The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

(Min Seol Ah)
Sugar was Min Seol Ah's dog?
Min Seol Ah and Sugar
both died in this house.
What's going on?
Ro Na.
Let's move out.
I don't think I can live here.
Oh Yoon Hee. How dare you
interfere with my business?
How can you be working out
so carefree?
My goodness.
Oh Yoon Hee. Did you meet her?
I even set
my father's law firm building
as a mortgage without him knowing.
We need to come up with a plan
and move carefully.
What will we do
if we meet her hastily?
Did you two find out anything
about Oh Yoon Hee?
Your tone is irritating me.
Whose fault is this
in the first place?
Dr. Ha, did you leak
the information?
Are you kidding me right now?
That night!
Dr. Ha, you had a drink
with Oh Yoon Hee.
You leaked information
while secretly meeting her.
Hey, Ha Yoon Chul!
Stop blabbering nonsense!
Are you saying I'm some spy?
Why would I do that
when I invested all my money?
I never did that.
I can swear on my Eun Byeol's life.
I truly hope that's true.
If not, I will kill you.
That means someone is giving her
real estate information
while backing her up.
How could our information
(Checking System)
(Spy App Detected)
(Scanning Cell Phone Tapping App)
(Tapping App Detected)
(This phone is being tapped.)
The tapping app that was installed
has been deleted.
Who would dare to install this
on my phone?
Bosuk Village's redevelopment
will be announced in three months.
Korea's largest shopping town
will be built right here.
Scrape together as much as you can.
I guarantee a profit of
five times what you invested.
No way. Is it you, Shim Su Ryeon?
(No Signal)
(No Signal)
Honey. What are you doing
in my study?
I came to borrow a book.
Search for it.
I didn't find anything, sir.
You didn't?
I need to get ready for work.
Did you call for me, sir?
Was there anything peculiar
about my wife lately?
There wasn't anything in particular.
She got along well with the kids
and she spent time
with other parents as well.
Which parent?
There's a kid named Bae Ro Na
who's Seok Kyung's friend.
Her mom came over a few days ago.
Bae Ro Na's mom?
Oh Yoon Hee?
Your wife met Oh Yoon Hee
a few times.
Why are you telling me that now?
Are you really colluding
with Oh Yoon Hee?
You're working today too?
The kids went on a field trip today,
so Ms. Cheon said
she had some time.
I was thinking of getting together
for lunch.
How nice would it be for the women
of Hera Club to get together?
Okay, then. You should get to work.
Is she busy?
How could the president
not rest for a single day?
If a mom is too busy working
at an important period like this,
it tends to affect the kids' grades.
Why did she suddenly start working?
She's the daughter of
the chairman of Simoon Construction.
It's one of the top five
construction companies in Korea.
I bet she's great at business
just like her dad.
Didn't that company go under
a long time ago?
They still have
their furniture business.
It's one of the top companies
in the industry.
Hello. Yes, it's me.
Why are you calling me now?
I waited so much for your call.
Why would I have any other plans
when you called me?
I'll zoom over right now.
I'm so sorry. Something
came up and I must go.
It's really important
and I have no choice.
Enjoy the rest of your spa.
Not again.
Don't you think Ms. Kang's acting
really suspiciously?
- Why?
- It's not the first time
she got a call and rushed off.
I don't know where she goes
or who she meets,
but she always
comes back with her arms
laden with goods from luxury brands.
And she always showers
before returning too.
Listen. A few days ago
- Ms. Kang!
- My goodness.
Where were you at?
The department store.
I went shopping for once.
The shopping diet
seems to work for me.
Once I walk around
a department store,
I lose 2kg in no time.
That handbag.
Did you buy that today?
Isn't it pretty?
It's the hottest new it-item.
Ashlyn Pearce posed with it
in a fashion magazine,
and everyone talked about it.
Didn't you see it too, Sang Ah?
That item isn't available in Korea.
How did you get it?
The truth is,
a good friend of mine
bought it in Europe.
But she didn't like it
and gave it to me.
Who would give
such an expensive gift?
