The World of the Married (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

You want to join
the Gosan Ladies' Society?
This is quite unexpected.
I thought you came here
to discuss hospital matters.
From what I heard, there are some people
who are taking an interest in
the associate director position.
I don't think it's right to concern you
with something like that.
Are you saying I shouldn't get involved
since it's none of my business?
I'd like to contribute
to the development of the community.
Do you plan
to take the bull by the horns?
No, it's nothing grand like that.
Dr. Ji, I don't think it's a good idea
to bring your family feud outside.
But I can't just keep avoiding it.
I'm assuming
you understand how I feel
better than anybody else.
Yes, I understand.
But that doesn't mean
I'm willing to take sides.
I don't think it's right.
I just don't want you to disapprove.
That's more than enough for me.
Then tell me.
What do you plan to do
after you join the ladies' society?
I also approve.
Thank you.
Welcome, Dr. Ji.
Thank you, ma'am.
Welcome, Seon-u.
Thank you for accepting me.
I had no reason to disapprove.
What are you after?
I thought you approved.
I still need to know
what it is that you want.
Do you want a peaceful relationship
or a fight?
Let's just say
this is my way of warning Tae-oh.
I'm hoping he'd be more careful
once he finds out that I became a member.
What exactly does my husband
need to be careful of?
Your husband
is stalking me.
I know it's hard to believe,
but it's the truth.
I'm starting to get worried.
Don't you think you should get counseling?
You should be worried about yourself.
I told you
that you don't know Tae-oh.
It only sounds like
you're trying to sway me--
I'm not trying to start a fight.
I'm just trying to tell you
what you don't know.
You should keep an eye on your husband.
Do me a favor, okay?
What are you thinking?
Can't you just live a quiet life?
Have you lost your mind?
Why in the world did you approve?
I sent them gifts every holiday
and treated them to dinner every season.
Do you know how much I invested
in the ladies' society?
I didn't want people talking badly
about your marriage, so I tried so hard--
Will you please stop?
You already think negatively
about my marriage,
so why wouldn't the others?
My goodness.
Is it him?
Don't get involved.
I'll deal with it myself.
Hey, honey.
Why don't we go on a date tonight?
I made a reservation at a nice restaurant.
The cops have a point.
You can't just doubt your husband
just because he came to your house
when no one was there.
Are you telling me that I'm overreacting?
I'm just saying we should wait
for the cops to investigate.
How about I stay with you
at your place for a while?
Let's do that.
It's fine with me.
Is that table okay for you?
Should we go somewhere else?
Do you feel uncomfortable?
No, it's not that I feel uncomfortable.
Do you feel uncomfortable?
No, we're fine.
The Pinot Noir they brought in last week
tasted pretty nice.
Would you like to try a glass?
No, maybe next time.
I shouldn't drink tonight.
Should we just join them?
What would you like to eat?
You must come here often.
Seon-u doesn't really like
places like this.
That's enough.
She's not your wife anymore.
It looks like you're bothered
that your ex-wife went on a date.
I don't care what she does.
I'm just bothered that I ran into her.
Maybe it's because they're both doctors,
but they seem
to get along really well.
That darn jerk.
Why would he drive that way?
Does he have a death wish or what?
Just be honest with me.
You're just annoyed
to see your ex-wife with another man.
What's wrong with you today?
I don't know.
You keep getting on my nerves today.
I know you told me you were fine,
but I bet you felt uncomfortable.
No, I actually had fun.
It was kind of exciting.
When you go hiking,
the steeper and tougher the route,
you make sure you meticulously
calculate the risks and dangers of it.
Do you think I didn't expect this much
when I started having feelings for you?
So stop acting like you're okay
and hold my hand.
You had a tiring day today.
Are you doing your homework?
What did he tell you?
The stuff you tell him
needs to be kept confidential.
He wouldn't tell me stuff about you
just because I'm your mother.
-Don't worry.
-Then why are you guys always together?
Dr. Kim and I are colleagues.
