Tunnel (2017) s01e09 Episode Script

Episode 9

I'll get going now.
See you.
Could you please go a little faster?
My daughter is waiting at home.
If your daughter is waiting, I should drive more safely.
If you get into an accident, what can your daughter do?
Is it like that?
Of course.
Get up.
I should go home.
Yeon Ho must be waiting for me.
Kwang Ho,
are you looking at me?
Since you left me, I've been left alone.
I don't want Yeon Ho to be left alone as well.
Kwang Ho.
Kwang Ho.
- The number you've dialed
- Darn it.
This is the case everybody knows of the culprit.
This is the case everybody knows of the culprit.
You know what will happen
You know what will happen
if you fail to find him.
- Let's start the meeting.
- Chief.
Kwang Ho has not come yet.
Kiddo didn't show up in the scene of the crime.
Is he sick?
Is he suffering from an aftereffect following the explosion?
Probably. He has never been absent. Do you want me to call him?
No. He didn't answer the phone.
Something happened to Kwang Ho, didn't it?
Does it have something to do with Yeon Sook?
How do you know her?
Kwang Ho talked about her once.
He said he has to find her.
It's the same person.
You called her using honorifics
She's Kwang Ho's wife.
Did something happen to her?
Kwang Ho looked for her desperately.
He thought he should meet her if he cannot return.
But he found out
she had died 20 years ago.
Plus, she had a child.
Kwang Ho came here
without knowing she had his baby.
Even the hospital doesn't know where his child is.
He must be out of his mind by now.
Park Kwang Ho!
Kwang Ho.
Just go.
Get up.
An accident took place.
It's Jung Ho Young
I said just go.
Do you think the dead will come back if you stay here like this?
Do you think Yeon Sook will come back to life?
What do you know to say such things?
Did you come here to suggest finding Jung Ho Young with me?
Kim Sun Jae, you are really amazing.
Are you saying I should just forget about her and find Jung Ho Young?
What will change if I find Jung Ho Young?
Yeon Sook is dead. What's the use of it?
You can't say that to me.
Jung Ho Young killed countless people.
He might have killed my mother as well.
Yeon Sook died while I was chasing that guy.
That is why we should find him.
You told me you're sorry for not catching the culprit.
Was that just a lie?
Was it?
You mean you will just walk away irresponsibly.
Will you just let the culprit go like you did 30 years ago?
What about your child?
Don't you want to meet your child?
Staying here can't make any difference.
Do you think I was all right when I heard my mom died?
I stayed at home doing nothing like you.
You are 30 and struggling this much. I was just 18 years old back then.
What about your child who is just six years old?
How would your child feel when she lost her mom?
How do you think she has lived when she was left behind all alone?
Darn it. So what can I do?
Find your daughter, solve the case, and go back!
Go and stop it from happening.
Go back
and save her.
You said you are here because of my case.
Doesn't it mean that you can go back after you catch the culprit?
Kwang Ho.
Let's find him together.
Shall we?
Where are you going?
I should go. I have to catch the guy.
If I was with her,
Yeon Sook wouldn't have gotten in that taxi.
I just have to make sure she doesn't get in that taxi.
I'm going to stop her from getting in that taxi.
I'm going to catch the suspect and go back.
Where's Jung Ho Young? Where's this scum?
Have you located him?
What's wrong with you? You just got here.
Considering he's yelling, he must be all right.
I don't think he's all right. His eyes are swollen.
You still haven't found him?
What have you been doing?
We've been waiting for you.
Let's begin the meeting.
The victim's name is Lee Seo Yeon. She was 25 years old.
She went to Hwayang University and took time off
to prepare for the civil service exam.
According to the victim's older brother,
she left home around 7 o'clock in the evening.
The bus stop is a 20-minute walk from her home.
We checked all the CCTVs in buses that were running at that time.
She wasn't on any of them.
She disappeared during the 20 minutes.
This scum strangled the victim with stockings again.
