Thirty Nine (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

A Thousand Nights Over and Over Again

What is she doing?
All right. Let's go.
Mi-hyeon, get in.
It's cold outside. Wear these.
Put them on.
Let's go to my house.
Let's go to my house.
Let's live together.
I'll do origami for you every day.
She's been pestering us
every day to bring you home.
Why not?
Do you not like us?
How many nights?
After how many nights
will I be returning here?
How high can you count?
A thousand. I'm good at counting.
A thousand nights
and over again.
You can stay with us
for countless thousands of nights.
But if you want to stay with us longer,
we can live together forever.
I promise.
Wear these since it's cold outside.
How embarrassing. I'm getting teary-eyed.
You're pretty.
I'm sorry we had to meet like this.
How's your health?
I eat and sleep better in here.
How brazen of me.
I'm healthier now.
You have a beautiful name.
Cha Mi-jo.
Thank you.
Are you married?
Why is a pretty woman like you
still single?
But then again, competent people
nowadays choose to live alone.
Marriage isn't everything.
Though I didn't have high expectations…
Did you get double-eyelid surgery?
-I expected her
-You didn't have double eyelids as a baby.
-to have warmer words
-Or did you?
to share with me.
What's your occupation?
I'm a doctor.
Really? Oh, my goodness.
I envied people whose kids became doctors.
But it turns out I'm one of them.
How wonderful.
What's your specialty?
Internal medicine? Surgery?
I'm so silly, aren't I?
Every day in here is mundane, you see.
I'm bored out of my mind.
I must be excited
since I haven't seen you in a while.
"In a while…"
It must've been so hard
to become a doctor.
It's amazing you made it.
You must be really smart.
Just like me, I guess.
Where are you going?
My stomach… I have a stomachache.
I'm having a stomachache.
Wait, Mi-jo. Wait…
I hope Mi-jo doesn't collapse
because of a panic attack.
I should've gone with her.
We should've given her relaxing pills.
Why is she out already?
She doesn't look too good.
Did she not get to meet her?
What's wrong?
Mi-jo, what's wrong? Tell us.
Double eyelids…
She asked me
if I had double-eyelid surgery.
She couldn't remember.
I was so dumbfounded, so I…
What are you saying?
Why would you talk
about double-eyelid surgery?
And "in a while"?
How could she say that?
Damn it. How could she put it that way?
Damn it.
You see…
-Yes, Mi-jo?
-Yes, Mi-jo?
I thought of various possibilities
before meeting her.
Right. You studied natural science.
What does that have to do with this?
Focus, will you?
Calculating probabilities, that's math.
Let's listen to her.
Various possibilities, and then?
I never imagined this.
The first thing she asked…
was why I was still single.
Then she said many competent people
choose to live alone nowadays.
People get married if they're in love.
Seon-u, don't make this about you.
She asked if I had double-eyelid surgery.
Do you know what's more absurd?
She said she didn't remember me
having double eyelids as a baby.
She couldn't remember.
I was so flustered
that I couldn't say anything.
I didn't know what to say.
I was at a loss for words.
This was my first time meeting her.
I didn't remember her face.
Since I had no memories of her,
it was my first time, right?
Take your time.
But? What did she say?
She said she was just excited.
Since she saw me
for the first time in a while.
What is this?
I can't even defend her.
"In a while"? How could she say that?
But from her point of view,
she already knew Mi-jo's face.
The baby Mi-jo.
So to her, it might feel like a while and…
Gosh. I'm talking nonsense.
You have been
ever since "natural science."
Did you have to talk about math?
You might as well drag calculus into this.
Hey, I was much better
at calculus than you were.
You know I couldn't take the CSA
because my mom was ill.
We're talking about her biological mom.
Why are you bringing that up right now?
Focus on the subject, will you?
I only said that
because I wanted to comfort her.
-Can you buy some coffee?
-And it was you who talked about calculus.
How is that comforting?
Can you, Joo-hee?
She gave her up when she was two.
"Competent people choose to be single"?
I mean, it's not like she did anything
to make Mi-jo competent.
You should think
before trying to comfort--
-My gosh.
-My gosh.