There's nothing going on between us,
so don't worry.
You're all that matters to me.
You know that, right?
I'll leave you to study.
How could you leave our son at home
all by himself?
I'll decide how to raise him.
Mind your own business.
Are you guys in a serious relationship
or something?
-Why do you care?
-Why wouldn't I?
If you get remarried,
Jun-yeong will have to live with me.
Just get to the point.
Why did you call?
Stay away from Da-kyung.
Are you afraid
that I might tell her what you did to me?
Watch what you say.
Don't make things up.
You're just scared
I might tell her the truth.
Whatever the case,
don't drag Da-kyung into our mess.
That won't happen
as long as you don't provoke me.
Too much wariness could
also be considered as delusion.
The fact that you hate someone
also means you're
investing that much energy in that person.
Does it look like
I still have feelings left
for my ex-husband?
Don't you want to put it behind you
and just start over?
had a hard time accepting our divorce
and his father's remarriage.
I can't add on to that.
Are you going somewhere?
I'm off to have a drink with a friend.
The playboy of Gosan.
Oh, come on.
I'm serious.
It's not totally absurd.
Then what does your name mean?
I didn't think there was a meaning.
Is there a meaning?
My gosh.
-What are you doing here?
-Why do you think I'm here?
I came to have a drink,
and I noticed you sitting here.
I'll leave you guys to talk.
Why don't we drink together?
This is on the house
since you're a regular here.
Are you seeing her these days?
Stop talking nonsense.
She's just being nice
because I drink here often.
You guys had sex.
No, we didn't.
Cut the crap.
Why don't you tell me about your business?
How's the movie set construction going?
Is it going well?
I'll invite you
to the groundbreaking ceremony.
Look at you all successful.
You haven't changed at all.
You still feel inferior to me.
Of course I'm jealous.
It takes quite an effort
to live off your wife.
Yes, it's nice.
You're here.
So tell me.
Did you have fun sleeping with my wife?
How was she?
She's pretty good, isn't she?
Why do you even want to know?
She's not even your wife anymore.
Be honest with me.
Stop changing the subject.
is amazing.
She's hot.
You asshole.
She likes to lead.
You know that, right?
You're an asshole.
I'm better than the jerk
who abandoned his wife and kid.
Don't you agree?
Oh, my goodness!
It's not like I said anything wrong.
Oh, my gosh.
-Excuse me!
-You're the one that asked first.
Why did you even ask?
-You damn bastard.
-Damn it!
Let go, you asshole!
You jerk.
You damn asshole.
-Damn it.
-Please calm down.
-You crazy jerk!
-My goodness.
Hey! Get over here!
-Someone stop them.
-Come here!
-Let me go!
-Let go of me!
Get off me!
Let me go.
Why did you drink so much?
Did you drink with your employees?
What happened to your face?
Did you get hurt?
Did you fight with someone?
I met Tae-oh.
I ran into him by coincidence.
Wait here.
Drink this first.
I'll bring some ointment.
Are you happy with your wife?
Be good to her.
It's not worth it to get a divorce.
Says the guy who succeeded
after the divorce.
That's irrelevant.
Your wife is the only person
who can put up with you.
You selfish jerk.
You won't be young forever.
You should change your mind
before it gets too late.
As you grow older,
your child is the only thing
that keeps you going.
Should we have a baby?
you might have a hard time
if we have a kid.
As you already know, I'm pretty selfish.
We're going to go downstairs.
Careful. There you go.
That's my girl.
Are you done assessing the order list
that was handed in by each department?
Yes, Director Ji.
I want the management director
to supervise the open bidding.
And make sure we don't face any problems
with the private contract.
The fertility treatment in Obstetrics
seems to have a high success rate.
A lot of people must've heard
about the high success rate.
We keep getting more patients.
You're also getting a lot more complaints.
Patients these days are very smart.
You know that, right?
Any kind of overtreatment
or unnecessary usage of medical machinery
could end up giving patients
the wrong message.
I don't do that kind of stuff.
