Turner & Hooch (2021) s01e09 Episode Script

Witness Pup-tection

[Scott] Hooch, let's tell them
what happened last week.
How's my favorite prosecutor?
How's Boston?
Per the song,
I left my heart in San Francisco.
[phone beeps]
- I gotta run. Miss you.
- Miss you.
Erica, I took you for granted,
and I really apologize.
I was hoping that I could pick up
Hooch's training again.
- Friends again?
- Friends.
Your dad was always riled
about developers ruining the town.
- He called me wanting to meet.
- About what?
He died before I had
the chance to talk with him.
You know how I said I'd ask around about
that road where Dad had his heart attack?
Turns out, there's this warehouse out
there owned by some trucking company.
- Mr. Hollis, I'm so sorry.
- Please. Call me Walton.
Your father, I met him a couple times.
Good guy. Sorry to hear he passed.
Look me in the eyes right now
and tell me that you believe
that man that Hooch just freaked out at
was a friend of Dad.
We have no evidence, Laura.
Hooch is all the evidence I need.
Let's go.
So, this is how this is gonna work.
When you want Hooch to attack,
you're gonna say [whispers] "packen."
That's his cue to run in
and bite the target.
And when you wanna release,
you say "platz."
Why are all the attack commands in German?
Well, mostly
because they started in Germany,
but we keep them German because we don't
want anyone to say them by accident.
Hooch speaks German now, huh?
Good job, buddy.
I can barely remember high school Spanish.
¿Dónde está la casa de Pepe?
That's all I know. Four years.
Uh, so you think he's ready?
Yeah, I mean,
I think he knows the commands.
It's just about trying him in the field.
- All right.
- Okay.
All right, Hooch. Come on. You're a lean,
mean, biting machine. Packen!
- [Erica] Yes!
- [Scott] Come on, Hooch!
I believe in you! I believe in you!
[Erica] See? Go, Hooch!
Come on, Hooch! No. Hooch, no.
Come on. Bite him. Bite.
- Yeah.
- [barks]
I'll do it in a German accent.
Packen. Packen.
Do high-pitched.
All right, buddy. Head in the game.
Packen! Make him pay, Hooch! Make him pay!
More packen-ing.
He thinks it's "fetch."
It's not a stick, it's a gun.
I don't know how
- I'll take it. Yeah.
- Yeah?
You're doing so good. See that target?
Ready, Hooch? Packen!
- Looking good. He's doing it!
- Yes! Get him!
- [Erica] Whoo!
- [grunts]
Get him!
I think he's, uh He's cuddling.
- That's a cuddle.
- Yeah, that's for sure a cuddle.
Thanks, Curtis.
Technically, he did immobilize Tony.
Yeah. I'm set, as long as I only go
after criminals who like to spoon.
The thing with attack training is,
we are tapping into the dog's instinct.
Hooch gets mad at people
who threaten someone he cares about.
But in his heart, I think Hooch is just
more of a lover than a biter.
You gotta be patient.
It's worth it if someone's really special.
And by someone, I mean, some dogs.
Hooch is a dog.
I'm a trainer.
I train dogs, obviously. Never mind.
[on phone]
This is Brooke. Leave a message.
[voice mail beeps]
Hey, Brooke.
Keep getting your voice mail. It's me.
I'm just headed to my sister's.
I was hoping to finally catch ya.
Tag, you're "it." Still.
Call me back or you'll be "it" forever.
Nobody likes to be "it." Except for me
'cause I chase people for a living.
I don't know why
I just made a pirate sound.
Okay, call me.
[automated voice] If you're satisfied
with your message, press or say "one."
- To rerecord, press or say "two."
- Thank God. Two.
- [barks]
- Message complete. Goodbye.
That wasn't a "one." Thank you, Hooch.
Always have my back.
Hey! The door was open.
[Matthew] Hey, Uncle Scott!
I made up a new game
called Make Blob Move!
- You and Hooch can play too.
- Okay.
Sorry, bud. Uncle Scott and Mommy need
to talk about grown-up stuff.
Is it the puberty talk? I got it too.
Uncle Scott, your body's gonna go
through some really gross changes.
[low, gruff voice]
And your voice will sound like this.
- [normal voice] See ya!
- Good luck, Blob.
Come on, Hooch.
Hey. So, I've been doing some thinking
about Walton and the warehouse.
And I would like to present
- Wow!
- my case board.
- I feel like I'm at the science fair.
- Yeah.
- That's a lotta yarn.
