The Winchesters (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Cast Your Fate to the Wind

Pour me some of that, would you?
And remind me why this
couldn't wait till morning.
Someone needed what's in back
in a hurry, I guess.
Here's to time and a half.
What the hell?
Call dispatch. Get an
ambulance down here.
- Jesus.
- Dispatch, this is
Armored Truck 35-682.
We've hit a station wagon
while travelling southbound
on Rosewell Street.
We need assistance and
an ambulance out here
as soon as possible. Please advise.
No pulse!
35-682, stand by.
Body's cold.
Aah! Aah aah aah aah!
Where's the amulet?
Not here.
But this will help us find it.
I'm just saying it's a nice car.
He's got to be Men of Letters, right?
No, he doesn't dress like one.
He looks more like a Hunter to me.
He's not a bad looking one either.
I should've followed him.
He said my name and handed me
a letter from my dad,
and I just I blanked, you know?
Okay, whoever he is,
we're not gonna
figure that out right now
because this moment's
supposed to be ours.
Kyle. Hey.
Good morning.
John, this is Kyle, my reporter friend.
The one who wrote the story
on the VA hospital scandal.
- Guilty as charged.
- John Winchester.
Thank you for that story.
It meant a lot.
Least I could do.
Looks like I got another scoop though.
Guess this explains why you've
been slow to call me back.
- Kyle, I'm so sorry.
- Please.
All's fair in love and war.
I'll let you two get back to it.
Nice to meet you, John.
Omega Man?
Lata told me.
She keeps no secrets, that one.
It was just one date.
Well, in that case, I think
he took it pretty well.
Maybe Carlos and Lata would too.
Well, don't get me wrong,
I love our morning dates, I do,
but it just feels like
we're sneaking around.
And if you're okay with
Omega Man knowing about us
Then why not our friends?
'Cause they're not just our friends.
Office romances can
mess up a work dynamic.
And it's one thing if we're
selling cars or whatever,
but another when the stakes
are life and death.
So I just wanna keep things
simple, you know?
In the moment.
Mary, you there?
I found something where we can really
sink our teeth into over in Midland.
Carlos found a case. Vampire.
Well, then I will hoof it
back to the Clubhouse
and pull all of the vampire
lore I can find.
That way they won't know we're together.
- Keep this between us, right?
- Right.
Copy that. What's your 20?
Highway 59
This isn't how I saw things going
when I pushed over that first domino.
Thing is, I've had more than
a few dances with free will
and fate, but as my dad used to say,
"Fate is what you make it".
I already told the police
everything I know.
The bank just had a few
follow-up questions.
Look, I-I know I should've
stayed with the truck.
- Okay? But after what I saw
- Mira
Where's John?
I, uh, couldn't get ahold of him.
So what's the story here?
Well, an armored bank truck
was transferring items from a branch
that closed permanently
and got hit by vampires.
Different bite marks. Not
the ones that got Maggie.
So any idea what they wanted?
Well, according to
my new best friend Diego,
they were searching
for some kind of amulet.
Apparently, they couldn't find it.
I think whatever they're looking for
is tied to the Men of Letters somehow.
I saw a lockbox in the back of the truck
with the Men of Letters symbol
and the initials RJM on it.
But the box looked empty,
so they might have
taken something from it.
What are the Men of Letters
doing keeping things in a bank?
If I had to guess
spread out your valuables
to keep them safe.
Okay and RJM does
that ring any bells?
No, but I think I might
know where to look.
With Ada's previous knowledge
of the Clubhouse,
I've been mapping out
the entire structure.
That place is endless.
In the best way. There's a locker room,
and each of the lockers
have initials on them,
so maybe RJM is on one of them?
Race you back to the Clubhouse.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
Vampire bank robbers
that's gotta be a new one.
- Where are we exactly?
- Under the morgue.
How much time have you
spent alone down here, Lata?
