The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

The Deepest Cut

You must be hungry.
No lettuce.
You remembered.
how is it going
with the asset?
She's not readyfor integration yet.
The timeline
can't drag on.
It shouldn't.
The longer you take,
the more exposed you are
to potential scrutiny,
however minor
the expenditure it entails.
If anyone doubts me,
you remind 'em what I
didto my face, my arm
the days onthat goddamn raft
all to earn their trust
in Omaha.
You tell them that.
And then
to go to hell.
It's gonna work.
I'll make it work.
I just need more timewith the girl.
There are others with
us. It was unavoidable.
Nothing's unavoidable.
Getting her alone, isolating
herfrom the others, is critical.
I know. So that's what you'll do.
Whatever it takes
to make that happen.
If you can't,
we will.
I thought you saidthe C.R. didn't want to
put any more resources
into this.
We don't.
I don't.
But I want this
to succeed.
For you to.
That's why I gave
the girls the map.
To keep things
on course.
They are.
Thanks for
the sandwich.
Alright, get a good
night's rest, Jennifer.
And please, please take
that before you go.
Dad left us.
But he left that
for us.
And it brought us
back together
safe and sound,
despite everything.
Maybe it will again.
What was that?
Yo, how far did you say
this place was, huh?
About a mile
or two back.
It's shelter.
And who knows.
Maybe we'll find somethingto
patch that tire with.
I'm freezing
my ass off.
It's cold tonight.
Coldest it's been
since we left.
I know what you're trying to
do. I'm bringing up the weather.
No, you're trying to say
how cold it is
so I picture Elton and Silas
out there alone.
I'm worried, and I know you are, too.
Of course I am.
We can't keep picking this scab
over and over.
I can't stop thinkingthat we might have
I hate how things
went down with Silas,
and, yeah,
I'm scared.
Elton's gonna freeze to death
in his little suit, but
So then why won't youtalk about it, Hope?
Because we spent hours
searchingand didn't find him.
Or Silas. They don't wanna
be found, alright?
There's nothing else
we can do.
Watch out.
Maybe it's karma.
What? I said maybe it's karma.
Us moving on
without Silas and Elton.
forget about it, okay?
Just forget
I said anything.
Since when do you believein karma?
So, how'd you wind up
in Omaha?
Don't remember much.
Isn't all of that in the file
you got there?
"Huck," right?
It's a nickname.
"Scarface" was taken,
Can I help you?
I'm here to conduct
a security intake.
That's funny.
'Cause that's
what I'm doing.
Uh, then
I guess you can stop.
Can I ask you
who assigned you?
Dr. Bavolar.
This applicant was submitted
by Omaha Police
she's former military
Oh, no,
I know who she is.
I read her file.
You see, I have been
doingthese security clearances
for four years now.
Yeah, but you don't have
adoctorate in criminal psychology
and a master's
in behavioral psychology.
Or do you?
Makes sense why security'd want
a psych specialist.
I'm sorry.
No one told me.
Dr. Bavolar thought
we could conduct
the interview together.
It'll help to have someone with
your experience in the room.
Will Campbell.Huck.
You're gonna be doing a
batteryof psychological tests today.
Can't I just blame everything
on my mother
and be done with it?
Hold up.
Looks like
we got some.
Hold your light
What the hell? They're
all caught on something.
It's barbed wire.
We're gonna have to
fight our way past.
Watch your six.
I'll clear us a path. Follow me.
Felix, you good?
What's up?
Nothing. I just got a little
sliced on the wire.
You're sure
that's all it is?
I'm good.
Let's just get
where we're going.
How the hell'd
you find me?
Quicker we find
somethingrubber, waterproof,
quicker we can get backon the road.
Oh, this
This place looks haunted.
Whole world's haunted.
Must've evacuated the place.
We still need
to be careful.
Let's check it out.
Come on, Hope.
You're with me.
See you on the flip.
I don't bite.
Gonna be honest.
Kinda feels like youavoid
me sometimes, kid.
I'm lucky
Hope found you.
trained with us.
You never asked. Hope needed it.
The structure,
the discipline.
She was only into it'cause she wanted
to sneak off to Omaha.
You knew that,
It's crazy how differentyou two are.
It took you weeks what it
tookHope months to get in training.
When I was 16, I was just like her.
Flyin' by the seat
of my pants.
But you?
You're who I wanted to be.
The speech you gave
before you left,
not trusting the C.R
I get it.
But maybe
Maybe your dad's whole
situationisn't as bad as we think it is.
What makes you say that? I don't know.
I was just thinking how easyit
is to overthink sometimes.
Especially for someone smartlike you.
We should
keep looking.
That room's
not for us.
The people
that lived here
They're still here, but they ain't living.
I'll check
down here.
This place is a bust.
Nothing else
around here.
Gonna have to
ditch the car,
go the rest of the way
on foot.
You sure?
I'm sure.
90 miles northeast, there's
some mountainous terrain.
Your leg good?
Up for some climbing?
I'll round up
the girls.
Meet you out front
in five.
You know
You've been leaving your jacket
at my place.