Was there anything found at the scene?
There was nothing that belonged to the suspect. The bag, the diary
and even the pair of stockings were all victim's belongings.
The suspect left nothing behind.
Have you ever seen Jung Ho Young leaving evidence behind?
We only found him on CCTV footage once during Yang Yoo Jin's case.
At least we have a witness, right?
Yes. A chicken restaurant owner saw the victim while making a delivery.
A car seemed to be moving too slow, so he went ahead of it.
That's when he saw the victim.
It's highly possible that Jung Ho Young was in that car.
Did he see the license plate?
Was the car registered under Jung Ho Young's name?
He said it was too dark to see the plate,
but he did say he thinks the car was a black sedan.
The car that picked up Yang Yoo Jin two years ago was also a sedan.
It was white.
The suspect would've gotten the car painted and changed the plate.
We have to find that black sedan first.
Tae Hee and Min Ha search the CCTVs near the crime scene.
You two check the autopsy results and then join the crime scene team.
We've already used up one day.
Let's move quickly.
Sun Jae.
What do I have to do in order to find a missing child?
If this is about Yeon Ho,
I've already contacted a friend on the missing persons team.
- What?
- You said a social worker took her.
Then she could've been sent to an orphanage or an adoption agency.
It won't be easy considering how long it's been. Let's wait and see.
My friend will be in touch soon.
Thanks, Sun Jae.
Now let's go catch the suspect.
You and I are after the same guy.
I wonder
whether Yeon Sook told her about me.
I wonder who she looks like.
I hope she took after her mother's looks. After all, she's a girl.
Loosen up that frown. You're already ugly as it is. Let's go.
That jerk.
It was because of you, Lieutenant Kim.
Jung Ho Young will commit another murder.
Actually, he could have already killed someone
in order to see your reaction.
Why on earth would he do that?
I think you've become a trigger.
The cause of death is suffocation caused by pressure to the collum.
You see this wound here?
The suspect tightened and loosened the stockings repeatedly
causing a congestion to form and loosen.
That caused these red marks to appear on the face.
It also caused bleeding in the ears.
There was bleeding in the internal organs as well,
but there was exceptionally severe bleeding in the lungs.
This proves that the suffocation process was long
and the intensity was high.
It must've been extremely painful.
That scumbag.
This suspect seems to be experienced.
The presumed time of death is between 7pm and 9pm.
Among the gastric contents, the cake that she had that night
was found undigested.
How on earth did he get away two years ago?
If he had been caught then, there wouldn't have been more victims.
In that case, then 30 years ago
Why do I even bother?
We thought we had him at a dead end. This was unexpected.
The suspect usually committed a crime every two years or so.
I don't understand why that term has shortened.
Murderers don't have reasons when committing murders.
Detective Park. What are you doing?
It's nothing.
Sun Jae. We need to talk.
The victim didn't have a dot on her heel.
- I noticed.
- What about the Haein River victim?
There was nothing on the autopsy report.
Then it's not the same guy.
Could there be
a chance that Jung Ho Young could've changed his methods?
- What?
- Among serial killers,
there have been cases where suspects changed methods.
One suspect invaded houses and killed elderly people
and then suddenly start to kill only females in their twenties.
We thought they were different guys but once we caught the suspect,
we found out it was the same guy.
It could be the same in Jung Ho Young's case.
He might not have marked a dot.
He might not have marked a dot?
Yes, Chief.
Did you see the autopsy result?
There's nothing special.
I'm about to leave the station. You two come directly to the scene.
Yes, sir.
Let's go.
Excuse me. I'm Seo Yeon's older brother.
I was told to come pick up her belongings here.
I see.
I'm sorry. We should've delivered them to you.
She would've been at the study group meeting now.
She sure was diligent.
I told her I could give her a ride,
but she refused saying that she could take a bus.
I should've given her a ride.
I should have.
It's not your fault.
It's nobody's fault.