Let's go to Samseong-dong.
-Okay. That's a good choice.
It'll take us two hours.
Take a nap. You must be tired.
I need to use the bathroom.
Gosh, you're unbelievable.
Go in and turn left.
Okay. I'm only peeing. It won't take long.
Why did she have to tell us
she was peeing?
I couldn't ask
if she had her own practice.
Will it be hard to find her
if she works at a university hospital?
I think she'll visit me again, but…
Just try to find her.
Maybe she runs her own clinic.
Her adoptive parents are well-off.
Maybe they helped her get her own clinic.
All right. Okay.
You must be tired.
No, I'm okay.
Will you tell them about today?
I think it's only right that I do.
If I don't, I'll feel like
I'm lying to them. It's not right.
Take your time when telling them.
I'll get going.
-Drive safely.
What happened to your arm?
I just sprained it a bit.
-Don't make such a fuss.
How did this happen?
I tripped and fell on my arm.
I slightly tore my ligament.
I'll take this off in a week.
It's not a big deal.
You should've called me.
Why didn't you tell me?
I wasn't going to be
in a cast for long anyway.
I'm glad you're here. Veranda or bathroom?
-Where do you want to clean?
I'm dying here.
I only did the dishes and laundry,
but my legs are already giving out.
You don't have to do this.
We can do it together once I remove this.
There's mold in the corner of the veranda.
You need to pour bleach on it.
I'll take the bathroom.
Do you want to start with our bathroom?
You better make it squeaky clean.
You need to be extremely thorough
with the one in the living room.
Don't we need to pour bleach there too?
Do I need to clean both bathrooms?
-Then I'll take the veranda.
-Too late.
Mom, you should rest.
Where did you go today?
Did you meet with the girls?
we visited Mi-jo's biological mom.
How is Mi-jo?
She cried a lot.
It must've been tough
to have kept it to yourself.
It was, wasn't it?
you guys are so close,
I've been putting off
telling you about it.
I'm so sorry.
Don't be.
None of us blames you for it.
We just feel bad that you had
to carry the burden all alone.
You're so sweet.
All of you are.
It's okay.
It's all right, Mom.
It's okay.
Mom. Dad.
I brought braised chicken.
You're here too, Mi-jo.
Did you know Mom was hurt?
Then why didn't you tell me?
I was going to.
How could you come home this late?
Dad and I just finished cleaning.
Well done. You're the best daughter.
Don't use the bathroom.
-I just finished cleaning it.
-Can't I wash my hands?
Hey, I'm so famished
that I'm getting dizzy.
-Did you get extra glass noodles?
Don't have any. Stay in the bathroom.
It looks delicious.
I haven't eaten all day.
What did you do
on your date with Seon-u then?
-You didn't eat with him?
-You went on a date?
Why are you here?
You should spend more time with him.
It wasn't a date.
Chan-young and Joo-hee were there too.
What did the four of you do together?
I'm genuinely curious.
Let's be honest.
They should've left you two alone.
Don't you agree?
Yes. You're right.
Where did you guys go?
I'm dying to know.
We went for a drive.
How meaningless.
You just wasted gas.
Mi-jo, do you have something
to discuss with us?
Is that why you came here so early?
Well, I…
Mi-hyeon stresses me out too much.
I came here to tell you that.
You crazy…
Hey, how much more love
do you expect from me? Are you insane?
There she goes again.
She's always like that.
She yells and gets all worked up
over the smallest things.
Look. Look at that terrifying glare.
How could anyone
look at their sibling like that?
My heart pounds whenever she does that.
Be nicer to your sister.
This is all because of--
I'm not throwing
an old maid's fit. Stop it.
Let's take yoga classes.
There's a nice place nearby.
Come here, Mi-jo. What did I do wrong?
Hey, come out to the yard.
Mom, it's more delicious
if you have it with cheese.
It is.
I bought this, you know?
Mom, let me feed you.
She acts like she bought it.
Where's the other drumstick?
Here's the cheese.
-Where is it?
-It's here.
-I told them to hide it
in case she'd eat it. Take it.
-How could you do that?
-Hurry up.
