The Traitors (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Trust No One

- Previously on "The Traitors"
- Cody.
The faithful successfully
banished their first traitor
- I am a traitor.
- Yes!
Who's actually got
a traitor out.
But the treacherous two
quickly found a replacement.
Oh, my God.
Arie actually took the bait.
- Can I murder the first person?
This is a whole new game for me.
- I voted for you, Rachel.
The faithful suffered another
blow when Rachel was banished.
I've been backstabbed
by each and every one of you.
I'm faithful. Good luck.
And at the end draws near,
and with so much at stake,
Your prize pot $168,800.
Have Christian's actions
drawn suspicions
towards the traitors
I was recruited to be a traitor.
- What?
- I clearly said no.
What are you talking about?
What are you doing?
What if he was
already a traitor?
Threatening their chance
to steal all the money?
- He's playing it to loose.
I know our plan's going to work.
We got this in the bag.
- Dude.
Oh, today was the most stressful
day as a traitor.
I messed up.
- Talking too damn much.
I thought about it all night.
I was like,
"I don't think I should do it.
I don't know if I should do it.
Should I tell them?"
And then I was like,
I'm just going to do it."
- Yeah. Yeah.
- But you know what's wild is,
it never got brought up
at the round table.
Christian had slipped up
in the morning,
saying that he received
a letter,
and I really hated
that because the whole day
was damage control.
Thankfully, Kate got
under Rachel's skin.
She was just like, "Y'all are
getting screwed by Kate. Kate."
And I was just like,
"Yes, yes, yes."
Christian is
a little bit reckless,
and it could lead to us
being uncovered, as well.
And, honestly, what gives me
the most anxiety
is Stephenie.
- Yeah.
- She's pretty on it, actually.
- She's on it.
- Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
- She's pretty on it.
But, as of right now,
this is how I see it.
We murder Stephenie.
I think that's just
There's no decision
in that to me.
I mean,
that's just as clear as day.
I'm trying to not show
the disdain in my face
that I'm feeling at this moment
because, one, I don't want
Stephenie to get murdered,
and, two, Christian's salivating
at the thought of murdering her.
Unless y'all have
a different choice
and want to run through the pros
and cons of it,
it is an obvious decision.
- Let's just run through just
- Okay.
- Kate.
- We keep her?
- Yes.
- Great shield.
- Andie.
- Andie.
- No,
- Not even necessary.
- Not necessary. Quentin?
One of the reasons
we could murder Quentin
- Mm-hmm.
- That puts suspicion on Kate.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
Okay, so let's
Let's do the math here.
Murder Quentin or Stephenie.
Kate's to blame.
We banish Kate tomorrow.
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
Behaviors dictate my actions
a lot of the times,
and Christian's behavior
is definitely weighing heavy
on the actions
that I plan on taking.
- Oh, we're his first ones.
- First ones. First ones.
- I know.
- Fire's going.
I'm so glad I can spend
some time with you.
I know.
We never get to talk,
'cause he's always,
like, right there.
- Well, you're my girl, so
- Arie, I got you.
I'm telling you.
I'm telling you I got you.
- I know. I'm same. Same.
- Look at me.
- Look at me.
- The same.
- I got you.
Christian's a liability.
- Like, last night, I was like,
"Does he always talk
that brutally about everyone?"
- Yes.
- Oh, my God.
Yes, that's where I'm like
Christian has brought a lot
of suspicion on hisself
with this harebrained scheme
to announce
that he was the recruit,
and he declined it.
If we don't give them a traitor
at this banishment,
they're going to have to start
looking inward
- Yeah.
And there's no suspicion on me.
There's been very little on you.
- On me, yeah.
You got to think
it through, though.
I don't want to
- Oh.
- Ah.
- Hey, guys.
- Kate.
- Still here.
- Yep.
- The fabulous Kate.
- Hi.
Frankly, I cannot believe
I'm still here,
despite my best efforts,
I've tried to get murdered,
I've thrown money
over hillsides.
Who knew that sucking
was actually a winning strategy?
It's pretty down to the wire.
- Yeah, yeah.
If we don't get one out tonight,
we might as well
just all go home.