Weeks, actually. I've been trying to
do a full inventory on what we have,
and it has been a challenge.
The wiring is subpar from another era,
and I think it's being nibbled
on by my mortal enemies.
- Rats?
- I haven't spotted any,
but I think it might be time
to get a Clubhouse cat.
The lockers in here were used
to store important artifacts
in cases that the
Men of Letters were assigned.
There it is.
Rafael Jude Markham.
What is it?
An amulet just like
the vampires were looking for.
No. Don't touch it!
John, what happened?
The amulet, it showed me something.
What did you see?
A vampire
Killing me.
I can't believe it.
The Men of Letters have found
the Gem of Ursitoare.
The gem of who now?
The Ursitoare are Romanian gods of fate.
Legend tells of a gemstone
blessed by the Ursitoare.
It has the ability to tell the future,
and it was set in an amulet,
but it's been missing for centuries.
The Men of Letters must've
recovered it at some point.
So that thing has the ability
to tell me the future or a future?
I mean, I'm just asking
on behalf of someone
who may or may not be marked for death.
Uh, I don't know,
but we're not gonna find
the answers in these books.
We need an expert.
Can you guys dig into your
collective Rolodexes then?
Tell me what you saw again.
Every detail. Nothing's too small.
I have already told you everything.
Okay? Down to the red carpet.
It's gonna be okay. All right?
We're gonna figure this out.
What if what you saw was real?
That the vampire you described
in your vision
was the same vampire the
armored truck guard described.
We just have to stay present, right?
- Like you wanted.
- Mm.
Besides, you're not gonna get
rid of me that easy, Campbell.
- Hey, you.
- Hey, Mrs. Winchester.
Millie, sorry.
I'll get used to that, I promise.
In, like, ten years.
So John gave me
my grandmother's ring back.
I'm guessing you two finally talked.
Just like you said we would,
and it was good.
- Friends.
- Forever.
That's actually why I'm here.
I'm worried about Johnny.
What do you mean?
Have you met his new friends?
The kids from community college.
I'm definitely happy
they're helping him study.
John was never exactly an A student.
I remember. Yeah.
It's just his friend Mary
Mary Campbell.
I spotted her at a crime scene
earlier this morning.
And a while back,
I saw both her and John
at a different crime scene.
Small towns, right?
Maybe, but I looked into Mary,
and she's got a bit of a RAP sheet.
Anything I need to worry about?
That's what I'm trying to find out.
The little I've spoken with her,
Mary seems to be a good kid.
She's been looking out for John.
That's great.
It's just
I was hoping going off to war
would get whatever was in John's system
out of his system.
You know?
I do.
But I don't think it's as easy
as all of that.
I'm sure you're right.
Um, will you tell John, I stopped by?
Of course.
- It's good to see you, Betty.
- You too.
So how does Anton know this Diana?
He said he doesn't.
Some friends recommended her.
Said she was the best
lore expert around.
You know, I just
I can't believe you haven't
been in touch with Anton.
- I thought that
- Well, we went on our date,
and that was that.
Did I lose them?
No. They're still following.
- Mary still look worried?
- She does.
I don't blame her.
I mean, what if Diana's store
is the place that
John saw in his vision?
Well, if any of us
see a hint of red carpet,
John's outta there.
Incredible. Absolutely incredible.
I didn't think I'd live to see
the Gem of Ursitoare.
The visions it shows, is it real?
The Ursitoare are never wrong.
What the amulet shows must come to pass.
Why would the vampires be after this?
They must be Il Soarta.
A vampire clan that
worshipped the Ursitoare.
The Ursitoare told the Il Soarta
that if they sacrificed
enough blood to them,
they'd be rewarded with a stone
carved from their ribs.
What do the vampires wanna
do with the stone?
Fate has a different meaning
for the undead.
Promising longevity for the clan,
it told them which humans to turn,
who should die next, and
who should replace them
to ensure their success.
So it doesn't always
show you how you die.
