The Orchestra (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Verdens bedste julemand

- Bo, what a surprise.
- Have a seat.
Thank you.
It's just
Did you just feel like
pampering your old mother?
You've been pampering me for 37 years.
It's like
I was changing your diaper yesterday.
It's been a little longer than that.
No, the thing is that
- What, Bo?
- I've found a one-bedroom apartment.
One bedroom?
That's too small for the two of us.
You're a big boy now.
Yeah, well.
I'm gonna live there alone.
Are you leaving me?
I'm not leaving you.
I'm just sort of moving out.
What's the difference?
Thank you for a manipulative breakfast.
You've reached the alcohol support
hotline. Please hold.
If you're a relative of an alcoholic
What's up, sweetie pie?
We have to get going,
and the weather's awesome!
- I don't care about the weather.
- Okay.
Don't you want to be a meteorologist?
The weather's motherfucking awesome.
Street dad!
That's how it's done, right?
Come on. Let's get going.
- Is something wrong?
- No.
Aren't you glad to have
the world's coolest dad?
- Yes?
- Good morning, Gertrud.
I'm here to support Simon.
What are you supporting him in?
Simon's been sabotaged.
Personally and professionally
by Bo Høxenhaven.
First, there was an incident
where someone drugged my tea.
I was beaten up.
There was the thing with Mablewood -
and the box I was accused of stealing.
You've had lot of adversity.
Do you understand what we're saying?
The sabotage
was intentional and planned.
Bo sabotaged me.
He drugged my tea!
I didn't know what was going on!
Bo wants to be the principal clarinet,
so he's trying to discredit me.
- Irene, would you please?
- I'm sorry. Of course.
Your body's traumatized.
Trauma stays in the body.
It does.
I can see that you're miserable, Simon.
But we have to think about
who we accuse for this and that -
but I'm hearing you loud and clear.
- Jeppe.
- Gertrud.
Are you keeping watch out here?
The Christmas party arrangements
are running smoothly.
I'll look into the cookie situation.
We have bigger problems.
I still haven't found a Santa.
Shut up about the Christmas party.
We have
an explosive situation on our hands.
Simon claims
that Bo Høxenhaven has defamed him.
That Bo drugged his drink -
stole Mablewood's box
and punched him.
I don't know what to say.
If there's any truth
to what Simon's saying -
it's not just a staff matter.
It's a police matter.
That's front page material.
Yes, but I think
we're getting ahead of ourselves here.
Find out if there's any truth
to what Simon's saying.
But keep it on the down-low.
Sure. I'll check it out.
- Can you do that?
- Yes. Don't worry about it.
I've got this.
- You're my airbag.
- Yes.
We can't keep meeting like this.
It's weird.
Gertrud's on to us.
Simon told her everything we've done.
Primarily, what you've done.
What are we gonna do?
There's no evidence.
We're the only ones who know.
Everyone can make false claims.
- Play it cool.
- Yeah.
Can you keep your mouth shut?
- What are you doing?
- Play it cool!
That's what I'm doing!
You go that way. I'll go this way.
That way.
So, Hercule Poirot.
Did you find anything on Bo?
I don't think he did it.
That's my clear impression.
And I have to say
Nothing points to him.
Check the surveillance footage from
the day Simon claims he was drugged.
Oh yeah.
The surveillance footage.
I was just about to do that.
It's on my to-do list.
So Yeah.
Good work, everyone.
What's up, Inspector Morse?
Have you found any damning evidence?
No, I haven't.
None at all.
I've checked it thoroughly.
There's nothing suspicious.
We'll have to employ
a different strategy.
This is an awfully serious situation.
That's why Regitze
from the legal department is here.
Simon believes
that someone's defamed him -
and drugged his tea.
Someone attacked him,
and he believes it was you, Bo.
Jeppe's found the evidence.
The surveillance footage, Bo.
I don't know anything about that.
You're a son of a bitch.
That's what I have to put up with.
False claims and insults.
this is your last chance to come clean.
It's not fun if it's just me.
Why don't we all come clean today?
I have many things to come clean about,
but not that.
You'd be better off
by telling the truth.
The truth is that I have no idea
what Simon's talking about.
This is grotesque.
Your imagination is grotesque.
You're grotesque.
This really happened.
maybe you should have a talk with Simon.
You know.
A tête-à-tête.
It seems like it's one person's word
against another's.
Legally, it's a dead-end.
There's your answer.
I hope
we can move on and put this behind us.
Thanks, Bo.
The surveillance thing was a nice bluff.
And Simon.
It's not "unusual" to hallucinate -
when you're on hard drugs,
but you can get help with that stuff.
Thank you.
And I'd like to thank
the rest of you as well.
- How about that? You're really good.
- Thanks.
You might even say I'm proud of you.
If a position becomes available in
the orchestra, you should apply for it.
I have a sneaking suspicion
that Simon's on his way out.
You can apply for my position.
Then we'll be
sitting next to each other.
- That'd be nice.
- Yes.
What are your plans for Christmas?
What do you usually do?
I usually
I just hang out at home.
In my apartment, where I live. Alone.
It's a tradition.
If you want to,
you're more than welcome -
to celebrate Christmas at my place.
With me.
- Alright.
- I'm celebrating it with my sister.
So it's not like we'll be celebrating
Christmas just the two of us.
