The Worst of Evil (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

The groom Park Junmo and the bride
Yu Euijeong have made a solemn vow
in the presence
of their beloved friends and family
to be united in love
through all the joys and challenges
that life may bring.
By the power vested in me,
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
-It's mine!
I'm the groom's father!
- Please stop!
- My money!
God, what is wrong with you?
What? What's the problem?
On a happy day like today,
your father deserves
some money for some drugs.
Here. Take this and leave.
- Go now.
- You bastard.
Are you kidding me, you punk?
You think I'm here for some peanuts?
Give me some more.
Take this and go. Please!
Thanks, son.
My daughter-in-law is so pretty!
I'm Junmo's father!
You little
You fucker.
Come here, you son of a bitch!
Man, this will be hard to clean.
Why do you
go to such lengths?
It's just
There's someone I want to protect.
This is the first time
I've ever disobeyed my father.
Mr. Jung.
Please prove to me
that I wasn't wrong.
When will I hear the good news?
I'm sorry. There's no word yet.
Please wait a little longer.
I didn't let you fuckers
get high to take this long.
Fucking assholes.
These motherfuckers.
- Fuck off.
-What's going on?
Who the fuck are these bastards?
What are you looking at,
you fucking prick?
Have you lost your
You motherfucker!
If you want to live, stay still.
Are you nuts?
-I said stop moving.
-You bastard!
I will kill you.
Son of a bitch.
Do you know who I am?
You motherfuckers!
Make sure you tell Kanemoto this.
He better come to Korea
and apologize to me in person.
Or he won't get the stuff.
In case of emergency,
our team is on standby.
Let me treat you first.
Euijeong, I heard
you'll be transferred to Seoul tomorrow.
I'm sure it'll be nice to work in Seoul.
And there will be a lot of great guys.
I'm sure it'll be nice.
But instead of going out
with those bums
How about going out with me?
So what I'm trying to say is
I'd like to see you
for a long time.
It's nothing fancy, but
But we're on duty.
Mr. Jung, you can change
into these clothes.
Thanks. How are the boys?
They're receiving treatment upstairs
in order of priority.
Keep an eye on them
and let me know if anything happens.
Yes, sir.
Are you okay?
Are you okay, Boss?
Aren't you hungry?
I am, sir.
Want to go grab some food?
This is your first message.
It's me, Gicheul.
What happened today was really tough,
but I hope you can get through it.
I promise this will never happen again.
I'm really sorry.
Next message.
Euijeong, it's me.
Are you okay?
You must've been really scared.
What happened today
It was something I couldn't help.
Our investigation
You could lose your life doing this.
So please
I'm begging you to drop out
of this investigation.
Euijeong, I just can't stop here.
I'll close this case as soon as possible,
and I'll come back to you.
I'm sorry.
He's my employee,
and we haven't eaten yet.
I see.
Come in. You too, sir.
Thank you, ma'am.
Come in.
All of Seoul below Han River is ours now.
I'm off.
See you in a few days.
He wants his father to apologize?
What a brazen son he is.
What will you say to the boss?
Why did you accept the deal
from the Chinese
of doubling the quantity?
Because of our mishap the other day,
they couldn't move the stuff,
so I heard there was a lot left in stock.
I think we should take at least that much
to regain the trust we lost.
But selling off the increased quantity
won't be easy without the Japanese.
Maybe you were too harsh on the Japanese.
I've been treating Kanemoto
like my father.
But that bastard got not only us
but also Euijeong almost killed.
I will never let this slide.
Euijeong saw everything. Is this okay?
She's a cop, after all.
Don't worry.
She's with me now.
Good night.
Goodness gracious!
You're a new face.
I'm Mr. Jung's employee.
I see. Hello.
How strange.
My brother doesn't have
any good-looking friends like you.
It's just a joke.
Except for Taeho,
he's never brought a friend home before.
This is surprising.
Mr. Employee.
Please keep an eye on Gicheul
so he doesn't get stabbed.
We don't see each other often,
but I don't want to hear
about him on the news.
Well then,
I'm going to go study before he wakes up.
Sir, I'm sure you've heard.
There was a war between Gangnam Union
and Jaegeon Group.
I hope we can keep this quiet
for the time being
to avoid any public attention.
I'd really appreciate
your cooperation, Commissioner.
Let's toast.
If we don't trade with the Japanese,
will we have to sell off all 16 kilograms?
Hey, you saw how they cleaned out
Tae-ho Rock Cafe last time.
Selling just a kilogram
in Gangnam is already risky.
You can't sell all 16 kilograms of it here
unless you're crazy.
We can think about that later.
All of us could have died yesterday.
I want my apology
from that son of a bitch Kanemoto.
All our boys know
Yu Euijeong is a cop now.
What should we tell them?
Tell them the truth.
Say they don't need to worry.
Can I first meet with
the Japanese at the hotel?
Didn't you hear what I just said?
When you get rid of a rat,
you show it the way out.
Shouldn't someone go to the Japanese
and ease the tension a bit
so they can explain things right
to their boss?
This is about Boss's pride.
