The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Supermarket Scramble

(music playing)
(sings) Well, it's a beautiful day
Having fun with my friends
Everything is peachy
-Hope it never ends
-(music ends)
Gosh, golly, what a day.
Us together, having fun.
Aw, I wish it didn't have to end.
Wait a minute.
What if we do one more thing,
the perfect end to our day.
I know, we can have a barbecue.
ALL: A barbecue?
To the supermarket.
Oh, no. It's packed.
This is gonna take the rest of the day.
We'll never have time to barbecue.
Never say never.
We can do this if we work as a team
and split up.
You get the meats.
You, fruits.
You, lobster.
And I'll get the fixins.
And you
I'll keep the car runnin'.
Commence shopping.
ALL: Break.
GUARD: Ahem.
Miss, this is a no parking zone.
Oh, sorry.
I can't hear you.
Yeah. The window is up. See?
Now let's see.
Barbecue sauce.
Spicy barbecue sauce.
Aw, sweet barbecue sauce.
(strains) Oh, it's difficult.
MICKEY: Allow me, ma'am.
Oh, how very kind of you, young man.
My pleasure, ma'am.
-Hey bud, where's the cocoa butter?
-Aisle three.
Oh, no.
They could skin their knees.
No running in the store.
(music begins)
(sings) Getting the fruit salad
Apples and bananas
Mangoes and papayas
(quacking in tune)
Time to get a bag now
Come on. Come on.
(music ends)
(grumbling angrily)
Grade A meat.
Grade A meat.
Grade B meat. (gasps)
Grade B meat?
Not for my friends.
PA SYSTEM: Attention shoppers.
-I'm a shopper.
-There's a fire sale on hot dogs.
All you can carry for one dollar.
-(ground rumbles)
-(customers shouting)
Oh, my.
-(shouting continues)
-(Minnie screams)
Wow. Crustaceans.
Nature's flavor tanks.
(brakes screech)
Uh, uh, my friends are still shopping.
-(brakes screech)
-(both honking)
DAISY: (grumbling) Mickey
Uh, eggs are over here on aisle
Whoa! Look out.
I have to clean that up
before somebody gets hurt.
I have to clean up these cans, too.
Great work, son.
You're a real people-pleaser.
That's why I'm making you store manager.
-I'm free.
Wait. No. The barbecue.
(Goofy yelps)
(shouting hysterically)
Come on. Come on!
What the
My corn.
My kumquats.
My customers.
CUSTOMER: That's the guy.
(all shouting)
Let go.
(Minnie shouting)
Thanks for the wieners. (humming)
-(all shouting)
-Hey, she's got the last hot dogs.
(shouting continues)
(honking continues)
Oh, what the heck is taking them so long?
-Oh, that's it.
-(drivers complaining)
Now where are they?
(Minnie exclaims)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
What? Mickey, what are you doing?
(nervously) I'm the store manager.
No, you're not.
You're supposed to be shopping.
Remember, us together,
the perfect end to our day.
B But everybody needs help.
I have to help them.
I'm a people-pleaser.
And I've gotta make tomorrow's schedule,
train the box boys,
gotta get a price check
on the pork rind.
And there's always something
to clean up on the
(shouting) The barbecue.
(gasps) The barbecue.
You fire up the car
and I'll round up our pals.
(door chimes)
Stand back.
Stand back!
MICKEY: Don't worry, Donald.
I'm coming. I'm coming. I'm coming.
-(dramatic music plays)
-(customers shouting)
Donald, is that
Minnie, the barbecue!
(panting) Coming, Mickey.
She's got the last hot dogs.
Take my hand.
Sorry, in a hurry,
not shoplifting.
MINNIE: Oh, no.
Daisy's surrounded.
Donald, static, stat!
MICKEY: Barbecue!
We are outta here!
(engine revs, tires squeal)
-(happy music playing)
Oh, Mickey, this barbecue
was a delicious idea. (gulp)
-Yeah. (gulps)
-Yes. (gulps)
Aw golly, it really is
a perfect end to our day.
-(all sigh)
Say, what happened to those lobsters?
Oh, I'll take the big one.
I hope she's bringing me to the barbecue.
(whistling tune)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
(tune ends)
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