That's a limited edition
and even world-famous celebrities
can't get it.
I'm sure she gave it to me
because it's so special.
I know lots of well-to-do ladies.
I have to go now.
You're wearing a different perfume
from this morning.
And you redid your makeup.
Where on earth are you coming from?
- Are you
- Am I what?
Do you have nothing better to do
than remember what perfume I wore?
No wonder Min Hyuk's last
in his class.
If you're that bored,
take better care of him.
Oh, dear. Be careful.
She definitely has a man.
She has a sponsor.
How could someone with a daughter
have an affair?
How does she even face Jenny?
You didn't see anything in person.
Do you know that making
such guesses is slander?
I'll pretend I didn't hear anything.
Jenny's mom has gone,
so let's eat lunch together
another time.
Don't you think that's just stupid?
Hey, you. You can't lie down.
You need to remember that.
Who cares?
Will you clean with more gusto?
(From artist to businesswoman)
- I'm studying the bible.
- "Shim Su Ryeon."
"Married to J King Holdings'
Chairman Joo Dan Tae."
Oh, come on
Sugar died?
Ro Na grew to like Sugar so much
and she's so sad.
She went to see his ashes
in the morning,
and went to school in tears.
Ro Na's an only child
and gives her heart too easily.
I see.
I was hoping Ro Na would
take good care of him.
By the way, how is your husband?
He didn't get what he bid for,
so he must be really angry now.
Su Ryeon.
- Su Ryeon.
- Yes?
How is your husband?
Oh He doesn't
show anything at home.
What will you do next?
I will sell the house
for as much as possible.
I bet I can get anything I ask for.
How much should I demand?
I have no idea
how real estate works.
You do whatever you want.
Can I really do that?
Hang on.
I am Joo Dan Tae.
We've met, haven't we?
You're Seok Hoon's father?
Ms. Oh Yoon Hee's here.
Let her in.
Thanks for coming. Take a seat.
You cannot look intimidated
or flustered.
He comes on stronger
to weaker people.
Why did you ask to see me?
What tea would you like?
No, thanks. I have plans
and can't stay for long.
Then I shall cut to the chase.
You bought a house in Myeongdong
at an action, didn't you?
How do you know that?
You seem to be very lucky.
You moved to Bosuk Village before
its redevelopment was announced,
and this time you bought
the Myeongdong house.
Have you been looking into
what I've been doing?
Let's just say I'm intrigued.
I'd like to know
where you got the information.
If you're intrigued about me,
then you must know.
I worked in real estate
for 10 years.
Naturally, I gained a good eye
for potential deals
that would make a profit.
That house won't be
of much use to you.
It's so old it's about to cave in,
and the plot's not big enough
to build on it.
I know very well.
The reason I bought that house
was for an investment purpose.
I heard from word-to-mouth that
a shopping center
will be built around it.
Of course, you must know already.
Sell it to me. I'll pay you
30 percent more.
There's no point in keeping
a useless house
you'll only pay more tax on.
What you just said
sounds like the house is
very valuable.
I really like how gutsy you are.
It suits your beauty.
Don't fall for
his sweet talk either.
He'll try to use his eloquent speech
to captivate you.
I heard that
after your husband died,
you struggled
to raise your daughter.
You only get
so much good fortune in life,
and it looks like you used up
a huge chunk of it already.
Very well, then. I'll offer you
another 100 percent.
You'll never get
such a great deal anywhere else.
It is a very nice offer.
I'm glad you like it.
How about we sign the papers now?
(Real Estate Sales Contract)
Just a moment.
I said it was a nice offer.
I didn't say I'd accept it.
What exactly are you doing?
He rubs his fingertips
when he gets anxious.
That's when
you should make the move.
I'm saying I refuse.
I have plans and must go.
I enjoyed our conversation.
Ms. Oh.
You know my wife very well.
Is that how you found out?
Did my wife give you
the information?
I don't understand
what you're talking about.
Does Su Ryeon have a reason
to try to sabotage your business?
She respects you very much.
I won't tell her what you just said.
What do you want?
I'll meet your offer if possible.
