The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

What Links the Severed Tie

(Lee Se Young)
(Bae In Hyuk)
(Joo Hyun Young, Yoo Seon Ho)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
(All characters, places, groups, and organizations)
(are purely fictional.)
My goodness.
Goodness me.
You poor soul.
Lady Yeon Woo, my gosh.
Please let go of me.
Let go of me!
That is not our Yeon Woo.
I must see with my own eyes.
Her face has been mangled beyond recognition.
I will still be able to tell.
Because I am her mother,
I will be able to tell.
You also know that our Yeon Woo is not one to leave us so suddenly.
Please let me see her.
- Please - My wife.
This cannot be true.
It cannot be our Yeon Woo.
That is not our Yeon Woo.
It is not Yeon Woo.
Yeon Woo.
Yeon Woo
Yeon Woo, my baby.
Yeon Woo
Are you all right?
Yeon Woo
Yeon Woo
Yeon Woo.
My wife, please come back to me.
My love!
My Yeon Woo took her own life?
That is impossible.
Something else must be at play.
I will find whoever did this to you and
- My lady! - Yeon Woo!
- Ms. Yeon Woo. - My lady.
Yeon Woo.
Yeon Woo?
(After crying her eyes out, she manages to hold her brush.)
(Chapter 9: What Links the Severed Tie)
- Sa Wol - Lady Yeon Woo.
Your family tried to take her life.
You would have to be shameless to be here.
Leave this room.
Do you not hear me? Leave!
- Sa Wol, what - Leave!
Sa Wol, what's wrong?
Why do you think your family set up a memorial stone for her?
Don't be like this and leave with me.
Come on.
This is the cruellest of fates!
So you're saying that Mr. Kang's family
had Ms. Yeon Woo killed 200 years ago
and set up a memorial stone for her?
They are vermin.
They are less than lowly beasts.
How could they hurt a person
Please don't cry, Sa Wol.
My poor
Lady Yeon Woo.
What on earth is going on?
Your family tried to take her life.
Have you come to?
It's a wrapping cloth that has been in my mother's side of the family.
One that is about 200 years old.
I made it
for my mother before I married.
I had my suspicions and doubts but
So the one referred to as Butterfly in the old diary and letters
is really you, Yeon Woo.
A diary?
This is actually why I came to see you.
The entries only led up to the day of your wedding,
but what happened after that suddenly appeared on paper.
(Diary of the Talented)
Are you saying that the words suddenly appeared on the pages?
That's right.
Yeon Woo being acknowledged as a virtuous woman
led to the Kang family receiving a government post.
I am absolutely sure
that Lady Yoon did the unthinkable to Yeon Woo.
What I saw was true.
My mother
My father
It's all right.
It's all right.
I am the reason they both died.
At first,
I brushed it all off as a coincidence
including my husband dying
and my being abducted to be thrown down a well.
However, that was not the case.
Both my husband and I were killed for the memorial stone.
What do you mean by that?
My husband was poisoned
by his stepmother Lady Yoon.
His stepmother? Are you saying
CEO Min is the spitting image of her.
I never thought that would become of my parents.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry
about everything.
This is not our fault.
We just happen to be stuck with a nasty fate.
Who on earth are you?
As if that is important.
I doubt that is what you truly wish to know.
It is arsenic acid.
Who would question
the sudden death of a young man with a heart disease?
This is the only way
to accomplish my desire.
Why did you even show me that?
Because that was me in my past life?
What does that have to do with me and Yeon Woo?
What is it that you want?
There is nothing I desire.
However, I am sure of one thing.
If you stay with Lady Yeon Woo,
just like you did in your past life
I will die exactly like I did in my past life.
Because fate is destined to repeat itself.
If fate is why my heart
suddenly took a turn for the worse,
then I'm glad.
At least, justice is being served.
You will accept your death?
If that is what Yeon Woo needs,
then I will do so to protect her.
Noodles are easily made these days,
so I wonder why they used to be so rare.
We could only have it when there was a feast.
Don't you just love this clean and simple broth?
Please say what's on your mind rather than beating around the bush.
Let me see. When was it?
After Yoon Hee died and also President Min
The noodle dish we had after your father died
was also delicious.
What is the meaning of this?
It's about time you left this family and my company.
That childish threat
won't work on me, Father.
It'll be in your best interest to leave us as soon as possible.
