Three-Body (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

(The planned route of the torch relay
for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games)
(was officially released in April.)
preparations for the torch relay)
(are in full swing.)
(As far as we know,)
(the torch relay
of the Beijing Olympic Games)
(will manifest the concept
of green Olympics.)
(Environmental awareness will
run through the whole relay.)
(The Beijing Organizing Committees
of the Olympic Games)
(have formulated environmental standards
of conduct for all people,)
(note that it's all people,)
(participating in the
Olympic torch relay,)
(including torch bearers.)
(It seems that
our environmental awareness)
(We've learned from the
environmental promotion that)
(the BOCOG requires all people
participating in the torch relay)
(not to use disposable foam tableware,
or wooden chopsticks.)
(They also suggest that
we should actively reduce)
(the use of disposable towels, etc.)
(They particularly encourage people
to take buses,)
(to reduce energy consumption
and vehicle emissions.)
I'm home.
Your daughter has been
waiting for you all night.
Doudou, Dad is home.
Your rescuer comes.
What's up?
After you gave the speech at her school,
she became interested in physics.
Look, she's doing an experiment.
Doudou, what experiment
needs so many eggs?
The teacher asked us to
put the egg into the bottle intact.
For the experiment,
Doudou has eaten
several eggs this night.
Are you upset?
The bottle is small and the egg is big.
It can't be shoved in.
Dad will figure a way out.
Let's see if I can help you,
Here, hold the egg.
Doudou, hold the egg.
When I tell you to release it,
put it at the mouth of the bottle,
Get ready.
Three, two, one.
Mom, Mom, come here.
The egg went down itself.
It really did.
Dad, can you tell me why?
Let me tell you.
There are many tiny molecules
both in the bottle and outside it.
The fire Dad lit
burned some of the molecules out.
So there were more space inside,
and the tiny molecules outside
were impatient to swarm in.
Thus they shove the egg in.
Physics is amazing, just like magic.
Physics isn't magic.
Countdown counter ♪
Hidden in eyes ♪
Explore deep dreams in the dark ♪
What is waiting for me at the end
of the mysterious space-time ♪
Don't break the hope
given to the world ♪
The sun still sets every day ♪
=Episode 9=
It only took you three hours?
How did you make it?
The first two hours and 55 minutes,
I sat in front of her
without saying a word.
Then she couldn't stand it.
I couldn't have stood it either
if it were me.
And then?
Then I told her that it was a state-level
secret and I wanted her to cooperate.
That's all?
I promised her that
she could continue the investigation
without disclosing the secret.
Let her make more trouble?
She did find something.
This is the video Mu Xing got.
All eight safe houses have been exposed.
It's weird.
Not until the last minute before
arriving at the safe houses
did the SWAT team members escorting
the scientists know the locations
of the safe houses.
Then the secret shouldn't
have been let out.
Many impossible things
have happened recently.
From the beginning of the shoot
to the time when the scientists entered
the safe houses, before the SWAT knew
where the houses were located,
they had already made
all preparations for the shoot.
There must be a snitch.
If there's really a snitch,
it must be me.
Don't say that about yourself.
It's strange.
I chose the eight safe houses from
my file and numbered them one by one.
I didn't inform any team members
until the last moment.
How could the secret be leaked?
Physics doesn't exist.
Have you found Mu Xing's
information source?
(Since the Olympic Games
were open to booking,)
(tickets for the opening ceremony
have been a hit in public bookings.)
(Judging by the current orders,)
(most people have booked tickets
for the opening ceremony.)
(The orders are far more than the
26,000 tickets provided by the BOCOG.)
Why are you standing here?
Waiting for you.
Waiting for me?
If I wanted to escape, how could
your poor car catch up with me?
What car do you drive?
The same brand as yours,
but more premium.
What's the output volume?
Four-wheel drive?
Why are you waiting for me here?
It's convenient.
After you finish interrogating me,
I can pick up my car by myself, right?
Come on.
Let's go in my poor car.
Come on.
I can do it myself.
Can you?
Yes, no problem.
We're in extremely
perilous situation here.
If we take them into protective custody,
they'll accuse us of strong armament.
There will be public unrest, riots,
and God knows what else.
On the other hand, we have to act now.
General Chang, your sector is the
only one under control, am I right?
It's only temporary.
I don't know if tomorrow
we'll face the same situation as you do.
Each and every move of ours
is exposed to the enemy.
And we don't ever know
who are they by now.
Are you scared?
Frankly speaking,
I'm scared.
I would rather face a real war
than be a turkey waiting for
Thanksgiving like now.
