Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e09 Episode Script

Hurry Up and 'Switch Sides'

parent and child crooks
Episode 9: Hurry Up and "Switch Sides"
Switch sides?
Episode 9: Hurry Up and "Switch Sides"
What the hell is he saying?!
I-It's got to be a bluff! There's no
way he's serious about switching.
I wonder about that.
I tend to think Katagiri Yuichi
would be comfortable
doing something like that
to achieve his goal.
So, if he honestly does want to
switch sides, would you accept it?
Third Game Rules
Can't Do
Moving the Hider
Can Do
Surrender (Give Up)
Change Sides (Switch)
Change Sides (Switch)
Well, of course I would.
If he joins our side,
victory is all but inevitable.
That's true, if you think
about it normally.
If this goes the way I think it will,
the game will really start to move
depending on if they accept
Katagiri Yuichi's switch.
Well? Will you allow me
to switch sides or not?
Hmm. What made you want
to switch sides now?
It's like I said
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho
has had plastic surgery.
Tenji destroyed our friendships
in the second game.
Actually, Sawaragi Shiho
has had plastic surgery.
I decided to use the third game
to make him suffer
as much as possible, and then switch sides.
Well, I guess that tracks.
Then hurry up and allow it.
You remember how to do it, right?
Things You Can Do
Change Sides (Switch)
About switching sides,
I'll always be in the center
area where the food is,
so come and make a formal announcement
with someone from the other team.
Is it okay if I switch sides?
If at least one person from
the other team agrees, it's settled.
Okay with me!!
But be careful, because
you can't switch again
Actually, can I come back?
Screw off!
and go back to your original team.
What do you think?
I'm okay with letting him in.
Usually, I'd never want
a guy like this on our side.
But to help us win? In that case
M'kay, if there are no objections
Hold on, please.
Until now, whenever we
had a choice to make,
we always asked Captain to decide.
So, why don't we ask him
now too, just to be safe?
Aw, it's fine. Why bother?
You asshole!
Captain's decisions are absolute!
He's the reason we've gotten this far!
I can't believe what I almost did!
Okay, fine, I get it.
What? What do you think is so funny?
My bad. I didn't mean it.
It's just
It's ridiculous that you guys can't make
a simple decision like this by yourselves.
You can't seriously have been asking your
precious Captain-sama's permission
for every single move up until this point?
"Captain-sama, shall we go left or right?"
"Captain-sama, will we have bread
or rice for breakfast?"
"Captain-sama, may I please go pee-pee?"
C'mon, how much of a control
freak is your Captain, anyway?
You piece of shit.
Our Captain
Our Captain ain't like that at all!
Please don't be violent!
If you attack the other team,
we'll immediately lose!
But this asshole
Hyakutaro, calm down.
We still have plenty of time.
Banri-san okay.
For now, please stay here with Hyakutaro-senpai
so he doesn't do anything rash.
I'll go call him right away.
Hello, is that you, Captain?
Phew, that was close!
We almost lost over a stupid accident.
Was it really an accident?
Are you saying he was
deliberately provoking him?
Gosh, who knows?
But you might not want to take such
a simplistic view of his actions.
Well, either way, once Katagiri Yuichi
switches sides, the game is over.
Um, okay. I'll tell you Captain's decision.
"I will not allow that Katagiri
Yuichi guy to switch sides."
That's what he said.
W-Why in the world not?!
No, that's probably the correct decision.
"The reason is clear and simple."
"We'll definitely win even
without him on our side."
"The strategy I thought up is flawless."
"So don't get distracted. Just trust me
and carry out the plan," he said.
"But if Katagiri Yuichi still
insists on switching teams,"
"make the girl switch with him."
"If they both switch, Group C will
be down to just the one hider."
"They wouldn't be able to
pull any tricks, then."
"For example, if Katagiri Yuichi switched
and started working with us,"
I'd like to give my regards
to your Captain!!
buttering up
"he might trick us into
telling him our hiding place."
"Then, he could tell the girl
and send her to find him."
I found him.
"Katagiri Yuichi's debt would
increase, but despite starting"
"with such a huge disadvantage,"
"they would at least grab victory."
No kidding!
In that case, let's have 'em
both switch over.
You've got no reason to refuse, right?
You've got a grudge against Mikasa Tenji.
That's why you're switching, right?
My, oh my. The strategy was easier
to see through than I thought.
Group K's leader is pretty sharp.
But too bad for them, since that
was already part of this guy's plan.
Two Days Ago
Several Hours After the Start of the Third Game
So what are we going to do, Yuichi-san?
Nothing, for at least
for the next two full days.
That'll give the impression that I have
no intention of fighting them.
Then on the third day,
I'll announce I want to switch sides.
Are you planning to betray us?
Of course not. I'm not thinking
about anything except winning.
Huh He's sticking to it, then.
