Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e09 Episode Script


I found father shot
and buried like a dog!
I think he's lost his mind.
"I, Fernando Bravo,
have decided to end my life"
I don't believe it.
Why would he kill himself?
It was father's.
He used to whistle it.
Many people know it.
(Whistling melody)
Evaristo is good!
- Why were you whistling that song?
If you bother her again
I'll shoot you myself.
I don't want to see you again.
What do you want?
The hand of your daughter, Nieves.
I knew you were slutty,
but not this much.
I want to announce
that I wish to cancel
my engagement with Miss Almudena.
I love someone else.
Father! Father!
Please! Please!
You'll remain locked in here
until your wedding day!
Retire the guards,
and give them the night off.
I want you to do something for me.
You're going to spread
a rumor around town.
Lobo won't let her out
until the day of her wedding.
(Wolf howling)
(Pants heavily)
There's no need to keep hiding it,
I know who he is.
But I want to hear it from you.
I won't.
He came here and
told me himself.
Of course, before I had to shoot him.
Perhaps you heard the gunshot.
He writhed with pain,
and squealed like a pig.
Well, you're mistaken, the man I love
would never scream like that.
Swear that you don't
love Cesar Bravo.
I swear it.
Take the bible
and swear that you don't
love Cesar Bravo.
I swear to God
that I don't love Cesar Bravo.
What a nature you have!
Yesterday you were dying and
today you don't even have a fever.
It's incredible.
Let me see, the temperature's
more reliable over here
All my life telling me to stay out
of girl trouble and look at you.
At least it's clear now,
that I owe you some tips.
At least you'll make it.
Whatever it takes so he doesn't get away with it.
Ah, ah
ah, ah, ah!
- What are you doing here?
Who sent you, huh?
Stop, Evaristo's the town fool!
Roman bring him over here.
Evaristo, come on.
Get up.
Let's look at that hand.
No, I'm Cesar.
Fernando Bravo.
I knew you would return.
If all goes well
I'll soon close a big deal in Paris.
I hope it won't delay our wedding.
- No, I can't wait any longer.
Give me a small advance.
Good things are worth the wait.
Although it's hard for me too.
Is your sister Rosa
completely healed?
What do you have there?
A little something
I bought for you in Paris.
But I think you're right.
It would probably
be best if we waited.
You think I'll give myself
to you for a little trinket?
Who do you take me for?
Not at all, it was a joke.
I was planning to give
it to you anyway.
I don't know if I want it now.
Although I won't make you
throw it away.
Thank you.
That's more than what I
ever offered any man.
So don't ask me for more.
Will you put it on me?
Ah, aah!
- Calm down, relax.
How could you be
such an animal?
I didn't know who he was,
only that he wanted to steal.
You shot him, of course
that's what's done to thieves, right?
Come on
bring me the iodine.
He wanted to spy on me
while I changed clothes.
You see these curves
and lose consciousness.
Hey, he's not the first to
risk his life for me.
Do I look like my father?
Do I look like Fernando?
Which one's the iodine?
- Roman, it's on the label.
Why did you say that
you knew he would return?
Fernando Bravo died.
Why are you laughing?
- Leave him alone while I cure him.
The iodine!
(Evaristo whistles)
Come on,
he asked for it a lifetime ago.
(Whistles melody)
For a fool, he doesn't
whistle that bad.
Who taught you that song?
Did Fernando teach it to you?
Were you friends?
I'm not Fernando,
I'm his son.
Lets see
isn't Fernando Bravo dead?
So they say.
Isn't it true?
Poor Almudena.
It so boring being there all alone.
Couldn't we sneak in to see her?
Like when you'd sneak in to see me.
And that necklace?
It's not the same Almudena is
locked up and always supervised.
And she's been lucky.
If father ever finds out
who he is he'll kill her.
Kill her?
She's his daughter!
It's all Cesar's fault.
She'd be better off with Felix.
It's Almudena.
She wants news about Cesar.
It's blood.
How can we know
anything about Cesar?
We're supervised too.
Maybe I can do something.
I'm sorry, Jimena, but we don't
need anymore servants.
This house is huge.
You know my niece is reliable.
She worked in Madrid
at the home of a Marquis.
And what happened?
Nothing, I missed this.
You're back!
And you're still here.
We came to see if
she can work here again.
Of course.