If I made myself clear,
pack up and leave this instant.
If you wish to protect that proud company of yours,
you should manage your grandson first.
Should Tae Ha die as CEO,
it will be run by a random business expert.
I appreciate the advice.
I asked him to bring me here.
I have been concerned about Yeon Woo's meals
and could not stand the Kang family any longer.
I apologize
for yesterday.
It's okay. I'm grateful you came.
Yeon Woo will be thrilled.
How is she doing?
She's probably resting in her room.
I should make her something to eat.
She wouldn't see reason, so I brought her over.
But don't worry.
I'll come back for her.
By the way, I'd like you
to clear my schedule today.
I am feeling a subtle sense of foreboding.
It's like the calm before the storm.
Why's that? Was there a typhoon warning?
I'm talking about Vice President Kang.
He opened up about his heart condition,
laid out the possibility of an outsider running the company,
and didn't come to work today.
I couldn't get in touch with Yeon Woo either.
We have to talk about the pop-up store.
Something just doesn't smell right.
How will you proceed?
Chairman Kang is adamant about
kicking you out of the company.
It's all right. After all, this was expected.
Still, he seems to mean it this time around.
I'm guessing you have another card to play.
Did you seriously just say that?
Contingency plans are your purview.
As if I know anything.
I just follow your orders
Mr. Hwang!
I apologize.
Kang Tae Ha, that brat.
Why won't his bad heart give up on him?
By the way, from what I gathered,
the medicine he takes also prevents cardiac failure.
Without that medicine, he'll be like a walking corpse.
We're done here. You're dismissed.
Yes, ma'am. Of course.
The memorial stone was really dedicated
to the virtuous lady Yeon Woo.
Is this the story of Romeo and Juliet?
(The Virtuous Woman)
But doesn't that diary strike you as odd?
According to my research,
Ms. Yeon Woo's parents both died pretty normally.
History must've changed.
Because Yeon Woo and I
discovered the hidden truth.
Then what now?
I'll find a way to set things straight.
It's why I came here.
I will drive CEO Min out
at this upcoming shareholders' meeting.
Of course, you should do that.
Let's finally put things back to how they were.
You and me, together.
I'll then bring up appointing a business expert as CEO,
and once things are settled,
I will resign as the vice president.
What was that? You'll resign?
I'm only going to think about me and Yeon Woo.
But you said you were going to end your contractual marriage.
No, I'm going to keep her by my side
at all costs.
No, I won't approve of Yeon Woo.
- Grandpa - You imbecile!
You'll give up on the company because of some girl?
Was this Yeon Woo's idea?
She had nothing to do with it.
I just no longer have a reason to fight for SH.
You no longer have a reason?
A reason?
Did you actually just say that to my face?
When I gave everything to raise you
after your parents passed away?
I no longer want
other people to get hurt over unnecessary greed.
I don't want to dwell on the past and lose what is precious.
I'll forever live my life with the guilt of disappointing you.
Leave. Get out this second!
I'm sorry.
Darn it.
Yeon Woo.
I brought you some pine nut porridge and salted pollack roe.
You always ate these when you were not feeling well.
This pollack roe is different from the one you used to have in Joseon,
so try it.
It is delicious.
Thank you.
I will stay right by your side at all times from now on,
- so do not worry and - It is okay.
You do not need to do that.
I just
need some time to think. That is all.
Okay, I understand.
You must finish this porridge. Then I will leave you alone.
Okay, I will.
Why are you back already?
I said I'd pick you up.
Lady Yeon Woo told me to leave.
Ms. Yeon Woo said that?
But why do you look so sad?
Did something happen?
I feel
so useless.
Lady Yeon Woo is having such a hard time,
but I cannot do anything for her as her servant.
Who is a servant?
Sa Wol, you're no longer a servant.
You're just you, Sa Wol.
My lovely April.
Sung Pyo.
Don't forget.
There is only one servant now,
and that is me, Hong Sung Pyo.
Na Rae, you were here?
Na Rae was home.
Look at you two. You guys look ridiculous right now.
I have a shift.
It is delicious.
(When I close my eyes, I can see Yeon Woo.)
(I pray and pray again.)
Today, I am praying again.
That Yeon Woo will not give up
and that she will protect herself and overcome fear and pain.
I pray
and pray again.
(I pray and pray again.)
Yes, Mother.