- Just give it up.
I mean,
I was certain about Rachel.
- I know.
- I feel like she would've been
a great traitor.
- Mm-hmm.
She would've been
a great traitor.
- Yeah.
- That was my argument.
- Yeah.
- I believed it.
- Obviously, wrong.
- So what?
- Who could be murdered?
Andie, Christian,
Quentin, and Stephenie.
I was thinking either you
or Christian
because if Christian got
the letter
Yeah, but yeah, but, no,
because that's my
One of my points.
Where is the letter?
Show me the letter, Christian.
I would've laminated it
and worn it as a necklace.
- I would've somersaulted
into this room to say,
"Guess what, guys?"
- No!
- Yes!
I'm just super stoked to see
Cirie and Arie
'cause, honestly, I don't know
what I would do
without either of them.
And I see Kate, and I'm like
She's been
the number one suspect.
Like, we need to just
get it over with.
Just be done.
You're getting a hug
whether you want one or not.
- I want one. I want one.
I thought you were murdered
for sure.
Oh, my God.
- Y'all, I literally brought this
because I thought
I was going today,
and I was like,
"It's my protection."
- Oh, my gosh.
This morning when I woke up,
I put my kid's
ultrasound in my pocket
because I was like,
"I need safety coming into this
breakfast," and I was saved.
So wasn't murdered last night.
I just feel so relieved.
- Y'all.
- Wait.
- Look.
- What happened?
- Three times in a row.
- Three times.
- You've gotten the shield
that many times?
- In a row.
- You are the shield master.
- Come in.
- Come in.
- Let's go. Ah.
I am freaking out.
- Me, too.
- My heart is going
- I know.
We've all experienced
the same
- Who's left? Who's left?
- Quentin and Stephenie.
- Stephenie.
I'm feeling really good.
One day away
from winning this money.
But I had to put a lot of, like,
fake stress on this morning,
which even fake stress
puts real stress into your mind.
- I feel nauseous.
- I-I do feel like I have to
I just don't even know
what to think anymore.
I don't even make eye contact
with Christian.
I'm trying to just look
at my empty plate.
I don't know what to do.
I need to get my act together
because I can't be like this
all day.
- So it's between
- Quentin and Stephenie.
I don't think Stephenie's
walking through that door.
- This is wild.
- I just lost my appetite.
Ugh, I'm going to scream.
I'm gonna die.
- Oh!
Ugh, I'm going to scream.
I'm gonna die.
- Oh!
- Ah!
- Hello-o-o-o.
- Wow.
- I am greeted with open arms.
You know, everyone is or they
seem happy, you know, to see me.
You never really know 'cause
somebody in here is lying.
They took a shot at who?
- Steph.
- At Stephenie.
- Stephenie.
- I have the shield, too.
- Oh, wow.
Oh, you had the shield.
You keep getting that shield.
- I know.
- Wait.
- Yep.
Stephenie. She was with
our group, that one
If we've been following
the pattern, like, they haven't
taken a shot at anyone
who's gone into the armory,
so we honestly thought
you were toast.
I thought I was toast.
As this toast.
- Yeah.
I really don't know
what to think,
because we've been operating
on this idea
that if you are part
of the group
that got to go to the armory,
then the traitors
wouldn't take a shot
'cause they wouldn't know
who actually had the shield.
Now Stephenie
is clearly murdered,
so that theory that it keeps
the group safe is null and void.
- We got to get rid of Steph.
- Yeah, just to relea
Release you from any suspicion.
- Right.
- That, too, yeah.
- That is the biggest
that's the biggest reason.
So we have to do it,
and then we all got to be like,
as soon as they see it,
we're all going to look Kate.
Stephenie was, more than
others, an ally to me.
I believe Cirie's a faithful.
I know she's a faithful.
- This one kind of hurts me
that I can't figure a way
to save her.
Stephenie was on you
and is still
Just still talking all day
about you.
Well, we won't be
talking tomorrow.
- But I'm really so annoyed.
Just the mere way that Christian
is salivating at the murder.
- So do we agree Steph?
- Yes.
- Steph.
- Steph.