- I know.
- Are those devil horns?
- Yeah, 'cause he's the bad guy.
So, I put on all the criminals
that were in Dad's case box,
plus the stuff
from his files at the station.
And I thought, you know,
you could do your marshal magic
and see if I was missing anything.
I appreciate the work, Laura.
And it's got a very fun
sort of dream catcher vibe.
It totally does.
But this is the stuff people do in movies.
Like, if I needed to do a link analysis,
I would just use a computer.
Look, look.
Green yarn's for the clues that Dad found,
and yellow's for the clues that we found,
and then, well, red's for dead ends,
but the answer has got to be
here somewhere.
Laura, I do believe Walton's lying to us.
But a real investigation, it's not about
some, like, big "aha" moment, you know.
It's about following leads
and talking to people and
Wait a second. This timeline here.
This is from Dad's file?
Yes! See! Aha. Go, case board!
Should I get more yarn?
I think we're fine, yarn-wise.
It's just, you know, cops, they usually
what, they run license plates
when they do traffic stops, right?
But it looks like Dad ran a bunch
every Wednesday afternoon.
Wait. Wait. Wednesdays, Wednesdays.
Wednesdays, Wednesdays. I
Grandpa Fun Day.
Every Wednesday, Dad would take
Matthew out on the town. Just them.
Huh. We should talk to Matt.
- Hey, Matt.
- No, no, no, no. No.
If Matthew finds out that Dad was using it
as a cover for an investigation,
it'll break his heart.
Don't say anything.
I'll think of something.
- Can I have my face back? Thank you.
- Yeah.
Did you call me, Uncle Scott?
Hey. Yeah.
Just seeing how Make Blob Move was going.
It's going great.
They're having a fun time.
- [Hooch barking]
- [Blob yowling]
- We should go.
- Yeah.
[Xavier] Yeah.
All right, folks,
pay attention, 'cause this is big.
Just spoke
with WITSEC regional chief inspector.
We almost lost someone
in witness protection yesterday.
- [woman] What?
- [man] What? Seriously?
- Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, buddy.
- [Mendez] Name's Roland Byer.
He testified against the Russian mob.
Lived in Alameda for ten years
under a new name.
Slipped up once to call his dying mom.
He was attacked in his yard
the very next day.
He's currently in a coma
at John Book Medical Center.
They tapped his mom's phone for a decade?
The Volkov crime family is ruthless.
Chances are, their hit man will try again.
We need to catch him first.
Now, it won't be easy. We don't have
a description, very few leads.
But the US Marshals have never
lost someone in WITSEC,
and that's not going to change
on my watch.
Or mine.
Well, I mean, it's your watch.
It's not mine. It's yours.
I'll just watch wherever you need.
It's more of an under-watch, really.
- Watch out.
- See Shut up.
Okay, as of now, everyone not assigned
to court is on this,
so come and get your assignments.
[chattering, murmuring]
How are we supposed to do a manhunt
with no description or leads?
Sometimes when you're out surfing
and you can't find the wave,
the wave finds you.
You know that's the worst metaphor
ever, don't you?
Like, in a manhunt,
the guy you're hunting never finds you.
If you're saying the hit man is the wave?
Well, the wave can be anything.
Or anyone. The wave is the unexpected.
I disagree.
- Turner.
- Huh?
Chief's got a special assignment for you.
Wants to see you in his office. Hooch too.
No, no, no. X.
Don't you dare say
that the chief is the wave.
I don't have to.
You just did.
No, I did not.
- [crying]
- [woman] I'm sorry. Please stop.
Anthony, it's okay. We're all finished.
We're gonna go home, okay? Deep breaths.
The kid lives with his mom
next door to Byer.
He was climbing a tree
when he saw the attack over the fence.
He started screaming.
Hit man ran off
before he could finish the job.
Cops got nothing from him.
I need you to do better.
He looks pretty upset.
He's on the autism spectrum.
I don't know the details, but he needs
a softer hand than the cops used.
Doesn't the FBI have therapists?
I put in a request, but they're backed up.
We need a description now.
You're all we've got.
You know, I appreciate you think
so highly of me, sir, but I don't
No. I didn't say I think highly of you.
I said that you're all we've got.
- If the vending machine only has Funyuns
- Well, you get the Funyuns.
- Bingo. Look
- A-7. In the breakroom Sorry.
I think that you can do this.
You're good with kids.
You've got this dippy charm.
Uh, but I don't know
the first thing about autism.