Hurry. I'm telling you the truth.
Forget it. It's mine.
-Have it.
Mom? Dad, you're here too?
I thought it had stopped raining,
but then it poured again.
I told you,
we should've brought an umbrella.
Your mom never listens to me.
Gosh, I thought it'd stop raining.
You should've called beforehand.
What a lovely surprise!
We were looking for a house.
-What for?
We should live near you.
You can just stay with me.
But you have…
Is it because of Jin-seok?
See? I told you
we should just move in with her.
She may not want that.
Were you respecting
your grown daughter's privacy?
You're so adorable.
He won't come here anymore.
I told him not to.
I told him
I didn't care what he did anymore.
We're just going to be good friends
-I bought a new car.
-What? Already?
Are we getting it tomorrow?
It's a mid-size sedan.
It's extremely comfortable to drive in.
Then we should visit
that department store again.
Let's go.
I guess we have to.
She won't stop pestering us.
Then let's just have coffee there.
Okay, let's.
Just for coffee?
Why not?
Or we can take
the escalators and look around.
Not you too.
We should splurge while we're there.
I could get a t-shirt.
Did he go back to the States?
I'm not sure.
I don't know either.
You don't have to do this for me.
You'll only worsen the situation.
It's already as bad as it can get.
What do you do with Mi-jo?
Well, we golf…
and play games together.
Oh, we went camping.
You do many things.
What? No matching rings?
Well, it's our feelings
for each other that matters.
Maybe I'm still young.
I look forward to getting one.
I didn't want to pressure her.
I understand.
I hope you guys will eventually
get married and have wedding rings.
-That's nice.
Why did you have to drag me to the bank?
I'm quite busy, you know?
But you're jobless.
What? Don't hurt my feelings like that.
Here. I've transferred the money.
Please check the receipt.
Your savings account expired,
so I waited for you. Congratulations.
Thank you.
Here. Check it.
The receipt?
50,032,320 WON
It was going to be your wedding gift,
but it's not happening anytime soon, so…
Mom, this is…
Why are you giving me so much money?
Get up. They're waiting for their turns.
-Thank you.
-My pleasure. See you again.
-Mom, sit down.
What are you doing, Mom?
Why are you giving this money to me?
Spend the money however you like.
Your tuition would've been around
that much had you gone to college.
It's yours. Spend it however you want.
I have money saved up.
Let's transfer this money back to you.
Why would you give such a hefty sum to me?
Just keep it.
Spend that money
on whatever you want to do.
You worked for such a long time.
Don't think about getting another job.
Put it to good use.
That's what I want you to do.
Don't do this.
Why are you giving me
your hard-earned money?
Just keep it
and go on trips with your friends.
It's okay. Get up.
I have somewhere to go. Let's go.
Hurry up.
Why are the premiums so high?
What are you doing?
Hey. Isn't it your day off today?
I'm looking for a new place.
I haven't moved yet.
I see. So you're moving
into this neighborhood?
The morning traffic is terrible,
and I'm too sleepy
at night to drive back home.
I understand.
What are you looking for, Ms. Jang?
"Ms. Jang"?
Don't address me like that.
It sounds weird.
Okay. Not "Ms. Jang."
-how about "Joo-hee"?
That's better.
I was just checking out
the current apartment prices.
Can you help me look for a place?
It won't take long.
Let's have lunch after.
This way.
You cook Chinese food every day
and even eat Chinese on your day off.
You must love Chinese food.
This place is known for their jjajangmyeon
on social media.
I should visit all
the popular Chinese restaurants.
You're so hardworking.
What should I have?
Jjajangmyeon and ulmyeon.
Do I not get to choose?
They're known for those two dishes.
I see. So that's why you invited me.
It'll look sad if I eat two on my own.
But let's go for a drive
once we're done eating.
Being at work all day is suffocating.
Okay? Please?
The weather is fantastic.
Let's go somewhere nice and have coffee.
Anywhere you'd like to go?
You should come inside
and have a cup of coffee.
I haven't found a place yet.
Let's go together after some coffee.
Spend some time with your friends.
You'll see me often once I move.
Spend a lot of time with Chan-young.