What do I want?
Not selling
the house to you.
She's out of her mind.
How dare she talk like that to me?
So, what did you say?
I said that I wouldn't sell to him.
Well done. The ball is in our court.
Okay. Let's talk again soon.
(Unidentified Number)
How have you been,
Ms. Shim Su Ryeon?
Who is this?
That is so upsetting.
You forgot my name already?
How about if I say this
to jog your memory?
You're Min Seol Ah's mother.
Director Min?
Oh, you haven't forgotten.
It's me.
I'm Hope Orphanage's Director Min.
The man who took in
and raised your daughter.
How can you call me from prison?
People do favors
for others here too.
You killed Congressman
Cho Sang Heon, didn't you?
Why? Did you feel bad
for the kid you abandoned?
You scumbag.
You're the worst.
Your husband doesn't know yet
that Min Seol Ah's
your biological daughter, right?
Isn't this too unfair?
Now that I'm in prison,
I want to see justice handed out.
You sold kids for adoption
and you still haven't repented?
Prison is a waste of space for you.
You deserve to die.
I'm sorry, but
you won't get to see me die.
Don't you think
your husband will kill you first?
I told him today that
Min Seol Ah was
your biological daughter.
You don't have any time to waste.
Within 30 minutes, your husband
will get the gift I sent.
Just a moment.
- Is that for Chairman Joo Dan Tae?
- Yes.
Give it to me. I was told
to get it for him.
Here you go. Take care.
Why are you here?
You never called.
I had business in the area
and dropped by to see you.
You don't look well.
Why are you sweating?
It must be because I started work.
I had something to worry about.
So why did you want to work?
You can quit now if it's too much.
It's not that bad.
Can I have some tea?
Sir, your meeting will start soon.
You should go. I'm fine.
See you at home.
Ms. Shim Su Ryeon.
I need you to get me out of prison.
If you don't,
I'll expose your secret.
(Ms. Shim Su Ryeon.
I need you to get me out of prison.)
(If you don't,
I'll expose your secret.)
(Cheong Ah Medical Center,
Serving patients for 30 years)
Come in.
Why are you here?
Out of curiosity because
you don't return my calls.
Did you just get out of surgery?
I asked why you're here.
Is it that weird for a wife
to visit her husband at work?
If you don't have other plans,
let's have dinner together.
I feel bad for ditching you
at the last minute last time.
I have plans.
What is wrong with you?
You are such a wimp.
Fine, let's not eat together.
I never begged you.
What are you so upset about?
You're acting like an adolescent.
If something ticked you off,
speak up about it!
Do you know how sickening
this can get?
If someone makes an effort,
you should at least appreciate it.
Don't make an effort.
Don't do anything.
Don't show off
that you're trying either.
You're so childish
Darn it.
(I know what you did
with Joo Dan Tae.)
Are you done?
Can I go now?
I know what you did
with Joo Dan Tae.
It's that same eye.
She won't sell it
for double the price?
Was Oh Yoon Hee that insane
when you dated her?
But then, she must've been
if she cut her own neck
in front of Seo Jin.
But you, Dr. Ha.
Your taste in women never changed.
How come you fall
for such crazy women?
You're a pervert.
What'll you do now?
I should persuade her so that
she accepts our offer.
That's beneath us.
Why should we persuade her?
I just got what you mean.
You're saying
we can get physical again.
This task,
I'll leave it to you, Attorney Lee.
Leave it to me.
I'll see to it that she can't help
but affix her seal to the contract.
What will you do?
It's a secret. What's wrong?
Are you afraid
I'll kill your first love?
I'll just scare her. Just a little.
This time, don't even think of
getting involved.
Dr. Ha. You put in
30 million of your own money.
You don't want
to lose all that. So
I'll set the table all right.
You just have to eat it.
Do you think you're a match for her?
Eat carefully or you'll get sick.
(Yangjae Flower Market)
(Yangjae Flower Market)
How was that?
This is Joo Dan Tae.
Let's meet right now. It's urgent.
I'll be at the villa.
What lunatic
Min Seol Ah clearly told someone
before she died.
