TrollsTopia (2020) s01e09 Episode Script

Glitter Rush - Laguna Tidepool & the Lost Game Room

You could do it solo ♪
But then you'd be
All by yourself ♪
Yo! So it'd be more fun
To share this one ♪
With someone else ♪
Together we will soar
Across the sky and beyond ♪
So turn up your voice ♪
Stand up and sing along ♪
All different voices ♪
Everybody now! ♪
Our melodies ringing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Our song is much stronger
With every Troll singing ♪
We're livin' in harmony ♪
Tribal leaders, we have
serious decisions to make,
so I'll skip the pleasantries.
Except to say you all have
really nice hair today.
I called this council
because our worst fears
have been confirmed:
is out of glitter.
that doesn't sound good at all.
Poppy, given these new
findings, I propose a motion:
that we initiate
a panic-stricken freak out.
- I second.
- The motion carries.
Everyone, stay calm!
Eventually the glitter pits
will replenish naturally.
And in the meantime,
I've asked the Glitter Trolls
to see what they can do.
You see!
When we work together,
there's no problem Glitter
Trolls can't solve!
Nope. I was wrong.
- But it hasn't gone great.
- Dang, ya'll,
glitter's such a special part
of how we celebrate.
Ugh. The thought of not havin'
it makes me sadder
than a trick-or-treat basket
full of toothbrushes.
Me too, Holly.
But, hey!
This is just an opportunity
to be creative, right?
Maybe we can find
a great alternative to glitter.
Yeah! Like these seeds!
- Shoo, shoo!
- So, everybody cool with these seeds?
- No!
- That is it, ya'll! I am puttin' my feet down!
I love TrollsTopia,
and it deserves to be celebrated
with as much
glitter as it wants!
You know my motto:
Go big or go huge!
Besides those glitter pits
might have run dry,
but I can assure you,
there is plenty more
where they came from.
See? Glitter
starts deep beneath the ground
as boiling hot glitter magma,
where it rises, cools and becomes
the glitter we know and love.
- Glitter!
- We know and love this!
But in the middle are big
ol' deposits of cooled glitter.
So if we just mine
a little deeper
Why, we'd have enough to fill
a big 'ol glitter wave pool!
Wow, glitter mining?
Sounds super fun, Holly!
How do we get started?
That's easy.
With a little
tri-nitro-partypopper-een, or TNP!
Oh, it's fine,
ya'll. I'll show ya!
See, blasting ain't what you'd
call an exact science,
but if you place
your combustibles just so
- Ooh!
- It tends to speed up the process.
Oh, my guh!
Holly, we've been at this for hours
with nothing to show for it
but piles of dumb gold
- Ugh.
- Buck up, Smidge.
This divining rod will take
you right to the glitter.
I don't feel anyth
Oh, my guh!
Oh, my guh!
How're things going on our
end, Mr. D?
Uh! Mr. Dinkles found something!
He struck sparkle, Trolls!
Get out your celebratin' hats!
False alarm, ya'll.
It's Fool's Glitter.
You can tell 'cuz it
doesn't stick to your skin
for three days like it oughta.
Eh, get out your stompin' hats!
Uh! Well, I know
it was hard work ya'll, but
- Just look at all the glitter you dug up!
- Oh!
- Heh. Ooh, wow, so shiny.
- All that for one piece of glitter?
Wait! Don't give up, ya'll. We
just gotta dig a little deeper!
Sorry, Holly, they're tired.
Maybe we should stop and find
another, more creative solution
to our glitter problem.
No way, Poppy.
I will not let TrollsTopia down.
Holly, you can't shovel
this mine by yourself.
You're right, Poppy!
I'm breakin' out the big hair!
For TrollsTopia!
Holly, be careful!
Holly, are you okay?
Oh! That's as deep
as my hair can go.
And it wasn't deep enough.
What'd I tell ya, ya'll!
Go big or go huge!
Now let's celebrate!
Ain't nothin' like glitter
Raining down from up above ♪
Nothin' quite like glitter
To level the party up ♪
Now we gonna shine
Like diamonds bright ♪
And sparkling in the sun ♪
There's more than
I have ever seen ♪
And more where
that came from ♪
There's glitter for everyone
So let's get our party on ♪
And shine ♪
Shine bright all
thru the night ♪
We'll light up
the atmosphere ♪
Just twinkling
like chandeliers ♪
We'll shine ♪
Shine bright all
thru the night, yay ♪
- Well, we certainly went huge.