I promise you that I will overcome it.
(I pray and pray again.)
I had never once tried to figure out
what I truly wanted
because my grandfather's dreams
were always my dreams.
It was the first time
I'd ever dreamed of a different life.
If you don't like my family,
you can run away.
I will follow you, no matter what.
I'll never
What I'm saying is, I'll never let you go, Yeon Woo.
I kept wondering
I mean, why did this happen?
But figuring out why it happened is not important.
What matters is the fact that I am here now, living this moment.
I will not let fate conquer us,
nor will I run away from it.
And I will make everything go back to the way it should be.
From now on,
let's do it together.
My goodness.
If you do it like that, it will take forever.
I got this. You can tidy up the rest.
What are you doing?
- Hand it over. This is my job. - Come on.
I am earning my keep.
I should earn my keep. You are letting me stay at your place.
Do not hate me too much, Na Rae.
I will not steal your brother from you.
Do you think I'm a kid?
Stop talking nonsense.
To tell you the truth, I kind of hate you too, Na Rae.
Because you are the person
Sung Pyo cherishes the most.
Now, we are even, right?
So let's be friends now. Please?
Kimchi fried rice.
What did you say?
You said you were a good cook.
I like kimchi fried rice. That's how you can earn your keep.
What else do you like? Tell me.
I like tteokbokki.
I make amazing tteokbokki.
- Really? - Yes!
My favourite is rose tteokbokki.
Gosh, whatever.
Na Rae, why are you so cute?
What did Grandfather say?
He was furious.
He might give you an earful too.
That is fine.
I know that he is angry because he is concerned about you.
I also know that he is the most precious person in your life.
Thank you.
Oh, one more thing.
That person, Cheon Myung, appeared before me as well.
Did Cheon Myung say something to you?
If you stay with Lady Yeon Woo,
just like you did in your past life
I will die exactly like I did in my past life.
Because fate is destined to repeat itself.
She told me to stay by your side,
no matter what.
Do not worry.
This time, I will not succumb to fate.
I will protect you at all costs.
Like my bodyguard?
"Body" What?
It's something that's very good for your body and mind.
I see.
Even better than Chokho?
Yes, possibly.
Then let us go now and buy that "body" thing.
Wait, Yeon Woo.
Did you sleep well?
Hi, Auntie Hae Ryung.
My, this looks delicious.
Tae Min, did your mom not tell you?
Sorry? About what?
You and your mom will be moving out.
Dad, for real?
Your mom will soon leave the company,
so you need to take care of her.
Move out and live on your own.
That way, you can learn to be independent.
What's going on? Why is he saying this?
Don't mind him. We don't need to move out.
Were you the one that exposed Tae Ha's heart problem?
Was that why you told me to be ready for the upcoming promotion?
The owner's health is an important matter that can
directly affect the company's sales.
He has a disease.
He's ill.
How could you use the fact that he's ill?
It had to be done for SH's sake.
And this is the outcome?
Grandpa has completely turned his back on us.
It's all over now.
We shall wait and see whether or not it's really over.
I have come too far to back down.
Ms. Min.
Mom, please.
Is something the matter?
Do I look like a man with a story to tell?
Does it make me more attractive?
A joke is only a joke when it makes the listener laugh.
You're now back at Tae Ha's place, right?
- Don't you regret it? - No.
I do not regret my choices.
That's so you, Mourning Dress.
I always regretted having been born into the family.
My brother who always outdid me in everything,
my scary mom,
and my grandpa who only cares about my brother.
I always wondered if it was okay for me to live in that house.
That's why I was worried about you,
thinking you might be ruined like me.
But you were different.
You stayed strong
with a smile on your face at all times.
Well, I just liked that about you.
And I envied you for that.
I guess that's why I couldn't take my eyes off of you.
Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?
Seriously, did something happen?
Like I said,
I'm just worried about you. That's all.
From now on, if you're ever stressed or sick,
just come to me. Okay?
Do not worry.
I can take care of myself.
You're so stubborn.
Shall we?
We should get back to work.
(Vice President Kang Tae Ha)
You can't come in here whenever you please.
Grandpa is kicking me and Ms. Min out.
You see, I really don't care.
But Ms. Min will cook up another ruse.
I thought you should know.
Why are you telling me this?
Take care of Mourning Dress.
As you know,
both Grandpa and Ms. Min will do anything and everything for SH.