Let's all be careful
so that no one gets the wrong idea.
I think that's enough for today, sir.
Thank you for your time, everyone.
-Thank you, sir.
-Thank you.
-Let's go.
-Yes, sir.
Oh, wait.
Does Jun-yeong still come for counseling?
This isn't the right place
to be asking me about my family, Dr. Seol.
What happened?
Why isn't the director taking any action?
I'm actually here to settle things.
I know.
It's best to take care of this
as fast as possible.
We just need one person's cooperation.
There's no need to complicate things
for everyone else.
Let's just get rid of what's necessary
and get it over with.
Did you decide on what to do
with the associate director?
I was actually going to call you for that.
The thing is, I'll be meeting
Chairman Yeo separately tonight.
You're going to meet him separately?
-What do you mean?
-Director Ji asked me to arrange a meeting
with the chairman.
You want to meet Chairman Yeo?
I'll meet him myself and settle the issue.
Let me make myself clear.
I won't give up on receiving the donation.
You know that, right?
Yes, I know.
Are you sure you can convince him?
Yes, as long as you don't want me
to step down from my position.
Are you kidding me?
I'd rather have you
as the associate director than Dr. Seol.
You have the highest number of patients.
And no one's better than you
at taking care of the administrative work.
If you manage to get the donation
and keep your position at the same time,
I'd ask for nothing more.
I'll try my best to make that work.
You never disappoint me.
That issue has been
giving me a headache lately.
Okay then. I'll arrange a meeting for you
with Chairman Yeo.
Do you really think
you'll be able to make a difference?
There will be a patient here
in five minutes.
Do you think it is solely my idea
to bring you down
from your position?
Haven't you thought that it could've been
the chairman's decision?
Who is this?
You sent him, didn't you?
No one in Gosan
is going to take your side.
Just leave this place
before you end up humiliating yourself.
I'm saying this for your own sake.
Are you worried about me?
If you keep fighting like this,
you'll only end up getting hurt!
If you're done,
will you please leave now, Mr. Lee?
I told you not to make any mistakes.
Wire me the money first.
Do you know that
you were caught on CCTV camera?
I said wire me my money.
You can't possibly expect to get paid
after having done such a lousy job.
I don't want you to call me for a while.
If you get me involved,
I'll kill you.
What are you here to talk about?
It seems like Tae-oh and Je-hyuk
met up last night.
What about that?
We're in the same ladies' society,
and our husbands are friends.
So we'll have to meet each other often
whether we like it or not.
I know you don't like me.
I want to get along with you.
What will you get
from being friends with me?
Do you want to meet up like this
and badmouth Seon-u behind her back?
Why did Seon-u join
the ladies' society?
You were against her becoming a member.
I have a feeling that you might know
why she joined.
How much
do you trust your husband?
I know it wasn't easy for you
to come here, so I'll be honest with you.
I personally hate
your husband a lot more than I hate you.
I also told my husband
not to keep him close.
I no longer want to get involved
in your family feud.
Is it really not there?
Did you look for it properly?
-Hey, calm down.
-Be gentle.
It's not here.
Don't get so worked up about a pen.
Just buy yourself a new one.
It's really expensive.
You can't even get it here.
You can only get it in Germany.
My dad got it for me.
I'm sure I had it this morning.
Do you think someone stole it?
People in our class
keep losing things these days.
-Gosh, no way.
-That's nonsense.
Did you ever lose anything?
-Look for it carefully.
-Gosh, this is so annoying.
You said you had it this morning.
Where did it go?
This is your last assessment
for this semester.
Make sure to do your best
and show all that you've practiced.
May I go to the bathroom?
Go ahead.
That was Hae-gang's, wasn't it?
What's wrong with you?
Why would you do that?
What do you know?
Do you have proof?
This happens all the time.
Let's keep up the good work.
Let's make sure we stick to our plan
and wrap things up.
-Okay, sir.
Let's stop seeing each other.
Take care.
Jun-yeong, tell Hae-gang the truth.