The drawing of the eye is the same.
Hera Palace's fountain,
the pocket watch, and letter.
It's all the same person.
Do you think that person
has Min Seol Ah's phone?
The video of us will be on it.
It's great, then. We can get him
and destroy the phone too.
I'd been bothered that
we couldn't find the phone.
How can we find it when we
don't even know who has it?
Do you suspect someone?
- I do.
- Who is it?
Min Seol Ah's older brother.
"Her older brother"?
Do you think I came here
without a safety catch?
I have someone to help me.
If something happens to me,
my older brother will find you
and make you pay.
Min Seol Ah was adopted once,
then the adoption was canceled.
She had an adoptive brother.
Are you saying her adoptive brother
is threatening us?
He has no reason to.
They're unrelated.
- It's not him.
- How can you be sure?
I looked into that already.
Min Seol Ah's adoptive family
is so well-hidden that
I couldn't even get any names.
All I found out was that
she was thrown out for stealing.
Whoever they are,
they're not bored enough
to care about Min Seol Ah.
That brat lied to me about that too?
My goodness.
What a punk.
Back then and even now,
I suspect only one person.
Who may that be?
Your wife.
Are you saying she knows
about our relationship?
Yet, she didn't say anything?
With that refined personality
of hers?
No. She would be disgusted
and confront me in a day.
Not many women ask
for a divorce impulsively
just because their husband cheated.
On top of that,
you're an extremely wealthy man.
In order to get a big piece
of the pie,
she may need your weakness.
And that weakness
may be Min Seol Ah.
That's absurd speculation.
Your wife may have seen
Min Seol Ah
falling to death at Hera Palace.
It's my hunch.
But it feels like your wife,
Shim Su Ryeon,
is putting on an act.
Have patience and wait.
I'll sort it out.
What are you doing in here?
How did you come in?
I'm sorry. I got lost.
Goodnight, then.
Wait, he seems
Did my wife come home right away
this afternoon?
Yes. But there's one strange thing.
- What is it?
- There was a document delivered
to your office this afternoon,
but it disappeared into thin air.
What do you mean? A document
sent to me disappeared?
But that was when your wife visited.
- Hello?
- It's me, ma'am.
Did you receive the gift I sent?
Why are you doing this to me?
What do you want?
Come on. I already told you.
Get me out of here!
If you pay bail and use
your connections,
I know you're capable
of getting me out of here.
I won't give you much time.
If you can't do it,
shall I ask Chairman Joo?
My husband will kill you.
If you don't want to die, keep your
mouth shut and just talk to me.
Then come see me tomorrow.
I'll be waiting.
She's being blackmailed?
By whom?
(Joo Seok Hoon)
(Chocolate Milk)
Hey. What are you doing?
Why are you giving Seok Hoon
chocolate milk?
I just want to thank him.
"Thank him"?
How unbelievable.
Do you like Joo Seok Hoon?
Mind your own business.
You shouldn't like him
so thoughtlessly.
Did you receive
Seok Kyung's permission?
Permission for what?
Joo Seok Hoon totally
belongs to Seok Kyung.
All the girls at our school
like Seok Hoon.
Why do you think he hasn't become
a couple with anyone?
Stop it. What if Seok Hoon hears?
It's just that Bae Ro Na's acting up
without knowing her place.
I'm just explaining to her
out of pity.
Everyone at our school knows.
Seok Hoon.
When did you come?
Thanks for the milk, Ro Na.
I appreciate it.
Hey, An Eun Woo.
How about a game after class today?
At the gym?
Sure. Let's do that.
Get seated.
Bae Ro Na?
- Yes?
- You haven't submitted
your report on the concert
I gave you as an assignment.
The thing is,
I couldn't go to the concert
because I had no ticket.
All the tickets were sold out.
Do you call that an excuse?
You're the only one
who didn't submit the assignment.
Look forward to your score.
(Read Diary)
(I came back to Korea,
where my friends are.)
I came back to Korea.
To Hope Orphanage,
where my friends are.
What are you guys doing?
Why are you eating dog food?