If it's too much for you, let me take care of her.
No, thanks. Yeon Woo and I will figure it out on our own.
Gosh, you're so obnoxious.
Yes, Ms. Lee.
I'm calling to ask you about the representative
of the US Congress you told me about the other day.
At the upcoming shareholders' meeting,
we should get Hye Suk ousted.
"Ousted?" What do you mean, sir?
The rumours surrounding Mr. Kang
have finally died down.
Also, ousting the CEO of the company should not be taken lightly.
All right, sure.
Director Choi, have Director Ko hand in his resignation.
Ko Heung Soon, Choi Jun Myung,
Kim Jin Ho, Oh Byung Chul.
Whose decision was it to promote you to director,
managing director, and executive director?
And what did you say just now?
We understand what you're trying to tell us, sir.
Tae Ha, where are you?
Where are you, Yeon Woo?
I am in front of the house now.
So you're at home?
Anyway, you are still at work? Then work hard.
(Vice President's Office)
Is this our house?
Oh, well
I wanted to surprise you.
Do not tell me
that you followed me.
I did.
My feet keep following you around.
I should teach your feet a lesson.
Now, my lips are doing the same thing too. What do we do?
What do you think?
I will teach them a lesson.
Mr. Hong, what are you doing here?
Well, the thing is
I was waiting here to report an urgent matter to you,
but you two suddenly walked in,
and she said she wanted to surprise you and teach you a lesson.
You and your mouth! Shut it, please.
The thing is, I didn't see anything.
I don't know if that kissing noise was made by your lips or feet
Shut it!
Are you saying that person has been tailing us?
Mr. Kang, you were right.
I bet Ms. Min hired someone to tail me and Yeon Woo.
That's probably how she found out about my heart problem.
Yeon Woo!
We must
catch that person.
Darn it. I'll beat up that jerk to a pulp!
Sa Wol, don't use your fist for something like this.
- Use your head. - My head?
- Yes. - A head butt?
I will crush his skull with a head butt!
Sa Wol, that is not what he meant.
But he said to use my head.
First, find out who he is.
Don't you worry.
I've got a plan.
(Machine Room 3, Restricted Area)
Sung Pyo.
I feel like we're protagonists in a movie.
I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.
He's so hot.
(Machine Room 3, Restricted Area)
Sung Pyo.
Sung Pyo.
My gosh, Tae Min.
Tae Min. It's you, right?
You've got the wrong person.
Come on. It is you, the childish Tae Min.
Oh, you're not Tae Min. Are you the happy-go-lucky Seok Jae?
Gosh. Like I said, you've mistaken me for someone else.
No, I know you. Tae Min.
Seok Jae, Tae Min. My gosh.
Sung Pyo.
Sung Pyo.
You scared me!
Seriously, I adore you so much.
That thing, JP
No, GP GPZG. Did you put it on him?
Yes, I managed to put the GPZG on him.
What's the matter? Are you nervous?
She is my first client.
Also, she is a high-ranking official from such a huge country.
I am worried I might make a mistake, which makes me nervous.
Don't you worry.
The congresswoman is a wonderful person.
Are you Madam Butterfly?
Spread them out.
My goodness!
You've been well, right?
Yes. You've been well too, right?
Your Highness, you look absolutely beautiful.
Ms. Park Yeon Woo.
Finally, we meet. It's nice to meet you.
Yes, hello.
- Please take a seat. - Sure.
My daughter here has been dying to buy clothes made by you.
She's been pestering me about it nonstop.
I saw your collection on social media and fell in love.
Your clothes are so pretty.
Thank you.
By the way, have we met before?
You look familiar for some reason.
I also feel as though we have met somewhere before.
My gosh. I guess you and Yeon Woo were meant to meet.
Yes, I guess.
All right, then. What should we do first?
Spread them out, please.
I need to take your measurements.
A US Congresswoman will wear Yeon Woo's clothes?
Amazing. Yeon Woo is so impressive. I give her that.
This will help us advertise the opening of Yeon Woo's pop-up store.
Ha Na will prepare for the interview with the congresswoman.
Seok Ju and Tae Min, focus on taking good care of the congresswoman.
Since I'm the best-looking one on the team,
I'll take care of the congresswoman's daughter.
Tae Min, you take care of the congresswoman.
"The best-looking one on the team?"