This kid is the only one
who saw the hit man.
Every second we're talking here,
that boy's life's in danger.
- Yes, but
- Every second, Turner. Go.
Hey. You guys working together?
Yeah, unfortunately.
We could've been on the manhunt,
but X got us put on guard duty
with a witness at the hospital.
- Totally out of the action.
- There's plenty of action in a hospital.
We're guarding a guy in a coma, bro.
The only action's gonna be
watching his beard grow.
Yeah, but at a hospital
you got births, deaths.
The cycle of life is a beautiful thing.
- The hell you talking about?
- We'll do good there.
I can feel it.
And good luck with the kid, Scott.
[police radio chatter]
[Scott] I know this is hard,
but I do need to talk to your son.
Now? After the attack and the way
the police treated him, I'm not so sure.
I'll be very sensitive to his condition.
If you have any tips.
Anthony gets overstimulated easily.
He doesn't like to be touched.
- Also, what is this? A small horse?
- [Scott chuckles]
Hooch is a French Mastiff.
He's great with kids.
If we don't catch this guy, we'll have
to move you for your own protection,
so unless you wanna start packing
- [barking]
- No, no, no!
- [gasps]
- Platz! Platz!
I said the word P-A-C-K-I-N-G,
and I think it sounded similar
to a command
he learned at attack dog training.
- He's an attack dog?
- Yeah. No. No.
Kind of. He wasn't very good at it.
This is going well. Let's do this.
Why don't I leave Hooch here,
I'll go inside and talk with Anthony.
We'll take it slow.
Just what you're comfortable with.
Now you're an attack dog?
- [humming]
- [mother] Anthony?
This is Deputy Turner.
Nice to meet you, Anthony.
You can call me Scott.
[humming continues]
Is it okay if I sit?
That's a cool drawing, dude.
Do you like trains?
He loves them. Draws every single detail.
Never misses a spoke.
Never leaves a drawing unfinished.
Anthony, Deputy Turner needs
to ask some questions.
But you don't have to answer
any you don't like, okay?
Don't wanna talk?
That's cool.
Sometimes I don't wanna talk either.
- [police radio chatter, faint]
- [whining]
Maybe you'd like to look at some
pictures instead? Would that be cool?
Do any of these look like the man
you saw who hurt your neighbor?
All right.
Well, just in case you wanna look at 'em,
I will leave 'em right here.
Wait. [clears throat]
Sorry. I didn't realize. It's
Anthony, Scott's here to help.
Hey, do you maybe
wanna point to a marker instead?
To show me what color hair
the bad man had?
Was it, um
- He doesn't like being touched
- [shouting]
- Sorry. I forgot.
- Anthony. Anthony.
- Honey. It's okay.
- [barking]
- It's okay. Anthony.
- [shouting continues]
- [mother] Oh, my God! Stop him!
- Hooch! No!
[shouting continues]
[shouting stops]
- Maybe we should take a break.
- Yeah.
You still playing Make Blob Move?
Yeah, it's not even fun anymore.
I just wanna win once!
There's gotta be something more fun than
scaring the world's laziest cat, right?
Say, um
do you remember those Grandpa Fun Days?
Yeah! They were the best.
What if we did a Fun Day?
Do everything
that you and Grandpa used to.
I don't think you would like it.
Why wouldn't I like it? I'm fun.
Well, because Grandpa always used to say,
"We can do all the fun stuff
that your mom doesn't like to do."
- Oh, he did, did he?
- Yeah.
Okay, challenge accepted.
You're taking me on a Fun Day.
I'll have fun.
But do you promise to do everything?
So, first we have to go to the woods
and dig for worms in the muddy area
at the trees at the park.
Then we would use those worms
to go fishing.
Then Grandpa would clean the fish
and then cook 'em for snacks.
So, worms and cleaning fish.
Yeah, basically.
And then we'd get ice cream.
- Great! Let's go have fun.
- Yeah!
"Fun day." Real fun.
Fishing area.
- What were you seeing, Dad?
- [footsteps approaching]
Hey, Mom? This ice cream's yummy.
Are you sure you don't want one?
I thought you liked ice cream.
I love ice cream.
But I'm covered in mud and fish goo
and worm juice from our Fun Day.
So, you know, maybe later.
All right. Your loss.
Hey, kiddo. I'm just wondering,
is this all you did on Grandpa Fun Day?
There wasn't anything else?
Well, sometimes we got two ice creams.
We should probably do that
before we clean the fish.
You know, just for the full experience?