No. It shows the next fated
moment in your destiny.
Something that must happen.
Sometimes good, most times not.
And for Il Soarta,
it became a sacred practice.
- What happened to them?
- According to legend,
their leader saw he was fated to die
and chose to save himself over the clan.
Was he able to change his fate?
He died exactly as the gem predicted,
and the amulet was lost to Il Soarta.
Once this object reveals your fate,
it is sealed.
There's always another way.
Let's go back and check the lore.
No. Stay.
It's just
you need to know how to
properly store this amulet
to keep it safe.
It needs museum-grade storage.
Something's not right. John?
I'm not leaving you.
- You sold us out.
- I had no choice.
They've been threatening
experts for years.
Said if I heard the amulet
surfaced and didn't tell them,
they'd kill me.
You're probably wondering
if I'm a man of my word.
Let's find out.
No, please! I don't wanna die.
Not your time yet,
but it will be soon, John Winchester.
We got this. Come on.
We lost them in the tunnels.
I mean, they could be anywhere by now.
I'm worried about John.
The vampire he saw in his
vision touched the amulet too
and if he saw what John saw, then
You think he's gonna want to
make that vision come true.
It's practically a religious
faith for the Il Soarta.
I-I'm sorry, John.
- We shouldn't have trusted
- It's nobody's fault, Carlos.
It was meant to be.
Just get here as soon as you can, okay?
Who was that?
Your mom.
No. You don't get to call my
I know. But we need someone
to keep you company
while we go out looking for answers.
No. I'm not just gonna hang around here
- while you guys are out there
- You're safe here.
- Out there
- Look, Mary's right.
This building is heavily warded
- against vampires coming in.
- And we can look into
tracking these vampires down.
- You guys are benching me.
- No. We're keeping you safe.
No more chances of finding you
in a room with a red carpet.
Okay. What do we look for next?
We should start at Diana's place.
Give it a proper search.
I mean, she was in contact
with Il Soarta, so she probably
has a way to contact them.
Yeah, and the cops should be
wrapped up by now.
Okay, it's worth a shot.
I'll meet you guys upstairs.
Just give me a second.
Hey, I get you wanna fight me on this,
but I also know why.
You're scared.
What if Diana was right?
I mean, what if I can't
change my fate?
Hey, you said it yourself.
We're gonna figure this out.
Even if I have to kill every
vampire in the tristate area.
I've never fought a vampire before.
Maybe you could save me one.
As long as it's not the one
you saw in your vision,
Okay. Fine.
I will stay here and read
every lore book on vampires
so I at least know how
to kill the last vampire
- in the tristate area.
- Thank you.
We got this.
Mary Campbell? What are you doing here?
Uh, I was gonna pick up
some stuff for my dad
'cause he's the non-traditional
medicine type,
but geez.
What happened?
The owner got murdered.
My God, that's terrible.
Do you know who did it?
We're still investigating.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
I'll let you get back to it.
It's funny seeing you twice
in the same day.
Both times at crime scenes.
Small towns, huh?
Too small.
I'm sorry. Is there a problem here?
That's what I'm trying to find out.
You know the Sheriff's Department
has a case file on you
and your whole family.
Well, what can I say?
The Campbells know
how to have a good time.
I don't know what you've
gotten yourself messed up in,
but if any of it comes
close to harming John
I would never put John
in any kind of danger.
I really hope you're right about that,
because I've got my eyes on you.
And not just as John's friend.
I appreciate the warning, officer.
See you around, Ms. Campbell.
- Did it work?
- Yes and no.
I smoked out the cops
and got their attention,
but the one who noticed me was Betty.
Betty? As in John's ex Betty?
Yes, that Betty.
She clocked me by the
armored truck this morning too.
That can't be good, can it?
But we got bigger fish for now.
- What'd you guys find inside?
- Diana's ledger.
We think we might know where
the vampires are holed up.