Jimena has already
worked here before.
Lobo's always complaining
that he can't find good servant girls.
I'll have them prepare
your uniform.
Thank you very much,
I won't let you down.
Thank you so much, uncle!
You look so changed.
You look the same.
But you've gained much
authority in the house.
Well, let's just say that
I have more responsibilities now.
These boots are killing me.
Help me, please.
Come on, move!
With a little more
strength, my god!
Good afternoon!
I came for a few things.
- Let's see.
Two quarts of oil.
Here, I'll go get it.
Anything else?
- Good day.
I don't know.
How's that?
Check the list.
Anything else?
No, that's all.
Would you like me to read it to you?
- I can read perfectly well.
What will it be Mr. Lobo?
- Did they bring my newspaper?
Your brother didn't
come with you today?
He didn't have
an accident, did he?
Is your brother alright?
- Why?
Because I have a note for him,
from Lobo's daughter.
Tell me the truth, is he okay?
- Yes, he's okay.
Don't feel embarrassed with me.
No one can read, if no one teaches them.
- I can read.
I could teach you, Roman.
I taught Miguel.
I said I can read,
I'm not a dummy!
What you do is gather letters,
but reading is more than that.
And if you don't learn, you'll be
ignorant your whole life Your choice.
Little by little.
If you break the dishes,
you'll work for free until you're old.
That's what happened to Tata.
You're pulling my leg.
- What was the city like?
It's not for me.
Well, you wanted to leave.
I guess that time has humbled me.
It's hard there. I would drown there.
- I'd spend the day thinking about this.
Soon it will be the seed-time.
The pomegranates must be ripe.
They are they've
turned out good this year.
Sometimes, I thought:
"Right now I'd be going
fishing with Anibal".
We could go this week.
I would love to.
But I don't think so, I just started.
- Don't worry about Lidia. She's a saint.
Is that table going
to set itself?
No, Miss.
What about you?
Don't you have anything to do?
That one sure hasn't changed.
"Cesar, my sister, Almudena,
is very worried about you".
"She wants to hear from you.
Rosa Lobo".
If it doesn't fit,
don't try to force it.
It must look easy
from that chair, huh?
Calm down.
I come to say hello
to my neighbours.
We are greeted.
Last night, a man
tried to get in my house.
I could swear
I filled him with lead.
You haven't been bothered?
- No.
I was quite worried,
I thought something happened to you.
There are many assholes
loose around here.
Yes there are.
Yes there are.
Wow, this one eats like crazy!
Evaristo, what are
you doing here?
Come on go to Casa Grande
and they'll feed you properly.
Don't be afraid.
You're bleeding.
Isabel, say grace.
We thank you Lord
for all the blessings we receive.
Father, perhaps if you were
less hard on Almudena
if you let her out
Not another word
about this matter.
How could you be so clumsy!
Look what you've done.
I'm sorry. I
There's more in the kitchen.
Go change your uniform.
Mariana, pick that up, please.
Shall I serve?
I wouldn't want another accident.
Father, have you seen
what my fiance gave me?
It's very nice.
Nieves is a dangerous enemy.
What did I do to her?
- Nothing.
But Nieves is very
protective of Anibal.
Isn't she engaged?
I advise you to be careful.
Anibal is very protective
of Nieves, as well.
I'll leave your food here.
- You can't go in.
you have to eat!
Almudena, eat something.
It's important that you eat!
At least eat the bread!
"Dear Almudena, I'm fine.
Don't worry about me".
"Don't do anything crazy.
I'll get you out of there".
"I love you".
"From the first time
you looked at me".
(Wolf howling)
(Crows cawing)
That watch belonged
to our father!
No, Roman, relax.
Roman is not going
to take the watch.
Right Roman?
No, no, no.
Wait, wait.
No, it's ok, it's ok.
You don't need to give it to us.
You hold it, and we'll look at it.
We'll only look.
Right, Roman?
Yes, yes, of course.
It opens.
"To my beloved wife".
"From Antonio Lobo".
She looks exactly like Almudena.
This, secret.
Our father's picture.
What is this picture doing here?
Don't know.
Don't ask.
Better not to know.
You know what this means?
That our father and Lobo's wife
had something?
This is a hasty conclusion.
Did you see the picture?
- So what?
It's an old picture, we don't know where
it came from or where it has been.
Not a word of this to Cesar.