Drive safely.
-See you tomorrow.
That man has many charms.
You're an idiot.
You asked him to drive you here?
You guys wanted to meet up.
The weather was nice,
so we decided to have some coffee.
You should've said
you were with Hyeon-jun.
We just ran into each other
at the real estate agency.
So we had lunch together
and checked out some places.
Gosh, I'm so frustrated.
Why did you go there? Are you moving?
You see…
My mom gave me some money.
She had saved 50 million won.
She told me to spend it however I wanted.
What an amazing mom.
She gave you money since you were sacked.
So what are you going to do?
Why did you go to a real estate agency?
Maybe I'll open a small shop.
I'm not sure yet.
What lovely weather.
What a killer view.
My mom's birthday
is just around the corner.
You see…
Objectively speaking,
it's her last birthday
that I'll get to see.
Exactly when will you come to your senses?
Do you have to remind us all the time?
I agree with Mi-jo. Grow up, will you?
If I do, things will become quite serious.
Are you sure
you'll be able to handle that?
-What should we do?
-Buffet reservation?
No. She doesn't like buffets.
Let's take her somewhere nice.
-We could book a nice hotel room and--
-Do that with Seon-u.
I'm spitballing here.
Right. But I'll kindly refuse
such boring ideas.
Sure. Suit yourself.
How about this?
You can choose
the taste, design, and writing.
Aren't they pretty?
-They're so pretty.
Send me this link.
Mi-hyeon's birthday is coming soon.
Hey, we were talking
about my mom's birthday.
Right. Let me pick one out for you.
Who is this?
Were you surprised?
I got your number from Jin-seok.
I see.
I'm not as warm-hearted as your parents.
I'm sure you heard about So-won.
You must know since Seon-u is quite upset
because of that incident.
I don't know the details.
It bothers me.
I understand that
you have wonderful adoptive parents now.
But to have you as my daughter-in-law…
Do you understand what I'm getting at?
There are those…
who understand people like you.
Then there are those who can't.
-Seon-u is my one and only child.
His mom passed away early.
All I have is him now.
-I see.
-You must be pretty offended.
I'm sorry.
This is a difficult topic to talk about.
I'm sure it wasn't easy for you…
to tell me this either.
I understand what you mean.
Then is it safe to say
I can return to Boston with no worries?
I understand
how you feel.
But I hope you could also understand
how Seon-u and I feel.
My heart…
belongs to me.
And Seon-u's belongs to him.
You can't blame us for falling in love.
I don't blame you
for being bothered
by the fact that I was adopted.
So you'll continue seeing him?
This won't be
the reason why we break up, at least.
I came here to tell you something.
I'm listening.
I first met Jin-seok
at a club in New York.
He was very intoxicated.
It was love at first sight.
He was sobbing in the hallway.
He was on the phone.
"I have no reason to live."
"I'm so far away,
yet all I think about is you."
"I'll do better. I'm sorry."
"Please give me another chance."
The moment I first met you,
I knew that the woman
on the other end of the phone call
was you.
It was clear as daylight.
Those words still haunt me.
I never heard them again.
But they're still on my mind.
I wished he said those words to me.
He must've not gotten
a positive reply from you
because he drank even more afterward.
Then I took him
to a hotel.
I understand what you're getting at.
You can stop.
I lied and told him I was
pregnant with his baby.
I still don't understand
why I did such a thing.
I knew he was going to find out
if he requested a blood test.
But I was brazen.
I wanted to live as his woman…
even if it was only for a few days.
But it lasted much longer than that.
You shouldn't have done that.
I know.
Had I not done so, you two would've…
No, not for my sake.
You shouldn't have done that to Ju-won.
I have a favor to ask.
I'm listening.
Please persuade Jin-seok.
To do what?
To let me take Ju-won
after our divorce.
I want a second chance.
I want…
to do my best as Ju-won's mom.
Tell him he can watch me.
And if I'm still a bad mom,
he can take
Ju-won from me.
I know you're going through a lot.
I'm sorry I'm asking this.
Goodbye, then.
Don't be too upset.
not once was I his woman.
You win.
You're here.