I did not expect something
called hunting
to involve so much reading.
I prefer the punching part.
You always have.
Listen, Betty stopped by today.
Guessing by your tone,
it wasn't the friendly kind of way.
She saw Mary with Latika
and Carlos at a crime scene
and another one before that,
too, with you.
Betts always did have
a pretty good nose for BS.
She's pawning it off on Mary.
- Apparently, your girlfriend
- She's not my girlfriend.
Save it for the kids, kiddo.
Whatever you wanna call her,
Mary has a bit of a RAP sheet.
Yeah, well, so do I.
That's what worries Betty.
She thinks you're getting back
into some of your old ways.
"She thinks".
Do you agree?
Just because you're punching
monsters now
doesn't mean you're not still punching.
You've had the kind of run that
would knock anyone for a loop.
Are you okay?
Well, despite learning
that I'm gonna die
at the hands of a vampire
I am.
- Things with Mary are
- Yeah, I know.
I can see it on your face.
And look, don't let this fate
stuff get in your head.
Everyone told me that
I couldn't be a mechanic,
and look at me now.
Fate is what you make it.
All right, tell me how to
kill a Bela Lugosi
so we can stop talking about
our feelings already.
First of all,
vampires are nothing
like they are in the movies.
The sunlight and dead man's
blood can stun them,
but a stake to the heart
won't kill them.
Only way is with a
Good old decapitation.
- This is so disappointing.
- What do you mean?
We're hunting a vampire cult.
I was expecting to find a castle.
At least a moat.
Let's get to work.
Still warm.
Someone from the bank
must've tipped them off.
Diana did say they had people
all over looking for them.
Looks like they discovered
that this Markham fellow
kept a safety deposit box.
According to this, they arranged to have
the branch closed so
the boxes could be transferred.
What's this?
Looks like some kind of magic lockpick.
- The sigils on the side can
- Can get through anything?
Bank heisting vampires would
make such a fantastic movie.
Wait. Hold on a second.
Is it just me, or does this
look oddly familiar?
The Men of Letters' own plans
to the Clubhouse.
Oh, this has rooms
I haven't even seen before.
They always kept a copy offsite
for safekeeping.
This must be what the vamps
got from the truck heist.
- Oh, no.
- What?
According to this,
there's an entry point
to the Clubhouse from
the Lawrence sewer system.
If those sewers aren't warded
or sigiled, then
John's in trouble.
John? It's Mary.
You copy?
You got Millie here, Mary. We copy you.
What's going on?
Il Soarta found plans to the Clubhouse.
They have a way to get past
the wards and the sigils.
- How?
- How?
There's a weak point in the sewers.
You may not have much time.
You have to get out of there now!
What was that?
I'd say that's our time running out.
- Sounds like we got company.
- Run.
Stay here.
- Nope. Exit's blocked.
- No can do.
We're gonna need
someplace inside that's safe.
- Where are you guys now?
- Locker room.
- Lata.
- I'm looking. I'm looking.
There. There's a vault below
you one level down.
Okay, head down there
and lock yourself inside.
We'll see you soon.
Mom, go.
- I'll buy you time.
- No.
And get yourself killed in the process?
Don't do what you always do. Not today.
The vault. Come on.
Close it, close it, close it.
Oh, great.
Well, Lata did say
the wiring needs an upgrade.
- She was right.
- All right, come on.
Until then, let's see if I can
shed some light on this dump.
Okay, done.
Get inside, Mare.
I'll take care of our uninvited guests.
- Holy water hair commercial?
- Worked in Barstow.
Last chance to leave, bobos.
Mare, go!
There we go.
John, what is it?
This is it.
The room where I die.
You cannot escape your fate, John.
Nothing can save you
John Winchester!
There's got to be something in here.
A weapon. A way out.
There's nothing else in here,
except for that.
Wait. What are you thinking?
Remember when you told me
that fate is what you make it?
