Too Hot to Handle: Germany (2023) s01e09 Episode Script

Bed Games and Epic Dates

Good morning.
Good morning, Lana.
Your stay will end soon.
But my sensors just got so used to you.
I would cry if I could.
At the moment it looks like my program
has changed positively.
It's a pleasure to tell you
that there have been
no rule violations tonight.
At least with you.
We know that we behaved.
Yes. All of us behaved.
Let's see how things stand
with Kevin and Emely.
Last time we also thought they behaved
and then
the world's heaviest petting happened.
There is a possibility
that they really screwed up
and did everything yesterday.
But now something's at stake.
It's always been about not spending money.
Yeah, I know,
but now they have a different incentive.
We trust them.
They cost us 104,000 euros. It's
about time that they make up for that.
I don't believe it.
But I'll gladly be surprised.
If that went well… I don't think so.
I'll say that they didn't do anything.
Just a reminder,
after Kemely's last night
in the private suite,
we had to bring in a sexorcist.
It was so nice.
It felt like a honeymoon.
We had lots of fun anyway.
I remember our first or second night
where you said to me,
"In the private suite
I would have sex for sure!"
I think this is the hardest test in here
and if you're alone together…
Eye sex is okay, but that's it.
Keep that in mind.
-This bed is the perfect size.
The perfect size? What for?
Only I know whether
your good-night-prayer has been heard.
Lana, you're mean!
But you have reasons to be happy.
-What's happened to you?
Your abstinence slows down
the production of sexual hormones.
-I'm about to kick you out of here, Lana!
It's getting easier from day to day.
No way!
-Lana, what world do you live in?
At least in theory.
Sadly, from experience
it looks different, Lana.
I hope the practical evidence
doesn't lie next door.
That's how I imagined it.
If I'm too close to him,
that's already enough.
Who thinks that we made it?
Most people, actually.
Who do you think
doesn't believe in us at all?
-I think Tobi has some doubts.
Because they wouldn't have made it either.
Rule violator number one.
That sounds record-breakingly expensive.
Are there any more title contenders?
I'm still here, Stella and Tobi!
Oh, oops.
And what about these two hotties?
At least Anna and Paddy
are still sharing a bed.
It doesn't look like
they're very happy about it.
Especially Paddy.
I'm not sure. I don't trust it all.
Please proceed now to the palapa,
for the reunion with Kemely.
This will be very enlightening.
Are you nervous, too?
-A bit.
I believe in Kems, I have to say.
I'll let myself be surprised.
They're already so charged up
and in here for so long…
in a room like this all alone…
If they've done something now,
the whole exercise
would have been for nothing.
Please, Kems, for the fam…
Ta-da! Kemely in partner look.
Frankly, I'm glad
they're wearing something at least.
-Looks awesome.
-Long time no see.
-Yeah. We missed you!
Did you behave well last night?
I think so, yes.
You think so? Oh, God.
-They want to make us nervous.
-No. Everything's fine.
I think there are mixed opinions
right now.
One side trusts us…
The other side thinks
we have relapsed so many times.
-You're already unsettling me right now.
I have vouched for you.
-Hi, Lana.
-Hello, Lana.
For the second time, Kemely had to face
the ultimate challenge in abstinence.
That was a bad idea.
You know the rules of my retreat.
Only when there's no rule violation
in the private suite,
will I then generously
raise your prize money.
Hopefully. That would be really nice.
It is all up to Kemely.
They've spent so much money already.
At some point, it just has to stop.
Emely and Kevin, overall,
you've cost the group 104,000 euros
with your sexual activities.
So crazy!
Of the original 200,000 euros
only 26,000 euros remains.
-Simply fierce.
And needlessly, actually.
But if there were no rule violations
last night in the private suite,
you earn a bonus of…
60,000 euros.
-Oh my God.
60,000 euros!
So much money. It makes me shiver.