Yeah. Okay. Here you go.
Knock yourself out.
"Fishing area. Gross."
- Okay, Helen, you ready?
- Sure am.
Double or nothing. Let's go.
Not again.
- Good game, Dr. Terry. Don't change.
- [Helen chuckles]
- What are you doing?
- My job.
Dude, what are you talking about? Our job
is to guard that door and that door only.
- Our job is to keep Roland Byer safe.
- Same difference.
How is talking to every person that works
here gonna keep Roland Byer safe?
I don't know yet.
Larry the Ladies' Man.
Looking good in all white.
You know it.
What do you think is gonna happen?
Larry the Ladies' Man is gonna teach
you medicine? Find a cure to a coma?
Yeah, a coma's not a disease.
It's a deep state
of prolonged unconsciousness.
Or perhaps an alternate consciousness,
like a shamanic journey.
I don't like it when you talk to me.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Did you guys see the chief?
- Yeah, he's in with Byer.
Turner, you ride with this nutjob.
Is there an instruction manual
or a mute button? An off button?
A lot of protein in nuts.
Any button?
No. You just gotta ride the wave.
- What is with the waves? I hate waves.
- Just gotta ride 'em.
- Hey, do you mind?
- Yeah, I do mind.
- I'm loving the chemistry I'm seeing here.
- That's not chemistry.
- It's biology.
- It's not either.
You know how Byer wound up in WITSEC?
Ten years ago, an ambitious deputy
promised to protect him.
Guarded him 24-7 during the trial.
And when he got scared, convinced him
the Volkovs would never find him.
That deputy was you, wasn't it?
Tell me you got something.
Honestly, things didn't go so well.
What does that mean?
He wouldn't talk to me.
The highlight was Hooch dragging a tree
into their living room.
Maybe if we had an expert
I told you, Turner.
I already tried.
You need an expert? Go find one.
Yes, sir.
You brought a dog trainer
to help talk to my son?
Yes. But Erica's not just a dog trainer.
Her brother Curtis is autistic.
And we're really close.
But you train dogs?
- Yep.
- Yeah.
So, what are you gonna do?
Teach Anthony to roll over?
Looks like he already knows how, so
Better come up with another plan.
Listen, I'm his mom,
and he rarely speaks to me.
The idea that he'll just talk
to someone he's never met
I understand. I do. Trust me.
But dogs can be really helpful here.
Their emotions are simpler.
It's easier for someone on the spectrum
to relate to.
- Connecting with us? I mean, scary.
- Yeah.
Hooch though
I don't know.
I guess you can try.
- [Scott] Great.
- Thank you.
- Ready?
- Yeah. Ready for what?
[Hooch panting]
Look, I really appreciate you coming.
Like, totally, totally appreciate it.
- But I don't get it.
- Don't get what?
You want me to crawl around
like a dog with Anthony?
Mm-hmm. And Hooch.
But I'm supposed to be getting
the description of a suspect.
But this is a great way to build trust.
It requires no eye contact.
You'll be working in parallel.
But I just Is there another way?
'Cause there's cameras everywhere
and deputies monitoring those cameras.
And if the footage got out
I can already see the memes.
Yeah. Me too. Fun!
It's embarrassing. Really embarrassing.
I have a question.
If the hit man we're looking for were
to come here right now with a gun,
what would you do?
I would protect Anthony, of course.
So, you would jump in front of a bullet
to save him,
but you won't crawl on the ground?
Yeah, yeah. No, that makes sense.
Lead the way.
- Scott?
- Yo.
I've never seen a dog move like that.
Oh. There was one. I think he had worms.
I don't have worms, okay. I'm a dog.
I'm on the ground. We're dogging.
What's up, dog? I'm on the ground.
You look like an embarrassed
deputy marshal. Or a constipated duck.
Quack! I mean quick! Hurry.
Think dog. They're coming.
Um whoo-hoo!
Being a dog's so fun!
Dogs don't talk.
The whole idea's to get him to talk.
Connect first. Talk after.
Come on. Dogs are fun.
Just be fun!
Fun. I'm the funnest! I'm very fun.
- Whoo!
- [whines]
- [barks]
- [laughs] Oh-ho-ho!
- [Erica growling]
- [barking]
- [Erica barking]
- [barks]
[Hooch barks]
[both barking]
[barking continues]
- [panting]
- [both whining]
Huh? [barking continues]
[barking continues]
So, let me get this straight.
Every Wednesday your dad did
all this stuff in the park?