What is it?
This was delivered to Lieutenant Kim.
Put it over there.
That'll be the end of today's lecture.
About that suspect you said that hasn't been caught yet
It's Jung Ho Young, isn't it?
I saw it on the news as well.
According to a friend, the girl that was killed
was a student at our school.
- My goodness.
- Is that true?
- I heard it's true.
- That's terrible.
Then why don't we talk about that?
Why don't you spray this on me?
- Excuse me?
- Go ahead.
Several years ago, there were cases where the suspect would
spray red liquid, chili powder
or kimchi liquid and flee the scene.
Should you report this to the police?
What would you do if you were the victim?
I'd be annoyed, but
it doesn't seem serious enough to report to the police.
It looks like nothing, right?
A few months later, the man
stabbed a woman who was passing by with a knife.
Oh, my.
He became a murderer.
He stabbed her to see the red color.
He didn't splash the red liquid like this on a shirt.
A man grows up to be a murderer like that.
Now let's think backward.
If Jung Ho Young hadn't been caught two years ago,
we might not have known there was
a murderer like him around us.
But Jung Ho Young was also a beginner at first.
The types of victims and tools he used to murder
may tell us what his first murder was like.
Jung Ho Young killed people with a pair of stockings.
He did it for his pleasure.
Why did he choose those victims?
When did he murder for the first time?
Why was he obsessed with women in skirts?
(ROUTE 47)
Is this all of the CCTVs for Route 47?
If you need more, you should go check the private CCTVs.
Call Lieutenant Kim.
Lieutenant Kim, where are you?
Nothing has been found. Talk to you later.
I heard there are many CCTVs around here, but I see nothing.
Jung Ho Young only picked this kind of places.
Division 18?
Is the crime scene near Division 18?
Why? Do you know that place?
What is this all about?
Let's go first.
Hey, where are you going?
Did you serve in this army base 30 years ago?
Why? Where is this place?
Your mother was found here
If the crime scene of Lee Seo Yeon is near here,
didn't Jung Ho Young come nearby
by any chance?
Can we watch the CCTV over there?
Who are you?
- We are police officers.
- Is there only one camera?
I had it installed because my field is too far.
I have only one.
Take a look.
What is he doing there?
It's Lee Seo Yeon.
Let's go there again.
He was here.
Why did he show up again after 30 years?
What are you two talking about?
- 30 years?
- Right. Let us know too.
Where did you find the surveillance video?
The suspected car is found.
We have to go. Now!
Jung Ho Young?
The suspected car is found.
We're chasing the car on the intersection of Yeonhui-dong.
Go a little closer.
65 Ja 3477, pull over on the right side.
65 Ja
Stop and pull over on the right.
3477, stop and pull over.
It's the intersection of Yeonhui-dong. Let's go.
What is this sound?
Kim Sun Jae, the sound comes from your desk.
It's coming out from here.
That is what Officer Kim brought.
Who is this?
How have you been, Detective?
Is it Jung Ho Young?
Who is this?
How have you been, Detective?
Is it Jung Ho Young?
What? Is that Jung Ho Young?
You remember my voice.
What do you think you are doing?
What's this?
I have something to tell you.
The Haein River case, it wasn't me.
What do you mean by that?
I did kill Lee Seo Yeon but I wasn't the one for the Haein River case.
- Stop that nonsense.
- I'll call you again.
Hello. Jung Ho Young. Jung Ho Young!
That insane jerk called after he committed murders?
Min Ha, track the location of this number.
- Get out.
- Why did you chase me? Hold on.
Get out.
Let go of me. Why are you doing this to me?
Why didn't you stop when we told you to?
It's because that was not my car number.
That's not my number.
- What's up?
- Yes, Chief.
The brat changed the license plate.
You should put the car on the wanted list again.
What kind of brat is that?
On one side, he put his plate on another car.
On the other, he dared to send a parcel to a detective.
Why did he call you? What is the reason?