- Steph.
I don't trust Christian
as far as I can pick him up
and throw him because Christian
to me is so, so dangerous.
- Show me how I murder someone.
- "Dear Stephenie,
by order of the traitors,
you have been murdered."
It sucks because I
God, I was so close.
I definitely think the traitors
are threatened by me.
Christian, like, totally outed
himself yesterday.
You know, and yesterday
I started thinking maybe Cirie.
She may have just murdered me.
If I find out she's a traitor
I cry when I get mad.
This makes me mad. Very mad.
- I'm so confused.
- Okay.
I don't really know
what to think.
And if I did, I don't feel
comfortable saying it out loud.
- Same.
Good morning,
my treacherous little tribe.
- Morning.
- How I will miss
these bottomless
murder brunches.
Oh, my God.
We're rapidly approaching
the finish line,
but for one player,
the race is already run.
Stephenie, Stephenie, Stephenie.
A survivor no more.
- Wow.
Now, this is
the penultimate day.
So let us remember
that procrastination
is the thief of time,
and you crack on
with the mission.
A little trip
to another humble country abode
is in the offing.
So pop into
those sweet rides outside,
and I'll see you over there.
Bon voyage.
- See you.
- What are y'all thinking?
I mean, at this
'cause at this point
- It's very unnerving,
but also insane
that at least two of y'all
- Are traitors.
- Mm-hmm.
- Are
- Lying.
So we, for sure,
think there's two?
I mean, there has to be, right,
'cause then there would
only be one.
- I don't actually know.
I'm feeling good about my plan
to vote Kate out.
She's the obvious choice
right now due to the fact
that Stephenie and Rachel
were so adamant
that Kate is a traitor.
But I'm feeling really,
really good about
how the outcome
of this game is looking.
So, then, do you think we
just do Kate tonight, or do
- I think we do?
Do we do Kate tonight?
- Yeah, I mean, after Rachel,
I think we have to do Kate.
- We have to go Kate.
Okay, okay.
- I didn't come this far,
despite my best efforts
to get the hell out of here,
to not say,
"Christian, you're a traitor,"
and see him admit it.
As far as Kate,
Quentin, and Andie go,
they believe that there are
only two traitors,
and our names have not
even been thrown out there,
so this couldn't be better
for myself and for Cirie.
Christian is, like, so sketchy.
Yesterday, he was so sketchy.
Yeah, actually,
that occurred to me.
Like, how hard
After Rachel wasn't one
- Mm-hmm.
- I was like,
"Well, she was at least
trying to passionately
trying to find somebody
she believed to be a traitor."
- Mm-hmm.
I was like,
"Who hasn't been doing that?"
- Yeah.
- Christian.
Yeah. He's just all
about the mission.
I feel like Christian
is going to mess this up
for all of us 'cause
if he doesn't get banished,
I don't even know
what could happen.
So at this point, we know
who we're going for tonight.
Obviously, everyone's
on the same page with Kate.
That leaves another person.
- You don't think Arie?
'Cause he had the shield.
He was on the winning team.
He knew who he could kill.
- Hmm.
- And it threw the pattern off.
Because what has happened
every other time?
Someone dies from the team
without the shield.
- Mm-hmm.
- Every single time.
I don't know.
I mean, who else?
What do you
What do you think,
it's Andie or Cirie?
No way.
It is. That's a decent one.
- Let me sit with that.
- Okay, yeah.
- Let me sit with it.
Well, I'm a little confused
on Christian,
because we agreed that
we were both going to vote Kate,
and, all of a sudden,
he was just inadvertently
setting Arie up.
And I just I don't know.
I didn't think this game
was going to be this difficult.
Like, people are really lying
in here.
Like, for real, for real.
Alright, before anybody else
comes in here
- Mm-hmm.
- Let's go.
- so you're thinking Kate today?
- Yes.
Okay, I don't want to throw
a new theory,
but I just had a thought.
What if it's not Kate,
and what if it is Christian?
- Mm-hmm.
It's not true nervous energy.
It's not fear.
It's talking about
being nervous.
I think I'm more confused
than ever.