Who cares about that?
Pride doesn't pay the bills.
We caused a major ruckus
and took over all of Gangnam overnight.
All eyes are on us right now.
The only way
to sell off the stuff quietly is
through those fucking Japanese.
Getting an apology
and continuing the trade.
Shouldn't we try to do both?
Boss, this is business.
Mr. Jung!
The skilled fighter, Mr. Jung!
He's in today, right?
Come out or I'll break the door down.
I wonder who your backers are,
because everyone's trying
to keep the knife fight quiet.
Did you go to Korea Military Academy?
So did you give a lot of condolence money
at Mr. Cheon's funeral?
The private detective.
I got the call log
from the late Mr. Cheon's office.
Who was the last person
he talked with on the phone?
It was fucking you, Jung Gicheul.
What do you think?
I asked him to investigate something.
Is that wrong?
Well, it's not wrong.
It's just fucking scary.
After the phone call with you,
Mr. Cheon died.
Your fellow graduate and drug dealer
Yankees went missing.
And his rival Manager Cho died.
At this point,
it is reasonable to suspect
you have some kind of violent crime
vending machine around you.
God damn it.
This is yours, too.
Or not. Fuck.
You know what else is fucking strange?
Mr. Cheon's phone is missing.
Did his client take it?
Or did Yankees take it?
Find the lighter's owner and ask him.
I guess that will do.
That will do.
Looks like that will do.
That will do.
What are you looking at, fuckers?
What's with the sunglasses? Are you blind?
You annoying motherfucker.
I should've fucking killed you then.
You dropped this at the police station.
Thanks for the lighter
but it's not mine.
Kind of too late. Don't you think?
It could've been yours, right?
No, it's not.
Why did you chase Mr. Cheon,
whom your boss hired, to the roof?
Also, why did you take his phone?
What are you talking about? Mr. Cheon?
Who is that?
Hey, Kwon Seungho.
I don't want to catch
little fish like you.
I want big game fish
like Jung Gicheul. Got it?
The murder of Manager Cho the drug dealer.
Yankees can testify about that.
So fucking bring him to me.
If you bring Yankees to me,
I won't tell Jung Gicheul
that you killed Mr. Cheon.
Are you writing a novel these days?
It sounds fun.
But it has to make sense.
Have a good day, sir.
Hey, where did Choi Jungbae go?
Why are you Jung Gicheul's minion now?
This novel
is getting fucking interesting. Hmm?
Right, you bastard?
What a fucking loser.
Could you tell me
what happened that day?
We've been fighting them over business
in the Free International City.
And I guess they wanted
to settle things their way.
I'm really sorry.
I didn't want to disappoint you.
Do you have to keep pursuing
this dangerous business?
I want to escape
from this underworld, too.
Once the Free International City is built
with my name engraved on it,
nobody will ever call me a thug.
Then, I can stand tall
in front of you and your family.
I will never let you get hurt again.
Don't push yourself too far into danger.
I believe in you.
Thank you.
Are you going to the airport?
Let me escort you.
I'd like to discuss
something privately, too.
Let me apologize on behalf of my boss.
So please let go of any hard feelings.
I'd very much appreciate it, sir.
You saw how we dealt
with Sung Kisoo and his gang.
We're the only gang in Gangnam
that get things done properly and safely.
And to be honest,
you're the one who has the final say.
The final say
We're going to double
the imports from China.
Because of this incident,
both of us suffered
a great loss.
Shouldn't we reopen the trade
as soon as possible?
We will double the exports to you.
And of course,
the price per kilogram will be the same.
Is Jung Gicheul on board with that idea?
It's so empty here.
What brings you here?
Well, I heard you got crushed.
You fuck.
You should've called me
as soon as it happened.
But you made me
come all the way here. Eh?
On my own!
Who was it? Jung Gicheul?
Or his lackey, Kwon Seungho?
Don't ask. It's embarrassing.
You think this is embarrassing?
What's embarrassing is
you got crushed by these bastards
who are still wet behind the ears.
Look, Kisoo.
Honestly, you can't just
stay down like this.
I didn't cover for you all this time
to end up with a loss, you bastard.
Don't you think so?
Sung Kisoo, you're now washed up too.
Keep in shape, man.
A severed Achilles doesn't mean
you're dead, you fuck.
You're acting
like some fucking old geezer now.
Firm and steady, my ass.
What's supposed to be firm and steady?
Shouldn't you make
your gang firm and steady?
I can't believe I trusted these fuckers.
Did you look into what I asked earlier?
That Yankees guy
who sells Gangnam Crystal.
I did.
And I found the guy
who was buying his stuff.
Who is he? Where is he?
He's called Dodgers.
He's locked up right now.
In Seongdong Detention Center.
In a detention center?
Who are you?
- "Hwang Mingoo"?
- Yeah.
I'm Mingoo.
Want a cigarette?
Here. Have a smoke.
Calling me by my name is rude though.
I'm a fucking detective.
What brings you here, Detective?
Gangnam Crystal.
Let's see.
Jeez. 500 grams of meth?
That's 10 years in prison at least.