Do you remember what Professor Shin said?
He called me because of the word that I said two years ago.
She said I would be wrong.
What are you talking about?
Forget about that complicated talk.
This jerk must have provoked you
because he had been caught by you before.
He's totally fooling us around.
Lieutenant Kim.
I have the location of the phone number.
But this is
Hey, it's 8800, right?
It's a payphone again.
What do you mean?
The man who called the dead Park Kwang Ho also called by a payphone.
There isn't even a CCTV.
The investigation headquarters of the case of the dead body
of the 25-year-old female student found near Route 47 in Hwayang
has been set up at the Hwayang Police Station in Gyeonggi Province.
The investigation headquarters has been set up two days after
the incident occurred because it is thought that Jung Ho Young,
a suspect that got away two years ago could be a prime suspect.
Some are criticizing the police for their late response
causing more victims to occur.
- Where's Kwang Ho?
- I don't know.
So what you're saying is that the suspect was actually
in the station and made a call to a detective.
Why are there so many reporters outside?
Is the headman here?
Watch it.
If you guys had done your job,
why would I come all the way over here?
You couldn't catch a killer like this and cause a mess?
The chief will stay at the headquarters
and I want all manpower at the Hwayang Police Station on this case.
Not only should you focus on this case,
but I want all cases presumed to be committed by this guy reexamined
before beginning the investigation.
Did you say there were five cases in all?
No, sir.
Including the Haein River case, there are six cases.
Are you Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae?
You're the one that let Jung Ho Young get away.
On what grounds did you let him go?
At the time he was arrested two years ago,
he didn't admit to any of the charges.
I found it strange that he suddenly called and admitted to the crimes.
He's very skilled in lying.
Considering the crime methods are identical,
I feel we should examine these cases with the same approach.
That's how you feel?
You're an interesting young man.
Bring me the result.
Then I won't bring your judgment into question.
Also, Professor Shin, the adviser that I recommended,
must be included in this investigation.
Report the progress of the investigation through the director.
Is there anyone here that doesn't know who the suspect is?
I didn't think so.
Then make sure to catch the guy.
Nothing's changed. I can't stand those in high authority.
No one wants to catch this guy more than I do.
Make requests for old investigation data
and call Professor Shin.
We don't have much time. Let's meet back here in one hour.
Professor Shin. It's me, Sun Jae.
Right now?
All right. I understand.
Jung Ho Young called?
Yes. He lied that he didn't commit the Haein River case.
I'm calling to ask you a favor.
I was hoping you could examine the autopsy reports of the six victims.
I have more cases to add, but I'll get back to you on that.
All right. Be careful, Lieutenant Kim.
I have a bad feeling about him calling you.
I understand. I appreciate your help.
Can the king be caught?
Yes, I understand.
You should know that you won't be going home starting from today.
- Yes, sir.
- Here you go.
Bring be the documents quickly.
Hello, Professor.
It's been a long time, you.
Did she just ignore me?
Let's get started.
The suspect, Jung Ho Young, is a serial killer
that is presumed to have killed six women including his own wife.
The victim of the 1st case that occurred in 2009 is Kim Ji Eun.
She was 36 years old at the time.
She married Jung Ho Young in 1996.
In 2009, her parents reported her missing
after losing contact with her.
Jung Ho Young who was summoned as a witness claimed that
she had run away with the man she was having an affair with.
Afterwards, it was confirmed that she was actually having an affair
with a fund manager that she met at a gym.
Eight months later, her body was found
in Mount Ojeong with stockings wrapped around her neck.
Jung Ho Young was summoned again as a suspect,
but was released due to lack of evidence.
At the time of that case,
there wasn't evidence that could relate him to the murder case.
This is when it all began.
The second victim was Choi Ji Soo.
She was a 23-year-old university student.
The third victim was Park Hye Rim.
She was a 27-year-old office worker.
Murder cases where identical crime methods were used
occurred with two years difference in the Hwayang area.