We will now come
to the analysis of last night.
My sensors registered the following…
There have been…
Bedtime games.
Bedtime games.
Oh my God.
This sounds more like playing doctor.
We are good at playing games.
Oh, come on!
My night was hot…
And nice, and hot…
It was getting hot anyway.
You little, rotten, sweet, cunning devils!
Our poker faces are confusing them.
These bed games include…
activities… in the form of…
party games.
This means that Emely and Kevin,
last night…
broke no rules.
Yes! That was exactly
what we wanted to hear.
They almost led us on the wrong track,
but… yeah, very cool.
That's my good news, Lana.
Your prize fund therefore increases
by 60,000 euros
to 86,000 euros.
A little bit of champagne for the crew.
Thank you.
What you've earned now,
we can spend today.
But… I have one more announcement to make.
-She wants to mess with us.
-Oh my God.
Lana, we were so happy just now.
Your journey to abstinence is ending soon.
That's why I'm sending all of you
on a last big date.
We've definitely earned it.
At last.
Oh my God, I'm so excited.
Lana, thank you very much.
Hey! What's that look?
Anticipation looks different.
At the moment I don't get
what's up with Paddy.
I wish you an insightful day
filled with abstinence.
Ah… Isn't it nice?
Soon it's the finale,
and here, all hell broke loose.
Anna and Paddy rushed to their first kiss
at the speed of light!
But after the party
there's shadow in paradise,
because Paddy keeps his distance.
Oh, Anna,
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Stella and Tobi had the green-go moment
twice already.
And they want more of it!
Preferably at the last big date!
This might become a hot situation.
Sophie and Akka. Last status, friendzone.
Current status, more than friendzone.
The two are not just waiting
for the green light.
Very cute!
Only our top rule violators remain now,
also known as Kemely.
They've burnished their reputation
as petting-pros a lot.
Private suite without any incidents.
How idyllic!
That's the look of two people who
passed their test in the private suite.
With honors even!
I think it's beautiful like that.
We were just cute.
We hugged, we slept, we did nothing wrong.
I fell asleep so quickly.
I already did while you were talking…
And I was totally interested
and I struggled to stay awake,
but then I fell asleep.
I'm sitting here
and it just doesn't feel good with Anna.
It's not the right thing with the date
and I need to talk with Anna.
Flirting, kissing, partying,
keeping distance, brooding…
And all of that in one day. Wow!
Is there any news?
I'm just so lost in translation
with Paddy.
I just felt today
that he was very confused
and he's quite different.
I have a really strange gut feeling
and don't know why Paddy
is distancing himself from me.
I have feelings and that's just weird
that you don't know what's up.
I hope that I can talk to him.
You are helpless in that way,
but you can still control how you feel,
how you deal with it now,
whether you let it
completely tear you down,
or whether you say,
"Okay, it's going to happen anyway".
Know what I mean?
Have you ever sat down
and reflected for a few minutes
on everything that has happened?
-No! I should do that.
-No? You've not done that yet?
-I have.
It seems to be the big day of discussions.
Everyone's in nostalgia mode.
"Do you remember, back then,
the fight about Kevin?"
It's crazy what we've all experienced
during this time.
Especially how it started… With the talks…
Getting to know each other.
Trying out each other's tongues…
Or how you react when others do that…
From hoes to bros, or what?
The kiss between us
feels like it was… 50 years ago.
We wanted to see
if it would work out or not.
Then it didn't work out,
but I'm also extremely happy about it,
because I see that you
are super happy with Kevin, and…
Everything was meant to be.
I agree!
We just had a getting-to-know-you phase,
where you weren't that deep yet.
Yeah. Exactly.
-But that's also okay.
I believe if it had been,
we both would have opened up deeper.
That's why everything's okay
the way it went.
If I can imagine myself
developing seriously with someone,
it's with her.
I think everything has happened
the way it was supposed to happen.