It's my old one.
And don't freak.
It's not like it's
mytoothbrush or anything.
Shut up.
Mm. I'll make pancakesif you make dinner.
You know what this placeis missing?
Wine glasses,
decent towels.
A toaster oven,
new rug.
I don't know.
Maybe a lamp.
a dog.
Yeah, no.
There's an adoption
eventin the east quad today.
If I see a puppy I said no.
What's up with you?
You've been
in a mood lately.
Leo told me last night
he wants me to stay home
and watch the girls
while he's gone.
And that's a bad thing?
If you joined his security
team, you'd be gone for months,
maybe years.
You know he thinks that
you're good for me, right?
He is a smart man.
What if he just wants
meto stay because of us?
You're happy.
Which you're allowed to be,
in case you didn't know.
I owe him
I mean, he didn't haveto save me, right?
But he did.
And if anything happensto him
Nothing's gonna
happen to him.
Look, except for Huck maybe,
you and I are obviouslythe
two best equipped to
Well, fine.
Then ask Leo to go.
I can't just
ask him to go.
He made me promise thatl
would watch Hope and Iris.
Okay, so you can't stay,
you can't go.
You're miserable
either way.
You don't trust anybody else
to take care of things.
You're so controlling,
you don't even trust me
to make you a cup of coffee.
What are you
talking about?
Just because
someone saved your life
doesn't mean you have to live
the rest of it for them.
You gonna tell me
why you're doing this?
I'm gonna die.
You know that, right?
I need to try
and save you.
Th-The wind.
It It It brought me to you.
It's a signl'm supposed to save you,
so that's what
I'm going to do.
The wind?
You know you can't fight that.
It took your dad.
And your mom
That shit tore through her
like a hurricane.
Freaking out,
shooting people.
Shut up.
Shut your mouth.
I am not my mom.
I am nothing like her.
What about Hope?
Are you like her?
She was little.
My mom has no excuse.
Well, if you are hell-bent
on saving me,
I suggest you find
where I'm leaking.
Patch me up
before I bleed out.
You're not really talking
right now.
This is just a stress reaction
manifesting itself.
You know what I think?
I think you're scared.
I think you're scared to find
out what your buddy Silas
did to me
with that wrench of his.
I'm not scared.
Surprise, Rocket Man.
I got shot.
Some kind of
Looks like there's another
one further past it.
We should go around.
There's an alley
on the other side.
Come on.
We got this.
Pick up the pace,
Oh, shit.
Just relax, okay?
It's not that bad.
Right here.
Let's take another look,
see if it's gotten worse.
I still don't get it.
How did it get that bad
from the fall?
It didn't.
Last night with the empties,
I nicked it on some
of that barbed wire.
And then you rolled it
when you jumped.
I should've said something.
Yeah, you should've.
We could have
slowed down.
I'm sorry, alright?
I am.
Hey, it's not that bad,
I started on some antibiotics
before we left just in case.
And I can handle the pain.
It's no big deal.
It'll heal.
We'll figure it out.
Maybe we could find something
we can use to keep it stable,
take some of the pressure
off of it.
We'll look.
Aw, Jesus, Felix.
You're not going anywhere
for a while, and you know it.
Who knew we had
two master chefs?
Um, the carrots could usea little work.
I made the carrots.
I think
they're great.
So, I heard they are, uh,
adding a second person
to join Romano
on your security detail.
That's right.
I thought it might be Dwyer,
but I asked her,
and she said
it wasn't her, so
I'm surprise they're not just
asking you who you want.
It's me.
Girls, can you go
get dessert ready?
I don't understand.
Why would you do this?
It's not his fault.
I asked to go.
Will told me this is
what you really wanted,
but that you were too afraid
to ask, so I
I've only ever wanted
what's best for you.
I'll go check
on the girls.
I'm going for you.
So you don't have toworry about him.
And maybe when I'm back,
things can be different.
You mean you need me
to be different, right?
I love you, Felix.
I love you so much.
But it is not up to youto
carry everybody else.
You gotta figure outhow to let that go,
put your trust
in other people.
In me.
C'mon, Percy.
Please wake up.
Wh-Who did this to you?
Was it
Does it matter
who did this?
I'm a figment
of your imagination.
What the hell's that shit
you're putting on me?
It's a poultice.
It's supposed to draw out the infection.
Assuming you didn't getsomething serious,
like staph or MRSA.
You know what? Let's not think about it.
Look, you're wasting
your time, kid.
Look at me, Corduroy.
I'm dying.No. No, you're not.
It's not over.
Look behind you.
I am so sick of lookingfor
things in this place.
What are we even doing?
You know
what we're doing.
Felix isn't gonna
lastanother mile on his foot,
let alone all the wayto the research place.
Look, if he can't runfrom empties
Felix has spent months
protecting us.
So we protect him.
And what if the extra
weekit takes us to get there
is the difference betweenDad being okay
Hope, what are you saying?
That we should leave him?
No, that's not what I'm saying. I just
We have tofigure out something.
Well, we're not leaving him,
I just wish sometimes I had
a map to figure you out.