Just when people were starting to forget the cases,
Jung Ho Young leaves a trace for the first time.
The fourth victim was Yang Yoo Jin.
She was a 25-year-old nurse.
At the time of this incident, I was the detective in charge.
After identifying thousands of cars of the same type caught on CCTVs,
I was able to arrest Jung Ho Young as a suspect.
I thought the suspect was too bold and skilled not to leave
any trace for it to be his first crime.
I began looking for unsolved cases with similar crime methods.
That was when I noticed his wife was murdered the same way.
I interrogated him, but he denied all charges.
As you all know, he fled while being sent to other location.
Sun Jae.
I should have checked his arm which had a cast on it.
It was my fault.
If I hadn't let him get away, the next case wouldn't have occurred.
This is the next victim.
The fifth victim was Yoon Da Young.
She was a 25-year-old university student.
Lastly, the sixth victim was Lee Seo Yeon.
She was 25 years old and was taking time off school.
She was found dead three days ago.
We can presume that these six cases were committed by Jung Ho Young
by the facts that the victims were strangled with stockings,
all in their twenties except for his wife
and considering the fact that they all occurred in the Hwayang area.
Also, there's one more thing Professor Shin discovered.
All of the victims were wearing skirts.
Isn't it natural for women to wear skirts?
They must have been wearing short skirts.
Weren't all the victims just average females?
If they weren't average,
does that give a reason to kill them?
I guess you think there are certain females that deserve to die?
The fact that they were all dressed in similar attire
could be a key clue to solving the case.
If we know why Jung Ho Young was so obsessed with skirts,
we can find out what kind of person he is
and why he began committing these crimes.
I think it could've been out of anger over his wife's affair.
What do you think could be the reason, Professor Shin?
In fact, I discovered on more thing.
These are cases with identical victim types from 30 years ago.
3 females were murdered in the Hwayang area in 1985.
Jung Ho Young also lived in Hwayang at the time.
Those cases were
There's one thing you don't know though.
There were three more cases that occurred in 1986.
- Pardon?
- At the time, Jung Ho Young
was brought in as a suspect.
He was released because he had an alibi,
but now that I think of it, his parents could have been lying.
Kiddo. How do you know about 30-year-old cases so well?
You're talking like you were actually there.
That's because Chief told me about them.
That's right. That was the first case I was assigned to.
But I can't believe that high school student was Jung Ho Young.
I had thought the suspect was dead.
Then what about Jung Ho Young's whereabouts after that?
He moved to Seoul with his family in his second year in high school.
Afterwards, he was admitted to a mental hospital for eight years.
According to his records, he didn't have any special mental illness.
After being discharged, he married Kim Ji Eun
and the rest you know from what I have told you.
Then that means he left Hwayang right after that case.
Considering that he was in a mental hospital for eight years,
that explains why we didn't find dots in the cases afterwards.
The suspect didn't die.
Then is that
what you were talking about during the Kim Young Ja case?
That's right.
He mentioned a case from 30 years ago then as well.
The suspect marked three dots on the victims' heels.
Kim Young Ja was the fifth victim as well as a survivor.
We weren't aware of it at the time though.
After the sixth murder incident, there were no more cases,
so we assumed the suspect was dead.
Then does this mean he could've changed methods?
It's possible.
We have to catch this scumbag.
Sun Jae. If he calls you again, report to me immediately.
Yes, sir.
Unit One. Meet family members of the victims
and see if anything was left out of the investigation.
Unit Two. Review witness statements, testimonies
and examine evidence again. Don't leave anything out.
And Professor Shin
I'll head over to the mental hospital he was confined in.
There might be something that was missed.
Yes. Please do that.
Sun Jae.
Is that why you were chasing after Jung Ho Young?
Since when did you know?
Since the Yang Yoo Jin case, sir.
It would've been better if I had known
you worked at Hwayang Police Station.
You should have come to every get-together!