I couldn't sleep.
Maybe you can think of another
way to help me fall asleep.
Leave her alone.
I'm not going to
let you hurt her.
You really think I'd
waste my time with a maid?
You better not.
For your sake, and hers.
You like her that much?
You've made it clear that I don't
interest you. Let me go on with my life.
Of course.
I didn't know it was
so important to you.
Now, you know.
Up, it's almost eight.
- Nieves, wake up!
They brought you the fabrics.
- I didn't order any fabric.
You ordered them
for the evening gown.
Ah, yes.
It must be a message.
"Get Almudena out of the house.
I'll be on the hill at fiveCesar Bravo".
What a nerve.
How does he expect us
to get her out?
It's impossible.
That's if we wanted
to get her out.
Cause you know what'll happen
if she runs off with that stink face.
We'll never see her again.
But she's in love.
Life is very long.
Felix is much better than Cesar.
but she doesn't love Felix.
What can we do?
They don't even let us get near her.
Or can you think of
a way to get her out?
(Jimena screams)
What strength!
- Anibal!
You idiot, you scared me to death!
- Okay, okay.
You're still a scaredy-cat.
- And you're still a moron.
Let me.
What a talent.
Come on, let me.
If you only knew how long
I've waited for this moment.
Roman, what are you doing here?
- Nothing, taking a walk.
I can't, mother would kill me.
- Go on, read.
Out loud.
Refined anisette.
Special distillation.
Abascal wineries.
So what?
I'm going to tell you a secret.
But if you tell anyone,
I'll cut your balls off and make you eat them.
Are you going to kill Lobo?
- No, man, no.
I can't read.
- You can't?
I can, but very badly.
And you're going to teach me.
Whenever you can, at La Quebrada.
But if anyone finds out
You'll cut off my balls
and make me eat them.
To put it mildly.
What's wrong, Nieves?
Someone stole my new necklace.
That's impossible.
Have you searched well?
I left it in the jewelry box
and it wasn't my sisters.
Are you sure you left it there?
Do you think I'd
lose a necklace like that?
Who made my room today?
- What a coincidence!
She comes back
and my necklace goes missing.
It costs more than she'll earn
in her entire life. Where is she?
What are you insinuating?
You have to notify the Civil Guard
before she leaves with my necklace.
Should we make sure first?
- Very well. Let's make sure.
Not here, okay?
-You have to leave.
Leave the house and the town.
- What are you talking about? But why?
Nieves is going to accuse
you of stealing jewelry.
I haven't stolen a thing.
I know,
but they'll believe her.
But, she can't accuse me
of something like that.
It's outrageous!
I'll accuse her!
Don't you understand?
She's a Lobo and you are a maid.
But I haven't stolen anything.
I have no reason to run.
Jimena, that necklace is expensive.
You'll end up in jail.
You have to go now.
Be far away when
the guards come.
Butwhy is she
doing this to me?
I'll talk to your uncle.
To Nieves it will be good
enough if you're gone.
Come with me.
We can try our luck
somewhere else.
Together, we'll be
happy with little.
This is my home.
So it's true
You're in love with her.
Lola made some pasta.
They're kind of bad but, hey.
For the lady, in case she gets cold.
And father's watch.
I want you to keep it.
What are you doing?
I'm coming with you.
I don't want you to ride for too long.
Especially with that wound.
No, Roman.
I can take care of myself.
Besides, someone has to
maintain this until I return.
That's what Jean Marie's for.
Go on, get ready.
I'll saddle the horses.
Good luck, brother.
(Clock chimes)
Play something on the piano.
You haven't played in a while.
Come on, Tata, please.
When I finish this chapter.
Rosa, leave Tata alone
Well alright.
Just a little, hm?
(Playing piano)
Don't you smell smoke?
- No.
Yes, I smell smoke.
- No way, Tata.
- Don't get near, it's dangerous!
- Fausto!
- Fire!
Come on, lets go.
There's a fire in the living room.
- I have to guard the door.
You're going to let
the house burn?
Listen well.
Cesar's waiting for you on the hill.
There's a horse at the east gate.
You have to run.
You can't go downstairs.
Leave through the garden.
Where's Nieves and Rosa?
I'll say goodbye to them for you,
don't worry. But run.
Let me know that
you're well, okay?
- Thank you.