You're screwed.
Mingoo, I was only selling it.
I know, you idiot. That's why I came here.
Ah. Simply selling drugs
and possessing only a hundredth of it.
Five grams.
Fuck, isn't that just a petty crime?
Hey, Dodgers.
Want me to do that for you?
Hey. So
I can take you out with me right now.
- Really?
- Of course.
I'm not interested
in fucking small fries like you.
You know what I mean?
Let's get the fuck out of here.
- Uncuff you?
- Yes.
I can't fucking uncuff you, dumbass.
You've got to ask the guard.
Follow me.
Fuck, my cigarettes.
Follow me.
How did it go?
Drive him to the hotel.
- Detective Ko.
- Yes, sir?
- When's the game with Gangdong again?
- Next week.
I can't seem to control my pitches.
I'm really sorry, Mingoo.
Why would you do things
you'd be sorry about?
I'm really sorry.
Why did you do it in the first place,
you motherfucker?
- Strike!
- Strike.
I didn't ask you a difficult question.
Just tell me where your boss Yankees is.
Then, I'll set you free.
Why don't you fucking get it,
you damn motherfucker?
Yankees and I don't work together.
Let's do some batting practice.
- Okay.
- Give it to me.
Hitting is my thing.
Wait, Mingoo!
I mean, Detective.
I don't know anything about Yankees.
I really don't!
That asshole Yankees needed money
because he knocked up his girl.
He increased his stock a ton
and then stole all our clients,
so I haven't talked to him since.
What are you talking about?
He got a girl pregnant?
Yes, that girl's a junkie too.
She's a real crazy bitch.
I guess junkies
are attracted to other junkies.
- Am I right?
- Yes.
But you don't even know where she is.
I do.
I know where she is.
Are you sure?
I swear to God.
What's the girl's name again?
- Wendy.
- Keep quiet, you bastard.
- Wendy?
- Yes.
Walk quietly. Don't let them hear us.
Where is it?
I think this is the place.
Yes, this is it.
Are you sure?
- Are you?
- Yes, I am.
- Yankees' girl?
- Yes.
Step aside.
You fucker!
It's open.
Fuck, did she run away?
She did run away.
She ran away, you fuck!
- Mingoo!
- You son of a bitch.
I said no funny business, you fuck.
Where is she?
- I didn't know she ran away!
- Where the fuck is she?
Shame on you.
Did you have to make me come
all the way here?
He wants me to come up here personally?
Shouldn't you have at least
come out to welcome me?
I was a bit busy.
Are you trying to insult me?
This is nothing compared
to what I suffered.
You bastard.
I guess orphans are going to be orphans.
Watch your mouth.
guess what he just said.
He says I should watch my mouth.
You bastard!
How dare you talk to him like that?
What the fuck is he saying?
Calm down.
Put the knife away, Chief Seo.
I'll be generous for one last time.
Double the imports at the same price.
We'll talk about that
after a proper apology.
You son of a bitch.
You'll pay for wasting my time.
Damn, I was scared as hell.
Why did you push so hard like that?
How can we sell off the stuff
without them?
Wait, Gicheul.
You fool.
Have you seen this movie?
Want to join me?
I need your help.
I heard Kanemoto called my father.
He suggested we cut out
the Koreans and trade directly.
He said he's sick of laying low.
Rather than relying on
Mr. Jung or your father,
how about we take the initiative?
Just the two of us.
Boss, I'm here to keep my word.
Is this how they treat their guests?
What? Another pat-down?
My boss has made a disrespectful mistake.
And I'm here today to make up for it.
Who is this guy?
He's a smart kid.
Please hear him out, sir.
Boss, if you can't stand
seeing someone in business,
you don't have to see him.
First off, let's forget
about the price increase.
I'll take the responsibility
of sending you the product.
And what's Miss Lee doing here?
To talk business as well.
I already talked about business
with your father.
But you haven't with me.
For us to send the product to Japan,
we have to go through Korea.
As you just said, without the middleman,
how in the world
can we deliver the product
all the way from China to Japan?
Unless you have a creative way
you can't just push through
and hope things will work out.
My father produces the product,
but I make the delivery.
Do you understand?
There will be no direct trade.
So you want to be my son?
We haven't done
"yubitsume" for a while, right?
What is this?
Becoming father and son
isn't an easy thing.
To have a yakuza father,
you have to do things the yakuza way.
No determination, no trade.
Is this really necessary?
Looks like he can't do it
on his own. Help him.
I've thought of you as my brother.
Why don't you stake your future
on someone
who sees what you're worth?
Are you saying
It's time for a changing of the guard.
Doesn't this seem familiar?
It's too dangerous.
Shoot him.
When you got old,
you should've quietly quit.
Fucking old geezer.
Now, you can do the trade with me.
What's going on here?
I've talked it over with Mr. Jung.
My boss knows about this?
I'll be your new friend, Mr. Jung.
What do you say?
How can I trust you?
You have to.
There's no other option.
That was neatly done.
Now, can you trust me?
Thank you.
Now that we've cleared the obstacles,
let's continue our business.
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