao, have you got up?
Um. Good morning, Dr. Gu.
I think my water glass
Where is my water glass?
Is it in my room?
I haven't had any water.
What's Zhixiao doing?
Based on my years of working experience,
I think Lin Zhixiao
is probably in puppy love.
Do you need me to pick you up?
It's okay.
I'll take the direct subway to there.
It's very convenient.
Put on more clothes.
The weather forecast says
it's going to rain today.
Put on more clothes.
The weather forecast says
it's going to rain today.
Do you hear me?
I hate Sansan.
She made me feel
that the way Dr. Gu behaves and speaks
looks like he likes me.
What do I do?
How am I supposed to face him later?
Oh my God.
How do I become like this, Lin Zhixiao?
Oh my God.
Hello, Mom.
Did you get off work?
Come back home.
Your dad and I want to see you.
I might have to work overtime today.
I'm really busy.
You know we don't have
a fixed timetable in the hospital.
What are you doing here?
You haven't been home for days.
If I don't come to you,
am I never going to see you again?
I told you I'm busy.
are you moving out?
I'm looking for a house to rent.
Aren't you going
to discuss it
with your parents?
Of course, I will tell you.
I just want to do it later.
So you're going to rent the house first,
and then just inform us, right?
Gu Wei.
What's wrong with you now?
I won't argue with you here.
Go back with me.
We'll talk about it at home.
Gu Wei.
Your dad's waiting for you at home.
I came to you in person,
and you still won't come home?
Let's go. Come on.
Sorry, something came up.
I'll be there later.
It's okay.
I'll go to see the agent first.
I'll be right there when I'm done.
Be careful on the road.
(Chengxuan Real Estate)
Miss Lin, there you are.
Where's your boyfriend?
Does he go to save the world again?
No, no.
He is in the hospital.
He'll be here later.
All right, have a seat.
This way.
I'll get you a glass of water.
Okay, thank you very much.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Should we sign it
after your boyfriend arrives,
Let's wait for him.
Okay, I'll go to work first.
Sit down.
You rarely go back home once.
No matter how urgent other things are,
just put them away first.
It's been a long time
since we had tea together last time.
It's from my friend's tea house.
They said it tastes good.
Have a try.
It's good, Dad.
Is anything wrong, Dr. Gu?
Are you almost there?
The number you dialed
cannot be connected for the moment.
It won't take long.
=The Oath of Love=
You said practicing hurts my wrist.
=The Oath of Love=
You asked me to find houses for you,
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
but clicking a mouse also hurts my wrist.
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
Have you thought about that?
You're using different muscle groups.
It's kind of a way to relax.
What about staying up late?
What if I die suddenly
from staying up late?
I didn't know
it would take you that long.
Dude, it's 100 houses.
You asked me to find you 100 houses.
Or course, it would take me all night.
Actually, I thought about it.
You could have written a simple program
using algorithm.
You can do it as long as you pass
the Computer Level 2 Examination.
I did the math.
If you did it this way,
you could go to bed
before midnight.
I didn't realize
You didn't realize the size
of our brains are different.
Sorry to bother you.
I didn't mean that.
No interviews.
Don't be mad at me.
I'm a superstar. No interviews.
Go to see Gao Xi.
=The Oath of Love=
(Little Theatre)
♪Pass by the bustling scenery♪
♪Fascinated by a raindrop♪
♪Watch it glide on my fingertip♪
♪Kind of like
the intersection of pressing strings♪
♪Some small things♪
♪Have been kept in my mind♪
♪Later I smiled and remembered,
leaning on you♪
♪I couldn't help myself then♪
♪One likes another♪
♪They show love
by slowly getting closer♪
♪Secretly glad how incredible it is♪
♪One likes another♪
♪Leave all care♪
♪Without a trace, without reservation♪
♪All myself to you♪
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