In other words,
I'm ready to do whatever it takes to win.
Wow! He really is something in the flesh!
That villainous look on his face!
If I am able to switch, my plan is
to get their hiding spot out of them,
and then tell you where it is.
Oh, I see!
But still, there's about a ten
to one chance this plan will fail.
Huh? Why do you think so?
Because Group K has probably already
figured out the strategy for this game.
The only sure and simple way to find
the other hider in Friendly Hide-and-Seek
is to tail the other team
when they deliver food.
So, he has already figured it out.
That might be true,
but what makes you think our opponents
are already aware of that strategy?
If this was normal hide-and-seek,
who would you pick
in Group K to be the hider?
I'd want to reduce the chances
of being found as much as possible,
so the smallest
Right. They should have picked
the smallest guy on the team to hide.
But instead, of all people, they picked
the one who's by far the biggest.
That proves they've already realized it's
not the same as regular hide-and-seek.
They picked the guy who would be
the most patient over a long fight.
So if your plan to switch sides fails,
what will you do next?
Before I tell you that,
I need to make sure of one thing.
What is it?
I told you I'd do whatever
it takes to win, right?
Will you go along with that?
To get straight to the point,
will you swear your
absolute obedience to me?
Does this guy think he's threatening me?
But hey, at least it's getting interesting!
S-Sure, I will. As long as we win the game.
Of course. If you follow my
lead, we'll definitely win.
Wow, he's so confident!
Okay, I'll tell you.
Oh, so that's why he asked
if I was a girl earlier.
Even so, this guy, Katagiri Yuichi,
is even more of a crazy asshole
than I thought!
Well, what's the matter?
Hurry up and switch.
I don't have enough scenes
in the third game
Nah, I changed my mind about switching.
Aw, why not?
Was Captain spot-on about
your strategy after all?
No, no, that isn't it.
After watching you guys,
I think it'll be an easy win.
I figure we'll clean up here pretty quick.
Give it your best shot.
Back off, Hyakutaro.
Shut it!
Listen up. Here's the plan
if I can't switch sides.
I said I wouldn't do anything for the first
two days, but that wasn't exactly true.
I'll make small talk with the other team
You son of a
and try to provoke them sometimes
while I look for something.
Once I find that thing,
I'll move to the next step.
Once he finds it, it's fine,
but Tenji-kun's gotta be
at his breaking point about now.
Third Game: Day 4
Early Morning
We're going to bring Captain his breakfast,
so please take over the watch, guys.
I say that, but they're both still
dead asleep this morning, too.
You sure aren't a morning person.
Here. With plenty of sugar and milk.
This reminds me of our morning routine.
Sure does.
That's right, you guys said you
were in the basketball club.
What the hell You were awake?
Sorry. I guess it looks like
I was eavesdropping.
Hyakutaro, I'll keep an eye on the girl.
Yeah, I got this.
Have you been in basketball
a while, Hyakutaro-kun?
Uh, yeah
Hey, why you talkin' to me?
I can see how well you work together.
You must be a really strong team.
W-Well yeah, I guess!
We were totally headed
for nationals this year.
And that captain of yours is great!
He's super sharp, but he's also huge!
What, so you do get it?!
Yeah, he's a really awesome guy!
But, y'know
I kept making crappy shots
and got Captain injured.
So I trained my ass off to help
him shine one last time.
Huh. You really are just a
wholesome, honest young man.
But then, why'd you get stuck
playing the Tomodachi Game?
Which one of you five is in debt?
That's enough.
Hyakutaro, let's trade spots
before you say too much.
Phew. Back to the girl. Is—
She was just sleeping here, right?
Oh, shit!
Damn it! She ran away!
Ah! I-I'm, uh, n-not Th-This isn't
I wasn't trying to
I-I-I didn't mean it!
What the hell are you doing?!
Keep your eyes on her!
No! I mean, this is just, that
Fine, then I'll go!
No, you can't, Chisato! Idiot! Perv!
I found it! Maria!
Oh, no!
Go after Yuichi! I'll follow Maria!
G-Got it!
You ain't gettin' away!
There they are!
This way!
Huh? Uh, okay!
What he thought he "found" was a chance
to split us up and then lose us.
But we caught up anyway.
Not a bad idea, but he was just out of luck.
No, this is exactly what I planned.
The thing I found is something else.
Oops! My hand slipped!
Mikasa Tenji
I'm done for.
At this rate, I'll
I've held on long enough, right?
But what would change if I pushed it?
Even if I escape this pain, I only have
that empty life to return to.
I said it, didn't I?
I will trust Yuichi
no matter what happens.
I'll keep waiting like this
and bet on Yuichi
on my last hope with my life.
I'm sorry, Dad, that I couldn't avenge you.
I'm sorry, guys that
I couldn't apologize directly.
But at least I didn't betray
anyone else at the end.
I'm glad.