And then he ran license plates?
Exactly. And I'm just trying
to figure out what it all means.
It means he had a great metabolism.
Ice cream every week.
I'm looking for something a little deeper.
I mean, you were his partner.
That was 30 years ago.
They played "U Can't Touch This"
at my retirement party.
And I did the MC Hammer dance.
I would have paid to see that.
Think about it for me, David.
I mean, it doesn't make any sense.
These license plate numbers
that he was running were for fancy cars.
Escalades and Jaguars.
But the things he was doing with Matthew.
Well, A, were super gross and,
B, not even near any major roads.
But he was getting the license plate
numbers from somewhere. Somehow.
Well, here's the thing.
Do you remember that big case your dad
and I did in '89? With the original Hooch?
Um, the one from the newspaper article
that was taped to my fridge
my entire childhood?
Yeah, it rings a bell.
Well, your dad,
he just saw things differently.
We saw ice blocks.
He saw a way to ship drug money.
We saw a big slobbery dog,
and he saw a clue to a murder.
So, what are you saying?
He saw what things could be.
But what did he see in worms
and a stinky lake? And fish guts?
Well, that's the million-dollar question.
And just one of the million reasons
I wish that he was still around.
Me too.
We just gotta keep looking.
But I'll tell you this, it's very nice
working with a Turner again.
[whispers] Hooch. Come on.
[line ringing]
[phone vibrating]
Scott! What up, dog?
- Woof woof woof!
- Super funny.
Inside's secure.
What's it looking like out there?
A whole lot of nothing.
Anyone sets foot in this yard,
we'll be on them like white on rice.
Just remember this hit man is very good
at what he does. Right?
He avoided every traffic cam,
every doorbell cam in the neighborhood.
Even after he stabbed Byer,
he got away completely clean.
Yeah. Well,
that was before we were on the case.
No one's gonna hurt this kid.
Thank you.
You're like Angel when she's nervous.
Upstairs, downstairs,
upstairs, downstairs.
- You bark in your sleep too?
- Mmm.
Yeah, I don't think I'll be sleeping much
knowing there's a killer out there
coming for Anthony.
Thought I'd have something by now.
You're making great progress.
He didn't throw his trains at you today.
His mom said that's a really big deal.
How do we get to the next step, you know?
Like, how did you
How did you get Curtis to open up
when you were kids?
I don't know.
Stupid stuff. You wouldn't get it.
You're not embarrassed, are you?
You were embarrassed
about playing dog, so
Whoa. That's very different.
Biting a toy and burying it in the garden.
That's objectively embarrassing.
What's so bad? You were a kid.
Okay. When we were kids, all Curtis wanted
to do was dress up as Aladdin
and build our dog, Remi,
these forts out of cushions.
He did it every day.
Same thing. Wouldn't even look at me.
So, what did you do?
So, I finally asked my mom
for a Princess Jasmine costume,
and I just started helping him build.
And then he started talking to you?
No, not exactly.
But it got us in the same fort, so
But when did the talking start?
This is the embarrassing part.
You know the song "MMMBop"?
Of course. I had a childhood.
That was Curtis's favorite song.
And I discovered that he wouldn't listen
to me if I talked to him,
but he would listen to me
if I sang what I wanted to say
as long as it was to the tune of "MMMBop."
I'm gonna need you to show me.
See, that's why I didn't want to tell you
'cause I knew you were gonna ask me that,
and no.
It's not for me.
It's for the federal investigation, right.
- Right.
- You have to. I'm a federal agent.
Yeah. Okay. Okay.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, so it's like
Hey, Scott
This is how I talk, Scott ♪
And now I'm doing it here, Scott
'Cause you forced me to ♪
Yeah, yeah ♪
- That was incredible.
- That was weird.
Yeah, I know. I know, okay.
I know with Curtis
and my dog stuff and everything,
you're just like, "Oh, she's so weird."
Well, maybe I like weird.
You do?
[Hooch growls, barks]
What is it, boy? You hear something?
[growling, barking continue]
[phone buzzing]
- Hey.
- What's going on out there?
Nothing on the monitor. Why?
Hooch was growling.
You don't see anything out there?
Just the yard.
The same that it's been all night.
I'm gonna go take a look around.
All right. I'll stay on the line.
[Hooch barking, growling]
[barking, growling continue]
[Erica] Hooch.
- Hooch, what's going on?
- Scott!
Freeze! US Marshals!
Anthony, stay in the room!
[Erica gasps]
Stay down.