Are we selecting the center member of an idol group?
Hold on. That's all great,
but aren't I the best-looking one on the team?
What is this, "Dumb and Dumber?"
(Tae Ha)
- Hello? - Where are you?
Are you still at Midam?
Where are you?
I'm at home now.
I see.
You are at home?
Did you think you could fool me twice?
I am not stupid.
How did it go? Did the meeting with the congresswoman go well?
It went so well that I want to jump around in excitement.
Then can I take you somewhere?
What is this place?
You said you wanted to jump around.
Jump and run around all you want.
It feels so soft!
Be careful!
I have not run like that in a while. It feels so nice.
How does it feel to run like that?
From time to time, I come here to watch people run.
"When you're out of breath,"
"what kind of sound does your heart make?"
"Will it hurt? Will it feel nice?"
I've always wondered about stuff like that.
This is how you feel after a run.
Your heart races and pounds.
I don't really know what that feels like.
Show me again.
What if someone sees us?
There's no one else here.
We can do this.
It feels nice. So that's what it's like to run.
how about another run?
- What? - This time,
we will run at full speed.
My gosh. At full speed?
What is with that chuckle?
I had to pluck up the courage to say that.
You did?
I still don't really know what it feels like.
A US congresswoman?
Tae Ha landed such an opportunity?
Yes. She is Korean-American though.
I believe Ms. Lee Mi Dam arranged it.
Lee Mi Dam, that woman. Everything she does is getting on my nerves.
I feel the same way.
Anyway, what should we do?
We shouldn't let Kang Tae Ha get his way.
Ms. Min?
Something must be done.
We have to take care of Tae Ha so he can't do anything.
We'll do whatever it takes.
"Whatever it takes?"
Ha Na.
Do you have the questions ready for Ms. Congresswoman's interview?
Yes, would you like a printed copy?
I'm sure you took care of it well.
I have to attend the managers' meeting,
so make sure you give it to Yeon Woo.
Yeon Woo will be here shortly. Please take care of it.
Here are the interview questions we'd received in advance.
You can go over them.
Thank you.
By the way, why did you want to meet here?
The one who ruined your garment
at the first-year anniversary event
was me.
The design leak and the model issue.
Those were all done by me.
I wanted to stand by Mr. Kang.
I worked hard. I was confident about it
until you showed up.
Did you do all that out of mere jealousy?
Such a thing
can turn one's life into misery.
I am sorry.
I am not asking for your forgiveness.
We are not going to see each other anymore
because I'm quitting my job soon.
Are you going to run away like that?
Do you not feel sorry for others?
They trusted you.
They are your teammates.
Stay and pay for it.
Do everything you can.
Then, I will think about whether I am going to forgive you
or not.
What was the concept
of the garments that you made for the two.
The concept was for the Korean-American congresswoman
to remember the hanbok she wore when she was young
Drink this.
Thank you.
To remember the hanbok she wore when she was young
Stop looking at it and drink some juice.
- What are you doing? - Now you are looking.
Look at me, not the papers.
I am looking.
No. I'm not satisfied.
Why do you keep disturbing me?
It will be good for us if I do a good job.
Grandpa's anger will go away too.
It's okay.
You are perfect as you are.
Your existence itself is so adorable to me.
In New Joseon,
is there a school that teaches you a sleek way of speaking?
When I do something, I do it right.
Stop bothering me, and go away.
Stop working.
Give it to me.
Play with me. I am bored.
- Go away. - Play with me.
- Satisfied? - It was too short. Do it longer.
What was that? That was short. Give me a longer one.
- Go away. - Just one time.
Play with me.
Stop it.
(Special Lecture of American Congresswoman May Hyun Kim)
(Meeting with Invited Outstanding Entrepreneurs)
Ms. Oh, Vice President Kang will be here soon.
- Okay. - Yes.
Right. Tae Min.
Water and refreshments for the interview are ready, right?
I will get them from the supply room soon.
(Special Lecture of American Congresswoman May Hyun Kim)
(Special Lecture of American Congresswoman May Hyun Kim)
(Park Yeon Woo)
(Kang Tae Ha)
(Kang Tae Ha, Park Yeon Woo)
What do you mean
Tae Ha is over?
You heard it.
I am going to get rid of him as you wished.
I put him in danger for good.
You are here.
I put your clothes on,
and I feel very gorgeous.