Shi, rumor is a fearful thing.
Now, the Combat Zones are under
the pressure of public opinion.
Fortunately, we've controlled
the malicious spread of information.
I've caught the messenger.
I'll interrogate him later.
Did you catch him?
You're such a boaster.
He drove here himself.
Whatever, he is the first we've caught.
You rock!
You've been here
for more than a year, right?
If you hadn't occupied the museum,
it would have opened long ago.
In that case,
I should be the first tourist, right?
Tourists can leave after the visit.
That's why I parked my car at the door.
It'll be more convenient
for me to drive off.
This place
should be the Asian Combat Zone.
The European Combat Zone
was established earlier.
Sure, the North American Combat Zone
in Lington, Country M,
was the earliest established.
Now, Oceania,
South America and Africa
should have taken it seriously too.
Combat Zone, seriously?
Do you know who you're fighting against?
You did a great job!
I only read your paper recently.
I never thought that at that time,
you had already correctly predicted
that long-term consumption of
genetically modified foods
would cause controversy.
You also predicted
the ecological disasters that would
come with genetically modified crops.
The specific details
were close to life and horrifying.
Do you know how
those scholars appraise you?
From the future.
God's eye.
According to your theory, should I
discard the straw and the can separately?
It makes no difference.
When they're shipped to the dump,
they'll still be mixed up together.
I'm relieved to hear that.
Hu Xiaoxi, graduated from the Electronic
Engineering and Information Institute,
works in Songjie Network Service
as a service administrator.
So you're an administrator
of an Internet cafe.
Six years ago, you started to
write science fiction online
under the pseudonym, Poet of Chuantuo.
Your fiction almost attracts no readers.
Last year, you participated in
a cyber-fiction competition.
The prize was about 740,000 dollars.
It was said that whoever wrote
a more terrifying future
would be more likely to win the prize.
At last, you won the prize
for no reason, didn't you?
General Chang,
I think you should be more curious about
how I know your combat zone and
the locations of your safe houses.
Come on. Tell me.
Who are you?
General Chang, you are responsible
for the protection of the scientists.
(List of scientists in need of
protection) Only at the last moment,
would you tell your men
about the locations.
Before that,
nobody knew anything other than you.
Aren't you curious at all?
How could I arrive at the safe
house before your order was even given?
I think that's what
you came to me to talk about today.
I really understand your feelings.
After all, you're leading a combat zone.
You have to know the enemy
you're going to face.
Let me tell you.
Your enemy at the moment is me.
You look a little dismissive.
You may think I'm not qualified.
Answer me,
what your combat zones are doing?
You're investigating
the suicides of scientists.
Of course,
you call those accidental deaths.
Let me make it clear with you.
They did commit suicide.
I didn't tell anyone
where the safe houses were.
I've thought it over.
It might have been leaked
when I pulled the information.
But, you are definitely not
the boss behind the scenes.
You received an email
that informed you of the locations.
On that day, you answered
a phone for 11 seconds.
You were told to take the video.
But you were short of hands,
so you sought for your friends' help.
After you took the video,
you gave it to her.
What's her name?
Mu Xing.
That's right.
You gave it to her.
I've got two pieces of information,
the phone call and the e-mail.
But I don't know who gave you
the call and sent you the e-mail.
So I'll ask you again, who are you?
General Chang,
why do you still not understand?
That's not the question you should ask.
You should ask about us.
Who are we?
I tell you what,
let me tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was a farm.
Stop. Stop.
You're going to tell me that
I'm a two-dimensional creature,
or a turkey, aren't you?
Then tell me, who is this farmer?
Don't you have anything to say?
Even if there is this farmer,
he would never hire
such a dumb turkey as you
to work for them.
All right. I don't think you can
tell me anything useful today.
Go home.
No, I
No, wait, wait, wait.
You should continue the interrogation.
Did you even interrogate me?
Does it make any sense?
It's only a waste of my words.
No. I
By the way, you said
you wanted to be my enemy.
You're not qualified.
You're really some piece of work.
You caught a dumb ass.
How could you waste my time like that?
Did I catch him?
He drove here himself.
I have to warn you that all your
eight houses have been exposed.
We got the list from Wang Miao.
Wang Miao's cover must have been
blown in the Frontiers of Science.
When I got that list,
I was mentally prepared to be exposed.
What should we do?
Proceed as usual.
If it weren't for me, you would have
lost contact with the eight people.
So what?
The Battle Command Center only locked
them up to suspend their research.
They didn't lock them up.
They are protecting them.
This list
was leaked by your member, Wang Miao.