Don't let Anthony out of his room.
- [mother] Anthony! Anthony!
- He's safe. Don't open the door!
Hit man! Second floor. Southeast room.
[mother] Anthony, Mama's here. It's okay.
Scott! He ran over the neighbor's roof.
He got away.
[dog barking, faint]
- [siren wailing]
- [police radio chatter]
He used a tree to escape
over the neighbor's roof.
We We searched the area,
but were unable to locate the suspect.
This is bad. We can't take
the chance this happens again.
We need to move
the kid, his mother, Byer, everyone.
Chief, if we had more time, I
This guy snuck past six cameras,
scaled the house,
climbed through the trees
and almost killed our witness.
We're out of time.
I know. I know it's a serious situation.
It's just Anthony and I are connecting.
You can connect in the safe house.
We move everyone first thing.
That's final.
It's okay. It's okay.
Hey, I just wanted to check on you.
Hooch is fine.
Yeah, I think he's worried about Anthony.
He keeps trying to go inside, but
I mean, maybe we should let him
because Anthony was pretty upset.
Well, we can deal with that in a minute.
I was asking about you.
Oh, uh I'm fine.
Yeah, I think.
I've never had a knife thrown at me,
so that's, like, new.
It's okay to be freaked out. I am.
Can I Would you mind
Yeah. Yeah.
It's okay. He's gone.
It's gonna be okay.
Grandpa Fun Days.
What do you have to do
with license plates? Or is it the lake?
What would they do on Murder, She Wrote?
Mom, what are you doing?
I was just Why are you awake?
I was in bed, but I kept on hearing
you say, "Speak to me. Speak to me."
Well, you were probably
just having a dream.
Come on, let me get you some milk.
Would you like that?
Those are photos from today. Why?
Come here, kiddo.
I'm really sorry.
I should have told you exactly what I was
doing, but I didn't wanna upset you.
I think I'm already upset.
Yep. I am. I'm upset.
Yeah, I hear that.
You know that Grandpa loved
your Fun Days, right?
And this doesn't change that,
not even a tiny little bit.
But I think that Grandpa was also doing
some investigating during Fun Days.
He loved you so much.
I know you're probably mad
he was investigating
I'm not mad he was investigating.
I'm mad that you didn't tell me.
I could have helped.
No, you're a kid.
You shouldn't have to worry about
Mom, I'm already worried.
I know you don't think I know
about your investigation with Uncle Scott,
but I do.
I'm not seven anymore. I'm eight!
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.
This thing that your Uncle Scott
and I have to do for our dad
He's your dad. But he's my grandpa.
You're right.
You really wanna help?
What do you say we start tomorrow?
Does that work for you?
I may have to move some things,
but I think I'm available.
Okay, good.
Right now, you and I need to get
some sleep. Okay? Come on, kiddo.
I don't understand.
You can't even tell us where we're going?
That's why they call it
an undisclosed location because
Well, we don't disclose it.
It's for your own protection.
What about my job? I'm a single mom.
It's the annual Spa-tacular sale
next week.
That's half the hot tub sales
for the year.
Well, when we apprehend the suspect,
you can return to selling hot tubs.
The guy we're after
is incredibly dangerous.
You were the ones
who moved a criminal in next door.
Anthony can't handle this, okay?
He unravels if a fork's in the wrong place
or his trains aren't lined up
I know it's hard.
But it's the only way to keep him safe.
[Mendez] I'm sorry. We need to go.
Just pack what you need, and we can
send a deputy back for the rest.
I need you to sign some paperwork.
Scott. Scott, Scott.
Can I just show you something?
I'm in the middle of something.
Yes, but there's another something.
An important something. Please?
I'll be right back.
Go. Go.
I am so sorry to interrupt,
but I had to show you this right away.
It's great they're playing with trains,
but we're way past
the bonding-with-Anthony stage.
No, no, no. Not bonding. Teaching.
Anthony is teaching Hooch
how to push his train.
We can use this.
I gotta help Zoe P-A-C-K, okay?
Can we talk about this at the safe house?
But what if we don't have to go
to the safe house? That's my point.
What do you mean?
Okay, when Curtis was Anthony's age,
he was terrified of water.
Oceans, showers, even puddles sometimes.
We're teaching our dog how to swim,
my dad's getting frustrated,
and Curtis dives in.
To the water. And teaches him.
I don't see how this
Not just swimming.
When Remi wouldn't chase a tennis ball,
Curtis showed him how.
