ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Lost Sword

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped
face and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Breakfast! Breakfast!
Breakfast! Breakfast time!
All right. Berbil-Os,
you're no match
for the sting
of my dull plastic blade.
Back for more, eh?
I wish I could eat cereal
with a giant magical sword.
[chuckles] Yeah. Can we use it
when you're done, Lion-O?
Come on, you guys,
you know that's not allowed.
But, Tygra, sharing is good.
Oh, boy.
Uh, yes, Lion-O, sharing is good.
Then as lord
of the ThunderCats,
it's my duty to share
the Sword of Omens.
No, Lion-O, your duty as leader
is to protect
the Sword of Omens.
That's like a different thing.
Ugh. Being
a leader is hard!
Oh, that's it!
How am I supposed
to eat breakfast
with that stupid sword flashing
in my eyes every three seconds?
Oh, hey, Cheetara.
When did you get here?
Gimme that sword.
I'm the lord
of the ThunderCats.
- You don't even know how to use that thing.
- [grunting]
Hey, Tygra. Who do you
think is gonna lose?
[electricity powers down]
Oh, looks like
the power lost.
- Wait, what?
- [electricity powers back on]
What's going on
with the power, Tygra?
Well, the power to the
base is stabilized
by the power source
of your sword.
The Eye of Thundera.
So, as long as you've been plugging
it into the reactor every night,
everything should be
I totally
forgot about that.
Huh, is that what
this symbol means?
Hey, can I be honest?
How long has it been, Lion-O?
Three days.
[laughs] Looks like the
baby king flubbed it again.
No, Cheetara! I am the
lord of the ThunderCats.
And I will lead
with lawless resolve
while my name is
Just go plug it in, Lion-O.
Oh, yeah, okay.
Come on, Snarf.
[Snarf purring]
How hard could it be?
Just walk down
this hall and
- What's going on in here?
- [Panthro humming]
Hey, Panthro, what you doing?
Oh, hey, Lion-O.
Check it out.
I call it the Cat-apult.
Mmm Wow! That's amazing.
Thanks, Lion-O.
'Cause we're cats.
Yeah, huh.
Anyways, Lion-O,
you think you can
help me with something?
- Is that soapy water?
- Sure is.
Special delivery for Castle Plun-Darr.
Use your sword to see far away
and tell me if I hit my mark.
Uh, what?
You know, hold the
sword up to your face.
Oh! Use the sword.
Sword of Omens, give me
sight beyond sight.
I see Castle Plun-Darr.
Hey, where are my deviled eggs?
Silence! Something
is approaching.
My precious filth!
I'll get you
for this, ThunderCats!
That was awesome!
You gotta let me try it.
Just set this down
for a second.
This lever right here?
Yeah, but, uh,
you should move
You were gonna say
"sword," weren't you?
Oh, man, I was supposed
to stabilize the reactor.
Now, now, Lion-O, the reactor
should be fine for three days.
You're right, Panthro.
And since I haven't
plugged it in for three days,
it is my duty to do whatever it
takes to get that sword back.
Wait, wait, wait. You haven't
plugged it in for three days?
Uh-huh. Yup. But don't worry,
I'm gonna get it back.
- [yelling]
- Well, Lion-O, this is pretty bad.
Uh Hey, Cheetara.
He did what?
[Cheetara laughing]
Oh, here's the sword.
Just gonna get up there and
- Almost got it.
- [bird squawks]
Dang, bird. Oh, boy.
If I tuck and roll
at the perfect moment
Okay. Tuck and roll.
Ha-ha! It works.
- [Snarf purring]
- Huh?
Oh, hey, Snarf.
Didn't know you were coming.
Whoa! This place
is super freaky.
[male voice] Boop.
- Who the heck are you?
- Who, me?
I'm just a friend
passing through the forest.
Why don't we
journey together?
[Snarf whispering
I think you're right, Snarf.
Friends should always
welcome friends.
Anyways I'm Lion-O
and this is Snarf.
We're out here
looking for my magic sword
that got stolen
by a big, dumb bird.
Oh, how delightful.
I can take you right to where
those sword-thieving birds roost.
You'd do that for us?
[cackling] Of course I will.
What are friends for?
You're right, Troll.
Boy, am I glad we stumbled
upon such a noble ally
out in this deep, dark,
spooky, clearly evil forest.
Why do we have
to rush to find him?
He should spend some time lost in
an evil forest after what he did.
Yeah, about that,
if Lion-O doesn't plug his
sword into the reactor soon,
uh, the base will explode.
No, wait! Wasn't hitting
Thundralian core
the thing that made
the base explode?
Look, there's a lot of things
that make the base explode.
I just don't know, guys.
I'd swear we're going
in the wrong direction.
[Snarf purrs]
Hey, Troll friend, are you
sure this is the right way?