In my gut,
I feel like it's Kate,
but Christian gets brought up
because there's just
some suspicious behavior.
So it's a really hard thing
to kind of navigate.
If we're wrong, then game's up.
- Okay.
- Here we go.
The time at my castle
is quickly running out.
- Oh.
- Let's get it.
And if the traitors
can remain undetected
until the end of the game,
they will take all the money.
But for now, traitors
and faithful must work together
to build
that prize pot for that,
and we are going to do just that
on an excursion
to my neighbor's estate.
I just want to see the last
traitors be sent home with $0.
That is priceless.
- Hello.
- Really?
- Hi, Alan.
- Oh, hang on.
- What's going on?
- Okay.
As well as running
a successful murder castle,
I also moonlight
as an art curator.
Today, I need your help.
I've just had a state-of-the-art
security system installed,
and I want to test if it works.
Your task, one player at a time,
is to do your best
burglar impression
by transporting these expensive
items from their plinths
to the other side of the room.
This is one of your last chances
to show your worth.
Today, there'll be no trip
to the armory
and no opportunity
to win a shield.
So this mission
is all about the money.
Okay, then, my little
Ocean's Six, off you go.
Oh, gosh.
There is one more thing I
I, um
I should've mentioned,
and I'm going to tell you
just as soon
as I get safely over here
to the other side of the room.
- Ooh!
- Wow.
- Yes, there's lasers.
- Let's go.
- That looks so sick.
Lasers shoot across the room.
It's giving black ops.
It's giving
"Mission Impossible."
It's giving double- "O" Quentin.
You have 15 minutes
on the clock.
Every player that makes it
to the other side of the room
earns the value of the item.
The bigger ones
will add more to the prize pot,
but they'll be harder
to get across to the other side.
The players who are successful
can go back and try again
until time runs out,
but if you hit one of the lasers
at any point,
you'll have one minute
taken off your time,
and you'll be removed
from the game immediately.
The item you are carrying
will be removed
from the game with you.
- Oh.
- Mm.
This is the most serious
I've taken any mission.
I took my boots off
Too clunky.
I rolled my sleeves up
'cause I'm wearing
a puffy sleeve shirt
Too puffy.
I used to sneak out
of my windows
when I was in high school,
so I feel like
I've been training for this.
Maybe learn the lasers first,
then grab the items.
Keep in mind, though,
if you make it across,
we need to go back.
So maybe we go for the easier,
smaller-ticket items first.
- That time has come.
- Cirie, you want to go first?
I'll go first, and I just want
to get it over with.
Cirie has volunteered
to go first.
I wouldn't go first
for anything.
Go right ahead, and you be the
first canary in the coal mine.
- Your 15 minutes
This is one of your last
chances to show your worth.
Your 15 minutes starts
- Okay.
- You got it, Cirie.
- You got it, girl.
- You got it. You got it.
- You got it, Cirie.
So nervous because
I wouldn't count myself
as the most agile,
and the lasers
are, like,
literally intertwined.
One wrong move, and you're out.
- Nice. Nice. Good job.
- I'm just going for it
All the money
we can add to the pot.
- Stay under, stay under.
I have a family at home
that depends on me.
I don't have a house in Hawaii.
I rent.
So I'm playing the game to win.
- Very stealth. Very stealth.
- Ooh, careful.
Take your time.
You got it.
You got it.
Stay low. Stay low.
- Real low. Real low.
- Watch this leg, my back leg.
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- Whoo!
- Cirie!
Your girl makes it
to the other side!
- $1,500 to Cirie.
- Security breach.
Laser added.
- Oh, it's getting harder.
- They're going to add lasers.
If you think you can,
grab the angel now,
'cause she's 8 grand.
- Yeah,
I want to see how big it is.
You have 13 minutes
and 20 seconds remaining.
Remember, you can pick it up
and set it down.
Quentin himself is already
a pretty big guy.
And now we've pretty much
told him
he has to take the biggest item.
Quentin is going big
or going home.
That's $8,000.
- Yeah.
- Good job.
- I get the statue,
and I, like, instantly knew
that I have to go high value
time is going to run out.
So I just went for the gusto.