The activities of our group
have always been above board.
It can't be regarded as a leak
to tell an outright thing.
But Wang Miao isn't
outright enough to you.
And he's never stopped his research.
When Wang Miao first played the game,
he performed better than you and me.
It means that
he can know Lord faster than we do.
It means nothing.
He isn't our comrade.
None of us can alter the will of Lord.
Did your people, Hu Xiaoxi,
follow the will of the Lord?
Did Lord let him swagger to the
Battle Command Center to show off
and demonstrate?
I never liked him driving, let
alone driving cars with large-engines.
It isn't environmentally friendly.
Lord will never see him again.
All right.
Wash your hands.
What's wrong?
Inadequate stress on the two contact
faces caused a large amount of loss
during power transmission.
Don't you scientists
love to talk in this way?
Why don't you understand?
The belt pulley is loose.
You caught all the people
on the list I gave you, didn't you?
We didn't catch them,
instead, we tried to protect them.
But you failed.
I can feel that Chang is under great
pressure even though he didn't tell me.
Just think.
He made the plan himself and
didn't tell anyone, yet it was leaked.
Clearly, the Center must be
under close surveillance.
We should take the initiative.
Shen Yufei must have
seen through me now.
And you still ask me to contact her.
Don't you think
she'll keep an eye on me?
I've discussed it with Chang.
It doesn't matter whether you
leak the secret or not.
After all,
their gatherings are above board.
She must have other plans for you.
But for your safety,
I should go with you
to see Shen Yufei and talk to her.
We'd better cut to the chase.
In case of any danger,
I'll warn you.
I told you that I would protect you.
I must protect Copernicus.
(Waste water from Xitang Village)
Mr. Pan.
You're on time.
I came here on foot today.
I replaced its battery
with a rechargeable one.
Thanks a lot.
That's what I should do.
that's what everyone should do.
Unfortunately, people only pay attention
to things concerning their
own interests, or vulgar gossip.
You're very sensitive in this respect.
And I admire that.
Did you see my news report?
Don't record our conversation again
from now on.
First, I regret to tell you that you
should have reported a piece of big news.
Big news?
What's that?
You should have reported it earlier
than foreign presses.
you missed the opportunity.
You mean
the case of scientists being kidnapped?
You were caught.
So you couldn't report it.
It's a state-level secret.
How did you know it?
Aren't you curious about why you
got the information so easily?
Of all the media workers,
why Hu Xiaoxi gave the information to you?
Because I chose you.
I kind of understand this game now.
You did well in the game.
I want to talk to you.
Here's the address,
Number Two, Carriage Four.
What do you mean?
It's the only train in
Civilization No. 139.
I never thought that
this civilization had advanced
all the way to the Steam Age.
We are lucky.
This time, the Stable Era has been
lasting very long.
Civilization No. 138
ended in the Stone Age.
I thought
Civilization No. 139 would end soon,
never expecting that it would
advance to this level.
I almost forgot
what the Chaotic Era was like.
But you're constantly afraid.
I think the purpose of this game is
for us to find the alternation pattern
between the Stable Eras and
the Chaotic Eras, or find a way to
protect and continue civilization.
Am I right?
Professor Wang,
why should civilization advance?
To survive.
We spare no effort on
observation and calculation,
and climb the technology tree
in order not to be destroyed.
You've shown me the world of the farmer.
Does that mean I can see the farmer
after I pass the game?
Lord needs you to know him first.
In the game,
many people have begun an expedition
through the world to observe the suns.
They hope to calculate the distance
between us and the sun by time difference.
Do you think they can find a pattern?
I hope they can find it.
But do we still have time?
Sherlock Holmes?
Who are you dressing as?
The Lady of the Camellias?
Madam Butterfly?
You know what, a scientist
can be pretty if she's dressed up.
How do you like my style?
It suits you.
What took you so long?
- Don't mention it.
- Sit down.
The carriage numbers
are not in sequence.
I got in Number Seven
directly from Number Two.
And then I got in Number 42.
I walked back and forth.
You're not interested
in the game, are you?
I don't think it's as easy to play
as Snake.
I don't think you came to see me
only to talk about this, right?
I see.
You don't have to do this.
You can ask me directly if you want
to know who were in our gatherings.
The gatherings are open.
You don't need to feel bad
about handing in the list.
If you said that earlier,
our talk would be easier,
Dr. Shen.
Our chat in the game doesn't
count as an interrogation.
I just want to know what happened to
those scientists who committed suicide.
I've told you everything I know.
If you want to know more,
I can tell you what I understand.