- We sure did! Now who's next?
- Me, me, me!
- Some for you.
Some for you.
Wait, that one's got
a speck of dirt in it.
- Here!
- Yeah!
Uh, Holly, I know it feels great
to come through for TrollsTopia.
But seeing how excessive
we've gotten
Excessive how?
Sorry, hold that thought.
Hang on, Biggie,
that hat's lookin' shabby.
It's what,
six minutes old?
So, excessive how?
Oh, no!
No. The deposit went dry.
Oh, we're outta glitter again.
that shan't be a problem, Holly!
We must simply dig a bit deeper,
as you said!
Hey, yeah!
You're right, ya'll!
Be back with more glitter than you
can shake a sack of glitter at!
Holly, wait! Ah! Ugh!
She makes it look so easy!
Alright, Mr. Glitter Hole!
It's just you and me.
Holly! Hold on. You said yourself,
your hair can't dig any deeper.
I know, Poppy.
But I ain't digging this time.
I'm poppin'!
- What?
- Had to do it, Poppy.
The thought of TrollsTopia
not having glitter
just makes me too sad.
Besides, we are well
out of the blast zone.
Um, Holly? Is that?
Boiling-hot glitter magma!
Poppy, I'm so sorry. I took this
glitter rush way, way too far!
It's okay, Holly,
if there's a Troll alive
who's made big mistakes
trying to avoid letting
her friends down, it's me!
Besides, I think we have enough of
a lead to outrun that magma wave!
Oh! I wish that were true.
But the thing about Trolls is,
they never make a mine cart track
- without a loop-d'-loop!
- Huh?
Ah! Country Corral,
it's right in the magma path!
It'll be burnt
to a glimmering crisp!
Oh, no it won't!
This oughta cool it down!
Yee-haw! Hmm!
Well, that seals it.
For now, we just
gotta get by without glitter.
Guess so.
But, like I said before,
maybe this our chance
to get creative, right?
Hey, yeah!
So you see, Tribal Council,
thanks to Holly's glitter
reclamation project,
we've reused enough glitter
to get the glitter pit levels
back to an all-time high!
Thanks, ya'll.
I'm just glad I could help
put all the damage
from the glitter rush behind us.
Well, not quite all of it
Oh, we can take care of that.
- Wonderful!
- That's right.
Dang, Poppy.
That was some blast.
- Well, you know what they say
- Go big or go huge!
K, quick example
just to make sure
no one's still confused:
here in Pop Tribe Library,
the section on
"critters" is here.
But "critter claws"
is way over there.
'Cuz we organize
our scrapbooks hugabetically.
- Oh, that makes sense.
- Oh, yeah.
If you have any more questions,
don't hesitate to ask.
I know this library
like the back of my hair!
Hmm. Very interesting.
Mystery bookshelf?
Laguna, what is this?
Oh, this?
An ancient bookcase
containing the secret
to the greatest an-troll-pological
discovery of all time.
Uh? Ancient bookcase?
But when did you?
How did you?
I see you're confused
Upon arrival in TrollsTopia,
my research led me to discover
these secret scrapbooks,
which detail the whereabouts
of a hidden chamber
- of recreation.
- You don't mean?
The Lost Game Room?
But I thought that was just a
campfire story, ya'll! Hot dang!
Oh, yes, this dang is, indeed,
hot. But time is of the essence.
Because the door
to the game room only opens
- for one day, once every 100 years.
- Only one day?
Shoot. Ancient Game Room
always startin' some drama!
And how's this for drama:
that day is today.
- Stop right now!
- I can't take all this drama!
So you see,
I have no choice
but to summon my courage,
seize the moment
And quietly complete
my research.
Complete your research?
Laguna, I know that you're the kind
of Troll who likes to be prepared,
but you just said you only have
today to find the room.
But thorough research is the
only guarantee of success.
Why do you think I took three
years to choose the right hat?
- What hat?
- Hmm.
- I'm still researching.
- Listen, Laguna, we feel you.
As scientists,
B and I are all about research.
But there comes a time
when you've gotta take
everything you've learned,
trust in yourself,
and pick a hat, girl!
Hmm, your hat argument is sound.
I am deeply torn.
Tension bubbling inside.
Stress mounting and!
I am persuaded.
- Just a few more pages!
- Laguna!
C'mon girls, let's go!
These books are heavy, ya'll!
We are close, friends.
The entrance to the game room
should be just over that ridge.