If you don't, I'll tell him myself.
You're crazy.
Hey, let's talk about something else.
-What should we eat?
-Nothing weird.
-Grilled pork belly.
-Bye, sir.
-Bye, sir.
I noticed that Tae-oh was here.
What did you decide to do?
I'm sure things will settle soon.
I see.
Come in.
Let's go if you're ready.
You can go first.
I'll be right behind you.
-Dr. Ji Seon-u?
-Yes, that's me.
Here's an express delivery.
Can you sign this?
Who sent it?
I don't know. It was a guy.
-Okay, thank you.
-Thank you.
What's this supposed to mean?
Why did you send me photos of my son?
Please pick up. Come on.
Pick up the phone!
Thank you.
Hello, sir.
Oh, okay.
Where's the associate director?
Didn't she come with you?
She told me she'll be right here.
Is Mr. Lee not here yet?
I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Oh, okay.
Where is Jun-yeong?
I don't know.
Didn't he come with you to the academy?
-Where are you?
-Jun-yeong disappeared.
He didn't go to the academy either.
Did you look for him everywhere?
Let's hang up. I need to call the cops.
No, wait.
Hello? Seon-u!
Damn it.
My goodness,
I wonder if she's stuck in traffic.
Director Ji isn't the type to be so late.
I'm very sorry, sir.
I guess something happened.
Seeing that Mr. Lee is late as well…
There must be a really bad traffic jam.
Do you think something happened
to both of them?
Here's a photo…
Can you send us the photo?
Okay, sure.
We're looking for a middle-school boy
in a school uniform.
-Let's try going that way.
Is my son
with you?
Can we please meet up and talk?
Jun-yeong! Jun…
Did you find Jun-yeong?
Where are you right now?
Lee Jun-yeong!
Have you not found him yet?
If anything happens to him,
I swear I'll kill you!
What are you talking about?
-You found him?
-Is it a police officer?
What? You're where?
You should've told your parents.
Are you okay?
Did you get hurt?
You're okay, right?
He was here because he didn't want to go
to the academy.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
What happened?
Did you really skip class
because you didn't want to go?
Why did you turn off your phone?
Because I wanted to.
-So what if I skipped class?
Did you really have to make
such a big fuss about it?
What's the matter with you?
Excuse me.
Dr. Ji.
Did you eat dinner?
I don't think they'll make it in time.
Let's eat next time.
Let me tell you something since I'm here.
Thank you so much
for offering us a donation.
But this is very difficult for us.
To be frank, Dr. Seol isn't good enough
to be our associate director.
Could you please reconsider, sir?
Aren't there a lot of great doctors
at your hospital?
Yes, we have a lot of great doctors.
But that doesn't mean they're qualified
to be the associate director.
From what I heard,
the neuropsychiatrist from Seoul
also has a pretty good reputation.
No, forget it. I don't want to talk.
Jun-yeong, will you please hear me out?
Please just leave me alone!
Why are you so angry?
You did nothing right.
I don't want to talk to you.
What kind of mother calls the cops
just because her son skipped class?
I couldn't reach you
and had no idea where you were.
How could I not be worried?
Open the door right now!
-Let me talk to him.
If you get angry like this,
it won't help you solve anything.
Leave it to me.
Jun-yeong, can we talk?
Wait downstairs.
I'm guessing you also feel upset
seeing that you're very angry.
Why are you angry?
And what do you hate the most?
Let's calmly talk about
the negative emotions
you're feeling right now.
I'll wait here until you calm down.
Then the two of us can talk man to man.
It looks like he fought with his friends.
It didn't sound like anything serious,
so you don't need to worry.
He's sorry that he got angry at you.
Why don't you cut down on your work
at the hospital?
If the associate director
cuts down on work,
what do you think will happen
to the hospital?
Jun-yeong is going through
a very important time in his life.
I think it'll be better for you
to spend more time with your son.
Isn't that more important
than your position at the hospital?
I also need to do the job of a father.
If I want him to grow up
with everything he needs,
doing less work is out of the question.