If we hadn't done it that way back then,
we would have taken a different path.
These detours made our coming together
even more special.
I think having
that confrontation with friends,
especially after that story with Emely.
To say it's more important
to have this friendship than to argue.
Also with the other girls,
to be always open with each other
even if there are misunderstandings.
We're such a small group,
not everybody
can find the perfect partner in here.
Nope, that's not possible.
I actually learned a lot.
Not only about myself,
but also for my future relationships.
We're happy as we are
and it just had to work out like that.
And we learned something from it too.
Come here!
Without you, it wouldn't have worked out
this way for me either, you know?
-It all plays out.
-The universe already knows what it does.
I hope that the date will be very special,
but I think Paddy is confused.
It's definitely strength
when you can be truthful to your emotions.
I hope he's not blowing it.
Yes. He's on the ropes somehow.
I came here with the intention
to have fun,
to hustle and bustle.
I think I have to take
a bit of your shyness away.
The kiss was too early.
It's bad if you get involved in something
that you don't actually feel
from deep inside.
That's what happened in the end
when I kissed Anna.
If I hadn't gone for that kiss,
I would have stayed honest
with myself too.
I want to end this with Anna
because I know…
it's not going to get me
where I want to be.
It seems like Paddy has made a decision.
Oh, wow. Take a look at this place.
Lana knows what you need
for last big dates.
Correct. Nuts and shots.
The location is absolutely phenomenal.
I think I have to spoil you.
Yes, please!
Where did you learn that?
I just wanted to tell you again
how happy I am
that we got through it all.
And that we've arrived at the right point.
So, I think we both learned a lot
and push each other.
I've learned to engage myself
in certain things,
and that I shouldn't think
only with my dick
because there is much more behind it.
I find it's amazing
what we've experienced here.
You came in here and I thought to myself,
what a stunning woman.
When we then friendzoned each other…
The pressure fell off.
From then on
you were completely different.
During the date he finally showed a side
that I really like.
In the friendzone I realized…
that there's something that connects us.
We are very good for each other
and she's also extremely good for me.
I find it really hard to open up,
but you make me do it
and you also make me go beyond my fears.
Due to the fact that we followed our pace,
there was no pressure
and an intimate bond
could develop between us.
Lana finally got it!
The long wait
has definitely been worth it.
Thank you, Lana.
If I could, I would kiss Sophie 24/7.
She's my girl.
The retreat was the best thing in my life
that could ever have happened to me.
Because it brought you in.
Where did you read that line?
Lana, please give us
the green light again!
I have butterflies in my stomach.
-Thank you, Lana!
-Thanks, Lana!
Oh, look!
-The two cuties.
You guys look so good!
How was it?
Our date was perfect.
The location was very pretty,
the togetherness was nice…
Coconuts, drinks…
It was truly a ten out of ten.
So, Lana, I have a request for you.
I also want a date
with cocktails and fruits.
And it's okay if I'm all by myself.
That's not an issue.
I'll pass that on.
Thanks to Lana. At some point
the bracelet started to light up green.
Lana and Sophie did good teamwork
and pulled the best version out of Akka.
You really deserved it
after all this time.
We love you both.
We love you too!
Yeah. Love, love.
And I love happy endings.
And here are the beautiful
but single hotties.
Hopefully, they've also learned a lot
about themselves.
We are the only singles
together with Laura…
Honestly, I am also glad
that I did not get into a couple,
I don't think I would have learned
as much in a couple.
This restraint would not be as hard for me
as being alone.
That's what I've learned for myself.
Because being alone
was a big problem for me.
I am enough for myself.
I don't need a man anymore to be happy.
You are here in the retreat
with a lot of really good-looking people…
and here you also notice,
even though everyone looks so good,
that it's not so much about appearances.
-I'd say Lana has done a good job on us.
Exactly! Marco…
Is that good too?
Yes, totally.
I'm really looking forward
to the togetherness with Stella.