Quentin's going barefoot
for this.
- I'm going to call her Pearl.
Watch right in front of you,
right here, Quentin.
Pearl and I,
we're ducking and dodging.
Pearl is being agreeable,
is following my lead,
so I'm like,
"Alright, let's just do it."
- 13 minutes remaining.
- Keep your head down.
I'm like, "There's no way.
No way Quentin's going to make
it over here with that statue."
- Watch my statue.
Lo and behold,
Quentin smashes it.
- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah, Quentin!
- $8,000 statue. Mm!
- Wow, that was great.
Thank you.
How the heck
did Quentin do that?
There's a lot of adrenaline
I know, right?
- Security breach.
- Laser added.
Oh, that one just came on
in the middle.
Okay, I'm going to go for the
cup and jewels, I think, okay?
I'm super stoked.
I'm ready for this.
This is my moment.
I run every day. I do yoga.
I stretch all the time.
This is absolutely nothing.
I'm going to have this
in the bag, guaranteed.
- Intruder detected.
Escaped time
reduced by one minute.
You have activated the security
system, I'm afraid.
Make your way to the losing side
- Christian.
- Did I hit one? Okay.
Literally has one foot
on the ground
and he hits a laser.
Such a fail.
You have 10 minutes, 30 seconds
- 10 minutes. Let's go.
- Alright, you guys got it.
Good job, Kate.
- Come on, Kate.
I know the entire team
is thinking,
"Oh, God. Here goes, Kate.
I hope she doesn't
mess this one up on purpose
like she loves to do."
You sabotage
one, little mission,
and that's all people remember.
careful with those bagpipes.
They've seen a lot.
- Watch your back when you turn.
Is this is your first time
handling the pipes, Kate.
Watch your Watch your head.
Watch your head.
- Watch your head, Kate.
- Oh, good job, Kate.
- You got it, girl.
- You got it, yeah.
- You got it.
- That's it. That's it, Kate.
- I'm making it pretty far.
I'm doing okay
with the bagpipes.
- Good job.
There you go.
Hold it.
- Ah!
- I guess we'll never know
how well I'm going to play
the bagpipes.
- Intruder detected.
Escape time reduced
by one minute.
That's one minute of your time
and $2,000 out of the game.
8 minutes and 35 seconds
Come on, Arie.
No pressure, but there's a lot
of pressure on you right now.
If you got to go small one,
too, go for it. Good job.
- Arie!
- Okay.
I think you got to have,
like, a little bit of rhythm.
Now, I've never seen Arie dance,
I could just imagine.
That bust will win
the team $500.
- Get low. Get low.
Watch your back.
Watch your back.
- Intruder detected.
Escape time reduced
by one minute.
- You are out of the mission.
Andie, 60 seconds
have been removed,
leaving you a time of 7 minutes.
- I was just like
Just go out on my
My fingertips,
my tippy toes, doing Cat-Cow.
I'm light on my feet.
You know what I mean?
Three players
out of the mission.
Three players are in.
- Take your time.
- Yep.
- Yep.
- Easy.
Andie is like Catwoman
on steroids.
It was so graceful.
You're good.
Where are you going?
You're good.
Bend low.
Bend low.
- Yep, yep.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Andie, bravo.
- Good idea.
- There we go. There we go.
- That's gorgeous.
- Yep.
- Yep.
- Yep, and stay low.
There's one on top of you.
- Yeah.
Truly a cat
A cat burglar in the making.
Whoa. I'm sensing some yoga
in your past.
Yep, right here, right here.
Right here. Good job.
Congratulations, you three.
You've all made it across.
There's 5 minutes, 35 seconds
remaining on the clock,
and you now have the opportunity
to go back again
and get more loot.
- Okay.
- Security system reboot
in three, two, one.
- Go. Hurry up. Good job.
- Starting the time again now.
- Go, go, go.
- Take your time. Take your time.
There's $11,000 possibly
to collect.
- Yep.
- Come right there to the middle,
and there's one right
on top of your head.
Time is going to run out,
and I don't want to rush.
I was like "The Karate Kid."
I was really good.
I had to duck and dodge,
you know?