Thank you.
Nice to meet you.
I am Kang Tae Ha from SH Seoul.
Right. I heard a lot about you.
You are also opening in New York soon, right?
Yes. I'll send you invitations for the opening.
- Sure. - Let's go.
- Mom. - Why?
That guy is so hot. Totally my type.
Jenny, stop.
Where's your manners? Let's go.
- Shall we? - Yes.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
Are you all right?
(Special Lecture of American Congresswoman May Hyun Kim)
You already know about the questions and answers, right?
You can answer them comfortably.
We are going to take photos,
so please be as natural as possible.
We will begin in ten minutes, then.
- You are ready, right? - Yes.
(Kang Tae Ha)
How do you feel?
You get medicine from a pharmacist.
It doesn't just come in water.
Get rid of what?
Mr. Hwang.
You are shocked
to see me walking in here sound and safe.
If Hwang Myung Su gave him the drug,
he would try to make you take it.
That was what he did to my husband back then.
What do we do now?
We will play along.
I'm sorry.
What are you talking about?
Once we analyze the drug component in the syringe,
we will find out.
Won't we, Mr. Hwang?
I am so sorry.
Ms. Min asked me to get rid of you by any means.
I'm so sorry. Please forgive me this once.
I'm recording our conversation right now.
Do you still admit what you did?
Yes. I admit it.
I just did what Ms. Min told me to do.
Mr. Hwang, have you gone mad?
I don't know anything about this.
Say that to the police.
Right. I also filed for an injunction
for you to be suspended from work.
I'm letting you know, Ms. Min.
Well, Ms. Min.
When did I ask you to do such a thing?
You wanted me to do anything.
I thought this was what you meant.
You are crazy.
Hye Suk, you've become so weak.
(CEO Min Hye Suk)
It's all my fault. Wake up.
Come on.
Wake up.
Chairman Kang.
It is your turn now.
How did it go?
It's all over.
Ms. Min
will be summoned by the police soon.
I am relieved to hear that.
Everything will go back to its place, then.
Mother's journal too.
The ill fate will come to an end.
It will.
What is it?
Do you want to hear a funny story?
Stop it.
If you committed a crime, pay for it now.
What did I do so wrong?
Did you already forget what you did in the annex
twenty-three years ago?
Do you
Do you really think I killed Yoon Hee?
Oh, dear.
That wasn't me.
The one who killed Yoon Hee
was your grandpa.
How can you speak of such nonsense?
The one who locked your mom in the annex.
The one who made her die in it.
That was Chairman Kang.
Are you out of your mind?
He made a deal with your dad.
He promised your dad
that he would cure her heart disease if he married me.
Because he needed me
and my father's company for SH!
In a dark room with barely any lights,
Yoon Hee was all alone for months.
And on that day,
you found out your mom was locked in the annex.
You, who were still young,
went to see your mom in secret.
But then, it happened.
(23 years ago)
What do you mean?
You want me to lock the doors?
Yoon Hee hasn't been feeling well all day.
What can we do? It's Chairman Kang's order.
I can't do it.
If we left her like that, she might die.
It's Chairman Kang's order!
Dr. Oh!
Can't you see what he wants?
If the door was locked from the outside,
it couldn't be opened from the inside.
No one thought
you would be in there.
knocked on the door
for help.
Is anyone out there?
Help us!
So, is she dead or what?
And he pinned everything on me.
Because you saw me.
But I tried to help you.
You know
how he raised you.
In place of his dead son,
he had you as he wished in the palm of his hand
like a puppet.
Didn't he?
Tae Ha.
We only have each other now.
Mom. Dad.
What can you do without me?
Because we're one team.
It's me.
I need you to handle one more thing.
(Special thanks to Nam Gyu Ri, Kim Hyun and Kim Do Ah)
(for their special appearance.)
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
Do you want to know the truth?
Honestly, I'm scared.
It must be scary, but do not run away.
Because I am by your side.
Tell me, Grandpa!
Do you think I'll forgive the girl who turned you into this?
Don't touch her.
I'll never forgive you.
If you stay here,
Kang Tae Ha's heart will stop.
I need to decide if I'm going back or staying here?
Both Ms. Min and Grandpa are out of their minds.
How can they do that?
Now, I think I understand
why I came here.
Do not worry.
Everything will be okay.
(The Story of Park's Marriage Contract)
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