She looks extremely good today.
The tight-fitting dress is awesome.
Should I style my hair?
Do a pigtail.
Like that?
That looks fantastic too.
Tobi is looking really good once again.
His outfit matches mine.
I think we represent a cute couple.
Oh, that's beautiful.
Yeah, Lana has made an effort once again.
That's true.
This is getting very close to my idea
of the perfect date.
Great company and the sea.
-Cheers to us!
-To us.
Yes, simply fantastic.
Lana is so sweet.
A polaroid camera.
To capture a few memories
from our first gorgeous date.
Give me some modeling tips.
How should I pose?
You're already handsome.
You don't have to do much.
Memories for a lifetime
and to be able to capture this moment
is something very special.
Stella in front of the camera is awesome.
And she looks just beautiful.
Very nice.
This one is very cute.
I'm really happy to be with you here.
Me too.
I'm getting happier from day to day.
I mean,
you turned me into a different person.
When I think of Tobi
at the beginning of the retreat,
it would have been unthinkable
to get involved with just one woman.
It's crazy,
the whole journey with Lana too.
Lana knows what she's doing.
She has just awakened an emotion in me
which I have buried for years
and suddenly it all comes out of me.
It's so crazy.
I didn't think it would feel so good,
you know?
Before, I always said
I wanted to protect myself, no emotions,
but actually,
you miss a lot because of that.
Yes, I wouldn't have thought either,
that I'd sit here with such a great man
and can't keep my hands off of him
and I don't look at anyone else like that.
I think I just missed the right person
and with you, I still feel free anyway.
I always thought
that if I give myself to only one man,
then I feel restricted in my freedom.
And now that I am with Tobi,
I realize
that this is not the case at all.
I am happy to have met you.
You are just everything
I want to have in life.
I think that's the nicest compliment
I've ever received in my life.
I think we've found each other.
I think so too, yes.
I don't want to wake up
without you anymore.
I don't want to go to sleep without you.
For me…
it is really…
clear that I…
want it with you, and…
nothing else.
Ah, now I'm allowed to…
This is the most beautiful date
of my life.
The kiss is a very special moment,
because it is a seal
for our future together.
Lana's given us lots of time.
That would've been enough for a quickie.
Don't get ahead of yourselves now,
my friends.
Just kiss and enjoy.
The perfect sunset with a perfect kiss.
I am in paradise.
This could be straight out of a storybook.
The scene is so beautiful,
I don't think I'll ever forget it.
I'm really looking forward to the date.
I've got lots to say to Ems.
Oh my God, I'm so happy.
It is officially meditation here.
Real Ibiza vibes in here.
No shit,
my apartment looks exactly like this.
I always have incense sticks somewhere.
Dreamcatchers are also there.
Firstly, bring good energy in here.
Good vibes.
Oh my God, I feel like I'm at home.
Cheers to us.
I've never understood these things.
-How does it work?
-Sound bowls.
Okay, wait.
It has a calming effect then? Ah, okay.
Emely is in her element and looks amazing.
I'm just happy.
Do you believe in this?
But I don't have bad dreams.
I like to sleep.
-My energy.
Me too, next to you.
I can't imagine what it's like
without you anymore.
Me neither.
I wish that I could wake up
next to Kev every day.
I want someone
with whom I can have deep talks.
But at the same time,
I need the other things just as much.
I need party, fun.
Yeah, man.
I never expected that I would find someone
with whom I could talk so openly.
I know.
You truly understand me.
Emely has a completely
different personality
than the women I used to date.
From the outside,
she is a very pretty woman,
but she flashed me character-wise.
-I'm getting smoke poisoning here.
-Me too, it's getting in our faces.
Do you want me to blow again or what?
It's also important to have
the same sense of humor.
I can't even describe her humor properly.
Hers is completely crazy, but I love it.
On top, we're like…
Everything you say,
I wanted to say the same just now.