Seol Ah, when did you come back?
Seol Ah, I'm hungry.
Give us some food.
Where's the director?
Where is he?
You little punks.
Did you finish the laundry?
If you don't finish cleaning up,
you won't get any food.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Are you back?
Why are you making them
starve again?
You promised me
you'd never do this again.
Why are you starving them
when you receive monthly funding?
I got the call from the US.
I heard you got deported for theft.
How dare you come back here?
Aren't you embarrassed to see them?
This was planned
from the first place, wasn't it?
To kick me out
after making me a thief.
They didn't need a daughter
in the first place.
- Am I wrong?
- Why you little
Shut your mouths!
How dare you accuse me like that?
I even bought an apartment
for a thief like you.
You should be thankful.
I don't need that darn apartment.
Is that so?
Seol Ah. Then make me the owner
of that house.
I raised you this time.
Shouldn't you at least repay me?
You are evil.
Are you going to sell them away
like me?
I'm going to tell everyone
what you did.
You'd better not mess
with my friends.
I'll make you pay!
You arrogant brat.
How dare you talk back to me?
I'm going to kill you today.
This is why your foster parents
kicked you out.
It's okay,
since I protected my friends.
(I don't care about the apartment.)
(It's okay,
since I protected my friends.)
You were here. I was worried
you might not be here.
What brings you here?
I heard you started working.
I'm sorry for coming late.
The president of
a furniture company?
That's amazing.
I brought some delicious egg tarts.
Thank you.
Let's have it with some coffee.
An apple necklace.
It looks familiar.
Where did I see this?
What are you doing?
Oh, I was looking at this drawing.
- Did you draw it?
- It's not finished yet.
I'm embarrassed to show it
to others.
Why? The colors look very unique.
Your coffee is getting cold.
Let's go.
(Bosuk Village, Building 3)
Follow her. Do not let her
out of your sight.
Yes, ma'am.
(Nambu Penitentiary)
(Nambu Penitentiary)
What is she doing here?
Look into who she's meeting.
Yes, ma'am.
(Welcome to Nambu Penitentiary)
(Request for Visitation)
(Name of Inmate: Min Hyeong Sik)
"Min Hyeong Sik"? Who is that?
He was the director
of Hope Orphanage,
where Min Seol Ah grew up.
So Shim Su Ryeon is visiting
the director of
Min Seol Ah's orphanage?
Min Seol Ah. Shim Su Ryeon.
Min Seol Ah
They sell this apple necklace
at that store. Do you remember?
Min Seol Ah.
I'm certain it was her necklace.
Shim Su Ryeon is connected
to Min Seol Ah somehow.
I'm sure of it.
My hunch wasn't wrong.
Is anyone there?
You're so loud!
I heard you used to sing.
That must be why
you have such a loud voice.
Attorney Lee, you did this to me?
What do you think you're doing?
Sell the land you bought
in Myeongdong.
Chairman Joo is very angry.
He doesn't even want to pay you more
because you hurt his pride so much.
Is this how you take care of things?
This is a criminal act!
Untie me right now.
Untie me!
Yes, I know.
I'm a lawyer.
I'm not a piece of trash.
I'm a true gentleman.
Do you think you can make me
sell the house by doing this?
Let's keep things nice and simple.
You should think about
your daughter
who's waiting for you at home.
If you do anything to my daughter,
I swear I'll kill you.
Listen. I can be a very scary man
if I want to be.
Don't come near me!
- Get off me!
- Stamp your seal.
- No!
- Hurry!
Hold her arm.
- No!
- Stamp your seal! Now!
- Do it now!
- No!
Stop that driver! Catch him!
Catch him!
Move it!
Hey! Get him out of here!
Who is that punk? Catch him!
What are you doing, you punks?
Catch him!
What are you doing?
Hey! What the
You darn punks! What are you doing?
Catch him! Catch him, you punks!
Get her seal!
Get over here.
- Come here.
- Get away from me!
- Stamp your seal!
- Get off me!
Come here!
- Get away from me!
- Stamp your seal!
- Come here!
- No!