Do you think all we do there is drink alcohol?
Even Tae Hee and Min Ha know. You should've known.
He knows it now, so it's fine.
We can just catch him.
Yes. We have to catch him.
That's the reason why you're here.
Gosh. Sun Jae. Let's go.
I'll see you later, Chief.
There was a reason we all met after all.
She looks at Ji Eun's photo album every day.
She looks at it every single day.
Do you realize what you've done now?
They say if you lose your child, you bury him or her in your heart,
not in the ground. I realized it's true from watching my mom.
If you had a thorough investigation back then, he wouldn't be
wandering around the streets now.
I'm sorry.
When Ms. Kim Ji Eun went missing at that time,
you told the police to investigate her husband, Jung Ho Young, first.
Was there a reason for that?
There was something Ji Eun told me.
It's a story hard to tell even to your siblings,
but she told me nonetheless. It must've been hard on her.
When Ji Eun was sleeping, that jerk
choked her with stockings.
She thought it was a joke at first,
but she said she really almost died once.
She yelled at him and asked why he did it,
and he said, "The other girls all liked it. Why don't you?"
That's what that crazy jerk said.
The other girls?
When they got married, he bought an apartment in Gangnam for them,
and he didn't ask Ji Eun to buy anything.
He married Ji Eun
as if he was marrying a princess.
We thought it was because he is from a rich family.
We told Ji Eun to be good to him because
it's hard to find a husband and a family like that.
But it turned out, he had been in a mental hospital for almost 10 years.
We should've known when he spent all that money to marry her.
Why was he in a mental hospital?
Didn't your sister tell you?
Ji Eun asked him the reason once,
but he got furious,
broke things, and asked her if she was going to lock him up too.
He was admitted in 1987,
and he stayed here until 1995.
Ho Young was my first patient.
How was he at first? I heard he had no specific reason to be here.
He wasn't schizoid,
and he didn't have visual or auditory hallucinations.
He wasn't schizophrenic.
But it was common that
the patients' family put them in the hospital against their will.
That's how he came here as well.
His parents strongly insisted that he needs to be admitted.
Could you tell me the reason?
Please open the door.
Doctor, my son is not sound in mind.
No. He's not a human.
Please don't treat him like any other humans.
Do not let him out.
I beg you. Okay?
I didn't understand how a mother
could say her own son isn't a human.
But that patient
gave me the answer.
I killed the dog because
I was curious what was inside his belly.
as I kept doing it, it wasn't fun anymore.
I got curious
how I would feel if I killed a human.
my sister
liked it too.
I was strangling her,
but she didn't frown.
She was smiling.
His parents couldn't call the police,
so they put him in here to separate him from his sister.
His family never visited him here.
He turned 20 in this place,
and left when he was almost 30.
Did he mention anything about women in skirts?
Or maybe something about
his mom or sister.
I'm not sure.
After that counseling, he didn't really speak that much.
Do you have
a tape-recording or a written record of the counseling?
Please call us if you think of any places
Ho Young often went to or he might have gone to.
We'd appreciate it.
Hi, Professor Shin.
There is a tape-recording of Jung Ho Young at the hospital.
- A tape-recording?
- Yes.
It was recorded when he had his first counseling.
It may have a clue to the incident 30 years ago.
I'll call you if I find anything.
A tape-recording? My goodness.
Why don't you just go and meet her?
Hey. Call Min Ha and tell him to trace this number.
I don't have his number.
I'll call Sung Shik instead.
Sung Shik. I'll text you a phone number. Trace the location.
What is it this time?
I was wondering if you were doing your homework well.
What homework? Speak in plain words.
I wonder how long it'll take for you to show up.
1, 2,
- What do you want from
- three.
Did he hang up again?
Yes, Sung Shik.
He's in front of Sungshin Apartment in Yeonji-dong.
He's in front of Sungshin Apartment in Yeonji-dong.
I can get there in five minutes.
That jerk.