In the end,
you need to choose whether you're
going to give him attention or money.
You can't do both.
Are you telling me to admit
that I'm inadequate
because I'm a divorced mother?
Mothers who didn't get a divorce
aren't exactly perfect either.
You don't know how it feels
because you're not a parent.
What's the matter with you?
I just want to see if Jun-yeong is okay.
You have no right to see him.
How could you be brazen enough
to come see him like this?
I don't get why you keep saying that.
It's not my fault
that we couldn't reach him.
It was him.
It was Park In-gyu.
What are you saying?
Do you think I'm being like this
just because I couldn't reach Jun-yeong?
I got a parcel with a dead bird
and a photo of Jun-yeong
with a bloodstain on it.
That jerk blackmailed me
and followed Jun-yeong around all day.
Are you sure?
I saw him where we found Jun-yeong.
I clearly saw his face.
It was you, wasn't it?
You got him involved in this, didn't you?
Was threatening me not enough?
You even asked him to mess with Jun-yeong?
Stop being absurd.
Why would I do something like that?
Only you would know.
Why are you doing this? Why?
What do you gain from making me suffer?
I didn't do it.
It wasn't me.
Don't you dare tell me you didn't think
it could put Jun-yeong in danger.
If that jerk comes near us again,
I won't forgive you.
I'll go by myself.
It's the second drawer beneath the table.
Your husband
is stalking me.
Park In-gyu.
It's him, right?
I'm not sure. Most of his face is covered.
You know he got released
from prison, right?
Hasn't he ever come by to see you?
No, he probably doesn't even know
where I live.
He showed up right in front of me.
And he blackmailed me.
He might go see you.
Why don't you try to avoid him?
I told you that he doesn't know
where I live.
In-gyu and I broke up a long time ago.
Please don't call me again
regarding this issue.
Gosh, the vending machine is so far away.
Who called you?
My roommate.
She asked me when I'll be home.
I see.
Drink up.
How's your job? Is it okay?
It's nice to see that
you're doing well.
That's all that matters.
Do you
still hate me that much?
I never resented you.
I just missed you a lot.
Didn't you miss me?
I was worried.
I also felt bad about what happened.
Can we
start over again?
I swear I'll be good to you this time.
I'm different now. I've changed a lot.
I won't make you suffer.
I swear.
Do you really think
we have a future?
Did you just smile?
Who told you to mess with my son?
Are you crazy?
Hey, don't say that.
I didn't do anything.
At least not yet.
"Not yet"?
-"Not yet"?
-Now that the cops have a footage of me,
you left me with no choice
by not paying me.
So give me what you owe me.
Don't make me get angry.
You dumb jerk.
Our deal became invalid
the moment you messed with my son.
You should've known that.
Don't ever come near me or my son again.
Do you understand?
You're going to back out like this?
You're the one who broke our deal first.
How dare you blackmail me?
I already went to prison once.
I'm not scared to go there again.
Should I just go to the cops
and tell them everything?
That sounds like fun.
"A famous movie producer pays someone
to assault his ex-wife."
It'll be all over the news.
Listen to me, Mr. Lee Tae-oh.
What I have done so far
is just the beginning.
I want twice the money
you promised to pay me.
That's how our deal will end.
Twice the money you promised.
Don't forget.
Where were you at this hour?
Come outside quietly.
You'll wake Jenny.
Is there something wrong?
I met a friend.
What about you?
Why did you come home so late?
Something came up with Jun-yeong.
I see.
What was it this time?
It's nothing to worry about.
Does he have a problem?
Is he too much for his mother to handle
on her own?
He's not a kid with problems.
Don't talk about him like that.
Then why do you run over
every time there's an issue?
Why do you care so much about them?
Do you miss her that much?
I'm trying to get rid of her
out of our lives.
If you don't believe me,
you can check with your father.
How much
do you trust your husband?
How much
do you trust your husband?
I'm going to trust you.
I trust you,
I'm very sorry, Father.