Wait Tell him that if he doesn't
take care of you, I'll kill him.
"In a village of La Mancha whose
name I don't want to remember".
Now you.
"In a village of La Mancha".
I don't remember.
It's not about remembering,
it's about reading.
How can I read
if I don't know how?
Like the knife thing.
I didn't know how, but I threw it.
But I showed you how to hold it,
how to aimhow to feel it.
This is the same.
Feel the words.
Tha, tha, that
Te, te
Teta! (breast)
- Teta?
That's what I felt.
You must feel the words,
but the words that are there.
Look, Miguel, no.
This doesn't sink in.
What's she doing here?
The question is:
What is my son doing here?
And why did he have this?
My bottle.
It's not what it looks like.
Ah, no?
Then what is it?
He gave it to me to read the label.
He can't read and I'm teaching him.
She'll cut your balls off, for real.
Who could've taught you that?
So, how is it going?
- Terrible.
Shit, Miguelito,
Do I have to put a muzzle on you.
I'll teach you.
No, it's not necessary.
Thank you.
I can read perfectly well,
but I'm a little rusty
I will, and that's that.
Now that my son spends time with a womanizing
drunk, let him at least not be illiterate.
I missed you so much!
We'll never be apart again.
I only had time to grab my boots.
I'm a mess.
I brought you some clothes.
Soon they'll notice you're gone.
We have to go.
Where are we going?
- To Cadiz.
You're hurt.
We better not talk about it.
Yes, better not.
Cesar Bravo isn't injured.
I already told you it couldn't be him.
your daughter swore.
I have to know who he is.
I shot him.
It can't be that hard to notice.
Talk to the Chief,
tell him to discard no one.
And don't let your son
try anything stupid.
I sent him to Madrid.
Don't worry about the wedding.
He'll be there to comply.
Almudena will not come out of
that room until I take her to the altar.
What do you want?
Do I have to come now,
when you call me?
There was a fire in the house
and you didn't even show.
It was put out, wasn't it?
- By others, yes.
Jimena is gone.
She ran off with my necklace.
I wouldn't stop searching.
It'll be found in the end.
If not, my fiancé
will buy me another.
Are you sad because
of your little maid?
It's better this way.
She wasn't meant for me.
Don't worry, there's plenty
like her in the brothel.
But none like you.
Has my fiance been found?
But there's a message from the foreman.
He awaits at the stables.
What for?
He said he wants to show you a stallion
that it would interest you.
How absurd!
I'm not interested in cattle.
He said you would say that,
but that this would surely interest you.
Oh, man!
What a shame for him
to show up at this moment.
If you had left Jimena alone,
you would still be rich.
I hate you!
I hate you!
I hate you!
I hate you!
How are you doing?
Come here.
Good, huh?
Tomorrow at this time,
we'll be free.
Mr. Sagasta awaits you.
He wishes to speak with you in private.
Is something wrong, Lidia?
I don't know how it happened.
- What happened?
It's Almudena.
What happened to her?
- She's gone.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Antonio, what are you doing?
They've been communicating.
I found this.
I knew it was him.
Son of a bitch!
Saddle my horse!
Well first I need to
know what you know.
I saw you gather letters from the list.
I don't know if you know all the letters.
If I know?
Elena, please
I'm not stupid.
I'm just a little
- Yeah rusty, I remember.
Well come on,
let's oil you a bit.
Okay, the words.
Lets begin with this one.
Come on.
And this letter is
The "r", the "a" and the "s".
Very good.
Now put "Ce"
The "r" between vowels
sounds soft, like "ere".
You know what vowels
are, don't you?
Of course.
- He's a liar, mom.
He doesn't know.
- Miguel!
No, I don't know, Elena, damn it.
Instead of going to school,
I would
You don't want to know.
Wellvowels are letters
pronounced alone. There are five.
The "a", the "e", the "i",
the "o" and the "u".
- How do you know so much?
Because I was a
teacher in Madrid.
What else have you been?
- The "b" with the "a"
The "b" with the "e", "be".
The "b" with the "i", "bi".
With the "o", "bo".
And with the "u", "bu".
Blame it on the "u".
Okay, we better stop for today.
- No, I'm sorry, Elena.
I'll focus.
Where are you going?
With you.
This is my business.
Go back home.
I said, go back home.
Let me come with you, sir.
- Anibal, obey!
Come on!