When Remi didn't know how to roll over,
Curtis showed him how.
When Remi didn't know
how to pee outside, Curtis
Understood. So you're suggesting
Uh, okay.
Anthony won't tell us
what the hit man looked like, right?
But if he thought Hooch needed his help,
maybe he would show us.
I don't know exactly how to do it yet.
I I think I have an idea.
Hold on.
Hooch, come over here.
This is very serious.
I need to know what the bad man
you saw last night looked like.
I need you to draw him
for me right now, Hooch.
What did his eyes look like? His hair?
Hooch, come here.
Good, Hooch. I need you
to draw the bad man. Okay? Here.
Take a marker. Take a marker, Hooch.
No, we're not We're not bite
Hooch. Hooch, this is very serious.
I need you to draw the bad man
right now or no more treats.
- No! Hooch.
- [laughs]
This is very serious, Hooch.
Hold it. Hold it, Hooch.
Take the marker. Hold the marker.
Go for it, Hooch.
Draw it all Yeah. Draw the bad man.
Does he have an underbite?
Double chins? Everything.
What is that? Come on.
Don't stop, Hooch. Finish the drawing.
- Turner, what are you doing?
- You're in trouble with the chief.
- Come on, Hooch.
- He's getting your description. Quiet.
- He's what?
- [yips]
Hooch, this is just a scribble.
It's not a man. Bad dog. Try again.
Hooch. Hooch, I need you
to finish this drawing right now,
or I won't let you play
with Anthony anymore.
Come on, Hooch.
[whispers] Yes!
Watch Anthony, Hooch.
He's a better teacher than me.
Are you sure about this?
I mean, his head looks like a yam.
Look, I know it's not great art,
but I've seen Anthony draw.
He's all about the details.
If a train has 60 spokes,
he draws 60 spokes.
All right.
Darius, honey, millions of people install
their car seats every day
without getting their hand caught
in the seat belt.
- How did that even happ
- [line beeping]
Okay, I gotta go. You'll figure it out,
babe, okay? I believe in you.
Hey, Chief. How are things going
out there? You guys get anything?
Maybe, maybe not.
I need you
to cross-reference a description
with local PD and FBI Organized Crime.
Okay. Copy that.
Caucasian male, black hair, green eyes,
scar on left cheek.
- Call me if you get anything.
- No. Actually, Chief. Hang on.
Hang on. I did a deep dive
into the Volkov crime family,
and there was something I remember
Aha. Murder in Trenton, three years ago.
No picture, never found the guy,
but the assailant was described
as green-eyed, black-haired,
Caucasian male.
5'10" to 6', scar on the left cheek.
Victim died of a stab to the back.
- Knife?
- Mm-hmm.
- That's our guy. That's our guy!
- [Scott] Yeah?
Get that description
to all of our deputies in local PD.
Okay. On it.
- Let's get the family to the safe house.
- Yeah.
You know he's in a coma, right?
He's not in great shape to travel.
Or is it perfect
because he's just, you know, laying there?
All right. Well, I've got
some paperwork for you to sign.
And he'll need
to visit the respiratory therapist
to make sure he's intubated properly
before we put him in an ambulance.
You and Lee take him to respiratory.
I'll handle this.
Right. 'Cause you probably gotta
say bye to all your new friends.
Yo, X. You in for the hold 'em tourney?
- I gotta rain check, Eli.
- Come on.
- You got my number though?
- You know I do.
Sorry about the paperwork.
You know lawyers.
It's all good. I find paperwork calming.
[radio: dispatcher]
S-F-21 and S-F-33, this is S-F Base.
Be advised:
suspect is 5'10 to 6', Caucasian male
with black hair, green eyes
and left cheek scar.
- Just need two signatures.
- Okay, listen, listen. There's an orderly.
Black hair, green eyes. Todd, I think?
I'm not sure.
No, he was working yesterday with Lesley
and that tech from Cincinnati, Andrea.
Him. Yeah, I know him.
- He just got hired a couple of days ago.
- Two days?
- Where does he work?
- I think he's in the respiratory unit.
- That's where they just went.
- Hey! What about the paperwork?
Trent, come in. Trent, do you copy?
[static crackling]
Can hear Reception in the up
Jack! Zian! Out of the way!
Trent! Get Todd's mask off.
We need to see his face!
Who's Todd?
The orderly! Behind you!
We need to see his face!
- [woman screams]
- [grunting]
- [grunts]
- [yells]
Dr. Ermilio, get me through.