-Did you have fun with your friends?
I see. How's Chan-young?
Is she doing okay?
She won't tell me.
But seeing her put up a brave front
breaks my heart.
Maybe I shouldn't
have asked you out on a movie date.
We had already made plans yesterday.
What should we watch?
-Let's find out.
Let's go. Let's see.
It bothers me.
I understand that
you have wonderful adoptive parents now.
But to have you as my daughter-in-law…
Do you understand what I'm getting at?
How's this one?
Sure. Let's watch this.
You're not avoiding me, are you?
You better not, or else…
I was really busy.
I even met Seon-ju.
Imagine how busy I must have been.
She gave me the divorce papers.
She made up her mind.
Did she mention that?
She told me how much she loved you.
You're not good-looking, though.
But you must have some killer charms.
That's enough.
We've both fallen head over heels for you.
What in the world are your charms?
It's my entire body. It's full of charms.
Can't you see they're overflowing?
Pick them up.
We talked about Ju-won.
She wants me
to persuade you to let her take him.
She knew you'd say no to her.
I've already made up my mind.
She wants another chance as his mom.
She said you could take him back
if she failed.
I agree with her.
I know you'll feel sorry for him.
I wish you would give her another chance.
I really hope you do. For Ju-won's sake.
Okay. I'll talk with her again.
I'm taken aback.
I never thought
she'd make such a decision.
She's his mom after all.
Get the divorce after I'm gone.
Who knows what'll happen
after some time goes by?
It's freezing.
Isn't it?
Should we have some green tea?
She said I won.
She said she was never your woman.
I'm not trying to be kind here.
I don't want to leave you all alone.
Don't cry.
Come on.
I don't resent anyone.
Not even Seon-ju.
Because it's all my fault. I was a coward.
I couldn't tell you
that Ju-won wasn't my real son
just because of my reputation
as the son of Jinsa Food's chairman.
"I'll tell her next time. Next year."
I watched you fade away
and still couldn't say anything.
I was such a coward.
I understand. I didn't mean to upset you.
So what if I'll be alone?
You were alone for over a decade,
so why would you worry about me?
Hey, Jin-seok--
So can you please stop saying that?
Please. Okay?
Every single day is so precious.
Going on walks and getting calls
from you are all so precious,
so please stop saying such things.
I'm sorry.
I was wrong.
I won't say such things anymore.
I won't say what I don't mean anymore.
Divorce her.
And come to me.
Let's stay together.
Yes, Father.
Both of you are old enough to understand,
so why are you being stubborn?
No one can change the fact
that you and I are a family.
So let's not argue over some woman.
Don't meet Mi-jo ever again.
Don't even call her.
Then don't give me a reason to.
When you chose the life you lived,
when you made the wrong choices,
and when people ridiculed you,
I was always by your side.
Mom too.
That was because
we were a family.
Like you said, we were a family
no matter what.
But I will no longer condone your choices.
Mi-jo taught me
that being silent was wrong.
That I should protect those I love.
She must be hurt, and I don't know
what decision she'll make.
But I will persuade her.
I'm going to spend
the rest of my life with her.
I'm sorry, Father.
Kim Seon-u!
You're also precious to me.
Please remember that.
I'd like to order a birthday cake.
I see. One minute, please.
Look at these
and pick a design you'd like.
What would you like me to write?
Let's see.
I'll text you by the end of the day.
We bake the cake
the morning of to keep it fresh.
It'll be done by noon,
so come before then.
Right. Please come by 5 p.m.
at the latest. I have plans that day.
Okay. I'll come before then.
Please make it pretty.
Come in.
Let's go.
Is it already lunchtime?
It's time to go home.
What's going on?
Why won't you believe me?
This is ridiculous.
I, the director, was the only one
who didn't know that we were closed today.
I asked Ms. Cha and the nurses
to clear your afternoon schedule.
No wonder.
-My afternoon schedule was empty.
-I know.
Why didn't they tell me?
What's with you guys?
This is ridiculous.
So where are we going?
To Gangneung.
What? Gangneung?
See? Aren't you glad we came here?
Doesn't the sea wash away your worries?
This does feel nice.