Come on!
Why was Lobo's wife keeping
a picture of father?
Man, it is strange.
Everything to do with father
was always strangeand it hurts.
Let's go.
- Where are we going?
To do Roman a favor.
Lets investigate,Lola.
To decipher the mystery.
Exposing the truth
about his family.
Oh, how boring.
I'll wait here.
Let us reconsider.
All we know about the mother
of those girls, is that she's dead.
Her grave is a good place to start.
Let's go to the cemetery.
Cesar is gone.
And you see how Roman suffers,
and you can't move a finger?
No, because Lobo's
wife isn't buried there.
How do you know?
Let's say that before
working for Rosario
the Lobo's pantheon was
like my office.
I know it very well.
So then
If she's not buried
with the Lobo family
Where is she?
That's why it's a mystery.
Nobody knows.
The church!
What about it?
The archives!
The church is aware of everything.
Lets tell Roman.
No, no, I'm not
You draw well.
They're for Roman.
Look, his homework.
He's very smart, right?
- He's a bit of an ass.
But he's nice.
- Well, that's true.
Here, go on
take these to La Quebrada.
A little kiss.
(Bell chiming)
Man the truth is
you're not too covered up either.
(Door opens)
Father! Father
- Shhh, please.
I come to confess.
(Clears throat)
I clear my voice, father,
because I have much to tell.
Holy mother.
Yes, much.
How old was Lobo's wife?
Around 40.
All her information
should be in the book.
Or, at least, where she was buried.
Help me.
Who'll keep watch?
Since there was no money to pay
the crew, I offered myself.
I did it for the boss.
What's a party without a bullfight?
Now I didn't see if
they came to kill.
Especially the leader,
who was a dwarf.
Well, he was a dwarf for what suited him,
I don't exaggerate
Okay, that's enough.
I get the idea.
Besides, the lord
knows everything.
As penance you'll pray,
one Our Father and ten Hail Marys
Wait, father.
- Come on, hurry.
Just a second.
The hat, the hat.
It's an obsession
I have with a man.
You, father.
Since you don't come
to the brothel
Get out of this sacred house.
If it doesn't work anymore,
there are a thousand things you can still do.
Lola, Lola.
Well, father.
Goodbye and thank you.
Sorry for bothering you so late, but she refused
to leave without seeing you. I'm sorry.
Mr. Sagasta, what you saw
- Wasn't what it seemed.
Young lady
When I was your age,
that was already a cliché.
But it's true.
The boy wanted to force me.
Don't you think you've
fooled me enough?
Excuse me.
Yes, I lied.
Look, this is very embarrassing.
Yesterday, you asked me
for a carnal advance.
And that made me realize
that a man of your
experience and II
I don't even know
how it's supposed to
I thought the lad could teach me.
So not to disappoint you.
- So it was for my sake?
I shouldn't have done it.
Now I know.
My father won't mind it
if you want the lad fired.
What's more
I'd prefer to never
see his face again.
(Wolf howling)
The truth is that my soul
feels more pure.
I don't know lighter.
What you told the priest
wasn't true, right?
Of course not Jean Marie.
All made up.
Okay, lets see.
"Parishioner Almudena Hinojosa".
"Born on November 23rd of 1837"
"at homeand Baptized"
"Joined in holy matrimony
to Antonio Lobo"
"On September 13, 1855".
"Gives birth to this and that".
"Cause of death on
July 13th, 1868".
Why isn't she buried in
the Lobo's pantheon?
When did you say she died?
It's your father's suicide note?
"Signed, Fernando Bravo".
"On July 13th, 1868".
The same day.
There are more days than sausages,
and just that day?
My father kills himself, who was having an
affair with Lobo's wife, and she dies.
Too much of a coincidence.
Too much.
-Too much.
Wake up.
We have to keep going.
No, I can't no more.
Come on, we have to get to Cadiz.
And when we get there,
we get married.
And we won't get out
of bed for a week.
Will we come back?
Of course.
We have to take
care of our lands.
And the well.
And we'll return as
Mr. and Mrs. Bravo.
Mr. and Mrs. Bravo.
I'm afraid the story doesn't
end that way, dear daughter.
You've worked hard to
make me enjoy this moment.
I beg of you.
I'll do whatever you want.
- Of course you will.
No, please!
Get out of the way.
Don't move!
Go, Almudena.