- [shouts]
- [Trent shouts]
Freeze! Get down! Get
Trent, you okay?
I'm fine. I got Byer. Go, go!
Suspect spotted!
Fourth floor respiratory unit!
Officer down. Lock down all exits!
- How fast can we get to the hospital?
- Couple of minutes. It's down the road.
Will you stay with Anthony?
Make sure he's okay?
- Yes! We can sing songs and color!
- Get them out of here. Go!
- [alarm beeping]
- [woman on PA] Code silver. Code silver.
[man groans]
- Luther? You okay?
- I'm fine.
- Which way?
- East Wing. He took my gun!
Code silver. Code silver.
Suspect is armed and last seen headed
down East Wing. Anyone have a visual?
[man] Negative on one.
- [woman] Negative on two.
- [woman 2] Negative on three.
Okay. Keep the exits locked down.
All patients shelter in place now.
X, it's Turner.
We're on the scene. Main entrance.
Copy. Just finished clearing
the second floor. No sign of the suspect.
He must be on the ground floor.
Hey, main entrance is secure.
You take north, I'll take south.
All right. Come on.
All right, we've got to clear out.
Come on. Let's move. Come on.
[woman on PA] Code silver. Code silver.
Hooch! What are you doing?
There's a hit man,
and you're eating pudding now?
Drop your weapon!
[Scott shouts]
[alarm beeping]
- [growling, barking]
- Hooch! Packen! Go get him! Packen!
Chief, it's Turner.
Hit man's headed your way!
All right, US Marshals. Everyone, go.
Keep your head down,
and don't come out until I say so. Go, go.
Sir. Sir! You need to go.
I've waited six months for this procedure.
Okay, we'll reschedule. Go, go.
Take him. Take him.
[Hooch barks]
- [Todd groans]
- Don't move.
Hooch, stop! Off!
- Stupid animal.
- Platz!
Good boy, Hooch. Turn over.
You're under arrest.
[Mendez] Hooch. Hooch.
All right, just this once.
Just this once. Good job, boy.
So you really think we should retrace
the investigation backwards?
You didn't just want more ice cream?
Mom, I know what I'm doing, okay?
Investigation is in my blood.
Okay. I just You sure
Grandpa and you didn't go anywhere else?
I mean, it just seems weird. If he was
looking for suspicious cars, there's
Just digging up worms,
fishing and cleaning the guts out of fish.
Yeah. No, I got that part. Thanks, bud.
And then we came here for ice cream.
"Serving the entire community
seven days a week."
Wait! The ice cream truck! It
Sells ice cream!
Yes! But
- Okay, stay with me on this, bud.
- 'Kay.
Mayor Sutton said that Grandpa used
to see things in different ways,
what else they could do
and what else they could be.
The ice cream truck drives everywhere
And sees all the cars!
Hi! Two Drumsticks, please.
- Sure. Coming up.
- Thank you.
Also, I'm Laura Turner,
and this is my son, Matthew.
- Hi.
- Hi, Matthew.
I believe you knew my father,
Scott Turner?
That I did, young lady. Fine man.
Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?
Thanks for letting us come by.
You getting all settled in?
Yeah. Things are getting back to normal.
Anthony! Honey. Hooch is here to see you.
The chief sends his thanks.
Says it's the first time he ever caught
a guy using a six-year-old's drawing.
[laughs] Well, we have Hooch to thank.
You have quite the dog.
Anthony's really gonna miss him.
Hey, Anthony. I got someone
I want you to meet. Yeah?
Hooch, lead the way.
Hi! This is my brother. He works with me.
I hear we have a lot in common.
What's your name?
His name's Anthony.
He's not talking much lately.
That's okay.
I'm Curtis. With a "C."
Someone called me Bertis yesterday
Not my name.
Yes. And Curtis, with a "C,"
and I have a surprise for you.
- [whimpering]
- [giggling]
[Zoe] Aww! My goodness. [laughing]
[Erica] Come on out. Come to Anthony.
[Zoe] Oh, my goodness.
- [Curtis] This is your new dog.
- [Zoe] They love each other.
Hello. Oh, my goodness.
- What do you think his name should be?
- Hooch Two!
[Erica] Oh!
[all barking]
- [Zoe] Hi, Hooch Two.
- [phone vibrating]
[barking continues]
Scott! Anthony needs you
to teach Hooch Two how to bark.
- [Hooch growls]
- [barking continues]
[barking, howling continue]
[Zoe] Kiss me.
[Scott] Good boy.
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