Did I do well?
But we could've come here on the weekend.
We didn't need to close the clinic.
The traffic would've been awful.
Let's enjoy ourselves. Come on.
It's so pretty here.
This is Rachmaninoff.
Everything's perfect today.
I prepared all this for you.
Right. Sure.
You probably came here beforehand,
rented the entire cafe,
and picked out this music too.
I'm serious.
Isn't it about time you believed me?
I've been planning this for a week.
-Are you serious?
But why?
What is this?
So this is why
we came all the way here.
I visited the jewelry store
countless times.
I thought you'd refuse,
saying it was childish.
So I didn't have the guts to buy them.
I know this isn't important.
But right now,
it matters a lot to me.
It bothers me.
I understand that
you have wonderful adoptive parents now.
But to have you as my daughter-in-law…
Do you understand what I'm getting at?
I'll let you know every day
how much I love you.
Would you…
still like me even if
my mother had seven priors?
Why would you ask me that?
I'm serious. I want to know.
like you.
I like you for who you are.
I'm totally mad about you.
I get butterflies on my way to work,
and I feel sad when I go home.
There's something…
I need to tell you.
I'm sorry you had to hear those words.
I'm truly
Don't be sorry.
What your father said broke my heart.
But that was out of your control.
I'm okay.
Did you get the right size?
If you didn't,
I'm going to reconsider this.
It's a perfect fit.
It's a perfect fit.
It's pretty.
Do you like it?
Thank you for driving today.
My pleasure.
Good night.
Don't doze off.
Call me when you get home.
Did you leave something?
Would you like
a cup of tea before leaving?
I have mugwort tea.
It's the first time
my heart's paced like that
when driving in reverse.
Look at you, a smooth-talker.
You're getting better at it.
-It's me, your mom.
It's me. Your mom.
Are you surprised?
I searched your name
and found your clinic.
I see.
You should've just told me
your mobile number.
You left in such a hurry.
What's wrong?
Is this making you uncomfortable?
I'll come visit
if I ever need to talk with you.
What if I want to speak with you?
Then call the clinic.
This is so heartbreaking.
I don't even know my daughter's number.
I need to discuss this
with my parents first.
Why do you need
their permission when I'm your biological…
You're turning 40 soon.
You don't need their permission.
I'm with a patient right now.
If this isn't urgent, I'll hang up.
Which low heels are the most popular here?
Let's see.
These are low and comfortable to wear.
Many middle-aged women like them.
May I see?
I'll take a pair in size 235mm.
Size 235mm. I'll get a pair.
Please wait here.
The cake. Oh, no.
Damn it.
It's that one.
Come on.
It's that one.
-Are you okay?
Where did you collapse?
Hey, what should I do?
It's that one.
It's green tea, my mom's favorite.
I even wrote something.
Damn it. This is driving me insane.
What should we do?
It's Mom.
Something came up at work.
You must be hungry.
Well, have some seaweed soup first.
I'm going to be a bit late.
I'm sorry, Mom.
It's 10 p.m.
Her birthday will be over soon.
Should we buy
some snack cakes and pile them up?
I have no candles.
Right. Candles.
Do you desperately want that?
If you were me, you'd be desperate too.
Why did I have to faint then of all times?
I'm already sad about dying,
so why is this happening
on my mom's birthday?
Let's get that cake.
You could get a rap sheet.
Let's focus on one thing.
Your mom's birthday.
I never went to college
so I'll never be able
to get married if I become a convict too.
You should put that down.
But I'm the strongest one here.
Here we go.
One, two, three!
You should hurry.
What about this?
It's late. Just go.
Then I'll drop this off and come back.
-Don't. We'll take care of this. Go.
we need
-to take care of this.
But it's kind of scary, isn't it?
Remember what you said?
You said the stars
were so pretty that it made you sad.
I think I understand.
I wanted you to know that.
We can't see any stars in Seoul.
By the way, what should we do now?
We should turn ourselves in.
Hello, sir.
I called to report something.
Yes. Well…
I damaged someone's property.
It's not theft, right?
Of course not! We--
No, sir.
No, this isn't a prank call.