It's about to end.
(Civilization No. 139
was destroyed by a tri-solar day.)
(The civilization had advanced
to the Steam Age.)
(The seed of civilization remains.)
(We invite you to log in
to the game again.)
(Nanomaterial Center)
Let's go.
To see Shen Yufei.
Did you see my news report?
Don't record our conversation again
from now on.
Mr. Pan,
I know you are a famous biologist
in the Frontiers of Science.
Many scientists committed
suicide after contacting the group.
What do you think of it?
Suicide isn't worth investigating.
This is.
(Risk Assessment of Foreign Water Pollution)
(Foreign Data on Sulfur Dioxide Pollution)
Where did you get these?
Who on earth are you?
It doesn't matter who I am.
But when numerous people like you
and me are united, they can't cover up
many things.
We can help you to do
what you want to do.
We're very powerful.
By working with us, you'll get more.
So, you are not a simple biologist.
With a pH value greater than nine,
plants can't survive.
Take a look at the information.
How many places there are
with a pH value far greater than nine
due to industrial pollution?
A simple biologist
can't protect those creatures.
So you want me to report these for you?
It will be a great shock.
Don't worry.
I won't let them stop me this time.
I'll take care of it.
We can't arrest or interrogate her.
Will she tell us the truth?
We'll talk.
If she talks to us,
we'll get something eventually.
Is it an interrogation
when you question me here?
No, no.
It's just a chat between net friends.
Sit down.
What do you want to know?
Start from Professor Munphy.
I've told you everything.
I only let him see the truth.
The Liangxiang Collider,
Yang Dong tested three times using it.
None of the data was the
same as her calculation.
According to my consultation,
under normal conditions,
even if the three sets of data
were different from her calculation,
there shouldn't be such huge differences
between the data themselves.
And, the differences
Were without patterns.
Without any patterns.
I was wondering,
if they couldn't calculate the data
no matter what they did, how could
you get them even before the experiment?
Munphy showed Yang Dong
two copies of data.
Nine o'clock.
Nine o'clock.
What happened at nine?
Ding Yi then consoled her that something
might be wrong with the photocopier.
I only sent him faxes.
If it was he who photocopied them,
how could the faxes
have been photocopied
at different times?
Nobody could've gotten the results of
your experiment before you conducted it.
It's definitely the machine.
Have some faith in science, okay?
Can a photocopier make mistakes
with only the time?
Obviously, the explanation
wasn't convincing at all.
It was you who gave the data
to Munphy in advance.
I did give him the data
before the experiment.
Did you come up
with the results by calculation?
If you did,
physics should still exist.
You and I work in applied physics.
We can't get them.
Yang Dong and Munphy worked
in fundamental physics.
They couldn't get them either.
It shows that our physics
really doesn't exist.
Then who worked them out?
The farmer?
Lord knows everything.
Are you talking about
one person or a group of people?
It doesn't matter.
Is it a big deal to get those data?
No smoking here.
Professor Wang
will answer your question.
I drop this box of cigarettes
three times in a row.
Same cigarettes.
Same amount.
Do you think that where each cigarette
lands can be exactly the same each time?
It's impossible.
If I ask you to mark
the position of each cigarette
each time in advance, can you do that?
Even more impossible.
Do you understand now?
But you didn't have to
throw my cigarettes.
Munphy killed himself because
he couldn't accept this, right?
He killed himself because
he accepted the truth.
It's gone.
All this nonsense.
I see.
His faith collapsed.
What about Yang Dong?
I don't know Yang Dong well.
After the experiment,
we talked on the phone.
I thought she accepted the fact
that physics might not exist.
Afterward, she didn't give up her life.
She changed her job
and even thought of getting married.
You gave her a file packet.
Five days after that,
she killed herself.
If you made a survey,
you should know what was inside.
If I was really a suspect,
I wouldn't be sitting here now.
What was in the packet?
A recommendation letter.
She recommended Yang Dong
to work in a research institute.
So are you suggesting
Yang Dong's suicide had nothing to do
with the existence of physics?
I don't understand why Yang Dong made
such a choice ten months
after the experiment failed.
Physics has never existed,
and will never exist.
Those were Yang Dong's last words.
I understand why Munphy killed himself,
but I don't understand Yang Dong.
I did show those scientists the truth,
but I couldn't interfere with
their choice.
Did your Lord ask you to do so?
Lord revealed the truth to us.
That's why he's the Lord.
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
I've seen things
you people won't believe ♪
Soon our planet will vanish ♪
I've known the future
you people won't think of ♪
Soon your planet will be punished ♪
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