But you're welcome to join us.
I'll think about it.
- Take care.
- Thank you, Bo.
Aren't you Bo's mother?
And you are?
Bo's student.
- We met a while ago.
- Of course. You're Bo's student.
- What a coincidence.
- Yeah. That's funny.
- Do you need help with that?
- That's so nice of you.
Could you help me carry it home?
You'll get a cup of coffee
and a cookie for your trouble.
- That sounds nice.
- Can you get it for me?
Thank you so much.
- That's a heavy bag of potting compost.
- It is.
- It's this way.
- Yes.
- Thank you so much.
- Don't mention it.
Come sit down.
Let me get that.
I'll make us some coffee.
Can I take a rain check on that?
- I have to go home and rehearse.
- Sure.
But I think Bo would love it if
the three of us had coffee.
Right, Bo?
- Is Bo here?
- Yes.
- I just saw him.
- He lives here.
- Mom?
- Yes, honey.
Are you gonna wash my underwear?
It's all dirty, and honestly
Hi, Bo.
What are you doing here?
I helped your mother
carry some potting compost home.
- I didn't know you lived here.
- It's just a temporary thing.
37 years is not temporary.
You said you lived alone.
That's none of your fucking business.
- No.
- What's it to you?
Elin, you're my student, so back off.
You don't have the right to know
what my address is.
Thanks for the invitation, but I
can't celebrate Christmas with you.
I'm celebrating it here with my mother.
I have stuff to Merry Christmas.
- Take care. Bye.
- Bye.
Have one of Santa's cookies.
I made them myself.
How about you, grandma?
Here comes Santa.
Here's a nice girl with her Game Boy.
Are they still called that?
Little girl?
- Alma, is that you?
- Yes.
Alma, it's me.
Couldn't you tell?
Yes, I could.
- Do you want some cookies?
- No thanks.
It has to be a rest area or something.
Nothing fancy.
We want to shock people.
Look who stopped by last time.
Oh yeah.
My inbox is filled to the brim. I'd like
to take care of it before Christmas.
Santa has to go back to work.
Goodbye, my little friend.
Who do we have here? Would you
like a cookie, my little friend?
Do you have a tissue?
I don't know.
Check the glove box.
Where did you get this?
I don't know. Jeppe put it there.
It was Jeppe all along!
What's this?
Now we know who punched me!
Did you punch me?
You punched me in the mouth!
That's my instrument!
- Simon, stop it!
- Asshole!
Eat it!
Eat your fucking mask!
You piece of shit!
Eat it!
- Eat it!
- Hey!
Simon, I'm the one who punched you.
I'm glad I did because you're
a dickhead
I'd gladly do it again.
No. I punched him!
I punched you in your stupid mouth!
It was me! When you screw my wife,
that's what you get!
You get punched in the face!
That's only fair, right?
Did you?
Did you fuck her?
Not in front of the kids.
It's called intercourse.
The other word is inappropriate.
You should probably fuck off now.
You're ruining Christmas.
I was too hard on you.
You're a great Santa.
Wasn't he the best Santa we've ever had?
Merry Christmas.
Where did Santa's cookies go?
What a crappy Christmas.
I don't know what to say.
How long have you known?
A while.
Why didn't you say anything?
Are you in love with him?
Then why are you screwing him?
I'd like to know that.
Because some things are hard to control.
My fists are hard to control!
They're fucking hard to control!
It was just sex.
That's good to know.
It was just sex.
Best news of the day.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what I was thinking.
You didn't think about me.
Or Alma.
That's for sure.
I think one of us should move out.
But we'll celebrate Christmas together
for Alma's sake. Got it?
It's open.
- Hi.
- Gertrud.
- Yeah.
- I thought it was Regitze and Alma.
It's just me.
That chicken's dry, Jeppe.
- Well.
- What are you doing here?
- It's Christmas Eve.
- Yes.
I've received Simon's resignation.
His wife gave him an ultimatum.
He could move to the Faroe Islands
or get a divorce.
He chose the Faroe Islands.
Probably because of the kids.
I'd choose the divorce.
I've been there before. Listen.
I don't know what happened between Bo,
Simon and you, but can we agree -
that we'll sweep it under the rug
before it gets out?
- Bo and I
- I don't know anything about that.
We really
No. I don't know anything about that.
I don't know anything about that.
I can't know anything
when the newspapers call me.
I need to have plausible deniability.
Got it?
Of course.
- Good. Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, Gertrud.
Who's calling you on Christmas Eve?
Bo Høxenhaven.
Hi, Bo. Jeppe here.
I just want
to let you know
that Simon's resigned.
So the job as principal clarinet
is yours if you want it.
You'll have to audition for it,
but I'm sure you'll nail it.
Is something wrong, honey?
You got the almond.
What do you think about that?
- Buddy?
- You got the almond.
- What could it be?
- Yeah.
Isn't that what you whished for?
You can make your own bracelets.
- You can make necklaces too.
- Really?
It think so. They're just smaller.
You have to make me a necklace.
- I want one too.
- A necklace?
A bracelet at least.
- Is that for me?
- Yes.
That's so sweet of you, honey.
It's so pretty.
It has stars on it.
I'm getting all emotional.
Alcohol Rehab Centre
Do you drink too much?
What is this?
What is this?
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