Through there.
K, uh, maybe I'm wrong,
but this don't look like
a Game Room ya'll!
Huh! More like a Giant Chasm That
Leads To Our Untimely Death
How do we get across?
The Trolls who built the game
room left these Hopscotch Bridges.
- Four of which are traps.
- Say what?
Now you tell us?
Ya'll need to work
on your order of information!
I do have a theory
on which bridge to take.
I just need to consider
a few new variables
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Uh, Laguna,
we need that theory now, now!
The time for weighing
variables is over!
And the time for running in
terror has begun!
Please, friends, I must focus.
Laguna! I know I say
this like all the time,
but we need to
hopscotch right now!
- Hmm.
- Ugh!
Hmm, hmm.
Bridge three! Go, go, go!
We picked the wrong bridge!
Go, go, go, go, go, go!
Grab hold!
Uh-huh. Mm-hmm.
Well, my research
makes one thing clear:
we should definitely
not take bridge three!
Oh, well then,
onto the next trap!
I know you like to
Like to ♪
Play it by the book ♪
But now you got to
Put it down and take a look ♪
The sky is falling
And it is time to go ♪
Right now you go to
Use your intuition ♪
Let your body take over, oh ♪
Ooh, your intuition knows ♪
So let it take control ♪
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Friends, I give you
The Lost Game Room.
It's a game,
a game that combines
all the most fun
game components together.
Cards. Spinners. Dice.
Both in and out of the bubble.
Letter tiles. Dominoes.
Pawns, knights.
It's, it's!
- The greatest game ever created.
- Yeah!
- I can't wait to start documenting!
- Wait, what?
Ooh, scientific documentation?
Count us in!
Come on, girl!
- Ooh! This is fascinating!
- Documentation! Yes!
I just assumed we'd play the
greatest game ever created.
Biggest hair rolls first, ya'll!
Okay, the rules say I spin the spinner
to see how far my checkers move!
I rolled octuples!
I get an extra go fish card!
Yes to the yes!
My research was correct!
Field goal takes the queen!
Well, Laguna, it wasn't easy,
but we're happy
your dream came true.
Yes, thanks to a blind commitment
to research and certainty.
Oh, no.
The temple! It's sinking!
Ancient Game Room
always starting some drama.
If we don't leave now, we'll be
trapped in here for 100 years!
Poppy? Holly?
We gotta go now!
No! Let us play!
- But we gotta get outta here, girl!
- Let us play.
- Your turn!
- Woo-hoo!
- What is wrong with them?
- Hmm
Of course.
The traps!
They were meant to protect us
from The Lost Game Room.
Because this game is too fun!
Once a Troll starts playing,
they'll never stop.
- Laguna! What do we do?
- There's only one thing to do!
Look through my books
for the answer!
Girl, tell me that Troll is not
doing some research right now.
I'm sorry,
but I've got to be sure.
Ah! My research!
Laguna, forget the research!
You have read the books.
Now, you have got
to trust yourself!
Trust myself? Hmm
C'mon! Mama needs a seven!
Hey! Give us back those dice!
Mama needs a seven!
Did she get a seven?
This is for your own good.
Get back here, y'all!
We gotta finish the game!
Laguna! Which way?
- We're going this way!
- Girl, are you positive?
Hmm. Absolutely not!
- Huh?
- But we're going anyway!
- Wow!
- And also
I picked a hat!
- You go, girl!
- This ain't funny, ya'll!
Give them back!
We were having
so much fun, ya'll!
- Poppy? Holly?
- You two okay?
Wha-what happened?
Suddenly, I don't care so much
about whether mama rolled a seven.
It was a seven.
- Well, hot dang!
- Laguna, you saved us.
How did you know taking
the dice would work?
I didn't.
I just realized that, while
research is important,
sometimes you just have
to trust yourself.
- Aww!
- So, what's next?
Crack open those books
and research the next adventure?
No! No time.
We're going to find the Fabled
Blanket Fort of Snuggledoon
hidden deep in the forest,
but we have to leave right now!
These are actually library books
so I'm not leaving them.
But you all understand the point I was
making about personal growth, yes?
- Mm-hmm.
- Then let's go!
I know you like to
Like to ♪
Play it by the book ♪
But now you got to
Put it down and take a look ♪
The sky is falling
And it is time to go ♪
Right now you go to
Use your intuition ♪
Let your body take over, oh ♪
Ooh, your intuition knows ♪
So let it take control ♪
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