I don't think you'll
want to see this.
Listen to your father, Almudena.
I want to see it, to hate
you the rest of my life.
Very well.
Stay then.
Is this how you
killed my father?
You have no idea what you're saying.
No idea!
You're right.
I have no idea.
But I'll find out.
Cesar, please.
Let's go, Almudena.
Don't do it, please.
Listen to me!
I've never been good
at saying these things.
I love you.
And I only wish for
your happiness.
I'm very sorry for all the
damage I've done, Almudena.
I'm sorry.
But I don't want you to someday regret
having made the wrong decision.
He's lying, Almudena.
I love you too, father.
I respect you but
I love Cesar.
I'm willing to forget my
differences with you.
But, please come back home.
And if after a reasonable time
of serious courtship
you still want to marry him
You'll both have my blessing.
I always keep my word.
Don't believe him.
He'll sell you again.
He's lying.
We have the opportunity to do
things right, and start again.
Trust me.
B ba
What time is it?
- Shhh.
It's early, honey.
Go back to sleep.
This is a cow.
Damn, I feel it.
I feel the words.
What are you talking about?
A cow.
Can't you see?
So what?
- I love cows.
Rrrr-o-man Bra-vo
is very
I can smell you from inside.
I read it.
- See how you can?
You just need practice.
You're very pretty too.
And very smart.
So much that it scares me.
But I like you too.
What do you mean, "me too"?
The note.
Elena, saying that
you love me is very serious.
I wouldn't say no to you.
But I get this thing
I get embarrassed.
this has never happened to me,
and you are very pretty.
But I wouldn't say no.
-Stop, stop!
I didn't write this.
You read it well, but I didn't write it.
(She laughs)
I'm Sorry.
It was my son's doing.
I'm the one sorry, I'll talk to him.
Right. Well.
Then, I'm leaving.
You look very handsome.
(Barking outside)
I don't know if you
should have left.
But what I do know is that
you shouldn't have returned.
Come, lets go.
What happened?
- What will he do to you?
He's going to let me marry Cesar.
He just wants a serious courtship.
And you believed him?
I'm going to marry him.
Set a place at the table
for Almudena again.
And you, get changed for dinner.
I can come at another time.
I've decided to cancel my
wedding to your daughter.
It's been crazy
from the beginning.
It's the age difference.
I'm too old.
I haven't told you, but
I'm sick, very sick.
The error is mine.
Of course, all of our
agreements will be kept.
And I'll make up for
all the damage caused.
(Door opens)
I'm sorry, but
I can't.
I don't see myself.
Come Evaristo.
Have you finished?
Look what I bring for you.
Thank you, Ms. Lidia.
I'll walk you to the door.
And come back later.
I'm getting you a coat.
(Whistles melody)
Shhh, quiet!
No, Evaristo, no.
You can't whistle that.
Do you want them to hurt you again?
- No, no!
Then be quiet.
Evaristo, good.
Evaristo, good.
Yes, Evaristo, good.
Man, Evaristo.
How's life?
Evaristo, it's me!
I'm Cesar, man.
Go to madrid and when you come back,
you won't recognize this place.
Lobo always gets what
he wants, and now
Shut up a bit., Adriano.
He can't control
anything anymore.
Not even his daughters.
The only one saved
has tuberculosis.
Pfft, you told me yourselves.
The tomboy, was here drunk.
The slutty one, got
dumped by the old man.
And the other one,
not even locked up.
They could work here.
- I said shut up!
What those girls are,
has a name.
(Screaming and commotion)
Rosario, invite these
people to a drink.
Come on.
I'm getting tired of this.
We're going to get married.
I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Just because your wedding was
canceled doesn't mean mine will too.
This can't leave here.
Tell them we want double for the water.
- Double? That's crazy!
There will be a game tonight.
You could earn a lot of money.
I'm looking for Cesar Bravo.
It's that redhead.
She winds up the towns people.
And puts ideas in their heads.
Stop the music.
You ruined my wedding!
- And you? You accused that girl to harm me.
When you get married,
you'll leave, and I will lose a daughter.
His condition is very serious.
He needs quinine or he will die.
Don't trust anyone. Especially a man.
I'm going to Madrid.
I won't be a kept man.
Even if you marry her,
you and I will never be family.
You're under arrest
for murdering a woman.
The Crisabel Pages
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