Wh What?
Tenji! Hold on, Tenji!
Yuichi! Yuichi!
Sorry to keep you waiting, Tenji.
I'm back now.
Tomodachi Game
Calorie Bar
So that's what happened.
They would have tailed you
if you brought food,
so you couldn't get back sooner.
But you knew about that
strategy from the start, right—
Well, yeah.
If you told me that on the first day,
I wouldn't have had to suffer so much.
Sorry. I did that on purpose, to test you.
To see if you'd push the give-up button
when you were in real trouble.
If you pushed it, the game would end.
We'd lose everything.
But if you didn't, I decided
I'd start to trust you again.
Yuichi, you're an idiot.
If I had no self-control
and pushed the button
If I started to resent you
and simply pushed the button,
what were you going to do?!
You didn't push it, though.
You risked your life to keep your promise,
and didn't push the button.
Honestly, that makes me happy.
The Tenji I knew in school
wasn't a complete lie.
Thanks, Tenji, for trusting me.
From now on I'll really trust you, too.
After you've lost something,
it's so hard to get it back.
I know it is.
But trusting you doesn't necessarily
mean I distrust Sawaragi 100 percent.
Once we get back, we've got
to get to the bottom of it all.
That's good enough for me.
So, what's going on?
Does it look like we can win?
We're in good shape.
The fact that I made it back here means
the plan is already halfway to success.
How did you lose the Group K guys, anyway?
Yeah by now,
they're probably saying
all sorts of crap about me.
God damn that asshole!
Seriously, what's wrong with him?
Hey, you okay?
Huh? Uh, yes, I'm all right.
Ooh, that was terrifying.
He did say he was going to use me
as a distraction somehow.
What the
Is this what he meant as a
I'm going after him!
No way! I can't pull her up by myself!
Don't be stupid!
If she falls from that height,
she won't be that hurt—
The hell she won't! Are you just
gonna let a girl get hurt?
You're always chasin' girls, but you won't
help one that's right in front of you?!
Fine! I'll help!
Yeah, the Chisato I know
wouldn't leave a girl hanging.
The method wasn't the best, but he
really did slow them both down!
Shut up and help pull!
That's awful.
Yeah, I guess so.
It was a really risky gamble to try that.
It wasn't a gamble at all.
I knew I just needed
to slow one of them down.
If one stopped, it was highly
likely the other would, too.
What do you mean? What made you think that?
I didn't just use my time these
three days trying to wear you down.
I was also observing the personalities
and relationships in Group K.
Sometimes I spilled a little info
to get them talking,
other times I'd step up and provoke them.
Eventually, I was able to find the thing—
or rather, the person I was searching for.
It was Onigawara Hyakutaro.
At first, he seems like
a short-tempered and impulsive jerk,
but he's more compassionate
than the others,
and is really self-conscious
about past mistakes.
On top of that, he's weirdly naïve
and kind to girls.
Yeah, the thing I was searching for
was the kindest person in the group.
He does sound like the type
to try to save her,
but wasn't one other guy chasing, too?
The other guy, Hashiratani Chisato,
was always paying attention to Hyakutaro.
He reacted to almost everything
Hyakutaro did and said.
Chisato's kind of personality is what
you'd call, in a word, a dilettante.
You know, a jack of all trades,
but master of none.
When that type of person meets
someone who's really sincere,
he might mouth off a lot, but deep inside,
he's actually really jealous.
I think I know what he means.
So when Hyakutaro seriously asks for help,
it's hard for Chisato to turn him down.
People who put so much effort
into crafting a fake personality
can't stand it when more
authentic people tell it like it is.
What incredible analytical skills!
But he's almost too good at seeing through
other people's personality flaws
Still, how is that helping us win?
It doesn't sound like
we're halfway there to me.
We are, and what's coming up
is actually my specialty.
Your specialty?
Kadokura Juzo
Onigawara Hyakutaro
Shinomiya Kei
Niwa Banri
Hashiratani Chisato
The biggest hurdle was figuring out
if my relationship analysis was accurate.
That was already proven correct this time.
Now that I was able to bring you food,
we have a little more time.
We only have to do one more thing to win
Totally destroy all the
relationships in Group K.
Totally destroy them
Over the last three days,
I've already planted all sorts of traps.
The first one will be set
in motion any minute now.
U-Um, thank you so much.
You saved my life.
H-Huh? I did?
Ooh, this is getting interesting!
Yuichi went back to Group K's camp.
I can't begin to imagine
what he's done since then.
Wait a second! What are you thinking?
Shut up! I made up my mind!
Just calm down!
What are you guys doing?
Did you eat something funny?
Let go of me!
Don't do it, Hyakutaro!
I know you don't give a
damn about how I feel!
I'm switchin' to Group C!
The bonds holding Group K together
crumbled in just one day.
NEXT: The Third Game Is Over!
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