Something unexpected came up.
I couldn't reach my son.
So I was worried
that something might have happened to him.
He's never done anything like that before.
I was too busy looking for him.
I didn't even know you called.
What matters is that everything is okay.
You don't need
to explain everything to me.
What should I do
about the associate director position?
Let's think about it.
Shouldn't you be off to work?
I need to get going.
You must've been so startled.
Children tend to go astray
once in a while.
My kids put me through a lot
when they were teenagers as well.
I know how it feels.
I'm sorry.
From now on,
I'll make sure my family matters
don't get in the way of work.
It's easier said than done.
I heard your son got counseling
for over six months
without you knowing about it.
This is why it's important for a son
to grow up with a father.
But it's not like you're in a situation
where you can ask Mr. Lee for help.
I've been too caught up with the hospital
that I didn't have enough time
to consider what you're going through.
Don't overwork yourself
and focus more on your son.
Your child should come first.
I'm sure you have a lot on your mind.
And even if Dr. Kim helps you out,
he can never fully replace his father.
My gosh, this is why it's hard for women
to raise children on their own.
Don't you agree? My goodness.
I told you not to tell others
about my family matters.
If you want the position,
play fair and use your competence.
Don't you think you're being a coward?
You act like I'm the only one who knows
that Jun-yeong's been
getting counseling from Dr. Kim.
Why don't you ever doubt Kim Yun-gi?
Why is he treating your son of all people
without even telling you?
Didn't you ever think it's weird?
Stop upsetting me like this, Seon-u.
Out of all the people in Gosan,
I might be your only ally.
I think it'll be better for you
to spend more time with your son.
Isn't that more important
than your position at the hospital?
Dr. Kim, do you know Chairman Yeo?
Everyone in Gosan knows who he is.
I've lived here for over two years now,
so of course I know him.
No, that wasn't what I meant.
I was asking if you're
personally acquainted with him.
No, I never met him in person.
But why do you ask?
Is there something wrong?
No, it's nothing. Have a good day.
Thank you, sir.
Have you talked to Jun-yeong?
How are you so good at handling him?
I'm a professional.
How did he start
getting counseling from you?
To be honest,
there's a secret I never told you.
Back when I was Jun-yeong's age,
I was a very serious troublemaker.
I stole stuff and ran away from home.
But of course, I eventually
came to my senses and went to med school.
One day,
I saw Jun-yeong outside by coincidence,
and I could instantly tell
that he was
very anxious.
I felt like I should talk to him.
So I stopped him from leaving.
Does that mean
you didn't start giving him counseling
just because he's my son?
No, not at all.
-Are you kidding me?
-I gave you what I promised.
I told you I want twice as much.
I made myself clear.
Do you think
you can mess with me like this?
Give me the cell phone you used
to contact me.
Our deal is over now.
But you still need me.
You didn't even get to do half the stuff
-you wanted to do.
-What are you talking about?
Your ex.
I know you want her.
Don't you?
You hate her so much,
but you don't want to lose her
to anyone else.
You want to ruin her
and make sure she doesn't go anywhere.
You want to see her beg you
for forgiveness,
don't you?
You probably want to destroy her
and make her admit
that you're the only man for her.
So tell me.
What do you think about those two?
They still have feelings for each other.
It means their relationship
is not over yet.
Is it okay if your wife finds out
that you keep coming to see me like this?
If there is a chance of an ember
still being intact,
it's wise to pour fuel on it
to confirm its existence.
You know what that feeling is? It's love.
They came to talk about their infertility
and were taking tests,
but Ye-rim suddenly disappeared.
Someone mentioned…
how once a cheater
will always be a cheater.
We'll be receiving a donation
from TO Pictures.
An annual donation of 100 million won
for the next 10 years.
I trusted you.
I trusted you,
so I opened up to you about everything.
This may sound absurd,
but I have no choice at the moment.
It's how I can protect you.
I become furious every time I see you.
So please…
get out of my sight.
Subtitle translation by Ja-won Lee
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