What the
- Yoon Chul.
- You darn little
Yoon Hee, run.
Get over here!
When I was young, my mom
made me learn taekwondo and judo.
- You prick!
- I fight pretty well, you punk.
Run. Come on.
You idiot!
We have 30 million dollars
on the line!
Get in the car.
Hey! Stop!
Darn it!
Are you okay?
Nothing happened, right?
Yoon Chul.
Yoon Hee, you stay inside.
Be careful.
What's going on, Dr. Ha?
This time, you crossed the line.
I didn't agree to this.
You keep steering off course,
and I've had enough of it!
Are you ready to give up your money?
Why are you acting like a big shot
in front of your first love
when you can't even give up
on the money you invested?
I really hate hypocrites like you
who love money
but act all kind on the outside.
Come here.
Sell the land you bought
in Myeongdong.
Chairman Joo is very angry.
He doesn't even want
to pay you more
because you hurt his pride so much.
Do you think I wasn't prepared
for any of this
when I'm competing against
a guy like you?
Kidnap, confinement, and assault.
You're guilty of all three.
If I send this file to the police
and press,
it'll cause more than just
a small glitch in your life.
Are you okay with that?
What do you want?
From now on,
I'll only make deals
with Ha Yoon Chul.
If you want to negotiate,
tell Ha Yoon Chul.
What are you doing? Let's go.
Move your car.
Darn it!
Eun Woo, how could you sing
when you have such bad hearing?
I'm here, right here.
Take a big swing.
How dare you gossip about me?
How dare you?
I'm sorry. I'm sorry
I won't do it again.
Please forgive me.
I was foolish.
You must think we're friends
because I let you off a few times.
Just so you know, I can't stand
anyone messing with what's mine.
You got it?
- My gosh.
- Loser.
Hey! What are you doing here?
Don't you know you need
permission to use the gym?
An Eun Woo? What's wrong?
Are you hurt?
I guess he boxed really hard.
I told you to go easy.
I know, man.
You get too competitive sometimes.
Hey. Who is it?
Who hit you?
Joo Seok Hoon?
They bullied you, right?
- No.
- What are you talking about?
Look at that.
Will you keep playing dumb?
My goodness.
You should go
to the infirmary first.
- I'll take care of
- I said it's nothing!
My gosh.
They're all my friends,
and we were just playing around.
Just mind your own business.
My gosh, that temper of his.
I can't do that.
I'm a teacher at
Cheong Ah Arts High School.
Why are you coming now?
Why didn't you answer your phone?
What do you want? There are
so many people watching here.
I didn't have time to wait.
My hunch was right.
Your wife is connected
to Min Seol Ah.
What are you talking about?
Do you know who your wife met today?
She met Min Seol Ah's
orphanage director.
At a penitentiary too.
"A penitentiary"?
Director Min Hyeong Sik.
It turns out he was
Congressman Cho's minion.
Why would your wife visit
a criminal
who sold children
for bone-marrow transplants?
I'm sure she's connected
to Min Seol Ah somehow.
She may have seen Min Seol Ah die,
She may have already known
Min Seol Ah.
That's nonsense. How could she
have known Min Seol Ah?
Min Seol Ah
was an orphan.
What if your wife thinks
she's Min Seol Ah's real mom?
Don't you think
you're going overboard?
If we have even the slightest doubt,
we should check.
Your wife knows something.
Mark my words.
We can't just ignore this.
It seemed like she was being
blackmailed by someone.
"Being blackmailed"?
Right. It's probably him,
Director Min Hyeong Sik.
Why would he blackmail her?
he knows your wife's secret.
That man who's locked up right now.
Why do you keep calling?
I told you to stop.
Who is that?
Who are you?
Tell me who you are, you jerk!
(Unidentified Number)
What are you doing behind my back?
Who was that?
Was it Director Min Hyeong Sik?
How did you know that?
Why is he blackmailing you?
I'm asking you why!
It's not me,
but you, who's being blackmailed.
He sent me this note.
(Your husband killed Min Seol Ah!)
(Min Seol Ah has been murdered
at Hera Palace!)