- Watch ooh, watch your back.
- Watch your back.
Watch your back
right behind you.
Right behind you.
- Whoo!
- Wow.
- My Aunt Mildred gave me that
after a trip abroad.
Do not break it.
This is a big one,
so take your time on it.
- Keep your butt low.
- Yeah.
- Ugh!
- Aw! That's Alright.
That's alright.
- Intruder detected.
Escape time reduced
by one minute.
nothing was accomplished.
- Come on, Cirie.
- Ooh.
- Oh!
- Aw!
- Intruder detected.
Escape time reduced
by one minute.
- Andie, it's all down to you.
- There you go. Let's go.
- Go for it.
You got one minute.
- You got it, Andie.
Come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
- Andie is crawling.
Andie is ducking and diving.
Total ninja-badass vibes.
That necklace may be small,
but it's worth $1,500.
- Yep.
- Low. Low.
- Yeah. Low. Low.
- Watch your head on this one.
This one.
No, no, no, no, no!
In 10, 9, 8, 7
- Come on, You good. You good.
- 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
- Yeah!
- Come on. Come on. Come on.
- Yeah!
- Whoo!
- Everybody, grab something.
- Doors locking.
- Go! Run! Take your things!
Get out of here quick!
Watch me.
Now, everybody,
Andie, Quentin, and Cirie,
you successfully transported
your goods.
Your nifty work
and ill-gotten gains
have contributed $13,000
to the prize pot.
- Nice.
- Bravo.
- Good job, y'all.
However, Christian,
Arie, and Kate,
you set off the lasers,
you failed,
and you contributed zero.
So I'll see you
at the round table.
Remember, tonight,
you must be vocal
you must be bold
and you must be ruthless.
No armory.
Even with half the team
failing at this challenge,
we still were able
to pull out $13,000
to add to the pot.
So everybody's, like,
all in love right now,
but there will be blood later.
I think that Alan guy's
a little sick in the head
- Which Alan
- making us murder people
and steal shit.
- Rob him.
- This is a weird hobby he's got.
The last two days, Kate's been
just, like, a different person
'cause I feel like she knows
or she feels like
she's going to get to the end.
Yeah, she has changed,
but that's been her thing
this whole game is smoke
and mirrors, I feel like.
- Yeah.
- Just, you know,
distraction and chaos.
But too much damage is done.
So let's get her out.
Let's get her out.
I do think Christian's
a traitor because, yesterday,
with the late, awkward
announcement of he got recruited
but turned it down.
- Yeah.
You think Christian
is that ballsy
to stand up and lie
and say he got recruited?
Why would Christian feel
obligated to shout that out?
- I don't know.
All I know is we got to get
a traitor tonight.
- Aye yai yai.
- Hoo!
I worked so hard
in that mission.
To be out in
- For two seconds.
- Two seconds.
- Burned so many calories.
- I mean, the one mission
where I was actually like,
"This is going to be fun,"
- I'm out.
- I know.
I'm feeling okay
with voting Kate tonight,
but what I'm also feeling
is Christian's name comes up.
It's been coming up all day.
And, honestly, you don't know
if anybody's telling the truth
about who they are
or if they're playing a role.
So somebody's lying, and they're
doing a very good job at it.
Clearly, there's no armory,
so everybody's up for grabs
and we are getting down
to the wire.
- Yeah.
But with that,
I'm just want to open it up.
What are y'all thinking?
- For what? Who we're voting?
- Yeah.
- Kate.
Well, you know,
so many things change
throughout the day.
- Oh, yeah.
- So I have to rewind.
- I thought you were about to say
that something changed.
I was like, "Bro, please no."
No, but, typically,
things change in this house
from morning to afternoon.
- Yeah, yeah.
Oh, 100%. For me, personally,
if it's not Kate,
to me, that means you
or you could be traitors.
I don't want to really cross
that bridge yet, mentally.
If it's you, you are, like,
I don't even
- If it's me? Yeah. Oh, yeah.
- Dude, you're, like,
next level, like
I don't think
I could do that, honestly.
I could've joined,
and I chose not to.
I think the play
that I did yesterday
about saying I was recruited
is in the past.