Is he messing around with us or what?
Is it Jung Ho Young?
Are you in front of Sungshin Apartment?
I'll count to 10 next time.
You shouldn't have provoked me.
Keep doing your homework.
This scumbag.
Darn it!
My sister liked it too.
I was strangling her,
but she didn't frown.
She was smiling.
Do you know this song?
You should smile
And look at me now
Looking at you smile
Makes me happy
Forget all the loneliness
You felt in the past
The eternal dream
Of you and me
We can have it now
She really was smiling.
It's true.
"She was smiling."
The red dots show the locations where the dead bodies were found.
The blue dots are the places Ho Young made the calls.
That means he's hiding in a place
within this area.
By the way,
if there were one more dot, it'd make the Big Dipper.
Kiddo. What do you think this means?
If there were two more dots, it'd make the Big Dipper.
You fool.
- What are you talking about?
- He's talking nonsense.
What's wrong with you?
I just wanted to have a laugh in a long time.
Think about the victims' families. You shouldn't be joking.
Of course not. It's not even a clue.
It was just a joke. Why are you being so serious about
I get startled whenever a phone rings now.
Hi, Professor. I was actually going to call you.
I see. Let's go.
Move. I can't see.
About this body that was found at the Haein River
The past bodies were found as skeletons, so I can't be sure.
But Lee Seo Yeon's corpse was different.
Like I've already told you,
Lee Seo Yeon was strangled repeatedly with her stockings,
so her neck was congested with blood.
But Yoon Da Young was killed right away.
What does that mean?
Either the culprit suddenly felt an urge to kill her immediately,
or there's a possibility that the culprit could be someone else.
Then what do you think about this?
Are you saying he even killed someone 30 years ago?
Yes. That's what we're thinking.
When this happened, Jung Ho Young was living in Hwayang.
Also, the crime method and victims are very similar.
It would've been better if the case records still exist.
But everything's gone. We can only rely on Chief Jeon's memory.
I don't know.
Just because they were both strangled with stockings
doesn't mean both crimes were committed by the same culprit.
Jung Ho Young kills people with no specific reason.
Do you think this kind of crime also existed in the past?
That jerk in the past also killed people with no specific reason.
How do you know that?
Anyway, I'll try to find someone who can help you at the NISI.
I'll ask about Yoon Da Young to the person who did the autopsy on her.
Thank you.
Haein River.
Kim Kyung Soon was also found dead at the Haein River 30 years ago.
But why did he say that it's not the Haein River?
I noticed that Yoon Da Young didn't have parents.
Do you know anything?
Da Young's parents passed away a long time ago in a car crash.
So she grew up at a welfare facility.
I grew up there too.
My parents got divorced and abandoned me.
I see.
There was no one I could contact even when she died.
I saw on the news saying that she was a college student.
What does that mean?
To be honest, she worked at a hostess bar.
I was the only person who knew,
so I told the police that she was a college student
because she did go to college.
I was worried that
people might think of her badly if I told them about her job.
Please keep this a secret.
Okay. I understand.
Has she ever mentioned anyone named Jung Ho Young?
I was wondering if you ever saw the culprit.
No, I never heard of that name.
Hello. I'm Ji Eun's sister.
I might be wrong,
but I called just in case.
There was a house that Ji Eun wanted to move into.
They had only just gotten married.
She told me that she had gone to see that house with her husband.
I think it was under redevelopment at that time.
Anyway, that house was in Kyungshin-dong.
It's already under redevelopment.
Do you think he's hiding here?
He even has the guts to call the police.
He's the type that likes to be seen.
He's probably hiding at a place that's more visible.
I don't care what type of guy he is. Let's search this place.
Hey, Kwang Ho.
I'm pretty sure he's not hiding here.
Hey, Sun Jae.
(APRIL 24, 2017)
It's today's newspaper.
That means he was here until this morning.
I told you.
Call Sung Shik. We got him.