We were trying to pick up
an item we had reserved,
and we slightly damaged the glass.
The address is…
Happy birthday, Mom.
Were you late
because you were busy
getting this wonderful cake?
Is this really edible?
It's too pretty to eat.
Okay. This is your favorite,
green tea cake.
Look. It's green inside, right?
-Hold on. I'll give you a slice.
-Let's try it.
I'll take one. That's it.
It's scrumptious.
They're so talented.
-Isn't it good?
Where's her gift?
You see, I haven't picked it up yet.
I ordered a pretty pair of heels.
I'll pick them up tomorrow.
I see.
Where's your gift?
What? I was going to see
what she got you first.
She's getting you heels,
so how about some clothes?
That's a good idea.
You should stop wearing pants
and get a dress for once.
That's perfect, Dad.
No, I don't want a dress.
Just give me cash.
There you go again.
How much do you want?
This is so delicious.
I do smell the green tea.
If that's the case,
of course, I should settle.
No wonder. My heart ached
when I was making that cake.
Goodness, I had no idea.
-I told you not to come.
-Did you have the party?
Yes. It went well.
Ma'am, I'm so sorry.
I had my reasons.
I'll pay for all the damages,
so could you please settle?
Of course, I will.
Your friend already
took care of everything.
-It's fine.
-She settled.
It was my first blind date in three years,
so I had put my phone on airplane mode.
You needed to focus. We're truly sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
Stay strong.
Sorry? Right. Thank you.
One egg soup.
And one clam soup. It sounds tasty.
Sure. Ma'am, one egg soup
and one clap soup, please.
And no red peppers.
One spicy chicken cartilage too.
-I'm not craving anything spicy.
I won't have any, so help yourselves.
You need something spicy today.
Look at her drooling.
A bottle of soju too.
I won't drink any.
It's for Joo-hee's hard work.
Hey. What's this?
This is…
Can I expect the same one
around Seon-u's finger too?
It's not a big deal.
-I can't believe it.
-Well done.
I'm so proud of you.
You finally got
matching rings at the age of 39.
Any pregnancy news?
I'm too exhausted
to even give a snark reply.
Me too.
We should put some pain-relief patches on.
We may have overused our muscles.
Gosh, I'm sore.
-Thank you.
-The food's here.
Let's just have one glass.
Chan-young will have water,
the strongest liquor.
Here you go.
I threw a brick with the hand
that had the ring on it.
Keep this from Seon-u.
You're right. You should've been caressing
his face with those hands.
I'm responsible for it.
Let's drink!
But don't you think we were so cool today?
Hey, how could you call that cool?
We're pretty much police station VIPs.
When her clinic was raided.
-They ripped our hair out.
-Those ladies…
Do you think they found the mistress?
You didn't hear anything?
She must be from your neighborhood.
I hope the couple reconciles
and lives happily together.
You're concerned about them?
It's just nice to bless others.
I agree. I hope the cake shop owner
goes on a second date.
You're right. I hope so.
She was out late.
I'm pretty sure she will.
Oh, my. Is that what
our matching-ring expert thinks?
Yes. Based on my expertise,
I see an 80-percent chance.
Eighty percent?
You're truly a dating expert.
I'll be able to live after all."
Days like this make me think that way.
Stop it.
Let me try it on.
-Come on.
-No. You can't.
Stay still, or you'll break it.
I never imagined us as a group of two.
-Give that back!
-Will Mi-jo and I
-I can't take it out.
-be okay without you?
-It belongs to you!
-It's not budging.
It's yours now.
You see,
we even have a blast
over a bottle of soju
and some chicken cartilage.
A thousand nights
and over again.
A thousand nights over and over.
Please let us be together for that long.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Over a million views?
This is where
the terminal patient came, right?
-This is so embarrassing.
-There's our actress!
Do you think
you became a good piano player
because of your adoptive father's money?
It came from your late parents.
Who are you?
You know Lee Gyeong-suk, right?
Who is he?
I've never seen her so frightened before.
Why won't you tell me?
I always tell you everything.
I'm also scared that things
might not be the same between us
once Chan-young's gone.
Ripped and synced by
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