However, Arie kind of brought
it up today in front of Quentin,
and I just immediately
switched the tables on him.
He's coming into our team.
This is, you know,
kind of our empire as traitors,
and what we say goes.
So I just hope
he doesn't get any wild ideas.
I have to look at
who I think wanted me,
and that's weird.
- Oh.
That's weird because, like,
is it the boys?
Like, I have to look at that.
- Yeah.
- And then you take Cirie,
which has never
been talked about,
but Cirie's a gamer.
- I'm going to go outside.
Christian has made it very clear
he's willing to throw me
and Cirie under the bus.
Like, he is taking this,
like, to another level
that I'm uncomfortable with.
I just feel like Christian
feels like he's, you know,
two steps ahead of us,
but he's not two steps
ahead of me.
He's so cocky.
- He is. He is. He is.
He knows
that he's winning this game,
and I feel like
he would slaughter me or you
at the drop of a hat
- 100%.
Like, without even
a second thought, so
- Without even blinking an eye.
- Arie, I'm telling you,
I know I'm a traitor,
but look at me.
You can trust me. I will not
- You can trust me, too.
I'm not trying to I'm happy
to go to the end with you.
- No, I'm 100%.
We are on the same page.
- Same. I promise you,
I've never brought your name up,
this whole game.
You can ask around.
We'll get that done tonight,
and then we'll just have
to figure out what's next.
- Yeah, let's do that.
- But I'm happy.
- I'm excited.
See, this is where
it gets sticky,
because I like all the people
that are left.
I just want to make it
through the round table,
and then I will go
to my next steps.
Too bad you're already married.
I could be The Bachelorette.
- Where is everybody?
Shit is boring.
Let's say Kate, we vote Kate,
and it's not her,
I have absolutely nowhere to go
because I don't think it's you,
I don't think it's Cirie.
- It's not Cirie.
Cirie wouldn't do us like that.
Everybody else, I could
I would be okay with,
but that that would hurt me.
- That would hurt.
- And that's how I feel, too.
Yeah. I don't think it's you.
I don't think it's Cirie.
For me,
I have more off of Christian
than I would Arie,
and that's just because
we've talked about this multiple
times, with his reputation.
- Mm-hmm.
- He's just so high on life 24/7,
and I feel like,
even in this situation,
something's got to get to you,
you know?
But then I'm also like,
"It's Christian."
It's so hard for me
to figure out, like,
if that's just
the kid's personality 24/7.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.
- And then, you know,
so it's just
That's all I got on him.
Yeah. Okay.
I hope it's Kate.
It has It It do
It has to be Kate
because then I don't know
where to go outside of that.
Tonight is, you know, easy
Easy for me.
I'm experienced. I'm a veteran
at being a traitor.
Everyone I've talked to today
has been on the same page
right from breakfast,
and we are all going to
absolutely banish Kate tonight.
- I'm feeling extremely nervous
because Christian
is so unpredictable.
If you make the wrong move
after all of this time
and coming so far,
it could just blow up
your entire game.
Hopefully, tonight,
we can get a traitor out
because, this late in the game,
with so little people,
we've got to get one out tonight
or it's game over, essentially.
There's no room for error.
This is the final seconds.
This is This is it.
Ah, my precious.
You have reached the milestone
of the penultimate round table.
Your prize pot
currently stands at $181,800.
I'm feeling generous.
Let's make it $182,000.
But, remember, if any traitors
remain undetected
at the end of this game,
they will take all that money.
Question is, can you find them?
There will only be one more
round table after tonight.
The surviving players will
then face my Fire of Truth,
where we will discover
who has prevailed,
the faithful or the traitors.
Darwinians will tell you
that it's not the strongest
or the most intelligent
of the species that survive
but the one most adaptable.
Look around you.
Who has evolved
throughout this game
to become
an undetectable traitor?
People are lying.
Or they could be.
Or they should be.
You are all potential
collateral damage.
Speak up.
Wise up.
Trust no one.
The floor is yours.
- Kate
I feel like I would be
letting the faithfuls down
if I didn't take a shot
to find out the truth.