I'm just gonna die
No, you're not.
I'm going to save you.
It's okay.
It's okay to walk away
and save yourself.
I won't.
I'm not her.
Hey, Elton
listen to me,
Look around.
It's over for me.
But not for you.
It's cool.
We got a minute.
Come on.
It's a crazy world out here, huh?
Full of good people who
sometimes disappoint us, but
it's damn beautiful.
you're not just the guy
behind the camera anymore,
You're part of it now.
That's not what this wassupposed to be.
It never is.
You didn't
want me to die.
That's a noble thing.
But trying to save a guy
who's probably already dead?
That's not worth it.
You can live, Elton.
To save other people
down the line.
Other people who can live
to change the world.
There's no
changing the world.
We only have 15 yearsbefore we go
We go extinct?
You sure about that?
I am.
My mom studied
I think your mom had more faith
in people than you think.
If she really thought it was gonna be over,
why have a son?
Why have your sister?
I think it's because,
despite what she wrote
in her manuscript,
and deep down,
she believed that
people stood a fighting chance.
There's a big,
beautiful world
waiting for you out there,
Fight for it.
Be brave.
Like she knew
you could be.
The transport to Omaha
is ready to go?
A CRM helicopter
willpick them up from there.
Where's your sister?
She's not coming.
She's still angry
I'm leaving.
I'll get the rest
of your bags.
I'm sorry about Hope.
I keep reminding myself
that anger
is just the soul's attempt
to avoid sadness.
Some people can't bear
to say goodbye.
There's no point in trying
to outrun pain.
It'll just sit patiently
and wait for you
to get too tired to run.
You mind
making me a cup?
Romano's waiting
downstairswith the transport.
Yeah, well
Romano can wait,
I was thinking that
takinghighways would be easier.
We're sticking
to the original plan.
Uh, it's impossible
for you to hike.
Yeah, it is.
You're coming with us.
You don't need me.
You don't need me
to hold you up,
put you in more danger.
Of course we need you.
At the beginning,
But not anymore.
You are more than capable, Iris.
You are.
I believe in you.
I mean, I believe inwho you've become.
Who you're becoming.
We'll leave first thing
in the morning.
As soon as we find out
what's up with Leo,
we'll be back.
Don't you worry
about us.
We got this.
I know you do.
I love you, Huck.
Yeah, you do.
Just like I love you.
Now, you be careful, alright?
This is bullshit.
Let me.
It's hard.
I know.
But sometimes we
gottamake decisions that are
No, this shouldn't
be a decision.
We shouldn't even
be discussing this.
Take a hard look,
a deep look.
No bullshit.
Do that, and you'll seeyour
purpose is to find Leo.
Your dad.
You really think we should go
without Felix?
He's a dangerto himself out there.
He stays here,
he's safe.
He lives.
Isn't that
what you want?
You and Huck
are pretty close, right?
Yeah. Why?
What's she told you
about her life before?
She was
in the military.
Her mom diedwhen she was little.
They found her
on a raft.
Wh-Why are you
asking me this?
What if
we can't trust her?
What? There's something off
about her.
Wh-Where is this
coming from?
I've been thinking it
for a while.
I just
I just can't explain it.
Then don't.
What you're saying
sounds crazy.
Look at how quickly
she dropped Felix.
Huck doesn't want to
leaveFelix behind, either,
but we have to do it.
What about that
don't you get?
Suddenly now
she's untrustworthy
because she's willingto make tough choices?
That's not
what I'm saying.
I'm saying
I have a gut feeling,
and I j just need you
to trust me on this.
Well, Huck has been therefor me
in ways that you don't understand.
She saved my life.
She's never judged me.
Are you saying I have?
Ever since I told youhow Mom died,
you've looked at me
We've been pretending it's
beenthe same, but it hasn't.
It has all changed
between us,
no matter how muchwe pretend it didn't.
Huck listens.
She understands.
And, yeah
I told her everything.
What the hell is going on
with you?
Maybe you just don't know
meas well as you think you do.
Were you gonna leave
for Omaha?
Were you even
gonna tell me?
We gotta talk.
It's the middle of the night,
We gotta leave.
Right now.
Iris won't move on
without Felix.
He's just gonna
drag us down.
Lemme grab my stuff.
Want me to
carry your pack?
Thank you.
It's no big deal.
I've carried way heavier
packsthan this before.
I mean thank you
for believing in me.
I'm stronger than
I've ever been before,
and it's because of you.
Thanks, Hope.
I'm glad
you feel this way.
Give me a second,
Come on, Felix, pick up.
Is that you?
Yes! It's me.
I-I'm with Percy.
What? I found Percy, but he's hurt.
Tell me
where you are.
We're We're about10 miles southwest
Y-Y-You're awake.
Look, I'm trying
to get you help.
She's the one
that shot me.
Felix.Whoa. What?
They're gone. What?
Hope. Huck.
I can't find them
or their stuff.
I-I don't know
They just left us?
Any regrets about this?
I just wish sometimes
I had a map to figure you out.
Where's my gun?
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