[troll] Oh, absolutely
To my trap!
Oh, hey,
I found a hole.
What the what? We've
been tricked by a troll.
[cackles] Foolish cat.
I am no troll.
I am Mumm-Ra!
Also, that sword-thieving bird
is my pet, Skymeleon.
- [screeches]
- [yelling]
And now I have your sword.
Hey! What do you want
with my cutlery?
Well, you know how
I'm always finding artifacts
and using their magic
to restore my powers.
I mean, I guess so.
Well, it turns out,
the Eye of Thundera
is one of those things.
And with its power,
I will once again become
Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living.
[evil laugh]
Pretty epic fail for the lord
of the ThunderCats.
[continues laughing]
I may be a bad leader,
but at least I don't
smell like a toad!
You dare compare me
to flatulence!
Looks like there's nobody
left to save you.
Hey, what's that rumbling?
Oh, I don't know.
Maybe [yells]
Yo, Lion-O, where you at, buddy?
Oh, hey.
I guess I'm down here.
Oh. Hey, Lion-O. Boy,
am I glad we found you
- before anything crazy happened.
- [laughs]
Actually, Mumm-Ra tore the eye of
Thundera out of the Sword of Omens,
blasted Snarf through a wall,
and is heading off
to conquer Third Earth
in the name of evil.
Then why the heck
are you smiling?
I don't know.
Everybody else was.
Enough talking!
Let's kick his big
blue butt already.
I'd say "Bring it on,"
but too bad you'll be busy
with the mutants.
That's it. Really get
that filth in there.
[gasps] The ThunderCats.
Here? Get them!
Uh-oh! Oh, no!
- Now we're talkin'.
- All right.
Lion-O, what are you doing?
Get up here.
My sword
is still broken.
I got
your back, buddy.
Claw gauntlet, all right!
[gauntlet snarling]
Can we just
Can we just do this?
Yeah, man.
Say the thing already.
Oh, yeah.
ThunderCats HO!
[both grunting]
[grunts] Get over here!
That was close.
He almost got my hair.
That's it!
[both grunting]
Hey, where did
my club go?
Oh, there it is!
[both grunting]
- [yelling]
- [grunts]
Watch out
behind you, Monkian.
What? Where?
- Watch it!
- [grunts]
You cretin!
Ha, I caught you. What?
[gauntlet snarling]
Hey, nice work, buddy.
Looks like we got 'em all.
No, wait.
Where is Vulture Man?
Yeah, I booted him into the
sky, like, right away.
[squawks] Don't you know
birds can fly?
[all whimpering]
[Vultureman yells]
[all] ThunderKittens?
[WilyKit] If you love
flying so much
[stammering] What?
[Vultureman screaming]
Stowaways, huh?
- Great job, everyone.
- [Snarf purrs]
- Now let's get Mumm-Ra.
- [all] Yeah!
[all] Huh?
[Mumm-Ra] Thanks for the thing.
I'm out.
Well, that's a tough
act to follow.
Well, we tried our best.
But last I checked,
none of us got wings.
I don't
need wings, Panthro.
All I need is a catapult!
Mumm-Ra, I'm coming for you!
What? You don't know
when you've lost, fool.
Let me help you
see the light.
How How did you know
that would happen?
I'm just wingin' it.
That's so unsatisfying!
Well, it's been fun,
but I gotta go.
Yoo! Whoo-hoo!
You'll pay for this,
Hey! Guess who
saved the day?
[chuckles nervously]
Yeah, Lion-O, about that.
You don't have enough time left
to plug your sword back in
before the base explodes.
Explodes? Wait.
I thought hitting the Thundralian
core is the thing that
Yeah, we've been
through that already.
But, isn't Tygra
still back at the base?
Uh, does anybody else
think it's a bit warm in here?
Well, Tygra always
did like fireworks.
Uh, not appropriate.
Hey, Cheetara,
I just remembered.
There is one thing
fast enough to get me back.
Uh, no. No, no, no.
We are going so fast!
- [laughing]
- [Cheetara] Quit wiggling.
Uh-oh, ten seconds left.
What? We're not gonna make it. We're not
gonna make it. We're not gonna make it!
- [beeping]
- Ah, nice and relaxed.
What's that beeping?
[both yelling]
[sighs deeply]
Always sliding in at the
last second, huh, Lion-O?
Oh, man, I'm sorry, Tygra.
I should've
Hey, now, it's all good.
What matters is that
you got the job done.
And you know,
I gotta hand it to you, buddy.
Seeing you kick butt today
was nothing less than
[chuckles] Yeah. But not as
impressive as Tygra's resolve.
Ha-ha! Seriously.
If we had been
one second later,
you would've been blasted to
bits in a fiery explosion.
[both laughing]
What would've happened?
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