As a faithful, I feel like
I have to redeem
some of the faithfuls
that have fallen.
I mean, I would just say,
of course,
you guys would still
have suspicions
about whether
I'm a traitor or not,
but if you haven't voted
for me yet,
do you really want to gamble
on this one?
Because if you get it wrong,
game's over for you.
If you're not
totally sure of me,
banish me tomorrow,
because, personally,
I think it's Christian.
I thought it was so strange
how, at breakfast yesterday,
we were having a great chat.
You and I were
the first two in the room,
and then Stephenie walked
in unexpectedly,
that's when you're like,
"Oh, by the way, guys,
I got the recruitment letter.
I know this makes me a target,
but I got it."
And why didn't you bring the
letter to the breakfast table?
It makes me wonder.
I don't know.
I'm not, like, upset
by any means
that you may or may not think,
you know, I'm a traitor.
It felt like, if I was quiet
and didn't bring up
the whole recruitment at all,
I would've just been
silently murdered.
I'm not the only person
that feels like
you might be a traitor.
- That's okay. That's fine.
I'm just my initial list
had you on it,
and looking at the circle
around me now,
I never really shook
that feeling.
I have to also keep in mind
Say you are a traitor,
which I think majority of us
think you are.
If you're not, I now have
to look at the four other people
that I thought
I could trust the most.
Who's your second choice
for traitor?
Because you'll have to buy
tomorrow night, as well.
- Arie
or Quentin.
Which sucks to say.
What are your thoughts, Quentin?
What I've learned in this game
is just because, um
Your personalities differ.
Or your
Doesn't make you a traitor
or a faithful.
Correct. I just got to be true
to what I've always thought.
I think, for me,
I've consistently thought that,
so I feel like that's where
I have to vote tonight.
- Mm-hmm.
Even though I have
genuinely grown to love you.
Anybody else?
Your decision tonight
will send seismic waves
across this castle.
Does anyone have
anything else to add?
I feel like you got to know
it's coming for you.
- Yeah, I'm used to it.
But, like, who is the one
person that comes into this
day in and day out
without any nervousness?
- You're saying I'm not nervous?
Well, every breakfast,
you're just high on life 24/7
- Well, that's fair.
- And I saw that other people
were genuinely terrified
to be murdered.
Who's like, the person
who doesn't really seem
to be shaken up by any of this?
None of this stuff
that's happening in this castle.
- Yeah.
- And that was that was you.
Yeah, like, I'm having fun.
I've made it this far.
It's insane to me,
but I'm not going to freak out
and just be like
It is just a game,
and at the end of the day,
like, I'm not here to win
all the money for me.
I'm not trying to be selfish.
I'm trying to share it
through the faithfuls.
That's all I have to say.
If any of you else
have any other questions
or suspicions about me,
feel free to bring it to me.
That's kind of all
I have to say.
- Very well.
It is now the time to vote.
- I'm honestly shocked.
Andie starts listing
all these reasons to be,
you know, suspicious of me.
However, I'm feeling pretty
confident about voting Kate out.
- I'm thinking, "Oh, my gosh,
what if I'm really being
banished tonight?"
Because, frankly,
Christian is quite convincing.
Are the votes going to remain
the same
because Christian
is putting up a good fight?
You don't want to be
on the outside of a vote,
especially tonight.
Players, it's now time
to reveal your votes.
- Let's start with Kate.
I think you're hilarious
and smart and amazing, and, uh,
if I'm wrong, I'm really sorry.
- No hard feelings.
- Arie.
this is a tough one, but
I think the conversation
about the letter seems suspect.
I have to go with the people
I trust the most
at the last part
of this experience,
and I am I'm putting
all my best towards it.
- You're good.
- Christian.
- I went with Kate.
No hard feelings.
- Mnh-mnh.
It is what it is.
It's just a game, so
- Yep.
- So two votes for Christian.
One vote for Kate.
- Kate, I voted for you.
I just have to stick true to,
you know, what I think
so what I said earlier was true,
and I do love you.
- Love you, too.
Two votes each with only Andie
and Cirie left to vote.
- I went with my gut tonight,
and my gut was telling me
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