Well, I have an idea, but, um,
you're really, really gonna hate it.
There you are.
I told your little friend
nothing can stop fate.
You're next.
- What the
- Dead man's blood.
John knew it was the only
way to weaken him.
- What did he do?
- What he always does.
Something stupid.
Kill you? Are you insane?
I told you you weren't gonna like it.
I not only hate it, I refuse to do it.
Hear me out, Mom.
In my vision, I saw that
vampire bite me in the neck.
He saw the exact same thing.
The only thing is
neither one of us got to see
the full context.
- What do you mean context?
- Remember what we read?
Get dead man's blood, and it
can stun a vampire, right?
So if I'm already dead when he bites me,
it'll weaken him long enough for you
- to get out of here alive.
- John.
And if Mary gets back here
with everybody else,
- you guys can restart my heart.
- But what if they don't?
It's not like you had a vision of that.
It's not ideal, Mom,
but we don't have a choice.
We're out of time, okay?
We have no other options.
Two, three, four, five.
One, two, three, four, five.
- I'm not killing you.
- Just hear me out.
A vampire's gonna come in here
and he's gonna come for me first
and that'll give you enough
time to get outta here alive.
So it's just me or you?
My fate's already sealed,
but yours isn't.
You can survive.
I just need you to trust me.
- Winchester!
- Okay, let's go. Come on.
All right. If this doesn't work,
- I'm gonna kill you twice.
- Okay, no more feelings.
- Ready?
- No. Let's do it.
Two, three come on!
One, two, three, four, five.
One, two, three, four, five.
One, two, three, four, five.
John, please don't leave me.
O kay.
I knew it. I knew it.
You're not gonna get rid
of me that easy, Campbell.
Yeah, so, um
See, I knew it and I've been
telling her this whole time.
- I told you.
- I told you.
- I told you.
- I told you.
- Lies. I told you.
- I told you.
Get that knife out of my face.
I told him.
Don't ever do that to me again.
That I can promise.
Thank you, Anton.
This is this is all my fault.
I shouldn't have told Lata about Diana.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
No, it's nobody's fault.
I mean, this was just you know,
it was
It was meant to be.
Um, listen
I'm sorry I never called you
after our date.
Don't tell me the big,
bad Hunter got scared.
But, uh
I'm not afraid to ask you
on a second date tonight.
I'll have to check my schedule,
but I'll let you know if I'm free.
I deserve that.
How's your hand?
Oh, guess when I met my fate,
the burn marks went away.
Weren't even tempted, were you?
Just happy to stay in the moment?
I am. With you.
- You okay?
- Yeah, yeah. It's just, uh,
- not how I saw my day going.
- Me neither.
But it turned out great,
so I'll take it.
So now that everyone knows
no more hiding, right?
Yeah, the cat is definitely
out of the bag.
You think the group dynamic's
gonna change?
I don't know,
but we're stronger together
with no secrets.
And I don't mind
getting out of the moment
thinking about the future.
As long as I know you're in the picture.
Hope looks good on you, Campbell.
Okay, so how about dinner and a movie?
But it's your treat since
you scared the hell out of me.
Well, that depends.
Do you have a dime that I could borrow?
Oh, my God.
I owe you an apology.
I just I needed to see for myself
if what you were saying was true.
So what'd you find out?
You were right.
Something's off about Mary Campbell.
Breaking and entering, theft,
a suspiciously dismissed
aggravated assault.
Way too many close calls.
Her and her friends are up to something.
It's just the way you're
talking about this.
Like it's all Mary's fault and
John has nothing to do with
what they're wrapped up in and why.
Still have feelings for him?
If John's done something wrong,
I will make sure he's held to account
just like everybody else.
What about you?
You still haven't explained
your whole angle in this.
Is this pure journalism
or something personal?
I just wanna figure out
what the hell is going on
in Lawrence, Kansas, Officer Donelan.
Call me Betty.
Let's get to the bottom of this.
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