(If you don't get me out of here,
I will expose everything!)
Tell me honestly.
Did you kill Min Seol Ah?
He even said he had
crucial evidence.
What is he blackmailing us with?
It's total nonsense.
Why would I kill Min Seol Ah?
I met Director Min Hyeong Sik
at the penitentiary today.
He said Min Seol Ah died
at Hera Palace,
not Bosuk Village.
What does that mean?
Come to think of it,
you acted strangely
since the lighting ceremony
in front of the fountain.
Tell me. I must know
in order to help you.
Did you kill her to cover up
what our kids did?
No. That's not true.
You have nothing to do
with her death, right?
I'm so scared.
I was scared to death.
Don't worry. I'm here for you.
He's just doing this
to extort money from us.
I believe you.
Go to sleep.
I need to go out for a second.
This is the driving range
owned by Director Min.
Business has been suspended
Cut the chain.
(Notification of
Business Suspension)
Search thoroughly.
Don't miss a thing.
Secretary Cho, come here.
That punk.
How dare a criminal blackmail me?
What shall I do?
Take care of everything quietly.
(I know what you did
with Joo Dan Tae.)
(I know what you did
with Joo Dan Tae.)
Well? Did you think about it?
I'm looking for a competent lawyer,
so please wait a bit longer.
I knew you would understand.
I know it's too late to say this,
but I really cared for Seol Ah.
You must know that.
Of course, I do.
I'll never forget to repay you.
(Your husband killed Min Seol Ah!)
(Min Seol Ah has been murdered
at Hera Palace!)
(If you don't get me out of here,
I will expose everything!)
Welcome home, sir.
Call me now.
Why do you keep calling?
I told you to stop.
Who is that?
Who are you?
Tell me who you are, you jerk!
I killed the director in my dreams
every night.
Would I have had a happier life
if I hadn't met him?
Min Seol Ah's ghost, who threatened
us all this time is now gone.
(Min Seol Ah's ghost, who threatened
us all this time is now gone.)
(Min Seol Ah's ghost, who threatened
us all this time is now gone.)
We don't have to worry anymore.
(We don't have to worry anymore.)
It wasn't an apple necklace?
Did I see it wrong?
My gosh.
(Eye Pass)
Why do you think Ha Eun Byeol
rented the whole concert hall?
I'm just telling you
because I feel guilty.
Ha Eun Byeol did it on purpose?
What is it? What's the matter?
That brat bought all the tickets
to stop me from doing
my assignment.
Mom, I received a zero
on my assignment because of her.
If I don't come in first place
in the midterm,
my grades will be a mess.
Get up. Let's go right now.
Let's go and confront her.
No. Then Seok Kyung will get
in trouble.
She's my only friend.
That brat.
Gosh. Stop being such a sissy.
You're so weak,
just like the old days.
I'm not weak
Don't mess with Joo Dan Tae anymore.
You must not know
what kind of person he is.
I'm not afraid of that jerk.
He's such an arrogant prick.
What about you? How deeply are you
involved with Joo Dan Tae?
What on earth are you doing
with that lunatic?
Stop getting involved,
if you don't want to regret it.
Do you understand?
This reminds me
of back in high school.
You haven't changed a bit.
How could you smile
with that face right now?
Let me apply some more ointment.
This scar is still here.
What are you doing?
You have no right to look at
this scar.
Why is your face a mess?
Did you get into a fight?
It's nothing.
I just bumped into something.
What in the world
are you doing lately?
Answer me!
Since when were you
so interested in me?
Just act like usual.
Do you think I don't know?
I know that you're meeting
Oh Yoon Hee.
I know everything.
Since you mentioned it,
let me ask too.
Do you even think of me
as a husband?
Why do you live with me?
- What?
- You never loved me.
I was just dating the girl
you could never beat,
so you wanted to take me from her.
Am I wrong?
Why? Does Oh Yoon Hee want
to get back together?
Did she ask you to get divorced?
Does she have the right now because
you gave her 100,000 dollars?
Stop mentioning that!