Come on, let's go!
I just want to say…
that I've fallen in love with you.
Oh my God!
I've fallen in love with you too.
I want to be officially together with you.
I feel like a fucking teenager.
May I introduce you to my girlfriend.
I'm just looking forward to spending time
with you outside of the retreat.
I think it will be sick!
-Yes, man.
-No, really sick.
If the sex is bad, what should I say then?
-Then our friendship remains!
-To friendship!
That the sex will be bad isn't an option.
He will get the performance of his life.
In the beginning, you told me
that you could never ever
have a relationship without having sex
and now I am your girlfriend.
It will all come together
before we get married.
Really, what has Lana done to us?
I owe Lana a favor.
Oh my God.
When we have sex,
then cheers to her. To Lana.
Lana, my first orgasm is on you.
But crazy, without Lana…
we wouldn't be here.
She simply brought us together.
I swear, guys,
this is really just the beginning.
Put on the wedding music,
and in a few months…
the Kems baby will arrive.
-That's crazy.
Kevin alone at home is history.
I'm in love.
It's a really nice feeling.
That's my woman.
So much love everywhere!
But there is one couple unaccounted for.
Anna and Paddy.
Now I'm nervous!
Nothing is more important to me right now
than talking with Paddy.
I think I have a déjà vu.
I'll put the cards on the table and
tell her honestly what I think and feel.
How are you?
I feel like you have
something on your mind.
Yes, I think we rushed into it a bit.
The kiss was too early,
you know what I mean?
I mean, our further acquaintance
was based on this kiss.
Okay, not for me.
-The kiss was too early? That's it?
-It was…
Of course, it was too early.
And it should've…
I don't think it should have happened.
One moment. You kissed her!
To hear that it went too fast for you
is incomprehensible to me.
Our connection
has nothing to do with this one kiss.
I realized that I…
showed myself differently
then I actually am.
I've been fooling myself.
I thought I needed it.
Oh, Anna, is that going to be
a second fiasco à la Fabio?
I think it's crazy that
you've kept it from me for so long. And…
I'm sorry I didn't do that.
To me, everything felt real.
I enjoyed talking to you.
I felt comfortable with you
and apparently,
now I'm at a point again
where I miscalculated the situation.
I feel betrayed and fooled once again.
How do you think I feel in this situation?
I really like you and you know that.
No, sorry.
At some point, enough is enough.
I'm also sorry I didn't do that.
What I've learned from this situation
is that I should always be
honest with myself.
I think… we should put…
an end to it then.
Yes, I agree.
I feel kind of empty.
I've said everything that I wanted to say
and I have to accept it.
Poor Anna,
again it was time to say goodbye.
What a day, four dates,
three times green lights.
That's almost great.
Today, Lana can also
take a rest day and chillax,
because I think no one at all
will break any rules here today.
They've been through so much.
They've developed so much.
I don't think anyone would want
to screw things up on the finish line.
-To a nice evening!
Our wannabe couple. Just joking.
Hello. How was it?
It was really the most beautiful date
I have ever had.
We just talked about our feelings
and confessed that we definitely
have feelings for each other.
And after the retreat
we will continue to meet
and continue to have experiences together.
We both want that.
It's crazy to see
where Stella and I started.
Sure, we knew this physical attraction
was there right from the start.
But that we would end up like this
and be so happy together,
I would never have thought that.
It's really beautiful.
-Hey, Kems.
Hey, you beauties.
How was your date?
Are you a couple?
Ems isn't single anymore.
A textbook example of a boyfriend.
The waves are so loud all of a sudden.
How was your date?
He broke up with me.
-Oh, no!
Yes. It really hurts.
Enough drama. I just want it to end now.
Over? Tomorrow is the big finale!
You've all reached the end of my retreat.
But only the finalists
contest for the win.
Lana, don't keep us in suspense.
The finalists in my retreat are…
Who? Who is it?
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