Min Ha, go this way. Tae Hee, go upstairs.
- Hurry up and move!
- Let's go.
If we stay here and conduct a stake-out,
he'll show up sooner or later.
My gosh, that startled me.
Turn it off. Are you trying to make us get caught?
What happened? Did you find her?
Did they find Yeon Ho?
I need more information.
There are so many six-year-olds named Park Yeon Ho.
What's your point?
I minimized the list to about 70 kids.
Don't you have a photo or something?
Do you have a photo?
If I had one, I would've given it to you already.
I don't even know what she looks like.
There's no photo.
I really appreciate your help.
What are you going to say to her when you meet her?
I should apologize.
Jung Ho Young!
Come over here.
Hey, get over here!
- Hey! Darn.
- What happened?
- Did you lose him?
- What took you so long?
Darn it.
Let's go around one more time.
Let's go. Let's take one more round.
I told you to leave me alone, Lieutenant.
Where are you? Where are you hiding?
Do you want to see another dead body?
How about the lady whom you cherish so much?
Hey, Jung Ho Young.
- Jung Ho Young!
- What?
What? What did he say?
Hold on.
What is it?
What? Kim Sun Jae. Where are you going?
What's wrong with him?
The number you've dialed is not available
Hi, this is Lieutenant Kim Sun Jae.
Can I get Professor Shin's address?
38th street on Hwayang 15-gil.
This is the house of Park Kwang Ho.
Why are you here?
Are you here because you felt sorry about abandoning me?
No, I
I came here because I thought this was Professor Shin's house.
That's nonsense. Why would you look for her here?
Why didn't you answer my calls?
Do you know how worried I was?
Why are you so upset?
Exactly. Why are you yelling at her?
I'm sorry. I didn't hear it. I was listening to the recordings.
Is it important?
It is very important.
Come in then. Do you want some coffee?
By the way, you two live together?
Not in the same house. I live on the 1st floor and she lives on the 2nd.
Let's talk about that important thing of yours.
Oh, right. That is
Why did he say he didn't kill the lady from Haein River?
- That's what I asked.
- What?
I mean I was wondering about the same thing.
I thought that was strange too.
Jung Ho Young has never admitted any charge so far.
What do you find strange about that?
He called you to play a game with you, but what he said was odd.
When the criminals admit or confess,
in order to earn earn credibility,
they always tell the truth about one thing.
He said he killed Lee Seo Yeon, but didn't kill the lady from the river.
One of the two has to be true.
If the former is true and the latter is not,
then he killed both of them.
But if the former is false and the latter is true,
he wasn't behind both killings.
That doesn't sound possible.
What on earth are you talking about? You two should talk.
I'm going upstairs.
Thank you for the coffee.
But it was horrible.
Aren't you thankful that I let you two be alone?
It's the nice part of relationship.
Please keep it with you at all times.
I want you to be more careful.
Don't go around by yourself.
There's no medical examiner who would know
about the incident from 30 years ago.
I think a regional hospital
or health center probably conducted a postmortem examination.
I doubt they kept the documents until now.
By the way, is it related to this incident?
The police think that Jung Ho Young committed murders in the past too.
If I have the records or pictures of the autopsy,
I could compare them.
The remaining five incidents match
with the incident from Haein River which I did the autopsy.
I think
Jung Ho Young is the killer.
You think so too?
I don't
kill people without any reason.
Jung Ho Young.
I'm different from that trash.
This crazy scum left dots again after he killed a person.
You didn't know that I was going to kill you too, right?
My mother is
in fact a victim of the serial murder incidents 30 years ago.
Why were we brought together to meet each other?
You might've been fine being on your own so far, but I can't let you now.
All I did was just answer the universe.
- Who are you?
- I am the only one
who believes you here.
Catching the criminal isn't all. Shouldn't we figure out who it is?
Isn't catching the criminal the most important?
Professor Shin is in danger. She is trying to lure Jung Ho Young in.
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