Compared to how you slashed
Yoon Hee's throat,
and how you made her life
plummet to the ground,
isn't 100,000 dollars a bargain?
Do you think
I did that to her?
You think I slashed
Oh Yoon Hee's throat?
I'm sure you must know the truth.
Ha Yoon Chul!
How dare you run away
like a coward!
This is so nice.
Right. If it weren't for this watch
you gave me,
I would've really gone down
without a fight.
I never imagined they would do
something like that.
Your husband is really terrifying.
How could you live
with someone like that?
I know. I guess I'm spiteful
as much as him.
It would be best to sell the
auctioned apartment
as soon as possible
after making a maximum profit.
If you drag it too long,
you may fall in danger again.
I said I'll only negotiate
with Ha Yoon Chul,
so he'll call me soon.
I did try to sound
as confident as possible,
but I don't know
how I should negotiate.
There's something I have in mind.
It's a condition that you and I
both need.
Tell me honestly.
Did they bully you?
I said they didn't.
We were just boxing.
You can go.
I'm telling you, he's lying.
I'll open a
school violence committee
and get to the bottom of this.
Get to the bottom of what
when there's no victim?
Mr. Gu. Aren't you overreacting?
Why do you keep making
matters worse?
How could you say that
after seeing his face?
Five students attacked
that poor kid.
First of all, I'm going to meet
their parents myself.
Mr. Gu. I'm warning you.
Why are pushing this issue so far?
Then should I have reported this
straight to the Office of Education?
Well, I mean
I'm just trying to take care of this
as quietly as possible.
Ms. Cheon, I think you should
discuss this with me
as Eun Byeol's parent.
I'll get going then.
He's literally a ticking bomb
waiting to go off.
I'm afraid he's going to cause
trouble soon.
Why don't we make an excuse
to fire him?
My father's friend recommended him
to be hired.
Let's wait and see.
It's a temporary position anyway.
My goodness, hello.
My name is Gu Ho Dong,
the assistant homeroom teacher
of the classical singing class
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
- Hello, it's nice to meet you.
- Hello.
What brings you here?
I came to discuss something
regarding Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung.
My goodness,
this place is beautiful.
This is the penthouse, right?
Gosh, I've never been inside
a place like this.
I heard Hera Palace is the most
expensive place in our country.
How much does it cost
to buy a place like this?
My husband will be here soon.
You should drink your tea.
Oh, okay. Thank you for the tea.
My gosh, the aroma
is just as luxurious
as this penthouse.
Oh, my goodness! I'm sorry!
I just broke your expensive cup.
I bet it's super expensive.
I'm so sorry about that.
It's okay.
Your eyes are just like
your daughter's.
I'm here to meet you, Ms. Shim.
My goodness.
Ms. Cheon,
did you just get off work?
We just finished our yoga class.
I've been meaning to meet you guys.
You haven't gotten a call
from school, have you?
A call about what?
Did something happen again?
- Our kids
- Excuse me. Please make way.
Oh, gosh. Someone must be
moving in next door.
My next door neighbor
moved to Australia.
Are you heading to the 45th floor?
- Yes.
- Careful.
The furniture is all made by
Su Ryeon's company.
My goodness, you're right.
I've never seen those designs.
- Goodness.
- I wonder if they're new products.
I guess it's someone
with good taste.
I'm glad to know that it's someone
who's classy enough to live here.
My goodness.
Ms. Cheon. She's coming. Ms. Cheon.
Are you the new resident?
- It's nice to meet you.
- Welcome.
Hello, I'll be moving into
the empty house on the 45th floor.
Yoon Hee?
I hope we get along, Seo Jin.
(The Penthouse)
Is this really our house?
Are we really going to live
in Hera Palace as of today?
Hello, you must be
Seok Hoon's father.
Did you have a bad dream?
I will kick you out
no matter what, Yoon Hee.
I heard he's the most successful
Korean American in the States.
His name is Logan Lee.
Your husband seems to care a lot
about Oh Yoon Hee.
I've always wanted
to take a look at your place.
You'd better do your best
to protect it all, Seo Jin.
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